a) a “s acts of violence. rhe decision was tab 01 z Hc motion urging the anr actice We can 5 ing of the Magistra ence by adminis- r cp n t 4 p Oo! violence . : i leg hi 446 a ul Templewood, chair- « TEST naval officers and cientists concerned with Britaly first rtomi ist he power {f the i h issociation and € Mon Bello islands off Australia are shown together aboard HMS npose senten { upj iu everal reference €: Dr. O. M. Solandt chairman, Canadian defence committe. i vole wa 19 to 166 A nt ubject, said in-j felbourne University: Dr w G Penney Britain: Rear Admiral A Dp Thea tior io | ¢ hot something | (x } ier of the Campania WA 8 Buteme cniet j ul of nh indignay Ontined to Britain. | ent of supply and development; Dr. L. ©. ‘Tyte, Ministry of 1 mu ally | eee “athe tor Pee : ities ” virited de n the H pre than in London agai ates rie pl fallacy of claim : ives to deal relen « 1 f the 1948 act had TERRIBLE BATTLES WAGED BY BOTH SIDES error’ which has swept the|led to an increase of crime in| ————— ountry Sritai 1952 ‘ , . Mover of the resolutior 1 ji has been widely said Hills Korean War Ss Bloodiest Theatre Marron of Eecle id aves that the new methods are too tances den iction | lenient lord Templewood } Owerlng ridges that curve in-| corridors for the Ching i. Srowing menace of bruta at fault but the fact that they | b ward to 4 central crest. Its top 3. Somedey, if the UN stec rune Razor picycie chain sie nat being fully eae aoe ise8 3,500 feet. Its Korean name,| launch a new general offensiy *ACK-JaCKs and even sten . ; ed immedi te ied n tol Osongsan, derives from its five| itself to taking Osong in Were all-too-often used by law ’ ‘Oe ae rages and means “five in one! fronta pusn, the seizure of the cakers who could not be d tere Cece an intain ridgeline now unde attack | “erred by normal punishment resent cas To the Chinese it is “Fiye| would be a logical preparatior W. Provost of Birmingham fo : Ww : 0 per pore gene ws Finger Mountair and to them|As for taking Osone would Said the records proved that ; saat Seta ger a a " ae . ; : an ase brute force treated leniencs _ 7 na the provin t + Communist Gibraltar | give he allie ai the advan ‘ : ‘a! police 12 per cent ; Ki rhe allies are on both the south-| tages for a northern with contempt. The hardened : : } : . ban fy ¢rimina] cared nothing about : wonder that the astern ridges leading to the/| that ow offer ne 4 Ww neve ‘ Soh tself and about haif|nists f outhern push corrective training or two to | se gees hg never Wal way un the lee é Buch beitt ik aes three years imprisonment. p an ariit into de ain 6 a ie severe punishment was the | linquen rime? he asked. | Ju ft the Sphinx's right|@lthough costly to the al 8 only answer Kumhwa Junction, once|@re probably even more co — ; ws ; ; tet |to the Chines: ines Red B he resolution w cde au provincial « apital, | © ¥ “e . ; cribed as “barbarou Char now a flat pasture st use their men's bodies ik - = h es mmt t te ded Wy it Pe Y wr f K iwa is without wats and ee stack aha eats r- Parliament for Salford place—the exact strategie cextn |attacks POO BARBAROUS vy i 5-mile Korean front eee It is @ revesion to the the most economical enamel of the most important A e al i al © ant a | positions in Korea irman Bac for a tooth.” he said. “] prcens NO. PRIMER) mds, a river and a railroad * i Vena OY with bax Pr nmanding | thas may someday run again. | Canadian ane Ridge and Oo is the eastern anehor H nese two | of the central Korean plain that . Aities have Known as the Iron Tflangie Fi in Jets "4 , vARC, Sway ricl heid half by the United y ig morning | Nation and half by the Com ond is net uni NORTH LUFFENHAM Mr important than that land €P)Sqdr. Ldr. Cal Bric | ‘Sumnnwa is the Seoul invasion; of Grenfell, Sask omn i B Way on the northeast, just of the R.CAF N 43 | ‘ Kaesong is the northwestern ror yack at the } : nd Chorwon the Yon 3 t ft if | Vijongbu Corridor—~is the absen of near f ; in tom route from the north Last May the 3 