AGZ TWO Ask Your Grocer For It n SALADA GREEN TEA II T78 Superior to any othr green tea sold. The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION RATES: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month $1.00 By mail to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $6.00 To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION. Wednesday, Jan. 5, 1927 CIVIC AFFAIRS IN DOLDRUMS. Eight adys to election and hardlv anv candidate definitplv in climate of the far-eastern provinces, the properties of the central provinces and the properties of the prairie provinces in that respect. And the old-timers, wherever you find them, laugh in derision at the milk-and-watery fellows who shiver in every cold blast that blows from the north and proclaim their conviction that the thermometer has marked a new record for frigidity. " Alexander Calder is one of the old-timers of the prairies, probably one of the oldest of the old-timers of Canada, since he crossed the ocean in a sail boat eighty-five years ago. Mr. Calder says the people who complain about the recent cold snap in Canada know nothing about really cold weather. 'Why, back in '79, the thermometer sank to 45 below zero reg ularly, ana often remained at that level for several days mc muici vi ioou, me mercury nu ou Deiow on isew year s eve. Onty once has Mr. Calder complained of the cold in Canada. That was when he was living in London, Ont., and drove Into Sarnia with Ct Yl flora f fflToM Tlin iamnniM(ii.A I - 1 . . i. .1. grets below zero, he states. Those were the days when men were men, and spats had not made their appearance west of Montreal: those were the days when wavy and wiry whiskers were as common as bobbed Jiair is now; when the breakfast shave meant thawing a lump -of ice on the kitchen stove for hot water, and when one often aWoke in the morning t6 find shoes and other things frozen to the floor. I've; seen it so cold in a house that water several feet from area" hot stove would freeze solid. We, do not get the snowfall they used to get, either. In ;1885 it snowed so heavily that persons riding in railway coaches in Illinois and Wisconsin couldn't see a thing except an unbroken wall of snow rising up on either side of the 'car. Farmers had to dig trails through the immense drifts and when they drove through all that could be seen from the side wis, the horses' ears poking above the snow line." The old-timera of the East and the old-timers of the West are therefore agreed that the winters of the present day are much milder than the winters of past days. The climate of Canada is becoming milder with every passing year. Even the climate of Victoria, which never has been extremely severe, is becoming milder. Possibly, if all the conditions were favorable, the bones of the mastodontic creatures which are being dug up along our hillsides mfght be clothed with flesh and spring into active life at some later day in our history. Wrup up warm inside Hot - BOVRIL PUTS BEEF INTO YOU REPAIRING OF COW BAY ROAD CITY ("OIWTII. EN'llOKSKS PKTITION TO V.S.U. AMI rilOVINOI U. !ovi:knmi:nt ' The city council endorsed the proposal contained In a petition which was read at the meeting last night from a large number of business firms and In divlduals asking that the road between Third AveuUe and the . waterfront be put In good condition. On motion of Alderman Larsen the city clerk will draw up (a resolution and present the same to the provincial' government and the Canadian National Railways asking that the road be renovated. When the petition was read, Mayor Newton suggested that It might be left over to the incoming council for the 1937 Board of Works committee to deal with. Alderman Cbsey thought however, that would delay the matter and he suggested communicating with the parties concerned asking that they meet the wishes of .the petitioners. At the same time, Aid. Casey pointed out that It was not a matter for the city as It was not responsible for the upkeep of such a road. Alderman Larsen was of the opinion that all the petitioners wanted was the co-operation of the council, the city being in no way responsible for the upkeep of the road. It was pointed out by the city solicitor that the petition was in triplicate and addressed to the city, the railway the field. That's the way people in Prince Rupert are taking their i company, and the provincial depart-municipal affairs. Even staid old Nelson down in the south-eastern lment of publlc vorks-part of the province was