PAGE FOUR Neglected Eyes NEGLECT is doubtless the cause of most of th ills that afflict humanity. This is Jo self evident that it seem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities In the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of evMtirht through neglect is the most j inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and effl- ' ciency through neglect Come I and seel Fred Joudry ; Registered Optometrist and Optician ! Room 3 Smith Mx-k Phone 7G3 Voo Sv0-O KP this ; TttKT VMt 5.1U. f0 1 OTWER. WP " J a yj Compass Adjusting We sell superior lumber that is the only kind of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the mo3t complete stock in Northern IJ.C.,' Including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 ! VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY REST! Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and" Second Street Phone 758 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Rox 15G5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-ROATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN II AM HUT GEAR IN STOCK LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and JHstri buting. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize In Piano and Furnitun? Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER r r . I II i i i - i i r I "1 I I i ssll V I ..vy-. vjjuitXtmc! I f Chief Thompson says experienced women drivers can be depended to get out .of traffic difficulties as well as men. VISITORS ENJOYED SALT LAKE SWIM Surf Hiding In Harbor by Men and One of Ladies Yesterday afternoon and evening saw an unusually large crowd at Salt Lakes. The weather was ideal and Just now Interest in swimming Is very keen. On Sunday next U is hoped to have a number of competitions . Canoe rac ing and canoe tlTtlng are on the pro gram. There will be swimming races, long and short. Diving competitions are also talked of. The regular sports will not be pulled off for a Sunday or two yet and due notice will be given tti rough the papers. Among those enjoying the Salt Lakes was a party of eight from the Nor. conlan. They had been surf-riding in the harbor and one of the ladle of the party showed that she could tnanlpu late the board as skilfully as the men Later they went over to the Lakes and thoroughly enjoyed the opportunity to Uckles and pleases any appetite SHREDDED WHEAT With berries or other fruits Packed -with nourishment And all the bran you need njoy a swim without being dtlll.-d by the coldness of the wufcjr. GERMAN AWAITING DEPORTATION ORDER HELD AT KETCHIKAN KETCHIKAN. July 29. Arno Reichelt. a subject of Germany, who was brought here from Juneau for a deportation hearing, will be held In the federal Jail until orders arrive from Washington, K was announced by Immigration Director W. a. Strench. Rlechelt is accused of having deserted a Oerman Ship upon Its arrlvcl in America, later breaking out of trie lm-i inlgraitlon detention headquarters at Philadelphia when apprehended. CARRIED SALMON FROM ALEUTIANS KETCHIKAN. Alaska. July 29. The big cannery steamship Catherine; D, of the Pacific American Fisheries, i of the new pack from the Aleutian peninsula district. Captain Knight reported that on the trip to Ketchikan he noticed very few, fish, except In Excursion Inlet where the seine boats had caught full loads and practically swamped the canneries. The officers of the Catherine Ti. re port having encountered fogs and stormy weather to t h(A northward this trip. After taking on oil at the Stan dard OH dock the steamship left for Mt-tlakatla on her way south. LIQUOR VIOLATION I OFFENDER IS TAKEN i TO JAIL AT JUNEAU KETCHIKAN. July 39 August Start- Ion, convicted two years ago on a liquor violation charge, and who has Picen put ontoatl. pending result of hl appeal, left