PAGE SIX Agreeably aged, smooth, fragrant congenial com pany anywhere Is Tins ailvtilisi'iru'iit Is tiol jiulilixlicil or displayed by Hie Liipiur liiinlrol Hoard or by the tiiivcriiiiifnl of llrilisli Columbia, DRYGOODS SPECIALS Ladies' Dimity Slips, all shadt'3 83c Ladies' Rayon Slips, all shades $1.00 Ladies' liroadcloth Slips, all shades $2.25 Ladies' Satinelte Slips, all shades $2.50 Ladies' Rroadcloth Uloomers $1.2.", I-;idies' Cotton Uloomers 30c Ladies' Dimity liloomers, all shades 63c Gent's Flannel Shirts, yood quality $2.30 Gent's Serge Pants, extra quality $3.50 MUSSALLEM'S 123-117 Fifth Ave. East I'hone '8- Phone 81 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes and poor glasses are a pitiful- combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If-your present glasses do not suit your eyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Extort ser- A. E. IRELAND Graduate Optometrist 310 Third Avenue. Opposite G.YV.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch and Spruce Per double load $0.30 Per single load $3.30 Per sack 30c Firelighters, 18 for $1.00 delivered All classes of Coal at dealers' prices. HydeTransler 130 Second Avenue Phone 380 Night or Day WK WHY ROTTLES Dr. Alexander Smith Klock Phone 575 DENTIST C.N. OPERATORS ARE CHAMPIONS t OMI STOUAIir; ix nun. 11AHK E riXAI. LAST NHillT IIV M'OIIK Ol' IT TO 10 Canadian National Operators defeated Cold Storage In the second game of the Crlbbftge League finals last night by a score of 17 to 10, thus winning by two 1 games straight the Dawson Cup em. iblematlc of city crlbbage championship. A social event will be arranged for the near future when the trophy will be presented to Its new holders. The Daw-son Cup, which is a perpetual trophy, was held In 192J by the Dry Dock and last year by the Orange lodge. The games were played In the Empress Hall and the finalist teams were as follows: C.N, Operators Fred Wermlg, .captain: H, Skattcbol. R. E. Jimn a n Ollllcs. H. It. Hill, and A. Mcintosh. lPelfr ChTl Ocor Cold Storage- -Fred Orlmble. captain; i DLorme' C J, Norrlngton, Duncan Kennedy. Week-end Specials Feed Lines at Clearance Prices. We have transferred our Feed Agency to another agent and the few sacks we have left will be cleared out quickly. Phone jour Order early Ogilvle's Kgg Mash, er sack $3.20 Ogilvie's Scratch Feed, per sack $3.23 Feed Cornmeal, per sack . . $3.00 Ogilvie's Kran, per sack $f.8." Ogilvie's Shorts, per sack $1.93 Whole Karley, per sack .... $2.00 Karlcy Chop, per sack $2.10 Feed Oats, per sack $2.."0 Oat Chop and Crushed Oats $2.C0; Peek Frcan's Shortcake, In bulk. Special, per lb 13c i Combination Deal, $1.00 1 only large package Solvenc Washing Powder and 1 dainty Brown Teapot. Solvene is a soan flake iut mi Itoyal Crown Laundry Soap, C bars in package. Special 23c Del Monte Canned Spinach, 2'j's. Special, 2 for 13c Jutland Sardines, with key opener. -r- Special. 3 for Kidgeway's S O'clock Tea. 3 lb. tins. Special $2.10 MEAT DEPARTMENT Fresh Keef Sausage, per lb. , . 1 5c Hound Steak, per lb 23c Sirloin Steak, per lb , 30c Fresh Shrimps, per lb 23c Fresh Crabs, 2 for 35c Fresh Fruits and Vegetables California Grape Fruit. 3 for 23c Large KIpe Rananas, 2 lbs. for 33c Head Lettuce, 2 for 23c Fresh Spinach, 2 Jbs. for , . 