tTfafsiiew wonders in ikeieskMo&k V For that delightful appetizing flavor which makes a dish a real success use St. Charles in place of bottled milk. It's the rich, creamy milk that makes m much difference in your cooking. St. Charles milk is doubly rich. It is pure, fresh milk from which most of the water content has been evaporated. That is why it is so creamy. Try it for soups, sauces, breads, cakes and desserts. Ask for Tall size. FRXE--S. Charlei recipe hook, beautilully illuitrated, Write The Dotden Co. Limited .' Vancouver l ST.CHARLES March 3 1 st Steamship and Train Service 1.JJ7 In the ljisl Day fur Filing Returns of Income Earned During Ttr i s. n .iseil rebates provided at the recent Svtwion of iu 1 . -j. L.turc in resiwcl of married Demons and uetwndenta nay tx; Maimed for thin period. The rebates now in effect are piu follow - ! 'Married pernnsi, itlo widow and widowers with de-.ln:!cnt children. (Where a husband and wife yfy each hnve a ncparatc income, on aggregate rebate . ' on $1,800. Khali be aporlloned between them). .1 31.K00.00 Single persons ami widow and widowers without dependent children SliQO.OO Each dependent fcStitf.OO S: ilnsurnnt'i, I'remlums tin 111 hut not excetMlinir $300.00 Non. resident persons f (only) $1,000.00 A-s c-ois will nuke tm nei-essnry corrections on returns where rebates, as revised, have not been claimed. . An fndividuHl who income does not exceed $600.00 is not required to file a return except upon demand of the assessor. Returns should be made promptly in order to avoid incur- njf enalUe;. The neceary forms and full Information may be obtained pon appli ation to any Provincial Aeor or to the Cornmia- ANADIAN NATIONAL t i III IXIK front IMIINT I III ri.lll I4lf lIMtll U.K. Ill 1 Will i. MX. mill TlllliMiAY mid MM'AV. Il.oo imiivi i tin iv r i' vftti; v vtt t it iirii'V en in i in f iw. (.MHttlL. tl),MOM(l, UIMMI'Mi. Nil (mini I. UlMrril 111411.1, I'nilCtl hUtr. m i; ( awda in cawka n jiihuk i;.u m - im:. M.h OlUAN MTIIAMsillr I.I N KM, I'm CuiuhiUii Nullum. l-Artwt lor M'mry Outers, lorrlrn Clmiur. UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED j tannics i run i rnn r iuiri i lir 1 ,1.1 IP If E.K. 1LIUIIM. flWiiinwii iw., .liri i a.ii, fit... 1 lirmiiii, . tir .i in r.ic. i ii-iinii a. i in i imi iiir. ,ivri nil. nr.. nuiiiriiiiv it ii.m. . iihi .i-iiiif. ii. ni. i ii. iicriu, iiiiif iiuiiriii he Sovereign Life Assurance Co. of Canada Head Office - - - Winnipeg, JIanltoba. 'In, ui 11,1 I If.. A..... I'.. I.. V.. ,11...,., II, II.... f'.. ..... .1.. ..v j,,,v ii.mj i ail vi' v.u. 111 liui iiivi ii . in ii i;,m uiinriu. District Uepresentntlve . P. Tinker - - Second Street Local and Personal Afthuri Taxi. PJjone 878. DC Undrruixcri. Pbon 41. sm-h rrhuilt like new at Mr.titliur' slioi Murr. Today'i train due from' 3:30 will arrive on time. registry oOce there. five I'ltKIMUKIINKSS eat at D17 Jackplne. cedar, birch and cpruce. per double load 90.50; rtngk load (3.C0. Hyde Transfer. 79 "O. A. McMillan, manager of the local dry clock, U making the round trip to Anyox ion the steamer Prince Ueorgfi oh business. He U expected back this erenlng. R. F. McNaughton. C.N.R. dlttrlct pasiienger agent. Is returning tonight from Anyox on the steamer Prince Oflorge sfter short business trip tu the smelter town. Mrs. Julia Harris, colored, Second Avenue, was fined 400 by Magistrate McClymont this morning for an lnfrac tlon of the Government Liquor Act. She pleaded guilty to having liquor In other than a private guest room. Charles Lindsay, late of Harland & Wolfe. Belfast. Ireland, has finished work at the local dry dock and Is pro. cccdlng to Vancouver to resume his old position at the B.C. Marine Railways. He expects however, to be back here soon as he holds great prospects for the north. district and more recently stationed a. Ladysmtth, Vancouver Island, has been appointed to take 'Charge of