AGE SIX How Is Your Pantry 9 for ... I Itf is $tium enjpty why ' not gei ii aufa up ai our exceptionally lew prices new 00: " Flour, all brand, 49 U. "V.... $2.7;. Flour, all brands, 24 lbs. $1.50 Suar, 50 lb. $,1.83 Sujrar, 20 I be $1.70 SugaTTin bulk, 12 lbs. for $1.00 Drown Sugar, IS lbs. for $1.00 Quaker Pea. G cans for $1.00 String Bean, C cans for $1.00 Heinz Tomato Soup, 8 cans for 5f Ileinz Pork and Deans, 3's,' 3 canr. for 85 lleii-z Pork and -Beans, 2's, 5 cans for U?f Heini Pork and Dean, I'r, 7 cans for 05 Raspberry Jam, new stock, 4 lb. tin 75f Marmalade, 4 lb. tin . . OOf Corn on Cob, 38, 3 can for 05 Tomatoes, 2', 7 tans for 05 Get our pricue on other roods; they will surprise you-. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY, LTD. 417-423 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 Prince Rupert, D.C. Thor Johnson Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY BRAND" CLOTHES JAEGER PURE WOOL Blankets in 7 or 9 lb. weights Nothing more comforting on the cold winter nights. Get them at WALLACE'S No more expensive than others. Phone 9 3rd Ave. and Fulton REDUCTION I in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Come in and inspect our stock H T. LEE LADIES & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Dox 977 OIL ELECTRIC Is Deing Shown by C.N.R. in Operation in Different Parts ....... - -of State- MONTREAL, Oct 19 go. great was the Intern centered around the display and performance of the Canadian National Railway hi cylinder on electric car at the "Fair ol the Iron Hone" at Baltimore. Mo., marking the centenary of railway operation In the United State, that requests have been received by the Canadian National to allow thta car to run over the lines of some of the tinned State railways In or&cr that closer inspection of her remarkable performance can be made The Canadian devised oU electric car wan hailed at Baltimore, aa one of the outstanding developments in transportation particularly for rapid passenger. Week-end Specials Argentine Corned Deef. 1 lb. tins Australian Roast Deef, 1 lb. tin Special, 2 for 450 Mrs. Porter's Mayonaise. reg. 45c jar. Special ;t5f California Figs, 2 lbs :."- 50 Pails pure GOOSEREKKY JAM To clear at per tin . . :50c4 Market Day Raisins, 4 lb. package 55 Ginger Snaps, fresh and crisp, per lb lO Libby's Asparagus Tips, picnic size, per tin 10." Finest Ontario Cheese, per lb. iWC SWIFTS CLASSIC LAUNDRY SOAP Extra. Special, 11 bars for 50 f Chocolate Eclairs, none better, special, per lb Moonlight Mellos, toasted or plain, fresh stock, per lb. 50 Broken Marcaroni, special, 3 lbs. for :J5r Malkin's Dest Pure Honey, 4 lb. tin. Special 70 NABOB TEA Facny 3 lb. tins. Special,' each S1.0S Sunlight Soap, per carton .. 10? Limit, 4 cartons to each customer Weston's Fruit Cake, new stock, arrived Tuesday Valencia, Cherry, Fruit and Sultana, 3V2lb. slab .. $1.-15 Home-made Cake was never like this. Try some today! Shredded Wheat, 2 packages for art Royal City Pork and Beans, 3 tins for J5r WESTON'S ASSORTED FINGERS Net weight, Y2 lbs. Here is a real family package. Special .$1.05 Pure Italian Olive Oil (Market is very firm) Half-pint tin :5 Pint tin (5p Quart tin $1.15 Libby's Queen Olives in the large Royal jar. Special, each . :) MAID OF CLOVER CREAMERY BUTTER In bulk, 3 lbs. for . . $1.:IM We sell the best and cut it fresh every day. Frigid-aire does the rest. . Fresh Spinach, 2 lbs 25? Green or Wax Beans, 2 lbs. f.or 25? Green Tomatoes for pickling, 6 lbs. for 25? Cranberries (arriving Friday), lb. :$c Sweet Potatoes, 3 lbs. 25? Tokay Grapes, 3 lb. basket . . 