25 TAXI Boston Grill anil Ambulance Service Anywhere nt Anytime Stand; Exchange Huilding MATT VIDECiv. Prop. Iwalesan Uaru. tor Malta. Hi. mi touthcU, London Im.ijrter. tor Oliwroy. 18 - bushe:: tin Manchester. 03.332 bush- , v . m,Krw mill. M . W1 .nt fiat bushe: ;. London. BASS bmUel, Orient 54.298 bushels tor Australia, l 390 bushels. HIIHIvHK NNKV 4h A "kiF- 'W aa mm ck W Mak f 4 FIVE DROWNED IMM.AKi; III MM A M'UIIA fill I K llll! IT IIKI.I tK two mi;n hvi;i iIU.EANB Ma.'. March 6 or.ninrr a slx y nulfi Rale, struck the outer r rimn in.n aim amii in r.iarn Fivn rmDerr nr tnn trrtw weir arownea in- iKllji" Cant William McLcod or rurrs- Tlie ;wo men who were rfaoued 11 ut.::. .(iiuiiii hilv oui . vit . i mi 1 nn I'mnin h iu w u uf.. hiiii the other UUK HKMMJ SCOTTISH CUP CU.ASOOW Man 5 The fiiunh Falkirk a, Hangers 3. ti . . . fsrtlck Thistle 8, Dundee U. 0. Arlhunio 0. East rifo 3. UID IP nnnuiitn tit -m i 1 i iy 1 iui 1 u .(ti- " v aa s f v ATLANTIC; MEN SAVED "J .Mfmlicrs n( t'ri-w t Meunier Culm "utterus Arc I'KkiU up by Another s'l of Rnmp Spnnlh Line "-w YOIIK, March 8. The entire .. Ui v, Ilren OIl Ule cjuanisn -...v. v,uuu iianerss. rrnnriM tn no " uuies oir nw York, was 1 "',' : itllllV ancouver Barrister in San Francisco to Handle Federal ShiD 1 f Lr'P IHMI1K stliw .............. ..... ............ oi i "lcuit Kennedy charged with conspiracy Alti; GIVEN ISA II, AN MtANf lSCO. March 5. C. S. Arnold of Vancouver, '.. 1 1 11" til' fcii 1 hi f taVMirti ii r I h u tit n nuif ! jflv(il Cl.i (t ,,t1 U rtr-i in , I ii in ii iv ii frmm trim ti ftiiTiir in t it rwi nwi m nir ih.. unija n;t, utinuuncea that Great Eritaln will he asked to nro- ii nifiiiin nn irfw irnrtm nmn n,it,i tn u r nv f ant -" inc. mauler of the ship, was formally arrested on Fri-! v fin ii KiMifi.ii utirrnni linn tvua invnn imiiipn n i n imi vf.ii... ...m a i n i i fi a niA f 1 Mill LWtt i ii AT VANCOUVER I'EIUtL ARY FLOUR as 1 .lows ! Tin it;i M uti:i: took r.titT c aiiuols vMiiiuuui uiK'nandsc. 19T Anninniui, 9 3B bushel Naples Maru, lor UaHed Kimjdom-Coutlnenr asi.soo bushel. -cmlMloner who fixed ball at 1M.0CO jn I conspiracy charge. He was remanded to Jail in default of the money. Conspiracy charge hav also been !- : sued against first Mate Donohue aud Second Mate Alex. Kennedy, ball being act at 120.000 In eaeh case. ! i: ' tlkiiiiic cwi.om; HITS M.Ul.UlASCAK CAPETOWN South Africa. Mar. 8 A trntie cyetone struck the fast coast Of Madagascar Island on Thursday and la reported to have taken a toll of five hundred Uvea. The town of Tama-Uve. with a population of 13 -000 people ia reported to be devastated Fire vessels are reported sunk. SENTENCE ON ROBERT LOGGER AT POWELL RIVER CRUSHED TO DEATH ON MOUNTAIN I-OWELL ItlVEll. March 8. Archie Stewart, who conducted hand logging op-rations near here, was killed on a moun tainside at an altitude ot 1.200 feet where hla body has been found. He had been missing a fortnight and was apparently crushed by a log which fell down a precipice. '. X. li. LAKXIMIS The gross earnings of the Canndlun Nr.tlunul Railway for tlio week Hidea February 31, 1037 were S4.B23J1G.O0. a compared with 4,003,183.13 for the same period ot 1028, an Increase of H31.033.87 or three per cent. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Whent 11.0. Silver .. Dunwell Oluelcr Howe ,Souud . Independence Indian Marmot Premier Silver Crest . Surf Inlet . . . Richmond . Coast Copper : Hid. Asked 1.06 1.78 1,40 1.80 .09 .10 39.00 41.00 ,10H .It ioon .07 H .11 Vfc .13 3.33 2 2(1 .004 -O'U .01 .13 U .18 7.78 8.00 Zlnovlcv and Trotsky have been forced to eat their slogans, rejiorts Moscow, a cruel and unusual penalty which should wuse d men everywhere to tremble. l WINNIPEG. Marat) 8. More than 14 - ' 000 Immigrants arc due to arrive at , Halifax during the neat six weeks ac- I cording to information received by the enlAnlratlnn cluurtm.nl ef t hi rsanarllan InoH. iporti thlvri third .1... clsss hwiklna. bookings of nf 1 1.400 AM dur-; Hnr. lng that period. This week-end live 1 steamers arc due at Halifax and they are I hrluwln. 