W DO HIS COLLARS 1 1 D r HMr tilOP TO AAV rHDB-WoRK FOR MINE a 1 ' tolil him about thin Stic told him that wo .1 riirtwalnt and hr . things in a delightful i ieii he rent u a , !. of a dozen collars. ; " 1 agree that this In . , '..fry. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 REMEMBER For .Montreal price on Clothing for Men & Boys Don't forget the Montreal Importers Third Avenue J. IL Miller - Proprietor 1 MILK -:- PRICE Reduced to for 81.00 ? quart for $1.00 1" pints for 81.00 ' t! price ticket. " ! Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone 657. ymt ork Man to have your work efcaae you. 8QUE just Ilk yssj took, neither v uniM - . . . . tfcna to ""WW WIIJ aaottarn ftrt should wutr Jm $jowi!t mm iwuMjv w injur, Dtl. Ofant MM Um R Ury Club ysa-tstilay toe psopt of Cuixb had an mfertortty nmpiex Thar, woe than a tttyrmt, OH Doctor I feel very sick air stomach la to blame My conptos awe I on toe Mink And Ufa taala very tasae Jus fls me up or bci me d.wn Or turn me Hula out. Or polish up my complex valve. Now. toera'a a good old scout And when you have rue quite complete My eaara nlosty adjusted. Just putop oaa full of Rood old pap j And heap Me right, dang bttot It I WHAT'S toe UM of going out alter 1 Mitpe Tlili la a bear country. t know a number of oorpftea wbo j have Just tnipiimi to drop In and in-itervlaw the undertaker. j LAND ACT. MITKK 01' INTENTION TO APPLY TO i LEASE I.ANU III Queen Charlotte Itland Land Re-cordlng District of Prince Itupert. and ituate at the head of Uve south arm of De La Brebe Inlet. Moretby Island. TAKE NOTICE that Hrltlah Columbia Plahlng & facklng Co. Ltd.. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation Packets, Intendr. to apply for a lease of the following described land: Commencing at a post planted at the head of the aouth arm of De La neche Inlet. Moresby Island: thence south 5 chains; thence east 30 chains; thence north S chains, more or leas, to high water mark: thence west along high aver mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more or leas. British Columbia fishing & packing co. ltd.. Applicant. , Dated June 10. 1017. I LAND ACT. NOTICE Of INTENTION TO APPLY TO I LEASE LAM). I In Coast Itsnge 4. Land Recording District of Prince Ilnper. and situate at I Captain's Oove. Pitt Island. D O. TAKE NOTICE that Oosne Packing 'Company Limited, of Vsnoouver. B.C occupation Packers.. Intends to apply for a lease or me roiiowing aescnoea isnas: I Commencing at a post planted at the northwest corner or iiOC 1483. itange t; thence south 6 chains: thence west 6 chains: thence north to high water msrk; ' thence easterly along high water mark 6 chsins. more or less, to point 01 commence mem. and containing 3 acres, more, or less. OOS8E PACKING COMPANY I LIMITED. 1 Applicant. Dated June 13. 1927. BARGAINS BARGAINS nt the FORCED of THOR JOHNSON'S Inrge stock of GENTLEMEN'S CLOTHING AND FURNISHINGS ieo7. TZZ DAILY KZ7T3 PAGE FIVS IT -MMT THE PIONEER Man in the Moon BRITISH BOYS LAUNDRY KIDS BREATH I in Ncowi u tt earl FOR CANADA The Louvre The Louvre morning and It WW UM mmtm v . u Ml day. Srwtf-lnl .114 it w ' iK-iny; tiurreti t riune ' ho Train For Farm TIOHTWAD8 n puor w mtuix tf ! in pneaei. Work IT ki tSMcb more r'fnl I I GET VpUR SHARE OF THE BARGAINS BARGAINS PlNinmu PACIFIC Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast.Services UUIIIIIgO 11UHI 1 - T rt.-.hlk!,. "ranreli, Junran. and Sksjwsy-July i, 8. H. 15. 18. ' ''"'Oliver, Victoria an.l Seattle July 2. . 9. 1' 20- M S0' rUINCESS UKATKH'K. . For . li... t arn ?,"t,r,df '. Et .ella Bella. Ocean Kails. Nam". A""' r a, Z "ftoVffir W. Kupert. B.C. as -.a. . l"M has lieggl entered tatc ! rllu d OanadUn a-iiaaituas tor the setUswunt of Old Cotostry aoya on tste land in the Unuo. on Tto satoMer of agriculture tor a proatnea has already brought ojst a eunaktofiMe Bvanber and the eapenence of the "Moadky boy- has no doubt had much to do with the launching of the larger scheme They were trained In the aartcultural schools sad posttlotn were ,, u" or them. Bwt wien they dealred to start farming on ttvetr'own account no public aid was svs liable to enable thew to do ss. Under the ptan Uiat has now Imh-q launched this will be given. joint i:riAnm k: The two governmettu prcpon to spend ValnUy rive million dollars over a period ol leu yean in MsMMvlag these youthful settlers. After they have bean give lie neontary preliminary training and have worked for wagea for a sufficiently inng time u save approilmately S00. 