i PAGE FOUR INDIAN summerYgit IN vourD Swill soon be n com poo the ) V-vOONE'-XYcOLD GREY J as THE DAILY NEWS BRINGING UP-FATHER By George McManns Neglected VE.P- THAT'S the VOU CERTAIN! 1T WHAT'S THE MOUMTAIN WE M PICKED OUT A MATTBR? I VC ARE CWOlW TO i BIG. ONE.1. I &OTAHQLD, . 1 CUIMB' j OF THE ROPE . Eyesr W NEGLECT la doubtless the causa of most of the ills that afflict humanity. ThlsJja so self evident that It seem hardly necessary to telru. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended 1 .A tu auu a I once. , nV ATT ' l Jl I vi- auu ausuiuiucs in me kingdom of foolishness, urely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Thone 7C3 The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have. Winter on before you know it. Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALI1ERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE I'hone 381 P.O. Box 156.1 LAUNCHES. SCOWS. HOW HO ATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIKUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to 12 pints for $1.00 7 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price tickets. McBride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 1 1th St. , Telephone 657. Dr. Alexander Smith Block - Phone 575 DENTIST I ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop in Prince Rupert as low CCCJ ff I. ANGER, Cutter Cutter and and Designer Designer 223 " Sixth Civil, drool Street 1 SAVE SPAWNING FINE EXHIBIT George Wnddell, Formerly of This City, Writes on Depletion of Salmon Fisheries George Wad dell, formerly of Prince Rupert and now residing in Vancouver, writes as follows to the Vancouver Sun-Jay Province yesterday. In the matter of the depletion of the salmon fish- In a recent Issue of your piper a cartoon appeared dtp toting B.C. scratch ing hh head over the threatened depletion of our salmon flshieries. It Is a well-known fact that the department of the Dominion Gov ernment has spent a vast amount of .money In patrol boats of every descrip tion, and have not desisted in prose cuting the fishermen caught breaking the laws made by the department. There is also another factor of the situation which ban not been given thl attention due It, namely the protection of the spawning grounds. Owing to the fact (in many Instances! that the creek are blocked with all kinds of debris, .fallen logs, etc., causing the streams to ie diverted, the salmon find great dif ficulty In reaching the spawning grounds. The spawning grounds are in a very oad condition, being overrun by trout and wild ducks, the natural enemies of the salmon spawn and the young salmon. STATEMENT VEKUIF.I) An Incident which verities this statement took place some time during the year 1023.' The government patrol boat pivenchy bad planted, about that time. i million to a million and a half sal-, .-non eggs in the lake arjacent to Cap-tain Cove on Pitt Island: this having .been done for three successive years. gnoruy alter tnis Had been done, aii practical fisherman, whilst engaged In herring fishing in that vicinity, partly out of curiosity to know the condition of this particular stream, cut off ten athoms of herring seine, made a set out of a dory and got about four tons of trout. It can readily been seen from an In stance of this kind the small chances the salmon spawn has of maturing or getting into the salt water. This lake Is one amongst many of the natural spawning grounds, and the run of salmon there, according to old-timers, at one time was very extensive. I feel that It would be money well jpent if .the department would turn its attention