PAGE TWO PURITy FLOUR QaixsoVoreYnler ana 'Less 'Shortening The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIITION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and. the United States, in advance, per year $G.uO To all other countries, in advance, per year ............ i.. . $7.50 Advertising Editor and and Circulation Telephone Reporters Telephone - - 93 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. All advertising received, subject to approval Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. ttgxt Thursday, June 23, 1927 CUTTING SALARIES NOT ECONOMY A letter published on another page intimates that the cutting of the salaries of the local teachers may not really be economy because i may be at the sacrifice of efficiency. Years ago teachers were very poorly paid but during later years it is being recognized that as children are the most important asset in the community no expense should be spared in giving them the best possible training. With this in view it is poor policy to cut salaries for teachers. If any of the teachers are not earning the money paid them, the better business would be to let them go and put good teachers in their places; but if we are to attract the best, we must pay good prices. - After all, those Vancouver people " are not very different from ourselves.' . ' Almost any day you can see-a comedy by just up the street and keeping your eyes open. , VANCOUVER VISIT PROFITABLE It is always profitable to get together and talk things over. It was good for Vancouver representatives to come here and get the Prince, Rupert viewpoint They will understand our problems better and with understanding will come sympathy with our aims and objects. This is an age in which we are learning to get together in a business way. We meet at luncheons, at fraternal society and other gatherings. The retailers, the Gyros, the Rotarians, the Shriners and others meet regularly and talk and eat together. Now we have been able to sit down with the Vancouver visitors and discuss with them the many problems of the day. The outcome should be decidedly beneficial. In order to make pumpkin pies it is necessary to i first get the pumpkins. Rupert is getting the pumpkins and possibly the pies will follow, but may the good Lord grant they be not tough, or heavy, or sodden. NEW PUBLICITY BOOKLET OUT The new publicity booklet on Prince Rupert published jointly by the Board of Trade and the City Council is off the Rose, Cowan and Latta presses and Is a very creditable publication. It is largely the work of the secretary of the Board under the general supervision of the publicity committee of the Board of Trade. It deals with all the phases of life here and its distribution in the right places should benefit the city. Like former booklets it deals with Prince Rupert as the outlet of the Peace River, although, it doesvnot go Into detail as much as did the previous one. .. L George says i: Keep quiet, let the other fellow say , his little say and then if you have a come-back, shoot it ' i If we were only as good as our neighbors, what a wonderful old world this would surely be. DON'T FORGET JUBILEE CELEBRATION Great preparations -are under way for the proper celebration of the Diamond Jubilee of the Dominion. Committees are working to make the affair a great success but one thing is needed and that is the hearty co-operation of the public. Doubtless this will be forthcoming in due season but if it is left to the other fellow to do it, the event will lie a failure. - - , - Sold Everywlwre in af irfl pound packages ADDRESSES AT i THE LUNCHEON roiMiL or vamoi vtic board or ituc ifoT or LOOAI 1'UBLIC 3IE.V SPE.VK PRESIDENT IIXTON, J. C. RRAI. AMI MAYOR NEWTON EXTEND MELCOME TO II'ITOR something that was not There were alv Immense timber resources but so far there was not a pulp and paper mill within 150 miles of Prince Rupert nor any sawmills to tpesk of. said Ur. Pulton. This was Vancouver's opportunity to do Its part tn tbe development of the prortnee's resources . Until it did so It would not realize its oertlny for tbe future of the city was wrapped up. with tbe deTel-j apn-.ent of the country around it. Brit-1 !sh Cclumbia was twenty years ahead as in as rail mays were concerned but was as far behind In tbe matter of j highways. It was a disgraceful situation. The opinion of tbe speaker was that there should be two great highways from the British Columbia coast to Alberta, one following the Skeena Rlrer and the other tbe Fraser. These highways-would soon pay for themselves. MEMBER SPEAKS J. C. Brady. M-P . expressed bis pleasure, from a personal as weU aa a elrie standpoint, at the splendid gathering of tbe leading businessmen of