4 jAGE SIX Je, TouJcm$o Jaffa ; Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 Look Here The sale of our drygoods department will be over by July 28. Why not take a look around and see what wc have left? You might find something you need at a bargain price. We arc also selling out our crockery and hardware stock. This is the lime to save money. Tke advantage early before it is all sold. caii- Mii ssallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 417-123 Fifth Ave. East. Phones 1ft and 81 Prince Rupert, B.C. For Ladysrfiith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of Imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street Canton Crepe I DRESSES I from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 16 Front $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue MORE TALK OF MINE MERGER TmalkinIs Samplers Been Working on Properties Adjoining Premier t Eastern Canada is Jaklng, quit t hlny pe rorUuiil" Caajl :reVBritlah Columbia aayf the Flnsnclsl Port. The financing of the Biuh Consolidated Mlnea"in tlx rt. the Interest In the Premier merger plana and the event of consolidated Mining and Smelting Into the ramp, ta awakening easterners. A revealed by The Financial Post amelten will ipend 1350.00 on the Oeorge group. Report from the west are to th effect that Premier haa 20 men busy now sampling B.C. Sliver and will then cample National Silver, a proceeding Ouggenhelfn'a deem necessary before final negotiation are entered Into. "You are going, to see aome tremen dously large operations In British Col umbia, aald a B.C. engineer who la In the east: He Indicated that he would not be surprised 11 Premier. B.C.. Silver National Stiver and the Extensive Bush Consolidated holdings ultimately come Kinder one operation. "You know," he said, "practically all these properties were originally O. B. Bush's holdings and I would not be surprised to see them all Joined together It would Week-end Specials 60 Pails PUre Gooseberry Jam. To clear at per tin IW Tid-Bits Ready Cut Macaroni, pel pkg D? Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. pkg. ."e MEAT DEPT. Freeh Killed Ilolllnir Fowl from the Interior per lb. lV2t Spring Clothes Pins, 6 dozen "."i Ginger Snaps, fresh and crisp, per lb llf Jutland Sardines, key opener. Spe cial, 3 for Saanich Clams, per tin .. 17 Vz f Libbys Asparagus Tips, picnic size, per tin 1 lie Toilet Paper Rolls, 7 for . . PRESERVING FRUITS Terrace Strawberries, The Ieak of the season is over. Do not wait for lower prices. APRICOTS Our first big shipment will arrive Friday. Price is $2.00 per crate. Season will be short. Place your order without further delay. PEACHES Preserving Peaches due in about two weeks' time. Granulated Sugar in bulk, 20 lbs, for SSI. 11) Limit 20 lbs. to each customer. This special will be withdrawn Friday night. Malkin's Best Tea, 2VZ lb. pkg. Special $1 FRUITS AND VEGETABLES New Spuds, 8 lbs. for 25? New Carrots, 4 lbs. for 25? New Cabbage, 4 lbs. for 25? Cauliflower,,.-. 25? and :15? Broad Beans, per lb 10? Swift's Classic Laundry Soap Extra Special, 11 bars for 50? Cucumbers, No. 1 stock, each 2."e New Green Peas, 3 lbs. for PROVISIONS Breakfast Bacon, lean, machine sliced, per lb tt0 Cottage Rolls (new stock), per lb 27 Ayrshire Bacon, mild cured, sliced, per lb :rivi Local New Laid Eggs, per dozen roe Finest Ontario Cheese, per lb, 30 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST tisH jjLj'i uun TENDERS WANTED Sealed Tenders addressed to the Secretary and marked "Tender for Oil Burner" will be received by the Board of School Trustees, covering Oil Burner, and tan with capacity ol 2.000 Oallons, Installed In the Booth Memorial School, until C o'clock p.m. of Wednesday. July a7th. 1927. live lowest or any tender not neces-.wrlly accepted. J. L. CHRISTIE. Secretary. IN PROBATE. IN TIIK MTItHMK ('(H UT (II' 111111111 ( Oi l Mlll.t In the Matter of the "Administration Act" and In the Matter of the Estate of John Selffert Berndgen, Deceased. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor Judge F. McB. Young, the 6th day of July, A.O. 1027, I was appointed Administrator of the Estate of John Selffert Berndon. Increased, and all parties having claims against the said Estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 6th day of Auiust. A.D. 1027, and all part'es indebted io the Estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to mc forthwith. NORMAN A WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an application for the Issue of a Provisional Certificate oi Title for Lot one (1) of Lot three hun dred and sixty (360), Range five (51, !l Coast District, Man 970. Bausiactory proox oi xne toss oi me Certificate of Title covering the above land havtng been produced to me. It Is my intention to issue, aner tne expira tlon of one month from the first publication hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land. In the name of ALICE CLAPP. The original Certifi cate of Title Is dated the 29th November. 