PAGE SIX rfci Perkctionut ourWish is Due to QYeavs Experience (?ooderhamM6rts PrRYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liiiior Control Ityart'l or by the Government of British Columbia. Mussallem's MeatJWarket Pork Chops, Shoulders, per lb ,'. . . 25c Loin Pork Chop, per lb. 33c Side Pork, per lb 22c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. .. 55c Hound Steak, 2 lbs -15c Mutton Chops, per lb. . . 33c Lamb Chop3, per lb 40c Veal Chops, per lb 23c Veal Steak, per lb 23c Pork Sausages, 2 lbs. for 33c All kinds of Fish, Smoked and fresh. Mussallem's .MEAT MARKET 41 Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. ' Present neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hlrch and Spruce Per load JG.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack , 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 131) Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE.IiUY DOTTLES.' LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone C3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. SETTLERS ARE ON INCREASE IllltlH'TOK OF COLONIZATION DEI'AUT.MF.NT MAKES HIS ANNUAL KKl'OKT MONTREAL, Jan. 28. There lias been an appreciable increase In the movement 6 new settlers to the Dom In ton from- the British Isles, the Scan dlnavtan countries and other places In Europe, during the year Just ended, and In directing these people to Can ada and placing them on the land, the Department of Colonization, Agricul ture and Natural Resources of the Can adlan National Railways, has played an Important part by means of the over seas organization "and, through the forces established In thfs country. The Director of the Department, Dr. W. J. Black, In reporting on the season's work to W. D. Rood, vlce-pvesldent In charge of colonization. Is enabled to state that In the matter of families transferred to new homes In Canada, domestics brought across and placed In employment, Juveniles sent to farm apprenticeship and men placed In agri cultural work, the activities of the department during 1926 show an Increase of 216 per cent In comparison wltl 1923. It requires ' some time to effect complete analysis of arrivals at the At lantic ports, but with a general In crease In third class passengers. It Is quite clear that the rural population of Canada has received considerable ad dition. In twelve months Of 1026, third class passengers arriving at the ports! of Quebec, Halifax and Saint John. numbered approximately 125.000 and ot DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE Application fur tiruiln- IVrinils fur the SPUMtn of id;7. Application for permits to craze live stock on the Crown ranges within any grazing aisirici 01 me rrovincc u Brit ish Columbia, must be filed with the District Pcresttr at Fort Ceorce. Kam- loops. Nelson. Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or wnuams uu on or oeiore uarcn 31st. 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. O. It. NADEN. Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria, B C January 4. 1927. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTKNTION TO APPLY TO to llam: land In Prince Rupert Land Record'lnz Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of Crescent Inlel. Moresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province ot BrttUh Columbia, and being about one and. a half miles from the head ot the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the north shore of Crescent Inlet, abou: one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet; thence northwesterly 20 chains: thence southwesterly 20 chains: thence southeasterly 20 chains; thence northeasterly 20 chains, and containing fortv (40) acres, more or less. JAMES FIELD. I Applicant. I Dated November 71. 1928. IN PROHATE. In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate of Vagn E. Thelsen. Decease!: Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of the District Registrar of tbe Supreme Court1 ot British Columbia, the 18th day ot i January. 1927, I was appointed AdmlnU-' iraior oi me esiaie oi vagn k. Tneisen, deceased, and all parties having claims agalnit the said estate are hereby re quired to furnish same, properly verified. I io me on or Deiore tne latn day or February. A.D. 1927, and all parties In-! debted to the estate are required to oar 1 the amount ot their Indebtedness to me , forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Otriclal Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 20th day of January. 