PAGE SIX REE! Hi H RsSBBwiBBBBBiMSSaBwBsBBBsBBVBlBBS This advertisement is not published or displayed by Hie Liquor Gmilrol Hoard or by the liovernmenl of British Columbia. WEEK-END SPECIALS T-Jione Roast, per lb. . . 2.c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs 53c Round Steak, 2 lbs 43o Veal Chops, 2 lbs 43c Leg Veal, per lb 20c Hump Roast Veal, per lb. 20c Shoulder Roast Veal, per lb. 15c Stewins Veal, 3 lbs 23c Rump Roast Beef, per lb. 18c Shoulder Pork, per lb. . . 23c Loin Pork Chops, per lb, 33c Sausage, 2 lbs 33c Halibut, per lb 20c Mussallera Grocery Co. Ltd. Phone 18 Phone 84 Have Your Eyes Examined Poor eyes nnd poor gla:s;.e: are a pitiful combination. Good glasses will make good eyes of poor eyes. If your present glasses do not Buit your oyes for any reason, you are criminally negligent of your future if you do not secure the proper glasses at once. Lowest prices. Expert service. A. E. IRELAND Cruduule Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. Opposite (S.W.V.A. WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Kirch and Spruce Per load $fi.5l) Per half load $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighter 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransf er 139 Second Avenue Phone 580 Night or Day WE KUV KOTTLES. Dr. Alexander Smith Block 1'hone 57S DENTIST 9 WAPITI ARE COMING BACK ANIMALS. WHICH WLItE TIIKKATEN tl WITH EXTINCTION, A ICE AIUNHAXT AU.UN VANCpyyER, March 4. Threatened with complete extinction less than twenty-five years ago. the Kootenay wapiti or elk, under the practical pro lecuon 01 tne British Columbia game laws, has "come back" and multiplied so rapidly In late years that they are now nuniDered in nerds ol thousands, according to J. E. French, big game hunter and guide who accompanied an expedition of the Field Museum of Chicago into the haunts of the wapiti recently. "No more remarkable example of the excellent results of careful big game conservation exists today In Canada than the large numbers of Kootenay wapiti," Mr. French stated and further expressed the opinion that it would be safe to allow hunting under a very limited bag for an Indefinite period at least. Probably most people will recognize this noblest of all the deer family by the well-known name of elk. In times' long gone by. Its range was as extensive , as that of the buffalo. About the only difference between these two hardy I quadrupeds was that the elk ranged j further west and not so far north as ' the bison. Of the many millions that, formerly existed In the western part of Canada and Northern United States j there Is but a shadow of their former numbers left and their range Is very J limited. In British Columbia there arc: two main herds, not counting some few' scattered here and there and one that I was Introduced In the LUlooct district One. the smaller of these two herds. 1 located In a densely-timbered section ofj Vancouver Island. The other, much tlu larger herd. Is In the high park country ! and semi-dry belt of the Rockies ol! East Kootenay These Kootenay anl CANADIAN SERVICE From Halifax To Plymouth-Har-London MlitimU Vni 1 i'Utll: Mm To Londondtrrv and Qlaaaow l-Wilij .u,it if to Qutntown and Liverpool Auraula Mar. ll, Apr. it From New York To Queenitown and Llvirpool i annua . . Mar. I" Al-Minla M;ir. To Cherbourg and Southampton AquiUnia .... Mar. If. Apr. in. la ll ll.-ri-nirai-M Af. ;. Mnv i MaurcUhia Apr. n, M 4. Ji To Londondtrrv and Glasgow l.i'lllis . . Mr. Jii i i!hi,.iiu . . Apr. ." To Plymoulh-Havro-London Timrniiia .. Mar. IV Aiiimi4 .. Mai. V From Boston To Quttnstown and Littrpool Camilla . . Mar. fi i annua Apr. ' ' '.all al I'lyiiiouiii, eastliuiiwl Money orders. tlraM.