33c Celery 23c and 33c Fresh Tomatoes, per lb 35c EXTRA SPECIAL 200 lbs. Cottage Rolls, regular 35c per lb. Special this week-end. per lb 25c Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 SPORT CHAT Che Maple Leafs basketball team arc g3lng to have a contest tor the posses-1 slon of the Mllburnc cup this year which, la desirable from every point of Tlcw. Little U known In the city cf the strength of the championship team from Anyox. but It Is known that basketball has been a very popular sport In the rraclter town. The next few daya will probably see thy Maple Leafs Indulge fn a few hard practise matcher as. after their strenuous games In Smlthers. they can hardly let the silver ware go to the smelter town without real contest. TWjIrs of two fames should all ,ii cty..clty houses. This week, and next sees the finish of the hockey season with the amateur 'championship games being played In Vancouver and the professional championship to be decided next week In the east. The season seems to have been very successful from the point of view ot patronage by the fans although Ottawa team Is reported to have lost NAVK.'ARLE WATERS PKOTEC-!no1 c?ur "und thcm nl the "c,u i.v th nl.l n.,tM, rv rw .,. Act rirnnaitrd deposited with with ih. the Minister vnm.,., ot , contains contains as as much much v of 2 for 23c lines. THE DAILY NE7TB Thur dav ft 'BEST TEA Kelsey and 4sf supevic1-especially UOSltt Joe ' Introduction of professional hockey on the American side has. on the whole, been a great success from the financial point of view and next season will see more clubs seeking 'frsnchUes In the hu circuits. The Pacific coast will again be a factor In professional games next season with three American clubs and Vancouver In new league. On the prairies, there U talk ot a complete reorganization of the hockey schedule as last season's brand of hockey did not create much enthusiasm. Changes In football rules In recent years, though provocative of deterntfned opposition, have doubtlessly been generally helpful to the game. New methods of play have made It easier for spectators to follow the elusive pigskin and reduced the risks of the game. Danger of broken legs and nwi add thrills to tike snort, but there was crowlns u:) pronounced opposition to a style of play that made serious bodily Injury highly probable. But the greatest advantage that has accrued to the game was In the opening up ot play, with consequent Increase In appeal to the public. The open style plsy it by far the most pcc-tacular and It is )n search of the spectacular that millions jam stadiums, bowls and grandstands tn the fall. money and one or two of the American ! teams are not satisfied with either' Krw chanjrs in rules to go Into effect their teams or the support gtven. The i n"t ,0l,0W lh "me Une- wuh mic gui jkib ei AoacK scrimmages win fm I an Ta" aai 1 1 wn A mh I matches. Fans have long demanded II si' (iiiTiir lit the limitation naw nlaecd on the tune' William J. Crawford hereby glvei no- teams may take 'out for consultations tlce he has, under Section 7 of the satd ' K.hiH k. , ., . .., behind the Hue of scrhnmage. But the nrkfc at Dttam-a ind in t nm ' most lmrjortsnl and rfrhatahl InnMra. value as 12 pkga. j of the District Registrar of the Land'tion u the rule taking the threat out Prince Rupeit. B.C.. a description of the ot lhe ,umole- Funl cost and win site and the plans ot wharf nroDosed 1 games and are productive of msnr Lot 4M7U Dis?ie!hf cVr nkl oa ! Pf cul.r run,. However, to deny the And take notice that after the explra- ! cPPln8 tn the right to take of one month from the date of pub- I tage of the other' fumbles will tend Ucatlon Of this notice William J. Cnw. ford will under Section 7 of the ssld Act. to make the game more, rather than apply to the Minister cf Public Works lnM- Pctacular. If IV la not to be at bis office In the cltv of Ottawa for ' nenslixed for It rumMra ih u,.n 23ci?PProvat of the site snd plans, and m.r . ft .n m-r. .n ..m. r. n t ..... ... ... I leave to construct the al d wharf ' - ' anowuahe or una iose rasiry i Dated at Stewart. B.C. this 3rd day of n lhlt hat the fan want s. Graham or Whole Wheat Flour, !