commenting on the fact that the civic cam- J" ma"" ,he f ? paign was quiet there with a fight for the mayoralty, only being ZZTT' waged. It is not a healthy sign when people take such little interest , nTrmr nrTr ri in civic affairs as is being, manifested here this year. If the people!! f I V K H rH A are not concerned in who is to be their mayor, aldermen and school vll 1 IL1 LflLlJ trustees, one would think that such important matters as policing and the sewer bylaw would demand some attention. CLIMATIC CONDITIONS ARE CHANGING. There are still a few old-timers in Victoria who maintain that the winters here are not what they used to be, says the Victoria Colonist. One of the oldest of the old-timers savs when he vu a VOUntr fellow therp waa nltvnva a rot-tain imnnnt nf doln lu, 1 j GARBAGEBYLAW TM'OI'U.AR MKASIKK HAS I'NANI- MorsLY ittriMt:i nv rorx- JI. LAST NKillT " j 0, ; " "." " . lu ' A bylaw was Introduced at the coun- enjoyed almost every winter and that one Victona firm in the meatcll mfttlnK ,Mt nlght tnd pwdunanl. business cut enough ice from Swan Lake to serve its purposes jmously repealing the bylaw introduced during the entire summer season. On the other hand the re are in- i last mr bv which th rlt rhirnri fnr credulous persons who maintain that the winter seasons are as in-i the collection of garbage, in expiain- vanable as all the other processes of nature, and that, taking one 'ng the matter before the city clerk season with another, there is very little variation in the tempera- ,r'd the yiw. Alderman Casey said ture, that the memory of the old-timer fondly dwells unon one ob-lth4t he nad "sponsible for ask- normally cold winter and confuses it with all the other winters tbatj18 the clty cl,rk to PrePare uch have passed over his head and adorned it with a crown of silvery nr iorv ' 'trying to carry the thing through. It Is All parts of Canada seem to be blessed with old-timers whoj2T STSJS" believe that the winters of long ago were colder than any of thene S8ld. DyUw wai thta by winters that have succeeded them. The Canadian climate is so in-; the city clerk and Alderman Casey vigorating that it promotes longevity. The properties of the mildimoved it adoption, seconded by Alder-coast climate appear to be just the -same as the, properties of the! man Perry, and it passed the several readings unanimously and was adopted. NEW SALVATION ARMY OFFICERS GIVEN WELCOME Welcome supwr and Social to ('apt. and .Mr, stobart A pleasant time was spent on Monday n...,.'ertn,nK ,n the Salvation Army Hall. The uunng . . . to Capt. and Mrs. Stobart, succeeding Capt. and Mrs. Rea, who have gone to Ketchikan. It was arranged by the soldiers of the Corps and Home League members. The tibles were tastefully decorated. Those taking part were Eva Faulkner, aklng Ood's Blessing; speech on behalf Of the Boy Scouts by Ted Harman; speech on behalf of the Olri Ouldea by Edith Leek; speech on behalf of the Soldiers by Irt. T. Carlyle; speech on behalf of Sunbeams by Mis K- McQuatt; speech on behalf of Home League by Mrs. Whatman; addresses by Capt. and Mrs. Stobart; solo by Mrs. Cadwallader; musical selection by George Cadwallader; duet by Mrs. J. Anderson and Mrs. Smith; solo by Mrs. Cooke; reading by fctrs. Carlyle; selection by Mrs. Cadwallader and Oeorge Cadwallader; "Oh flsppy Day," by the company; duet by Mrs. Anderson and Mrs. Dawes; duet by Capt. and Mrs. Stobart; duet by Edith Leek and Ted Harman. Mrs. Cadwallader. Mrs, Carlyle and Miss McQuatt were responsible for FINE DANCE BRINGS HAPPY CLOSE OONA RIVER FESTIVITIES OONA RIVER, Jan. &K series of splendid social affairs between Christ- i mas and New Year came to a close on (New Year's Eve with a dance In the J school house which was attended by old and young alike. Music of fine strain I was provided by Pave Hadland on-the I violin accompanied by Miss Margaret possum at the piano. The event was j In progress until the small hours of the morning and It proved to be one of the I 'most enjoyable ever held here. The' j community was Indebted to the ladles. I I more particularly Mrs. Fossum, who 'took such an active part not only In this affair but In connection with all the YuJetlde festivities. During the evening, VUmer Anderson 'made a speech on behalf of 'Uncle" John Anderson who acted as Santa jClaus and otherwise assisted In the 'local celebrations. TITiS DANA NET72 Wetfrienday, Janusi g 16S Fine for catarrh when melted in spoon or snuffed up th note and vapors inhaled. J. F. Dlmmick. Head