aridV Ju 21,1927 1 YOU tastedMilkChoco-, hoyo never Into quite so. good as Milky Way. J A flavour all its own. It's Milky! Not top milky! Everybody is buying tms uencious cnoco- iaie. p- Join the crowd. COWAN'S 7 -i av- .u. . - I BARGAINS BARGAINS at (he FORC or THOR JOHNSON'S large slock of ' GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FUKNISHINGS GET YOUK SHAKE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Ptir vivnn.,... Sailings from Prince Rupert. p.m U' VICT0'A. Swanson Bay, Alert Bay, etc Tueday, B Po5?yj5R' v"CTOKIA. Butedale. Alert Hay. He, Saturday a.m. d. T. 8,MI'0.. ALICE A KM, tNYOX. STEWART. Wales Island. Sun-for pm 123 "a inaitytr V ''ont and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. Avenue. K, M. BMITII. AreM. Prince Rupert. H.C. k!,ro "jh tickets sold to Victoria and Scnltle at a reduced rate and rh'rr throuth to dextlnntlnn. 1 Local and Personal Arthur's Tm. PbOD 67B. BO. Undertakers Tooefa InlB 14 Tun up you races on July Phone 41. WfoWid on time J30esee ANNOUNCEMENTS" 8t. Andrew's Picnic. July 24. K.C. Picnic, July 31. Mooitc Picnic August 7. Phone M llWii for toe biMt Oet your boate triwiwl lor Yacht at FUf.iu ob Jvly n. Hyde Transfer bow Nau tor Udy-miU-Wtiltngtoei Qui . rbm 60. U Prtnee Hufxrt Olut Regatta will 127. ' Canadian Legion ricnlc August 31. Established 1923. I: I It Exchange Block. Office Hours: D a.m. to 6 p.m. , Saturday: U a.m. to 1 ".am. Any evening by appointment DENTIST the 171 HrRifwiA4 Yacht be heidftan July 34. ' iat 171 City solicitor E r. Jm U buod to Mil on the Pnnce CWte for Vancouver tnla afterfeoun. Specie meeting of Tradoa aad Labor Council Friday night. W. K. OoMu4, B.C. organiser, m address toe meet- Arriving on the train yaatarday after noon, which did not .tirlN .tUl 4:40 were fifty Prince J. amumg of ih Part Ch ajm pole camgt mm awougfct to taw on the Prion Obawtea una aamilng suMsnnaj from a cut Stoat. Ura. Ooawe. mothar of Dr. Ooaaa. and aiatara who hawa wn vtattlng In Um nty are returning to Vaaooamr on tka Prince Charles today. On the charge of a mm tilting a poller offlrer O H Luacombe of the light-limite Eatevan waa fined MO oi tlirc mnntha yeaterday. A Rmtemake and prty of at art atayinv at the Central Hotel, having come direct from PtnUnd and are lug on to Anyos to the mtnea. I Mlaa Barrie. ElaUr -t the lata W. O Bame and uncle of Earl Barrle la v::iu.n ttic city with her nephew Sue comes from Peterborough. Ontario. Ml Fife ft ho went corth on the Prince Rupert recently audalnce then' haa been vlaltliiK polnu In the Yukon returned on the Prince Charlea enroule to tier no.-ne la Toronto. For their Senior League ftootball match tonight agii:t the Regiment. Trimlnala will field Hip following team 8 OuVvlch. H. Hanv Meiizlea. Q. Howe. ,T Haddeu. O Hill. O Ourvich. Dejohna. iD.rkent. Strachan. Ri bertaon. Spare IJ Hamilton Rr'tirimiK on the Prlnot Charles till n - miiii? frjan the round trip arere Mrn F St. rK and the Mltaaa' K. and P. suirk Mr aad XI ea H. B. Hesneati Mri a. n Tite and Mw Mlaee Tlte Wr. and fla Tucker. Ura. P. H i Llnrey and cnl.d. Ura J. O Steen. Mlaa E A Jonea and Jamea Mitchell. Four Callforntana from Pomona rt nuesu at the Boury club luncheon to I diy at the Commodore Cafe, all of whom 1 were R tarlana They were Tern Brawn rigg. Ana on Thoaaa. TYUi Kennedy an; Fred Reynold. The speaker for (be da; was Rotarlan Stanley Brown of St Catherines. Ontario, a meatber1 of the Ontario Motor League. C.tltlt OF THINKS. Mr. and Mra. Jaa. Ball and family and Mr. and Mrs. Chae. Batt and family desire to convey their sincere thanks to the Moot Lodge and to their frtends as follows, tor the kind ex presalons Of aympathy and flowers sent during their recent bereavement: Mr and Mra. R. B. Morgan. The Loyal Order of Monte. Mr. and Mrs. Hugh OllUes. Mrs. Lear. W. Sherman. Jr.. Mr and Mrs. R. McKay, Mr. Oeorge Sutber land, Mr. and Mrs. A. Prince. Mr.