3 PAGE FflUa Sfi MILD VIRGINIA The Queen of Spades With all her Maids Sedately pace the sands; They softly cry To passers-by "Pray save us 'Poker Hands BASKETBALL I LAST NIGHT l Tuxis Boys, High School and Elks Winners of Fixtures Over Stars, Elevator and Terminals ) Oood fast play but poor shooting 4n bine fcaes featured last night basket-tall league fixture at the Exhibition Hall. There was a good crowd on -hand to witness the! games, results and details of which' Were as f olifowsi t JIMOK LEAOIE Stars Eddie Smith. 8: R. Nelson. 2: C. Donald; Gordon Vlerick: Doug. Scott. Total. 7. y TuxJs Boys fc. Bmlth. 4; Obrdon Parkin, 8; Tom Steen, 5; Fred. Cameron, 4: J. Currle. 2. Total, 23. Referee George Mitchell. i INTERMEDIATE LE.UitE ' High School Harold Macdonald, 15 Dan Morrison, 4: Allan Cross, 6; Bron-son Hunt, 4; Tom Kelsey; Bob Stalker Total 2. Slevator T. Hughes; T. Black, 4; A. Donald; R. Moore, 2; 14. McLeod; W. Murray. 1. Total. 7. Referee R. B. Skinner, timekeeper, M Budinlch; scorekeeper, D. Frlzzell. . SENIOR LEAOtE O rand Terminals Jack MeNulty. 6; Joe Oosse, 1; Pllo Howard, 2; A. Slocomb 1; R. Smith, 8. Total. 18. Elks W. Lambte. 16: George Mitchell 4; D. Prlzzell, I; M. Budinlch. 1; Eddie Smith, 2; A. Phillips, 2. Total, 31. Referees R. B. Skinner and Vic Men-r-les; scorekeeper. Miss S. A. MUJs; timekeeper, W. Gilchrist. With lour personals against him, Doug Frtzwl was put off the floor for rough play. HOCKEY GAMES TO COMMENCE MONDAY Ditrolt to Have Two Team Playing This Keanon DETROIT, Mich.. Nov 12 Detroit hockey enthusiasts will receive more than their share of this form of en- tertalnment In the oneoming season of j 1927. The automobile city will be re- ! presented with two team this year ituBrv wiupn, major league team, playing lis second season In the ; National Hockey League and the tie- j iron vrympiea. a minor league team playing it first season in the Cans-I oian Professional Hockey League ... . .. . Both teams will epen their seasons Monday and both, likewise, will make their 1927 debut on hostile lee. Jack . Adamst Jate of Ottawa and Tordftto. will manage the TJolt Oooar. durmg the season of 1927. while Frank Foyston. former Cougar centre, has 1 been signed to handle the Detroit Olympics. THROUGH TRAINS CONNECTION WITH OLD COUNTRY SAILINGS The Canadian Nutinnni PMin, v,o,, made arrangements to operate special trains with sleeping cars throuzh to i chip's side at Montreal and Halifax, In connection with Old Country sailings curing November and December. Secure full Information regarding rates, reservations, passports, etc.. from ulty Ticket Office, 828 Tbttd Avenue. Phone 260. 263 COM! IN INTERIOR Arrivals from the Interior on yesterday afternoon's train reported very cold weather for this time of the year pre vailing In the Bulkley and Nechako River valleys. At Smlthers early yes-ferday morning, the thermometer punk to 8 below zero while 6t Endako ft read 14 below. Stop That Tired Feeling ! "'FtuiUM-fiwts' lncre$sti my iff-titt.fr tot matt tuttsr i beutT ctlour. I htrt Itinti t lot." Ifias Kvs Emend, Magog. p.Q. Let "Fruit-a-uves' build up VOUK trensth and vigour. It correct indi-gcition, biliousness, constipation and such troubles that keep you listless and miserable. 25c and 30c at all druggists ni A nnnr'ni nrn nn ehd dtp eueatt T UI DiU L Y fin 1 , ,. . : . .1, 4 "aptitft orld Alliance to Hold Fourth rourlh (,onirrp:-is Congress in in. Toronto Tnrimtn Aext bummer . TORONTO, Nov, 12. Canadian ' Bap- : Ut - rj irMd .vi.'