Vancouver. British Columbia to a large extent had to far lacked tbat personal touch which was so highly developed in tbe Eastern provinces. The spirit of tbe century was evidenced more and more In tbe -tendency to get together tn business conferencei tor the purpose of aolrlng the problems of commercial development. When level-headed business men tnet to assimilate Information and list en to each others problems In inertly conference the eaisentlsl personal touch and mutually sympathic feelings were developed. The Tisit of the Vancouver Beard of Trade, to the north, be felt, took on something of that a'pect. The great city of Vancou ver had developed beyond dreams to reality but its future and that of Prince Rupert were Interdependent and one could not flourish without tbe other. Tbe success of one could not be obtained without the co-operation of tbe other. It was not the time for heaving of bricks at each other. Tbe members oi the Vancouver Board of Trade were to be envied not alone because of their great city but because of the privileges which was theirs to largely aid In the future commercial progress of British Columbia. Sympathy, courage- and a fortified mind were needed. The speaker hoped that the Vancouver visitors would go home, not only with memories of the hospitality of the people of Prince Rupert in mind', but with mem-cries of what they had. seen and the knowledge that men of the south and north must Join toward successful commercial developments which would bene fit both. AjKT mayor's WEErmimP Mayor Newton said he could add little to the splendid presentations of Prince Rupert's case that had been made by Mr. Pulton and Mr. Brady. He could. however, bestow the freedom of the city on the visitors and that be was both willing and pleased to do. Prince Rupert was a young place but It did not ree where It had to take off its hat to Vancouver. This city, he felt, could show something for everything that Van-1 couver could show and. In a lew things, it could perhaps go Vancouver a little better. Vancouver, to his wsy of thinking, would gfbw. probably In not many yesrs, to be one of the largest if not the largest, ' city In Canada. . Wjth the prairie provinces capable ot greaj Increase' not only?!! popuiltlotv'but in production the Pacific CoalttwM bound to develop correspondingly and Its ports would all benefit. He felt that Vancouver might well lend a band of en couragement to Prince Rupert and the north country. What was beneficial to British Columbia waa mutually bne flclal to Vancouver. VANfOirVKK' VIEWPOINT Alter such a generous welcome a Prince Rupert had given, Robert Mc Kee. president of the Vancouver Board of Trade, found It difficult to express Vancouver's appreciation. As far as the weather, which local speaker had Jocu- THE DAILY Thursday. Urty referred to, m concerned, be . ready to idnll -Jiat the Vancouver) visitors bad be jrsponsiblc. Hiring beard that Prince Rupert was u2r-; ing Jrocn a Ions drought, tbey bad brought cme rain along from Vancouver, j Aa retarded the suggested rivalry UtiMa Vancouver and Prince Rupert.; .Mr. UcXw lUl Uiil be would Lkej to jlre hli ccnorptlon of Vancouver's; i viewpoint coacernmg Prtnf Rupert.' 'vtBcoorrd people were not suertng; ' mlth sweEed Bead eren IboUgn their e'tr tad sees rri: development. That (Sfveicpmtnt bad simply been because; j A sptrtl of mutual good reeling per- '"T and tt waa a natural growth t acted the air at the lunreon in the.Feopie of Vancouver did cot expecrthat Commodore Cafe yeurday when theithefr city or any otber should get a3 couneU of '.be Prince Bupert Board of Ibe business. The? were fully under-Trade n boat o be executive of tbe standing of tbe fact ttat all basiaess visiting Vancouver Board. Rivalry be-. mould eventually Coir thrcugh tbe pro-tween tbe two ports wai decried and 1 per channel and tbat any attempt to, n ni unanimously agreed tbat more j divert It therefrom could not hare was to be gained In tbe matter of tbe ; permanent results. "This nortn coun-j . general development of tbe province by try li tcurd 13 find an outlet and getting together than by pulling at where can tbat outlet be other than at ; cross-strings. , ; Prince Rupert?