f AGE TWO I . .v. f-j aids Tastier Picnic Sandwiches Siodwich Uiioc with a dash of frmhly mtaod Cot roan's Mustard in it U a re treat. Th Mastard tends lis own m mii.ible flavour and brines out all th cooduess of the filling too. t tjf digestion. u The Daily News . PIUNCE RUl'EKT - B1UT1SH COLUMBIA Tubllshed Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by I'rlnee Rupert Dally News, Limited, Third Aveaue. II. F. I'ULLEN - - Manarfnji Editor. suuscmrTiox hates: City Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month 75 Ry mall to all parts of the British Empire and the United States, in advance, per year $3.00 To. all other countries, in advance, per year 57.50 Transient Diaplay Advertising, per inch per insertion $1.40 Transient Advertising on Front Page, per inch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line 25 Classified Advertising, per insertion per word .2 Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line 15 Contract Rates on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor and Reporters Telephone Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. DAILY EDITtoN 98 86 Friday, July 29. 1927 ; ; INFERIORITY COMPLEX 1 According to Rev. II. R. Grant, Canada has an inferiority com plex. "In other words she does not consider herself as good or as great as her neighbor. The renult is that her children leave and her development is slow. What is needed is to get ft national viewpoint and a Reeling that this is' the greatest country In the world and live up to that feeling. What is true of the country should also be true of the city What we need here, and which the genial doctor forgot to tell us, is to get rid of the inferiority complex. This is the best place in the world, else why are we here? If there i a better, let us go to It. Let us cultivate a superiority complex, then we shall rise su penor to our difficulties and become as great as we like to make ourselves. Think of living in a country where they sell by the quart Thank God for Prince Rupert. OIL ELECTRIC CAR NEEDED One of the developments we must expect before long is the . operation of an oil electric car between this city and Terrace, and possibly through the country beyond. Whether we are now ready for it will be for the railway company to decide but it is one of the improvements that is bound to come before very long. A seven day a week service with the interior and a daily mail are necessities to progress. Britain needs cruisers and United States and Japan need other armaments. Then why f, orry? NO MOSQUITOES IN PRINCE RUPERT While practically the whole continent fs being bitten or forced to remain behind screen doors or in the horrid shadow of a smudge, Prince Rupert people can enjoy life, go swimming, wander in the garden and feel that life is really worth living without the annoyance of being eaten up by mosquitoes. It is a great boon and one that must help to give us the superiority complex. Also it is cool and pleasant to live. We do not swelter in a temperature approaching close to one hundred in the shade. These are advantages we must not forget, for they are very important. If Canada became involved in a war, would she go to Great Britain for protection or to the United States, or would she rely on the Patrician for her defence? NEED OF SMELTER The figures published yesterday showing that about a quarter of a million tons br. ore were shipped to Tacoma smelter Jast year seem to Ipdicate that ft might be possible to erect a smelter in this province, for the handling of ores produced in the district. It would have to be a small unit at first but it would seem to be a possibility. It is Jo be hoped that the mining committee of the Board of Trade will soon present Its report to the board and that it will show the possibility that government aid would be given to a .smelter in the near future. One of the most important matters to be decided this summer is whether Ruth or Gehrig is the best home run getter. NE SHE'S MILK lir w I M it CprcpatiJ tnt the futkta of Myti l&abi Jood GRANBY'S BIG 1 COPPER MINE I Copper Mountain Near Allenby IK-scrUx-d by Geological De part men t of Canada 1 The folRginc Uiwrrattag docrtpooa ot Copter ptountaln wbm Uw Granby Company Is now operating eattmlvely id a low ajads ot. la from report ot the D nlslH Siptiwm satRM In ronseviioa wttk the iomlnl aurvey: TIM naast Copper Movants t applied to a post'&tlw. afealiif camp, pd a lars cjjSr mtaw. a