Vertnf.oday. January fi, 1027 Watch to be i r roua or IJurinjf the many yearn we have been Helling watche we have never handled an as-ortmcnt better than the new Jot of imported watche rer .eived this Fall. Since the war, owlnjr to unsettled condition, a Kreut many Inferior watches have licen put on the bargain counter and many of them will not keep koIhk mora than a year. One of our new make ha all the steel part of stainless steel, which will not runt even IX exposed to water. Price from $15.00 up. Let u show you ! 9 OS1 4 Jewellers Halite STOHC WITH THE CLOCN Tiirhjnofiir-Urn it sot Jry lb ? - it mU. t rt .jri i rrgeta-! ill i n by i.:nerv -ifif, YOUR .S'ERl'ES CONTROL YOUR HEALTH I foe yor S!ik"t Com all d. a. McMillan i'almrr Graduate CillKOI'IiACTOIt Kmm t & 7. Kxrhnngr lllock l'hune Ml pATHOCUnOMETEa " " SfVlCE rrt .-lie THIS ft'AY - CIVt US YOUR OR0Rj F very piece of our.coal is irulde to Kconomy. It ahow u how you can gel more i a out of every ton you 'uy It ha a aavlnjr tea-Ucm v to keep you headed 'ward a cheerful home ihout increased cost. NAN A I. MO WEI.I.INKTON and AI.IIKItTA SOOTI.ESS Albert & McCaffery Phones IK, nnd 117 "Demers" January Clearance SALE NOW ON I'hnne 27. P.O. IIox 327. THE DAILY NEWS.. PAGE FIVE WAR AGAINST FINGERPRINTS PETTING IS ON OF MURDERER HIET I'EKMIN II) PERSON IHIIVK IV i'ito(iinx i st.w voiik NEW YORK. Jsn. 4. -A quiet, person to penon. drive against "petting" i underway by the YMCA.. Y.W.CA., and kindred organizations. There It no "war" In progress against the frivolous practice, nor I any un-stlonal campaign planned, aortal worker (or the organization declare, but they acknowledge ht educational work la being carried on peritatently to eliminate that elaa of youth who con-elder themselves more to be petted than eentured. And not all ot them agree that pet. ting If an unmitigated- evil. Mr. Eleanor Worn bridge, woman referee of the conyahago County Court. Cleveland, believe that petting In moderation U regarded la certain circle e a aortal asset. Whether they pet or not." ray. Mr. Wwnbrkwe. "college gin rule beattat to have any one be litre they do not. Since petting may lead to romance, moat girl aay they eut pet or be left behind." There have been rumors here of a general campaign to be waged by the Y.UC.A. againat petting, but worker of tne organisation declare these report grew out of a popular demand far re-DublleaUon of an article In a "Y msfsdtte by Drs Mai J Ewer on "The Question of Pettusg." Dr. Einer. head of Ue Airrten Social Hygiene Assoc iation. ay in It that "the essential barm of petting Ilea In trie fact that It I a cultivation of a low order of love." TMOI (illll 1 1. VIEW -The beat we can do." said Or Einer. "1 for u adult to point out a thoughtful view to the younger people m the untry. W cannot attempt to coerce tbefla lata any course of scttoo whether for or againat petting. It la to be greatly depreated that tbere ba WATER NOTICE. lilll ltIOV AMI I'M- takr NOTICE that Department of hukiie Work of Canada. whose sddreas I Ottawa, wit! apply fr a Uceace to take and uae SjOOT gallon per oar w im out at unit und atream. which riowa eaaiwardly and drains into uoo Core on the east aide of DlgbT Island. BC The water win oe onnwo uvui Che sttem at a point about 100 fret Mt of the northwest comer of Lot St. subdivision of part of Lot 1W. Range V . aAd Will DC Ueu ior gnmuc i-m nnn the land deeenbed a Dod( LtUnd. Th notice was posted on the ground on the 22nd day of November. TM. A oopy of thu notice and an p- Pticatlon pursuant thereto and to the Water Act" wUI be ftled in the office ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Oxapt roller of Water Rlfhte, Parliament OulMlnga. Victoria, DO.. within thirty day after the firtl ap pearance of Hue neuce in a tocai n Ttta date et the first nubile Us of litis stttate I November 34. 