.-.'.t.;. peer the fourth cptftf'tMplSfr1 "rCT th8t mlht h" Worki Ant. :Lt km ?fded "n serious results had thu this iciti icttyl next r,, summer mmr, m, .Six t&ousarid tn,u.nH ' -V - delegates from & pari of the ' woridlT,P!?nllT- J CXK 7:40. . -tftw-mmr- tfaiiHthe a -km.(i,. , k. , " . , the second floor placed too close to the tered to bring t,tr CanWa the visiting ,, BwaU set the latter fire. d.,i... ; u . , on The room Baptists from the Brit Ma Isles and spe cial trains and automobile caravans are being arranged from T&ricms points in Canada and the Urf(ted8tates. The National Committee of the con-grew met recently n Toronto and heard reports from the local executive committee and Its sTib-commlf8. Plans for the great gathering are well advanced. The delegates will be housed In several buildings of the Canadian National Ex hibition. The meetlnes will h hM in 1 the exhibition buildings on the front of ! Lake Ontario. Other arrangements are being worked out In detaU by the special i committees. An extensive exhibit, showing Baptist work in all Its phases, win be one of the .outstanding features of the rnfi- :grea. This is telng arranged by the local committee with the co-operation of the Northern and Southern Baptist Conventions of the United States, and other organizations abroad. Word from headquarters in tend indicates Vmt the program which fe lng prepared for the eohgreM wlir one oi ik Dest ever prevented to a Baptist gathering. Probably the most slgiflftearrt meeting will be the roll-call oil the afternoon . . of June v -" ..v..,. v v 23. when wilU re- IT- porta of every Baptist constituency in the world WU1 be presented1. The local bodies are preparing for et- eurslen and other entertainment for the visitors. Mrs. W L Stamford and MkM E. Stamford of Dlgtoy Island will tall tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Victoria on a tiollday trip. TTTt DAtLT XgW& Turn nrnnn it rnm inrATfirn LULU T Li 1 lULU " i Department Deals Promptly With ' i Conflagrations ',.rrii.....i u li-u I Which Might Jiate Ileen serious The eola wther It Mght was res tne ' !dpartjneht not dealth with . e first eafl came in from "Ntthr"r f 2' 3" N!ntb Avtnue We. where a heater on was scorched but the use of chemicals prevented serious damage. The more serkms metdettt occurred at 10:4S in the home of P. M. Rarnor. 508 Fourth Avenue East, 'who are ab sent from the eMv on a hl trior Friends went in to kindle a fire and the kitchen range exploded, tx-ittg virtually blown to pieces. The water system, including the water Jamket, was atmarentlv frozen un. this beiM -given as the cause for the exptteton. ANNUAL POPPY DAY TAGGINGJN PROGRESS Danghters of Empire AWt Canadian Legion nn Armistice Aimlverwiry The annual Potrov Dar tamrtne bv the Imperial Order, Daughters of the Empire, for the Canadian Legion which fill Use the nrrmeeds. lmnliel work for seedy jwldiers or thehJwtv3ind. tanfi-!e; is in progrcsB'' todaylf with Mrs. Robert Blance, regent of Municipal Chapter, in general charge. Be' seen the . hours of 9 and 12 tills "ia Hi. tagging WSSS was WO carried baiilU out VUh under the auspices -of Queen Mary , Chapter. In charge at Canadian Legion headquarter were Mr. O, A. Woodland, Mrs. C. J, Norrington and Mrs. David Thomson while taggers were Mlas Doris Robinson. Pbylhs Way. E Mackay. Megan Morris. OHve Brass. Marjorle Blance. May Neo. Audrey Parkin