75? ! Mixed Fruit, basket 75? I Large Cauliflower ;)?, ,'15?, 40? Up-river Cabbage, lb. .'. 5? No. 1 TOMATOES Per lb 10? Extra Special, per basket 515? Ruperl Ta&le Supply Co Phones 210 and 211 A Single Sip and Threat Feels Fiael Physician, lawyers, slater, pablts spmkns and aO who saf fr from throat strata and Irritaw lion Bnd Bustfay's Miiturs prinWss UmsIbc. lUlkf Is Instant and POTitivn. A sin night and muraiaa" for throat and cbost swahn and InailraiMO acsiast pioml Cold. Cuwha. sroa cbitis, "Fla" and Pneumonia. W. K. Bscklsr, UaiHsd, 112 Hataal 8U Tsrsats 1 Acti like! flash single alp proves it baggage and mail service on lines where there is not sufficient density of Population tu demand the operation of the more expensive steam train services Accordingly permission has been given by Vice-president 8. J. Hungerford of the Canadian National for this car to be operated for a few days on the lines of the leading railways. After this It will be taken to vBut Pittsburgh to be operated for and inspected by officials of the Westlnghouae Electric Corporation and officials of several Important United States lines. Prom Plttaburg the oil electric car wnl move to Detroit and thence over Canadian national and Grand Trunk lines to Chicago where It will be Inspected by western railway directors who have expressed a keen desire to see the new ear In action. Locomotive 6100, which also attracted a great deal of Interest at the Baltimore Exhibition is being returned direct to the lines of the Canadian National to go Into fast passenger and 'wight service In Canada. Advertise In Toe Dally Newa GET BUSY GROCERY SPECIALS Canned Fruits Delmonte Peaches, Apricots and Loganberries, 2's, 3 tins for 05? Gold Reef Sliced Pineapple. 4 tins for 05? Ontario Concord Grapes Make your Jelly this week. No more after this. Per basket :.. $1.25 Special, Brooms 45? Pure Raspberry Jam 05? Pure Strawberry Jam 05? King Oscar Sardines, 7 for $1.00 Brunswick Sardines, 7 for . . 50? Canned Peas, Corn and Tomatoes. Special, C tins for 05? Remo Spuds, excellent quality, 50 sacks to sell, per pack.. $1.05 Beekist Honey, 5 lb. tins . . 05? Comb Honey, 3 for 05? Fancy Mcintosh Apples, large size, per box $2.50 Small size, per box $2.75 Stock up on Heinz Goods now. It will pay you Heinz. Catsup, per botte . . :$0? .Heinz Tomato Soup, 3 for 155? Heinz Pork and Beans, 5 tins for 55? Our Pullet Eggs are still going strong, 3 dozen for $1.05 Here is a good one Jell-Jell Jelly Powders, Pineapple and Lemon flavor, G packages for .. . 25? We guarantee everything we sell. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phone 45 and 574 A-JUlJLjUlJL Hi ffijour Dusine&sXm CHURCH S HOT COLD WAYEB Made, in, yv$nty0iw-'lx?' tisfjc tints drid Stfiftff for five pound package. Color cards mailed on request. For Sale by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue Prince Rupert Wednesday, (V THE DAILY NEWS WILL CANADA PAY THE COST? Old Country Newspaper Pleased at New Responsibility but Questions Results " The Canadian Oarettel Csnada's near honor as, a member of the Council of the League mt Natlasw ha i:en thoroughly weU received IB thai ouutry It la accepted as reaaawtec he past possible shadow of dosM aa t - the equality in status of taw Dominions with Great Britain not only in trie counsels of the Empire but Us tkvwe of the world. Technically toe re may be a.) distinction. In thai reject bttweeat an independent seat in to- League A-rtmbly and one la the League OouacU. but there 1 much In the moral effect of election to the smaller body. Also the election la welcomed because