PAGE FOUa Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doabttaM the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is no self evident that it seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once. OP ALL. absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect is the most inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Block Phone 763 TtAtwrv mVNCr in IN KM WNU Kin J I . THKTV4C 5tLL TOJ jU6tl . OTyfcR. VMTAO We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern B.C., including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, ' finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 15G5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines . and Stump Pullers - NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service, Coal. Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnitun; Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER . I TOLD YOU THAT IF "WE FLEW IN TMife Direction, VJCO MIT LANp: SPORTING GAME OFBASEBALL Native Sons Won 9 to 6 Without Putting Loblick in the Box The meeting of the Qjtoi and Native Sao In the Settlor Baseball league resulted in a win for the Sons toy nine to atx. The game was played before a goad crowd and In a very sporting ipirtt. Lamble pitched for the Sons ard while he didn't hit bis stride UN towards the end of the game he was well supported in the field at critical periods. What kept the spectators on edge was the possibility that the Ojtos might get to him. .and till the finish there was always that chance. Herrle pitched better ball for the Oyros but loose fielding when men were on the bases let him down. The Sons started off with two In the first, the Oyros collected one. Then the Gyro balloon went up and missed Ales gave ths Sons half a dozen In the vcond. Oyros got three In the third and one In the fourth. With the score eight to five and Lam ble pitching uncertain ball anything 1 might happen, but Lamble tightened . up and the game was closely fought out, each team scoring one In the fifth. There was no further scoring Herrle struck out six, and Lamble two. Lamble gave three walks, Herrle only one. Skinner, Downle, Menzles and Morgan hit three baggers. The ' fielding was uneven. Hill made a ; couple of fine catches but missed one land Skinner after taking two difficult fWmnffm mluH A Inns flv H I TT a ' Q n misjudged a long high hit but brought , off a spectacular catch' with one hand. Moran stopped a terrific drive of Lam-ble's to put him out. Sloan ran hard to make a good catch. But taking It all rcund the fielding was poor and the Oyros were the worst offenders. Dido relieved Downle In the fourth when the latter had had enough of the game and the Battler got a great cheer when he made first. Donagby, a new comer, made a good Impression. Teams Sons: Farquar, cf.. Balfour c. Downle 2nd, Wendell ss., Lamble. p., Menzles 1st, Loblick rf., A. Mitchell, 3rd. Sloan If., D. Gurvlch, cf. Oyros: Herrle, p., Moran 1st, Havlland 3rd. Mtnahan c, Mitchell as.. Hill. If.. Skinner cfc. McEwan rf., Donaghy 2nd, Umpires: Menzles, Ratchford. Scorer: Ed. Smith. ' DURING BABY'S TEETHING TIME The Bowels Become Loots Diarrhoea, dvnentery, colic, cranins, etc., manifest tlMtuMtltes; the. gums become swollen, and cankers form in the mouth. Tins is the time when the mother tbouM um and perhaps save the' Why's life. On the market for 80 years. Price, 60c. a bottle at all druggists of dealers. AIR RACE FOR KING'SCUP LONDON, July 21- The air race for the King's Cup this year is expected to be the best of the series. It will take place on July 30. over a distance of about S10 miles, a,nd will probably be flown over circuits of 170 miles each around Nottinghamshire, near the HUcknall aerodrome. This wlU bring the race Into an area of England which ha shown considerable enthusiasm