s and Reminisc | seen 00. As | See It Ray Reflect es tan have dey Republican Cohtrol of the Uni- | ing Agent C. D. Rand, deseribed ish, and Central B.C, whoops it establish a women’ ile ted States Senate is described as|the auctioneer J. J. Miller from up for pushing through to the Be Here short 2 Prince Rupert Daily News Friday, November 7, 1952 inept eon - renee ners eee ee § train an independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupen . ; ; 4 : social uplift 88 arg and Northern and Central British Columbia, BY |shaky”—surely a masterpiece of Australia as a “jimdandy.” The Peace River territory, Mean-| istan ove Scheme of , Member € estan Ee an Saas = Cones inderstatement, there being a| foregoing appeared in The Em-! while has nobody ever heard of| ment a sa tinent for 4 £ y Spape SS) ’ bs . “ieee Ae ene Rupert Daily News Limitea ) Va difference of but one pire, Prince Rupert's first news-| the Pacific and Prince Rupert! to have “vag ation The « J. F. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President Ef YY, AL tt dln paper a terminal port for forty years.| and pt ahd CHOns, fo, ssniaiieheameaicnsiantia et — . ‘ - . | SUC ig ” ea atimore tee po A boy in Soviet Russia is a The coming of the Pacific Great| —..— By carrier—-Per week, 25c; per month $1.00; per year, $10.00 Ne uvenile d@linguent just once General U oes the ae Eastern also interests Skeena. ) RICHY By mall—Per mouth, 7c; per year, $8.00 — | ’ ’ 7 r The application of a lead-tipped| Army's triumphant leader in the ERRY authorized as second class mail by the Post Office Department, Ottawa. @ TY And ( ORONATION ie SPP Indonesia, the TOR ‘ . 6 cat o’ Hime tails, with & hurfiei| war between the States, became : Dae ainda 2 forms THE SOLEMN guide on our sightseeing bus, in trip to the salt-barrel immed-|also the president, serving two Classified Ads Pay | B indies, is rich j,, ; : , and tin | See Tne asin bin de . o % o%. iately afterwards has been found) terms. In war he excel'ed, but’. me ; The Yellowhead Pass Route Geneva last year, Wee a ae h of a joker but fully ‘effective in peace his government did : : he cracked this one: ; nothing of the kind. Grant, the HERE ARE signs that renewed force is about to | “tn a few years th time there w get a good look at their own! There wae a heavy frost in| "san, was honorable and just { he jini ; : a lk co itee ielinain Int reais | future Queen ince Rupe i .ok,| Those atounc him were not be injected in the demand for a highway running eet as ee 5 the ‘: o °. «+? ane ae saunas wotd af tha uit What will fie story be this time? P stennanitinnannen from the prairies to the west coast through the Yel- }eards, ; ge yf Englanc is & made-to-order miraele| petting an order to ship bex- _ een lowhead Pass. Those who have long championed this dutifully, % enable scores Of millions of | cars for Christmas trees No occasion to wonder if Can- € ass, Se € : t cause are rallying their strength and, as a subject of peor aie to n to see a colorful and im- . ada is to have a general election GOOD Lon win this) POWant work event. The Gor- jag FIRST MILLION early in the sammer, or possibly | § QUALITY 5 onation is made-to-order to pe earher, The coronation, June 2 debate in the coming session of ‘parliament at Otta- [fSOUry Or oreentoncs tambline ,20 ace TV actuality event Togo back @ ~ - oe litte | ee ae, ean Weal oh BUY NOW & SAVE a 1s ; : —s — pigoenses et the whale wee : . {of all the other kinds of excite-) | , eb et wa, it is a virtual certainty. like nine pins, kings taking flight) Let the whale world saneame ment—in June, 1009, five hun. | Sat \ ap more the better, Not only Bri- ' Normally from this distance it would hardly |, the British | 028, aNd Commonwealth people [Cet Prince Ruper — ae ¥ tetion of | MEN'S SWEATERS — Pullovers. Long «i x ; rs : boos ; f all (or no) feligiogs @hatees (Were auctioned in Vancouves BROOUTCT Styes CoMpreuon ¢ sleeves, crew