it I HE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS HOUSE ' HOLD SHt5 SOWED 0 0 BfROoltM- NOW SHE KKOWS I I frPlPCETo6tND D , Trtfc iCtOTHES V M "he found out that thia v , :ru- place to send the h s rlnthen she alo dineov- , . .1 t hut wi- would make her a , , al rut i' for the family laun-She told her friends about ;,i fj thrv told their friend . , if ;ind this is getting to j, , : n t'.imily laundry. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 Ladies Hose SILK TO TIIH TOP ( i, nr Silk, in all color 3 TO T1IK PAIU Special $2.50 The Louvre 31G Third Avenue Next lloyal Hank REMEMBER 1 For Montreal price on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. H. Miller - Proprietor MILK -.- PRICE Reduced-to- ' Iff flints for $1.00 7 iuarts for .$1.00 12 pints for $1.00 Cash price ti.ckets. M Hride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - llth St. Telephone 657. ELEVEN FARMS ONE FAMILY! Hallway Company Place Family in Mock of 17CU Am I WINNIPGO. Jry 11 dm at the untune ctaaptec in j UMn of rand seftteeMetit In the wt kw juatj xn mbm off in um in iwhiiimi ; ,of rufjcUaUon between uraner of1 Norwegian Mrth mid the oolonlMtMt, CrpsrtHieBt s the Canadian NatuuvJ railway p. N. Lober and his Itn aora art now settling duv u on elrw-n farm spread of t.7ao kim- in tbe Heave ;RlvT esMMtry. UM April Mr. Lobefg. ' who im the llviag t Day!. A bom, MM H. B. 0va aad n.. 84 ' MoOfllre Of the Canadian NtlkHMtl sllwajrs oaloiuaauoa deprtmat. re-(pleating direction la a fertile spu oa which he eud his ten hw oouM take up hnmirtMi) land A rapid ttnrcy of the territory sveUable resulted In the taking out of the iniimrf papers tor Um rirmi farms which are In the Saskatoon mountain are, aoutk of Valhalla and northwest of Wemtotay and Orande Prairie. The fanna Join on another and ihe family will tx settled In big block of territory. Mr Loberg who la 91 yavi of age migrated from Trondnjem. Norway In l12 to Seattle, where he remained for a year, after which he settled at Dttjra-l.nd Pilar to leaving Norway, he waa it newspaperman and author and waa a leadlag tweenher of the lay body of the Norwegian LeJtWraa CtMrch. In addition to 10 scats to baa thrae datagbtera Maid- You know that old aae. mum. you aald 'ad baen anded down from l-eneratloft to generetiott? Mlatreaa (aaaUmety ) Yes. Maid Well, thai awneraUon 'a dropped It. CANADIAN NATIONAL RAILWAYS 1l.Mll US Mill ThVW'K TltS Beak-d Tendon addressed to the under-Mined and endorsed 'Tender for Track Ties" will be received at the office of the Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent. Canadian National Bxpreas Building. Montreal, until twelve o'clock noon. August lit. 'TI. for Railway Ties to be manufactured from douglas fir. hemlock, husk-pine, tamarack and cedar timber cut between September let. 1W7. and May lat. 138. and delivered between January Int. and August isth. IBM. f ob. car Canadian National Railways. In accordance with Specification 8-3 W-U re-vincd July lath. IOTS Tender form may be obtained t the office of the Tie Agent at Winnipeg, and from the Pur-(hulng Agent, Vancouver, or Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent, Montreal. Tender will not be conaldered unless made out on form supplied by the Railway Company. The loweat or any tender not necessarily accepted. O. P MaeLAREN, Oeneral Tie and Timber Agent. Montreal. Que.. July oth. 1H. " NOTICE. There will be offered (or sale at Public Auction at the ProvllaBjal Government Court House. Prince Robert. DC, on Thursday. Aiut llth. 177. at 3 O'rtock In the afternoon, the following lets: LoU 9 and 10. Block 1. Section S. Lots 0 and 10. Block 33, Section 1 Lot ?. Block S. Section 3 Lot 1. Block 8. Section 7. all