Elizabeth sturgeon. CHidrun Welle Enyd Morru Eva Morrl. Enuiy Ska'-te- 1 ; viaoiiicu . nuo.i WANTED " " ' Wanted party or parties to finance finance Oor Oon' Wd i oh Oil Mining Mining location i.ti near Prince Rpert for half interest Apply Box 81. Daily News Office bol and Margaret Slevert. Flora 12' to 3 Cms alternoon. Artasr Oaiss ,qhap, under Mrs. D. OrsJiwd Mrs. S. V. Cox, Mr. B. F. SeM. Mrs. V. Houston. Miss Charlotte Edwards. Miss Darts Dingwall. Miss Annie Johnson and Mrs. H. J. Bradbury From 8 to 6 this afternoon. Hill 60 Chapter conduct the tagging with Mr. John Muwon in charge and Mte. V. F. Ableeon. Miss Caroline Mitchell. Mies Win Dyer, Miss Margaret Palmer. Miss Marjorle Striel and Miss Molly Cross acting as tagger. HOTEL AliRIVAI.N. CVntral W. Burke and H. A. Morgansteht city; J. Hoan and A. C. McLennan. Vancouver; J. Stewart. Butedale. Alex McLean, crtr. w. H. Thorne and WUllam P. Duff. C.N.B.; N. FncSman. Terrace. Prince Rupert E. J. Dodge. Vancouver leaving Capt. A E. Dickson the only officer still remaining at the scene of the )Ubck. .Chief Engineer J Hogan ZVm Officer A. C. MeteHMn were t mi the etty yestery afternoon from fprronftarwk Reef. near Port Simpwn where the steamer Catala is stranded, and sailed this morning with the rest of he officer am! crew aboard the Carde:ia for Vancouver PAIN from Bladder Irritation oon satsd by 8AI3TAL MIDY Bswars of Imrtatfont Loo for ths word "MIDY" Sold bv til riruirgim Rslistsd b FOR SaI.H FT. Tim PACKER AMO . Taplow. 16-30 HP heavy duty Vivian, with eon?pleVr squis- meat wjwjii. m M Rtepbens. FOR SALE. OHEY WICKER BABV boggy in food condition Pan be seen at Llneey it Davis. FOR RENT BJsfted ajaarttnairt with hath and water pal a. phone IHT. tf FOR RENT Pianos, phouegrapb and j Slater sewing macMgte. . Walker cl Store--' ,x FOR RENT-Apartments by the day. week or month. Phone Red 687. U HOUSE FOR RENT. 8 ROOM8 AND BATH. Apply Monro Bros U HOWES FOR RENT. 1 2900 OP. AP-ply 215. 4th Ave. E. tl FOUND FOUND GOLD HINO OWNER CAN have same by proving properly and Paying for this advertisement tf PICINCK Itl l'ERT IIAUIldll ritruiiiT KEKVICE t. It. Arnold, Proprietor Do anywhere aaytime. Diy or sfM. Alwys on board. Term very moderate. Two boat always available. Phone 310, p.o. Hnx 810 tlllMNEY atTEKP ll. . 7.H.MKEIIK Clenernl Iliiiulv an f Furnaces and Stoves CRened d Be paired. -CMmnle Swept. Cemetery Plot Oared For. Phone Red 243. Prince Rupert, B O. FURN1TURE AND RANGES, HAUHV.VIOKE (Altl'ET! 6 ft S in. x 0 ft. to clear at 130.00 9 ft x 9 ft. to clear at . 4S.OO 9 ft x 10 ft 6 In to clear at 147.60 10 only left of tlii shipment A Mt-KRVKin. IIItMT'RE Phone 1"3. AUCTIONEER LAST CAIJ 1 " November I last mini -' T ex(iiam;e NEW AM fcM Hv') ntl bought and - Playe- i Two Oash F' nr-moi'i TO 839 Till A As. I"1 KAIEN til"" , I1.RTIIEK MmttW (MF.VKOLET rHt -tcS Cteenmercfal Ch: , deWvery ( Tourtn i Roadster . nedter Deliver-.- ( Spart Rcadstef , Ooaeb Oodpe Sedan Cabriolet 3 Landau Sedan Imperial Landau Ed: tltHHv Exuress. 1 Disc wheels $25.00 ts' i 1338 W A completr line PMB' hind at oresei ti' lam fr demot tratlon r easy payment pi'.'. ' Guaranteed Oseo 1 'r 'j Ford Coupe. 1925. H (25 per moiitu Ford Sedan. lf. . ;25 per month KAIEN OAR"1, n i Dealter In uii -"" produce Oopdyear and , j: . o.i,. Da'' ionr TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call George, Pa"1 ' St Sis and Seven I'Jif ROSS BROS- FOOL Meeker Wort, j (Across irom