St. Savior's Church. Victoria West, and will be moving from the coast toin to the Capital City with Mrs. Moss In the near future. for Vancouver en route to Kamloops iwhcre they will make their home. Mr In Texas they tell this one on a eotorcd workman; "Bom." said the darky. "I'd lak to gtt off nrx- Friday iuz a day." ' "What for?" inquired Hogg. "Oot to go to fun'el." "Whose funeral Is Itr "My uncle's." "When did your uncle die?" "Lawd. boss, he alnt dild yet!" Then how do yeu know his funeral Is going to take place on Friday?" "Ce dry's gwlne hang him CI LTI UK "I hear your son's at college.' "Yep." "How'a he doing?" "Putty good. I guess; he's Elks' Minstrel Show. April 13. Daffodil Ball Easter Monday. Anglican April 19. taking three courses. I've lint mlrt out (rn i Tea and Sale of Work, St. George's Day Celebration, April 31. Elks' Balloon Dance, April 22. Tennis Club Ball, Friday, April 20. Established 1U23. Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: to 1 p.m. Any evening by uppointinent DENTIST Exchange lllock. Phone'109 THE DAILY NEWS GETTINGREADY FOR ELECTION ll'Ni: IIV.F.LKCTIOX IX NOKTII OK.X .Mi.tN HI LI. DllAU LIlUlLUSj UP HUTU tflllt: VICTOniA. March 31. With the first test of public opinion on provincial affairs in two years scheduled to take place In North Okanagan In June, British Columbia political parties will soon be on the march again. Following Premier Oliver's announce ment in Ottawa that the North Okana gan poll would be held some time In June, both the major parties will begin preparations for the struggle during the next few weeks. After the Premier's return hire during the next week o: so the date of the poll will be defin itely fixed and meanwhile Liberals of North Okanagan .are arranging for the nomination of a candidate who wUl seek to recapture the seat for the gov ernment. With W. F. Kennedy of Vernon at ready In the field as Conservative nominee, there Is a general expectation among politicians that Dr. K. C. Mac Donald, who held the North Okanagan seat from 1916 to 1921, will come out again as Liberal standard .bearer. Dr. MacDonald Is the best-known public man in the riding, and is regarded aa strong candidate. Following the 1924 election he was taken into the cabinet as provincial secretary, but waa defeated in the subsequent by-election by the late A. O. Cochrane, who .died on December 4 last. I.UtDKIIS TO C.MIIIJX The. North Okanrgan, fight wUldraw leaders of both parties. Members of the government will take an active part In I tv W , T e n -ta,mI. - nw rj,. . ,... - .. Ilio liKill., wucu iiuu. a. , . avujiic u Pted to maite hU tlnt movc this! rector at S.ew.rt and Metlakatla in provincial leaaer id uk iruii-growuig constituency. Under the present election laws, the government may issue the Worth Okan agan writ, ordering an election any time up to July 10, six months from the day when Mr. Speaker Buckham formally notified the provincial sccre taT department of the In 'and vacancy Mr. Mrs. W. J. Lcdlle are leaving h Dri- 4nnUKt i uie ceai. m iTemicr uiiYcr micnaa iq call the poll for some time In June, the campaign probably will get under ...... ,,. , , .. Inm. .Iw.,., fnp Lrdlle who hu been a mrmher of the w 6 P'minary arrangemenU. Land Registry office stall here, has been transferred to Kamloops where he has accepted a similar position In the land WHERE WOMEN SURPASS MEN CAN WIIITK IIOOII NKWS STOIIIKS HI T TIIKIK UKLK Is I.IMITKII TORONTO. March 30. (Canadian Press). "When assigned, to. cover a ! train WTeck. an experienced woman re- porter can count the bodies with the - est 01 men reporters, ana can oe count ed upon by her city editor to turn In a story which Is as accurate, well-written, and aa full of detail and color as one pounded out by masculine fingers," asserted Miss MacPherson. editor of "The Business Woman" lecturing before professional Journalistic Fraternity of Toronto