AGE SIX THE DAILY NEWS Jlose, PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaks Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) l'honc 231 WEEK-END Meat Specials at MUSSALIJK.M'S mkat MARKET GOOD STEER REEF Boiling Beef, per lb. . . 10c Stewing Beef, per lb. 12'2c Pot Boast Beef, per lb. 12 Vic and 15c Shoulder Steak, per lb.. . 15c Rib Roast of Beef, per lb. 20c Baby Beef, per lb. 29c & 25c Good Corn Beef, per lb. 10c Pickled Pork, per lb. . . 20c VEAL Ley of Veal, per lb. . . 30c Shoulder of Veal, per lb. 20c Stewing Veal, per lb. . . 15c Bacon, sliced, per lb. . . 43c Fresh Killed Fowl, per lb. 35c Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD. 117-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 84 II. S. WALLACE CO. LTD. The Swimming Season is now at its best! An all Wool Bathing Suit will add to your enjoyment. They fit and look we(ll. JANTZEN, UNIVERSAL & PENMAN'S BATHING SUITS For Ladies, Children and Youths H.S.Wal7aceCo.Ltd. Phone 9 Third and Fulton Dr. Alexander , Smith Block Phone 575 DENTIST ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported . Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street HERRING RUNNING ALASKAN WATERS Nalmon Mill hrarre anil rropert foot tor loll fuck Q. L. Alexander, wno tor Tr&rm connected with the ulmon tru&fnra nd U now trailing jrttn the K-197, was in port today, having made a crobe recently through all of the in land water from Wrangell to Chatham, trait, and Mid he noticed very few herring says the Ketchikan Chronicle. , However, he aald herring were begin- ; Mng to run again In considerable num-! txra. The first run slackened off and several of the large Seattle seine boat I engaged In herring fishing returned' home. believing .ttie run was over. When asked why the salmon are not showing up in Inside waters. Mr. Alei-I ander replied: I "Ask something easy. One man's . guess about what the salmon win do! is as good as another's. It must be left to the diploma experts to tell about their habits. All a csnneryman knows Is to get ready and If the fish! comes to can It. and if It dont come! to either declare bankruptcy or elsej draw on his credit and reserve fund to gamble with the salmon the following year. The outlook la not very bright, lor most or the cannerymen getting up' their packs this year." ACROPOLIS LEAGUE MAKES MORE PLANS A meeting of the AcropoU Hill Im provement League was held In the City Hall last evening when George Casey presided over a good attendance. The report of the committee for the dance held In the Moose Hall was read and showed a small profit. A committee of Sid Macdonald. Jim Irvine, and A. E. Dickens was appointed to arrange details of the Oldtlmers football match which will be staged i about the middle of 'August and the proceeds of which will be set aside fori COME IN ON SATURDAY Extra Specials Heinz To ma toe Catsup Per bottle '.W( Heinz Combination Special 1 tin Pork and Beans 1 tin Spaghetti 1 tin Tomatoe Soup. Any two for !E5r Here is a cash only special For Saturday only Pacific Milk, tall tins, per tin .tOf 6 tins only to one customer Will deliver Milk if included with other goods Fresh Milk Arriving Daily Extra Quality B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574. Canton Crepe DRESSES from $12.50 Smart little Wash Dresses sizes 7 to 16 From (1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue For Ladysmith-Wellington COAL Phone 580 HydeTransfer And Coal Co. 139 Second Avenue A delicious Summer recipe Here is new and very cconomial dish to serve for lunch or supper. Fill a pie-dish or mould with pieces of cold cooked meat. Add two hard-boiled eggs sliced, and, if liked, some sliced red peppers and a little parsley. Dissolve about a dessertspoonful of powdered gelatine in hot Dovril and pour over. When set, turn out on crisp hearts of lettuce, and serv e. BOVRIL gives Summer Cookery Beef Energy without Bulk the Improvement League. It is alo on the boards that the Football Association will set aside the proceeds from the matches against the British cruiser Colombo for the funds of the Improvement League.