1912, and la numbered 26051. Land Registry Office, Trlnce Rupert, B,C July 15, 1927. ' H, F MacLEOD, Registrar of Titles. Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Ave. and Fulton Streets PAY CASH AND BE INDEPENDENT Milk, per case $."..0 49 lb. Sack Flour $2.75 14 lb. Box Capitol Butter . . S5.75 2 lb. Capitol Butter 14 Jm. Box E.C.D. Butter . 1 lb. E.C.D. Butter Pure Lard in bulk, per lb. S. B. ADAMS, Manager. So? .$(1.15 20? Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. 50? High Grade Bulk Tea, per lb. 00? Pure Cane Sugar, 10 lb. . . . . 75? Oranges, 2 dozen 35? Regular Dollar Sodas, only 70? Shredded Wheat, 2 for 25? Bran Flakes or Pep, 2 for . . 25? Corn Flakes 10? China Rolled OatsjL,.. .v.. . AOti on hand ait all tlmes. You get the benefit of low prices in small quantities. Get my prices first PhoneilOl $3.00 Orders Delivered Free THE DAILY NEWS Js.nn nn n7n Pvno mUvJ A lt It" V aP has InzmM Sjtk coffee fiavoy SJ SOLD EVERYWHERE make a tremendous large profitable enterprise. " One of the richest discoveries ever reported In Portland Canal comes from nig Missouri Mine. It Is said that one running seventy ounce of gold and seven hundred and sltty-one ounce at silver per ton has b?en disclosed on a new surface cut on the Big Missouri. This property Is located five-eighths ot . mile North of the- Buha Consolidated and 'Premier holdings. The sample was Ukerj, by James L. Vreeburn. former manager of the famous Chicago! Mine In Alaska; In the course of an eaxmlnatton of the Btg Missouri property for the Tscoma Interests which control It. It la also reported that easterners' are c-king control of the famous old Mac' renzle and Mann property. Dear River Mining Co., which adjclns flearge Copper on two sides. A new Dominion Oo. Is talked of. PLAN IS MADE TO PRESERVE BEAUTY LONDON. July 22 A call for greater appreciation of architecture and th alue ot old buildings was made by r.ord Sumner In his presidential talk at J the conference dinner of the Royal Institute of British Architect Architec ture, he declared, was one of the greatest Influences on everyday life. "We build museums, libraries and art galleries and organu societies and guilds tor the cultivation of everything connected -with the arts, and yet neglect hose things which are of equally great Importance -the atreeU and country sides." he said. "No building syndicate or private Individual has a right to destroy beauty which belongs to the whole of the people of this country." Lord Sumner declared himself con vinced that In years to come the coun try would regret the lack of vision and foresight in not safeguarding what were really national aweta. UPSET FROM SKIFF AND WOMEN DROWNED Uracil Party doing Aboard (iavlioit When Boat I'pvt Near Ketrhlkan KETCHIKAN. July 2I.--At a coroner's Inquest held over the body of Julius Mlms, colored, who drowned Friday night off Oravlna Island, a verdict of 'death by accidental drowning" was re turned following the acceptance of tea- Imony offered by several witnesses, two of whom personally witnessed the tragedy. Mima was drowned when a small skiff. which. Mrs. Helen lewis. "Sandy" Irwin and he were using to reach tAeir gas-!'.at, suddenly overturned about 100 ftet'ffcm shore, "irjjiin. according to hie testlmonjr, was forced to break Mrs. Lewis' grip In ordtr to save himself. He .wam to shore. T'.ie body of Mrs. lewis Is still missing but with the finding of Minis' yesterday, search for the woman will again be resumed. Ole Fields tad. the, first one to reach the scene of Uie aocMent Friday night related his activities to the Jury. He told of the two retraining members of TIMBER SALE XI 101 Scaled Tenders will be recel.ed by the Minuter oi Lanas, at viei.r. u.u., no-, i later than nojn nn the 21st day of July, 1027. ftr the purchase of Licence X1104. to cut 1.972.UU0 f.b.m. of spruce. hemlock and cedar on an area situated on the North Arm Wark Channel, Rine 5, coast UJtrict. Two (2) years will be allowed for re moval of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. TIMBER SALE X89I7 Sealed Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria. B.C.. not later than noon on the 1st day of August. 1927. for the purchase of Licence X8D47. to cut 630.450 lineal feet of Cedar Poles and PlUng on an area on Ferguson Bay, Massett Inlet, Queen Charlotte Islands. Three (3) years will be allowed for removal of timber. Further particulars of the Chief Forester. Victoria, B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. B.C. LAND ACT. NOTICE OI' INTENTION TO APPLY TO LE.W; LANII tfueen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north of Lots 1658 and 1657. TAKE NOTICE that The Laneara Fish ing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Masnett, occupation Canners. intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: inmencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; Uienre north 5 chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following said low water 160 cnalns; thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to the point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less Ln ANGARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD. -s Applicant. Fred Nasn, Agent. Dated June 27. 