Ketchikan In custody ol Marshal White, enroute to Juneau where he will begin serving his term of one year SUrkloff was arrested at Craig Sat urday and brought here by a deputy marshal for transfer to the Juneau jail. His wife, convicted also, has not been arrested, according to federal of fleers. Marshal White Is also accompanying another Ketchikan prisoner. Miss Florence Parker, convicted of druukennesa to the Juneai hostile. sritiMt SONfl. The little raotbs are never gay. They do not dance or shout: What do thejy do when they attend Those balls we' read about? Boston Transcript. There is a wonderful difference in the master of all Scotch Whiskies "Black & White", the whisky that has won an enduring reputation for excellence and flavour. DISTILLED. BOTTLED AND BLENDED IN SCOTLAND "Quality Tells- Unit Buchanan t Co Its.. Glasgow ans lowee) BLACKWHITE SCOTCH This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia V anted' For Sale For Rent WANTED WILL SELL AS A OOINO CONCERN my secondhand buetftess, and rent or sell partly furnished four roomed flat with toilet and bath. Modern flat over store. A good proposition. Phone 174. O. P. Brine. 14S0O PER MONTH BUYS A SEVEN roomed house on Oraham Aventie. Section Two. Walker's Music Store. OR SALE. ONE 1924 TUDOR FORD Sedan, repainted and good condition. Parker's Oarage. tf njRNrrUKE FOR BALE.APPLY 330 Third Avenue. Phone Green 700. (177 tOWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 333. tf SIMMER KESOKTH. UKKI.SK HOTSI'ltlNO LOIXiE TFKKtCE. nr. Now Open for Visitors. For terms and reservations. Apply Mr. Iln Manageress. 296 UNIQUE GATHERING EASTERN STAR ORDER IS HELD AT JASPER JASPER PARK, July 20 A party of fifty three members of the order of the Eastern Star, from points fh Eastern Canada and the United States arrived In Jasper by special train over the lines of the Canadian National Railways yes Urday. The object of this Interna tional order is to give eastern Cans dlans and Americans a wider knowledge of the dominion, Its resources and A meeting that Ts problbty -ne isl the most unique in 'the history of the order of the Eastern Star was held In Jasper last evening In the club , room of the local order. Excelsior Chapter No. 60".'-'At this Tneettngr there wefe" ven American states represented and five Canadian provinces, making twelve grand Jurisdictions. Worthy Matron Mrs. C. Shaw of Jasper welcomed the vlstors and was assisted by Worthy Patron O. Shlrrilf. SENDING TREASURE BY AIRPLANE LEADS TO ARMING PILOTS CROYDON, Eng.. July 28. Imperial Airways pilots are being armed with revolvers as a precaution against aerial robbery. So much bullion is now being carried toy Imperial Airways aeroplanes that the officials are taking no dunces. It has been pointed out that it would te possible for any of : these bullion- :arrylng aeroplanes to be shot down In and out-of-the-way spot and a robbery carried out with small likelihood of detection. LODGE EXPECTS1 TO i CONTROL WEATHER LONDON, July 28. Fine weather may be made to order. Just like any com modlty. Is the prediction of Sir Oliver Lodge, nosed scientist. The advance of rxlence since the days when I was a student has been portentous." he said. "Sooner or later we shall be exercising control over the weather. I do not see why we should put up with bad weather If we do not want it." -t- FOR KKNT FOR HRNT PURNMHCn APART-meat hj the day. week or month. Phone !M 607 tf FOR KKNT TWO MODERN HOUSE. One furnUhcd Apply 21f, fourth Avenue. Bast. IOR RENT. POUR ROOM FURNISHED suite: steam heated Apply Smith &j Mtllett. Ltd. tf HOWS TO RENT AT TERRACE, BC Apply ttt BlKlith Avenue last. Phone Oreea 494. FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply MiMMllem Qmeery. Phons 18. FURNISHED ROOMS TO LET. APPLY Hyde Transfer, SecntMl Aveaue. 