for flying. Nine light aeroplane clubs are now associated with the Royal Aero Club Hal ton, Hampshire, Lancashire. London, Midland, Newcastle, Norwich and Norwlch-and-Sutfolk. BASEBALLCOMMENT It looks as If Native Sons had the better team even If they do not use Loblick. Of course the one bad innings spoiled the' Oyros' chances. It showed a good sporting spirit to leave Lamble In the box. The odds were all against Oyros making those needed runs and had Loblick .been sent in to pitch the spectators would have had little hope of seeing a close finish. Even if the Sons had lost, there would have been few to criticise the management of the Sons for leaving Lamble In. Tliey could afford to have ? :y - mm IMmM-W Vrtfc hYa tost the game, and after all, sport doe not consist only In winning matches, dive the others sporting chance. The new man Donaghey showed up well. Ha can wait fur the ball to hit and can awing hard. His throwing arm seemed weak tut he has not been play-; Ing much ball recenUy and with a i name or two looks to 'be an acquisition. SPORT LEADERS i GOOD STUDENTS i Cambridge University Has Num ber Who Refute Popular Tradition CAMBRIDGE, England, July 21. There was an Interesting aspect to the Cambridge examination results this year. It is traditional to say that men who have, gained their colors by prowess In sports are "dumbells" so far as the universities are concerned. The lists of "passes" refutes this in striking fashion. The two outstanding successes were ODS. PendlUmry. the Athletic Blue, who gained highest possible honors In the second part of the Classical Tripos, and J. R. Morris, the Association Blue, who gained a first class In the second part of the Historical Tripos. The two rowing Blues, S. K. Tubba (president of the C.UBC.) and the Hon. J, S. Maclay, gained second and third ?lau honors respectively In the zecond part of the Economics. Blues who scored second-class honors In the Historical Tripos (part one) were: E. C. Arnold (athletica). E. P. Longrlgg (cricket), and M. J. Turbull ' (cricket). "In the second part three Blues obtained third-class honors. C. JJ Aarvold and E. A. McLlwalne.' the Rugby Blues, obtained second-class honors In the first part pf Law. Those successful In modern and mediaeval languages were W. K. J'sir-binson and K. W. Y. Flson. the hockey Blues, and C. B, Mojony. the athletic Blue. SPORT CHAT Tonight's game between Terminal! and Regiment la one of the critical games of the series. If the regiment win all their remaining games they can get ten points which added to their present two would gWe them a total ot BANKING BRITISH COLUMBIA IN the Province of British Columbia the Bank of Montreat.has a complete Organ-, ization, with headquarters' at Vancouver, specially organized to give cartful attention and prompt ervice to Banking require menu ' of the people of this Province, ' . ' . . : There' are 45 brandies of the Bank" of Montreal in this Province, the offices being located at every important centre. ,'); ' Behind this Provincial Organization are the resources of a nation-wile Institution, having a combined Capital and Reserve Fund of over 60,000,000, and Total Asscti 1- ! exceeaing 70,oooaj. J I II ' il l! ! iljlla lii'in'i m.i.i ill 1 tj ua - 1 1 in n .m -msm mr.wu Mia Office, Vsncouveff WE&ttfFMitSuA&i mm nM BANK OF MONTREAL Total Assets in excess of i 780.000. 