Irday March C, 1027 ASTLB m SPAIN aspirations, imaginary palaces DREAMS, we need but enterprise and initiative to turn these "Castles" into delightful reality. For there are Castles in Spain, In England, in France, built of none and mortar beautiful citiei of ancient glamour, romance and hiitoric memories awaiting you. The Journey need cost little no more than ordinary holidays at home. Service and accommodation on ship board surpass those of most hotels. Enjoyment aplenty from the very moment you start down the long, smooth St, Lawrence. It costs no more to travel by these big, oil burning ships: A then la, Alaunia, Ascania, Aurania, Antonia, Ausonia, Andania, Letitia. 43 hi - in CANADIAN r ju iv st C21 HaMInfcs Strict, I A Kick From The Kidneys If fie . oiiik papers bo accepted as a criterion, there in jiomethmK inherently humorous about the kick of a mule. Whether this be o. or not, it can be tated ujon the authority of the death statistics that there is nothing funny about a kick from the kidneys. itfllk IKtS MCJt Ti:ito ARM! I -.TEL a . I rT - lit ax I Chiroprachc corrects the fa use of Disease pSiOMAOt In inec site na organs lOBOWtlS APTUau BUDDIS IM1TB. '-.IIMM .r a m V Hhe lower nerve under the magnifying glass is pinched by a misaligned joint Pinched nerves cannot transmit healthful im pulses, Chiropractic adjusting removes the pressure t The upper nerve is free as nature intends. D. A. McMillan Palmer (Irndunte CHIROPRACTOR kllooms G und 7 Exchange lllock. Pulho-Neuromcter Sen Ice Open Evvninga "TRY A NIP ,T"""Tr' BEST PROCURABLE "" w.',i..o. Tl Original Label look for It GRANT'S "BEST Tills HdviullvoniPrti u nni ttiiiiluiird np disniavcd by Hie ot llriliih Lai . ASH. f- S SERVICE LINES Vancouver, IJ.C The kidneys are charged with the duty of absorbing and discharxinir all liquid poison generated within the body. Let them fail in their work and disease and death is the outcome. Kidntys deix-nd upo vital energy fuYnfehed thrWjrh flfl? rtervoiiii lystem' for their motive power. If spinal pressure upon a kidney nerve makes it impossible for them tb'-iunction, you get "a kick from the kidneys." Then Is the time to see a chiropractor to have the nerve pressure removed. Bad Kidneys Made Good. "Adjustments made a new person out of me. Jly kidneys were bad and my back was in terrible condition when I saw a chiropractor. The first adjustment heljed six worked wonders." Isabellc East, Chiropractic Research Ilureau, Statement No. 2095N. YOUR APPOINTMENT for health can be made by telephoning. Phone GDI TONIGHT" I mi rsOPuCI or IC01UHO 0 Mwtl lM' DutO-. scon... at tl.s Vendor's and insist on PROCURABLE" Columbia. Local and Personal Arthur s Taxi. Phone 878. BO, Undertakers. Phone it, Shoes rebuilt like new at McArthur's Bhoe Store. tf Oct the Big 4 hsbitr When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4. tf Annual meeting of Municipal Chapter on Monday at 8 pjn. In I.O.DJI Hall. Alex. McRae was elected a member of the Prince Rupert Board of Trade at the meeting last night. Mrs. J. Field Strang ot Sunnyslde' Cannery was a daughter of the late 1 Capt. R. E. Clowe who died in Van-! couver this week. A. Moore .of Port Esslngton was a passenger for the south on the Car-dtna this morning. He will return north in a couple of week's time. CJ.R, steamer Princess Beatrice, Cspt. Cliff, armed in port at 7J0 this morning from Vancouver and wsyports ' and sailed it 11 o'clock on her return; south. I 8. KeMfll. manager of Dominion csn- , nery. arrived from the south last even ing on the Csrdena and left this morn-urg for the Skeena river to prepare for Uie opening of the fishing seaaun. R. C. Hyde and his son. Olen Hyde.! sailed this morning on the Prtnceu' Beatrice for the south, the former on ' his sy to hi home at Hansen. Idaho, and the latter being destined for Loo Angeles. Rev. O. O. Hacker left on the Csrdena this morntux to attend a meeting of the Home Mission Board of tht United Church In Vancouver. He will return to the city the latter part of next week. Preparations arc well under wsy for a real Irish Night at the Wcstholme J Theatre on JJirch 17. St. Patrick's Day. Ticket msy