- 10 lb. sacks 59c; Ogilvie's Cornmeal, 2 lb. package ! W. 3 CRAWFOHD. IN PKOIJATE in 'IN THE MTIU.MI; COIUT -' UltlTIMIi i fin i'ti)i l D.C. Fresh Pullet Ekks. 3 dozen) In the Matter' ol ihe AdmlnUtrttlon i r, - ' Aci: ana i ;APRIL 7 AND 8 ARE SUGGESTED AS DATES BASKETBALL SERIES . . . . . I s vase bitc Ul v i CU - ' (Lvery egg iruaranteed new laid) Nelson. Deceased, intestate .. A..,.t,t. n..ii rii.i n..-..j i. ! TAKE NOTICE that bv trder of Ilia' ",e executive .ku -uiiu uacuii, i Honor, F. McB. Younjr. the 8th day of decided to suggest Thursday machine sliced, per lb. ... 33c March. ad Lard in .bulk, 2 lbs. for .... 33c i ?J2to..2 last night April 7. 1927. I was appointed Ad-1 and rrtdav Atrll 8. a suitable datra )f Fred NeUon. i . .. . . deceased, and all nsrtie. i h.vm. rt.i w lne oa-aevoau gajne oeiween in. boneless Cod Fillets, smoked, perslnt tbe said Eatate arc hereby requ r- Prince nupcrt Maple Leafs and Anyox I" 23c "fff"",I.:7- ? Northern B.C. llle. chnplon me on or before the 21st of (A real treat. Try some!) ' Nova Scotia Turkey Salt, Codfish, 2 lb. bricks, each 33c White Cooking Figs. Special, 4 lbs. for . . . 33c 2-in-l Shoe Polish. Siccial. 3 tins for 23c (Colors: Iilack. Iirown, Tan, Ox-blood or White). 2-in-l Floor Wax, 1 lb. tins. Spc-. cial, each 3'Jc Ensign Cocoa, li lb. Special, each package. .... lUc Combination Fruit Special, I tins for J3c Your choice of the following lines: Malkin's Pears, 2's Ensign lied Plums, 2Vi's Saanich Loganberries, l's, tall Malkin's Apricots, l's tall Malkin's Peaches, l's, tall Quaker Ited Pitted Cherries, 2' King Kcach Uoyal Anne Cherries, day AprU, A.D. 1927. knd all nartlra lnrirhtri ti h. snip. estate are required to pay the amount The secretary. Ralph Smith. de-of their indebUdneMmetortwiUi. p.tcfied a wire asklnj confirmation of Official AdmlnUtratcr. : tbeM! d4te 80 th,t rrBngemenU may Prince Rupert. B.C. te made for the series. If the dates iwtHfl tne aist day of March. A.D. 1027. ; pro nosed are sulUble for tbe Anyox KANKKUITCY ACT ! p!ycrs. It Is eicted that they will airlve from the north on the Prince fcsT.sTK l' WM. MOItdW. I.IX KK. Oeorge on Thursday night and proceed ruui, in ., m iii(M(i,ki AssKiNott to the hall for the first gme. In the Tenders will be received by the under- Ttnt of tnlrtl m b,n ery signed up to and including April 1st; to decide the championship and the .r&re.t W&rt ,0' the consutlnn of Groceries. Hardware. Drues ye,r- " wl" Pbblr be played on and Drygoods. Inventory of Block may Saturday night and the Anyox players s"een at 'the .5 sto?e or" a ,TS? tt,S reHtUrn th" itMm" of the Canadian Credit Men's Trust As-Ic,uu Sundsy night. socistion. Vancouver. Be. Highest or! In addition to arranging for the i -n ' p!S'..... I games, the executive also considered Prince Rupert. B.C. ' providing entertainment for the visitors Bargains FOR THIS WEEK 'lib. till Malkin's Rest Strawberry Jam for G5c, with 8 packages Quaker Corn Flakes for $1.00. All for $1.C5. 2 lb. Creamery Kutter in bulk for 93c with a C lb. pail Silver Leaf Lard. The 2 for 52.00 50c pkg. Som-Mor Gruham Wafers; 1 C5ci'pkg;$ Supreme Coffee. 4mT 'Ihe 2 for $1.00.