- and Mrs. Rcbt. Gordon. Mr. and Mra. T. D Smith. Mr. and Mrs. Wicks. Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Chrlstrson. Mr. and Mrs Shepherd. Donald McRae. Mr. and Mrs Klnslor and family, Mr. and Mra. L Fitzgerald. Mr. and Mrs. F. E. Terrlen Mr and Mra. Frank HaR. New York 4s4 4 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THRE3 3 W;ESTADLmilDf rrrlf in mo Jm Central Hotel. i Urn, Ihii cxivtrrtisementurioi rXibliyhcdor diSpJoyfJ txj JwUquorCrnliol fxard ot bj me Covvnmrnl of fcifahColuniVg pry Birch ti Cedar. Cameron Tranafer. rooaboU tatMgbt at 4S. a. THsnlnala. Regiment Oet the Bi 4 habltl When Uilnaini of a Taxi, pbona 4. tf (hues rebuilt like new at Mr Arthur'! Hhoe Htore. tf Otao aad Ura. Dargau ot Anaheim, Ootlfornia. and family are (pending a few day In town and are registered at LAST RITES TODAY FOR DECEASED LADY ImrtrcfcMte enlie When Mrs. Ullllam Itol.l. Ull Ket This Afternuun There was an Impresrtve sen-ice at the chapel of the B.C. Undertakers this at ternoon at 340 wlWl Rev. J. R. FrlaeU officiating, when a large number of; people gathered to pay their last re-1 ipecta to the Iste Mrs vVUllam Robb '. woo died a few daya ago. Appropriate words of comfort were spoken by the minister before the cortege proceeded to the gTaveyard at Fair-view, where Interment took place. Pall- L'oltour. Frank Fitzgerald. R. E. Eyolfson, isnnes S Irvine and W 11 lam Anderson. An abundance of flowers were sent by sorrowing friends, loose wading flowers Include Mr. and Mrs. Muaunem, Mr and Ura. Joe Haggard. Mr. and Ms. H. B. Eastman, 4r and Mra. W. Smith. Alex Yule. W. M. Watta. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Hill. Mr. ind Mrs. Oeocge R. Place. Mr. aed Mrs. Ivarson. Mayor Newton. F. O. owfcu atafl. Ur. and Mra. C. J. Oal--C Mr. and Mrs. Alex Ouyan. Mrs. 5DWther. J. T. Wllern. Mr. and Mrs. Clapperton, Mr. and Mrs. D. Olennle. Ir and Mrs. Robert Gordon. Brother --- -n-t f: nlW St Andrew's Society, Mr and Mrs. H. KUIiil. Mr. and Mrs. S. D. Macdonald. Harry and Dad, F. G. Dawson. Mr. and Mrs .Fred Cameron. 4x. and . Mra. Geo. Geddea, Mr. and '.rs. Dive Ritchie. Mr. and Mra. George haln, Mr. and Mra. Arthur Silversldes.' and Mrs. Jaa Watt. Mr. and Mrs. T Steen. Mr. and Mra. W. Anderson. V. Smith. Staff of Stewart Ac Moblry. Or. and Mrs. Eyolfson. Red's Transfer. a - Market Prices Retail prices on the local marker to- Jay are as follows: LAKU ftire 25c Compound 20c H1S B.C. fresh pullets 37 lie B.C. fresh, firsts '. 42c 3C. fresh, extras 45c Local. new laid 60c riMii Halibut, lb , 25c Jafcnon. red spring 35c Islinon. white spring, lb 15c moke- kippers, lb 15c cClpptred salmon, lb. , 25c Smoked black cod, lb 20c finnan haddles, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb 25c Eastern salt herring, 3 for 25c Salt codfish fillets, lb 25c "Jonclcsa salt cod bricks, lb. . 20c MEATS Pqwl. No. 1. lb. 30c and 35c toasting chicken, lb. 45c Ham. sliced, tint grade 55c iam, whole, first grade 42c Ham, picnic, lb 22y,c Cottage rolls, lb 30c Bacon, back, allced . .. 