It gives Anglo-Saxon North America for the first time a direct representation on the CouncU. and the reactions of that fact in the United States will be watched with deep Interest. In the words of the London Star. "Canada can in no ense be deemed a substitute for the United States, but she Is obviously better fitted to express the North American point ol view than any other, and that la Itself is a distinct gain to the League." There remains the question: What will be the reaction of this development on the Dominions themselves? "Being now full partners in the Imperial ouslneas. wlU they busy themselves equally with taking a full share in Imperial oosUt" It .s a point of view which will assert Itself in due course In Canadian reflections. SUPERANNUATION OF VICTORIA POSTMASTER II. f. llMuip Vi'wt Well Known ('"."ervu-the Previous to Appointment ut Capltul VICTORIA, B.C.. October 19. H. . Bishop, postmaster here for the past fourteen years, has been superannuated and wUl act as special representative at Victoria In regard to Do-mlnon Government annuities. Mr. Bishop wu an appointee of the Conservative government, taking the place of the late "Noah Shakespeare. lie was connected with the CPJl. shipping department previous to taking the position and was always a keep politician and also served as alderman In the city. DISMISSAL OF SUIT REGARDING S.S. QUADRA ASKED SAN F&ANCISCO I SAN FRANCISCO, Oct 18 A motion was filed In the United States District Court of San Francisco yesterday asking for dismissal of the suit of the Cana dian-Mexican Shipping Company Ltd.. which Is seeking tu re .over $100,000 bonds posted for the crews of the auxU'.-ary schooner. Coal Harbor, and the Cash and Carry Grocery Sixth Avenue and Fulton Street We Bell for cash only. That's why we sell first quality grocer ies for less. And at the same time eave you from 10c to 25c on each dollars expended. Here's how Any brand Evaporated Milk, 3 tins for Per case .55.50 Mcintosh Red Apples, wrapped, per box '. . . . JS2.H0 Jumble Pack, per box . . $2.20 Remo Potatoes, per sack . . $1.1)0 Any brand of Flour, 49 lb. sack, $2.75 B.C. Sugar, 10 lbs. for 75? E.C.D. Butter, per lb 50? 2 lbs. for J)5e 14 lb. box $0.45 Capitol Creamery Butter, per lb. 45? 14 lb. box $0.10 Old Dutch Cleanser 10? Corn Flakes : 10? Shredded Wheat, Bran Flakes, or Pep, 2 for 25? Try our Fresh Ground Coffee at per lb 50? Bulk Tea, per lb 00? Everything in the store is plainly marked with price tags. Also everything guaranteed. $5.00 orders or over delivered free S. B. ADAMS, Manager Phone 304 LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ix tiii: si i In Keeps Perfectly in the Unopened Tin, St. Charles Milk bas two great advantages over the bottled kind. It is doubly rich, and so gives better results in all recipes, and then, it is so convenient I By ordering six or a dozen tins at a time you always have plenty of rich pure milk in the house. Order both sizes, Tall and small. ST. CHARLES IN PRORATE KK.ME rill'KT or COLt MIHA IOL.IMIIIIA IIKITHII the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Arthur C. Little. Deceased. Intestate I TAKE NOTICE thst by order of HI. Honor. T McB. Young, the 20th day o! 1 September, AD. 1827. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of Arthur C Little, deceased, and all parties having ' claims against the said estate are hereby I required to furnish same, properly vert-1 fled, to me on or before the 21st day of October. AX). 1027. and all parties In-J uebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me lortnwitn. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 21st day of September, AD. 1927. IN PROBATE. IX TIIE KITKKME COI KT OF ItKITlSII In the Matter of the Administration Ant- anrf In the Matter of the Estate of Duncan uuurn aicnay. ueceaaea. intestate. Honor. F. McB. Young, the 27th dav of August. AXt. 1027. I was appointed Administrator of the estate ol Dunoan Oil- hlrt Mrff.V riMWauH mn - It t. having claims against the said estate are . . . . u j 1.4.11m iu luiuiBii awuw, properly of Ontntor A TV 10n7 .nrf .11 - 1-- debted to the estate are required to pay wrc .uivuui ui ineir inacoieaneas to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. E C Dnted the 1st day of September. AXl 1027. steamer Quadra, alleged rum-runners, set7ed by the government some time ago. KXI'LOtOX IX AIKICA. JOHANNESBURG, Oct. 19. A ureal explosion occurred at the East Rand rower station at Brakpan. Five persons were killed and many Injured. HMALM'OX AT TOKOXTO TORONTO. Oct. 19 Six students of Victoria College are In hospital with mild cases ot smallpox. t llttl.DH KEI'OKT. 8 ajn. DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, light west wind: barometer, 30.28: temrjerature. 41; sea smooth; 0:30 pm. spke steamer Catala, leaving Prince Rupert, DEA DTREE POINT. Overcast, calm; barometer. 30.22; temperature. 39; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Overcast, light southeast wind; barometer, 30.10: temperature. 58; moderate swell; 8 p.m. spoke steamer Oray. Rose Harbor for Victoria, 344 miles from Victoria: 8 p.m. spoke tug Pacific Monarch, towing two scows, abeam Adenbrook Light, bound for Prince Rupert: 10.10 njn. epoke steamer Prince George, abeam Sunny Island, northbound: 8 pjn. spoke steamer Alameda, 1465 miles from Seattle: 8 a.m. spoke steamer Catala, left Butedale at 6 ajn., NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Clear, calm; barometer. 30.20; temperature, 58; sea smooth; 10:30 ajn. in steamer Prince Oeorge. northbound; 10 ajn. In steamer Princess Alice, northbound, DEAD TREE POINT. Overcast, calm: barometer. 30.10; temperature, 50; sea smooth. BULL HARBOR. Overcast. fresh southeast wind; barometer, 30.08; temperature. 50; sea smooth. 8. H. Senkplel. New Hazel ton pole contractor. Is a 'business visitor in tH city, having firtlved from the'lnterlor on yesterday afternoon's train, Only 23 passengers Wrertfelirrted norUrt by the. steamer PrliJc433flSt whlctVf was in port this morning bound fori Skagway. TIIE DHTEKENCE. Mrs. Brimstone (to her long-suffering husband) John, what Is the difference between "exportation" and "transportation?" Mr. Brimstone Well. dear. If you were on your way to Tlmbuctoo you would .be "exported," and I should be " tn.caported Everybody' 31, oje 7Zr? it Itihtrever thztJi&ipc. Calls tor FREE Recipe Book Jutt writ to Th$ Borden Co. Limit-, Caneoovtr, and your oopy will be mailed at ones. X MILK 14-r WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY and THURSDAY. 7 and 9 p.m. Bebe Daniels 66 in Senorita" JAMES HALL WILLIAM POWELL JOSEF SWICKARD and othera JUVENILE COMEDY "KID THICKS" AESOP'S FILM FABLES Admission 35c and 10c Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme'H Drug Store Phone 525. Office Hours 9 to 0 Iady Assistant BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120 Rooms, American and European Plan. Hot and Cold Water. Rub mcctB all trains and boatB. Sampleltoom Phone 51. Insist on L Martin, Manned- B.C. PRODUCTS They Lead in Quality Table Torcheres, Bed Lights and Floor Lamps Priced from Jjid.00 to $12.r0 Just the thing for a Christmas Gift. Barrie's Home Furnishings Rox 808 Phone 123