Iioi be tr;l' Ithe Ik ICOME TAX ( 1 T I r i- TAXI Boston Grill t D ,ith ind Ambulance Service Anywhere al Anytime klindi Exchange Uulldlnr MATT VIDECK. Tn.p. take Hotel lesterday FOR SCHOOLS He rer Cent I-avnrpil hv Munici pal Convention at Session This Morning SUTOKT FOR FARMERS inhering Would Prevent Control ol Unds of Province by Orientals tN'NAIUO Oc. 19. rtut Ukvton of f . '.imbia MuiuclpaUUea thu '- idea luelf in favor of a ' ' u on all lncomea by the Kii oi financing, as a f rchevnIK the land of heavy Mn ham thought It would r iiiuther ut" and did not wmid give relief. The most ''Iiii;',n. he aaM, would be imi!K,n of the whole, east of i 'iv the province. ha:.'ie t.f the Delta farmers to Oriental control of lands and ' ?ni;portcd by the convention. VANCOUVER BOY WINS VICTORY Ivnock:, out Former Featherweight vnampion lloxer in Eighth Hound I niic AGO. Oct. 19 -Jimmy MeLarnln pi Vein mvei knocked out Kid Kaplan, farmer world's featherweight champion. dropped three times before he P; u: i ted out. He was th Kut'l fnntesaer for the lightweight champloa- IITHUANIA APPEALS LEAGUE OF NATIONS GENEVA. Oct. 19.- Lithuania ha 'it-ned that Poland la putting Into op- B.C. Silver Coast Copper .... nunwetl ..:. George copper Gladstone Independence Indian L. and L Lucky Jim Marmot Premier Porter Idaho Richmond 11 lar-reachlng scheme against silvercrest 'CV eXUtence nf T.IOniant. An mllli . Duvn 10 -he League of Nations is to be Runlet h 1 ' JT::. Ns LAKE, October 19. A young Finlander whose papers jme of Victor Aalonen arrived at Hums Lake yesterday red at the Lakeview Hotel: Seeing Jhat he needed t"- nt ion, the proprietor summoned the doctor and, follow-the man became despondent and slashed his throat with sr. rcnujr the wind pipe but miaslng the jugular. K .cclc suiceeded in stitching the wound and stopping the uiwnent and scientific method have made good the rything of the pig is used but its squeal." We may liar with the fact that similar methods and equipment rofitable In the fishing industry on our coast. Fish , 'i waste from the salmon and halibut fishing industry ". recent years, been utilized for the production of ilizers and oils and experimental work has shown : extracting in addition, fish glue. The realization -of UiM aim will oomptee the suooma- ful utilisation of the entire output of nah wast, and add another valuable by-product to the fishing industry. I Mil AKOIMI HOME Flan gluea. though the; are seldom told under that name, are a widespread and common article of commerce. They make up the bulk of the handy liquid gluea, aeocotlnc. and ready to use adhe sive which find ao many and varied ueos around the hone and workehop. They are more convenient than animal gluea obtained from bidet and bones, for they are liquid and ready to use at ordinary temperaturea. whereaa animal gluea are aoM In solid form, have to be heated uo with water and used while till hot. The beat gradea are made from fish kins, which are a by-product of the filleting Industry. In thla Industry the fish art cut Into slices, sklna removed. and the allces wrapped In parchment paper, and sold ready for Immediate use In the kitchen. The skins are collected. sold to the glue manufacturers, and by them transformed, often by secret pro-ocas, into the bandy lkjuld glue with which we are familiar. The all round tnefulneaft of this adhesive, creates a great demand for it. (continued from page nve) GENOESE STEAMER SANK IN SUOTENCE RIVER QUEBEC. Oct. 19. -The steamship Vulcano of Genoa sank, in the St Lawrence River last night near Father Point. All members of the crew were saved. The starboard bow of the vessel waa damaged In a collision earlier with the French steamer Union. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Bid. Asked 1.25 1.40 15 JO 15.50 .15 ' .19 X60 2.60 1SJ4 .17 .04 M .04 y .06 ' -07 V4 .10', .11 H .10 2J23 2.29 35 XI H .14 .04 'i .06 .14 .17 .70 79 4.50 lumlier of Chances Ackcd Having eefijoa to arrange for due notice to be given ao that any protests could be formulated If necessary. tvt4ttttttttt MOI1L VANt'Ol VEIt ISL.IMI H1T tOMIMl local halibut fishermen haiw been advled that the Canadian ' FVh & Oold Storage Co. expects the arrival on Saturday from Klkkman. Vanequver Island, of thirty tons of herring for bait purposes. Last Saturday, the company received about fifteen tons from the same source. These shipments have to some extent relieved the shortage of halibut bait which has been prevailing locally. CALL MONEY DROPPED WALL STREET MARKET to do Withi School Matters by Gathering j OFITCEILS ARE ELECTED i 11 hut the patient was evidently determined to die as without the approval of the municipal ' f'r -- u-hvi from his throat and bled to death, despite every that the rule relating to te v.: his life iking of Glue from Fish and Difficulties in the Way Locally Outlined by Writer Worker at Experimental Station Describes Present Method of Handling Fish Refuse and Sujtcots Improvement HARRISON HOT SPRINOB. Oct 19-Recommendations paaaed at the convention of the B.C. aohool Trustees Association laat night urged that school boards be empowered to exclude Imbecile children and that the Ooverninent , provide tor them: that tcooolboard be tPwm so employ asana inspect r council disapproving scheolboard estl- nates be altered io avoid the puollr getting the Unpreaalon that the expenditures were disapproved on principle waen It waa merely eaoaed by lack of funds. Officers were elected m follow i Hoo. PreaMant: Premier MacLaan. i PreaMeat: H. Manning ol Revelstoke Vice-president: H. V. Hobbs of Seanteh. Sec.-Traaa.: Q. A. Grant of Bumaby. , Complaint was inade that amendment to the school aal were often 1 railroaded tbrcugts' the legislature by pmate lumber jrtUsUjL'otee btinf i risnenei experimental station u-acuicj 01 me pu, scrrcoi I IJiological Board of Canada. i Trustee. ju,wtr remauttea i haa tA gt tVgk rooai mi m If I n tr til a nt nf Pkirnvn whrp Akl MlMUk awu. i v h i a a av s s. as, ' w v - W(M ini-v a:ani a v uiiaavvva VISA REFUSED TO A. J. COOK Secretarv of British Miners Cannot Attend International Conference at Warsaw IflNDON. Oct. 19. A. J. Cook. tary to the miners' federation of Great Britain, was refused a visa by the Pol tea Government and be waa therefore obliged to abandon the projected visit to Warsaw to attend the meeting of the Miners' International. The British Government declined to intervene on behalf of Cook. PRICE OF SHARES FELL NEW YORK. Oct 19. Such Mitotan tlal shares as General Motors. General Electric. Dupont. and Houston OU are conspicuous among the dadtnes.of from two to six dollars on today's market, for lowing a drop In the call money rate of from four to three and a half per cent. ., , Later In the day all Issues recovered FIND OUT IF WOMEN MAY SIT IN SENATE OTTAWA. Oct. 19. The government decided to submit to the supreme court the question whether women are ellgl ble to alt In the Senate of Canada. For some time past (here nave been demands that women be appointed to that body ut there was some doubt as to tne constitutionality oi aucn ac tlon. The matter Is to be cleared up by v.n: h::."ie.'. cjur. 41 lie laud. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT. ll.C. WE UN K WAY. OCTOBER 10. 1027 FRIEND OF YOUTHS GREATEST ORGANIZATION: Sir Robert Daden-Powell, organizer of the Boy Scout movement, speaking during the monster British Scout rally held at Ley ton. England. On Sir Robert's right is Lord Jellicoe and at his left is the mayor of Leyton. First FOR RUPERT Grain From Alberta Leaves and Should be Here Early Next Week lVord has Iwrn reeeltrd In the city that the flrt wheat booked for ITInre Kujiert ha been hlped and shon'd arrive here early next week. . Otlirr shipments will follow every day and within a few days a rontlhuous flow of (train will he online In UaA the steanirf rikhHul due here any time after Monday nrit. HALIBUT OFFERINGS WERELIGHT TODAY Only 27,500 founds Offered by Three Hoats at KMi Erhange This Morning Il&llbut landing were, light this morning, only 27,500 pounds being of' fered by three boats at the Fish Ex chanae this momfeig. Arrivals and sales were as foUows; v Anirricaii Sunde, 15.000 pounds, Canadian Fish & Oold Storage 18.1c and 7c. Canadian Oslo. 9.000 pounds, Canadian Fish Si Cold Storage Co.. 16 -5c and 6c Zero. 3.500 pounds. At! In Fisheries. 