now be secured and plan; opens at. Orme's on Saturday March 13.' st I o'clock prompt. Tenders sre being called by the provincial Department ot Lands for th construction of a thirty-foot motor launch to be used In forestry work on the coast. It Is understood that the local dry dock Is bidding for the Job. Constable Oeorge Ctetk ot the district detachment of the provincial poiioe left todsy aboard the United State government's biological cruiser which la going on a Joint fur seal pstrodown tne coast. The local omeer win oe toeE in a few days. W. McLarnon of the CN.R. taxation department arrived In the city yestcr dsy from Winnipeg on business in con nection with the appeal th company Is tnsklng in the Supreme Court next week against the assessment imposed upon it by the city. R. R. Nlchol. CNit. taxation commissioner, will probably be In the city next week In the same con nection. PERSONALLY CONDUCTED EUROPEAN TOURS Personslly Conducted Tours have been ananged this Summer, under the Joint supervision ot the Csnsdlan National Railways sand the Cunard Steamship Company to Orest Britain and Europe and return. All transportation, hotel and sight-seeing expenses included In fares. Call at City Ticket Office. Third Avenue, or phone 260. for particulars and descriptive literature. ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew'a Society Ladles Auxiliary Easter Sale. April 6. PACIFIC STEVEDOKlMi & CON- tkactim: co. ltd. (IN VOI.VNTAKV ID VTKIN) NOTICE TO ntr.lUTOKS TAKE NOTICE that a Meeting of creditors win be held at 500 Union Building. Victoria, B.C., on Monday, the 31st day ot March, 1027. at 10 a.m.. and that all claims against this Comosny must bo filed with me herorc that dale, after which I shall distribute the assets of the Company having regard only to such claims as have been duly filed. VINCENT C MARTIN. Liquidator. 57 600 Union Bldz., Victoria. B.C. Established 1112.1. pi Office Hours: 'J ii.m. to G i.m. H Saturday: a.m. to 1 ji.m. Any evciilnir by appointment DENTIST ; Eschunsc lllock. Phone 109 THE DAILY NEWS PJ13E three THE AGONIZING PAIN OF RHEUMATISM IS DRIVEN OUT BY 'FRUIT.AT1VE5, MRS. E. DRASCHING. If rheumatkm b making your life a torment, read this comforting letter from Mrs. ii. Drasthing, Enderby, B.C "I have received great benefit from'Frait-a-Uves', es;x-ciilly when 1 had rbcuras-iun vrv IciilW some vean aco. I krrn 'Fruit-a-tives' in the house all the time I think 'Fruit-a- aJ 4 faMi!y mctiidne. I rn' are wonderlul. and o easy to use. 1 recommend tbem whenever I have an ojiportunity." "Fruit -a-tivej" frees the system from poisowus matters so often responsible fof the inHammalion and pain of rheums 4ism, purifying the blood stream and restoring health again. "Fruit-a-tives" is a natural medicine, containine only the intensified juices of f reh ripe apples, oranges, figs and prunes, i rbrunulL'm, start on the road back to fcealih with "Fruit-a-tives". Sold everywhere, 25c and 50c a box. Begin todsy. Our shingles cost less and last lfcnjcr. Seal Cove Lumber Co. tf O. H. Collins ot Vancouver left on thU morning's traln for New York. Dominion fisheries patrol steamer MUasplns, Capt. Laird, reached port yesterday. St. Andrew's Society Ladles' Auxiliary Easter Ssle of Work, Home Cooking and afternoon tea, April 6. The floating cannery Laurel Whslen. in tow ot the tug St. Faith, reached port at 2 o'clock this afternoon. James Pierce, native, was fined 110 1 costs In the police court this ; morning on a charge ot Intoxication. The lighthouse tender Estevan has been hauled out at Yarrows marine rail way ' 4h Victoria for cleaning and painting. n : Union steamer Csrdena. Capt. A. Johtistor.e. jjsrrlved In port at 10 o'clock 'last night , from the south and, sailed a( 9 o'clock this morning on her return to Vancouver and wsyports. H. F. Kfgln. M L. A. for Atlln, urged in the legislature at Victoria this week that an attempt should be msde to secure the stories of pioneers of the province. He thought little In this direction was being done In the north. senna uanes, wno waa released on February 2 on suspended sentence, hsv- ing been charged with vagrancy. ap pea red in