125 TAXI unci: Ambulance Service A)hfre at Anytime Slind; Exchange Building MATT VIDKUK. rrop. DON. July 29. The casualties are placed as high at rr ult of an earthquake which levelled town and citlea in ': (iruvince of Kaiu. China, on May 28, according to r, p.irtrt to the Wwtminster Gazette. ' -f details of the catastrophe, whirh is one of the great-r. were learned from Monsignor Huddenbrock, apostolic - how. No reports have been received previously owing , tli: truc tion of telegraphic facilities. - - According to Mm report, cities were IMSS Of RAN VIIU w W WMaa mm SMALL BOAT! r.:..r." TON. England. JtHy M. r i ooat of hla own eon-, a. m by wind aajd muscle ; W . Oldham, of Warrington. 1 1 out on a voyage from 4, New York and back. ! w'.irh Mr Oldham has .i ..:r:e." baa been construct- x :r:t in hla spare ttm. Re- f i ' '.murine in appearance. It 4 r in length It wUl be" 'w blade) (. row driven ir fret through a eyole l .'.in-ill. aided by a metal, I bv chalmi to work the' 1 water-tight ooenpart-1 u windows. Two 'persons : : . elated but thi-re will not . -leeping room. Mr. Old- 'lie voyage will take forty SOCKEYE RUN IS HEAVY NOW Plenty of Fish Taken on Skccna Hlver YeMerday Rut Pinks arc Scarce w - rrjvod from Skeena. River i i ht the socket run ! 1 im;i.'oed and fish were taken In C n ymtcrday. the average or,.,' 1)ittig about sixty. The "-k ( -t 'He sockeye run la good wid I wiped out in the twinkling of n eye and t least ten thousand are reported to have been killed In Liang Cnbw alone. Temeutce r completely wrecked and I buried underneath a mountain. The suf ferine of the survivors arc declared to be Indescribable. In 81 Blanc not a building K ltt Intact and there la not Fred Outfit Twelve Feet Long I how that om not contain either Bu'.'.t With Foot nnd Wind Power dead or Injured. ta ansa places the arth opened. aUtUat dark waters. III.MKK HtimWN ih iwiiim tci viht province VICTORIA. July 39. Acting Premier Msclsttfi tet-ajmphed to Prxftkrr Baldwin of Brest Britain inviting him to extend his Canadian vlalt In order to take In Drtuab Ootumbla. Mr. Baldwin had planned going only aa far west as Banff. KII.I.KII AT CANNEIIY (. SEWARD. Alaska. July 29. A man .- i. . . n Mrvnt flnnlrv was klliea in a ii.v ........ .a j employe at Alltok. according to ad- vices received bere last nigat. n uw-i marshal 1s rushing to the bckuc of the slaying aboard a ooist guard cutter. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Hid. Asked iS0 B.C. Silver Ooaat Copper r, U-a-OO,, ,,, 13.00,, '' 8 Cork Province Dunwell " lf0 olM ,9 ".22 indlln Independence Z L. and L. - J Idaho' ss Sllvcrcre-.t , 7(J Sunlooh 8ht CHOCOLATES A heavy traUer. breaking loose from a truck driven by Waiter Wright, of the Ireland Traiuifer Company, struck Mary Corlnne Sande. 10-year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. Sande. causing In juries from which she later died. The girl, hurled from the road onto the beach, near the ahlpyards. struck her head on s log and was crushed when thc careening trailer follower her over. 6 he waa picked tip and rushed to the hospital by II, M. Stackpolc. who witnessed thc accident succumbing to a fractured skull, and other Injuries within an hour. Eyc-wltncsHOS declared that Wright was traveling at a low spocd and had given tho llttlo girl who was walking toward town alongside the road, ample clear anco rqom. When Informed of the details United States' Commissioner J. W. Kehoe announced that Wright could not be held responsible for the- accident and there would be no Inquest held. The driver, visibly affected by the tragedy, could offer no explanation as to how the trailer had broken away from the truck, other, than that the connecting bolt, which was thought well secured,, had worked' Joose. Miss Catherine Harvey and Miss Dorothy Maodonald returned today on the Prince Rupert from a holiday trip to Vancouver. Seattle and Victoria. They were awny several weeks. PRINCE RUPERT (!