110 ROOMS FOR RENT. BOARD If desired. Phone Black 138. OR RENT. FOUR ROOM FURNISHED mi. Phone Oren 7M. 1st AUCTIONKKIt A BUSINESS PROPOSITION! WANTED. To anyone who wishes to take the opportunity. I will five the purchaser a discount of S per cent and a com-mission of S per cent to those sending the business my way. GotBg out of buslnew. Everything must got Make one dollar look like two. up to August 16. O. P. Brine. Auctioneer Phone 774. uriioi.sTnitiNR FURNITURE REPAIRING: UPHOL- tterlng of all kinds Chesterfields recovered and made to order. All work guaranteed. Phone Oreen 803. a. M. HUNT. FURNITURE NEW SHIPMENT AND NEW PATTERNS of fifty linoleum rugs and 800 square yards of linoleum. The de mand la good and this lot ought to be cleared out this month. So come early. Furnltiyc and ranges always in siock. a. MacKencle, Furniture Phone 775. EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulos and Marrls. 819 Third Ave I'none 040. n KEflT.tril ANT OOOII KATH CUE Mrs. Unger. Proprietress t -Vv.i Wn Pffon&lly in etiarge. Thrd "'AveriV. Nexf- a. Wi jVA A, 1omI Home Clinked Meals. v Phone Black 700. , KAIKV (lAIMtir. ri - i . f t - t r": - Agents for all, MOTORS PltOlll TTS Another carload of Chevrolets Just In I Prices: Roadster 1823.00 Roadster Delivery 1825.00 Touring $823.00 Cmpe 08300 8905.00 Spdan 81.O75.00 Landau Sedan 11,120.00 Cabriolet 8I.100.00 Commercial Chassis (643.00 iJenvery express Chassis .... 805 00 20 x 4.40 Balloon Tires standard equipment on all models except De livery Express chassis. Call or phone for demonstration. KAIF.N (lAKtfiF. Third Avenue I'linne r,Z TAXI Phone G7 Tail (Call George, Pnul or Gust) Six and . Seven Passenger Stude bakerfl at your disposal any time ROSS RROS. POOL ROOM Meeker Hlock. (Across from RmnrM Hotel) C.N.R. TRAINS For the East-Dally Except Sundays 11:30 a.m. From ?he Katt Dally ezcep: Tuesday J.I0 pxa. By George McMarmj f NO- WANT TO Ct THEM VUUWi'A tw-r-it.t-1 Lx-sbwv i - ipwsrw m i sssm i i . - i w - - mm ii e i i - v a at BY Colly - DM4W. You MoVT MrVt. OKtH BORN ICNORAHTXOO COULDN'T CVT OTHtPA. WAt 1 B. " . rvf HHIUM gsjJJJJJBjj n 1 I I 1 - VTHBL. ' fc I LTWS,- I rf I 11 lssHHWasslllH I k HT 1 fl I , sarN. . I SjgSBBfBBfBBfBBBfj - RAISE INSECTS FOR BATTLE IN EMPIRE FIELDS; Zoo For Parasites That Can be Useful Is Established in England LONDON. July 29. Barrack and drUl grounds have been erected a: Farnbam Royal, BualU nghafnahlre England, fee the latest additions to the fighting forces and defenders of tlv Empire. An idlUonary torce la being cent to Canada to do battle with the earwig and codling moth. Entomology has, with the aid of a grant from the Empire Marketing Board, estatrilafeed a boo for parasttea ar.d t Jtpert titomologUU ttvit are go- jlntc to seek out the natural enemies of the various pesti uhlcti Infest the livestock and cropi of the Empire. In breed a new atock. or evolre a different i type of paraalte, and completely equlp-pcd research laboratories hare been Installed. I In the extensive scrdens at Farnham Royal there are as man,y different ' plant end tree as It Is compatible wl.h the climate to grow, and amid 'these, which act a a breeding ground for the Insects, are two large lnsectar- ies. One Is for a general "reserve stock" of Insect, and the other, which ha walls of fine gauze and a roof of vltaglass to transmit the ultra-violet rays of the sun, Es for the use of In sect which re being specially studied. HATCH TIIKM 1H1IIT i Nothing 1 left to chance, and every Insect Is put through H paces, so to speak, before It I decided to send It to the fighting front. In a room lit with an ultra-violet ray lamp, there are several vltaglass cases In which are speclments of the various peats. When It Is thought that a parasite has been found for a certain pest, It Is put info