Thursday, June 23, 1927 E X A C CANADIAN! PACIFICj kStuwtv AT ONCE A few more cases o,f rheumatism, neuritis, paralysis, chrome constipation, high blood pressure, goitre or any otlier ailment caused by toxemia which include over ninety pc,r :cnt of all ailments. J " ... If all other treatments have failed, do not give up hope!1 MAGNETISM V the moat mysterious and most Irresistible force in the univer.v when applied to-thc human body in'a fccientifi'o manner, amicus nature in eliminating the prisonous waste that Is re ipon.'.ible for so many aimen s. ' THE IONAJOTONE. The electric magnetic appliance that is obtaining such almost miraculous results, assists nature n making cures of ailments which hitherto have not responded to medicines, manipulations, surgical operations, hot springs or electrical treatment. Thousands of people since the introduction of the IONA-OTON'K into Canada three months ago are now enjoying good health and these people had been called incurable 1 In the light of modem developments,, hardly any disease can now be called incurable. FREE TREATMENTS So sure are we that you will be benefited by the IONA-OTONE that we cordially invite every person in Prince Rupert and vicinity to accept our offer of free treatments. You have everything to gain and nothing to lose. I0NA-9T0NE HEALTH CO. Rooms 10 and 11, Smith Mock, Prime Rupert, l.V. Clinics at Vancouver, Victoria, Calvary and Edmonton LY What You Need During our 20 years of service we have learned where and how. to secure the purest qualities In the particular medicines your doctor requires. He knows that Ormes always have on hand exactly the medicine he needs for you and that his instructions will be carried out to the letter when you si:ni your prescription Jitt'o tolc flPrdr lxtr- wttnWrii!i,end til lllf.-. ZTfic Pioneer Drttr?QtsLs THIRD AVE. O SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? o 200 Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgcrson Block X-RAY SERVICE 1 Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert Tii Kcl.hlkaii, WrmiRrll. Junriiu. nnrt "S"''-';?''"! i, ,7, -7' To VuiKiimer, Milorl.i uml smi'lr-4'H" ll. IB, x, J. ni'Ai iiicr.. Ii.r lliitertnle. Ent IH-lht 0eiin rull- Naniii. .Vrrt IWiy. famulifll ItlvVrl anil Vunmuvrr eery salunl.iy, II a.m. '"' "' Ir uy for all Mteunnl.l. IJnw. tat rt itaf I'll Itll (ll'IICrill ACfllt. Corner of htrrel anil rd Avniu.-. Pflme ltti-rt. II.O. Insist ort B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality Local and Personal BC Undertakers. Phone 41. Dentist. Dr. J. n. CJosse. Phone 088. Huve you bought your I'alr' Board membership ticket? Islands. 'June 30. :Ht.A r Get the Big ,4 habit I When thinking of a Tail, phone 4. tf Short rebuilt like new at Mc-Artliur'i Shoe Store. it Win that , lot or $1,000 with a Fall Board membership ticket. Mrs. J. Lnwrenc. 218 Ninth- Avenue West, and daughters left on this morn-lag's train tor Edmonton . on a holiday strip. ... Art Courte, Buckley Bay logging contractor, is a passenger aboard the Prince Charles today going through to Van- Dr. S. f. Tolmlr, M.l, and J. C. ItrudT, will discus the issues of the da) jln the .mlltorlum on I rldjj evenlnj; at 8:13.. 117 Moose Picnic to Dlgby Island on Sun day. Boats leave Cow Bay from 9 to 1 Gentlemen 11.00. Ladles and children free. Tea and coffee provided. 148 Mrs. James Richmond 'and her daughter. Mrs. S. V. Ardagh, after spending a couple of days In the city, returned to Terrace on this morning's train. J, Blackburn, who has been teaching school at Buckley Bay, Is a passenger on the Prince Charles today enroute to Vancouver for the summer vacation. Motorshlp Belllngham, Capt. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port at 7 o'clock this morning from Ketchikan with 48 tierces of mild cured fish for shipment East over the Canadian National Rail ways. Capt. J. B. Edwards and same twenty members of the crew of the American motorshlp Challomba, which. Is ashore on White Cuff Island near here, are sailing on the Prince Charles this af 'ernoon for Seattle. E. F. Cribb. superintendent of the Pacific Salvage Co, after a brief visit In the city on business In connection with the salvaging of the American motorshlp Challamba, which Is ashore down the coast, returns to Vancouver on the Prince Charles this afternoon. Mrs. J. C. S.-Dunn and daughter tr rived In the city from sUsvett on the Prince Charles this morning. They will , remain here unttl.JW. MnwJW ..H1 i hey will be joined by other members of the fan. I It. who hove been attending school In the south, and return to the I Lieut. W. Brass and Rrglmrntal quartermaster sergeant M. M. Lamb of the First Battalion, Northern B.C. Regiment, are leaving today for Victoria to compete In the annual BC. Rifle As 'soclatlon prtre meeting being held at . HeTs mne, Saanlch, from June 27 to Mrs. A. M. Date her returned on the Prince Ocorfte yesterday arternoon to her home In Ketchikan after having pent a week visiting with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. C. Henrlcksen, 229 Seventh Avenue East. Mr. Dutcher came down on the Princess Louise to meet Mrs. rtutrher and accompany her home. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY s-4 FOR SALE RDIO SET. VALUE $400 for W0 rash before Saturday. Phone Red 517 148 FOR QUICK SALE CHEAP UNIVER-sal Anthology. 33 Volumes. Phone Green 47. 147 4- 4- 4-4- -I ANNOUNCEMENTS Moose Picnic, June 28. Presbyterian Sunday . School to Dlgby, July 7. St. Andrew's Picnic, July 24. K.C. Picnic, July 31. Picnic SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Mn. Nelson Moore, MUford. Ont. writes: "I Lad heart and nerve THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE pl -TABllSnfDlnfe This advertisemenrisnot RiHishedor displayed bq lhe liquor Control Board . or by the Government of &rihjhGcAW Arthur's Taxi. Phone 878. Lessons In Elocution and Dancing, Phone Black 214. 149 Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady- smlth-Welllngton Coal. Phone 580. tf George Rorle," Jr., sails tonight on the Prince Charles to spend a holiday In Vancouver. Ir. F. Tolnilr, SI.P-, will ad-drevt a nubile inerting in the Auditorium, Sixth Avenue, on t'rl-day. June 21, at 8:13 p.m. 147 T. L. WUllams of Port Clements Is a business visitor In the city. He ar- May Schubert. Honors Vivian Hacker. Elementary Srhnol First class honors Murna Fuller. Ot ter Antonelll. Honors Grace Watklnson, Wlnnlfred Eby and Mary Casey. Elementary Piano (Full exam.) . First class honors Elsie Finlcy and Mary Hudema. I Primary School ) Pass jMurlal yanoe. ' ' , j rrlmVrv sihol iFu'li eiianiiV ( .... ii ,i mm ' Honors Beatrice Berner, Owendolln Brady and J(e,an BjtcjHe. (, ( MIKtl.ESS KEI'OKT 8 a.m. DIOBV ISLAND Cloudy, calm; barometer 2950; temperature, S3; sea smooth; 6 pjn. spoke steamer Northwestern, 68 miles from Ketchikan, bound for Seattle; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Amur, Anyox.for Stewart, ' 75 miles from Stewart. BULL HARBOR Part clcudy, light northwest wind; barometer, 29.64; temperature, 50; sea smooth; 8 pjn. spoke steamer Laktns, Anacortes for Ketchi kan, 274 miles from Anacortes; 8 pan. I spoke tug Cape Scott. In Seaforth Channel, bound for Ocean Falls; 8 ajn. spoke tug Bt. Faith, In. Beaver Pass, boun for Captain's Cove; 8.30 a.m. spoke steamer Princess Chsalotte, passed Seymour Nar- This afternoon's, train will' arrive ,'"7 " . . ' .MZ mnrlr if.amW Pr1nPB r Will I m ftW&m from the East on time at 3 JO. .r,. . , ....... Noon DIOBY ISLAND Clear, calm; barometer, 29.60; temperature, 62; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT Clear, calm; barometer, 29.00; temperature, 51; .sea smooth. BULL HARBOR Part cloudy, light Alfred Adams of Massctt Is a passe n- northwest wind; barometer, 29.68; tem- ger aboard the Prince Charles, In port perature. 