--. ' ''v' V A. v V N J, 76 S - h AK I HI II A Kb I A I A MX AX I. A AM.S4 Vi I lit A 3Si JtlrteS Northern Northern nnd nnd Central Central British British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE PRINCE RUPERT. RUPERT. B.C., B.C.. FRI FRIDAY, JULY 20, 1927 wz 1 . Canadian National Ivailways SPECIAC ISSU'l OF JULY.I1M927 : RaSS Colonel Charles A'Lindbergh OVER ALL LINES IN ' CANADA DURING LIFF LINDY CAN RIDE FREE: Miss Edna Edwards, daughter of l, onion Kdwardt. M.P., Ottawa, presented Col. Lindbergh with a solid gold life-ins.s over all lines of the C.N.R. as he alighted from the "Spirit of St. Louis" at Ottawa Shooting Yesterday Cassiar Cannery When Drunken Indian Opened Barrage on Everybody There was intense excitement yesterday at North Pacific Cannery for a short line when an Indian named Thomas Wright of the Hazelton Reserve who had been taking too much moonshine started taking pot phots at everybody in sight with his rifle. Happily his markmanship was not good and nobody was hit. The trouble began about dinner time last evening when Wright, who had ben drinting, made himself objectionable and was ordered byIL W. Harris, who was in charge, to get on to his boat until Jie had sobered up. He refused to do this, and taking his rifle opened a barrage on Harris, the net foreman. and anyone eL-c who happened to eoaio in sight. After showing that be was boss of tlx situation at North Pacific. Wright started off toward Cassiar Can nery. Thc provincial polios were notified and s detachment consisting of Consta bles Clark, Its y bone and Camm went out ;,n the Adanac to look for then- man. J. E. Lord, cannery manager, was away at the time of the trouble. F. G. DAWSON IS MARRIED TO A DAKOTA LADY Spending Honeymoon at Winnipeg and Jasper Before Returning to City WINNIPEG). July 29-Mr. and Mrs. Frederick O. Dawson of Prince Rupert, are guests at the Fort Garry Hotel and will be here a ttm days before proceeding to Jasper, where they will spend their honeymoon. Their marriage took place yesterday at the home of the bride parents. Park River. North Dakota. ' Before her marriage. Mrs. Dawson was Miss Olive Orpha Mills, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Charters Mills. She was principal of the Inter-Moun-taln Union Oollfffe Academy and direc tor of College Dramatla, Helena, Montana, and had previously been principal of the Grafton. North Dakota High School and director of Dramatic Art and librarian at the CliJppcwa Falls, Wisconsin. High School. Mr. Dawson, who la president of the F. O. Dawson Ltd.. Prince Rupert, B.C., and Is one of the directors of the Canadian National Railways Is well known throughout western Canada. The news of the marriage came aa a great surprise to Mr. Dawson's friends ft here but his family have known of for some time and thoroughly approve his choice. TWO VESSELS CLEARED WITH PARCEL SHIPMENTS GRAIN FROM VANCOUVER VANCOUVER, July 29. Two vessels cleared with small shipments of grain from this port during the week. They were: Seeonk for Antwerp with 'the option of Hamburg or Bremner 54 .895 bushels. Vulcan City for Olasgow 37,333 bushels. Advertise In The Dally News GRAPHIC PARTY IS HERE TODAY Over One Hundred People I'rom NeW York are in City This Afternoon A party of tourists travelling under the auspices of the Evening Graphic of New York arrived here this morning. This Is part of what la known as the "Friendship Tour." The party numbers over one hundred men and women from all walks of life In personal charge of R. A. Fanclulll of the Graphic staff. They bring greeting from the Mayor of New York to the people of Prince Rupert. Today the party Is being entertained to a boat ride on the harbor and will continue north on, the round trip to Stewart and then east. They report having had a wonderful' time- on the boat arid enjoying the trip very much. At noon today several representative local men were guests of the party aboard the steamer. Mayor Newton represented the city and representing the Board of Trade were Alderman Percy Tinker. J. H. Plllsbury, W. H. Tobey, Lionel Holtby and A. T. Brooksbank. Mr. Fanclulll representing the New Yorkers made a short speech In which he spoke of their pleasure at visiting the city and this was replied to by the mayor who hoped they would enjoy themselves. CANADIAN PRESIDENT POULTRY CONGRESS OTTAWA, July 29. Frederick Elford. a Dominion government poultry hus-bandmSn of Ottawa Is chosen president of the next world poultry congress to be held In 1030. It was onnounocd last night. BARODA FLOOD IS SAID TO BE VERY SERIOUS LOUDON, July 29. A despatch from Bombay by exchange telegraph says coloasal damage and serious loss of life is feared ns a result of, the flood , In state of Baroda. . 