10.1c and 6c. YYEATHEK ItEPOKT. Prince Rupert. dear, calm; temper ature, 58. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 47. Alice Arm -Clear, calm, temp. 47. Anyox. Partly cloudy, temp. 46. Stewart. Clear, calm. temp. 41. Terrace. Foggy, calm, temp. 44. HaEelton. Cloudy, calm, temp. 40. Smlthers.- Clear, calm, temp. 28. Bums Luki dear. calm. temp. 25. i: I 1 ! ttTTttTTtttT HEAT CONTIM KS AT ALL I'lUIKIE ItUNT.H HARVEST NEAKS END WINNIPEG. Oct. 19. Throughout the prairie region of western Canada the mercury stood well above eighty today at a number of points and prospects are that most of the crops will be garnered by the week end. Threshing is proceeding merrily and the grain Is beginning to flow into the elevators. SUGGEST THAT HOSPITALS BE FREE TO ALL Union of B.C. Municipalities Ap proves Utilities Commission and Two Year Term for Mayor NANAIMO. Oct. 19. In an address to the Union of Municipalities which opened its session here yesterday Piesldent Thomas Reid. reviewing the operations of the Hospitals Act of 1925 auggested It might be well for the Union to consider whether the time bad not come when all hospital treatments should be free.' The TJnlon SDr roved the Drtnctnle. lof HbeMftWlnqrTILfl aTfcUia utilities In cases where the aldermen were elected for two years It was proposed to ask for similar legislation for the election of mayors for a two year term, subject to a plebiscite of the electorate. To a committee composed of the pre' sldent of the Union and representa question of the amendment of the Hos- Urjre Upstair Dining Hail with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latent and best for the least Phone 457. ATTACKED BY OUTLA Price Five tnta UN SLASHED OWN THROAT BURNS LAKE-DIED AS RESULT tasked Throat with a Razor and Tearing Out Stitches Bled to Death s ng Finlander Killed Himself in Determined .Manner in a Hums TRUSTEES ARE BUSY DURING CONVENTION Severe Fighting When United States Marines Attacked hy Outlaws MANAGUA, Nicaragua, October 19. After severe fighting with three hundred outlaws who suddenly closed in on them, a patrol of forty United State3 marines and Nicaraguan constabulary has escaped from irregulars in the Neuva Sergovia department. The fighting occurred when the patrol tried to penetrate the bandit strongholds in search of two marine aviators last seen running from their wrecked plane near Quilale. One patrol in cutting itt way out lost hone's, mule and rations. Sixty-seven of the irreguiars were killed or wounded and four members of the constabulary were killed. Big Airplane on the Steamer Princess Alice Bound North Today for Service in Yukon Her fuselage safely lashed to the upper deck of the vessel and her wings and engine stowed nearby, the monoplane "Queen of the Yukon" of the Yukon Airways Ltd., which will engage in commercial flying between, the far removed centres of the Yukon Territory with headquarters at White Horse, was aboard the steamer Princess Alice this, morning bound for Skagway where the machine will iaite off on her inaugural flight in the newly-established service. Aboard the vessel with the monoplane were Lieut A. D. Cruikshank, president of the Yukon Airways, who will be pilot ol the plane? J. E. Sir ith. mechaeteian. and Clyde G Wsiia V iin.cn business man and vice- nvTV vnvr m pres. dent of the company. Lieut. Cruikshank waa with the 84th Squadron of the Itoyal Air Force during the war and Is a well known flier He also served four years with the Royal Canadian Mounted PoUce In the Yukon 1rr,t.ry Has Iling experience, cjupled with his knewiedge of the country