PAGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Win ITrJ Ml (jOODERHAMRTS ifCANAD,AN PlYE WHISKY 9 YEARS OLD 'l'liis advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liq:ior Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. BIG REDUCTIONS For the Wintry Weather The ilanaeo' English Rain-coat, guaranteed waterproof, reg. $0.50. Sale $8.23 Men's Itaincoats, retf. $12, Sale $9.30 Child's Slickers, rcg. $4.85. Sale $1.00 Come in and look around Mussaiiem Grocery Co. Ltd. Perfect Sight A matter of foresight. Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses. I'resent neglect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland Graduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Tine, Cedar, llirch and Spruce Per load JG.50 Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters 18 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 13!) Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE HUY 110TTI.ES. MILK From Iiulkley Valley FKESII MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone GS7 1926 WAS YEAR OF PROSPERITY FOR ALICE ARM MINUKAI. OlTl'CT TIlEUK ASH AT ANYOX MAS OKEATKNT IN Ills-TOKV KUTTRE WAS .NKYI.l; Kl'.IGHTER ACTIVITIES REVIEWED DLVKI.OPMKNT WOKK WAH MOKi: EXTEXSIVi: THAN FOR MIK TIME I'AST (1UAMIV PRO. WL'l'TIUN IS ( ami cmarEii A rtriew of the musing industry of the Alice Arm snd Anyo district Tor the past year snows that substantial pro gress Mas been made and a peep lnta the future convinces that during the corning year still further progress and bigger galas will be made, says the Alice Arm Herald. During the past year more mining and development work has been carried on In the Alice Arm district than has been the case for the past six years, More mining engineers have visited the camp, and more mining properties bond ed. Valuable information as been gained of the ore bodies of several pro perties, which will be lrutrumental In Increasing work on these properties and In the bonding and working of ad J a cent claims. A diveialty of ores exist In the die trict and during the past year, piopcr-ties containing lead. zinc, silver and copper have b?en ue?e!ped. Every pro perty aevciopca has given encourage- mem, ana lunner programs cf work have been outlined, for the coming yikr. The La Hose mine was operated almost the entire year, 2nd a substantial siiip ment of high grade sliver ore made late WATER' NOTICE MVF.KSION AMI l"SE. TAKE NOTICE that Qosse Parkins Company. Limited, whose address Is Vancouver, B.C., will apply for a licence to take and use 100.000 pal Ions rr dav of water out of Unnamed stream, which nows northwesterly and drains Into Captain's Cove at head of Captain's Cove. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about 700 feet frsm mouth and will be used for com mercial and domestic purposes upon the iauu urscriDea as law, Kange 4 Coast District. This notice was nostrd on the ground on the 4 th day of November. 1926. A ccpy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the 'Water Act" will be filed In the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller ol Water Rights, Parliament Buildings Victoria, B.C.. within thirty days aftei the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is November 10. 1026. GOSSE PACKING COMPANY LTD Applicant. By J, P Strang, Agent LOOK! AT OUR WINDOW Prunes on Sale for One Week Only Two sues 40-50 Size Itejrular 174c. On sale, per lb 122c Or 25 lb. box for $2.93 60-70 Size Regular 15c .On sale, per lb. 10c Or 25 lb. box for S2.35 This is your last opportunity to buy prunes cheap. Get a 25 lb. box now B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 15 and 571. French Government Bonds Are The Investment of the age SEND FOR PARTICULARS llir IntrMmrnt llouv of C.M.Cordasco& Company M M I Al. I I Ml EXCI.fSIVIXY IX lOlll.lfJN (HHEHNMENT ANI .MI'.MCII'AL ItONDS Marrll Trust llullrlliir 2! HT. JAMES STREET .MONTREAL CANADA George Rorie CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT AND AUDITOR Phone (87 213 Second Arrnue West, Prince Rupert Record Earnings Reported In Annua! Statement of The Royal Bank of Canada The Royal Bank of Canada is sub mitting to Its shareholders an an. nual statement which shows thst the past year has been one of un usual business activity throughout Canada. This In turn Is reflected in a substantial gain in current loass to Uue care of the larger re quirements or industry and com merce. Of perhaps still greater Import to me snarenoiders is the marked Rain la net profit, wh ch at over 14.500.. 