1927. "IM th9 Clark Kitchens IMp Ye Clark's cups "impiy near HEjZa "X i 1 7? '''"'on of Clark Soup, I lrKludwrTom.to.Oit.il, Vtg. b't Conaomm and Chlcksn. ( Isbda of U mt.t f soups. .j7 W, CLARK Limited . MONTREAL j I II ' "" 1 """""- 1 1 JSJLJS!14.ttH""ailf1' aasssssBssssssssssssssssssiHHLllsjsHHHHHH HOYS" FINE WELT SHOES in Black Calf and in all sires. Regular J6.00 value. Summer Sale Price... V-fJ CO Q5 CABLE SHOES Discontinued lines in black and brown. Imported direct from Northampton, England's great, shoe centre. Regular values to $10.00, and now all one price. Summer Sale Q QfT Price A REAL SHOE SALE. LECKIE'S OIL TANNED Made on the famous Hunter last. A work boot that will stand real hard work. Summer Sale the beach party. Jesse Sleet and Stel-11 Hllsoii, and of their screams for help. , Prevl ius to the accident they had been rowed from shore In the skiff by Irwin, j who then turned back to bring Mim and Mrs. Lewis aboard, DEER UPSET CAR ON HIGHWAY AT TRAIL NfcXSON. July 21 Struck when ln from the edge of the road by a hurtling deer that launched Itself from the top of the cutbank above and miss ing Its leap, catapulted Instead against the front wheel, a closed car belonging to E. Jeffcot and containing the families of Mr. Jeffcott and S. J. McDmald. both of Nelson, toppled over .the bank late Saturday night on the China Creek hill between Trail and Castlegar and rolled and slid down a sandy declivity for 500 feet, turning over twelve times. Miraculously the six occupants escaped serious Injury. NEED FOR FLY-TOX The Panama Canal Was Impossible I ntll Mowjultoe Were Killed Enough mosquitoes to Infest a whole neighborhood can breed In one ordinary tin can. Mosquitoes spread dtseaee. They must be killed. Health authorities advocate Fly-Tox. Fly-Tox Is the ttcltrv title Insecticide developed -at Mellon' Institute of Industrial Research, by Rex Fellowship. Insist on Fly-Tox. It ts safe, stainless, fragrant, sure. Simple Instructions on each bottle (blue label) for killing ALL household Insects. Easy to use. Advt. COAST WAS CLEAR A womau. engaged a new maid, who Answered the door one afternoon, j A nan asked If ber mistress was at home. "Yes;- replied the rnarH ''odmi right in." Out, stammered the visitor, haps she's engaged." McARTHUR'S Shoe Store "per- "Oh, ahe's engaged all right, but he's out of town for a week so you needn't be afraid. Come right In." Canada's oldest company was granted a charter ln 1670 and entitled: "Oentle-men Adventurers of England Trading into Hudson's" Bay." Annual Summer 15 per cent off all line) of these high grade Shoes Canada's Best. It will pay you to buy now. And Save! QUALITY Holds Our Trade ALL LINKS OF CANVAS SHOES AT SUMMER SALE PRICES Third Avenue. Thuridy xj- BOYS I.ECKIB BOOTS Sire 8 to 10' 2 tjCMn Size 11 to 13. . Size 1 to 54 . $.(.n.-, It's tackle's f ,r . wear! Scti6 I - the bargain tables for quick action hale. A til cut Every Shoe In Ihe Store is now on In prices in all lines. Hurry, while rancc of sizes is complete. MEN'S WORK SHOES "Sterling" Shoes, with Banco Soles, and sterling value, too. Summer O (itZ Sale Price VJO Sterling Shoes with 10 inch top and double soles. A real work shoe. Summer Sale Price S7.45 MEN'S SHOES This lot grouped up in five styles. In black and brown calf. Extra good value. Regular, values to $10 00. Summer Sale Qt J K Price Viiiu Shoes for the whole Family at (Juick Action Prices The Famous Astoria Shoes LADIES' SHOES A big assortment in i: black, patent and color . spike or Cuban heel . this opportunity! Summer Sale QO Qp Price 00.00 MISSES SHOES The famous "Tre l Hi'-brown strap. Neat and nif looking and good weai qualities too. Size 8 to i" Summer Sale Sire 11 to 2. Summer -Price 1 JW... CHILDUEN'S SHOES in Patent Oxfords and ma right for the little feet Size 5 to7Vi l.'Ui Size 8 to 10V4 1 - Size 11 to 2 $1,0.", MISSES' BLACK OXFOKDS Sizes 11 to 1 $1 IK ITS A WINNER. MISSES' BKOWN OXFORDS With fancy trimming- a"' leather or Banco sole. Sizes 8 to 10 f5'il.i Sizes 11 to 2 ::.K.i M. McARTHUR WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "AN AFFAIR of the FOLLIES" A story of life in the chorus LEWIS STONE, LLOYD, HUGHES, I1ILLIE DOVE, ARTHUR STONE, ARTHUR HOYT, and others. COMEDY BILLY DOQLEY IN "A DIPPY TAR." AESOI"S FILM FABLES Admission .......... 35c and 10c A BEAUTIFUL WALL RACK and n half pint of Lacq, all for ope dollar. , This special offer Is for a short time only, and i: xr.zdr. so that you may become acquainted with the wonderful qu- tips of Lacq. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 25S Third Avenue Prince Rupert S P UN : S I L K For Your Summer Dress Use Spun fellk We have a very wide ranjje of colors In a good quality spun silk at !M10 Also a big variety of Dress Materials to choose from. Jabour Bros., Ltd. 'Phone 615. Corner 3rd and 7th