- anil Traveller Clique St lowest rail's. Full Information from local spent or Ounpani s (irfiees, 6JS Ha;llnK St. W.. VaniMiivpr. H.c Garden & Flower SEEDS Have arrived, per pkg 10c Yellow Kewton and lied Den Davis Apples, good stock per box $2.23 I'errin Sodas, 1 lb. pkc 2.c Malkin'8 L'est Canned Fruits, -S tins for D.V Sunkist Oranges, special value, 2 uoz. for 7."c Heinz Catsup, a bottles for . . y."e Sterling Catsup, a few dozen left. While they last, a bottles for C.'c FISH FOR THE SEASON ! Smoked Cod, Haddie, Kippers, i Acadia bait Cod. Our home-cured l'aeon h in great; demand. Four or five lb, in the ! Blab, per lb -17c Lurire tin Aunt Dinah Mutate 2.'i" Fresh l'ullet Ejrjru, tt-doz. for $1.23 1 Koyal Crown Soap, 24 bars for D."c I White Swan Soap, 'SI bars for $1.00 If you could nave ilOc on a five pound pail of pure lard by buyinir ll In hulk, you would do it. We are selling C lb. Pure Lard for . . 03c W. C. Little, of Woodcock, Bhip u fresh Milk every train. Let us deliver you a quart daily 20c SATURDAY SPECIAL. 1 Kcllog'H Corn Flakes fur 50c I PEP FKEE Take ns many us you like so lonjr us you buy 4 Corn Flukes with each free Pep. B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and 574 Imols average larger and finer than I those of the coast and compare very 'favorably with the best or the United ! States herd In Yellowstone Park. They have the distinction of being the only wapiti In Canada for which an open ! season exists. FATHER OF LOCAL MAN PASSED AWAY IN VICTORIA CITY The death occurred early this week at the family residence. 1328 Clover Street Victoria, of James Leonard Stamford, aged seventy-seiren years a native of Troystcn Hertfordshire. England, a IMPHiFIC SAILINGS TO EUROPE MAKE BHSERVATIOKS KOW UtOM SAINT JOH.V To l.lierMMl Mar. 13 Montcalm tMar. 18 M-mtnalrn Mar. 25 Montclare To Cherbourg-Sou tliuiupluii-Antwerp Mar. 16 Mlnnedosa To Antwerp Mar. 10 Marburn Mar. 15 Metagama Mar. 24 Marloch Tu London Mar. 10 Montreal To (lluignw Mar. 31 Metlta t Via Greenock Apply to Ajremn everywhere or J. 1. FORSTER. 8.S. General Pax. Asenl. C.P.R. Sution, Vancouver. Telephone Seymour 26)0 TIRED EYES ST AUT the week right, have your eyes attended to. Nothing is such u handicap tu efficiency as . tired, aching eyes. SUITAIJLE Glasses slop eye troubles us if by magic and their cost is insignificant. THE excellent results, we obtain In our work uru udmlt-ted by all. WE devote our energies,-to one ideul perfection f In MAY we expect you-to", con suit us today1. ' m Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist und Opticiun Room 3, Smith lilock, Prince Rupert . R.C. m TIIE DAILY NEWS Nerves on Edge When the nerves go wrong everything is wrong. The whole human body including -each and every organ is dependent on the nervous system for energy and direction. When nerve force becomes exhausted the organs fail in their functions and the result is discomfort and pain. Headache, neuritis, sciatic-rheumatism are often developed. But there is also restlessness, nervousness, irritability, sleeplessness and depression and discouragement. To regain health and vigor the nervous system must lie restored by such treatment as Dr. Chase's Nerve Food. The use of narcotics and opiates only relieve pain nt terrible expense to the nervous system. Lasting relief can only come by feeding the nerves. Your system has failed to do this and it is therefore necessary to employ Dr. Chase's Nerve Food to bring the nervous system back to normal. Dr. Chase's Nerve Food 60 cts, a box, all dealers or The Dr. A. W. Chaw Medicine Co., Limited, Toronto 2, Canada. resident of the capital city for twenty-two years, and of Canada for over sixty years. Ite leaves his widow. Mrs. Jessie Stamford, two son. John Kraser Stamford, attendant at Essondale. and William Leonard Stamford, of the Marine j Department at Dtgby Island, Prince Ru-, pert, also two daughters. Miss Mary Elizabeth Stamford, at home, and Mrs. P. H. Moore, of Colony Farm. Esson-i dale. The funeral took place on Wed-I nesday afternoon. Burial was in the ; Royal Oak Burial Park. ELEVATOR CAPACITY AT VANCOUVERJNCREASED Harbor ('omnilitloti I'.letalor No. 3 to , be i:trndril Total Capacity of I lrt Hill be 7,04M),mh Umbels ' ' I . , VANCOUVER. March 5. Harbor Com- t mlssioner Russell. Returning from Otta wa yesterday, announced that the capacity of the board's Elevator No. 3 Is to be Increased from 600.000 to one million bushels. This will bring the port's total elevator capacity to 7.000.C00 