1 7i Q nauiinnn Um lart ma. LEPINE IS DEFERRED i"' ot htan re itMen-farm work- era and domesttca. Three of the vessels I'i.IIvp Will Arrtaln If .Man Ul.o Held up Vamiiuvrr Cafe iJi't Nrrk lui a Crrtloim lleturd VANCOOVEH, March 8. 3entenco on tlobcrt LePlne, who pleaded guilty to robbery with violence and who was remanded for sentence last Saturday attar he and EdwVn Turner held up a cafe on Orsnvllle Street, was again deterred by Magistrate Henry C. Shaw In the city police court yesterday In order that rharrn that he had a previous police record miRht be investigated. Turner Is rerovetiiig m a li col hospital from a wound which was sclf-tntllctrd with a ibv -Ivor mwii nftcr the rotlbrry. arc bringing large contingents trim the British Isles and the others will carry settlers ard agriculturalists from Scandinavian countries and other parts of Europe- Since the first of the year a substantial Increase has been seen In the arrival, of newcomers at Hahfax as com pared with the corresponding period o' last year. Until the end ot February this year arrivals at Halifax have totalled 48G3 as eemparcd with 3470 during the first two months of 120. SpeetfJ trains over the Canadian National Rail ways arriving In Winnipeg durtng the past couple ot days, carried 403 newcomers The majority were Pole although 13 nationalities were represented. All ot thcie people are dsstincd for varloui points In westcm Canada. RESOLUTION ON HIGHWAY i.ocAr, mi i (in;s will am; (1KIT CUXt i:TION TO Al'- I'ltou: itri'i KT-TLKiiui; liOAII Alii. . J. (Irerr mill AM. IV. M. Hum a. wlni lll nt lend the Ulirrul mm nil Inn nt Vumiuikrr iirl muh'K. Hill f" urmril ullh u ri-Milutlni! rr-iickIIiik tlmt Hint iirsiiiiUiillini gu mi reriiril hh iiiiriiving tlir linn-plrllmi nl I ! skreiiu HlRlmiiv friim Prince UupiTl In Trrrurr mmiii uh iiiIIiIc. Tlii'' were mi liiMriietrtl last nlRlil at llir inerllng of tlir t-riiithn of lliej'rliirp ltiiirrt l.llicriil Amh lilt Ion ut which I lie were rlioHen ili'lrKalro fur lily mill AMERICAN TANKER SAVED 15 LIVES Cuie Ann Picked up Hundred .Miles I mm ' frbriinry I'lshernien One Yokohama on It BAN PEDRO, Cal., March 8. The rescue of fifteen Japanese fishermen, from the foundering fishing smack on February It, one hundred miles out of Yokohama, by the California 'petroleum tanker Capo Ann was reported on the ship's arrival hare. PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper prince rupert, b.c, Saturday, harcii s, 1027 JS ASKED TO M .J IMMIGRANTS Oliver Government Passes COMING FAST! hs Taxation Bdl Despite. 1 01 im i:v Tiimvwn iviu. 111: in:i:ef' III UIMJ NrT JtX WttKK f.SM. AXNOlNfUh Conservatives Opposition ing by a vote of 26 to 17. R. H. Pooley, Conservative houze leader, contended that the proposal to tax profits 6n the sales of mines, timber and water power would do more to upset business in the province than any other legislation passed by the House. He suggested National Railways, one boat alone re-1 tnat the natural resources sections of the bill should b I II ' Vl'.l T FISH ARRIVALS ARE ! NOT SO HEAVY TODAY; Halibut arrivals this morning totalled I 41.200 sounds, two American boats selling 33.000 pounds cn the Fish Exchange! and the same number of Canadians, IS.- j 300 pounds. Prices were better than! yesterday, the arrivals 'and sales being ' iu follows: 1 ' AMLKICAX . Dally, 33.000 pounds, to Allln Fisheries, 18c and 7c. Uranlus. 