Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST wivea of all tbe local members will also be present The Rotarians at the same .NOTICE LAND ACT or iNTEvnox to TO LLAE LAD REPUTATION FOR. FAIRHI OF THIS OK6 THING- WE ARE. aulTE Oufl- TtEPUTATl ON APPLY In 'Ranged-. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Ccmpasy Limited of Vancouver. B.C . occupation Salmon Canners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described Isnds: Commencing at a port planted alongside post marked N.W. L2573; thence southerly along high water mark 20 chaina. more or less, to a post marked S.W L2573: thence west to low wster mark, thence northerly along low' water mark 20 chains, more or less, to a point west of the point of commencement: thence east SO links, msre or less, to point of commencement, and containing cn -quarter acre, more or lev. MTLLERD PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant Dated June 16, 1927 THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS 1 VwiUU cNDURt" OUR business reputation does nut need laundering. It's as spotlessly clean as the day we started in business. Our policy is the public be delighted. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Ladies Hose SILK TO THE TOP Chiffons or Silk, in all colors 3 TO THE PAIR Special $2.50 The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Itoyal Bank MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy 11th St Telephone C57. The reception committee will consist of Sid Johnstone. Cyril Orme, Jack NlcboUs. Dr. W. T. Kergin. Tom Mc- Crrmont. Harry Rochester, Georre' Bryant, Jim Lee, George Rorie. Consul Wakefield, and Tommy Trotter. id TIMBER SALE X8914 Sealed Tenders win be received by :be District Forester, not later than noon m tbe 4th day of July. 1927. for the purchase of Licence X8314. sltusted In tawlces. Two (2) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Purther particulars of tbe Chief Forester. Victoria, or the District Forester, Prince Rupert BjC. LAND ACT NOTICE Or INTENTION TO APPLY TO IXAE MM). I Recording District of Prince Rupert 1 ' snd sltuste in vicinity of Captaln'a Cove. Pitt Island. BC. , TAKE NOTICE that Oohse Packing Co. Ltd.. of 325 Howe SU Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Pish Packers. Intends ; io ap: Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Street Phone 301 $5.00 Order Delivered The economical wife who pays cash buys where her dollars have the most purchasing power. Qual ity considered. Any brand Milk, per case .. $5.50 Any brand Flour, 49 lb. sack $2.73 Terrace Potatoes, per sack . . $1.95 14 lb. E.C.D. Butter $6.25 14 1b. box Capital Creamery Butter $5.90 I Begular $1.00 boxes Soda Biscuits 1 70c jlO lb. Sugar 75c 2 lb. king Sugar, pkge 20c 2 lb. Package Lump Sugar .. 25c j 3Vi lb. Brown Sugar 25c Silver Leaf Pure Lard, lb., 20c illfgh Grade Bulk TeaVpYrMb? 60c : Fresh Ground CoTieeper'lLrSOc ! Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Plum . 45c Malkin's Best Pure Jams, Straw- berry. 4 lb. tin 70c l Toilet Rolls 5c, or 22 for . . . $1.00 China Rolled Oats, each .... 40c Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin 10c INVESTIGATE MY PRICES Before you buy elsewhere. i S. B. ADAMS, Manager (Mrs. GoodselL 0 PAGE SET. THE DAILY NEWS Thurid.y. jnne p 1327 SPECIALS FOR THIS WEEK Capitol Creamery Butter. 14 lb. box for $6.00 Capitol Creamery Batter, 3 lbs. fqr $1.35 E. C. D, Woodlands, and Fraser Valley Butter, 2 lbs. for 95c Strawberries arriving every boat, at per box 15c 7 boxes for .V $1.00 Lettuce, 3 heads for . . 25c Carrots, per bunch .... 10c Turnips, per bunch .... 10c Green Onions, 6 bunches for 25c Bananas, per lb 15c Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. 35c 3 lbs. for $1.00 Fresh Peas, per lb. .... 