192d DETARTWK?T OP TOnUC WORKS CANADA. Applicant. Dt J f rurde. District Engineer IN IMtOIlATE Apenw in mn i rnr.Mi: mi ur or numii roll Mint In the Matter of the Administration Act; ad . In the Matter of the Estate of Clark M.n4 nmnaiMi rtfsaed. Iutestste. TAKE NOTICE ths by order of llit Honor. Judge Robertson, the lith day of nnmhtr A 13. 19M. X wm aspolnted 1 imnuir.tiir of the estate of Clark Edward Bronson. deceased, ana ut parw having cNUTta against t?e said esUte sre hereby required to furnish same, property verified to me on or before the Uth day of January. AJ. I9TT. and all parties indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their In-(IcMedneM to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert, DC. Dated the Ith dsy of December. AD. IP3C - LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO API'I.V TO ir.isr. i ouiiniti: In Oraham UlandT'aueen Charlotte Islsnd Land Recording D:slct of Prince .Rupert, arra siiuai Msssett Inlet. Orahsm Island. . I TAKK NOTICE that Powell Wr Company Umlted of Vancouver. DC. occuMtlon Manuf arturer. Intend to sp-plJX . lease of the following de- I'SSl'M t a pc.t planted at the 'northeast corner of D L. 1571', lnnc I westerly. fuUowlng northern boundary of saM I lit to th northwest comer of said !ut- thenc westerly, northerly and 'easterly following the high tide mark of IPiVguson Day to the extreme trly t?dSVS& comeVceTf C , Agent. J. Douglas Wilson. Dsled 4th November, nan IN I'KOHATU in tiii: fri Ki:Mi: rm-KT of iikitimi In the Matter' of the Administration In theMaUer of th Estate of Alberta Daniels. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order oi : llrt Honor. Judge Robertson, the ! Djnlel. deceased, nd si' .PrtJ having claim against the id estat ar hereby reoulred to furnish ssme. properly verified to me o n or be fore th lath dav of January, AD. 1B37, nd all parties indebted to the .r; to py the amount of their in-ebtdnes. atilreU to lAh WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. BC. D.ited the lth day of pecember. A D. loan COMPANIES ACT TAKE NOTICE" that LIPSETT CUN-NINOIIAM St CO. LIMITED p'"ni.i ..... - - - a.. - tl ,.--- n nf rtomnsnle rnmniintta lor ior i t.iv nf ureemnrr. a w. t i .V-iMni MKitri; Ai CANTF.LON, Dollcltor for th ApplicsnU. JJo you take least lor your health ? If so, use ROYAL YEAST CAKES the standard of quality for over 50 years. Soak a cake of Royal Yeast, with a little sugar, in tepid tvakT over night. Stir well, strain and drink the liquid. Flavor is improved by adding the juice of an orange. ROYAL CAKES been reference to '.hi problem of petting' a an isolated phenomenon It Is bound up with the whole praMem of tei and social relationship and must be met In a large, educational way." The Y.W.CA la meeting the problem. it wa learned, through special group IIEKiltV KII.I.EK liKOIOIIT TO iV-TK'l) All I'M MAY YKAKft OF WA1TIM1 i BERLIN, Jan. By Finger print discovered nearly three and a half