000 Headquarters for Briiish Columbia, 640 Pender St., Wat, Vancouver W anted For. Sale For Rent chicken dinners when they win the ordinary game what will happen If they win the league. Regiment players are afraid that there aay-anoVtlke Time' artldethtf tf ait for no man. A big sale of fish may m.tanex.tra''''work" at the Storage where several of the Regiment players work. For the sake of the general Interest In the game tt la to be hoped that the Regiment committee will be able o 1 urn out uicir wflfc team. The finals of the Davis Cup series In the European zone will be contested at Copenhagen today, tomorrow and Saturday. France Is not expected to have any difficulty In disposing of Den mark. The two International rugby matches played at Twickenham, England, last season brought In a profit of 195,000. The surplus now amounts to 8500,000 and It Is planned to erect a new stand at a cost of nearly (200.00. The work Is to "be completed by October. Brantford Cockshutts defeated Toronto Commission 3 to 1 In the final of the Ontario series for the Connaught soccer cup. J. L. W. Wyles formerly of the Bank or commerce staff In town and now In Vancouver Is a regular member of the Bank of Commerce cricket team and played for them against the touring Kioiey college eleven yesterday. Hana lm1 1ti - '! . ........ mm Westminster Royals have had , a hard tlm a. ctde who will represent B.C. against the Alberta representatives In the Dominion soccer cnampionshrps. They battled to a scoreless draw on Saturday after luuijr niiuuies overtime. The Regiment will field the following jooioan warn tonight airalnst Ter mlnats: Corbett. MacKsy, Hunter, Ross, Mscuonaia. Harris, Wilson, Russell Campbell, Doherty, Norrington. Spares Walter, Strachan, Perry. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. By GeoVge McMamu r 1 "' ill ii I S If P DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for le than 50c AflKNTS WANTED AGENTS WANTED TO TAKE ORDERS for the finest line of Personal Greeting Cards ever shown In Canada. Regal Art Co., Manufacturers, 310 Bpadlna Avenue. Toronto. FOR SaI.E I WILL SELL AS A OOINQ CONCERN my secondhand business, and rent or sell partly furnished four roomed fist with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition. Phone 774. G. P. Brine. FOR SALE. LAUNCH "NANCY," 28 foot, in first class condition. East-hope engine; 10 h.p. 4 cylinders. O. Rorle. rtvone 387 or Red S13. tf HOUSE FOR SALE. FIVE MINUTES from post office. Part cash, balance as rent. Phone Blue 012 or P.O. Box 762. tf FOR. SALE. Chesterfield suite, sewing machine, bed complete and other household furniture. Phone Black 617. 160 55.00 PER MONTH BUYS A SEVEN roomed house on Graham Avenue. Section Two. Walker's Music Store. FOR 8ALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU-rant. Do not lose your occasion) Apply P.D. Box 723. , tf FOR SALE. SIXTEEN FOOT PETER- boro' Canoe; excellent condition. Phone Oreen 128. 170 FOR SALE. ONE 1924 TUDOR FORD Sedan, repainted and good condition. Parkec'a Oarage. tf ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 335. tt LOST. GOLD WATCH AND CHAIN. Finder please return to Dally News office. LOST 170 twelve. Moose have still five games to play and if they won them they could make a total of eleven points. Ter minals have already seven points so that they have to win only a couple of games to about cinch the league. It" will be seen that It Is nobody's league yet, though Terminals are strong favorites for It. If Ben gives them WANTED WANTED. BOYS FOR NEWSPAPER routes. Apply Sneddon's Newstand, McBrlde Street 180 WANTED. COMPETENT WOMAN FOR general housework. Phone 30. 108 FOR RENT FOR RENT. rUKNlSHED APART-mint by the day. week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED suite; iWiun heated. Apply Smith tt Mallett. Ltd. tf FOR RENT.-PLASTERED HOUSE, BIX rooms and bath. Apply 213 Fourth Avenue East. Apply Mussalltm Oroctry. Phone 16. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer, Second Avenue. 179 FOR RENT OR SALE. HOUSE ON Atlin Avenue. Phone Black 487. ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IP desired. Phone Black 12S. AUCTIONEER YE8I PAYING THE HIOHE3T PRICE for furniture or anything of value, up to August 19. Phone 774. O. P. Brine. Ul'HOI.STEKlNtt FURNITURE REPAIRINO; UPHOU sterlng of all kinds. Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 803, O. M. HUNT. FURNITURE NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum ruga and 800 square yards of linoleum. The de mand Is good snd this lot ought to be cleared out this month. So corns early. Furniture and ranges always In stock. A. MacKenzle, Furniture Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopuloa and Marrls. 830 Third Ave. Phone 848, tf RANT noon eats r.m: Mrs. Unger, Proprietress again personally In charee. . Third Avenue. Next a. W. v A y jiH'a.,,u,mf, ('iwkrd steals. . V ' vPhrfne -Iliack $00.';. ' ' -KAIKN' 1 AKAIIK Agents for all GENERAL .MOTOR I'KOIIICTH Another carload of Chevrolets, Just In I Prices: "oaasier- "... 825.00 Roadster Delivery S823.O0 Touring '$825 00 Ooupe 085.00 w,Bcn 965.00 8edan 11.075.00 Landau 8edan $1,120.00 Cabrlolt $1,100.00 Commercial Chassis $C45.00 Delivery Express Chassis .... $805.00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tires stan3ard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration, KAIEN OARAGE Third 'Avenue Phone . TAXI I'hone 67 Taxi (Call Henriro. Pnnl n... - r -, - w i uuai; Six and Seven Passenger Stude- waKers at your dicposal any time, ROSS BROS! POOL R'OOM' Meeker Itlock. (AcroM from EmDrH Hntel) C.N.R. TRAINS For the East-Daily Except Sundays . From :he East-Dally excep, Tuesdays.. 11:30 a m. ..3.30 p m. Advtrtl In Tbf DaUyNtwi t'nr Vanroutf Article, Lottuj Founds STEAMSHIP MOVEHEd nuiiw; -m I r i u urc .J J Tuesday-as. Calala Saturday s. Cardei-s t as. Princess BfitiLi " ss. Prince Rupert July as. Prlnceas C art-.t " IS as. Princess LcuUc ' 18-Princena Alice " 20 as. Princess C i:L u " 23 as Princess U::. " 27-s. Princess A: .- " JO as. Prlnceas t j. , tt Erom Vancouver ounaay sa. uaisia 1 1 Monday- -e. Prince C ;i:U, Wednesday- aiprlnc( Crct t . I Frlday-s. Prince Rupf " ss. Oardena rUturdsy as. Prlrwes. Bra: a July 8 . Prlnoess Ic jse " II as. Prlnceas AI .- 15 ss. Prlncras I : a " 18 e Prince c :a " 22 ss. Prince 24 as. Princess Cfcai''j " 29 as. Princes tc :j For Port flinxuin anil Nsat IIm-I Friday as. Canlena Frum Port MlinrHMin and s tl Saturday--sa. Cardena Fur Anjm, Slewart, elr Bundsy as. Catala Monday.. as. Prince Charici Prldai-Ts. Prlnrs Rupexf From An), Me art, etc Tuesday as. Cat la I Thursday, .as. Princess Cnl 1C1 Ssturdsy as. Prince Rupit I lor North (tieen ChsrMle- I Mondaya. Prince C-.rt ; From Norlh Cluren I'harMIe- Thursday a. Prince Charles I- '1 For South Oueen CUarlotle- July 18 as. Prince JcSa ri.m Koulli (Juren Charlotte-July 13 as. Prince Jo:, 3 " 27- -as. Prince Joi. i For Alaska Wednesday as. Prince Oecrf 1 July'8 as. Princess Lo. " ll--a. Princess " 16 s. Prlnoess Cliirlcttt " 18. as. Prlnceas Ix-J " 22 as. Princess Al'.re " 25 . Princess Csar:.-- " 29 sa. Princess LouUe From Alaska- Monday as. Prince Oec-;e 1 j July 9 sa. Princess C " 13. Princess Lcu: " 16 . Prlnceas Ai: M 20-tSS. Princess C!;ar:t " 23-1-ss, princess liauise " 27 as. Prlnceni Al. 3 " 30 as. Princess ChBr'.o'.t MAIL SCHEDULE For the Fast JII.V 19" Mondsys. Wednesdays CaWr4,l,; From I lie East MondKTi Weilnesdsv. Fr'-'V uuc To Vancouver- Mondays Tuesdays Thursdays RaliihlBU. ' ,4U! nnu . a tt IB 20. ' Frikiii Vanffi iver Mondays Ms!! Wednesdays ' , Friday. O.P.R. July 8, II. 15. 18. V , To Anyox, Alice Arm. rw1" ..Hlewart ,. Sunday. mH ,! Prldaya. M, From Anyot. Alice Arm, rrr""" 8lewart rf! Saturdays " , Tuesday To Naas River Points , Thursday rnall ck" From Naas River Point Baturdaya D,,U To Alaska Points July 8, 11. 15, 18, 22. 25, From Alaska Points-July 9, 13, 16, 20, 23, 27, To IJiieen rtiarlolte Un f"1 Lower Islands, Monday, Ju" From queen Charlotte ,N,n jl Lower Island., Wednesday Adwtli ta Tb Du