in the Cy of Prince Rupert, B O. Terms Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash and the balance In three equal annual Instalment, with Interest on the deferred payment at the rate of 6t per annum, the Crown Orant fee to be 110 00 additional Plans showing the lots offered for sale may be seen at the office of the Government Agent. Prince Rupert. B.C. NORMAN A. WATT, dovernment Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert. B.C. July 4th. 1037 REDUCTION in Prices - f 5 per cent -off. j fcjn tvwifweek anty 'Ctinti Hit kind iruttuft-t'our stock M. T, LEE LAMES' & OENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Rox 977 No Coal! No Ashes! No Soot! l'.O. Ilux 772 More Comfort and Cleanliness when you have n Westing-house Electric Range Cheaper In the long run!1 For particulars, phone G8. Prince Rupert Supply Co. J. A. Hlnton, Manager NEW METLAKATLA IS GETTING NEW WATER AND POWER SYSTEM METLAKATLA, Alaska, July 11 -Ci-Bent pngrru u ovlng made by the contrsetora Mw hydro-eleetrtc pktat h MrtsekaUa. IttHKtor HIM. repeeebUbc the gov rahea. on hand to wateli pro- sreaa OJ ur work. ie natural lake reservoir will tapped with .URBel. CMMtderable .k k. . . ,""sos oeen done and mut: or the right of way finished for theM traneeakMioa lloe. rne new plaht w mark another nat forward step m ,th progres of Matlskalla. It wait alee th naVUnU Netwt tight (id power and make' B. le w hare pwer for local lnduv- trie. T-. Osmunentutg n tM work a Ketchikan paper says: "Fretn a village of natives established by Father Dunaan who took tbem from the wilds or British Columbia In their savage stale to the modern town of Metlakatla. us It U today, may seem a far cry. and Is one of the point of interest whitb attract the attention of v tutors and tour Witt." SWAM ACROSS BAY DISTANCE OF THREE AND A HALF MILES ketchikan July 21 With more than 100 spectators cheering them on, Mr. Hufey Kmpena and Bob Miller, of Kaaaan. Saturday evening awam acroa Kaaaan Bay. a dietance of approximately three and one-half miles. Mr MUTer, an employee of the cannery, negotiated the distance In one hour and 99 minutes, while Mr. Est. peaa. a farmer Ketchikan girl, touched the other aide In two hours arid 34 mhwtea. Bach swimmer was escorted by oilman Dow rowing for Miller sitcl Arnold Swansea and George Winter watshlng Mm. Empen. Keruaan workers are very enthused ever the feat and several more match rases are In the making, according to the report BEAR WAS CLUBBED WHEN IT ATTACKED Cannery Workrr Ceraered by llrula W hen I narmed Hut I'uuglit and Hon KETCHIKAN, July 21. How two Kaaaan cannery workers, cornered by a mean looking bear, managed to get away with their lives when both 'were unarmed, la ttll a topic of dlscumion among the resident ot the town. Recently Ed. Conradl, foreman of the Kassan plant, and R. R. McCombs, set out for the Karta River district. Tying' anlmtl made directly for them. Both ; W. H. Sinclair of the Sinclair Lumber tr. and NJrg."iA, W. Itoblnsbrl''ii son; Wft on Tueday:tJ rlstj with' Mr. and Mrs. T. H. MeCubla UX.PaclIlcJ R. Brealey, tupermtendeot .of togging operations for the Laminated- Materials Ltd.. New Westminster. Is la the dis trict at present on a trip of Inspection LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION' TO A1TI.T TO MUSK LANI In Range 5, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 103 Humpback Bay, Por-cher Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that F. II. Cunningham, Board ot Trade Building, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Broker. Intends to apply lor a lease ol tne louowing at scribed lands: Oommenclng at a post planted ISO yards south-southeast of northeast corner pmt of Lot 103. Range S: theuce due south 6 chains; thence south-southeast la chains; thence due north 0 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acre, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINOHAM. Applicant. Dated 25th June. 1937. Act: and IN PRORATE IN THE SI I'KKME ( OI HT OF IIKITISM (OIX.MHIA In the Matter of the Administration In the Matter of the Estate of WUlIa4 J. Kyle. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His day day it Honor. P. McB. Young, the 24th June, A.D., 1027, I was appointed Administrator of tbe estata of WUUam J. Kyle, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly ven fled, to me on or before the 25th day or July, a.d. 1937. and all parties in debted to the estst kre required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B O Dated the 35tu day ot June, XD. 1U7 THE DAILY PAGE FIVI5 Victor ataMl!" tap aTaTaTaTaTaUltlllk. .1M Walts Vocal Victor Talking Machine Co. Miss Donald Records 3jjf recording - Jt tual moment darln pUyin ot the Carillon Bells Victory Tower, Ottawa fso "The Message of the Carninn" 'S'tlfA M&ht ,Ion W. L. Mackenzie King 0 V A meeting of the committee In charge cf the Diamond Jubilee cele- hfr met on evening Tuesday men were unarmed and were forced to:brtlon protect themselves with the boat an- i In the Terrace Hotel. Tha finance I ... ... . r chor and a large club. . ,uuu lr u cco"nts were settled. Scleral It wM only after several long mlri- orth "ggKns were made for the utes. which both men will agree seemed deposition of the but It was money like aeveral eternities, that the bear was! clubbed to death. TERRACE ceciaea u can a special meeting vi all those who had. been active in the day's arrangements before deciding to what use the money should be put. On Victor V. E. TroceM record No. 216504 Honolulu Moon llilo Hawaiian Orcheatra The Keelers There's Everything Nice About You r'oiTrot Nat .Nhilkret and The 2040J Vkfor Orchestra Vocal Johnny Marvin Word waa received In town this ot the Dlrth Of Son to Mr. Shd rv, Vi . w a hine, .laltnr . . ,k. i .iMrs. Robert DeKergammeaux at Pre- nlng of the week. Mrs. Hamilton, cook at the Prince Rupert hospital, who has been spending a holiday at Hill Farm, Terrace, returned to Prince Rupert , on Wednes day. ruler. B.C. AGED MAN ACCUSED OF RUM RUNNING AT AN ALASKN ISLAND .C KETCHIKAN. July aif-'Arralgnnient of iwdLi!itfe&aauk JecSpi'ly arrested here ut Je postponed' until the arrival Of Astisiint txstrici Attorney Howard it. Stabler. It was announced by United States Commissioner Joseph W. Kehoe. Alexander Plhl, 81-year-old resident of Baronof, held as' an alleged rum runner and whose boat was captured last week with 30 cases of assorted liquor aboard, will remain in the 20612 20596 207H Me and My Shadow ' FoiTrot Nat Shllkret anj The Victor Orchestra 20675 Vocal Jack. Smith The Whisperln lUritone) 20626 Hallelujah! (from HU the Deck") For Trot Nat. Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra 20599 Vocal The Kevelcrs 20609 Alto the latett lied Seal records bf famous Victor artists VaV of Canada, limited of the company's -tnterest here. ilia lour which has txen -arranged a a cauiii ini ration of the Jubilee of Con- Tne W. to the Terrace Hospital met lederation is also an educational and on Tuesday afternoon at the home of j recreational outing a well and will ex up at the shore they were confronted with the big husky. Instead of shying to the woods, as Canradl thought the bear would do, the tend through the mountains and as far as the Pacific Coast. CATTLE BECOME WILD ON ALASKAN ISLAND KODIAK. July 31 Three hundred and fifty shorthorn cattle browse over the mountainous surface of tiny Chill-kot Island, 200 miles out In the