- lsjulrei lbs speaker. ) In opening tbe speakers' list, W. O. Tbe Vancouver Board of Trade Mr j rwian. prcKaesi ci me mict nujxn uc&re reit ssie in saymg to omj Board of Trade, said tbat Vancouver board in tbe province tbat devoted a rUltcr were always welcome providing :lrse part cf Its time to assisting ether they were mil Ing to allow Prince Ru-' boards cf tbe province In their work. pert an eren break and Its Ilttie place There was a comailttee for tbat very In tbe sun. it was conceded tbat Van- ( rurpce and It was not an Idle com-courer was destined to be one of tbe ailttee. Tet little of tts work was of great cities of tbe world but It could dirtct elect to tbe city of Vancouver, cot attain to tbat height while parUj PLENTY OF ltlIM of the hinterland were a wilderness as , Wf. ilKrr - nia McKee "tbat tbe some were at preent. roe ren 01 tne financial centre of BrltUJi Cclumbia whose capital should go toward the de-j relopment of the great natural re sources with which the proTlnce was en dowed. At Stewart. Alice Arm and In cf Prince Rupert is bound to do i the work for which it is fitted If you j a ant some logical project or facility lyoa will find no Board of Trade more 'IwUllng to help you than Vancouver's. The city of Vancouver has passed tbe time when It wants to grow at the There is , e. .hH .,,t.,. th., pense of of some me other othir place. place. ere out cf the country for smelting. I ' i.f business for us without trying ikAniti h. 'to injure Prince Rupert or anywnere LOGS ARE SCARCER THAN LAST SEASON Itank of Commerre Report Says Lumber Industry operate under .More favorable-Conditions ' I ' The lumber Induitjry in British Columbia continues to operate under slightly more favorable conditions says the Back of Commefrce' monthly report Stocks of fir and cedar logs are smaller than at this time last year, indicating that measures have been adopted at the point of origin to prevent the large over-production of lumber which occurred In former yeara. Prices, at the higher levels recently quoted, are XI rm and should so continue aa long .as the domestic markets absorb larger quantities ot lumber than heretofore. The i :Ue. Tbe tendency of the times Is tov ward decentralization. At one time! New Ycrk and Boatdn were tbe only' ncrta In tbe northern united states. Now there are many very much larger than Vancouver. The day of decentralization has also come for the Pacific Coast." Mr. McKee expressed tbe belief that Prince Rupert had developed remark ably well considering Its years: "There is a great place for Prince Rupert and anything we can "flo to help Its progress along the natural lines wtU be willing- ., . I kdl AII IVII IIP. tl.VIIV Col. J. W. Mc hells referred to the! ... . . . ., progress of tbe R&blng. lumbering and , agricultural Industries during tbe past' few years to support his statement tbat "business in Prince Rupert today is more sound and healthy than It ever was before." Prosperity wss not a thing of the future but was already here. He likened Prince Rupert to a young and healthy boy In bis teens with Van couver as the daddy. "Every boy thinks his daddy is the - most wonderful man in the world and we look on Vancouver as our daddy. We share In your prld and hope for a continuation of the progress and prosperity m which we shall mutually share." W. J. Blake Wilson spoke briefly and humorously. He claimed himself to be a pioneer of Prince Rupert, having teen here before there was a house. In those days tbey used to blame tbe rain on tbe blasting. If the rain did noth ing more it waa a Oodsend to the timber atands which were one of British Columbia's greatest assets. Tbe luncheon opened with the singing of the Buchaa version of "O Canada" and closed with "Ood Save the King." export trade has been affected to some l Got Relief . From Dyspepsia Mrs. Clarwre SrsJy, Bathnnt, NJ, writes: "I ittffered a lorg Urns from drtpepsia. I osed tablets and medietas of all kinds, but rot ao relief BBtU I tUrted using After Ullng two bottles I tan Ude 7 that I bseama tnoeh better, and en now eat most any kind of food wltaout haviig to ns tot it afUr." Tot the past 41 mot B.B.B."ha. Even a woman can understand a man, getting pally with a good gun and a good dog. But it takes a man to understand the chumminess of good tobacco. That's why red-blooded fellows fall in love with Ogden'sand so put one over on old Euclid by learning ' that three makes one happy. OGDEN'S CUT PLUG Save the valuable "Poker Hands" extent by the financial crisis in Jspan. In Eastern Canada the recent neavy ralns swelled the streams used to float logs and tbe spring drive are being conducted under Ideal conditions. Tbe lumber mills .In Quebec are reported to have sold a substantial part of tbe material cut to date, with the exception of laths, while shipments from the' Ontario mills havebeen Increased as a ' result of tbe large building program. Tbe market for Maritime lumber ahoj -.bows some Improvement and It Is expected that, unless ocean freight rates which have recently been advanced) ! each a pVohlbitlve height, stocks will1 ie reduced to com pars lively small proportions by mid-rummer. CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS c IRON DUKE-FRACTION. Mineral claim. Lot No. 3344, situate in Queeu Charlotte Mining Division, Prince Rupert district, located bn Louise Islaud TAKE NOTICE that I, Alex Rogera. ot Lockeport. BC, Free Miner's Certificate Mo. 27848 C Intend to apply to tire Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements for tbe purpose of obtaining a crown grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 89 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance of such certificate of Improve-.neats. Dated this 11th day of February. 