PAE TWO ink DAILY liliWS FOR Sprains Strains Bruises ForSprains and Straina, rub with Painkiller every twohours until pain subsides. Keep injured part at rest, Then wrap bandage soaked in I'ainkiller around affected part; cover with dry cloth, Itenew twice diily until wolL For HruUrs. raise bruUed prt If possible. Apply first, cloths wrung out in ice-cold water, change often to keep cold. Then wrap with bandage soaked in Painkiller. DAVIS LAWRENCE, Mmmmftrtanmp Pkmrmtrmit, Nrw York ami Xfontrrsl The Daily News PRINCK RUPERT - BRFIISII COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. II. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month ......... ...... $1.00 By 'mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $G.OO To all other countries, in advance, per year 57.50 :i;.l.M":iJMJIWIWtT.-JflL-lf;thM, NAVAL HOLIDAY ! ALREADY FACT M I'.tli AS llltKAHMH tlllTh I ON-' I KItNKK C Ct.MI'AIUTIVi: NTIlK.MiTII J Ol I.KAIHMl NWIrK J ! LONDON, March 31, (Canadian Press. In view of the United Bute proposals for ,the further limiutlon of jnaral asmainen the admiralty "Return lot Fleets' for 192? has appeared at an 1 opportune moment. The return shows I how drastically the capital ship ton-Jnage of the leading fleets has been re duced since the Washington Conference. On the outbreak of the war Great Britain alone had 43 Dreadnoughts ready or under "construction. Today the collective Dreadnoughts of tha Seven principal navies barely exceed 6a Only eight battle -cruisers are now 'la i existence, and no ships of this type are building. So far as Dreadnought construction Is concerned the "naval holl-day" Is already an accomplished fact. cuiim:us Taking cruisers first, the British Km plre Is found to hare 14 building, with Transient Display Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 ul"e moTe v1 ,or rlod ena- Transient Advertising on Front Page, per Inch o TZZTLL T Local Readers, per insertion per line 25c LJre wW ,yfntulT cuer. of Classified Advertising, per insertion per word ?. 2c I the so-called -Treaty" class. The num. uegai notices, eacn insertion per agate line ........... l&c'ber of simiur vessels now being bum T Contract Rates on Application. Advertising and Circulation -Telephone - 9S Editor and Reporters Telephone - - 86 All advertising should be in The Daily News Office before 2 p.m. on day preceding publication. ATI advertising received subject to approval. Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. sfsir Thursday, .March 31, 192? STARTLING STATEMENT IS .MADE IN COURT. Not often, even in a courtroom, is such a sensational statement heard as that made by A. M. Johnson, K.C.. on Tuesday in the hear is the United States. Japan. Prance and Italy is 18 while 12 others are projected. In capital ships the Empire has a numerical margin of two over the United Btirtes. though this Is rather discounted by the superior tonnage and lster design of many of the American units. The Empire has also a definite superiority In alreraftcarrlers. But In destroyers and submarines Britain la far below a one-Power standard, and In spite of the current building program ber relative strength In both types of craft continues to decline. A very formidable mass of submarine tonnage la now afoat and on the stocks. The six leading powers have already built or laid down 383 sub- ing of the Sankey application for a new trial. Such statement must 'marines, while 58 additional boat are be proved or disproved for assertions of the kind cannot be made al reontmP,t'd. random unless they are true. They bode serious results for some nklmix ami koiinky either the who makes them In " prent mura the one person or the person or persons at whom they are directed The Sankey case, upon the evidence of STSSSt "TJl which no comments can be made while the matter is still before )be oUting the pennant, of the the the courts, is developing into one of the most sensational in the imost important are the two battleships, history of British Columbia criminal jurisprudence. jNeison and Rodney, which have hither- to been veiled In mystery. They are the BALKANS ARE lint battleships to have geared tur-, LESS WARLIKE. Dlne- designed for an output of 44.