van a t the iKCunujB'ta whart) they are all attested. Sh,,nioaiitin. state Dr. V. Dote ot tyta-CHrolostcat 8ry of 04. la twelve mllca aouth ot tbe ton ot F rtneetoa in aoutB-tera British Col umbia. iM about lie mile at of Van couver on t Kettle Valley branch ot the Canadian PacUlc Railway. Oopfer UounUln to a broadly anbed. nearly flat topped dH4d staadNtg between the deep vallcr of the SlmltZameen River and the comparatively sa-aUow valley ol Wol! Creek. tributary ot the StaiUks- mcen. three mllea to Hie east. On the mountain as tbroiafkssit the surrounding dtttrtct many depoalta ot - per hare bean staked, the must lmporU ant 01 wajsen coosurute tne copf; Mountain mine, situated near the sum- mtt.cjf the mountain on the weat SMe oaeffcioklng the Slmllkameeti Valler. IIROW til' MOt NTAIN ; Tbe mine ta connected with PrMceton and Allenby. vhere the ore la milled, by branch of tbe KetUe Valley RaUway hVeh extend along te valley qt the aunllkameen aa far a the main haul age level. The camp la attuated on the brow ot the mountain tn a grove ot fir and nine treca and command a auperb Tlew ot the SlmUkameen Valley at thu point nearly 3.000 feet deep beyond which rise the now corered peak of the Hoaameen range, and la one of the most attractive hi Brlttah Columbia. The operating compamee have protected the beauty ot the arte by prohibiting the cutting of timber In the Ttclntty and by erecting well daatgned building ar ranged tn widely spaced row among the gUmt trees. Prtaeeton may be reached by a motor road which, because of the tnUd and dry climate. 1 open to motor traffic almost tbe year round. TKN MILLION TONS. The ore bodlea ao tar developed cover about 100 acre, have been proven to an average depth ot 200 feet and contain 5.6O0.O00 tons of ore .carrying 1.93 per cent copper and snail values In gold and stiver, or 10.000.000 tons It ore aa low as 1.14 per cent copper Is Included. Theee reserves will probably be largely Increased a development work proceed. The ore consists of very finely disseminated particles and minute velnlet t bornlte and chalcopyrlte In a highly altered coarwiy fragnvtital tuff or brecla. It Is mined from large iplral slopes dur ing )be winter and 'from gloryhole In summer. It is drawn from chutes on the tecond level Into 8-ton self dumping cars whtEh convey tt to an ore pam down whtchtbe ore is dumped to tbe haulage level 800 fret below. This level emerges above the railway and the ore passe through primary crushers before being shipped to the concentrator at Allenby. where It Is treated by the flotation process and yields a concentrate carrying about 30 per cent copper. The concen trate Is smelted at the plant of the Consolidated Mining and Smelting Company at Trail. More than two thousand tons of ore per day are being treated at the present time. KNOWN MNl'E 1K8I Though the mine has - been operated tor only little more than a year tbe de posits have been known since 1884. In 1S82 the Sunset claim was staked. This has since proved to be the richest claim in the whole district and Is the nucleus of the present operations. Shortly after wards the greater part of the whole district wat staked and has since been under investigation by various companies which have expended large amounts on development and equipment Most of these expenditures were made by the British Columbia Copper Company, which for many years successfully oper ated a mine and copper smelter near Greenwood. A first attempt by this company to put the property on a, pro ducing basis was unsuccessful because of the refractory character ot the ore. which was much too low In alumina for direct smelting by the method then In vogue. A second attempt by the same company was terminated In 1914 by the outbreak of tbe war, when It was feared that the price of copper would be too unstable to permit the mining and ; smelting of low grade ores. intoi" in ( om:u A third attempt by the same Interests, but under the name of the Canada I Copper Corporation had almost succeeded when the war ended and the: price jot copper dropped to a point be- low Vuieh operations were considered ' profitable. In 1922 tfce property came into the possession of the Allenby Copper Company, a subsidiary of the Oranby Consolidated Mining Smelting and Power Company, with which it was recently' merged and which now owns and oper- ' ates the mine. A small amount of work was done on the mine and mill by the Anenby Company In 1923. bul thlf