- IIOTIX .MtltlAI.S Prince liuprrt W. Mcculloch. J. P. Harrlon. Port Week-end Specials 1,000 Lbs. No. 1 Steer Hecf (I really Reduced I'rircs SPECIAL DEMONSTRATION ON SATURDAY ONLY Ilrookfield Putter Rrookfield Cheese , Ky Mr. fiulick COMBINATION CANNED FRUIT SPECIAL 4 large tins for 1)50 1 tin Bartlett Pears, 2W 1 tin Quaker Peaches, 21,8 1 tin B.C. Apricots, 2,2,s 1 tin Red Plums, 21j,s $1.50 value for 050 at Primo TMIw nf l!.tf Hi 1Hrl DELICATESSEN DEPT. Cold Roast Pork, sliced, lb. 5c; Cooked Ham, machine sliced, lb. Jellied Pork Tongue, lb OOe Chicken Loaf, lb .100 Sliced Bologna, lb HO? 1 Arrrnntino Prtrnoil Ttoof 1 1 1 find Australian Roast Beef, 1 lb. tins, Special, 2 for l.'r? FRUITS AND VEGETABLES Wax or Green Beans, 2 lbs. 25 c" New Green Peas, 3 lbs l!."p New B.C. Cabbage, lb 5f New Potatoes, 8 lbs U5f Per sack : $11.50 Vegetable Marrow, each 10r? and 15r New Beets, 4 lbs li5J New Carrots, 4 lbs iI5 Head Lettuce, 3 for 25? Hothouse Tomatoes, per lb. IWf 5 lb. basket $1.10 Large Cukes, 15r and -00 Large Canteloupes. .200 and 25 Plums, per basket 75? Casaba Melon, per lb 100 Sugar Crisp Corn Flakes, per package 1)0 Icing Sugar, 2 lb. package.. 100 Royal City Pork and Beans, regular 30c size. Special, 2 for 150 Mrs. Porter's MayonaLse, regular 45c jar. Special S50 Fresh Roasted Peanuts, 2 lbs. for :50 JUST ARRIVED Australian 2 Crown Wine Raisins Special, 3 lbs. for .J50 Rupert Table Supply Co Phones: 210 and 211 ss WILL BUILD BRIDGE 1 Clements: M. Allison. Usk: Wm. M. Haragrove. Jacksonville, Illinois; Or. and Mrs. It. 8. Trefry. Anyox; J. C. Nldenon. W. H. Dwyer. Ottawa, It. O. Olson. Smlttiers; L. B. Wait. J. P. Matt-era. Vancouver; It. E. Oittleson, Montreal. Naoy Alf Fisher, Stewart; D. Drummond. Exitew. AT TELEGRAPH CREEK E Woodward, bridge foreman for the (.ubllc works department, left on the Princes Louise northbound this morn-, tng en route to Telegraph Creek. The party of nine wlU proceed to Tooya River across which a bridge is being built. mokk cash, i.kns hot i its Rib Steaks, lb llOf1 Wife You dont allow me half Chuck Steaks, lb 17 Vac nough money for clothes. Pot Roast, lb ia: Hu- " 1 dW- yu ouW m cu.i rtv, n. iiiiaj around looking hail-dressed. Boston Rollins Beef, lb Ill P S ? 1 1 V- ' 11 sa'l rpKlnrib.,u-.::.v.v.v. gurvich goes The above prices are very low ; and will not be repeated after Saturday. In addition to above, we offer large buyers Front Quarters, aver age 135 lbs. each, at per lb. 7r LIYE AT SMITHERS Ulll be Mlrt In Loral SHrtlng Clriles Where lis I Popular ,Dldo Ourvlch, well known In local sporting circles, left this morning on j the castbound passenger for Smlthers 1 where he will drive a truck lb connection i with the Hudson Bay Mine. Dido has been a prominent member of )wo winning teams In Prince Rupert. ' On the Grotto barebaU' nine he covers ! third and Is a good man at bat. In football be plays for the Terminals, who after a bad start have recently been winning steadily. He is, of course, well known as a boxer too. He will be popular In Smlthers where athletics are much In favor and he carries with him the beat wishes of local tporUmen for his success In games as well as In the more serious game of Hie. seniorIaseball PROVED A FARCE (lame Was Wholly Onesided and Score Quite In lulls need The senior baseball fixture between Oyros and Bon of Canada was played before a large crowd and in splendid weather, but the same was a farce and was won by the Native Sons 17-2. It was one of those games when all went wrong. It was1 specially disappoint, tng because some of the encounters be tween these teams have provided very keen games with much excellent play. LAND ACT. NOTICE OP INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN'll. In Prince Rupert Land Recording Dls trlct of Coast District. Ranee 4, and sit. uate on and being all of Bonltla Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. die C. Austad of Prince Ruoert. B.C.. occupation rancher, intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the souineaneny point oi uonuia luana, thence northerly, westerly, southerly and easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the island occupied by Indian Reserve no. is, and containing one thousand acres, more or less. mB OLE C. AUSTAU, Dated July 15, 1927. . NOTICE. Applicant. IN THE MATTER of an application for me issue of a Provisional uercuicaie oi Title for Lot one ill of Lot three hun dred and sixty (360), Range five (6), Coast District. Map 970. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above land having been produced to me. It is my intention to ltsue. arter me expint' ttnn nf nn mnnth from the first DUb' licatlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate of Title to the above land, in the name of ALICE CLAPP The original Certifi cate of Title Is dated the 29th November, 1912, snd is numbered 2605 I. Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert, B.C. JUly 15, 1927. H. P MacLEOD. Registrar cf Titles Frlda? J r, McArthur Shoe Store Price .MEN'S WORK ROOTS Kip uppers with double Panco soles and heels, made over the famous Munson last. Here is a snap! Summer Sale OQ QC Price and hit two home runs. Farquhar hit three times and Saini had no difficulty i In winning easily. Loblltk struck out nine. Herrle struck out five. The Sons msde two runs In the first, one in the third, five in the fourth, eight in the fifth, and one in the sixth. Oyros made their two In the fifth. Teams were: Native Sons Farqubar, Balfour, Dow-nle, Wcndel. Lambie. V. Menzlee, A. Mitchell. II. Menzles, H. Lobllck. Oyros Herrle. Moran. Havll&nd, Mln-ahan. Hill. Skinner, McPCeown, Sherman, Astoria. Red1 Stewart umpired and everybod was satisfied. DINNER WAS GIVEN FOR LUTHERAN PASTOR! Mr. and .Mr. f. W. Hart Hfitt to Num-! ber of friend at Their Home I In honor of Rev. and Mrs. T. Rlnde I who are leaving for Vlrdun, Nebraska, where Mr. Rlnde had accepted a call to the church there. Mr. and Mrs. F. W. Hart entertained to dinner last evening a large number of fronds at their new home on Sixth Avenue West. The council of the Lutheran Church 'and frlehds from other churches were present to wish Mr. and Mrs. Rlnde goodbye and Oodspeed, with every success in their new field. John Dybhavn spoke of thefe succesi that had attended Mr. Rlnde'aflabors in the church here. Mrs. Rlnde had very ably seconded her husband In1 his work and they would be mtsscd badly In the church and in the community at large. Mr. Hart spoke of Mrs. Rlnde's work especially. She had been a very keen -worker and In the musical part of the 'church services had been a very valuable asset. There were vocal and Instrumental selections and a story telllngcompetlUon which was won by W. McKlnley. The rooms were very tastefully decor, ated. . A very enjoyable evening was brought to a clone by the singing of "Clod be with you till we meet 'again." Advertise In The Daily News Annual Canada's finest Footwear for men. Discontinued lines in Rlark and Rrown Calf. A good selection of the newest lasts and tatterns in all sizes. Real values. Summer Sale Price Our last Sale a year ago was a great succcas because then w ; i. thojieople of Prince Rupert real shoe value which the thrifty hou--. was quick to recognise. This year's sale we anticipate vilMo .a r. breaker as our stock is very large and complete in ovory lino of far . shoe needs. Our mottc is QUALITY and you may be aMiircd thnt what- i merchandise you buy at our Sale you will get sterling values at big re ductions in prices. . THE MACFARLANK snoi: Ladies' One Strap, in Patent Leather with fine biwid-turned sole and Cuban heel. These shoes rank as Canada's finest hand-turned. Exceptional value. Summer Sale gfj (JCj OUR .MOTTO QUALITY IS .MEN'S SPORT OXFORDS In canvas with brown leather trimming, rubber heels and leather soles. Summer Sale C4 (CZ JLstSV S7.45 Ladies' Shoes , Hundreds of pairs grouped in this lot. in Patent, Kid, Gray and Satin in the latest combinations and trimmings. In one strap. Oxfords, and ties, with Cuban or spike heel. Good shoes at n modest price Summer Sale jg gg THE RICHMOND SII jK Men's Oxfords, n the manufacturer Astoria Shot, in ctitrhinj?" and pattn. black and brown rherry red, parchm t with trimming's. A stylish line. Summer Sale Price ..' OUR MOTTO QUALITY S6.85 IS LADIES' OXFORP s In brown calf t i laid with lir.ird mi iik's. low walk i mi Summer Sale CM 1C Price tlt'lti CHILDREN'S SHOI S Thousands of pa hone from for the folk in numerous and patterns. Ever. reduced to Summer "rices. This is the weather for CANVAS SHOES and our store is the pla M. McARTHUR Last night's was everything that a ball game should not be. i Downie had a big time at bat. He had five hits out of five times at bai j Third Avenue. '1 WESTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and 'J p.m. Saturday Matinee at 3 p.m. COLLEEN MOORE in "Orchids and Ermine" The gay tale of a Telephone Girl. JACK MULHALL, SAM HAKDY, JKI) PROl'TY. HROOKS BENEDICT, ALMA ItKNNETT, HEDDA I.OI'I'EIl, KATE PRICE, EMILY FITZROY, and many others CHRISTIE COMEI)Y-"COOL OFF." .PATIIE REVIEW Admission 50c and 23c J "TMT A Nit TO. NIGHT" w SPlJRANT'S Best Procurable MM (THE ORIGINAL) Pure Scotch Whisky J RICHEST IN FINEST HIGHLAND MALT Rottfxf .n't farM.d' ky Vtlltam St Scmii Liailf Cl.fifiddick .imI D.IiwCknli.t tliuillniM, Dull. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia