PAuL lSv ft t Kill InsectPests Kills FlieS'Mosaul Roaches -BedBugs 'Fleas The Daily News ; ! PRINCE RUPBRT - BRITISH COLOMBIA ; Published Every Afternoon except Sunday, by Prince Rupert 11 Dally News. Limited. Third Avenue. iK;, II. F. PULLEN - - - ManairinK Editor.')'). Advertising and Circulation Telephone 98 Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - 86 Member of Audit Hurcau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION There must be an Irish strain in all of us for we all love a fijrht, even a dog fight ana tne result will be that outside people will be attracted. Between baseball games, football games, swimming, picnicking and boating, there seems to be plenty of outdoor amusement here considering that there are scarcely nine thousand people in the city. OPTIMISM OF HANKERS A sense otjiuruor is the greatest of all blessings. i- Thursday, July 21, 1927 RE PATIENT WITH TARVIA Prince Rupert peiIe should be patient for a few days while the streets are covered with tarvia. If we would have trood streets we have to put up with the temporary Inconveniences which we are suffering jutt now. This city is no exception to the rule. Others have the same thing. Somewhat similar mixtures are used in almost every city on the continent on seme of the tretft. Next week it will be all over. ' PRODUCING MINES AT STEWART Stewart district has four producing mines according to II. W. Rolston, the owner of the Portland Canal News, who has been visiting In Vancouver. The Premier is taking out 800 tons a day. Dun-well 125, "Outsider 100, and Riverside 50. There are also a great many good looking prospects that will become mines, according to the same authority and this means that outside capital is willing to take a chance on developing some of them. Much has been written about the Portland Canal mining district but it is only recently that publications outside the province are beginning to give it the publicity that it deserves. Now that it is established, more' will be heard of its mines and its possibilities Bankers have recently become very optimistic. Here is what the Royal Bank says in its report: Wllhln tne past three years, good crops have been sold at prices which have enabled the farmer to liquidate a large portion of th debt incurred during the post-war agricultural deflation. Farm prices and industrial wages are high, ensuring well distributed buying power. Employment throughout industry is at new high levels and immigration showsiimproVementr Recent finds in the mining areas or Northern Untario and Quebec and the encouraging discov eries of oil in the west give promise that the most interesting de velopmenta of the immediate future will take place in the mining inuutry. All basic indices point to the present as a time of sound development and suggest that during the next few years Canadian lndu8trywlll pass through new stages which will make a comparison between conditions at the time of the One Hundredth Anniversary and those of 1927 at least as interesting as the contrast between the present and the time of Confederation. . . THE MOVIES IN VICTORIA .ft-TyiStprfarthe'- Queen is looking down from her place in heaven upon Victoria the city we -suppose we shall not be consid ered. either impious or disloyal if we suggest that it must be a spe cial placeiniheaven she must be shaking her celestial head rather sadly this morning, says the Vancouver Province. For Victoria the city, our own capital city of British Columbia, is going into the movies, .Not only that, but Victoria is prepared to pay the piper in advance of calling the tune. The people of Victoria have voted, 2137 to 663, to approve a by-law, by which the city will guarantee the securities, to' the extent of $200,000, of a film corporation, with Victoria as its headquarters and the place of its studios. It has not been accomplished without a great deal of notable decision of Victoria to challenge the artistic pretensions, of Hollywood. There have been public meetings, with ?the mayor- and the. city council united against one lone alderman, who was "agin" it. '"Therevhave been letters in. -the ' Victoria newspapers a form of public activity in which Victoria has always been miles ahead of any other city in the British Empire. The issue was 'complicated by a collateral proposal to finance amunicipal cold storage plant But the civic pride of Victoria was aroused. Its blood was up. It makes nothing of those adventures wheniit makes up it's .mind. So it made up its mind at last and now Victoria is to have both its cold storage ptnnt and its film studio. ; A mine may be a gold mine or it may be a hole in the ground, much depending upon the management. These strong silent men may be all right but the man who .benefits his city or district is the man who is able and willing to state clearly and convincingly what there is there to offer the outsider. The easy way to health SHREDDED WHEAT With luscious redripe bemes And cream or milk. Delicious Food of fitness and flavor EXPERIMENTS MENNONITES , , TRAINING BOYS COMING BACK1 ' FOR DOMINIONS Authorities (let Together on New J Scheme of Preparing Itojx fir, ' I Overxeas Farms llve. Unemployment on Tynestde I partle-ularly aatite through the tang-continued depreaaton In shtpoutldtegv coal, and have to offer to all who are ready to deserve. take the chance on the land. Kin J Iiw- in Paraguay Useless and ask Funis to Unable Them tu Return ROinSVJ KM July ,Bt uujiDON. July 21. (Canadian Pre) "irw. hmx winier are ajrwvuy o- Va Unt. Parliamentary Uaiier-See- wttb the bardahlpe, Mf the retary for tfee DoiuliUoiu rtctUriu,,'l (jr! b rerelre. The UunclMd project of considerable un- )1ty t then are bow Tltkowt porta ice on NeU-oB-Tyivr when h tmA nd canpkln t the land Ifchejr cpened a hostel (or training lads id g.;bV pusekaeed In tree it elr rscultura) work. The training schemes jCaaM' farm to an waawrvaym. ' wtjJeh'afe no being carried on under wilderness, and abMluMy the dlrecttou of the Mlatetry ot Labor ' "! for laming The arc appeal-nave already achieved considerable uc- relative, ana frtendr 1n Canada r. but hitherto, Is the scheme ot i .'cr'VifTlctent fundi to enable them tp training youths tor work oversell. It Ulrn 10 'be Dominion and haw In. ha been found neeewary to take tbe ,orad Hestbem resident that yeuths away from their own towns andi,h UDd pwenased by Uxem Is oe-to put them on training farms la an-euP!td bT ladtans who hare had pus. oetoer part of the country. Under th'"";oa for "Mny years, caw soheme the training Is to be given! Tnto '' group of Mcnnonltsa from actually In the towns where the youth ! Manitoba and Saskatchewan aold their itna in Canada lor 17 per acre men. and the balance In trade tn Paraguay and to the number of one thousand. Including wmen and children. Jowr- iron. In late years it has become In- j D'?'a 10 aaai. "n lnw creaslnglj difficult to find work of any irienas. in nope oi Dei- kind whatever for lada leaving school. It lmlT wtune. over nuy peooi. is to ueol with thW problem tfcat the,hMe dlKl " but " mcntttt. the Newcastle work has been started. The : mJorltv 'hHn 0n city authorities have handed over ai building which has been converted into a training hostel to hold 50 tads at time. ! T.tllillT lAKMIMJ j Bays between 14 and 17 for Canada and between 15 and 19 for Australia will ' a , -k Man in the Moon travel iree or cost to their work daUy cn uck ot sleep. ft "u m j,0 masUf wtere you go for your healthy. They wUl receive a prellmln- j k ary training to agriculture throuch tiie'ZT if " itaraur, National Fanners' Union, whose members nave arraneed to take them dally on WHAT I Hke about hoadayi Is the farms adjacent to the city. They will mcqultoe and ralu and sunburn and me city tramway services, in the hotel j Itself they wUl be taught preliminary iVST give ma a cot In the country mHklng. carpentry, bootmendlng. har- Alongside meadow so green new repairing, and physical training, where no earning cares wlU annoy me Lectures will be given on elementary And city streets cannot be seen. agricultural subjects. The period ot train- !or lend me a pole to go (tahlng lng will be normally three months and I And give me a tent overhead 200 lads a year wUl be trained. iPor that la ths heaven I la&e for It Is claimed for this tralnln that The life our progenltora led. It can be carried out at the minimum oi cost; mat lads will learn farming on j a DOLLAR 1s well spent If a dollar'a farms which are run as economical con-; worth of enjoyment la received In ex- cerns: and that the farmers can give change. individual help, since not more than : , three lads win go to any one farm. It WHAT. . I .ilk about Prhw Rupert will thus be possible at an early date 'people 1 they seldom let business In to eliminate any who are unlikely to terfere with , fishing trip, become suited for the life they will 1 , require to lead In the Dominion. It is i DEMPSEY and Sharkey are hurting each believed that by means of good food, j other a