formed by kPACIFICj 12, 1927 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE TEHEE Church Notices Local and Personal The EXERCISE NO. IS Pendulum To loosen up the spine in all tSUKKWM I' ATIIMHUL BO. Dodertakrra. Phone ti. direction and to stretch the iCtuurb u( England i blood vessels back of tbe legs, actor. Archdeacon O. A. Rlx Drattst. Dr. J. B. O'. Phone 888. r state right and left after bending well forward. the Keep Jacrrung. wit let at 11 o'clock Ivan-lug knee aa straight at possible RED SEAL service at 7JQ. ticnuant of the Gl tht Big 4 habitl Wbo thinking on of a.Tul. phone 4. tf U at Drkege and WkMoa O (Tr4nl r I I BJ IfUlldtT sehanl k -1 VA i 16 at 8 pm. la 287 Musical Masterpiece "Nutcracker Suite" (Tschaikowky) Philadelphia Symphony Orchestra Conducted by Leopold Stuhmskt jDouM-sidwI 12-inch Vklor Record r.ifU 't Jfl album with fkmcnpttre older Price $8.25 .::U.r.".Ut. DEMAND Ehre is the fairy story of a little tot's dream, xpresied in symphony music by a great composer. It is music that gets close to the heart whic'i even children can understand. If IS Master's Voice Dealers for other great masterpieces of Canftdj, Limited "Rupert Brand" Kippers THE DAINTIEST UltEAKl AST FOOD.' Smoked Daily by Canadian pish & Coi Storage Co., W Prince Hupert. B.C. Canadian Pacific Railway IcaradianJ r r rn.t rV,v. Sailings from Prince Rupert Vi Ke' lilkan, (Vrangrll, Juneau and kagaii.v Voveniber 12. t6; lwem- ' tsnci.iuer. Vlrturla and (Seattle Noiemtier i. ifi, JM; IlM-eHilirr tt. .'il 4jniurj 1. PKINTrsS IIKATIIKF. Fr lliiledale. llella ItelU. Oeean I'alM. NaniH. Alert famiihii ui nrf v.nMiuir eterv II a.m. for all Hteaimtilp Lines. r'oll lnfM-inll.n fr..m-,, I'tfnry VV. If. ORHItHll. Clenrnil ttrnl J "''"'r of 4th Mreet and 3rd Avenue, Prince Ituiwrt, Phone SI V inter Weather Wants supplied Dampers Coal Hods Elbows Stove Pipe Ice Skates Hove Cement Stove Hoards Weather Strip Stove Shovels ISrick Lined Heaters Sheet Iron Heaters Easy Vacuum Electric Washing Machines Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. I'hone 51, UNDER' NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRA L HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Itooms, American and Kurojen Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Bus meets aU trains and boats. Sample Koom L Martin, Manafjer. sttPTIt m M II Minister, faff, y W Pries Morning wurahip at 11 o'clock. Subject talk to children -rtnoo. Bundaj school t 30 trenlitg wurahia mt 7 JO. " Pte. "Cmrt Mighty Cbal-Bit." Poparlar alnging. W Vaughan Daraj at the organ. uiiimm.s m iem : mxiijtv berric ery Sanday morning In the Hay Mock, Stt eeond Avenue, subject on SuBday: "Marts ! and Iaamor-tale." Testuacay mm rtlug on Wednesday evening at o'clock. I'HiwnmhK ( hi hcii aBnlatat. Bar. t. M. FrtseU, BA., LL", eildsaes. Taw Maaw. Telephone. 4U. stoning wotaena at 11 o'clock. Sub J". "The Words Which Mada a Gnat l." BuaMUy school at kanrfe at ijs. ub- Jtct: -I 4m For reae out Whan I apeak. Tbay am for War." . Speelal music ST. PAll U'TIIKKAN CHI KOI a, aba M, Banaotv. Telephone Bad SSI Hadar aanael at 10 un. Barrios at U am ' aaandlnavian language. Solo tang and aofcf by anatr. Luther League 1M pm. frotrnm with light refreah-aeents following. A oorcUal webome to aU. IIHsf I'Mtm. t ill K( ll Swr. A. WJlaon, B.A.. Paator. Mkf L Haddock. Daacoaaai atoralat worahip at 11 o'clock. SuV jact. -TI ttvaat Mdthod Tranaforma-Uaa." aaaaaji Wbiol at Mo. Xaing errlo at N. anb)aet: "Tba Value of the Cbjbjtlin Qraee of PideUty. Monday at tao. aaatlna of Toong People H. a at iaf'aa fa eMlad tJe morning on the ata. Ogmft ar VlcBorla. tala tot' VaBoraeer SMDeeaa Mary gkfc aftaraaan fraea Waorla and U1 apead a e days HtWIas Ml ttoa city. A draer. arbe will be eagaged in oon- 1U the aalragtai of the fs9fW Pm-t0POiamk near ort glnajaidi, aarl Ted on the Prince muport Hda aaarntag frpaa VanepuTer. Mr. Franeia Ml Herd, who hu hrei. t lathing in taw city tor tne pat two week aa tbe gueat of Mrs. M. P. Mr-Caffery. 