University. -But her field is limited," she continued, "in this rupect. .Assigned to a 'beat.' such as City Hall, she finds her- Greek.!"" at loS5' becllU! meo T" not con- dollars for Latin, ten dollars for and a hundred dollars for Scotch " BUSINESS SUSPENDED IN FAIRBANKS WHILE FUNERAL SERVICE ON FAIRBANKS. March 31. here was suspended for two hours on Wednesday during the funeral servlcca for Edward A. Herring who came north during Oold Rush days and was associated with Alaska newspapers until several years ago when he entered business here. JAMES BEATON IS ! SENT UP FOR TRIAL: i Jiinri IkMlon ConiinUtrd ,y .M.iti-lrale! McClummt Thlt Morning JamcA Beaton, who escaped from the1 Quick, delicious breakfasts QuickQuaker Rare Quaker Oats flavour produced by exclusive Quaker milling. Cooks in 3 minutes. Sealed Cartons Only , ROTARY CLUB NOMINATIONS mi. J, V. MCII(L1. CKDIMiK ICOIIIK AMI U. H. rIMIEK .IKK lUE?l-DKNTIAI, CtMIIUA'rKS The Rotary Club this afternoon nominated officers as follows, the elec tion to take place next month: For President Col. J. W. Nlcholls, George Rorle and W. SFUher. For Secretary S. D. Johnstone and D. C. Patterson. For Treasurer George Rorle and D.; C. Patterson. I For Directors John Do re. Wallace C Orchard and O, A. Bryant. j Market Prices Market prices prevailing here today arc as follows: LA l(l Pure . 250 Comiouud 20c Mill!) B.C. fresh pullets 35c B.C fresh, flrsU 40c B.C. fresh, extras 43c Local new laid 50c ns.ii Halibut, lb 20c Salmon, cohoe, frozen 25c Smoked kippers, lb 15c Kippered salmon, lb 25c Smoked black cod. lb. 22'c Finnan haddles, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c ! Eastern salt herring, 3 for Silt tudll&h fillets, lb Boneless salt cod bricks, MKATS Fowl. No. 1. lb Roasting chicken, lb. ... lb. 25c :oc 20c 35c .45c Ham. sliced, first grade 55c Ham, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb Cottage rolls, lb 21c 35e .......... 60c 40c to 55c 36c 35c IMMEDIATE SALE MODERN WOmeu excelled the feature story where Mutton, chops 40c roomed house, with bathroom, their trreater care In choosinir etietlv ; Mutton shoulder SOr breakfast WANTED. nook, fireplace. floors and large basement. Fifth Avenue East. Bacon, back, sliced ... Bacon, side Pork, dry salt Ayrshire bacon, lb. ... Veal, shoulder 25c Veal, loin 40c Veal, leg 40c Pork, shoulder 28c Pork, loin 40c Pork, leg 40c Beef, pot roast 12 He to 18c Beef, boiling 10c to 12- fide in her. discuss stories with the same j Beef, steak 25c to 40c lack of restraint. She comes aa a rather ! Beef .roast, prime rib 30c ts4Sffft pleasing Interlude in their, day's work. I Lamb, chops 50c TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY 'iaV " a" " .uiacr c graduate hearers was to confine them-1 Mutton, leg 40c V, VW . VT. V. B .Ut ... W ' Ml I . u, IVg .....,.,..... 1UV hardwood the word to expres the desired meaning 1 IIUTTEK Apply 719 placed them above par. 77 OIRL FOR OENERAL Phone Red 441. 78 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS Bt. Andrew's' Society Ludlcs Auxiliary Easier Sale, April 6. Hospital Auxiliary Tea In St. Andrew's Itooms, April 0. iBrookricld, Shamrock aud Woodland. lb 50c Ie.CD.. lb . ; 60o (Capital, 2nd grade, 2 lbs.. SSc iFrascr Valley, lb 65o New Zealand, lb 55c , CHKfcSU Ontario solids 30c Stilton, lb 35c Business I Kraft 45a Norwegian a oat 65c Napoleon Llmberger 70c Roquefort 75c Swifts' Buttercup, lb 45c Oorgonrola, lb 75c McLaren's Cream, Jars .... 45c aud 85c Oruycrc 45c SIS H'ltOHMK or imiTlstl COI.l M111A DEPARTMENT OF LANDS HMIKST IIKAM'II city jail and cpturcd by the pro. . vlnclal police at Inverness cannery, was1 Tenders will bo received by the un committed for trial by Magistrate 'Mc- dcrslgncd up to 5 pin. Friday. April Clymont this morning. He Is charged ,or repair and reconditioning I with unlawfully escaping from custody. ' Launch Alpine Fir. Launch may be In- j jspeetcd on pontoon at Prince Rupert) W i:TIIKIt ItKI'OllT. I Dry Dock. Plans and specification may i Prinoe Rupert. Clear, calm, temperature. 41. Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 37. ttosswood.Clear, windy, temp. 30. Alyaiush Clear, windy, temp. 33. Alice Arm. Clear, north ,wlnd. temp. 35. Anyox.Clear, calm. vterhp. 32. Hazel ton.Clear. calmV'temp. 30. Telegraph Creek, Clear, calm. temp. 20. Smlthers. Clear, calm. temp. 33. Burna Lake. Clear, calm, temp. 32. Whltehorse.-Clear, calm, temp. 13. 8tewart RlverCloudy, calm, temp, 10, Advertise ir The Daily Hews be examined at the office of the District ! onstibation . DEMAND PA3B THREE 107 "Rupert Brand" -Kippers- THE DAINTIEST BIIEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & 0 Storage Co., Th. I'rince Kupert, 15.C. Store We arc the Sole AKents for the ORIGINAL TOILET LUXURIES Dy MORNY 201 Hejfent Street, London. "CHAMINADE" "JUNE ROSES" "MYSTERIEUSE" "VIOLETTE MORNY" "ROSE VERVE1NE" . These famous Perfumes and Powders are used In every Court and capital of Europe. Their rare quality and enchanting fragrance have won them the approval of society women both in Europe and America. We have the Perfume. Toilet Water, Face Powder, Lip Salve, Dath Salts, Dath Dusting Powder, Soap for the bath, and Shaving Soap in wooden bowls. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists Three Registered Pharmacists 3rd Avenue and 6th Street Phones 82 and 200 HE'S HERE Having arranged with the Hoover Co. to fend us a demonstrator, we are now In a position to show you the difference between the Hoover and an ordinary vacuum clearer. Demonstration will be made right in your own home for the asking, starting Monday, March 21st. Just phone S, and we will do the. rest. The Hoover is sold on very easy terms. Kaien Hardware Co. Forester. Court House Prince Rupert Bids should alio include statement of time required for completion which will be a factor In awarding contract. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. R. E. ALLEN, District Forester. Prince Rupert. 30th March. 1927. DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application Inr (Iruflitr I'rrinlts (r the bctiMMi of 1917. Application fdT permits to graze livestock on the Crpwn ranges within aay grazing district of the Province of British Columbia, must be filed with the District Forester at Fort Oeorge, Kamloops. Nelson. Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the: District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands 1 at Victoria, B.C. O. R. NADEN. . Deputy Minister of Lands.' Department of Lands, Victoria. BC i January 4. 1927. NOTICE Under and by virtue of the provisions of Section 38 of the "Mineral Act." notice la hereby Riven Messrs. Malcolm Smyth, Edmund Langls. Hsrold Hansen and Albert Moore, that there Is owing : o the. undersigned for Assessment Work performed on the CordUla Group of Mineral Claims, Princess' Royal Island. Skeena' Mining Division, the sum of j 1393.88, and that unleas aald persons pay1 proportionate share of the cost of such Assessment, together with all costs of advertising, etc, to the undersigned as tsuieaaie, a.c on or oetore May 12, 1927. application will be made to the Oold Commissioner, Prince Rupert. B.C.. o nave ineir respective interest! in ins trttn mentioned Mining Group o( Mineral Claims vested In the under. si; led. DAVID CORDILLA. JACOB EOSEI. vm i wever? KfJOW W)AT SPRING WILL iwu'iu1.1 , . r-i.',, "v .iv f Don't get caught napping Old Man Winter's likely to Spring a surprise any day. Just when you think he is casing up, he jumps out and snaps his cold fingers at you. If you want to put the lid ' on Winter once and for all go to the phone and give us a cull. NANA1MO i WELLINGTON COAL and McLEOI) RIVER SOOTLESS In Lump, Stove, Egg and Nut Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order. In our shop as low as ......... $50 223 Sixth Street