000 are the largest in the history of tue name. The Royal, with Its system of over 750 branches throughout Canada, covers every section of the country, and It is understood that the evi dence of more favorable business condition. was general in practically every province. The profit and loss account shows that profits for the year, after making full provision for bad and doubtful debts, amounted to 11.516,239. compared with $1,081,828 at the end of the previous year, a gain of close to half a million. The profits added to the balance carried forward from the previous year, made the total amount available for distribution $5,765,674. This was appropriated: dividends and bonus S3,-416,000; olficers Tension fund 1100.-000; appropriation for back prem-. in the seaiion. A large quantity of this , high grade Is known to exist In 'the j mine, and opcntious are expected to be;opment Co. undertook further develop-resumed at an early date. j ment work of the ore bodies cn the Work at the Torlc mine was carried l.tilcta. The result of this work gave on throughout the year. This was com-poccd chiefly of ouUide work, such as constructing mill buildings, and getting ' In machinery. The Torlc possesses an enormous bsdy of silver ore, and at the present time thb Is being further developed. KEYSTONE MINK The Keystone Mining Co. spent sev eral months developing the Keystone on Roundy Creek. The ore carries lead and sllve. Efficient management resulted In a large amount of work being ac complished, and at the close of oper ations late In the fall, the prospects of the property being shortly developed Into a producer were exceedingly bright. The Kttsault-Eagle Silver Mines Ltd. of Vancouver developed three properties during the year, namely The Eagle. Silver Cord and LeRoy. and develop- ( men work U still being undertaken at: the Silver Cord. Development work proved very satisfactory, especially the LeRoy and Sliver Cord, where Immense bodies of zinc ore carrying sliver values were proven up. Development work Is expected to be extensively enlarged dur- SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Varant, unreserved, surveyed Crown lands may be pre-empted by British subjects over 11 years of age. and by aliens on declaring: intention to become British subjects, conditional upon residence, occupation, ini Improvement for agricultural Purposes. Full Information concerning rm-.atlons regarding pre-emptions Is riven In Bulletin No. 1. Land Serlse, "How to Pre-empt Land," copies of j vmicn can dc oDtamea tree or cnarge (months of .'h. . montn be - year Anyox 29.-Lands. produced ty addrf-sslng the Department of Victoria. B.C.. or to any Gov- 281390 pounds of copper, beside gold and ernment Agent. t Records will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural puriiosts. and which Is not timber-land. I.e., carrying over t.000 board feet ier acre west of the Coast Range and 5.000 feet per acre east of that Range. Applications for pre-emptions axe to be addressed to the Land Commissioner of the Land Recording Division. In which the land appUed for Is stlunted. and are made en printed forma, conies of which ran t ob tained from the Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must be occupied for rive years and Improvements made n .'.In- r.t tlA r,-r Inntnl-. clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Grant can be J received. ...... . For more detailed Information aee Ihe Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land, u PURCHASE Applications are received for pur chase of vacant .and unreserved Crown lands, not being ttmberland. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrst-clase (arable) land Is IS per acre, and second-class (erasing) land SM0 per acre. Further la-formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series, "Purchase and Lease of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions including payment of stumpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding 1( acres, may be leased as homesltee, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, title being obtainable after residence and Improvement oondttions are fulfilled and land bas been surveyed, LEASES Per grazing and industrial pr-poaea areas not exceeding (4( aeree may be leased by one pereoa or a company. QRAZINQ Under the Orating Aot the Ince Is divided Into grazing dletrleU and the range administered under a Grazing Commissioner. Annual grazing permits are issued based est numbers ranssd, priority being glvse to established ownere. Block-ewners may form assiclallons for range management. Free, or partly tree, permits are available for etUsjra. eaupsre sad travellers. a U Iss fees 3400,000, and reserve Tor Dominion Government taxes 1140.000. lea vies a balance to be carried forward of $1,409,674, Strung Position Maintained The general statement of assets and liabilities, which Is for the fiscal year to November 30th, Indicates that the usual strong liquid position has been well maintained. Of total assets of $766,376,943, the liquid, or immediately available, assets amount to as much as S367.2S0.0S3. and Are equivalent o 54.30 of liabilities to, tie public. Cass and cash balances are at the high lev! of $157,568,131. or of public liabilities. Evidence of the steadily larger amount of business being handled throughout the Dominion Is given by tout current loans In this country of $197,759,230, as compared with $190,854,642 a year ago. At the same time there has been a slight contraction In current loans elsewhere, and these now stand at $138,384,822, as against $143,397,-982. Of special interest is the continued tendency of savings deposits to steadily find higher levels. These have now gained to $451,68930, up from $440,380,136. Total deposits of $612,860,280 are reported. tng the coming year. The Kltaault River Mining & Devel- much valuable Information, regarding) the bis ore dranlu that rilit en thl1 property. Early In October, four mining properties situated In the upper Kltsault country were bonded by Col. Victor Spencer and associates of Vancouver. The total number of claims bonded were fifteen and two fractions, and the bonding price was tn the neighborhood of 1400.000. It was at first planned to drive a development 'tunnel on both the Vanguard and Red Point, but owing to the lateness of the season, the Vanguard project was dropped. A tunnel, to be at least 500 feet In length was commenced on the Red Point, and this work will be carried on throughout the winter with all possible sped. As early las possible In the New Tear the otiier three properties will be developed on an Industry of the 'district. DKVIXOP.MENT ttOKK In addition to the above mentioned properties, a large amount of development work was done by individual owners with excellent results. From a mining engineer's standpoint regarding ore showings, both surface and under ground, the district never was better. Alice ' Arm possesses enormous ore showings, which have not deteriorated when tapped at depth, and when further depth Is attained the camp wilt rank among the continent's btg producers. The past year has been successful In Increasing the ore reserves, and the future will undoubtedly" witness the same procedure on a much larger scale. Good fortune also smiled on Anyox during the past year, and the big copper producing plant of the Empire not only Increased their output considerably but also substantially reduced their operating costs. During the first nine (Silver values. This output shatters all records and give an Idea of what can jbe accomplished when a mlnlcg company has ample funds for development and construction as did the Oranby Co. when ihey bonded the Hidden Creek mine. During the year the concentrating mill and sintering plant were considerably enlarged. Further development work was also undertaken on the Bonanza property, which may be operated during Ihe coming year. I.M'KriAE IV HOT Enlarged capacity of the concentrating ('" nd sintering plant will Increase the 1927 output, and the operation and iurther development of the Bonanza will undoubtedly ,mH..,M,, ,, add . considerably .,H...K, , to ... the ore . reserves of the Oranby Co, The coming year Is full of hope for the people of Anyox and the Oranby Ca. and present prospects Indlcste that the wheels of Industry will be turning In Anyox for a good many years to come. DOESN'T LIKE MEALLIMITED .NfcVtlt till) FAVOR fiK'H ItK.NTItlC TIO.VS AMI NKVKIt WILL PARIS, Jan. 9. The Frenchman's lukewarm attitude toward the governmental restriction on his restaurant meals to two main dishes, plus the usual trimmings, bas caused learned