445 Fourth A venae Wet will return by the Prince Rupert tomorrow nigbt to Vancouver Week fad SpaciaU on new and Slightly Bead Upright aad Oonaul Brunswick IfeoriOgraph. taaehlne that aald for 1M for OSS. aad one new. apeelal. tm to go at M. Term tf deatred. MacUrans Maaae House. CM., ata inn Pr'.nc aupert. Capt. O. Uoaald. aakirg the last week-end trip of the season, arrived on time at 10:30 this morning from the south and will aall at 10 o'clock tonight for Stewart, returning tomorrow evening and sailing for the south at ll pjn. In the onrrant number of the Canadian IfsMonal Magesust appear aa article on Prince Rupert by J. A. Shank of Victoria under the title of "The City Where Halibut u King." In i the name issue, there Is alao a write-up on the Kiaploa Valley by A. D. rfcrnng-ton of Haeeiton. NOTH a To Whom It Mar Concern. Take notice that my wife. Mrs. Charles H. MacPhee (nee Mae A. A. Hamblln) has left my bed and board and I will not be responaible for asy debts Incurred by her. CHARLES H. MACTH19G, Prince George. B.C. a ANNOUNCES! 12 NTS Pythian Slaters Sale of Work Novem ber 14. Anglican Baaaar, Tuesday. Nov. IS. Moose Baaaar. Nov. 16 and 17. First Vnlted Church Bazaar December 1 'Adam Eva," Wratholme Theatre December 6 and 7. Play by Vnlted Church Ladle December 8. Beit erdaby CanadlaB Lsapoa) Pansy tag day Ba de the auiaton of the I ODE. will b 11. 24 Why not give akaaci MUa Xjm oaa a tar efaauoaa and Buo- daya by igaiaiiiiiiil. Emiaai Studio. n. "Oatela". taw tflwia Sre lave wraek of th tltp BoaU Prim RuBart Playara' Chib Nae. la in WW be Berred peogram baa at 130 Adam and Bva" at the Wrathalni; Tbaatra. Dvooaaber 8 and 7 tat aad ar tba ChUdMBa Want. Angllean dral HaS. 030 and a MBfier atrangtd tor the CP. atadBuer Pllm Uary. Caat a. K. dray, anlrad to tbia morn ing from Vaacraver aad wayporta. aatt- lug at 11 bjb. on ber return aouta. Hortb B.C. nagteaaat Uniform Cbawaa Parade. AU raaka El parade la tax- Anaory. aunady nornlng at XQM, be attend aervlea la St. Andrew' Oatbe dral. 2ff Sam Hlalep, ptoneer )eaeier of Tel kwa. reacbrd the atty on yeaterday aaVrnoon'e train for a brief buataeaa vlalt. retanung to the Interior thi aternlag. Mrda Tranafer now agent for SooUeaa aaxl PaeaMna Peerlew Tbeae coal are uader cover, don't bu water, bay coal. t!2 a ton can you beat ttt tt Onion ateanver Caateaa. Cast. A Johnatcne. arrived In port at 8:4 thu morning frees Vaooaawer and way point. Bailing at 9 otteck ' on her re turn aauth. ,!, A. L. ClemenU asalaunt general atanager of tbe Unlort 'Steamship Co. who baa beea In the march for the pam weak, aalled tbia moraine by the Car on ale return to Vancouver. George E. Keith, pioneer Terrace In ' arror. aad Mrs. Keith reached, the itnuatxtry centre from .Toronto on yeaterday aftemoon'a train. It 1 their j Intention to spend the winter at Ter j race. I CPJt. steamer Princess Mary, en route from Vancouver to Skagwar. ar- ' iHiMt In immJ mt 1 S1 this ffrnnnn from the south, aatltng at 3 for the north. Tbe vessel had a small passen ger list. Oka! Hanaon arrived in the city on yeaterday afternoon train from a bus in ass trap to Smith n. He was aorom- naoled in by Bta brother. John Hanson from Haaelton. who wUl be in the city for a day or so. V. H. Thorne. CU R. baggage man. who cetne in on yeaterday aftemoon'a train and went out again this mornlrat Haa been transferred' for the winter to tba run between Smlther and Prince decree. He win resWe at Smlthers. Hon. H H. Stevens. MJ. for Vancou ver Centre, who has been spending the week at 8tewart on private mlntnc bualnass. wHl be a passenger on the Prince Rupert pasting through here to morrow night on bis return ' south. Mm. R. Pyne. who has been In the ntr for tiie past ten days, will sail tomorrow night on the Prince Rupert for Vancouver. Mr. Pyne. Inspector of the dining and sleeping car departmen of the Canadian National RaU-ways. 1 relieving here during the absence of R. L. Parry, local superintendent, on a holiday trip to Edmonton. All ofirers and members of the crew of the wrecked strainer Oatala. who "ere sent In during the week from Port Simpson, sailed this morning on the Oardena for Union Steamship Cr headquarter in Vancouver etrept Pur ser A. W. Robinson who received In atruotiona to report to the steamer Oamoeun which is due here tomorrow afternoon In place of the Catala. WbJat players or the tty wUl be pleased to learn that a weekly aeries o' eamea are now being arranged by the Elks. There will be substantial prlzer offered each night In addition to a rrand prise, of considerable value, for e pemm having the largest score at he end of the season. This will be one of the biggest undertakings of Its "ttnd ever attempted In Prince Rupert ""Mil particulars will appear in thl aper on Tuesday. November 15. We have on exhibition at the Sales lice of S. E. Parker. Ltd- Third Ave n analysed sample of Marvelube Motor Oil. This sample was taken from thr rank case of a Ford ear which had 'een driven exactly 500 miles by Mr ""arker. and the laboratory test provet "-ruitvelv lt auprrlor qualities over no tor oils manufactured by old nethods We specially Invite motorist' o inspect this sample, 'and see for 'cmseh !