and Chest Colds Relieved In a New Way A Salve, which Relets Medicated Vapors when Applied Over Throat and Chest. i Inhaled as a vapor ml, at the tame time absorbed throuc b the skin like a liniment. Vicks Vapoiub reaches immediately inflamed, congested air passages. This is the modem direct treatment for all cold troubles that is proving so popular in Canada and the States where over 17 million fcrs are now used yeariy. Splendid for pore throat, tonsilitis, bronchitis, croup, head and chest colds, catarrh, asthma or hay fever. Just rub Vicks over throat and chest and inhale the medicated vapors. It cuickly loosens ud a cold. VICKS VapoRub Oyui 21NiluosJars Used Yearly NEW SCHOOL AT ! JAP INLET OPENj KINK CIIKIST.M XS THKK KNTHITAIN- j ME.VT HAS ilVE llY MIILIHtKX ! Klt OCCASION ItAM'K lOM.OUS JAP INLET, Jan. S. The annual Christmas Tree entertainment and the '.pening of the new school bouse took place co-lncldentally here recently. School children, with songs, choruses, recitations and a playlet, carried out the program and their talents surprised the audience and brought expressions of credit to the teacher. Mrs. Corbould. The children seemed quite at home on the stage and there was not a slip from the beginning to the end of the program. Some thirty-eight persons were pre-vct and. at the close of the Droeram. J. Murray, one of the school trustees, j proposed 'foYe. of thanks to aU con-; cerned In the performance, this being , heartily passed with applause. , Following the entertainment a hea-1 vtly laden Christmas Tree was relieved of Its burden and dancing sas enjoyed to music furnished by J. Wauehope. The program was as follows: Part I. O Canada Older 8chool. "Oreater than Columbus" Stanley H11L "Thunder Oik" Iris Corbould. "6 the Bweet Dells.'' Older school. "Jim Blundso.'S Ruth Corbould. j "Star of the East." Vera and tngrld; Morse. 1 "The Present Murray. be Wanted." Lloyd "In the Skies." Older school. "A Christmas Wish." Mac Murray. Sir Roger The School. "A Message." Vera Morse. "Merry Christmas." Older school. "Why Not." Jack Corbould. "Christmas Oreen." Older school. The Inchcapt Rock." Ingrid Morse. Scarf Drill. R.I.I.V. "Me. and my 'Down Trodden Sex." (Polly Perkins i. Ruth Corbould. Holy Night Older school'. Part II. Playlet "Cinderella." In 4 Acta. The Sisters ....Ruth and Iris Corbould The Mother Alice Pullei Cinderella Vera Morse Tie Fairy Oodmother ....Ingred Morse The Queen ,. Miss Fuller The King- .U. Fuller The marriags of Miss Louise Cal- deronl and Domonlc 8anturbave took place on January 2. at the home of the bride on Eighth Avenue. J. Schafer, proprietor of th Prlnc ' Rupert Dairy, ha sold the business to' Robert McKay. , i i ' vijTiiiuui, are jn cnarge oi ,in ilea cross IX sale this afternoon! ' ' i :'' U '.' IIOTII. A UK I V.M.N Snvoy 11. Carlson, Oona River; W. Dalmfelt. Perow: J. O. Peterson, Shames, F. Mor- ASTHMA CHBONIC BRONCHITIS, HCAD AND BRONCHIAL COLDS, HAY tVtR 6wsllowRA2MAHiulr. 8il ScfurtrUL Templeloni, Toronto )t st your drugtUt's. KAZ-MAH Advertise In the Dsllv News. LAM) ACT j NOTICi: OF ln-NTl7N TO AI'PI.V TO, io i.i:.c umi In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and altuale oa the north short of Crescent Intel, ilaresby Island. Queen Charlotte Islands, in the Province of British Columbia, and being about on and half miles from the head uf tht Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. BC, occupation Marin Broker, intends to apply for a leate of .he following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the .icrth shore of Crescent Inlet, about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 80 chains; Lthenc southwesterly 20 chains; thence souinraaienj v cnaius, wcjh. huihi-easterly 20 chains, and containing forty (40) acres, more or les. JAMEft FIELD, Applicant. Dated November 27, 1928. IV PliOIlATE. Messenger Bay Stanley IIIU'tA' TIIE MTIIEMK rol'KT Ol Prince' Carl . '. .. ,.E. J. Fuller 'Clod Save the King." Piano accompaniment by J. Wau ehope.". Ten Years Ago in Hrince Rupert w JANlAltV .1. 