the same case, and its fighting tactics can. be watched at close quarters. There Is little risk, therefore, Chat parasites will be exported that are unfit for their Job. WOMEN DRIVERS AS GOOD AS MEN SAYS POLICE FORCE HEAD WINDSOR, Ont., Jnly 29. At last the woman driver la vindicated; Chief Daniel Thompson, head of the Windsor police- force says there is no truth whatever fa the oft-heard statement ith.nt women ere not as proficient in driving automobiles as are men.' Because of the position he holds. Chief Thompson Is able to speak au- tbwatitiively in this matter. Records ct traffic violation and automobile accidents come before htm day -after day. He studies the circumstances, and after several years has come to the conclusion that women are safe drivers. "During recent years there has been a great improvement In women's driving." he says. Accidents In which, women figure are quite rare, and anyone who has taken the trouble to observe. knows ttoat they are careful and not Inclined to take chances." DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than 50c WANTED. OmcE DflSK AND TABLE. PtKMM 7. FOR SALE. ROOM1NO HOUSE. twenty rooms, with double eohner. Section One. New foundation. II.-000.00. McOantry It Olbbons. Ltd. fOR SALE. EQUITY IN SO LETTERS House on AtHn Avenue, five rooms and bathroom. Or would rent. PiMMte Black 487.' 177 FOR SALE. CAILLIE OUTBOARD. good shape, direct drive. 18000. Hamilton, General delivery. 178 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTATJ- rant. Do not lose your oceasioal Apply PX). Box 725. tf Article, Lott txi round,4t STEAMSHIP MOYEMENI lor Vanromer Monday- s.s Prm -e ; Tuesday- s Cat ii Ttoutaday ss pi. ,, o : Saturday -m Cmde . " as. prin. .v e-" ss. Prince Ii July . Princess r " 13 ss. Prince. L- - " 18 Princess K.,-:i " 20 ss. Prln-e? a " 33 as. Princess :x " 27 as. Princess A. "30 ss. Princess C "j From Vsnronter Sunday as. Catala Monday as. Prince C Wednesday ssj'rir. .it: Prfclay as. Prince I: as. Gardens SaturUsy-ss. Prm:r t Jury 8 ss. Princess Ix j " 11 ss. Princess A: : " ! es. Princess C j " 18 ss. Princess Lc a " 22 as. Princess A " 2 ss. Prince c " 20 as Princess t 'or Prt NlmpMtn and Nasi Hi rrway n. Cardena 1 rom Piirt Mmpuin and .asilnl Saturday ss. Cardena t'nr tnjnt, Stewart, rlf Swnday ss. Catala I J Monday.. ss. Prince C :.- vj Frtdsy a. Prince It-pe- I'rmn Anyot, Menarl, etr Tueertsy a. Cstala Thursday, .as. Pnncrrj Ssturdav as. Prince R"-" I For North Oueen Charlnllr- Mondsr ss. Princes C . 'jr. v- I'rom North ijueen Charltle- Thursdav as Prince C ... lor Miuth )ueen C'liarlultr- Julv 18- -n. Prince J( ; From South ueen Chsrlottr- July IS ss. Prince J :i -" 27 ss. Prince J!:.i 1 For .tl.ika Wednesday as. Prince Ck ' i July 8 ss. Princess Lc " 11 as. Princess A! a " 15 ss. Princess C nrtr't " IB. ss. Princess Ii-Ue " 22 ss. Princess A. " 25-ss. Princess C-: 'I " 29--ss Princess Ic.t I rom Alaka Monday as. Prince Oec-t J'3.- " 13 ss. Princess V.'.x " 18 ss. Princess AU.- " 2(V ss. Princess C-.v.'.o'M '."4;ss. Princess " 27 ss. Princess Al: '9 " 30-SS. Princess CbarUit MAIL SCHEDULE JULY mi I lor Die Fast I Mondays. Wednesdsys, Cat::nirl closes ,: 'j From Hie r.nxt .1 Mondays, Wednesdays, r.! I a. due 'Ml To Vanrourrr Mondays . . . Tuesdays . . . Thursdays . . Saturdays l ,41M l III! C.P.R. July 9, 13, 1, 2" v' ' f-'riliil Vanaff.ftuftp. I Mondays Mall OP R. July 8, J IS. 1. f A 10 Aiiyox, Alice Arm, r,r'" u ....... 8undays mall closn'jl rrom Anynv, Alice Ann, i'"" Saturday ra" . Tuesdiys ' Thnr.rf... mall M1 rrom Vaa . iiiirr I "Mil" . u 0 Saturdays To Alaka Points-July 8, 11. 18, 18, 32, 25, From Alaka Points .Tiilw o f nn ol 47. 30' To Hi,... i..t..ii. f.lunlt ro1"' I - . iiuiiiiiir . Lower Islands. Monday, ' .1 . ..... ' I Lower Islands, Wednesdsy 15 Aavertm la Th DW