20c Asparagus, -per lb 20c Cantelope 25c k 30c Cauliflower 15c L 25c New Potatoes, 3 lbs. for 25c Dr. Middleton's Cookies, 3 packages 50c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. Our Glasses FIT and look well OUR REPAIR DEPART- ,MENT is equipped for accuracy and service A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.VJL REMEMBER ! For Montreal prices on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. It. Miller - Proprietor For Ladysmith-Weliington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue PREPARING FOR ROTARY VISIT nxL rR(x;RAi or emektainmot BOOKEII mu KETCHIKAN MEMBERS COMIMi NEXT MEEK Arrfrlnj 3ere aboard 7 the' sieasKr Princess Charlotte at 3 o'clock on the' afternoon of Wednesday next. June 29. j tbe. members of the Ketchikan Botarj Club, accompanied by their wItm, -rill par a ricit to brother Rotarians in Prince Rupert. A fun program of en tertainment Is being planned by the '. local club during the stay here of the, KetQhQunites. After being put up at the Prince Ru pert Hotel on the arterncon of their ar- riral. the rMtlng Rotarians as veil as all the local members and their wires.: WH meet at 8.33 at the Prince Rupert; Boat Bouse, weather permitting, toj start lor a picnic. If the weather is no suitable far a picnic Prince Rupert Ro-tarians will probably entertain Ketchikan Rotarians at dinner. A dance in the Armory will follow, starting at 9 o'clock. Tbe picnic committee win con- aist of George Bryant. - Harry ' Pulien. I 0ood , w eat Clark's Park f'Keasc -with their excellent v saace are really fed Young and old alike relish this nourishing, strengthening dish Clark's PorkJeans Simply heat and serve; are time and money. W. CLARK Limited, Montreal ANGLICAN W.A. MEETING TODAY Tbe branch of the Anglican Church Women's Auxiliary far the diocese of J Caledonia la now in annual ielon in this city with the following delegates In attendance: Scanners Mrs. Page and airs. Champion. Harelton Ulrs. Mogtn. Terrace Mrs. Uarsa and Mrs. Rabin- san. Prince Rupert Senior branch. Mrs. Andrew. Mrs. W. J, Greer and lira. : Woodland. Oirts branch, airs, atilla. , Juniors' branch. Mrs. Erin, tutle beip-! era, Mrs. Tucker. Seal Core Mrs. KeUey. Mrs. Hitts and VANDALISM AT LOCAL CHURCHf hapt1ts find mich damage iki.ne In theik bulking lst EVE.NI.NO A serious case of damage by a group ot boys or others has been reported to the police by tbe authorities of the local Baptist Church. Mast destructive ac tivities are said to have taken place in Windy Bay. James Island. Sheep Passage.) the bulldma and the edifice was placed OR. 3. to cut 1341 feet board measure , , . .... of spruce, cedar, hemlock, and balsam 1" w " - -" Last evening when the congregation gathered for their mid-week tvenlng service, tbey were astonished to find the premises looking as If visited by a cyclone. The chain had been overturned and thrown about covers torn from ibe choir books, a mattress used by the scouts had been dragged from the store room, ripped' open snd the contents In Range 4. Cot Land District. Land j scattered all over the place. Evidently the depreciations had been committed that evening for the llghta were burning and Txh tbe kitchen range and tbe ball stove were warm ?Iy for a lease of the following n1 Area had evidently been lighted In described lsnds: : them recentlr. What wmMi th mn&t Commencing at a post planted at i .. ... the northwest corner of Lot 1253. Range C""'-J - ugnung oi 4; thence north S chains; thence east , a tin on tbe floor of tbe lecture hall 15 chains; thence aouth to northeast with paper and the contents of the mat-corner Lot 1253; thenr westerly alone . . , shore to point of commencement, and j Ut htd evldenUy caught and containing 7 aeres. more nr less. had been extinguished by water thrown GOSSE PACKING CO. LTD- on K. Per Cbas. L. Roberts, Agent Dated AprU 7. 1227. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LtNI). In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Queen Charlotte Islands, and situate at Mavett Indian VUlage No. 1. TAKE NOTICE that The Maosett Canners. Ltd.. of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occu-pstion Canners. intends to apjly for a lee of the following described lands: Commencing at this pest planted at the northwest corner of our site at Masiett B.C4 thence southerly 3 chains: thence easterly 325 chains, more or less: thence northerly 3 chains: thence we j terly 325 chains, more or iefi. to point! . Will LJIL1JVI li. Cil I Bi4U WUblUlUj UUI1 acre, more or less. I THE MASSETT CANNERS. LTD. I Applicant I Per P, Lorenzen. Arent ' Dsted ADrtl 20. 