i t 5 a i i PJLQ2 F0D3 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doublets thj cause oi most 01 ine ma tnai afflict humanity. This is so self evident that It seems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are firing trouble, hate? them attended to and at once. OP ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the loss of eyesight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DO.VT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and see! Fred Joudry Registered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Hlock I'hone 763 INDIAN SUMMER VctT IN YOUR) Swill soon Usi coai pop. the ) gone!-1 cold grey j The Fall months are falling behind and you'll have Winter on before you know it Join the "don't worry" club today and get your bin filled right away. Our slate-free coal will give you a care-free Winter. NANAIMO - WELLINGTON COAL and ALBERTA SOOTLESS COAL Albert & McCaff ery Phones 116 and 117 "EASY" WASHING MACHINE ' saJU Two sizes. 51-10 and 5180 ThompsonHardware Co. Ltd. YOU ARE INVITED to see Ladies' Coats Hats and Dresses at The Louvre 316 Third Avenue Next Royal Bank ANGER, the TAILOR Fine Imported Serge and Scotch Tweed Suits made to order in our shop In Prince Rupert as low CCC A A as VWUsUU I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street BRINGING UP FATHER f v . . i i rr I I DIRECTION IS TOLD BY WATCH Plan Not Quite Accurate but Good Enough for (ientral i Purposes Wbcn travelling in unfamiliar coun try, it very often becomes necessary to determine direction. Most people arc able to a general aort of wajr to do w in the daytime by means of the sun it ti shining or at night (speaking more particularly of the northern hemisphere I by means of the north star. Some peepfe seem to posses the faculty of telling direction by means or the sun with a remarkable degree oi accuracy. To those who have difficulty in this regard, the well-known method of making use of the watch In connection with the sun rasy be employer! This U effected by holding ihe wa:ch ; level and pointing the hour hand a: ( in sun and accepting the line ;n.U-k;. between It and the figure 12 on the d;a. at the due south direction. This will not gtve direction accurately but wUl be good enough for most practical purposes. The sun appears to g: around the earth In a clockwise direction (to those In the northern hemisphere) making the complete circle li: twenty-four houi. The hour hand oi ihe watch makes a revolution once In twelve hours or. In other words, move-twice a fast as the sun appears to travel. Assuming that the sun is due south when the hour hand of the watch M at 13 noon the working out of this simple method becomes quite apparent after a little consideration. For two reasons the method Is not absolute. One la that at noon by the watch, except on four days In the year. the sun Is not exactly due south but Is varying In Its position. Another treason Is that the sun. does not move around the horizon on a level with the hands of the watch but slantingly, moving up in the morning and down in the afternoon. Thus It Is the sun may ap pear to move farther during an hoar near the middle of the day than during1 the same period of time In the morning or the evening. EDUCATORS' LIVES 8 UNDERDISCUSSION Careers of Dr. Kjrr-.n and Ir. CKIer Ketenled to I nlled Church Young People The United Church Youne PeoDle's Society last night discussed the lives o two great Canadian educators Dr. Egerton Ryerson and Dr. William Osier. Miss E. P. Grassle read a paper on I Ryerson who was described . raa the, father Of the present system f education In Canada. Ilia pioneer work had jbeen copied throughout the Dominion. rubers ocait witn usier. .the v'marttaolcS of research and charity. Interesting discussion followed the reading of the papers after which the usual recreational period was enjoyed W. Vandewater. president of tiie Society, was in the chair. FIRESIDE CLUB HAS PLEASANT EVENING Wild as the night was outside the Fireside club at the Baptist Church spent a cosy evening around the flre- tlde last night. The evening was spent socially with singsong and topics of in terest to all by the members. R. W. Howard presided. Next Mon day a special program is arranged that win ne of interest to all. Refreshment will be served. THIRD GRAIN SHIP OF SEASON IS DUE FROM JAPAN FRIDAY Prince Rupert third gram ship of the season, the "K" Line steamer Ban Francisco Maru, left Muroran. Japan, on November 10 and Is due here on Friday. The vessel, which Is of similar class to other ships of the "K" Line which were here last season, will load full for the I United Kingdom or continent. She will j be lined at the ocean dock by the dry : dock before starting to load. It will ' be the first Japanese grain ship of the ' season here and the first one that has ! required to be lined. BY COU.'Y- THAT MUtxC r TCMRIBLE- I THOOCHT MA,CCl COOLONT PLAT- lb government of Canada guarantees its Age IO YEARS OLD Tlladc in Canada 95 years X5 This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by the Government of British Columbia WIKF.I.ESS HKI'OHT, s a.m.