f { } AY nemy force that take et u wi K hwa can also, if it chooses, qy from ( uth into central Korea! fenha) i i h Chunghon over a some frog but | fied what mor difficult routs appendicitis et The object of this bloody He insisted ! } Line ‘| battle is not altogether clear, |, ynpleted the ury y | and even some higher officers Luffenhay inde ( | ' mvelved in the fight find it ervision difficult to explain concisely Brich wartime 5} ' That does not mean that the soe and the first R.C.A} id UN is fighting for fighting’s | ;,, fly a jet fighter across sake, but it does mean that Atlantic, recently underwent me ‘uching there are so many possible uccessful operation. On his fir W , King seuth reasons that it is hard to select day back in the air. he 6 ind heavy the most important ones, nearly two hours’ flying tin N a high, In There are at least four majo S r me lean eat reasons for the assault to Lhe led paws i ‘ taking leh we allie to Osong's bulk \ ry) uw the enemy hold song, Kumhwa is not safe If the enemy should hold ! wer leg and Or Seagram's ans ‘ae V7 Whisky INFERNO by Havoc-Bon Ino “runer of the 1905 KING’S PLATE Ridden by Phillips under the ‘gram colors, TIME 2:12, Dist. 114 mi. & Seagrain’s one/é Sure _/ Plate h * [Vertisement is P SOntrel Be not published or displayed by : ard or by the Government of British Columbia. | Thursday, November 6, 1952 », Chinese Abandon Hope of Far East Burial | VANCOUVER (CP) Vancou wa © GA sets of bones,; sociation We would have to oP ver’s oldest Chinese have prac 1150 i for the long jour- get permission from the Red tically abandoned hope that | ne China which may now government of China to ship tneir bones wiil be buried in|} ne ‘ ad ;the remains to that country, China 1 “iader people now expect! and they probably would refuse At present, two bodies are! the Wil be buried in Canada,” | because they are not interested preserved in an undertaking! said Foon gj, n, head of Van-|in that sort of thing.” parlor here, and in a Victoria | couy Chinese Benevolent As tr ET Aa MTS B: LONDON (CP) ishment for crimes invols ing Mars from all parts of the United against re-introduction of the Hal} y EDWIN S. JOHNSON Krafts new Parkay spreads smoothly Comes in ; quarters ‘even when ice cold! Slices into neat pats— spreads smoothly on fresh bread the instant you takeit from your refrigerator. Getsmooth- spreading Parkay FOIL WRAPPED FOR FRESHNESS! . at your grocer’s today! tip Wi VMI Vda y Ve S UY Yj Kingdom have voted sh as a form of pun- Magistrates Vote Against Use | Of Lash in British Penal System 500 magistrates “Also, we no longer have shin | connection from British Colum- bia to China and to tranship would be too expensive for most families,” he said. Sien said only the ver y old people are interested in being buried in the Par East anyway | . —— re THINK DIFFERENTLY | “The young people have the! same views das any other Canu- dians,” he said. Sien explained crimination met Chinese in B.C ef the desire go home” in death. They would return to their homeland when they had enough money to live there com- that the dis-| by the first was the origin to fortabiy or at least re turn to dic Some never did «et enoug! money, he said, but these wanted their bodies to be in their native village In the 1930s the Benevoien Association and the Ming Yung Association started a scheme remove all the Chinese to the Par East. "Thou ands were shipped at $16 to $18 per set. The iast shipment went in 1937 Then came the Japanese War. the Second World War, the Civil War and now the Korean War The bones remain on this side of the Pacific Ourlea bones of elder Try Daily News Want Ads Pop a new refill roll into your empty Hand-e-wrap carton. You save the cost of a new contsiner every time! down through the United States | SAVE WITH HAND-E-WRAP REFILLS One cheese sandwich can look just like another but the flavor can be deliciously better, thanks to hearty Chateau! 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