yeal after Otto Selnlcke left them on win-dow I frame In committing a murder at : Bad Oeynhamien proved sufficient to i bring the crime home to him when he was arratngned reoenUy. I Robert Bicker, a young bath attend I ant at the Oeynhausen spa. was snot and killed July 6, 1B23. by burglar i. who had broken Into the buUding be was guarding. Suspected of the crime, Beinlcke and a companion, Hetnrlc Krueger, were arrested and tried but acquitted because ot Insufficient The police never dropped the case. and recently made a new examination of the murder chamber, which bad been left virtually untouched since tfee crime. High up on a window frame one of the expert discovered a set of finger prints, still distinct, although evidently made a long tune ago. Comparison with those Of Selnicke on tee police records showed clearly they were none other than his. Rearrested and confronted with the finger-print evidence Selnicke broke down and EIGHTEEN DIVORCES ARE GRANTED EACH MONTH IN VANCOUVER VANCOUVER. Jan. 8 An average of eighteen divorce a month are granted by Vancouver courts, according to in formation r0 out at the registry office. The total for 1928 was apprexl-j m.tjjv nm rvtyiher iverieed one dl- ceJIed Ut family relaUon oemmlwKra. - Under the Natteeud Student Council. " r'- "' ,T ..7" tot the Jnr ,re dlrC jessu MMt YW T.w. wad aoo rxi iM.orsniziw. organization. um( number In nLalBtu roar lhn SGOjOOO VOIUU ' w - August. " February had 10. Maxell i. peopie. an "tempt h brtng msde to ' J September y 21. and relate the problem of aectal rriaUon-," . , '"j. . November 20. ship to the proejlem of religion. -vt,r Three thousand delegate, from var-! v..r lou. coUeg "Vs." compowd of men TV ' ,VV . , . ; . .... , This mean that i IS per cent of r an M and women atudetrU. win gather lm-, dlvoroe jut-ing the Chrtatma holiday at MUu-,f'" kee to dsscue reflctta snd life. One - of the topic so be discussed wlB be ...,,. iititntt "What make, a wudent a fhppert (JLIJ LUUIW i Kl WUifttN Mindful of the clamor aaainst "to- FAIL IN BUSINESS modest" dress, charaetertted aa sp ' -outrage" by Pope Pius at Rome ye- mhu,,,,, ana reMnakln Head IJt Urdiy. dres. ethic, morality, conduct and other problem U1 be discussed. WHEAT CARRYOVER WINNIPEG. Jan. S. Something over, nf Female IUuUul larmers at Top f Men's Cls LONDON. Jan. S- Women who failed INTO 1927 HEAVY a separate section Ut the annual bank- ruptcy returns. number H MiHteery and They IW I. IM41.K Urge tmuual.; Van- dressmaamg. wiua i. uu w oer Now Taking Milpmenl . . .,.-. of the rest 87 were diapers. 33 grocer. SI eeothier and outfitters, and 30 lodglnchouse XCjOOO.000 bushels of unsold Osnadlsn lrtptn one woman doctor, four wheat ba been earned over into the jeboolmistresse. and one woman en-new year. This I the larfert percent- horse dealing and training TL. 117.11 1W J IJ THE manager of a household is the purchasing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchc sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to mak.e your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. ' They give you in-jormation about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family 's welj are should make a habil oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely age of Canadian grain ever earrlel un- Wf n &ljo dj,,dgi bankrupt Bacon, aide 45c to 60c Celery, 2 bunches 83c sold into the new year, member of the rrmm titid the list of men with Pork, dry salt 35c Hubbard squash, lb 7c i trad assert. In the exchange it m a- ,M .t,,...,. Grocer come next Ayrshire bacon, lb 45c Pumpkin, lb 7C serted the pool I the holder of the uUh 36a tna bulidm Mrd with 335. . Veal, shoulder 25c Sweet potatoes, lb. largest part of thl carry over. This p,wnbroke tll(j ahlpowner Ue for I Veal, loin 0c Brussel sprout. 