to every district of the province and clean out the spawning grounds. lakelse lake Even Lakelse Lake, where a fine .gov ernment hatchery Is In operajion,.:at- ords great attraction to trout fishermen owing to the Immense catches. Jn regard to the cutting down.ofHbe fishing gear. I believe" the man whodn traduced salmon fishing wl$h ; seine boats -had- asplte-agalnM lbJ,vfratejrLul naustry. It has been suggested that gill net fishing be cut down 30 per cent. This would create a hardship to men engaged In that branch of the Industry, who are almost wholly dependent on that for a living. Massett Inlet in 1920 had four seine beats operating there. In 1022 eleven. In 1924 fifteen, in 1928 fifty-four. The highest catch known In 1926 on Massett Inlet was 4200 pinks In one set. With hauls of this description, how long will the fishing remain good on Massett Inlet? The sooner seine boat oilmen ituhtnir is curtailed.: bejtjf ft will Le for .the industry. I Gill net fishing In the same? water.l urmlH -irittm mriM . . , . . ' . . n-- viupiuyuivutffana nave a tendency to benefit the settlers in the outlying districts. it cannot be too deeply Impressed upon the people of British Columbia what the depletion of the salmon Indus try means to everyone, directly and.iln directly.,, . ... . , R. C. W. Lett, western colonization and Industrial agent for the Canadian National Railways, arrived In the city from Edmonton on yesterday after noon's train and sailed this morning on the Prince Charles for Vancouver, where he now makes his headquarters Ocorge Pearson, formerly of McCut-cheon's drug store staff here and more recently located at Premier, arrived in the " city on the " Prince M Charles cnarlea this thla morning from , Stewart and will - ' -v.. -..u spend apcuu a u three tnrre wrcaii week' holiday nouaay in n the the ;lty :lty He He I lrn fe S i I will stay at the Inlander. From Montreil Montreal " Halifax " St. John N.B. Halifax " Halifax. I'M THle4k.N OF WHAT WOULD HAPPEN! IP VOU UtT GO' GROUNDS SALMON SCHOOL WORK Terrace Holds First School Fnir Which Proves to be Great SuCVess TEnRACE. Oct. 10. The first Terrace school fair held in the school house oa Friday afternoon and by far surpassed the expectations of even those most interested. The four classrooms were filled with well arranged and artistically displayed products of school work, plain aewlt. cooking and candy, embroidery, wsaadwork. mechanical toys, collections of woods, stamps, dressed dolls and primary handiwork, maps, lunches, all of which displayed much skill oa the part of the pupils and considerable credit on the part of the Instructors in school and home. The afternoon tea. which was served In the primary room was well patron - xsd and the resulting funds will add materially to the prlte moneys. The tea room was in charge of Miss Elder' un wun ner nigh school pupils a helpers. The display of work of all kinds brought down from the Copper City school by Miss Libarys pupils added much to the attractiveness and quality of the whole display and her pupils received a eompiratlve share in the prizes awarded. The Judges in the different sections were a follows: Writing Miss I. M. Fearson and Miss 'Elderkln: drawing Mrs. Lanfear and Mrs. Von Ilees: boy worka-Messrs. Mcintosh and till- t'ert; fJBcy work Mrs. Sandal and Mrs. Von Heesr cooking Mrs. -A. Carr and Mrs. II. King: school lunches Mrs. E. Brooks and Mrs. Sundal. Applied designs Mrs. Lanfear and Mrs. Von Hees. INTERESTING WEDDING AT 05LAND SATURDAY Itev. W. F. Uuthlirook Officiate at Wedding of Miss Margaret Mores-head nnd John Johnson