1927. If any segment of the Spine (subluxation) preuurt u j . i prouutcu on loe nerve . L. .L-. 2. Jl Jr J I v. urru IlSi- t. rroti xh T. MALI WTUTWtTA wStNAvt?'' 1. UONtTt t B S$S v. o cu C"A&VSS4. T.ovAmtt N0iir55Stt t. SUD0U The Chironractorl d. a. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIROPRACTOR Palho-Neurometer Service. Open Eveningg Rooms 6 & 7, Exchange Rlock Phone 691 George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNT-ANT AND AUDITOR Phone 387 III Second Atenue West, Prince It u pert I migrants, and, on the other hand, a percentage of settlers will always bs found In the cabin class. Again, there arc returning Canadians Included In; . This ...... establishment ot accommodation at Winnipeg to take care of new settlers, j Considerable work has been done Ini establishing settlements, one such be-j ing at Pass Lake. Sibley Township KXI'KKIMLNTW near Port Arthur, where a settlement LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO TO LEASE LAND Tn trfnr T nruirt T snH 17 rrr4 1 r tt TV- I take jvutile mm Rooert m. uurrie ot Vancouver. B.C.. occupation fish packer, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at northeast corner about 1,000 feet westerly from miners' cabins at head of Huston Inlet: thence westerly 20' .,,-, IN PROBATE IN TIIE gl'PKE.MlTToT'RT OF BUITIS1I COLIMBIA In the Matter off the Administration Act: and In the Matter ot the Estate ot Alberta Daniels. Deceased. Intestate.. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hw Honor. Judge Robertson, the 15th day ot December. A.D. 1923. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Alberta Daniels, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, pro- Fullers Tea In good lea. WE WANT YOU TO TRY IT. Include a pound package in your next order. The regular price Is 75c. If you will take two lbs. this week the price will be 2 lb. for $1.15 Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Special This Week arc: Sterling Catsup, per bottle .. 20c Heinz Catsup, .'! bottles for . . 95c Heinz Pork and Deans, 15c size, G tins for 70c Only a few cups and saucers left on the "Jif" deal. Get yours now, only . . .rjti&'r.i. ,y . 23c 50c Navel Orangesjal '2 'doz. for .m:7W, &; 75c Nabob Pure Strawberry Jam, per tin 75c Nabob Pure Plum Jam, per tin 50c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 571. TIIE DAILY NEWS Vcdncjay Jnnuary2 A New And Better Porridge SHREDDED WHEAT Simmer and serve wiih hot milk and butter that total mote than 60.000 proceeded of Danish agriculturists has had con-to their destinations In this country slderable success. In the Abltlbl dls- over the lines of the Canadian National Railways. NOT ALL IMMKilt ANTS Not all third class passengers are Im trlct of Quebec a number of Polish families have been placed. rOKKKsroNIIENCK COIKM: In connection with the wofk In the British Isles, attention l drawn in Dr. Black'a report to the correspondence lecture course in Canadian farming. vwuie, vUdlUliSl.lg WU BVfJaiBfcV third class returns, as well is tourists, i lectures, has been devised for the but the greater proportion of those salaried worker nr th munr mm ftt crossing the Atlantic In the third class 'the threshold of life's work who has are new to the country. jcome to realize that while there may In the report prepared by Dr. Black ! be little In front of him In the crowd- it Is shown that the number of .fam-ied conditions in the Old Country, there Hies from the British Isles who camel exists for him real opportunities in movement from the DEVELOPING NEW CATTLE SPECIES development at a soeciea of eatdc that will withstand the rigor of tbe Arctic winter. Beef and dairy breed suitable for the climate bf Alaska and tbt vast ,k.i... Ik... .1... i .u.i "J""nu thence easterly 20 chains: thence northerly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more or less. ROBERT M. CURR1E. Applicant STATIONS MOKKINO ON I1KIKII WHICH WILL WITHSTAND AKCTIC WINTERS VANCOUVER. Jan. 26. The Doratn trlct. and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen lon government Is co-operating with Charlotrj Wands. , the United States authorities in the Canada an now being made at several