1927 Tbe church authorities say that even worse depredations were committed three weeks ago when chairs were broken, the organ book rest was broken nd flower vues smashed. No report was at that time made to the police J as It was thought the vandalism would cot be repeated. PRESENTATIONS MADE TEACHERS LEAVING ;I. H. Marine, Mrs. Itartington )lls Laiton Recipients Last Eirnlng ' and D. It Hartness, principal of the Booth School, Miss Dorothy Laiton one of the members .of the. stair, and airs. .Darling ton leather) of tt Domestic science branch, mere all remembered at a meeting of teachers last evening prior to severing their connection with the locsl Institution, M1m Mercer made the presentation to Ut. Ilartncss on behalf of the other teachers and Mr. llartneas officiated In tbe presentations to Miss Laiton and Mrs. Darlington. In the course of the evening refreshments were served and a Jolly evening spent In an Informal manner, beat wishes for the future being eipressed by all to those lesving. IIOTI.L A It RIVALS Prlnrr Rupert Thomas A. B. Ferris. J. O. Mullchamp, E. P. Cribb and Hy. C. Aleiander. Van couver. D. N. O. Dyrae. Calgary: W rora-Kye. Chicago; Mr. and Mrs. O. W, Morrison. Ashvllie. Ohio: H. filacer North Batileford; Alex. J. D. MacDou-gall. Francois Lake: Mrs. S. Orals, Prince Oeorge; Miss Florence M. Harris, Dartmouth, NSj Miss Myrtle E. Walsh. Kentvllle. Nfl Oeorge Rlngstad. Port Edward: J. B. Edwsrds. ms. Chsllamba; Miss If. Dunn and Mrs. J, C. B. Dunn. Mauett: T. L. Williams. Port Clements. CENTRAL W. J. Redford. C.fJ.R4 Mr. and Mrs. M. J. 8wttlad and family, Los Angeles; Alfred C. Osrde, Sam Marshall. P. A. Howae and Jamea ' McCrae, Vancouver T. Dillon, Darjeellng. India; E. T. Atkinson, Bsrrle. Ont: T. S. Bsr-rons. Hammond, Ind, N. E. Walter, CoultervUle. III. Ssioy Mrs. B, a. Moore, Shawatlans Lake; Mrs. Douglss and child, Carlisle Cannery; A. Hyndman, Manaon Creek; J. Kuia. Prince Oeorge; W. II. Thome, CJIJtj A. Shields, Prince Rupert; Mrs. R. Lelghton and Mr. J. CTRellly, Inver-nets: V. Prestoc. Klemtu Cannery. perature. S3. tt CITHER RCrilRT. Dominion Government Telegraph re ports sent out this morning at eight o'clock indicate that weither conditions in the central Interior of the province ' are very warm. Haserton showed the ' . ! highest temperature, tbe thermometer DLLTGITE f'KOM VAKIOIS PARTS registering TO. Emithers was only two or CALEIMimi mnroE ATTENO- : degrees short of that. The detailed re 1.NG f j ATlttKIMi IV C1TV port loUows: s. Prince BuperJU Clqudr.. calm; teav Hanelton-7-Clear. calm, temp. 72. Telegraph Creek Clear, calm. temp. 55. Smnhers Clear, calm. temp. 70. Burn Lake Clear, calm. temp. 32. Terrace Clear, calm, temp. (1. Rosss-ood dear. calm. temp. 63. Alyansh Clear, calm. temp. 58. Alice Arjn Clear, calm. temp. 60. Anyox Clear, calm temp. SA. Stewart Clear, calm. temp. 58. WhKetorte Raining, SAV temp. 4S Hi won Clear. K.W. Jem p. 65. Rain LAND ACT. I Tbe proceedlngsopfnedlastnlghtwhen'XOTlrl: or ivrr.yTv , Arixv tu addre&tes were given by Rev. Prof. W. j ed hard aa night at wnitehorte. Lower Lebarge tod Tagish. LEAE LAW P. Barf cot on "The Mhammedan World" i . . .. " , . J and by Mrs. A. W. Robinson of Terrace, cording D-stnrt of Prince Rupert, and in costume, oa "The Women of Bengal." situate at the bead of tbe south arm of . . ... . . . ... . . . . . . . i i . iim in n unrvnw i.ian.. Donald Paterson. Dr. W. llme ? la axne Kooinsoa formerly nved in tne T. Kergln and , TAKENOT1CE thst Brttiah Cc4umb Earl Barrie. On Thursday afternoon at 2 o'clock.! , oi oeorge Kant.jin cfiarge oi the Utter country ot her subject- IPishlni St Packing Co. Ltd.. of Van- erent will be Gesrge Rorie. CoL Me- At 10 o'clock this morning Holy Com- eouver. BC . occupation Packers, in lend aiur.uu ArrJvVirrm VVlJ or imr m ine toujwins the Tistting Rotarians win be taken fori ; '"' mmauuaxm 7 described lands a motor tour around tbe city on local members" cars with Sid Johnstone. chairman of the sight-seeing cmomittee. After this trip, the ladies win be taken to the residence of Mrs. J. W. NlchoUa. Fourth Avenue West, for tea at which tbe nc wresjy