'urn of ustrn will have an advance made u, him of tor the acquiring of land, stock and equipment. Before this ' done, bowevir. he will have to have reached the age of twenty-one. They have to be between fourteen and twenty, on their arrival, aim are to undertake to repay the money expended for thslt benefit, though It la not staled how long they are to be given to do this. The plan has large posalnUltiea and with proper adnilnsttratlon will be th means of making a very valuable add! tlott to our cltlaenabtp. The eo-opers lion of the provincial authorities) Is looked for and It will depend upon the extent to whleh this Is given how man) of the boys will be allotted to each pro vlnce. With the sUrt that It has already made along these lines, Alberta should take full advantage ot the enlarged opportunities afforded. I.OMION OPINION The London Morning Post questions whether any considerable Increase in migration will follow the adoption ol the scheme and suggests that It Is too strictly limited In Its scope. But the provisions are reasonable and the rlgh kind of young settler will not find them at all onerous. That newspaper proceeds to compare the small move meat to the Dominions since the wsr with the hundreds ot millions that the old land has spent on unemployment relief. Prom this It deduces that "powsrful Influences in the Domlnloni are' being eierted to prevent British Im migration." As a mstler of fact the principal worry ot late on the subject In this country has been that a larger propor tion of recent Immigrants have not come from the Mother Land. On this account the announcement of the plsn, which Is to be Inaugurated next spring. Is particularly welcome It Is presumably one of the results of Mr. Fork's visit overseas and It la to be hoped that we shall soon hear of other steps that are to be taken, as a consequence of hU tour of Investigation, for the stimulation of British farm settlement here. LAND ACT. NOTK ll or INTENTION TO APPLY , TO i.kam; m.mi In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and Ituate on the west coast ot Burnaby stand. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Flahlnv & Packlne Co. Ltd.. of Van couver. B C. occupation Packers, Intend! to apply for a lease 01 tne roiiowing escribed lands: Commencing at a post planted on the west coast of Burnaby Island. Q.C.I.: thence east 3 chains; thence south 45 ehain: thence west 3 chains, more or Jless, ta JUKhiwater maTk; thence north along n.lgn water mars w ppmv oiuuui-mencement,' and' containing 14 acres, more or le'sfe. . ' . i ' ' B.RITIS1I COLUMBIA .WSHINat-., it PACKING CO. LTD, ' Applicant. DatedJune 10. 1937. ' LAND ACT - NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII In Range S, Const Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on Lot 103 Humpback 13a y. Por-chrr Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that P. II. Cunningham, Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Salmon Broker, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described landi: Commencing at a post planted ISO yards south-southeast of northeast corner post ot Lot 102. Range 6; thence due south 6 chains: thence south-southeast 10 chains: thence due north 6 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point of commencement and containing 14 acres, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM, Applicant. Datfd 25th June. 1627. REDUCTION in Prices 15 pet- cent off for two Weeks only Come in and inspect our stock M. T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. llox 977 GOG Third Avenue. GARDEN PARTY WAS SUCCESSFUL EVENT targe Number Attended Function Home of Mr. and Mrs. E. P. at The Oarden Party at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Z. P. Jenner in aid of church funds was a very successful and enjoyable affair yesterday. The weather was all tli&t could be dealred. The garden was specially decorated and flags and bunting added to the colon '-eatlve tj give an additional appear- ancOf ( Thjp.' Ladies Aid. asMsted jJ.r4hwwrf,TOft n W. XlrgWMri- CieofgWlbSi&MrsJthe Dames -. Krtkevifcy, Mr. ' Prank Wkers )IK Mrs. Sariterbane poured and assisted generally. Mrs. Kergln was cashier. Misses Victoria and Ruby LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO ' LEASE LANII Queen Charlotte Islands Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Ru pert, and situate north ot Lots 1658 and TAKE NOTICE that The Laniara Fish ing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Massett. oc cupation canners. imenas to apply for a lease 01 tne louowiug aescriDea lanas: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north of Yan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay; thence north 5 chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following said low water leu cnains; mence soumeriy a chains; thence easterly 160 chains to the nolnt of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or lew. LnANGARA FISHING St PACKINO CO. LTD, Applicant. Fred Nash. Agent. Dated June 27. 