3.000 pourxls, to Dooth Fteh-erlea, 16c and Be. CANAII I AX Ingrcd It., 7,000 pounds, to Canadian Fish fit Cold Btarage Co., 14.10c and 10c Nuba. 3,700 pounds, o Booth Flsh-orlci. 13.80c and 8c. laid over for D. McPhtrson, Liberal member for Grand Forks-Greenwood, defended the bill. He claimed that. Ifa the natural resources ot the country were exploited by anyone In any way. the people had a xvM to share In the profits. PROLIFIC -JAPANESE M1IS. T.s.K. OK SALT KI'KIXtl IM.XM) (ilVKS I1IKTII TO 23rd (llll.lt IX 13 YE.IUS ;.;l IIAItllOK. .Alurrli A. lly glvliis lilrth lo ii mi this wrek, .Mm. I. Tu.ika, wile of n Jji.ur.e rMirriiun on Suit Spring Island, h;i rstulilMinl Hhut In hrllrtrd to lr :i miird In lsrltl.-li Culiimlilu. If mil In Die whole liiimlnion, Tli- hitet urrhul niukes the tuentt-thlrd child In the twenty-nr jrurn r marrlnl life. srrntrrn if thrill urr lit in;, Tlif present Mm, Tuviku. is the llslirrin.iirs fifth wife, lie had no chUdrrn liy the ntlier fimr. One thing that makec the uur oojeetion to seeing a woman kiss , speed up Is the fact that he a dog is we like dogs. !uPs behind a charge account. YAYE MAIUI Dl E ON MARCH 17 AND KOI UKU MAKU t OTTER POOI, COMING IN APRII, CONGESTION ON RAILWAY DENIED Canadian three Three Vessels Now in Sight to Take Cargoes Oat of Full Elevator AND 1 1 The Alberta Wheat Pools elevator here will be full to capacity ut the first of next week. Sixty carloads of irrnin Jin nn thi vu- 1 here now which Joseph Bennett, manager of the elevator, said thi. morning could be taken In. After this wheat is in,, it. is understood that permits for shipment here will be' withheld until some more ships have arrived to load. C.N.R. offices this morning denied rumors emanating from interior papers that there were cars of wheat along the line unable to come in because the elevator cannot take them. w - Three charter for this port are now announced.' They aro the steamer Yaye Maru, due here about March 17, and the Kofuku Maru aud ptter Pool, both coming for April loading. The Ilrst two mentioned boats are Japanese whlln the Insl k Hrltfrh, U Is under- stood that they will all load for the United Kingdom or continent." WLATIIKU HKPOKT Prince Rupert. Cloudy, fresh wind: temperature, 41 Circulation 1500 AFTER Tilt HALL me t Of Ihr t ;:.esmore Hunt at Ridiington, Rutlandshire, giving a general view of the meet on the village green. SIX 1IA1IU KILLED CIUCA(K) Sales 423 IIOSl'ITAL CHICAGO. March 5. The sixth of ten babies to succumb after having been given boracle add solution instead of distilled water " ' lh the Columbus Memorial Hos- VK'TOLIA, March 5. Despite strong opposition in, the Legi's-1 pttm cere is dead. Thta was six lature. the government's taxation bill went through its second read day old Robert Johnson whose death occurred yesterday afternoon. The four other babies are In serious jondltlon but It Is, believed that they may recover. TTT TT TTTT TT DUSTER HITS RUPERT BUT NO MMAGE DONE (itisty (iale. Aeismpunled "by Heavy Kuln. Keuchril- Highest Velocity of H AllleTut Midnight A ssutheast twister, the most severe that has been experienced here fcr some time, disturbed the slumbers of some nervous residents last night. Signs were blown down and an odd board In s'dewalks lifted but there have been no r- -orta of serious duiug;. Tri Dominion Meteorologist at Dlgby rond repcrts that the highest veloclty was et C30 midnight when 83 miles en hour vas recorded. The galek which was r.::-rr:;anlrd bycavy rain, was In progress In trx'i rrctty weU all through the, night. 