police court this mornlnk again and was sentenced to three months at Okalla by Magistrate McCly- mont. FRANK WALLS IS QUIETLY WEDDED TOJISS McAYOY A quiet and pretty wedding was sol-rmnUied by Rev. W. F Price at his residence yesterdsy. Palmer House, when Frank Wslls was united In marrlaje to Miss Margaret E. McAVoy. Mr. and Mrs. F, 11. Walls were the wltnCtscs to the ceremony. The hsppy couple arc to reside In Prince Rupert. umiuT. a" u.m. DIC1DY ISLAND. Cloudy, frcsli oulh cast wind; barometer 29.30; temperature, 40: sea rough: 8 aju. spoke tug St Faith towing Laurel Whalcn, 10 miles north ot Lowe Inlet, bound for Prince Rupert. HULL HARBOR. Showers., fresh S.W. wind; barometer 23.61; temperature 38; moderate suell; 8 am. spoke steamer Pacific Monarch, abeam Salmon River, for Squirrel Cove. DEAD TREE POINT Barometer 29.- 30; temperature 32. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Overcast, strong southeast wind; barometer, 20 .35; tenu perature, 42; moderate swell. BULL HARBOR. Part cloudy, strong S.W. wind; barometer 20.88;, temperature 40; sea choppy. v'."'-'. 'j DEAD TREE POINT -Barometer 29.-30; temperature, 37. In England and Wales six out of every hundred of the estimated popul.t tlon, receive some sort of poor relief from the government. scientist Is a man who finds a pirhuuuiu rnoiutrr's toensll and des- ftbe. tn. mm; 'nnr Mnill it was. Church Notices XT, .IMIHEH'S CITIICDKAL (Church of England) Rector, Archdeacon O. A. Rlx. Sunday Services at 11 am, and at 120 pm. Sunday School at 2.30. Holy Communion- first Sunday of 'month at 11 jn4 third Sunday of month at 8 am ISAI'TIST CHl'ltCH. Minister. Rev. W. F. Price. ' Morning service at 11 o'clock. Bunds y School at 220. Evening service at 7 JO. I Subject: "Is there a Ood?" The first of a series of addresses on Foundations or Faith. We cannot see Ood, yet most people believe He exists. How many could give a reason for their faith. Come and hear the convincing proofs that God la. Music and song at 7.15. Organist, W. Vaughan Davies. I'HKISTIAN SCIENCE MJCIETV Service every Sunday morning In the Hays' Block, 245 Second Avenue.' Subject on Sundsy. "Man." Testimony meeting on Wednesday evening at 8 o' clock. IS TIIKKE A (iOII? Vu lellre there Iv WHY ? This question will be discussed at Tin: IIAITKT fill Ilf'll Next Sunday evening, being the first of a series cf addresses by the Rev. W. F. Price on foundation of the I'altli as follows: ' March . "Is there a Ood." March 1J. "The Bible Is It the Word of Ood?" March 20. "Is Jesus Christ divine?" March 27. "Whit Is meant by The Holy Trinity.'" April 3. "Is Man Immortair April 10. "Why did Jcsut Christ die." April 17. TJld Jesus really rise from the dead?" Thoe addresses win state in plain language the solid substantial reasons ire have for believing the great truths of the Christian religion. In these days of doubt and questioning, we all want to know what foundation there Is for faith. Come and hear! Serle rouiineiM-e at JU p.m. I'KKMIYTKKIAN ( III IU II Morning service st 11 o'clock. Sub' .Ject: "My Father's Business." Sundsy School at 12.15. Evening service at '7.30. Subject: "The Stranger at the Door of the House of Man's 6oul." Preacher: Rev. J. R. Frlzell. BJt, 1,1. B. t'NITKIt cm 11(11 Homing service at .11 o'clock. Speaker: Rev. Evan Baker. Sundsy School at 230. Evening service at 7.30. Speaker, Miss Isabel Haddock. You will enjoy these services. Don't forget thst regular church attendance "keeps you fit" for the big tasks of the week. Argument before his Honor Judge Young In County Court this morning was heard In the case of Joe Ralne charged with theft. The accused was further remanded until Tuesday. In the case of H. Roberts, charged with concealing money from his creditors, accused elected for speedy trlsl before his Honor Judge Young and pleaded guilty to the charge. He was remanded until Tuesday for sentence. TIM HEX SALE X8S13. There will be ottered for sale at Public Auction, at noon on the loth day of March. 