70. WEATHER KEI'OKT Terrace. Clear, calm, temp. 61. Rosswood. Clear, calm, temp. 62. Alyansh. Clear, calm, temp. 61. Alice Arm. Clear, calm. temp. 61. Anyox. Clear, calm, temp. 60. Stewart. Clear, calm, temp. 60. Hazelton. Heavy smoke, calm, temp Sntthers. Clear, calm. temp. 83. Tl;trn l.iJ-.e Smaky. cslfd, temp. 60 V Boston Grill Urge Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, (or hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least Phone 457. Pri-e ' 'i Onts STROPHE JJV CHINA WOMEN AND CHILDREN DIE TOGETHER IN LAKE MICHIGAN Terrible Catastrophe Overcame Part of China Result of Huge Earthquake in Remote Province timber ol victims set at 100,000; uilwle cities READ CTfllE i wipea out in iwuwung or an eye says Catholic Priest ' i!' tlic pack will be quite up ' ' !1 Cf f)lA nlnVa I. millai a rlif - - I'liisa Sl "r one Tliey are not comli yet t-3 for only very very few few have been Howevc c I lUh 1, 'lie ecanon for tlnvt ' VKk of pini;s jarger than presenr. expected. HAROLD MANN BROKE LEG AT CHARLOTTES '-a Mann of the foreMry depart and cnKacd In the reproduction b-"""' on Qun Charlotte Islands wfei broica titCi tOW" yctcrday having ia n Joltry boat lied .u ttul wok hemg tran-fcrred to the . Bca wnen his leg -was -' oetwecn the boau and broken, M brou8ht to town on tho L.11- whew Uken 10 thc hospital ' routing easUy. HON. P C. LARKIN HOME ON HOLIDAY ... h r ' Uly -"--"on. P. C. Larkln, "'"""'"oner for Canada, .ailed 'mda her will take liday. FISH SALES LIGHT AT EXCHANGE TODAY ruh sales were light this morning, only six boaU telling a total of 70.000 pounds of which American boat-, had 61.000. rrlcea were aa usual. American Resolute. 44,000 pounds, to Canadian r'lsh Ac Cold Storage Oo. st 10.60c and 6c. ARM f., 11 WW pouivcU. to Canadian ruh Ac Oold fKorage Oo. at 11.50c and 6c. Cmii ml la 11 Brant. 4.000 pounds, to Hoyal ruh Co. st lO.COe and 6-W. nuicteader. 4,000 pounds, to Atlln rtaherkM. st io.40o and 6.600. Tramp, 6M0 pounds, to Atlln Flsh--rlea. st 10.80c and 6.50c. Agnes D.. 4.600 pounds, to Canadian Fish & Cold Storage Co. at 10.50c and qp. FAMOUS AIRMAN KILLED CRASHING IN NOSE DIVE BWSTOL. July 29. Captain F. L. Barnard, one of the moat famous of British airmen, was killed here last night when the plane he was riding came to earth in a nose dive. Carried Off Hag From Jasper Lodge and Pried it Open; Took Swecta and Pills JAeTXfl NATIONAL PARK. July 29. Tte mJaelng bag has been found with the dlaeovery that neara In the vicinity of Jasper Lodge prefer ertocolatea and raisins to pyjamas or rasor blades. The bag which was stolen by friend bruin on Tuesday from the verandah of a bungalow bere belonged to F. J. French of Stratford. Ont. Oh hla way to work this morning toe engineer of the lodge oame across a black object In some bushes In the vicinity oi roe Atnaoasca wver, ana making InveattfaUons discovered It was the missing bag. Mr. Beer Wad pried open the lock and when the content of what waa teft were eheeked over with a list that Mr. French had left wHh J. O'Brien, manager of the lodge. It was found that only the sweets were misting. Apparently bears prefer to stick to the coat that nature provided them rather than don a p.lr of pyjamas. There was one other Item mleatng and It has not yet been dcetded whether the bear was taken alek or was not taking any chances of being that way as there was a box of pink pills also missing. A whole pound of ehooolates Is rather a rich dish for one bear and Mr. Bruin was not taking any chances of getting alek. So devoured the pill. The culprit Is still at large and chances for srreet are rather slim, even though he was caught It Is more than likely he would blame It on Home of his toorthers who wander about the surrounding territory dose to the lodge. The bag wtll be repaired and forwarded to Mr. French, who no doubt will take great pride In showing It to his friends as the bag the bear used on a trip over the Athabasca river from Jasper Park Lodge girlkilled" BY TRAILER Tragedy at Ketchikan Caused by Detaching of Connecting Holt Thirty Lost Lives When Excursion Boat Upset Just Off Chicago City TEKRiriED WOMEN AND CHILDREN UNABLE TO SWIM PRECIPITATED INTO WATER WHEN FAVORITE SUBMERGED CHICAGO, July 20. Approximately thirty of the sixty-four passengers, mostly women and children endeavoring to escape from the Heat on a three mile cruise on Lake Michigan off Chicago in a small excursion boat the Favorite, were drowned yesterday when the boat capsized in a sudden squall. When