noiary uun meeusg wui u. a. tux woo auo oeuverea an aoaress. commencing at a post planted at tbe be held at the Commodore Cafe starting Tbe buauxsa cession, opened at 11 o'clock tne south arm of D U Bee he at 7 o'clock with the Ketchikan vial- and Is continuing this afternoon with ? VclX tnJ tors and Kounans wivea as honore-l Mrs. u. A. lux prealdtng. Among other north 3 chaina, more or less, to high guests. The program win take the form things, officers will be elected. ,wt5J mrkLUl.eat! lont hih tr . . m1.0 P? commenceTient, and " - " - yt-i (containing 10 acres, mace or leas. jram Is being arranged for the occasion, wy a m rr a r mil a m I BRITISH COLUMBIA F1KHI.NO St PACKLNO CO. LTD- Dated June 10. 1277. Applicant Week-end Specials Haney Strawberries, basket . . 13c Arriving Wednesday and Friday. The season for strawberries is in full swing now and we will hare an exceptionally good price by the case for Friday arrival. Whipping Cream, Vi pints .. 25c Bottles 10c, returnable. Jelly Powders 4 for 25c Assorted flavors, Malkin's Best or Nu-Jell. Note We will give one aluminum Jelly Mould free with each $1.00 purchase of Jelly Powder. Canned Milk, per ti n 10c i St Charles, Carnation or Pacific. Limit, 10 tins to each customer. Introductory Offer Mocha and Java Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb 33c With each 5 lb. package sold. we will give free, your choice of 1 Aluminum Coffee Pot or 1 Aluminum Tea Kettle We have onlr 10 Coffee Pots and 18 Tea Kettles to dispose of on this deal and when you realise that these premiums are worth 51.00 each, we suggest that you do not wait until Saturday. Spring Clothes Pins, C doz. for 25c Cowan's Milk Chocolate Velvets, special, per lb 39c" Cowan's Perfection Cocoa, per lb. in." ii Broken Shelled Walnuts, per lb. 45c Malkin's Best Strained Honev. 4 lb. tins 79c1! Clark's Devilled Meats, 3 for 25c Capitol Creamery Butter, 1 lb. prints, 3 for $1.23 Evaporated Prunes, size 80-90, 3 lbs. for 25c Sliced Pineapple, 2 lb. tins, per tin 15c PrnvNionn B.C. Fresh Pullet Eggs, 3 dozen $1.00 Local Fresh Eggs, per dozen 50c New Zealand Butter, per lb. 55c Peameal Back Bacon, per lb. 50c Jellied Tongue, per lb 60c Head Cheese, per lb 25c Cooked Ham, per lb 63c Baked Meat Ixiaf, per lb. . . 40c McLaren's Cream Cheese, pkg. 10c McLaren's Pimento Cheese, pkg. T 10c Picnic Hams, per lb 22'-c Cottage Rolls, ier lb 27V:c Fruitx and Vegetables Large Cantcloupes, each ... 25c California Plums, lb. 25c Cherries, lb 40c Watermelons, lb 12'ac r lorida Grape r ruit 2 for . . , 35c Terrace Rhubarb, 5 lbs 25c Gooseberries, 2 lbs 25c Head Lettuce, each , 10c No. 1 Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 30c Spinach. .Ib.".... 10c Louisville' New Spuds, 3 lbs. 25c Local B.C. Cabbage, lb 10c California Cabbage, lb 15c Bunch" Beets, Turnips and Carrots, 2 bunches for ...... 25c Extra Fancy Cukes, each .... 35c New Green Peas, lb 20c Rupert Table Supply Co Phone 210 and 211 A Highland Whisky with the aromatic essence of the glens a whisky that is a delight to the connoisseur and a revela tion to the sceptic Such is 4 Block &. White", known and appreciated everywhere. DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND -Quality Telir 6ur Bvciuau s C Its. Cuw, , BIACKWHITE SCOTCH Tin advertisement Is net publilieil or dipUyeil j c')r Liijucir Control Board nr hy tbe flovrrnmen if Rritih Columbia. WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.nu Norma Shearer In "UPSTAGE" A brilliantly dressed story of the stage OSCAR SHAW, WARD CRANE. TENEN HOLTZ. J. ITU.VK GLEN DON, DOROTHY PHILLII'S and others. COMEDY -FOR SADIE'S SAKE" . AESOIrS FILM FABLES Admission ..... 35c and 10c FOR RENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher fOO per day Let us know the day you wan it' Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 H: S. WALLACE CO. LTD. Anniversary Summer Sale, 17 years In the same stand. GREAT VALUES IN" SEASONABLE MERCHANDISE SOME OUTSTANDING. .VALUES 4 , ... $1.,, Spun Silks, peryard;i...X( "Z Table Oilcloth SquaresTfacV. .... JX. iM Washable Floor Rugs, 27x51 Lace Curtain Panels, each Pure Stlk Hose, per pair .-or ; H. S. WALLACE CO. LTD.