- . w Fresh Milk Dally Delivered B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 (while they are In the city. It is expected that an answer will : be received sometime today and then , further plans for the series and enter tainment will bo considered by the executive. SOtlAL IN HONOR OF MR. AND MRS. J. W. LEDLIE LAST NIGHT Last night after the prayer meeting servlc in tlie Baptist Church, a social hour was spent with Mr. and Mrs, W J. Lcdlle as honored guests. On behalf of the members of the congregation, Mrs. J. D. Thurber presented to Mr. and Mrs. Lediie allver cake plate and expressed the rrgret of numerous friends at their 'departure from the city. Mlas Agnes', Dswson also spoke and extended the ibest wishes Ot all to sjjtht guesu In their departure for Kam- loops. . t , Although very much taken by iur-prise. Mr. and Mrs, Ledlle both thauked their friends for the gift and expressed regrets that It m necessary for them to leave Prince Rupert. Mes-dtmes Mastln and Miller aang solos and Mr. and Mrs. Ledlle a duet. Titers were over forty friends present. Advtrjbt l3;UtaYiDaUy; Ntws. SCOTCH SHIPOWNER OFFERS BIG GIFT TOUNIVERSITY ED1NBUKOII, March 81. (Canadian Press!. Thomas Cowan, a retired shipowner,' of Lelth, has offered 113,000 tupplementsry to previous gilts, to en able Edinburgh University to implement a schchie for providing a residential hostel for male stuje,u. Previously Mr. Cowan had contributed tlO.000 for the same object. In appreciation of the work the students .performed during the General Strike. The gift Is most welcome as the absence of any provision tor communal life has long been considered a drawback to the efficiency of Fdlnburgh University, which draws students from all part of Orest Britain and the Dominion. ' iKi:i.t: laroitr. S a.m. D1C1DY ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer 39.80; temperature. 41; am. ji.ooih: 7 a in. spoke tug Lome towing berge Biacayene abeam Hodgson reef, bound for Alice Arm. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 23.-5t, temperature. 43. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer 20.13: temperature 40; moderate swell; 10 pin. spoke steamer Calais. left Alert Bay southbound; 8 um. spoke tug Cape Scott, abeam San Josef Bay. NOON DIOBT ISLAND. Clear, calm: baro meter 30.80; temperature SO; sea. smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer 30.- 50: temperature 47. BULL HARBOR,- Part cloudy, light northwest wind; barometer T)M: tem perature 43; moderate swell. AdvettlM to the Dalit News NAVKiAKLE WATER PROTEC TION ACT, 11.X.V. I ll I IS. MASSETT CANKERS. LIMITED, hereu. give notice that It hat, under Section Seven or aald Act deposited with the Minuter ot Public Works at Ottawa, and at the office of the Dutrtct Registrar ol the Land Registry District ot Prtnce Rupert, at Prince Rupert. B.C. a de-vrfption of the lt and plans ot the nan sua pier proposal to o DUUl on the Masnelt Indlsn Reserve. Number One. on Uraham Iilsnd. Province ol British Columbia AND take notice that alter the ex- f lrstlon of one month from date of tlx irst publication of this noike. UsMtt Cannera Limited wUI. under Section Seven of said Act, apply to the Minuter oi ruoiic woru at nia ortire in tbe City of Ottawa, for approval of site and puns ana lor leave to construct aald harf and pier DATED at Prince Rupert this 3th day of February. !M7. MASSETT CANNERS. LIMITED. Br Its Solicitors. Williams. Msnson it Oonzales WATER NOTICE NOTICE IS HEREBY OIVEN that Hl Honour the Lieutenant-Oorerm.r ol British Columbia, by and with the advice of His Executive Council, has been plested to order: THAT Ihe reservation of the unrecorded water of Browns River and Me-Knlgbt Creek, tributaries of Ectall River, established pursue nl to Order In Council Number SOS approved the 13th day ot June. 1031. be cancelled. The cancellation of the said reservation win be effective on April lth. 19TT DATED IhU 11th ilay of March. 