- As war clouds gather again over the Balkans, the world re- 000 ,Jip" 23 knoU- "rhl members that the World War broke out over obscure Balkan issues. V? JTL .HT.Z; In the present flare-up between Italy and Jugo-Slavia over the fu- TTel, ture of Albania there elements reminiscent of are those which in!i now revealed as nine i-tn guns. 12 1014 awakened the war gods. je-tiu six 4.7-tn- anti-aircraft nieces. There are the Serbian secret societies, apparently working for'"" 28 smaller guns, with torpedo territorial expansion now as 1hen. There is the autocratic ruler- ' tub "o other warships afloat wui be then Kaiser Wilhelm and now Premier Mussolini determined thatlfc,e to develop. such a tremendous the larger country shall not suffer from the plotting of the smaller. I1"1" oi And there is much the same system of diplomatic understandings L Jinking various other European powers to one side or the other. Ml The thirteen years since Sarajevo have, however, brought great In The Letter Box changes. si t Up to a certain ..... point the old sharp . practices in the iruise'ii ' i .in . . . ii oi -diplomacy continue in the classic style. But when the stage is set for trouble memory Intervenes to make the leaders hesitate ' to go on with the play. Money is scarce, consequences are most (Editor. Daily News uncertain, and there is an organization known the as League of Na- as you have so kindly put in several tions ready to swing enormous influence against the first power jarticies lately in reference to my bui-making a false move. . nss in cow Bay. will you kindly pub-Had international technique not changed since 1914, Italy ',Uh thU tter which is an espitnauon would have picked trouble with Jugo-Slavia Instead of sending jo1 business? ambassadors to Germany to assure that government that Rome is c - ROWt mint nnvinlltt in ilV'nM l n n inrra a a ! K-n mAi'A in I. AlUnnl.. 4 1 I ' With Jugo-Slavia equally anxious to avoid the in' war atmosphere City city of of Prince Prince nupert. Rupert. me uaiKans snoum clear speedily. NEITHER MODEST NOR BEAUTIFUL An echo of the beauty contest discussions is heard from Australia. In North America the season is soon to be inaugurated anew. Except for a few hardy musical comedy girls who pose for the tabloids and Sunday rotogravure sections apparently enjoying a romp .In the snow In their bathing suits;, the beauties have beeq Jn hibernation for some months. And so long as they remain in comparative retirement argument about' the ethics, taste and morality of such contests will languish,, but when they come out again in the spring, conferences on their" manners and characters will begin again. The unseasonable protest from Australia was provoked by the world-tour of "Miss Australia." One conscientious objector denied she was truly representative of the girls of her country, for they are "distinguished by modesty and dignity." The mania for competitions of this sort has grown rapidly. It is world-wide and includes all sorts of absurd rivalries. Winners are thrust into the limelight for no sound reason, and do not stand up well under the publicity they receive. But It is just as absurd to think that the standards of girls who do not enter such public competitions will be lowered or at least confused by the attention which the competitors receive. The public is not fooled and the girl who "doesn't belong" is seldom if ever lured into them. mm FLOUR $K(foswnlWlMleIt?rWll Mlt. HOWO LKTTKK Prince Rupert. Gentlemen: Having noticed In the Dally News Waterfront Whins, that a small build ing that was being put up at Cow Bay, was stopped by reasons of there not ! being a permit. I. have only to state that not having a permit was not any fault of mine as I was up to the ones of the city engineer before I started to build and too kplans and specifications; out was iota mat I mould have to have a special kind ot, roof marked by the Fire Underwriters of B.C. before I could obuin the permit. I left theer and went to my office snd got a copy of the building bylaws, got a carpenter to make out a rough sketch ot plsn. also a specification to cover the by-law, took the plan up to the city office, bad the engineer go over It. and he said It Hannah, I have lived in good old Prince Rupert for eighteen vean. and have always tried to mmd my own business and obey all the laws and never shirk my obligations as a citizen but as the pile are In. too small, I will bow to the law and see that in future the city shall have 1U t. In Now. If the city engineer Is so careful about thow things, why does he sllow so many dilapidated buildings to remain upl There have been several built latety. one close to the bridge, opposite the government warehouse that