2 It, condition to largely due to vnt unuiuai ivani place wtth only four apiece quantity oi aamp ana wugn grsui ut- , llvtred in the west during the unprc- nltnnu . n p cedented weather. i LUilUUW TltHIX 10 Just now, about a million a day con- llnues to be delivered from farm In: In China. Parliament WATKK NOTICE IHMJtMOV AMI i si: take NOTICE that Robert at. : n. Currle. who addresa u iio-a:n Ave. West. Vancouver. B.C.. win appiy ior iieetue to take and use fifty gsllon per minute of water out of small creek, unnamea. wnica wu""i ..v. drains Into Huston Inlet. C Ulands, about 1.000 feet westerly from miner , Isnd described as applied for to lease at head Of Huston Inlet, Moresby Island. This notice was posted on the ground on the Oth day of December, 1826. A copy of this notice and an application thereto and to the "Water Act. rursuant 014." will be filed In the office ot the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, DC. Objections to the application may ne filed with the said Water Recorder or with the comptroller ot water Kignis, uuuaings, victoria, uj within thirty days auer tne ursi ap pearance of this notice In a local news psper is The date of the first publication December 20, 19M. KOUEHT m. i, u it i tit, LAND ACT NOTICE OI' INTKNTION TO APPLY TO to i i:m: Jto In Prince Hupert Land Recording District, and situate at Huston Inlet. Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle, ot Vancouver, DC, occupation fish packer. Intends to apply for a leaie of the following described lands : Commencing at a post Diluted at northeast corner about 1.000 fret wes terly xeny from uum huiwi. miner' cabins v.wuw at head m.u v. of apply to the ! LoYn"a to Huston Inlet; thence westerly 2-1 M. ?S2',.,.5J1!S SoiB nuPEHT? 'cSlrii thence southerly about 13 chains: EDWAiiBurBin ,r.v-. ,;h,nr. -aau-rlr 30 chains: thence nor t ikiiTirn M DATF.D t VincouMf. DO., thU 10th therly about 12 chains, and containing 2i acres, more or less. ROUEIIT M. CURIUE, Applicant, DC. fresh, extras Local new laid Finnan haddlcs, lb 20c Salt mackerel, lb ,, 35c Eastern salt herring. 3 for 35c Bolt codfish fillets, lb. 30c Applicant, j Doneless salt cod bricks, lb 35c Mi. ATS i Fowl, No. 1 lb 35c to 40c RonsUng chicken, lb 45c to 50c Ham, sliced, first grade 60o Ham, whole, first grade 50c Ham, picnic, lb Cottage r'plls, lb 40c Dacon, back, sliced 50o ioc; 35c Veal. le 40c, FKl'IT Pork, shoulder 30c oranges. Navels, dozen 35c to 90c , ' Pork, loin ." 45c Florid Orape Fruit 15c Pork, leg 4ac Lemon. Suukist, dot 25c and 35c 1ICA CII XirDPHITU iDir Pl roM " ' Caluornla grape fruit. 