137 T. D. PATTULLO. , Minister of Lands IN PRORATE, IN Tilt: M I'ltliMK Ol KT Ol' llltlTIMI tOI.1 Mill In the Matter of tbe Administration Act; and In the Matter ot tbe Estate of August n Norlln. deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of ill Honor r McB. Young, the 38th day ol Msrch. A.D. 1037. I was appointed administrator of the estate of August B. Norlln. deceased, and all nartlra h.un.. claims agalnat the said estate art her-bt miuirm w lurmsn same. properly verified, ta me on or before the lth dsy of April. AD. 1037. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness t., me forthwith. NOrtMAN A WATT. Official Administrator Prince Rupert. Il.C Dated the 38th dsy of March. A.D. 1037 IN PRORATE. IN Tllli M I'ltKMC fVllitT Ol' 111111111 COIX.MIII A In the Matter ot tht Administration Act: and tn the Matter of live Estate of Joseph Y Bowman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that bv order of His Honor, r. Men. Young, the 34th dsy of Pebrusry. A.D. 1037. I was appointed Administrator of the eatate of Joseph K. Bowman, deceased, and all parties havlntr claims a.rlnBt. K- 1.4 ... hereby required to furnish same, pro-i perly verified, to mt on or before the 34th day of March, A.D. 1037, and as.Il i hartles Indebted tn ti ... quired to .pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Offlclsl AdmlnUlrator, ... ... Prince Rupert, BO 1037 X rebrUry A D Dr.J.R.Gosse DENTIST IlelKcrnon Klock X-Ray Service. Open Phono CSC. George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Pliont S7 t!3 Herond Avenue VTeit, Prince Rupert . wiuilll iln sloncr cr liOth um, SPECIAL SHOWING Restmor Overstuffed Chesterfields Cootl for the "Rcr of Your Life. It' the Inner construction that InnuriM ... :. ervlcconly the beat of maturiftla art uW M, u., The beautiful eorcrlnjra of mohair and t,. I lectetl for thuir hnrmony,of cotr mid deniKu ii ture. .MADE KV SKILLED WORKMEN AND (Jl U,sXrr Remember, n (iuaranlce i only as jjokI at lhe firm Sullen .Made tor Order in 15 dayn' time ' ' On display at I Barries Home Furnisli 3rd Avenue and s Street WESTHOLME THEA1 TONKiHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "The Great Deception REN LYON, AII.EEN PRINt.l. RASH, KMII7 i HARDY, HURERT WII.KK. ( IIARLOTTK and noted MACK SENNET COMEDY "THAT (iOSII !). MORTOA'JFr Admission AESOP'S VMM KARLES Dr. Jos.. Maguire . Over Ormes CROWN,' BRIDGE nd PLATES EXTRACTION OF TEETH Thone 22.. Ry nn Expert. Sunday Appointments. II DENTISTRY Open E't" It: IMPORTANT of NOTIC All TrudcH, liuHlnrMKCH and rrre--l,",' inu-st le registered hefore April 30lh. Notice In hereby jfiveu that, pursuant to sufr'1 "J .Si.cllnn r.-m nf T,,v,,iin Art. every person . i.. i rrs I .. iiiiiini'N ui ' in, carries 'nvo on, sii, ui or practices I'liitviLea any u i irauu, - i"" . , , fh l- l , fi i. obtnln i.inin from from tne iimi"' the Province U required to Air ' w of Income Tax a Certificate of Ketflstration K)Z7. Application should ie m' ' . jned. if Ausic-ssor, from whom full Information m..j - - iltV!v lirtrninu ...Ml l. !....... I ...Ml.,,l IV, (IllVmCnt 01 ill J llV .; ....vo.VD 1l VV IHBUl'U ITIlllUUI, H' l' . Jffll" Default In complying with the provision- o m lenders the nerson liable, unon summary conv cu" . of $10.00 for each day during which his ".. default e" Application Ion forms forms mav may anv VtW be obWineuiiv... Assessor, novernmcnt ARent, Provincial i oi i from tho Commit mlssloncr of Incomo tax,