neck. Reg. $4.50. ' be considered a matter of ively concern since it is eT See Severe eee eee colors and conditions—but the 2" Victoria for $1,500,165. Seli- Live PGE, Railway from Squain Now . sas ek : ever bDelore in the heart I tire ee ae ( rn a : ; usually contended that all such roads should lead to | pcopic | whote world, Including the ‘Russ- MEN'S DRESS OXPORDS—prown sor: a Vaneouver, For that reason the contro-| @"% Sm Rea Ciineas = Sey lenther, Goodyeur weR, bend soles, 4 Oo look, and are allowed t versy over whether of joa That contention remains, but arguments favor- iclevise the Queen ing the highway are placing more and more emphasis 3 on defence needs, and it is on this score that Prince Rupert makes its decided entrance into the picture. so't> U.S. Lauds saky’ en He Wed. whisky's So growingly obvious are the requirements of this ch city as a defence post that proponents of the Yellow- | Possible by Fracio, movie or \ C d an true flavour head Pass route now visualize a forked highway | jy, \. surey a strange di f- through B.C., at one end of which is Prince Rupert. hands which decrees that it i conomics In a call for action to the “Citizens of North- |S. 0., coronatior cont good fit, lots of Wear. Bizes 9 to 1) to Reg. $12.50 NOW, « pair $9.00 MEN’S SUITS—All wool Worsteds, single and double bre perfect fits and styles NOW SELLING from MEN'S TOPCOATS.Covert cloth, ali-wooj perfect fit, All siges. Reg. $49.60. NOW MEN'S WORK PANTS-—-Heavy grey whipcords, al! Regular $5.26. NOW, pair MEN'S FISHERMEN’S PANTSAll wool, best tattorin stves. Revular $12.50 to $13.50. NOW, pair MEN'S AND YOUNG MEN’S PANTS—tor dress. Plain also in patterns, Best tailoring WATER reveals new « tes | ake movies of th NEW YORK (CP)--Coniidenee ) n a Hein the Canadian economy has ; e ‘ a cal ean eet geese PRICED from, pair western Canada,” their association headquartered | actuality i hrough m been greatly strengthened by neat oi it te 7 ‘ acle device of TV tite ‘general success of the (Mie MEN'S WORK SHOES—Strongly built, lots of wear, ay at Edmonton has this to say: : » tt adian government's fiscal and! NOW, pair monetary policiés, the Federal! “In case of a global war northwestern Canada |! GOT A BIG SMILE out of i BOYS’ PANTS OF GOOD QUALITY—Por dres , * and . . . | explanation by some pOOh-Dah | Reserve Bank oj New York re- wear, All sites, NOW, pair ne will likely be one of the battlegrounds. Therefore a | or other that if the event were ts BOYS’ SWEATERS —Gc ssortment, lot sig lefenee highway should be built between Winnipeg | ‘clevised the whole world might, 1 4; monthly review, the! are aS ee “ 2 PCS | sce some slip-up, some faux-pas, | , a a oe _ " ' FROM 95e to ed . * bank notes that the ec r’s and Pacific coast ports which will serve not only jsome fumble that the pooh-bah : a ee 1 ulance has been maintained BOYS’ WINDBREAKERS AND JACKETS—Por western Canada but also northwestern Canada. By (o P°o he Te strong expansion pres Put Seagram's “83” to the water : uty onsen. Uxvons ai Hane ae the term ‘northwestern Canada’ we mean northwest What rot, If it is alright fo cas ts Gana a ia ae = ae oe at Real Saving # of Winnipeg via Saskatoon, Edmonton and the | the visiting kings, royalists. cram and swift etonomie de- | Wehehy'o- rasan Save RUBBER LAORD BOOTS—A puir , 4 ‘ jmobles and political potentates yejonment and bouquet, SHOES AND OXPORDS—From $2.95 te Yellowhead Pass to Vancouver and Prince Rupert. | who are actually in the chureh , “This defence highway will also serve Alaska | S¢ ‘he cer via the Alaska highway. It will also serve strategic a Kitimat when a railway is built to it. This defence | highway should be built with all haste. It should have | every preference, Surely we people of northwestern | Should be * Canute bak vee + ” FAOK TOWFLS—Good Sires. NOW, pair y—slips or no an tax prograr ae ¢ sleet the rest of ust festened, tke burk notes, not Seagram's FLANNELETTE SHEETS