1927 . ALEX ROGERS. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE UNO. In Range 4, Coast Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert. nd situate In vicinity of Captain's Cove, i'ltt Island. BC. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd, of 323 Howe St.. Vancouver. D.C occupation Plh Packers, intends to apply for a lease pt the following 1 escribed lands: Commencing at a post planted about mile distant In a northerly direction !rom Lot 1263. Range 4; thence north chains; thence east 20 chains: tbeace wuth to shore; thence west along shore to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or leas. OOSSE PACKINO CO. LTD.. Applicant Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agent. Dated April 7. 1927 LAND ACT. NOTICE Or INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LEAME LAX l. In Coast Ranre 4. Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packers., intends to apply for i lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at tbe lorthweat corner of Lot 1213, Range 4; thence south 0 chains; thence west .5 -halns; thence north to high water mark; thence easterly along high water mark chains, more or less, to point of commence ment, and containing 3 acres, nore or le. OOSSE PACKINO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. INFItbriATE IX THE Ht'PUEME COI'IIT OT liKITHIl colI'.mhia In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Torey Yoahloka, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hi Honor. P. McB. Young, the 21st dav of June, A.D. 1927, I waa appointed Admin-1 Utrator of the estate ot Torey Yosbloka, deceased, and all parties having claim against the said estate are hereby re- ' quired to furnish same, properly verified. to me on or before the list day of July, I A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to , the estate are required to pay the amount of their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. I Oiflclsl Administrator. Prince Rupert, B C Dated the 21t diy cf June, AD. 1937. CAMP -FIR PERMITS This year it is necessary to have a permit from some Forest Officer before any camp-fire may be set in any forest or woodland Be sure to get a permit for your camp-fire and follow the instructions printed on the back of it BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP ' LAND ACT. NOTICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KAXE rOKCMIOHK. , In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at 8ewtU Inlet, Moresby Island, queen Charlotte Islsndi. TAKE NOTICE that Kslley Logging Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Tun her Merchants, Intends to apply for a 'lease ot the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately 8 chains south, 20 degrees east from the northeast corner of Lot 472, Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island: thence following the high water mark In an easterly, southerly and southwesterly direction to Its intersection with the easterly boundary of Lot 472: then southerly and easterly to the northwest corner of 8.TX. 6215 P.; thence In a northwesterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 45 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DO0OLAS WIlfiON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I .AN l. In Range 3, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm. BC. TAKE NOTICE that Ooase packing Co. Ltd., of 325 Howe St.. Vancouver B.C., occupation Plih Packers, Intenda to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 chains dlatant In an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740, lunge 3; thence south 10 chains: thence west IS chains; thence north to shore; thence easterly along shore to point of commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. 0088E PACKINO CO. LTD., Applicant Per Chss. L. noberti, Agent. Dated April 7, 1837. Canton Crepe DRESSES from $IW0 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 lo 1C From $1.50 to $2.23 BENT'S LADIES' HHADY-TO WKAU Third Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR stock of We carry a fine imported Scotch Tweed, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. tried on be-fofe Ever Karment finishing. 223 Slith Street