1927. NOTICE. There will be offered for sale at Public Auction at the Provincial Government Court House. Prince Ropert. B.C.. on Thursday, August 11th. 1927, at 2 o'clock In the afternoon, the following lots: Lots 0 and 10, Block 1, Section 5. Lota 0 and 10, Block 23, Section 1. Lot 7, Block 3. Section 2. Lot 1. Block 8. Section 7. all In the City of Prince Rupert. B.C. Terms: Cash payment at time of sale, or one-quarter cash and the balance In three equal annual Instalments, with Interest on the deferred payments at the rate ot 6 per annum, the Crown Orant tee to oe siu.uu aaauionai. Plana showing the lots offered for sale may be seen at the office ot the Government Agent, Prince Rupert, B.C. NORMAN A. WATT. Government Agent. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. July 4th, 1837. Kriiccvsky waited at the tables. A program that was tlsyroughly en-Joyed was contributed to by Mrs. II. C. Fraiier who sang and was accompanied by Miss Msxjorte Lancaster. Miss Way rendered several pianoforte selections. Miss Lancaster In her violin numbers was accompanied by Mrs. H. C. Fraser Ulss Davis sang and was accompanied by Miss Way. Mrs. Klrkpatrtck had charge of the home-cooking. Miss Barle bad an Interesting same connected with the prevention of fires whldh amused all the "fire fighters." Mrs. Clarte read the- tea-cups much to the enjoyment .of the lajdles ftnA some 1 Hi KlHpMrtekM,rransJbl. 'for decorations. The funds of the church will benefit to the extent of over .thirty dollars. Ten Years Ago in Prince Rupert a- it JI LY S3. 1917. Stan. Parker was elected president of the Sons of Canada, W. S. Fisher First vice-president, Malcolm McLeod second vice-president. W. D. Vance secretary and R. S. Wright treasurer at their meeting. A hundred mechanics arrived from Victoria. At the Fisheries Royal Commission. Capt. Eorrlk, Mr. Meagher, Edward Parsons, Ohariea Edwards, William Shrubsall, T. II. Johnston and R. O Johnston all gave evidence. The Russian defeat Is acknowledged to be a bad blow to the allies. A deputation from the Returned Soldiers' Association appeared before the Royal Commission asking for consideration for returned, men. H. O. Crewe was spokesman. A party from Hazelton made a stiff and dangerous climb up Rocher de Biule recently. J. J. O'Neill, Dominion Geologist and J. D. Galloway provincial mining engineer were In the party. The elevation Is 6,500 leet. In the production of natural Kas Canada comes second among the coun tries ot the world. lose Pure Silk Thread Hose In all shades and sizes. tiQp Summer Sale Price Circle-Rar Hose in Chiffon; also Silk. Summer Sale Price C-f Off per pair v. of Ladies' Dresses, Hats and Lingerie Our whole stock of Summer Hats and Dresses is bcinjr offered at Sale Prices so that wc will not have to carry any over. It is not pood business to carry over one season's stock to another. We would rather move it out at less than cost price than store it to another season. And this gives ladies an opportunity to obtain hats and dresses at very low prices indeed. Our large buying capacity enables us to secure the lowest prices to begin with and our sale prices represent real bargains. Eighty-four Only Crepe Back Satin Dresses In shades of Golden, 11 row n. Sand. Rose and Taut. In all sizes. Regular $23.50 value. Q1Q Summer Sale Price V J-aeUli Fifty Only Spun Silk Dresses In shades of Tan, White, Nile Green, Mauve, I'ink and Peach. In ail styles and sizes. The usual $15X0 to $17.0 quality. Qff QJT Summer Sale Price FELT. HATS The latest in Handkerchief Felts; also Velours in beautiful shade and attractive styles. Value up to $10.50. QEJ Off .Summer Sale Price VO0 Lingerie Peerless V'ests in all colors. Summer Sale Price l)."f Rloomers to match vesta. Summer Snle Price $1.-1." One Hundred Crepe de Clvm Dresses In shades of Maroon, Peach, Apple Gren. Powder Illue, Iilack, Crimson, Flesh and Rose. The regular values are $19.50. CQ fll? Summer Sale Price ?7eJtJ STRAW HATS A few only in delicate shades of Orchid, Shell-Pink and Mue, in the latest Paris models. Selling nwny below CJ- ft CI tost. Summer Sale Price 4J.eJvJ Evening Gowns, Coats and Suits also at Tery low prices. SALE OPENS FKIDAY MORNING THE LOUVRE Georgette Dresses In Pastel shades and snappy styles. Regular $22X0 value. CJ-i C Qff Summer Sale Price 90UO Prince Rupert, R.C. Warnin Backward : Season Ends This Week Do Your Buying Now While The Sale Prices Last Acme Importers. Third Avenue P.O. Rox 667 EASY TO APPLY, f M CC WATCIlf IT DRY. Lacq comes in a marvellously attractive variety of colors, and Is an ideal finish for floors as well as woodwork. It dries In thirty minutes. For Sale by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 255 Third Avenue. Prince Rupert.