little,, this atteraeoo but the regular work, and supervision, lads, olttn undrrstaed snd lU-ted. through the severe condition of unemployment, cah De made Into young men ready to take ; rlsges 1 the chance tn life which the Dominions both get promoters eland to make a big ktlUng. The queer, thing about most mar that the principals usually better mate than they I'o-oPKIt.tTIVK tt'OKK 111,8 " " 8' os progress, we used The scheme has the helo of the eov-!to n"ve mlx "h and water ernrncnt through the Overseas Settle-ff0 th mwl P1- Nowadays they ment Cbmmlttee snd renreenu the eo- PrM1 mixture for us on the operation of the city council, the Na-j8tre't- ttonal Farmers' Union, the duardlans of I the Poor, and the education authorlt'e. I MOTHER used to have to dust the of the city. carpet, our tarvia does away with that. The Overseas Settlement Committee ! " r nv1n h.lf th. n.t. th. v. . I uiuwicr louoa me oun easier The city council, the guardians, and prl-' " lnna w rP'- vate citizens are contributing costs. to the ! OXFORD LIMITATION i ON WOMEN STUDENTS I SO FAR UNNECESSARY; trudejE-5rrrevelvaff. who is IheJt W womarino -win eir-digte7flrlor English verse at Oxford. Miss Trevelyan declares she sent In the prize poem "for a Joke" and that she had written very little verse before ahe attempted to win the prize. The winning effort was 250 lines of blank verse on the pre- j scribed subject, "Julia, daughter. of I Claudius." Miss Newdlgftte li at Lady ' ' were extremely gratified at her success. A PENINSULA is a number of sidewalks almost surrounded by tarvia. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert (111 .. .. ..J.W.. ... "ft" ""l before the enaf. II.. in, th f.,. th.f nilneiit There are female Shining Ujjlits at 1'iiltrrMty. OXFORD. Eng., July 21.-, Since the Cpngjegatlon of- Oxford Uplverslty de- j elded to limit the enrollment of women j to one for every four male students, much comment, derisive or humorous, j has been Indulged In. One thing would I seem certain, and that is that the "fe- I male peril" is by no means so great as ' to justify the action for some time to come. Women are hardly stronger at Oxford ; than at Cambridge. At Cambridge, In the recent examinations, their most ardent advocate could hardly say they cre shining lights. The time when women could beat the men would eem to have passed. Even in modern and , medieval languages. In which the women used to do better than men so far as numbers were concerned, the women this year were left far behind. The only Tripos In which the falr m even-held-their own. was the recently introduced Geographical Tripos. In the tecond part ot this Tripos one woman and one man share premier honor, I whUe In the first' part flrst-claas honors are divided between five men and three women. Among the three women was Miss 0. P. Smuts, daughter of Oeneral Jan C . Smuts. however, the co-eds, as they would be called la Canada, may take- heart ffora nie rnutrnaDie uccee OI 'Ml, j there are 38 Conservatives and 39 I Wberals In the Upper House. There are i government pj Canada guarantees 10 YEARS OLD Tlladc in Canada 95 years Thfa advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia ymSimple nourishing 3 -iJtZ-KtQS uu j Iff?.- n i rl 4 Milk Jjf rm cups wi-w lrr ... a nine vacancies to be filled. Parents are advised that cases of j whcoplng cough' are to be notified to, .he Medical Health Officer. Mrs. dea Rosters wlto has been her 'mother Mrs. Curtln and her sister Mrs. J. Lome MueLaren. left for Saskatoon. i. . Mrs. Oiler Besner Is at present In Montreal. ' Jim and Mrs. Kelly left for where they exjseet to locate. The Red Cross sale arranged by Mrs. A. Cars and Mrs. P. S. Cletr.entt . waltzed 160 CO yesterday. Alex Gray, recently returned from " iverseaa was the guest of honor at oance held In the old Majestic theatre. The odd looking object found In Epurfs market was' not a Oerman tomb ut came off an old electric bat tery. NOTICE LAND ACT OF INTENTION TO TO I.HAKE LANII API'IA In Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard cove. Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Pack ing Company Limited of Vancouver, D.C., occupation Salmon Carmen, in tends to apply for a lease ot the follow ing described landa: Commencing at a poit planted along side post marked N.W. L3S73: thence southerly along high water mark 20 cnaina, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2S73; thence west to low water mark; thence northerly alonz low water mark 20 chains, mors or less, to a point., wesi oi uw point oi commencement: thence east 50 links, more or less, to point oi commencement, and containing cne-quarter acre, more or Jem. MlU-fcllU fAUKlNQ COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 16. 19J7. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO .UTI.Y TO I.K.ISB LlNU In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re cording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the head of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet. Mortiht Taiani takf NrrrrrTC that nrm.u rni.mKi. i i -' - l-t.IDH VWUUIUI, Fishing ti Packing Co. Ltd., of Van couver, u.c, occupation Packers. Intends to apply for a lease of the following Commencing at a' post planted at the bead of ths south arm of De La JVvhe Inlet, Moresby Island: thence wuth S chains; thence east 20 chains: thence norm o cnaina, more or less, to high water mark; thence west along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or lesi. ' In JJKriiatf COLUMBIA FISHING & PACKING CO. LTD.. ua v i f u ii v i J, i w I . IN PROBATE. I lll.l M1IIA Applicant.' IN THE SI I'HKMF. COl'KT OF IlltlTISII. ViS MatUr of h Administration In the Matter of the Estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot Ills Honor. F. McB. Toung, the I6th day of July, A.D.. 1927. I was appointed Admin-tetrator of the estate of Harry Charles Campbell Black, deceased, and all-parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 18th day of August. A.a 1927, and all parties Indented to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to-me forthwith NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert D C ' Dated the Hth day of July, 1927, '. tmiMn ult ' I t.Monwi buttte X ess. Mshl htit l , cup Mlad f uin Hi-- EAGLE BRAND RICE PUDDING Wash rice thoroogtity, cover wtm coia wairr, . r ' " ,.' i, u , cook lr . doukl. 1th cold "ter. atlrring well to blend. AdJ rice. -it and lemon rind, atlr In , Remove lemon rirvd, UlntU rin tender and milk nearly .bscbd. nd butter. Cook slowly five mlnutea longer. Add raisins, pwr Into buttered rudding dish, bake In a moderate oven twenty minutes. TAPIOCA CREAM PUDDING U cup E.(l. IV.nJ Cond-d MUk 'X1.,J 1, w, ,p",,, DUmktuhtPwater. blending well Drlng "?T?tl boiler Stir in tarloca and cook about one-half hour. Add butter and salt to ttt Ska? IurverrtemT.Ju.lly the hot Urioca, tlrrlnf constant y Rrtanu, double boUcr and cook three minute. longer. Pour t!oly ow h f.e folding In gently; flavor and chill. Serve rUln or with cream or h f rt Varv cream tartoca pudding by arranging fresh or canned peaches, apricots, or .Iked o?.n7.7n 2i?omrf .ervindiah. rluring over the chiUed tapa cr.-nu ORANGE BREAD PUDDING 2 ccx ioik. slishtly bctim j4 uatroonsan Add dd hot wtter to condensed milk, blend thoroughly, and bring to scalding jwlnt bread crumbs; let stand until cool. Add egg yolks, salt, melted butter, and rind. Pour Into a buttered pudding dish, set in a pan of hot water. Pour over over i Bake ;e in Juke a moderate oven about forty-five minutes. Cover w th mrrlnfu A .tlflly Brown slightly in a mtrate overi. beaten egg hite and one-fourth cup augar. Serve cold. If desired, the whole egg may be added to pudding, the meringue omitted and the pudding served cold with cream. CARAMEL PUDDING Place unopened can of Eagle Brand Condensed 1 Milk In a kettle 'jU,&wV'r and simmer for two and a half hours, being cartful not to let the kettle boll dry. Remove can.'cool, and chill. Remove top o( can, cutting along the side r the cannot the top so that the content may be removed whole; place on a serving dish, gar-nish with broken nut meat and whipped cream.' Toaerve individually, cut In alicea, garnish with nut meat and whipped cream or use plain unsweetened cream, with or without garnish. M-17 For More ReUpt. wrlu to Tl IE BORDEN CO. UmlfJ, 2 llucner St Arc!. BU. REMNANT Phone 9. Clean-Up SALE FHIDAY AND SATURDAY ComprUinir the end of pieces of u great vuriely ot ; cumulated duririR our recent sale. Including SILKS PRINTS DIM'SS fiOODS VKLVETS 1-LANNEI.S CUKTAIX GOODS filXUHASIS CKETONNES FLANNELETTES, Klc. All marked at prieex to clean up quirkh COME IN AND LOOK THEM OVER! H. S. WALLACE CO., LTD. Third Avenue and Fulln BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gives you a natural nppr' ante and lend beauty t contour of the face. Afeys Dr. MAGUIRE Over Oraiea Phone 525 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets all trains and boats. Phone 51. Sample Room I- Martin, Manager.