40 miles having been recorded at 4 ana. MASONIC INSPECTOR KILLED IN WASHINGTON M. II. Thnniisi.n. Arrd 85, strurk by ('muter llalame When lniertln; - Llexator In New Temple TACOM.V March 8 M. H. Thompson, aged 83, of Everett, employed by tne Masonic order as general Inspector for ' the new Masonic home under construc tion at Zenith, north of here, was Instantly killed when he was struck on the head by the counter balance of an elevator he was Inspecting. OLD COUNTRY FOOTBALL LMil.lsll LL'AOlt: lilt Nun . Aston Villa 3. Sunderland 1. Bolton Wandcrc.Ts 1. West Bromwlch 1. Burnley 3. Blackburn Rovers 1. Derby County 4, Birmingham 1, I Leeds .United 1. Leicester City 1. Liverpool 3. The Wednesday 0. Manchester United 1. Bury 3. Newcastle United 7. Everton 3. Sheffield United 3. Tottenham 3.' , IHUslon it. Bradford City 0. Darlington I. Hull City 8, Orlmsby Town 3. Mlddlesboro 1. Notts Forest 0. Port Vale 3, Banisley 3. Preston North End 3, Oldham A. 3. South Shields 1, Fulham.l. SCOTTISH LEAOt'K Division I. Clyde 3, Hibernians 0. Hamilton A. 4, Cowdenbeath 8 M!rren X 81. Johni'nne 1 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. nt'Mir.v List Price F ive Cut PROTEST HANACO STRIKES HOUSTON REEF TIO 1JOAT WENT ASMOKE NK.'IIT Ki:tV A KB S.V1K DAMAGE NOT KNOWN Last eight the tug Hanaco, Captain llr-i Morrison, having In tow a scow -d of lumber, etruck on Houston reef i etwrea 3rp Point and Tugwell Island. . no scow of lumber went adrift and the .ii aco was left stranded. Captain Morrison and Ralph Moore, engineer, rowed to fort Sluviin in a t-oat and phoned Into Prince Ru pert for assistance and this morning Captain Res. Green In the M.T.3 went to search for the scow of lumber and Captain Jlmmie Thomas in the Vincr proceeded to the assistance of the Hanaco. Little Information la evallable as to what damage the Hanaco suffered or whether It wUl be possible to salvage her without much loss. The M.T.3 end the Hanaco left 3corgetown last evening at 6 o'clock, he M.T.3. having mare power, taking a scow load ot herring and the Hanaco taking a scow load ot lumber. Captain Oieen ot the M.T.3 reported a very heavy blow last night and experienced heavy towing practically all the way. He reports last seeing the Hanaco about 9 o'clock;. CONVENTION DELEGATES ALII. tV. 4. lilttCK AXU AI.l). UKOtV.N U ILL KEPHESEXT CITV AMI IHSTKKT AT LII1EKAL UATH-EKIX4! IX VAXCOL'VEK At a meeting of the executive of the Prince Rupert Liberal Association last night It was decided to send Aid, W 3. Qrecr and Aid. W. M. Brown as delegates to the provincial convention to be held in Vancouver next week. They are re- f spectlvely president and second vice-president of the Association. Aid. Greer and Aid. Brown, who will leave by Monday morning's train for Vancouver, will represent both the city and district associations. Owing to the short notice of the convention that was given. It was Impossible to call a general 'meeting of either body. TRAIL IS OFF TO GOOD START uli'lAtk vAxcorvLit towkks i to XII, IX I IKST (lAML I OK PHOt IN-CIAL HOCKEY CIIA.MI'ION-SHIP VANCOUVER. March 5, The Trull hockey team defeated Vancouver Towers by a score of four goals tl nothing lu the first of a two-game series for the British Columbia Senior hockey championship and the right to represent the province In the Allen Cup play. The second game will be on, Monday. Vancouver Terminals defeated Salmon Arm 17 to 3 in a Junior play-off. SIXTH ROUND ENGLISH CUP LONDON. March 8. The sixth round In the English Cup ties resulted as follows: Chelsea 0, Cardiff 0. Arsenal 3, Wolverhampton 1. Swansea 1. Reading 3. Mllwall 0, Southampton 0, REVALUATION BILL OF S9LDIEH LANDS GOING THROUGH IN COMMONS OTTAWA, March 8. -A bill for theUe valuation of soldier settlement lauds was advanced through the committee stage tn the House ot Commons and, at mid night, received Its second reading. It-will come up for final reading next week )