An Interesting wedding took place at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Orlmason, Osland, at 4 o'clock Saturday after; noon when Miss Margaret Maude Daisy Moreshead of Montreal, became the bride of John Johnson, Itev. W. Rush-brook,, of the Anglican mission boat Northern Cross officiating. The bride was attended by Miss Winnie Anderson while Joseph Krlcmussen supported the groom. The little Icelandic fishing settle ment tcok on a general festive air during the day and, in the evening, morning. until Um early hour of the following Among thaw present for Um ceremony ware the bride's parents from Montreal. TERRACE Mrs. c. R. OUbert returned en Friday Tram Prime Rupert. Mrs. H. m Smith, how steeper at Terrace hotel, left on Friday on a orasongsd holiday trip during which -he wlU visit with friends on oath the Atlantic and Pacific coast. Mrs. Smith T'lans a short visit to Toronto with Mrs. McDonald, better known ee Leurs T... Montgomery author of "Anne of Treen GaMes" etc. Mrs. McDonald, as a child was k pupil of Mrs .Smith's Tram Toronto Mrs smith will go on tt Philadelphia to visit with a daughter there and the nee to California where another daughter and son reside. Rev. and Mrs. A. W. Robinson left Saturday night for Heeslton where Mr Hotoliwon can ducted Harvest Festive ?rvlees on Sunday. The W.A. of the Anglican church met n Thursday at the home of Mrs. W. Walr. when arrangements were made t told a cafeteria supper on Tuesday ivenlng, October 18. The supper will e followed by an impromptu humorist entertainment. C. R. Gilbert returned on Thursday from s business trip to Prince George "The Projee Method" wUl be the nlbject of an .address at the Parent Teacher meeting on. Thursday evening. October .18. tf speaker being. A. Holm- wood, principal or tne public school There wlU also be a musical program. Owing to heavy rains on Saturday night the boom of poles of the Hanson Timber Co. at Oedanrale broke loose and a cell was sent to Terraee and dis trict on Sunday morning to do what ould be done to salvage any which came down the river. The auction of fruits, vegetables, etc. which were used In the Anglican Church at the harvest festival servlcee tcok place at the school house Friday afternoon and netted almost eleven dollars towards hospital auxiliary funds F. C. Bishop acted as auctioneer. SKULL MAY NOT BE OLD AS SUGGESTED TORONTO, Oct. 10. "The despatch trcm British Colnvmw may be Just a publicity stunt," was the comment oi Profeesar Mcllwvalth of the Royal On tarts Museum staff, on the reported . H.nrim, rt. wiwirt in th ..html- discovery of a skeleton at Seal Cove house, the celebration being continued iolfl 'to bet feast 200 yearq older tfeap XonieBeekoiisyoE this (Jhristmas again those familiar streets, dappled with SEE sunlight or splashed with rain. They are there waiting for you as you knew and loved them in youth. Old village landmarks houses and inns suddenly vivifying a thousand half -forgotten associations. Re-visit them this Christmas. Late Fall and dnristmas Sailings AUSONIA Nor. Ji to Ply.; Cher., London. LETITIA Nov. 26 " Belfast, L'pool Gist, ANTONIA Dec S, " Ply., Hsvre, London. ATIfBNlA Dte.18' " Brlfist.'L'pool.GUtV"" "ATHENIA -Iwll Belfast. 1pootOlss.uin ASCAIjlA . y ,;Ptf, 12, " Mr., Hvre? Return ocean J aret from 1155. i y.bw -hi;! no Tht tucft " vUl gladly tapply all dttallt, or wrtl CANADIAN SERVICE CtXAUII HTKAMSIIIP CO.. LIMITED. 