The capacity of Prince Rupert harbor, with Its one elevator, is 1 .250.000 bushels. WONDER IF HARRY WILL BLAME THIS ON GRIT ENEMIES VICTORIA, Marsh 5. R. H. Pooley. leader of the opposition, was severely shaken up and bruised In an automobile accident at the end of last week, his car being practically demolished. Driving along Rockland Avenue, hi auto was smashed Into by another large automobile. In the House hi friends asked him to retire and rest but he stuck to the ship for the afternoon, although he did ask for postponement of consideration of a blU the debate on which' he had moved adjournment. The head of many a house Is leas tlian ten years old. Waterfront Whiffs t'oiiillniiril Iriim page flr) Chief Bkugald to fit her out for the halibut fisheries. A curdy has been Installed and all the gadglts have been given the once over. This work could not be done In Vancouver, where the vessel come from, becauc there was not the necessary equipment there for carrying out., WtthCapt. Bill Parsons at the helm, the Chief Skugald U scheduled to Mill this week-end on her first trip in many a moon to the hull but-grounds. 1 Jack Wells Is fitting up his trolling boat, Klvox, preparatory to resuming fishing operations. At! "he Dally News staff ate herring this week In generous quantities Our various repasts In this luscious tare was made possible through the kindness of Captain Alfred Bwanson in seeing that we received a bounteous supply prepaid. His thoughtfuluess was sin ccrely appreciated from the g.m. down to the devil, Soon there won't be time for Ray love to give the Whiff man his weekly political tirade. They ought to stage this old provincial election at a time when our good friend, the electrical I 'wizard, has more time to devote to campaigning. We fancy., ilarry Pooley will be sorry If they clout but Duff will be glad. I Iiocal machine and service simps along the waterfront, which report collections anything but good, are, receiving their first orders of the scaaon from district tanneries. Oapt. Hrliio's packer1 Besver OOVC Is Ion the McLean way for rcaulkliig and repairs to damage sustained In a recent storm ou the waterfront. IIAI.IIU T AltltlVAl Due to rough Weather that has prevailed ever since the opening of th season, bailout landings at Prince Rupert to date totalling fOfl.000 pounds, of which 824.500 pounds has been American and 83.100 pounds Canadian I are down tome four and a half million pounds from the total at a correspond ing date last year. With large volumes coming In Just now. however, there is reason to expect that within a week the deficiency may entirely or nearly bv made up. Price on the wliole. In spile of the fact that during the last day or so there ha been a sharp downward movement, have beeji considerably better than last year. The highest American price during the week. 18.4c and 10c. was paid on Tuesday to the schooners Roald Amupdaen and Baltic with 18.000 and 15.000 pounds rtspec- tlvWy. The best Canadian price was 1 6 3c and Sc which was paid on Satur day to the Brant and Edward Lipnctt with 4.600 and 1.000 pound rjooW voir These latter InotdenUtlly, were the first veanrts of the season to eU their catchos through th Fish Ex aha age Price descended ywtrdy to 10.5c and Cc.. the Amertoan low lor the week, ani Uc and Sc.. the Canadian low. The following marketed atehea during the week (Saturday to Friday). American Ooah. 6.000 pounds: Ttor. 34.000 pounds; Allen. 3700; Eureka. 6.000. Teddy J . 1000: ltaz4 1!.. 10.-00; TordetMkiold. 300: June. 11.000: Argo. 6.000; Roald Amundsen. 19.0O0: Baltic. 15.000: Resolute. 5400; Paragon. 41.000: Kodlak. 40.000: Panama. 48.000: Marmot. 3800: Alaska. 3,000, Chancellor. 5.000: Kalalla. 3.900: Columbia, 45.-j 000; Western. 4000; Zenith. .39.000: Sunset. 30.000; Rainier. 4400: MtKln-ley. 40.O0O; Helgeland. 5500: Potarta. 45.000: Ptoneer. 4500: Brisk. 3600. J Albatross. 4500. ! Canadian Bmnt. 4,300: Edward Lip-' sen. 1.000; Minnie V., 1.200: Rose Spit 300: Marguerite 2MXt. C and T.. 100: M. M. Christopher, 1.000. Cape Sfxar. 3.000; Pair of Jacks. 4.000; Swing. 1.000. Valorous. 