60c AIR MAIL TESTS ARE PROPOSED FOR EAST DEPUTY POSTMASTER OTTAWA, July J! L J PUrboury oeputy paatmaaler general, repreeenta live at the internattonal airman confer ! ence at the Hague on September i la ttm open to hare eiperlmental flight- probably In the Oult of 8t'' Uwreuce) tnla fall m order to hate' informal.. in 1 upon which to call for tenders in tnej air mail ten-ice next aprtng FIRE AT TORONTO DESTROYED BUILDING FURNITURE COMPANY TORONTO. July 21 -The fire a lore) warehouse of the Canada Furniture Company was dertrttyed and nearby buildings damaged in a fire yesterday wbl'b la declared to be the fiercest here in yeara. The loss la estimated at IISO.000. LARGE PROFIT FROM EDMONTON UTILITIES EDMONTON. July 31 City utilities for the first half of 1927 show a sur plus of II22J12, a betterment ot l3Joj over the same period last year, aeeord-1 Ing to a summary Issued by the city com-' mlsatonera today. Ftguree for the month 1 ot June alone are Individually much! same as lajt year except that the street j railway, wblch classes June as Its bad month, sftowi a deficit of 14.107 which la II.66J greater than a year ago. Surpluses fcr the tlx months' period are: Electric light. 8WS; power plant. I1J; telephone. 151.859; water. 129.-495; deficit on street railway. 18,541. rolLUT JltLP IT A city man visiting a remote village. noticed they had neither library nor movie. "Whttever do you do here when It rajna?" he asked of noe of the ln-j habitant. j on." replied the man. "we lets It rain." i KOOl (IN TOP I Forgetful Hubby: Where on earth la my hat? Wife: Ifa there on the sldehosrd. were Oordan M. Moore. David ( Hubby: Well. I wonder In what rldle- uloua place IT1 find It next. Wife: On your head possibly. HOTEL AltltlVALS. Prince It ii pert R. Wilson. II. T. Burdlek, Vancouver: Wm J. Bradley. Toronto: Miss Clara, L. Tremper. Rhlnebeek. N.Y.; W. B.and Mra. and Man Emma R. Wctlmah. San' ' Pranebpro: E. J. Allaire, Vancouver: Elisabeth Orant. Clayton. New York: Mrs M. H. Dean. Buffalo. N Y.: Mlaa Mary Lavelle. Lsckwanna. N.Y.; Eric Torat.-Mi. Vancouver: R. W. Sinclair. In- erncsa; C. A. Pmcunler. Sunnystde; T. R. and Mrs. Fletcher. Clayton; R. : Brearly. Pew Westmlnater: W. E. Giif-j flrhj. Vancouver: T. R. and Mrs. Camp bell. Hanelton. Mra. A. Hailberg. Uk; 11. N. and Mrs. Osborne: W. II. New-. combe. Vancouver: Francis Oliver, Princeton: Jas Turner. Vancouver: T;! M, Miller. Oeorge MacAfee, Georgetown; W. F. Burns. Balmoral. sam.v Mrs. John MacKenzle. Port Edwards; John Smith, Uak. 1 Central H. Jackmn, Calgary; W. O. Long, Walnwrlght; A. Martinson, E. Johnson, Wm. Doucett. Juneau. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LA Nil In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and ttuate on the west coast of Burnaby aiana. TARE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Co. Ltd., ot Van couver, B.C., occupation Packers, Intend; to apply for a lease ot the following escnoea lanas: Commencing at a post planted on 'the west coast or uurnaov island, thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 chains; thence west 3 chains, more or less, to high water mark; thence north along nign water mark to point or commencement, and containing 14 acres more or less, BRITISH COLUMBIA F1SHINO tc PACKING CO. LTD.. Applicant. Dated June 10. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEAtiE LANO. In Coast Range 4, Land Recording Dis trict of Prince Rupert, and situate at Captain's Cove. Pitt Island, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C. occupation Packers,, Intends to apply for a lease oi me roiiowing aescnoea lanas: Commencing at a nost nlantoci at the Bacon, aide 40c to 55c 1 northwest corner of Lot 1253, ITange 4: Dn.b r1 ..It . - I thence south 5 chains: thence west 5 ' " ....... ........p... am rh.lni' thnr nArth tn hiffh wftf jr iriarlr. Ayrshire bacon, lb. .............. 35c thence easterly along high water mark Veal, shoulder 25c 5 chains, more or less, to point of corn- Veal, loin i.., 40c "u -"""a -v.. Veal, leg 40o Pork, shoulder ( 28c Pork, loin , 40c Pork, leg .' .......... 40c i Beef, poti roast Beef Beef Beef Lamb, , DOtimUfc. . -limine .to 13C IkaTSiSWHWaflEsoe to .45c Aast.Ipnin7ittr77rj; . . "soo chapa .:..;...'..'.;... ,;t... soa Lamb, ahoulder 35c Mutton, leg 40c ; lamb, teg 48c j Mutton, chops 40a ; Mutton ahoulder sOo ! lll'TTCR I Brookfleld. Shamrock and Woodland. lb 47UC O.D., lb 47 VaC Capital. 2nd grade. Ib 42 Vic Phone 109 I rater Valley, lb 50c OOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. Dated June 13. 1827. Use SiMONDS SAWS Machine Knives, MMONOt CNAO aAW CO. LTD. MOKmcAi VAMCOUVCR. ST. JOHN. N.B.. TOaOHTO B A THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE Finer Foods of foods we serve MANY today have been so refined in preparing that much of their essential food value is gone. The remedy for "starved" foods is plenty of double-rich, full-cream Carnation Milk. Used in cooking, Carnation adds flavor, smoothness and food value to all kinds of dishes. Every drop is as rich as every other drop because Carnation is "homogenized" 'the butter fat broken up and evenly spread through the milk. Every time you use it, you can count on the same sure results. Try Carnation for cream sauces, puddings, cakes, salad dressings all cooking where milk is used. Let Carnation take the place of cream in coffee and tea at one-third the cost. Carnation is just pure, whole milk evaporated to double richness and kept safe by sterilization. Order several tins or a case of 43 tins from your grocer. Send for a free copy of Mary Makes Cook Book. Address Carnation Milk Products Company, Limited, Aylmer, Ont. It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy Carnation 'From Contented Cows" TWO SIZES Produced in Canada TALL AND SMALL DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - "THE DAINTIEST UHEAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co., Ijd- Prince Itupert. D.C. Ran API an National llit Largefl ailway Sylcm in America STEAMSHIR AND TRAIN SERVICE 1 SAILINGS' from PRINCE Kl PKUT for VANCOUVER.. VICTORIA, SEATTLE, each MONDAY and .-THURSDAY. 4.00 p.m., SATURDAY. 6.(10 p.m. For ANVOX and STEWART f . .MONDAY. FRIDAY, 1.(10 p.m. For ALASKA WEDNESDAY, 4.WI p.m. For MASSETT INLET MONDAY. 4.(MI p.m. For SKIIIEOATE INLET and SOUTH Ol'EKN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fortnightly. PASSENT.ER TRAINS LEAVE PRINCE RUPERT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at 11-Hl a.m. for PRINCE GEOROE. EDMONTON, WINNIPEG, all points Eastern Canada. United Staten. JASPER PARK LODGE OPEN MAY 81 TO SEPTEMHER SO. 8EE CANADA IN CANADA'S JUBILEE YEAR 1K67 11127. AOENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian National Express for Money Orders. Foreign Cheuoea, etc-, also for your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 588 THIRD AVE, PRINCE RUPERT. Phone t8tt