57; sea smooth; 11.30 am. today, bound for Vancouver on a brief pokc steamer Princess Louise abeam business trip, ' Pine Island southbound LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND Hill INDl'STItlAL PURPOSES In Prince Ruoert Land Recording AIlss Marybelle Stiles, daughter of Mr. District of Prince Rupert, and situate and Mrs. H.B. Stiles, pasted with honors oeweu irnev. iuur.uj ..uu, u.. . Charlotte Island.. in the Toronto Conservatory music ex-, TAke NOTICE that Kelley Logging amlnatlon held recently In the city. Company Limned, of Vancouver, B.C occupation junocr jaercnani, lutcuua " , . 'to apply for a lease of the following C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles, Capt. describei lands: ih tiftin raturnrri tn nnrt t 7 JO CDmmenc'.nji at a Dost nlanted approx- thU moruing' from Anyox. Stewart and 1 llasoctt Inlet and w?l! sail at 4 o'clock miet. Moresby Island; thence follow- thls afternoon for Vancouver. lne the there line in an easterly, south erly and southwesterly direction to Its Intersection with the eastern boundary of Lot 472: thence north 10 chains, more or less, to the point of commence- tn.nt a ii H mnta Itvlni? 2fl ftrrpjl. more or rived from the Islands on the Prince Iega ' ' Charles this morning, and will return: JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, there at the first of next week. KeIle. Logins Co. Ltd. 'T 1 Dated 23th April. 1927. Principal Peddle of kthe High School, announces an amendment to the list of; LAND ACT. High School results published yester- NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO Hay. Christina McLeoarnaed with one : Lh.YSb toici.xiiUKi.. supplemental (Latin). Edward Kane In Prlnce Rupert Land Recording and Helen Walker ps&scd witn nonors. District of Prince Rupert, ana situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte CJ'.R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt, Arthur Slater, arrived In port at 3 o' clock yesterday afternoon trom Alaska sailing t 5 for Vancouver. ST. JOSEPH'S ACAIIEMV InlriMliidorv SrjiiMil pin mi Honors Joseph Naylor. Islands. A. E. Owens and R. W. Owens, of the TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Owens Logging Co Ltd. operating for Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C, Oc?an Falls mill at Orei Bay near Jp,y t for , ,ease of tne Ionowlng Bella Coola came In yesterday on their described foreshore: camp tender Clara Francis and are i!J!&'&U?il turning south today. They employ ot the mouth of the Tassoo River. Mores-ibout 115 men. by Island. Queen Charlotte Islands; thence following the high water mark In . . . i a northwesterly, westerly and south-D B. Finn, director of the . Prince , westerly direction for a distance of one Ruoert Fisheries experimental station, and one-half miles; thence in an easterly under the Biological Board, gave a talk roday at the Rotary ' Club luncheon. He also took over the duties for the first time as song leader. Little Miss Edith Thurber gave Uo very Interesting recitations. direction to the point of commencement, ana containing idu acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WIISON. Act'ng as Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 30th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY" TO LEASE LAND I'Olt INDUSTRIAL PI KPOSES In Prince Rupert Land Recording The vessel District of Prince Rupert, and situate had 203 passengers, nine of whom de- charlotte Islands. barked here as follows: Mr. and Mrs. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Morrison. Mnrrixnn Asnv.lie. Ahv'lii Ohio- unio. .I, T Dillon union, Dar-'ComPany Limited, Timher of Mm-Hanta. Vancouver, Intends B.C., Jcellng. India; E. Atkinson, Barrie. Ont., (to apply for a lease of the following wd CharlM McCall. C. Coleman, P. j acocr-.oea janas: Stewart. Mrs. H. Johnstone and A. M. Dutcher, Ketchikan. RESULTS OF MUSIC EXAMS STl'PP.NTS Ol' LOCAL TEACHERS MAKE OOOII AT I at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island. Queen Cuiiuueiiclmr at a cost planted st the southeast corner of Lot 471. Sewell Inlet. Moreiby Island. Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains: thence east 81.17 chains: thence In- a southwesterly direction, folowlng the shore line to the point of commencement, and containing 30 sen, more or lcs. JOSEPH DOUGLAS WILSON, Agent for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April.. 1927 MINERAL ACT (I or in I ) CEKTiriC.VTE OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE The results of the examinations of "WESTERN HOPE." "TRIXIE," and the Toronto Conservatory of Music have , "OLD KENTUCKY" Mineral Claims sit-t... . . In the Skeena Mining Division ot been announced. These students were prince nupert District. prepared by local teachers and excel lent results seem to have been obtained The list follows: Where Located on porcner isiann. TAKE NOTICE that Lewis W. Patmore. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89151 C. the duly authorized agent ot Frank Patterson. Free Miner's Certificate No. 89137 C. Intend, sixty days from the date hereof, to apnlv to the Mining Recorder for Certificates of Improvements, for the i n... nh-m. n.i..ji. n..i ! Duroosc of obtatnliis a Crown Orant of trouUo. and became so short of breath . 7 T V, 7 r, i the above claims. I could hardly do mr housework A Uah Blccker' OId5,s ilu. And further take notice that action, l.iln..lMt..r) Piano under Section 88. must be commenced was was so bo nenous every little sound t I . .. . .. before the Issuance of such Certificate of heard felt like a shook to me. A friend of mine recommended so highly I got a box of. thftra andj tlioy did me so tnnch yood I pot th eoeond box, and now I am feeling liks a different woman." Heart and Nerva Tills ar 60o. a box at all druggists or dealers, or mailed direefon tirelpt of prloe by Th T. Mllbuni Co. Limited, Toronto, Helen Mc- Naughton. Klriiiriiliirv SrlKMil Piano Honors Elizabeth PltC Pass Kathleen Duncan.. , , Klriiientnry "I'liino i Honors.' Dorothy Ballliiger. iPossWMay "Macdonald! - JAlriinury ScIiihiI PIxiiii PasifNina Hunter, 'Katliryn McMIl-' lan, Ruth Nelson. Juiiliir scliiMdl'liiiio Pass Gwendolyn Palmer, Mary O'Brien. Intermediate school (irnile Houora MUs Ruth Oillles. Pass Miss Marie Murphy. MISS WAY'S PI PII.S Inlroiliiilory Plami (Full Exsm.) First Class Honors- -Jan McLean and Imnrovements. Dated this 6th dav bf May, 1927. LEWIS W. PATMORE. '.Edge-Holding Sows fat tostj-Cutting SiMONDS SAWS Cusrsnteed liecause made from our own alccl SI MONOS CANADA SAW CO. LTO. MONTKBAL VANCOUVSR. iT.JOMN.N.S.. TORONTO 5 LmiMMjLi hi i Mimim 1 Jose, Stationers $PWtan &3 Stationer Printers !; 4 OFFICE SUPPLIES SCHOOL SUPPLIES KODAKS AND FILMS COLUMBIA AND BRUNSWICK RECORDS DENNISON CREPE PAPERS, WAX, &c Agents for the "New Columbia9 Viva-Tonal Phonograph Telephone 231 DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST BREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Ud. Prince Rupert, B.C Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating U.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworkers, Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Help the Fair! In order to liquidate last year's indebtedness, the Fair Board is conducting a membership drive. Membership Ticket $1.00 On or before the opening of the Fair in September, a drawing will be held, and the holder of the winning number will be presented with Lot 7, Block 18, Section 1, on Second Avenue, near McBfi'de Street. Assessed value, $2,070.00. J BUY YOUR TICKET NOW Thompson Hardware :;Co., Ltd. 233 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Be up to date and equip your kitchen with cert if red kitchen equipment, the new Sno-Cap-Line. Each utensil fitted with an attractive blue and white enamelled handle. Kitchen Forku Potato Mashers Kgg Slices Soup Ladles Mincing Knives EK Whips