3.000: Helen. 300: Selma. 1.-000: Cape Spencer. 5.000; Sea Maid. 8.- 000: Katen. 400 MorrU 11. 5.000. AUt 6.000: Bayview. 1400. Ringleader. 3.000 MAD 1.000 Margallcc. 8.000. Point May. 1.200: Ternen 4.000: Cape Swain 6.500; Msyflower 1300: Brant. 4.000 SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE EMPTION8 Viai-arit. unreserved. aurvsvtd ''roMii laml may ba pr-mpt4 by OrKikli nut'jiwu over IK years of . unl l.v aliens n declaring Inl.ntlon in iMM-oma MrH,h subjects, conil-'.it.nal uMn residsnca, occupation. jii! Iinproviment for agricultural uriow Pull Information coneernlns; rti .a lion a reeardlns pre-emptions la ic'.ven In liulletln No. 1, Land Hrl, "How lo lT-empl Land." coplss of thlcli rnn obtained f r. of charge ly addrewtlnc tha Ieartment of Lands. Victoria. U.C.. or lo any Oov-srnment A cent Records will ha granted covering only land suitable, for agricultural purposes, and which Is not tlmbsr-laiid. i.e , cstrylnjt ovr 1,000 board feet tier acre weal of the Coast Rang and t.000 fest per acre east of tbat ttane Application, for pr-mptlona sr. lo be addressed to th Land Com-mlssluner of th Land Ilscurdlng Division. In which th land applla.l for is situated, and ar mad on printed forms, copies of which can b obtained from th Land Commla.lonor. I'ra-emptlnna must b occupied for flv years and Improvements mad to value of tlO per aer. Including clearlnic and cultivating at Last fit acres, befor a Crown Orant can b received. For more detailed Information a., th liulletln "How to l'r-mpt Land." PURCHASE Application ar rcnlvd for pur chase of vacant and unrxirvd Crown lands, not balnsr tlmberlsnd. for agricultural purposes; minimum price for flrst-clsss (arable) land Is it pr acre, and seond-clas (gras-Ing) land 12.10 per acr. Further lo formation regarding purchaa or Uas of Crown lands Is glvn In Bulletin No. 10, Land Merles. Turchss and Laas of Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sit oa timber land, not exceeding 40 acr, may b purchased or lss4. the eon dllions Including payment of stumpag. HOMECITE LEASES Unauryyd ar.aa. not io1ln( 10 acre, may be ssd as homslts, conditional upon a dwalllng bslng rotd In th first yar, Utl blng obtainable aflsr rsldnc and lm-Vrovraent condition ar fulfill! and land has bn urvyd, LEASES for grating and Industrial ptw posts aras not iodlng 110 aer may b laad by en parson r a company, GRAZING Under th Qrsilng Act th lrov. Inc Is dlvld.a Into grulng dlstriots and th rajig admlnlatrd under a Oraalng Commissioner. Annual grating psrmlta ar Issued baad oa numb.ra ranged, priority Meg glva U Mtabllahad owner. Btook-ewnara mar form aas-Mlatlona for rang rnauiagmnt. JTr, or partly trZ. parmlta ar avallabl far svsttlata. .7ir umi wmvvMMra, us V tara IM LH II Li ' C WESTHOLME THEATRE TONIGHT ONLY at 7 and 9 EMU JANNINGS Supported hy J LYA DE PUTU An hiU-iim; dramatic slur? of the world ! . absorb and grip, witli tooiptitmid seeoery ,. tlnguUhed oll-ator cmL ' K.MIL JANMNOB, EVA 1E PUTR WARWil h V and many other. Comedy Fair but Fooisli" Pathe Review Aesop's Film Fables Atlmitislon iOi und . r Prince Rupert Coal Co. Ltd Phone l.'t Aci'ttU for Lady smith - Wellington und Peerless Sootiess Coa Coal 1m null every Move or healer anil ju itTt t t-uit rf pucKct. Phone your nexl order to us. Prince Rupert Coal Co. LtA pouiirV n:NciN(i lawn ikm in'1 in assorted nizcx from two HUitnlilo for i.i " ;: fcut to ix feet hlKh and from twontyrour to hull inch to two indi mesh. incht'M in ht'ijrli' Flower I.ed UordiTH, will Tri'Illnt-H, nra' f ;' conform to any size or shape for climuintr vine of flower bod, ern. Ornumcntiil Walk (ialen, aiirojriU' for front .n'; ;; for buckjardi' XllVXllUOUll laUXUHUtW wy .... .... . . . r iiimri. i-1 j uuru avenue. i n UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED .... .......rl ....uur, lor tANCtlUVKIl, VICTUItlA. Bwanson Hay and Alert Uh" . 8 p.m. - "S?" aturl1'' tor VANCt)UVt:n, VICTOItIA, Alert llay and 8wonon M1 tK 0 a.m. . v. 111 . lor POUT Hl.MPNOV, ANVO.V. ALICE A KM. HTHWAItTi si"" i'"""1'"". Hiuiilay, II p.m. WUnSSttVtfuZff'! lf""T I.M 8ml Avimue. it. M. r--