-v t!e cond'tlon of the engine f tin, ear tmd also 'he condition of oil ; J u iuipt'-ai Ol. Ltd. SCO FREE EXERCISE BOOK To help promote the good health of Canadians, Pcnmacs have prepared an attractive book on home exercises which will be sent to you free on request. This book illustrates 15 body-building exercises, with detailed explanations of each. Write for it to-day. Peiimans 'Jl the underwear of vigorous heallk 4TWTOST winter illnesses," says a JLVi. noted physician, "are caused by overheated homes, insufficient fresh air and inadequate undergarments." Inadequate undergarments! Make sure yours are adequate. Wear Pen-mans 71 and enjoy healthful warmth and comfort from now until spring. Penmans 71 is the finest medium-priced underwear made. Ask for it by number. In two-piece and union suits -for men and boys. PENMANS LIMITED Paris - - Ont. 0 HEALTH IMBERZttEAR - ii .ill -ruin I I .E! ' -nnevtr r j. f' v. "1" 5l'' Moose whlst-drlve and dance 24. Scandinavian dance tonight in the Metropole Hall at 9 o'clock. Next Wednesday and Thursday Moose Baaaar, the biggest and beet yet. M. P. McCaSery returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning from a business trip to Vancouver. Mrs. R. Tupper of the Rupert Table Supply suit returned on the Prince Rupert thi morning from a brief trip to Vancouver Mra. O. F. HiU of Hyder. who has been ob a trip to Vancouver. Seattle nd other points in the south, is a passenger on the Prince Rupert today returning north. Arriving from Vancouver aboard the steamer Prince Rupert tale morning was a much travelled hat which was started on its Journey from DaHaa. Texas, in June and has since covered much ground between the Pacific ana Atlantic coasts. The hat will touch laeka at Hyder and will go East from ere on Monday. Bob Friszell. who ha been on a clMay trip to Vancouver. Seattle. Spokane, Portlar. l and other cities In the south following the closing of the salmon fishing season during which he was outride manager for the Gosar Packing Co. at Captain's Cove Cannery returned to the city on the Prince Rupert this morning and is going out to Captain's Cove almost at once. Archdeacon G. A. Rlx. who went euth to attend the opening of tbe ! ngliean Theological College at Van- j xiuver this week, returned to the city j an tbe Prince Rupert this morning, ac- . ' ompanled by Mrs. Rlx who has been visiting for the past few months In the I east and south. The archdeacon stated , that there might be some announce ment to be made next week In the , maUer of the oppointmen-t of a bishop 'or Caledonia diocese to succeed the 'ate Arrhbihop F. H. Du Vernet. Genuine Thermos Lunch Kits Mack- Enamel Finished Metal Ilox, made from heavy tin plate, finished inside with a sanitary lacquer easily kept clean, leather handle, double positive fasteners and patent bottle holder. Price .$1.00 (enuine Thermos Vacuum Bottle, 15 oz. size, heavy metal case finished in blue. Price $1.23 THE LUNCH KIT COMPLETE Box and Bottle $2.00 Orates lid. 7fic Pioneer Druefsts THIRD AVE. C-SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 82&200 "Delineator" August, 1926 "The commercial laundries and soap producers are 'studying better methods of washing, standardizing washing solutions that are harmless to fabrics but effective in cleansing, working out uniform sanitary methods that make is possible to send clothes to a qualified laundry with every assurance of fine work at reasonable rates without damage to fabrics." The logical conclusion is send it to the Canadian Laundry and Dry Cleaners Sixth Avenue West Phone 8 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED sailings Irnm Iflhre Ituperl. tor VANCOUVER. VICTORIA. Swanton Ray. Alert Bay. rlc. Tuesday, t p.m. For VANCOI'VF.K. VICTORIA, Kniedsle Vlert Ua. ere.. Salnrrtay a.m. lor PORT SIMPSON, NA.IS KIVEIi POINTS, AUCE ARM. ANYOX. STEWART, Wale Island, Sunday. 8 jun. US Znd Avenue. R M. SMITH. Atrnt. Prince Kuuert. &C. Throiirh tickets sold lo Victoria and Seattle at .a reduced rate and barrage chetked through te destination.