northern Pacific Ocean from Kodlak. More than 40 years ago the Alaska Commercial Company, a development concern long since extinct, stocked the kslMtd with a few head of time cattle for experimental purposes. On the little Isle with a surface ot but 2Q square miles, the cattle have degenerated from Inbreeding and have become thoroughly wild, but the herd continues to thrive CHEMICALS STREWN ON RUST AREA IN . ' MANITOBA SUCCEEDS PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE. Man.. July 31. A novel attempt to eradicate the danger of grain rust was made north east of this city recently. A Winnipeg aviator, flying at a height of from 20 to 30 feet, spread a solution of sulphur over the grain on the Sanderson farm. Tbe aviator tra- federal jail until Stabler'a arrival In vr lied at a rate Of 100 miles an hour lieu of 13.50 ball. The chemical solution, so far, has The case of William Edge, arrested shown favorable results. July 3 on an assault charge, and who b at liberty on 2,000 ball, has also: pD AIDIC FARMFPn" toeen rjostrjoned Until the attomev's! 1 IlllItlJj riUlUEilUJ arrival. EASTERN STAR PARTY CROSSING CONTINENT TO VISIT BRITAIN WINNIPEO. July 31 A large party of more than one hundred Canadian, farmers will visit Europe in January! to ktnrtv marretrriK- .conditions In Great WINNIPEO. July 21.--On their way:B,ltgtn and on tn eontlnent The-across Canada, on their confederation wnlth te ,,,., organized by the! tour, a large party of members of the Canadkan National Hallways system. Order of the Eastern star left Montreal iwUJ Jeave llanfax on January 8. A today on tne c-anaoian, nauonai Kail- u nroportlon of the farmers In the ways and will be In Winnipeg Sunday. KillThat Constipation! mit ff a af tad.a. Atlir ?Uini 'J-rpti-f-M'ves til "J titii Mas tineNcp I a y.iar tplttlii ttthk". D. Bto: Utboui Ulat$. U.S. "Fruit-a-tives", made from intensified fresh fruit jukes combined with tonics, is a natural remedy for constipation. Enjoy life. Try "Fruit-a- tives" 25e and 50c a box. party will be from the prairie pro- vinces. The trip will Include visits to some of the famous breeding centers In England and Scotland. y J. ALEUTIAN SALMON - RUNJS SMALLER SEATTLE, July 21 The salmon run at the Aleutian Islands and vicinity la smaller than usual this year, the pack so far being not more than fifty per of the average. The late season Icent may possibly account for the slowness of tbe lien to sppear. Backward : Season SPECIAL Sell SPECIAL FOR THIS WEEK Mens' Suits in Blue and Fawn French Worsteds with extra panta, double breasted only, sizea from :iH to 42. Regular $37.50 value. Special Backward Keaon Sale Price $24-95 Acme Importers Third Avenue P.O. Rox C67 SPECIAL NEILSON'S Jersey Milk Chocolate large cakes, -0f each NEILSON'S CHEAMY TOFFEE large cakes ilOf. 3 for ."Oft OrmesLtd. Jfic Pioneer Dtupftjsis THIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. - TELEPHONES S?o200 DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse , Helgerson Block . S,,X-RAY SERVICE . , 'V--tv-;-.: ' : : ; . ; Phone 686 . 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments CANADIAN PACtnc FOR KENT Johnson's Electric Floor Polisher $2.00 per day Let us know the day you want Itt Kaien Hardware Co. Phone 3 Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangell. Juneau, and Skajway July 4, S. 11, IS. 18, 22 25, 29. To taii Oliver. Victoria and Seattle July I. C, 9, IX IS. 20. 23. 27, 30. PKINCKSS BEATRICE. For tlutrdsle. East Bella Bella. Ocean rails, Kama. Alert Hay. Campbell Klver. and Vanrouier every Haturdjy. II a. hi. agency for all Steamship Lines. Pull Information I W. C OKCIMKD. General Agent. Cvraer ol 4th Street and 3rd Arenue, Ftlact Bapeit, B.C.