satirists to dig out the people's reaction to Sim-liar decrees In Prance 350 rears ago Prance then had ten years of poor crops and meals likewise were limited In quantity, both in public and In the homes. The people grumbled and obeyed the' decree with bad grace. Cooks who violated the rules were subject to fines or Imprisonment on bread and water diets and oven to whipping and banishment. "Bum" Rogers, notorious criminal, was captured Imbed. Caught napping, m It ureri,. : JOHN PULLEN IS APPOINTED .vox or I..VTI; express i'iu:siient NAMED ASSISTANT TO, TRAFFIC VICIi-PUESlltENT MONTREAL, Dec. 5. A, T. Wtldon. Vice-president In charge of trafflo and express, Canadian National Railways, announces the appointment of John Pullen, to the position of assistant :o the vice-president effective January 1 Mr. Pullen assumes his new duties 'backed by long experience with the Canadian National and Its predecessors, the Grand Trunk Railway, his acr- ,'vice dating back to 1911 when he 'joined the company as office boy In the office of the vice-president tn charge of operation, his duties at that time being conrined to the summer holidays period. h 1913 he Joined Ui railway in the permanent position of clerk In the tariff bureau and occupiM various clerical positions until laid jwhen he became freight traffic repre-'senentlve of the Jrand Trunk in Montreal. His next position was tlia of chief clerk to the vice president In charge of traffic whlth ht assumed in 1 1023 and In which work he was en ) gaged at the time of his present ap pointment. Mr. Pullen Is a son of the late John Pullen. president of the Canadian Na tlonal Express up to his retirement In 1923. Mr. Pullen has been a resident of Montreal since 1900 and graduate.) from McOill in science In the class o: 1013. LIQUOR TRADE IS HEAVY HERE IIM.V VAM'Ot:it AMI VU'TOItlA i;xrt;i:n i-kimi: iiitkkt is ol- I'MK Ol' Tl KNOt Kit THKOlllll (iO KltYMKNT II.MMIIl Only Vancouver and Victoria exceeded Prince Rupert In the amount of llquot sold through the government vendor ac cording to the report of the Liquor Control Board for the year ending March 31 last which has just come to hand. The turnover here during that twelve months amounted to 1141.043.03. Such cities at New Westminster. Nelson and Naaalmo. where It might be expected, owing to larger population, that the receipts ol the liquor stores would be larger, sold to the value of U30.O83.3J. I209.030.91 and U74.299 respectively. In the amount of fines collected un der the Om eminent Liquor Act tfurliu the same period Prince Rupert wttn 110.- 700 came eeeond only to Vanoouver with (73.323. Next to Prince Rupert sit Victoria with a tote! of S9.4M followed by Wardner. near the boundary la the Crow's Nest Pass district, with I3J70. A. D. Baillie of the Rupert Marine Products sua at Tucks Inlet returned to the city on the Prince Rupert afte.-hsvlng spent the Christmas and New Year holidays at his home In Tancou-ver. PIMNTK IMIPKHT TIDf'St ll llAV. JAM AHV 4 High sun. 19.4 - 1ZM pm. 22.4 " Low 7:41 son. 8J - 20:24 pm. 22 -vw;iim;m)v. jam aiiv a High 2:43 am. 19.7 It. 14:19 pm. 22.4 " Low 8:35 sjm. 80 " 21:05 pm. 2J0 - Tlll llMt tV. JAM AKV A High 3:25 ajn. 19.9 ft. 15X15 pm. 21.9" Low 9:10 sun. 7.7 " 21:47 pjn. 73 " WATER NOTICE. llli:iSlOX AMI I'M TAKE NOTICEHihat John Dybhavn whose address Is P.O. Box 1700, Prince Rupert. B.C.. will apply (or a licence to take and use 4 .0OO gallons per dsy of water out of an unnamed creek which flows northerly and drains Into Nesto In let, about one mile from the bead of the inlet, on Its south shore. The water will be diverted from the stream at the natural outlet of a small lake, about 050 feet from the mouth of the creek, and will be used for domestic and Industrial purposes upon the 7 acres of land described as unaurveyed land lor which lease Is applied. This notice was posted on the ground on the 23rd dsy of November, 1924. A copy of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act" will be filed in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert. B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the aald Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria, B.C., within thtrty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first Bnbltratloit ol this notice Is Decern-cr 1, 1925. JOHN DYBHAVN, Applicant. MINERAL ACT rK.liriHCATr; Of IMI'I(()M;MKSTH no i in: Juanlta, Anyox, Oranby. Alamu, Hoden, Pinto, Wsnn Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar District. Where located: On Wann River, Taku Arm of Taglsh Lake TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob. Free Miner's Certificate No. 80768, Intend, sixty dsys from the dste hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the purpose of obtaining a Crown Orant of the above claim. And further take notice that action, under section 86, must be commenced before the Issue of such Certificate of Improvements. Dated this lit day of January, ' AD. I9J7. a. m.:;. niAecn. a.sui. BEGIN The New Year Wednesday, Januan 5. j J By Saving Money You can do this in our Dnacment Store where you v. find a fine assortment of China, the latest Dinncrwar:' Johnson Rroa. "Pareek"; also nfine line of Glassware W Glasses from $1.00 jer dozen up. Stem Glauses for wine, c from $2.00 per doicn. ' We Invite you In to keep yourself poiteil on the new u not necessarily to buy but to look around our more Max Heilbroner Diamond Specialist WESTHOLME THEATRE WEDNESDAY ONLY, 7 and 9 p.m. "Ladies at Plav The bijf fun show. LLOYD iiijciies. Doris ke.nyon. joiin Patrick, piiilo McCULLOlICH. IIALLAM COOLKY. LOUISE FAZENDA and big cnt COMEDY "MADAME SANS JAM"' Admfjttlon 35c and I Or The Kaien Hardware Co. Wixh to their FRIENDS AND CUSTOMERS the t Compliments of the Season And Prosperity In the New Ytor ' H. S. WALLACE CO., Ltd. HATS Value to $70. Velvet or Kelts Full Stock of Ijulie' Home Phone I. LAND ACT MM ICE Ol' INTKMIOV TO AI'I'IA TO to rt uciim: mmi tn Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north snore of the Houth Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island, queen Charlotte Island. Province of British Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James ri.ld. of Prince Rupert. DC. occupation Marine Broker, Intends to apply lor permission to purchase the following described lands Commencing at a post planted on thr north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. In the Province of British Columbia, about S chains from the end ol the Government trail: thence 10 chains northeasterly: thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chslns southeasterly, and containing twenty (30) acres, more oi less. JAMES riri.D. Applicant Dted November 31. ISTM NOTICE OF ELECTION PUBLIC NOTICE Is hereby given to the electors of the Municipality of the City 3f Prince Rupert that I require the presence of the said electors at the city Clerk's Office, in the City Hall, City ol Prince Rupert, on Monday, the 1 0th day of January. 1037, at twelve o'clock noon tor the purpose of electing persons to represent them as Mayor and Aldermen and School Trustees. The mode of nomination of candidate.) shall be es follows: The candidates ahall be nominated In writing; the wilting ahall be subscribed by two electors of the municipality a proposer and seconder, and shall be 'delivered to the Returning Officer at any time bAween the date of the notice and two pin. of the day of nomination; the said writing may be In the form numbered 3 In the Schedule of the "Municipal Elections Act," and shall autte the names, residence, and occupation or de scrlptlon of each person proposed, In such manner as sufficiently to Identify such candidate: 'and In the event of a poll being necessary, such poll ahall be opened on the 13th day of January, 1937, at the Council Chamber. City Hall, City of Prince Rupert, from the hour of ft o'clock ajn, to the hour of 8 o'clock pm., of which every person Is hereby required to take notice and govern himself accordingly. Olven under my hand at Prince Rupert, U.C., this 3 1st day of December. EDWARD T. JONE8, Returning Officer Advertise In the Dully News RIGHT 527 321 Third Awnuc Clearing at Half Price In I-atcut Styles Journal Pallrrnt In fttock. 3rd Ave. and Fulton You Need Something for the activities or the Festive Scaxon Buy at Montreal Prices nd make your money go farther Montreal . Importers Third Avenue ' J. II. Miller, Proprietor LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 03 Cartnjfo, Warehousing, mid Dietrlbulinu;. Team or .Motor Service. Coal, Sand and firavel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnllure Movlnjr. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Eased by 8ANTAL MIDY Be sure te get the Osnulns Loos fee the werd "MIOV kuld by ill druk'iiUi