1017 The Retail Merchants' Association last night decided in favor of the Wednesday half holiday as against Saturday. F. W. Chandler and Miss Ida wen married last evening by Rev. I OI.I MIM A The Acme's Fifth Annual Temptation Sale wiu, continim: until stocktaking Start the New Year right nnd Have money by buying xl Tempt nlkn SnJe lrlc LOOK AT THESE VALUES ME.VS UNDKUWHAU Stanfield'8 Red Label Underwear in pure wool, (tegular $5.00 value. Temptation Sale Price S.J.K5 MK.VS JAZZ SWKATKUS In all the latest color nnd designs. $7.00 value. Temptation Sale Price SILK AND WOOL .SOCKS In Urown, l!lut nnd Heather In all lzc. Kcjfular up to $1.25. Temptation Sale Price tU'f .MK.VS SIIOKS In Vicl Kid. Calf and (lunmi-tal In Drown and Hlack. Hetrular values up to $9.00. Temptation Sale Price $1.05 UICIIIMI In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Andrew Aim, otherwise known ai Anders Aim, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of Hb Honor. Judice Robertson, the ISth day of December. A.D.. I9?!, I was appointed i : Administrator or tne estate oi Anarew . Aim, otherwise known a Anders Aim, i deceased, and all parties having claims against the said titatt are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified to me. on or before the 17th day oi Jsnuary, A.D. 1837, and all parties In- j aeoiea to in esiai are requirea io pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Rupert, B.C. Official Administrator, Dated the 21st day of December. A.D. 128. IN PK0BATB. iv tiik m. Tiu.Mi: ( oi iit or nummi com. Mint In the Matter ot the Administration Act; and In the Matter of th Estate of William T. Mitchell, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor, It. E, A. Robertson, the 18th dsy of Docember, A D. 1920. I was appointed Administrator of the estate of William T. Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the ttld es Mrs Mrs. A. a t T. p.ririn Parkin mr.A and Mrs. t T, Me;n,nn,rl, n. ' " are hereby required to rurnlso same. ,.,iti,d. to mi n h.iM. ih. :2nd day of January, A.D. 1827, and all parties indebted to to estate .are re Suired to pay tn amount of tfielr In-ebiednes to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. H O, WAT Kit NOTICE IHVritMOV AMI VHK TAKE NOTICE that June Field, wbone address Is 213 2nd Ave.. Prlnc Rupert. B.c will apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of water I oui oi uiuuuncu crcea, wnicn nowa easterly and drains Into Crescent Inlet, Moresby Island, OO.I., about one mil from th head of th Inlet on tha north j shore. The water will b diverted from the stream at a point about 1,000 leet from the mouth and will be utnl for domestic and cannery purposes upon tl .MK.VS UNDKKWKAK Turnbull in combination and two jur huit. IteKular $1X0 value. Temptation Sale Price K'J!.. MK.VS SMI UTS Tooke'. Arrow, and l.anjr' mak-cludlnir I!rodclothn and Ilomluy l ord-ll Mjnde.1 and patterns. Jtetfulnr ui $1C0 values. Tcmptatlon Sale Price r? I.U.V HOYS' JAZZ SVVKATKItS In Pull-over and Coot tyle in jilt !r nnd dcHfjrnn. ltryular up to $5.50. Trroplalinn Sale Price JS'J.IC. lot. Amazingly Truthful Reproduction Jlakinir every record do Its best. Th'" new Urunswlck quickly won the hearts of music Jovers everywhere. The cae, too, Is beautiful beyond the uxunl. Como in and nay I wunt to hear the new .MK.VS SI.IPPKUS In Pullman ntyle but not all (. - c Temptation Sale Price Sl.l.' ,Mr. I (Jarfln of Kdmonton In personally In charge of IhU Snle. Acme Importers Term: Strictly Cmh. rlson, CHJl.; J. McKenzle. Port Ed-sard. .Prlnre Kuert R. Hopkins. Anyox: Mr and Mrs. F IL Aiken. Terrace; George Keep. Prince' Oeorge; 3. E. Milne, city. i Third Avenue. Mail Orderw Promptly Attended In. No (?harxe Acrount Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operelini: fi.T.P. 20,000 Ton Floating Dry Iiek Knglneer. Mncbir.Inls Hollermakent, IllarksmUhn, I'Attern-mn Urn, Founders Woodworkerrs Ktc KLKtTUIC AND ACKTYI.KNB VKLI)IN. Our plant la equipped to handle nil kinds of .MA WINK AND CO.MMKKCIAI. WOKK. 1'IIOM-S 13 nnd 385 bbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbbEE1bBj?!7!-1bbV asW-'FBssssrSM,'ryaMaaJssTBIaW tNOMoenarMs am ascoaoi J. LORNE MacLAREN, Ltd. Third Avenue, Corner Fifth Street 40 acres of land described as uruurvey ect land, for which purchsse, la applied I about 1ft chain aoutbwesterlV from th , mouth ot th ttream, This notice was potted on th ground on the 20th day ol November. 1028. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant t her to and to th "Water Act." will be filed in the Office of the Water Recorder at Prlnc Rupert, U.O. Objections to tlx application may be tiled with the said water Recorder or with th Comptroller of Water Rights. Parliament nulldlngs, Victoria, U.O, within thirty days after th first appearance of this no If in a local new, paper. The date of the first publication U December 20, 1U20, JAMKS riF.IJ), Applicant Dr. Alexander .Smith Jllork Phone 575 DENTIST'