was r modelled and enlarged and whMti dees not come up to the law Now to put mself right. Isabould like to state that I applied to the ON.R for the lease, lly application,1 waa granted and leas made out o; J am not t res pasting on rjroyertr I Have no, pint to. Gentlemen.' jru want to take into consideration that these buildings that are being built at Cow Bay are not of a permanent riature as all the time we get on them U' a thirty day rental The consequence la tttat It wouldn't pay to build a tlrat-elaos building aa. In the future, no dvubt. the place will be cleaned out and a different class of buildings erected. When that time cornea. I wU .be , pleased to nut up a ftrst-olasa building. In the meantime. I would like to have the same rights and consideration aa the people who have built and are bunding in that part of the city. I am Yours respeetfulty. C O. ROWE. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert MAItril 31, 1917 Sergeant Allan Davles. accompanied by bis wife, arrived in Prince Rupert yesterday afternoon. They were given a hearty greeting. Halibut was selling at more than 17 cents yesterdsy. the highest figure la the history of the Industry on the Pacific coast. V. ' ' ' 'i " On April 1. Oeorte ll. Uunro'wlll take fever the ' grocery business of Oeo. P. MeColt. , ' ., , '... Rev. lit,' MlttheU. 'Vrsi jtertsn minuter at iiaxelton. and Rev. Mr. Dsty of Prince Oeorge were in the city yesterdsy on their way south A Oerman. by the name of Oeorge Hermann, was fined $10 thw mornina by Msgtstrate J. II. McMulltn for no' was allrtaht. I krt him ih I ivrrace ponce wjinin snrf ... -.Hiiin, , ,. ,. . . twelve hours of his anlval there - -. .... w, , wu in said he wanted to consult Mr. LlttW first In reference to guy wire which was on the property. I not having anything to do with the guy wire and. not having time to stop to listen to a discussion that did not concern me. I left. Being In a hurry. I put on a man to do some of ithe work, after getting up the foundation and having the flooring down and An important change In ihe forest service, announced thi week includes SO SHORT OF BREATH SHE COULD HARDLY DO HER HOUSEWORK Mrs. Xslsnn r.... ifltfent rt.4 jthe sidings ready, the city engineer wriieii "1 had heart and nerve. stopped my men. 1 told them to go: trouble, and bream so short of breath on working which they did. Then up) 1 eouli rdlr do mr hou-work, a-d came Sergeant Hannah to see me In! M every little sound I reference to stop building. I may here r" rm " to me, sute that Mr. Hannah u M,f,Ml A friend of mine recommended gentlemsnly and I hold no III feelings! toward him aa he only did his duty.! The city engineer csme also and, when I asked him what waa wrong, he ssidl thst the piles were not up to specif I-j cUons,,lWaajto,thatliiiay sy that1 X bougnvfywl palityeW.pUM .nal did not Use particular notice of them1 as I bought them for 6 inch piles, but' after the matter was called to my at-! tention. I went down tothe buildm highly I got a box of. them and) and found that three piles were only t.ey did wa to much gwod I got th In. at the smallest end. I Intend , , box, and new I am feeling- like to replace them for three new eedari ' ulnersint woman," as posts 8 x a which I trust will suit . "e"rt and Nenro Tills are S0. a - ' vox -t all druffffUti or dtl. &r ;only objection J he made, and -that was' S'S ou,r''iftuot, Pf1 T 'the reaaon he gave me .before' Sergeant ST' UUburu ' L,Uj. Trwt u.,j.JV-rsuo!'. of the llaaelton and Prince Rupert districts R E Allen, district forester at ILasellon. is to be uv :harg with headquarters at Prince lnrtKI. .MniV.UX Central O Olson. U Swanaoo. P. Olrando and Carlo Vltior Vancouver. A. It McDonald. Victors; J A. Butler. Powell River John Miller. Seattle: P. filer. ArMeandlK I. Day. Kamknps: P. Ever-s. MsnaloM. ITIn re Rupert A. Parrow. Vsnaouver; B C. W LHley. Ocean Palls. UOea Donald. Alice Arm. 4,11 or i B. W right. Vsneouver. Aki Babyehuk. city. A raltlnc stone gathers no moss, but a man wno keeps Ms aee too tbx tt it COVKRNMENT LIQUOR ACT.' .oTiti; or ,trrt.irTio inu i.ici;me. NOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN thst on he oth day of April nest the undersigned ii tend to aapty to the Liquor Control oard lor a Uctnee in reaped u premle etng pan of the building known as laasott Inlet Hotel situate at Port lements. Qveen Charlotte Islands. Pro-i nee of British Columbia, upon the sods dosetlbed as hot Five (At. Bloeit orty-tour i4t. Subdivision of Lot eleven undred and fny-ais iHfli. Pon lament Townslte. Ims Thirty-three (33t l ret tram front to joar on west aide of aid Lot, aa shown on a registered map r ptan deposited In the Land Registry tffWe at the city of Prince Rupert in he Prsflaca of British Columbia, and umfetred 1079. for the sale of beer by be glass or by the open botil to enn- i )f at ton on the premises tTED at Prince Rupert. D.C. this in day oi aisrca. vrwi. . WARREN SCOTT. . D L. TIKOLEY. ; I Applicant "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT." MlTH'K OK .U'PLH'ATION 1 1)11 C ON- i m:nt to tiiiNTiii or iii:r.u 1 i i.U'i:Nti: j ! NOTICE .13 HEREBY GIVEN that, on i the Itch day of April neit. the under- 1 : "Igned intends to apply to the Liquor mtnn ra tor consent to transfer or Beer Licence Number 073 and tssuetl in respect of preni1ei being part of a building Known as "Central Hotel." situate ; at tha comer or Pint Avenue and , Seventh Btrot, aty of Prince Rupert, in ; 'be Province of British Columbia: upon the lands described as Lota Eleven fill. Twelve (tai. Thirteen 13), and Fourteen tit). In Bloek Ten HOi. Section 'one 'll.-Usp No. 93S. Prince Rupert Land HeguttaUeu DUtHet, in the Province at British Oolumbls from Peter Blsek to Central Htel, Limited, of the City of Prince Rupert, Province of British Ool-ambit, the transferee DATED at Prince Rupert. D.O.. this ISth nay of Usrch. 19J7 , CENTRAL IKITEL. LI1I1TED Applies nt and Ti sruferet. IN I'ROIIATK, ix tiik ft eiiCMi: contT or iiuithm (Ol.l'MIIIA In the itatter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of llelnrteh Persch. Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Ills Honor. T Men Young, the 28th day of Msrch A.I) 1937. I waa appointed Administrator i with Will annexed i of the e.tate of Helnrtch Ferseh. Decesied. and all parties having claims against the said euate are hereby required to furnish ante. Dronerlr verified, to me on or :before the loth day of April. A D. 1937. snd all partlea tndlbted to the estste are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedneas to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, BjC. Dated the 30th dsy of Msrch, AD, 1937. LAND ACT Rksnt T.nr1tV-iPit nitf- t rsii. -- ' 'v, s v w s guv ii Chsrlotte Islands. TAKE Mrvrir-v thai .. . ... dste. I Intend to apply to .the Chief Commissioner ot Lsnds for a licence to prmprci jrrr cii ana petroleum over oiO acres of land bounded as follows: Commencins at a poit planted at the southwest corner of Beet Ion 36, Township 3. Orahsm hlsnd. and mirked "AJH tniitk...! V. . m .... 80 chains: thsuce north so thslnn theivcf ' ou cnsins; tnrnce soum BO Chains ia point oi commencement. bln Sec-tion 30, Township 3, Orshsm Islsnd. UC A. J. riOUDON. . Locator. Dated Dseimbir 17, t(3fl. Thu,y.Uy, - - . RECOVERY OF TAXES Publication of Names of Persons in Arrears Notlfe U Imrebr friven that purattao' vialorM of Ruction 144-A of th Taxatiot, IticofHP or I'oraonnl I'rnfwrty Ui ttm after the xpirnUfi of two ymrn fn ' upon which nch Uxm lironto delinqorr will b publhihtfd fffvintra cnm.. i. i.s and ndtlrwMt of th- iwrajm liaufr to p " unli a antiKfartory undrUklntf ha '' into with th Provinrliil Co4lctar for th. of an ill arrears. W. 8. FIHIIKK ' Irovinu 1 - m Canadian National Steamships Co. Limi Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Opcnillna (i.T.I'. 20.000 Ton Fliullnx Rrr l,rtfk Rnwinrprm MaelilnlitK. Ihllcrmnkf n, Illakmlth iIcanadianJ Mure Vssitasri mnkTH, Founders, 'oKlworfr. r.u. i:i,i:ctkic and acittyi.kni; wki.iimi. Our plant l equipped to hnmlle all klrnl of MA 1(1 NT. AND COMMRRCIAI- WORK. HIONK8 and 3S5 Canadian Pacific Rail B. C. Coast Service! ' " ' " " '" ---g . , M. "Iflake a change for the better. M your. " case with Winchesters Bo pK -a flllHV SAVE THE POKER HANDS Winchester a Uliid - Wended Oiqarette for 25 Smlinrro from Prince Rupert Tn Vilnrouier. Vktnrla. eallle--llinur) W. wsrrn ii. PUlN('i: iiiiATHiri:. , IUJ. lor llulrdsle. L-.t iw-lla llella. Ocean' ,,. Campion lller, and Vsiiromrr eerv isjtoruajr, u" J . rrfn(,,n C1 Airncy for al) Mleanislilp Lines. W. C. OliCM Will, uenrrsi - upttt U.V of Ith Klreet and Ird Avenue, frln" iiup" Annual Satin-Glo Week On Half OnJIons ions 11 a-sa 1 Oil inn cm '"XL. Onl'lnt' un m"""". . Special 1 Manufacturer (c"UBl t..i. -ui wf.V.M ONi Cash Cash your your dla'eount dlaeount coup-m coupon here. nrrr. Thompson Hardware 2.M Third Avenup. 0