2 fox asc ilLOU OIL! LIAJlUllll Beef, boiling 10c to 13 Bananas, 2 lbs. for western Canada. Reports on the ex- . i Beef, steak 25c to 40c Enrscted honey, change today ahowed heavy commit- xX)NDon. Jan. S. In order to try and Beef Joast. prune rib menu for loading out of Vancouver. , oradually dying art. and tlso'Umb, chop .. chiefly to the United Kingdom, with ,ugn,ent hi etlpend of 11500 a year, j Lamb, shoulder miller reporting no demand. Exporter th. n c Q Lnzaon, vtear of St. Uutton. leg ,.. had expected heavy business from the Matthews Church In the City Road, hasjUmb, leg ..... Orient thl fall which ha not mater-1 gutered himself a a professional Mutton. chop . lalired. aald to t due to me unrest mversmlta, muou snouiaer .v.. lie works 30 hour a week on thli ,Ui:TTi;it aide line In workshop' vhjch he has : Brooktleld. Shamrock and Woodland, 2 Market Prices LRI water will be diverted from the atream , Compound at a paint about 200 feet from snore ;)('.s lm. passing through twenty-iour acres senile lor under lease, and wilt be " C. fresh, nulleta puiieta used for IndustrUl purposes upon the DC. fresh, firsts 28C 35c 40C 48C 40c I "30C Fraser Valley, lb 50c (iii:i:se Ontario solids 30c etllton, Ih. 35c Kraft ....7.,., 45c Norwegian Cost 65c Kanolton Llmberver 70c 65c ' Roquefort 75c 60c i Swifts' Buttercup, lb 45c 70e j Oorgonrola, lb 75c lia . McLaren's Cream, Jar .... 4Sc and 85c D.a storage. No. 2 SOcjOmyere I'lsn Oolden Leaf, lb. Halibut, lb 250 Sl'O.Ut" rastry flour, 10's pastry flour. 49" 60a 45o Salmon, cohoe, frozen 25c j White, per 100 7.75 Bmoked kippers, lb 15c j yellow, per 100 .. 7J3 Kippered salmon, lb 25o i fTOl'll Bmoked black cod. lb, 22Hc Flour. 491, No. 1 hard wheat 2.75 . 65c 2.90 Beets. 6 lbs. 25c tuO lbs M.W UC. Carrots, lb .',,,i.Mvt 3c .00 lbs. 92.25 Rutebagas. 6 lbs 250 100 Jba. 2.73 Potatoes. 100 lbs 2.50 2'lViC j Potatoes. 8 lbs 25c Tomatoes, hothouse 40c Preen peppers, lb Parsley, bunch Mint, bunch Leeks, 3 bunches Cauliflower, B.C., head ... Green onions, dozen 25c Terrace cabbage, lb 6c California bead lettuce. 30c Osrllc, Imported, per lb 40c DC. Cooking onions, 6 lb 25c Citron peel BU:k cooking figs 35c lb 25c and 35c 3 Or ; Apples, Mcintosh Reds 12.23. 60c I ADDle. Jonathans 1250 Apples, O rimes Oolden 12.75 Cookllng apple 11.95 ( Pears, winter, dozen DRIED IKL'ITS Dates, bulk. 3 lbs. Data,. Dromedary ... ..... Raisins, bulk. 2 lb fitted up In half of hts big atudy. ! lbs : 95c j Ralstas, package, 3 lb. ;E.C.D.. 2 lbs. Mciamter raisins, lb Capital. 2nd grade, 2 lbs 85c Lemon and orange peel 60c 35c 25c 35c 45c j 35c 30C 50c I 20c l White fig, lb. , 15c Table fig, lb 35c Currants , 30c Prunes 10c to 35c Apples 25c reaches, peeled . 30c Apricot, lb. 40c M'TS Almonds, shelled Valencia ....... 75c Brulll and filberts 30c Walnuts, broken shelled 50c Walnut, shelled halve 65c Almond 35c Peanut i 30c Msnchurlan walnuts 35c California walnut 45 No. I mixed nuts 35c FEED 100 lb. Wheat. No. 3 310 Oat ..'.. 1360 Bran M.W Chort 3.20 Middling I3V Barley 3J5 Poultry mash 3.00 Special eggmash 3.40 Oyster shell 13.50 35o Scratch food 13 50 8c Beet scrap 15.33 6c Oround oil cake 14.75 150 Baby chick feed M.23 SSc-400 Pin oat chop 12.70 Crushed oat 13.70 Fin barley chop 12.45 Whole corn M-25 Cracked corn t33i Fin cornmeal 13.33 THE SALE OF ALL SALES Quality First, Price Last Men's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $3.98 Men's Tweed Suits $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.83 Men's Heavy Woql Work Shirts $1.49 Men's Overalls ....... $1.93 Men's Wool Ho?e ...... 29c MANY OTHER nRCAINS Come and see. We et a hard pace for others to Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue Closing : Out SALE NOW IN FULL SWING Mnny Itaricain In COATS DRESSES HATS J. BENT Indies' Third Ave. I'hone 631