82' H.tunR l imiju, or any ateanusnip nxviicj I l 1 r-S5- V anted For Sale For Rent WANTED. RELIABLE GIRL FOB general houee-wark. Apply Mrs. S. FrliaeH's store. tf ROOM WANTED IN PRIVATE HOME for two weeks, close in. Apply P.O. Box 1696. tf TOR SALE. LOTS 23 AND 38. BLOCK S. section 1. On grade, close In. good view. Will consider any reasonable offer for quick sale. Apply Post office Box 1350, Prince Rupert. B.C. FOR SALE TWO CHILD'S COTS: FOLD- tng camp bed and mattress: Franklin heater; 38.66 calibre rifle Phone Red 78. TOR SALE. WHITE SPITZ PUPPV; four months: male. 110.00. Phone 427. n GREEN EHINOLES ARE BEST. $300 a thousand. Bee! Oove Lumber On. BATHv DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. a 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for less than 50c WANTED WANTED. MEN MECHANICALLY IN- eUried who would like to work at ttte world's greatest paying industry. Auto mechanics, garage work, stmtrteal e peeta, welding-, btttrrj and ttilaanta-Ing. We guarantee to quellfy you for big paying positions. Only a short time required, write or call Hemphill's Auto Xnglnawrtng School. 10 Hastings St., E.. Vancouver. B.C. 3ALENDCR AND ADVBRTWINO BPBC- tolty Balssmsn. Start at once. Bs crueive line, highest eommkHtons Good contract tor right man. Bute qualifications. Apply Box 60. London. Ont. 241 V ANTED RBUABLE OIRL FOR geneioi ooue wont, t-none boh or i Blue 280 after 8 o-eloek. tf FOR SAI.K FOR RENT "OR RENT FIVE ROOMED FURNISH- ed house. Apply 257. Seventh Ave., Wet, or McCaffery & Olbbons Ud. TOR RENT. FOUR ROOMED FUR- nlshed apartment with bath and water paid. Phone 647. tf OR RENT. FURNISHED, BED ROOM in private home. Central location. Phone Green 382. tf 'OR RENT FURNISHED APART- ment by the day, week or month Phone Red 607. tf "OR RENT. Pianos, phonographs and Singer sewlhg machine. Walker's MusJc Store lOUSE FOR tlENTFIVE 'ROOMS ANDl bath, close in. '-Ltd: McCaffery, , Olbbons, Apply Munro Eros. DANCING 237 HOUSE FOB RENT, ROOMS AND HOUSES FOR RENT. $20.00 UP. AP- ply 215, 4th Ave. E. tf LOST LOST. BUNCH OF KEYS ON RINO on Friday. October 7. Finder please return to Dally News Office. 238 FOUND FOUND. OOLD PIECE ON THIRD Avenue, Oetober 7. Owner can have same by applying to H. S. Parker. AUCTION SALE I WILL SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION on Saturday. October 18, furniture heaters; also balance of merchandise and store fixtures in Federal block. O. F. Brine, auctioneer. Phone 774 MISS MVFANWV CAMPBELL Teacher of claulcal. operaUc and toe dancing. Children's class or private "tu'ltlori: ' I .un . ' ".'ii 1 J ..... the only existing skeleton of the Tsim-hlan era known to be in existence. "It may be nothing more than the remains of one of the race of Tsim-ehlan Indians, but one cannot make a definite statearent until a study of the skull is made. The information that the skeleton is that of a large adult man means little. No one knows for sure how long ago the Tslnwhlan Indians LAND FOB SALE THE OTP. DEVELOPMENT CO.. LTD. wlU now consider applleatkMas for purchase of Its holdings in the Town-slte of Prince Rupert and also adjoin-teg aeraage. Par particulars ajspiy to n. r. tinker ,ti. Agents MOI.BIt I1EAUTY COLI.BGG Mutt Ntirrewral ('ollese un the Ctmllnent Expert instructors In all Iiisiii liss of beauty culture, tncluding water wav- Ing and permanent waving. Tanns: I Moler,, 10 Heatings St. E. Vancouver. I B.C. I SCIIOOUS AND COLLBGBS UBN AND WOMSN LEARN BARBCRING Cxpert Instructors lu one of the beat paytac bualDi Ram while you learn and become Independent. Oall or write Moler Barber ClBUege. 1 Hastings St. E.. Vancouver. BX. AUCT10NEE1C MY SYtrrUI YOU KNOW WHAT you are getting before a sate. I buy. sell or guarantee. Brine. Phone TM. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and , .exchanged. Ppr dopulos and Maras. 890 Third Ave. Phone 648. tf PIANO TI'NINO NOW IIKKE. 1.0 1' IS F. COI.E8 for many years with BrlnaBtead, London. Eng.. Martin-Onne. Ottawa and Mason 8s Rlsch. Toronto. Repairs and adjustments of Player Pianos and Grands a specialty. riione lied 103. UPHOLSTERING FURNITURE REPAIRING: UPIIOL- sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Green 803. Q. M. HUNT. KAIf.N GARAGE Fi'imint itr.m cTioxH m CHEVROLET ritlCEB Commercial Chassis, ft. ton delivery $938.60 Touring $811.80 Roadster $811X10 Roadster Delivery $811.60 sport 'naaditer $880.00 Ooaeh , 94k Coupe $9841)0 Sdn $1.02.00 Cabriolet $1,080.00 frWMWv.Sjrtsa,-' .-...vv:.:iiwjoo Imperial Landau Sedan $1,188.00 Utility Express. 1 ton truck.. $793.60 Disc wheels S28.00 extra In all models. A complete line of 1928 models on hand at present. Phone or call for demonstration and learn about our easy payment plsn. Guaranteed Used Oars on Hand. Ford Coupe. 1948. $100 cosh, balance $25 per month. Ford Sedan. 1920. $100 cash, balance $26 per month. KAIEN GARAGE, Dave 1to Dealters in all General Motor Prpdueeta Goodyear and Firestone Tires. Wrecking Service Day and Night, Phone 52 J TAXI I'hone 67 Tnxi (Call George, Paul or Gust) Six and Seven Passenger StuoV bakers at your disposal any time. Ross Duos, pool noon ... . k "In ..Sleeker lUork. . t 'Acrrw. from Emnr8R Dotal) High PRINCE RUPERT TIDES MONDAY. OCTOBER 10 0:43 am. 13 1 pin. Low 8:33 a.m. 19:18 p.m. inhabited the coast country" Professor Hlch ' " McIIwralth said. AdvertUs In The Daily News ! "- U SS.lii . I 13 18 pm JLo 7 3a.m I 19 58 pjn. 2U ft. 22J3 " 3.1 -2.8 " 22.1 ft 231 " 3.2 " IZ ' STEAMSHIP MOVEMENT lor Vanmut Rundsy w. prince Cha; Tuesday a. Catala Thursday ss lnr.ee Oc Saturday as. Cardena ss. Princess Bca'jL Oct. ss. Princess A. Oct. SS ss Prince" A.i ; Nov. I as. PrlnecM A;.-t'rnm Vanrouvrr . Sunday ss. OaUla . Wednesday us .Prince Oec " ss Cardena Saturday as. Princess Bea' Saturday aa . Prince Cbu .c Oct. as. Prihceu Alice Oct. I as. Princess Allc-Oet S ss. Prlncew All For Part HlmpMtn and Mass Itltet-Frlday es. Cardena Saturday -ss. Cardena . lor Anjoi Sunday si. OaUla Wedneoday as. Prince Oe. ' I Yum Ahj ox Tuesday ss Catala . . Thursday as. Prince George lor Stewart Sunday ss. OaUla Saturday as. Prtnee Charles from Slewort Sunday as. Prince Charles Tuesday as. Catala lor IJiieen rharlnlles Oet. 8- -as. Prince John . Oct. 22 as. Prince John lYoni (Jueen Clmrlolle Oct. 8 as. Prince John Oet. 20 as. Prince Pohn lor Atuka Oet. 8. es. Princess Alice Oet. 10 as. Princess Alice Oet. SS as. Princess Alice From Alunka Oet. It es. Princess Alice Oct 28 -m. Princess Alice Nov. 3 as. Princess Alice MAIL SCHEDULE 8kpti'.mih:k, mi I'or the Eat MnrwtiiVB WMlnii1in Raturrf.lVl. tigwn - lYoni the F.mt lunutn. inuiiaaT mnn nu . due To Vanronter Sundays . Tuendaye Thursdays Saturdays C.P.R. Oct, 12 and 23. I'rom Vnnroiivrr Sundays To Anyox anil Alice Arm No' -.1 ll-TWIB Jl " rratays p Saturdays lull CPJt-Oet. 8, 19 and 20. oununjs man ciow wtuiifnuaro 1 ' lYom Anyox and Alice Arn Tlieariava . Aiiurauaya mail our r To Stewart an Premier Sundays Tl Saturdays IP I From Stewart and Premier Sundays 71 Tuesdavi . To Nsas, IHvrr Points- Thursdays From 'Nuns Ulver Points .mall cloiei I Baturdiiva mall rtuc I To" Ah.ka Point a Oct. 8. 19 and 29. From Al.nka Point Oct. 12 and 23. Nov. 2. To iieen Charlotte UUnil Polnta- Oct. 8 and 22. r mm iiuu ro.-.i -as. a I'm Oct. 6 and 20. C.N.R. TRAINS For the East Dally Except Sundays H" From "he East. I Dslly except Wtdhidy