1927. In the ofllcc ot the District Forester at Prince Rupert, the Licence XRS13. to cut 1.920.560 f.bjn. ol Hemlock. Balsam. Spruce and Cedar on an area situated on the West shore of Surf Inlet, approximately 4 miles from head. Range 4, Coast District. Three (3) )ears will be allowed tor removal ot timber. "Provided any one unable to attend the auction In person may submit tender to be opened at the hour ot auct n and treated as one bid." Further particulars of the Chief For- ctcr. Victoria, B.C., or District Forester. rrlnre Rupert. IN PKOUATE. IN Tilt stl'UKMi: ( Ot UT Of IIUITIMI ( Ol.l .MIIIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and lu the Msltcr of the Estate ot Joseph F Bowman. Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order ot His Honor, r. mcii. voung, me day oi February. A.D. 1927. I was appointed Administrator ot the estate of Joseph F. Bowman, deceased, and all parties having clslms against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 24th day ot March, AD. 1927. and all parties Indebted to the estate are re- Sulred to pay the amount ot their In-ebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. Dated the 24th day ot February, A.D. 1927. The Baby's Cold Caatlaaal djalng" with Intersil mvUlcias Mta Silltatalittla tunatia. TrotolJt tfinallr witti Vhk. Yo Jtitt rak II aa. 22 vAPmi BriUshCohitnkia s Beers are Mmu XJOT only are been made by the Amalgamated Breweries pure and wholesome by test and delicious to the taste; they are thoroughly matured beers and fully fermented. Due to the huge brewing and storage capacity of the Amalgamated Breweries (approximately eight times British Columbia's present consumption of beerx),.arjple stocks are always on hand, maturing in great casks under most perfect and sanitary conditions. All beers are allowed to ripen for periods of about five months. Fermentation is completed, absolutely, before they are put on the market. You are assured of a healthful, fully matured beverage when you purchase beers made by the Amalgamated Breweries. Tm- -nrrtnjng MIM' aiii mi II a. bloiuQt rwm 'and tali in vhieh bters are matured in Ihe Amalgamated Brw-tria. Visitors are cordially inriled lo all (he plants of Ihe Amalgamated Breweries. In the Amalgamated Breweries are associated Vancouver Breweries Limited. Westminster Brewery Limited, Rainijr Brewing Company of Canada limited. Silver Spring Breweries Limited, and Mctoria-rhoenix Brewing Co- Limited. This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia. The Brushes at Cost We are overstocked with Brushes and in order to move them, we will sell any Hair Brush in the store at co3t price. Ladies' Hairbrushes ivory backs, ebony backs, polished natural wood backs, Military Brushes, Nail Brushes, Clothes Brushes. OSBORN BRUSHES The Utility Brush with the blue handle. Bristles are fimrly held in a twisted wire frame and there is a brush for every purpose. ORMES LTD. The Pioneer Druggists Three Registered Pharmacists 3rd Ave. and 6th St. St ore Phones 82 and 200 NCK III I'KKT lor VANCOUVER. VIC illale Miiiits rarli I'ltlDAV at ! a.m. and ANVOX, UIDNLSKAV. 1U p.m. Ill U OLttN CHARLOTTE IS- AVE PRINCE KII'EICr ATl'llllAY ut 1 1. 3(1 o-in. for PRINCE L(l. all mIiiU Ijislern Canada, lulled NTKAMSIIII LINES. for Money Orders foreign Cltrues, AKM PRINCE KU'liKT. Phour ZW Canadian National TJic Largefl Railway Syflcm in America Steamship and Train Service .. PRIME ICITKKT wilt leate l'ltl TOKIA. MUTTLK. and liilerme S.S. PRINCE Itl I'tltT for MTKtVAKT sjs PRINCE JOHN fur VANCOLV l.M)S, furlnlghtly. PASSKNUKIt TIIAIN! I.I: fMh MONHAV, W:i)NrlAV and S (Ir.OIKiE, tll.MONTON, WINNI states. AtlENCV ALL OCKN I'm- Canadian National EtpreKS rlr4 alo for your next shipment. CITY TICKET Oi l UK. Si Tllllll) IIcanadianI VACinc ssiurtv Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, Wrangrll. Juiieuu. Skajuay lehrnary ?, Mari-li f, 18, J. To Vancouver, Victoria, beutlle lebruary 2.1, March II, It. ritlNCESS I1EATKICK. for llutedale. Cast Hella llella. Ocean falls, N'uinu, Alert llatr. Campbell Klver, and Vancouver every Saturday, II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. full Information from W. C. OltCHAIllt. (leneral Aeent. Corner ot 4th Street and 3rd Avenue, rrlnce Rupert, U.C. Advertise in "The Daily News" ;