experimental farm in the' Far North. The most hardy beef breed, the Calloway, is being crossed with the shaggy yak. of Asia, to produce a desirable cattle for northern dimes. The cattle-yak calves obtained by these crosses are too young as yet to determine Just how fr, they will meet the requirement, but results are said to be promising. The first ysk-Oalloway, the result of mating the yak bull to a Oallaway cow. was a curious freak. At the time of Its -birth, which was normal In all respects, there was little to distinguish It from a full-blooded Gallows ' v. A verified to me on or before thel,. . , . ferly Bth day of January. AD. 1927, and all ! 8rew. however. IU Ull became bushy parties Indebted to the estate are re-land Its hair grew shaggy. Two other quired to pay the amount of their In acoieones 10 me lorcnwim. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 16th day of December, A.D. 192A cattle-yak cows, several month younger, had coal-black curly hair at birth. The hair of one has since turned brownish In color and -rather wooly. All these calves grunt like the yak when hungry rather than bawl Hit a calf. In order to develop a sturdy dairy breed for the north country, the Galloway, which 1 strictly a beef breed, was crossed with the Holsteln-Frlealan, the crosses being made both ways. The crossbreeds are hornless like the Oal-loway. but lack the heavy coat of the famou beet type. Only first generation crosses have come to the mllkinif pare favorably with the average family cow. It Is hoped that some of the second, third and succeeding generations will show milking qualities tracing back to the Holsteln ancestry and that their coats may become thicker. Even tbe crossbreed of the first generation face cold, rainy storm and follow the Oalloway whereas the pure bied Holstelns do not range In stormy weather, but gradually work their way to shelter. VINOL GIVES GIRL APPETITE AND STRENGTH "My 10-year-old daughter was weak and had no appetite. Since giving her Vlndl, she his an amazing appetite and strength." -Mr, W. Joosten. The very FIRST week they take Vlnol, children begin to reel stronger, 'at and ' sleep better. A simple strengthening Iron and cod liver compound In use for over 2S years tor run-down men and women and wakehlldrm. Contain no oil pleasant to "takeA-Orme Limited. Drugglat. NAVAL RESERVE NOW HAS ATHLETIC CLUB (Jot Away to flood Mart Mml.iy Night riaiiH tu Hate I'ootlMll Trum m.. - . j i vt ..... 1 lf1iintjr Reserve Athletic Club got away to a good start on Monday evening. Com mencing with about fifteen members In a gymnasium class (although six tntm- brrs are away south on annual training). After a brief spell of physical training, boxing, wrestling and skipping was indulged in until 10 o'clock. A large attendance Is looked for on Thursday. There are still a few vacancies for young men from IS to SO years. Applications should be made to the Naval Barracks on the waterfront. Arrangements are also to be made for a football team far the coming season. MANY GATHERED Yo PAY LAST RESPECTS TO LATE E. M. HARRIS! Besides the friends of deceased and hia widow, there were many members of the various degrees ot the Masonic craft at the service for the late E M. Harris, chief engineer of the Canadian Plah At Cold Storage Co.. yesterday afternoon and the assemblage tilled the chapel of the DC. Undertakers. The service wma inducted wltft solemnity snd sympatby by Rev. W F. Price, pas tir ot the Pint Baptist Chureh ' Accompanied by the wtd,-. the re- to Canada during the year was doublet the free open-air life of Canada. Thlsjmlri ere PIced board the steame. that of the previous year. In tliei course has been sdm111v designed foric,r1'n n(1 wUl be taken to San D:eg Scandinavlan the. farm.for bunal undet man interested in Canadian countries, from Holland, from Swltz-'lng who Is ambitious to povs a farm0""0 " " 4l crland, from Belgium and from other parts of Europe, there Is also shown an increase In the number ot families, which Is regarded as highly satisfactory. , Another section of the report deals with the results of land seekers' excursions, a movement encouraged by of his own. So successful has been ! the plan sines its Inception in the British Isles that the Department of Colonization has now decided to extend It to some of the Continental countries and the course Is now belnf translated Into the languages ot thel countries concerned. Up to the period the departments staff which periodic-f dealt with by Dr. Black's report. 1503 ally directs prospectlvs land purchasers students had enrolled In the British towards suitable sections In the west j 1 les for the course. During the year the excursionists who Report from Overseas officer of the came from various points in the West- Colonization Department, Canadian Na em part ot the United States pur-;tlonl Railways. Indicate extensive chased land from the company and j bookings for the current year with a from private owners amounting to 24,- consequent Increase during 1927 of 000 acres, paying more than 427,00o!the How of Immigration to Canada, for these land. i - The general activities ot the Colonl cation Department in Canada Include the enlargement ot facilities and th mi- auipiccs oi ior-P It AM, Week-end Specials MEAT DKIT. Kaiitern Salt Herring, upcciul, :i for 2Zc Nova Scotia Salt Cod. 2 lb. bricki. 8eciul 32c Smoked Kipiierd, jut lb 13c Veal Stew, per lb I2c Veal Pot Koata, per lb. .. 17c Veal Steak, per lb 25c Iloillnjr Reef, per lb.' l2V,c Hamburger, er lb 13c Reef Snusaire. rer lb 1 3c '"'"IflHin t'n-iit iuf II. I . Frejh Crabs and Shrimp, markei price. Picnic Hams, per lb Wtc Pure Lard. 3 lb. tin C3c Pure Urd. 5 lb. tin $1.10 Pure Lard, 10 lb. tin $2.13 California Table Figs, 2 lbs. for 23c We have only a limited amount of above. Phone your order arly. New Season's Hulk Dates, 2 lbs. for 23c CO.MRINATION SPECIAL 1 tins Canned Fruit., 93c Your choice of the following: Nabob Red Plums, 2',V. Malkin's Sliced Peaches, talis, l's. Malkin's Rartlett Pears, 2's. Quaked Pitted Red Cherries. 2's. Malkin's Apricots, l's, talis. Saanich Loganberries, l's, tails. I tins assorted, 95c Evaporated Peaches, per lb. . . 23c Rlack Figs, 2 lbs 33c Wlilte Figs, 2 lbs 25c Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. pkg. COc Rurma Rice, 3 lbs. 23c Table Raisins to clear, per pkg. 15c Jelly Powders, all flavors, 4 for 23c Feed Lines at Clearance Prices Rarley Chop, per sack $2.20 Whole P.arley, jer sack .... $2.10 Crushed Oats, per sack $2.30 Oat Chop, per sack $2.30 Feed Oats, per sack $2.10 tiround Oilcake, per sack . . $3.7.' Develonjri per sack $3.35 stage so far. They are not heavy -milk-1 Ra by Chick Feed, er sack $3.03 ers. but their output 1 said to com- Van Camps Soups, 2 for .... 23c Vegetable or Tomato, Breakfast Racon, machine sliced, per lb 39c Penick Salad Oil, made from pure corn Pints 35c; quarts, 70c; Vfe gal. $1.35; gallon, $2.00 8TOCKTA KINO SPECIALS Pure Spices, any kind, at 3 tins for 23c Pure" Extracts, all flavors 2 oz. special 22 Vic 4 oz, special , 41 c 8 oz., special 75c Above lines are Malkin's Rest and above prices are made to facilitate stocktaking. This is your chance to stock up and fcave money. Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 nnd 211 DinnerwarE See our windows for dlnnerwarc. We have a wond selection of the lalest pntterns in Jolmnon llros.' "Pareek" China At prices equal to any In Canada Visit Our Basement Store We Save You .Money Max Heilbroner Diamond SpcctalM 627-529 Third At WESTHOLME THEATRE TO.VR.IIT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. Tom Mix In "Hard Boiled" IIKLKNK IHAIMK K, "TONY" and Mrwnu ' L'O.MKI)ICS-MTIIB 5IAI) KAl'KIC." nnd "WANDUHY WILLI KM" Admission 35c and !0c SAVAGE LLIXTIUC WASIIKK AM) IMVtl Washvu. Itlueo. Iline n wringer or having to u' the water. lash Price X?H AUm Kay Term KAIEN HARDWARE CO. . UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED ...... .... Tallinn Irtmi InlMv lt(fL l or AM oi t tit, Vltioitlt, niwintM liar ' and .Vint It .; t 1 p.m. lor V.VM Ol W:K, VKTOKIV. ,ileM ta m4 a.ou IUi f. a.ui. lot I'Oltr MMfMi. AM OX. ALICE ARM. ftTI.H AHT n .Vu K (antf-rlr, KuodJl. I n.m. Hi t.ii Utnut. k. M. SMI 111, AgrnL MIik -." JANUARY Clearance SALE L'VKItYTHIMi HKDUCKD Ilarcalns In all Departmrnts The H. S. WALLACE Co., Ltd. Phone 9. 3rd Ave and '!'. THE ACME'S FIFTH ANNUAL Temptation SALE During the stocktnkinif )eriod the balance "f o.' Men's Overcoats is offered at each $15.95 These are all made ot pure wool mUterlufs In "" d,"",n, and, cut In the latest models for men and younjc m (iirr Youiw now! Acme Importers Third Avenue Tcrma-Slrletly Cash. No chnriie nccu