the storm, which passed in a few seconds, struck the craft, it listed and the terrified excursionists rushed to the other side causing the vessel to tip so far that it submerged and only a portion of the upper deck remained above water. Dozens of screaming pas sengers were preclpusted Into the stormy - waters sod despite the speedy rescue work of nearby craft many ssnk. in the water before, fought for their lives in the heavy breakers alongside i heir mothers, most of whom were un-Jjie to swim. By the flme the first rescue boats reached the shore the entire beach was transformed Into an emergency hospital where doctors and nurses worked over the victims: soms -of whom were re suscltsted after being unconscious tea hours. Johnny Welsmuller. ths famous swlm- mlnar star, who was-attracted to ths scene from a nearby beach, dived for many of the bodies In ttie water-filled Favorite. Whan the craft was raised It was towed ; to shore and several hours later,, more bodies were recovered. UMOKII SHIPMENT DAY (11.11 rillfKENS AltKIVK AT OTTAWA OTTAWA, July 29. Claimed to be a world record, three hundred white leghorn chickens from the University of B.C. sr rived yesterday 100 per cent safe. Hatched Saturday, the chickens were shipped on .t. YrS THROWN FROM GASOLINE SPEEDER INJURED HIS HEAD Suffering from a broken Vld and contused head. Lang Mulr of the forestry department was brought to town on yesterday's passenger train. Passing through Terrace yards on a gasoline speeder that jumped the track Mr. Mulr was thrown off and struck the ground with considerable force. He was attended to by Dr. Trefry, a visitor to Terrace,' and brought to the local hos pttal by train. He had an uncomfortable night but It Is not thought that his Injuries are serious though they are painful. HUNKER CREEK FIRE SPREAD IN YUKON The weather report from Dawson reported conditions as smoky. A private letter from Dawson under July 14, states that some one set a fire on Hunker Creek. It spread to Bear Creek line and burnt about six miles of poles of the electric transmission system. Every available man was pressed Into service and the line has been fixed. The letter states that there Is not an Idle man In tlie country who wishes to work. CRANBROOK MAN SHOT AND KILLED HIS WIFE THEN FIRED AT SELF CRANBROOK, July 29. Adolph Oart-land shot and killed his wife Hllders Gartland today. Jealousy Is the alleged cause. After committing the crime he shot himself and ' Is not expected to recover. Both were natives of Sweden. MANY HOMERS IN BASEBALL Cy Williams Made Two, Rogers Hornsby One and Ruth One Y'esterday NEW YORK. July 29. Baseball Interest yesterday centred In the national pennant chase. The spot light was on be Olants' spurt pf six and -halt James from the Pirates. Rogers Hornaby got his seventeenth home run for New York against Chicago deciding the game. Cy Williams made two home ran Disking 22 this season In the Cardinals-Phillies gsme. The Ysnkees scored their fifteenth tlctory over St. Louis and Ruth mads his 34th homer. Boston maintained her form, beating Cleveland twice. Walter Johnson wss In great form, his team beating Chicago. Scores were: NATIONAL LKAdl'E New York 6, Chicago 5. Boston 6, Cincinnati 11. Brooklyn 7, Pittsburg 5. Philadelphia 8, St. Louis 10. AMERICAN 1,EA(11E St. Louis 4, New York 9. Chicago 2. Washington 12. Detroit 5. Philadelphia 2. Cleveland 0-3,Boston 3-4. WAGE BILL HIGH B.C. PROVINCE VICTORIA, July 29 Unparalletled progress In Industries "of British Cotumbls snd s payroll breaking all records Is recorded In thc annual report of the department of labor. Tho total payroll in 1926 was $175,173,836 as against (159.-520. the Increased wage bill being in almost every line of Industry. BOTTOMLEY IS OUT OF JAIL LONDON, July 29. Horatio Bottom-ley, widely known war-time figure and former member of Parliament, waa released from Maidstone penitentiary today where he had been a serving seven years' term for fraud. Good behaviour gave him his release In slightly more than five years. GENEVA SITUATION CAUSESCABINET MTG. LONLON. July 29. The cabinet convened this afternoon as the result of a hasty summons, presumably to consider the Geneva situation. FIRE IN AMMUNITION BASE CAUSES DEATHS HANKOW. China. July 29. Fifty soldiers snd civilians were killed and hundreds Injured as a result of fire In sn ammunition base at Wu Chang. The entire district ruined.