was discontinued and not resumed until 1925 and 1928 when the present I successful operations began. last? tvt:u. IIOOKEII. Fatber-r-Xsat that young man rather Daughter Yea: but I dont think nell get away. i r i i.i. i Fll stay cool "When it's hot, make my lunch Kellogg's Corn Flakes a golden crunchy bowlful with cool sweet milk and juicy fruit . . . then the sun can shine I'll stay cool!" Kellogg's are a flavor-treat more than 11,000,000 people daily demand! And they really help you to feel cool and fit. They are so easy to digest. So refreshingly crisp! Serve with milk or cream and add fruits or honey. Give them to the kiddies for supper. Breakfast. Order at hotels, cafeterias. On diners. Sold by all grocers. Made by Kellogg in London, Ontario. Oven-fresh in the inner-sealed red-and-green package. Imitations cannot equal such wonder-flavor. Demand the genuine! INFERIORITY COMPLEX HERE That is What in Wrong With Canada Declare Her. 11. It. (Jrant at Rotary Luncheon The dlfflcultv with Canada Is that she baa arAlnferlorlty complex;' People here look at th. rich country to the south and note her great population, her wealth, and her industries and wonder IX thl country can ever be like tha, forgetting that the United States went through a period when her experience were similar o those we have today, declared Rev H. H Grant, when addressing the Rotary C! itj at lunrhew vestrrday. "Canatln May a Rrea- fle:d f un- LlLiirnnujj jisBa! CO'RN FLAKES jf A1 CORN w l I; creTeioped possibilities frOra the Atlantic to the Pacific . The way to develop the country was not tg build up cities but '.o put people on the land. .The difficulty today was that people came to '.his country with tbe avowed purpose .f cultivating the land but they soon drifted into the cities. He would suggest that Immigrants should either stay n tbe land or return to their own countries. Dealing further with the matter of development of the country Dr. brant suggested that what 'each one could do was to put Into the country the best 'Jbys and girls who would become the men and women of the future. The speaker reminded his audience .hat effort and economy brought .privilege. It was the Industrious who saved who were able to drive fine car and make a display. iltKAT THINKS AIIKAII Dr. Grant said he wat sure he would live to see great developments In British Columbia and throughout western i Canada. This must be achieved through the exercise of brain. They must stop j 1 think out the problems. They must tudy how the Mother Land becamt -reat and apply those principle here. The problems of life must be taken erlously. In solving the Interests of he Immediate neighborhood it was pos--ible to help solve the greater interests of the province and nation.' The United Slates was a great nation, but It was made so. not so much as a result of commercial expansion a through the New England conscience handed down them from their Puritan forefathers. Th.s was an age of Jam in which it was desirable to call a halt and commence to think. Then they would set about developing character and making the world a better place In which to live. THE EMI ' . Tfes. t ued to be in politics myself. I was dog-catcher ttf my town for two 'i year, but finally lost 'my Job." What was trie matter Change mayor''' "Nope . I finally caught the dog Judge. I , Advertise in The Dally News of H SA Ul 1 1 K SS II DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Kippers - -TIIK DAINTIEST IlltUAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Dally by Canadian pish & Cold Storage Co., Prince Ituperl. H.C. Canadian National c17ic Largeft Railway Sylem in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE"" d HAIMMiH from I'KINCK KtTEKT for V.IXCoi'VfK VICTOHI HEATTl each MONDAY and TIU IIMIA V. 4.1)0 p.m., KA1 ( ltlAY, . P"1- For ANVOX and HTKW.tKT MOXlilY HtlDlY Kor ALASKA IVKIINEHDAY, -M t9' lor M.tNNETT IM.KT MtllY IMP1"- lor SKIDKUATE IN1.ET and SOUTH qi KEN CIlikioTTr' ISLAM"1. I"' nightly, PAH3KNOER TRAINS LK.U E ritlNTE Kt'PEKT DAILY EXCEPT SUNDAY at UM a.m. for I'HINTE (JEOIKJE, EllMO TON, lVINNII'ECl, all point EaUern Canada, L'nlted Htatnt. JWEK PAItK LODC1E Ol'CN .MAY 21 TO KEI'TKMIIEK 30-8EE CANADA IN CANADA'S Jl Itll.lu YK Ul 1807 -1827. AGENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Use Canadian .National express for Money Ordrri. 1'orHgn CnH"1 tc. also fur your next shipment. CITY TICKET OFFICE. H2 TIIIIID VE I'UINCE HLTKKT. "