over which be will now cpera.e, should qualify him U foH the service which be will conduct. SAME AS LIMMtEKOS The "Queen of the Yukon" is a Ryan five-passenger cabin ship. It was built In San Diego and la an exact replica of the machine In which OoL Charles Llndberg during the past summer made the first non-stop flight across the Atlantic Ocean from New York to Parta. Even its 200 h.p. Wright Whirlwind engine was one of three from which Llndterg selected for his "Spirit of St. Louts." To especially fit it for winter flying In the north In low tem peratures, the engine Is air-coded and the cabin Is heated. The capabilities of the machine have been amply proven through the fact thaf. wbUe coming north to Vancouver during the summer. It engaged in 250 hours of barnstorming in the states of Nevada. California. Utah and Wash ington, carrying during that time 2.000 paasengera. After this work aU the machine required was the blowing of three tires. I'KEPAUATIONS MADE Lieut. Cruikshank stated this that fields had been made for the machine at aU the points In the Yukon at which it will fly. The only problem that Immediately presents lteelf ts how a "take-off" Is going to be made from Skagway where no field has been provided. The streets and townslte there, however, are level and It la not expected that any serious difficulty will be encountered. During the winter, it Is planned to replace the wheels with runners for the purpose of. taking off and landing on the snow. Speaking of future plans of the Yukon Airways Ltd. Lieut. Crulkshaak .stated that it iwas planned to obtain Is the near future, probably next year, a seaplane so that coast as weU as Interior flying might be carried out by the company. The concern already has an airmail contract and expects, in addition, to handle considerable na&engers and freight. A further Interesting feature of Lieut. Crulkahank'S trip north (s that It ts In reality his honeymoon. He was married on Monday just before the steamer left for Vancouver to Miss Esmee Buckley, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Trevor Buckley of Vancouver. His bride was with bun this morning and la looking for ward with keen anticipation to her tlve of the hospitals was referred the first experience of an air flight. pitaoa Act wun regard to tne per oiera c H Elktns returned to the city on T:liyra;i)i Creek -Clear, calm, temp, i charge to municipalities for the care of the prtree Oeorge this mum tog from SUKr INLfcl PLANT SOLD Revenue Mining Company of Khutze Inlet Flans to Ship Ore in Spring The clnlng plant jat Surf Inlet has been purchased by the Revenue Mining Company operating at Khutze Inlet and ts now being Installed there. Good progress la being made with the narrow gauge railway connecting the mine with deep water and It Is expected that the shipping of ore will commence In the spring. The controlling syndicate is composed of Detroit men prominent among whom are C. O. Bush and General Charles Hurrah, who recently visited the PREPARATIONS FOR MEETINGS Agenda for Gathering of Provincial Heads Heing Made Heady by Ottawa OTTAWA. Oct. 19 After a cabinet meeting today Premier Mackenzie King said the business discussed Included the agenda of the conference of provincial premiers which will assemble shortly. In regard to the conduct of the ses sions, Premier King said the system em ployed by the Imperial Conference at whlqh the Home Government advanced '.he subjects Tor deliberation would be followed at the Premiers' meeting. TO COMMITTEES FOR UNITED CHURCH Y.P.S. The Young People's Society of the United Church have appointed committees as follows: Social Committee M l&s Garnet, Miss Anger. Miw Rogers, Mr. Stocks. Look-out Committee Ross Ingram. Bronson Hunt. Cathie Irvine. Jack Hoi-royd. Olga Kolosoff. SCHOOLS REOPEN IN INTERIOR CITIES AS PARALYSIS SUBSIDES TRAIL. Oct. 19 The Trail schools have been reopened following the subsiding of the infantile paralysis epidemic Tlte ban at Rossland Is also V