- i ; DIG BY I6LAKD. - Overcast, calm: urometer. MM; temperature. 38: sea mooth: 880 pnt. spoke steadier Oamo-un. leavhts; Anysu. bahd far Stewart. DEAD TREE POINT, fUlnlng. calm: jsrometer. 29.48:. -temflrfstare, 30; sea mootb. ' ' . 1, BULL HARBOR. Raining, strong southeast wind; baromafer, 29 62: temperature, 40; sea rotifif 8 pjn. spoke tug Lome, towing bsjg Blscayne. abeam Namu. bound ior. Equlrrel Cove: pm. spoke steamer 'Qajpadlan Coaster. Ocean Falls for 8an Peifro, 1280 miles) from San Pedro. .;oo , DIOBY ISLAND-rCaeWdi fresh north. east wind: barometer. 29.42: tempera ture. 34; sea smooth. DEAD TREE POINT. Raining, calm; barometer. 29.48; temperature, 40; Ma smooth. BULL HARBOR. Ralxtint. southeast gale: barometer, 39.50; temperature, 44; sea rough. Hi aRL irTMA,TKCr, PLAV 5a'ELl,HOMa WfifiT HOME. - Advertise In The DsUy News, SNOW THICKENS GRAIN MOVING ! Winnipeg Krport Says 33.1,000 Itushel in Elevator Here i - - i WINNIPEG Nov. ja.- Tbe snow l 'hirkenlng on the prairies and the harvester have long been troopfg back ' to their hones in tern Canada but I the grain tm still on the move In an ever- incraaatBg volume for the past week, loading a the Canadian National Railways have been steadily mounting--ir.d yesterday u the biggest day since November n The totaM numbers at cart loaded yesterday on Canadian National lines was 1 ?se which represents 1.8M.0O0 bushels. Tuo million one hundred and sixty '.liousaad bushels were marketed, a rain 'ored in country elevator was no leas than 24.286.000 butbels. an Increaae ol 442.000. Nearly 7.000 cars were In transit to the lake head. 871 arrived. MM were ilcaded. and 11M vera on hand. Twenty-one host? cleared with S.1M.-000 busbesa. lit were loading and 12 wer doe to arrive Four boats cleared from Vancouver .fcere 5 JW.0O0 bushel were la store Pr.nce Rupert has StljOfM bushel In store. jCATALA RIDES OUT ! GALE WITH SAFETY No rrrreptlble Mutemeiit In Urmly Mirter U re'k as lteult of llluw jit Mtht The th that the wrecked steamer Catala fade out last night's gale with no difficulty whatever hearten the salvers to confidence that any doubts as to a successful salvage are now removed. The vessel s safely sUDoorted with land 11 new on one side and props on the other and. a far a can be learned, there was scarrrty a movement. It Is hoped to tat the Oatala on an even k4 within a few days. This wUl be folios. ed with the putting on of tem porary patches and tt Is expected she may be refloated in a little more tbaa a fortnight's time. Then she will be delivered to the Prince Rupert dry dock. Harold Brown, general manager of the Union Steamship Co.' Is returning to; Vancouver on the Oamosun this evening following, a trip of inspection to the wreck Mr. Justice W. A. MacDanald and (other court officials will reach the city from Vancouver on the steamer Prince Rupert tomorrow morning. Almost immedlatelv after the arrival of the J Judge, the fall seaslon of the Supreme Cum Au.ies will be convened. ) V 5,NCB I t-AT HEARD T- i4 r y o kl i 'mil wminiW24yi O IW t In 1 Imm Vrr. U to you At your grocer'g "OXO" Cubes in tins; "OXO" Cordial in bottles and flasks. rm W 7l BSstss!! rfsiT THAT CHILD A WOND6.R AT THE PIAMO? i she learned how PIAf M NO TIME'. V anted For Sale DAILY For Rent NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken'for lets than 50c BADMINTON POPULAR IN NELSON WHERE ALL AVAILABLE FLOORS USED (Nelson News) PractlcaUy every hall In Nelson that is usable for gyrmsMlun purpose la beii.g Used now by some badminton lub. in addition to other Indoor game that can affart to pay their way. It Is an a par with tennla. got;, curttng. in that respect. The largest bacuntntan floor In Kelson is the one that was laid in the (air building recently, by :he Nelson Badminton elnb Large advances have been made by badminton in popularity in Nelson since last winter. One year ao the olid leaders of this apart were predicting that If accommodation were not rorthoomlng. those interested would undoubtedly build for themselves. Badminton a a game ha the element at permanence. Jut a ha tennla. Twa or thrte year from now. metead of Jere bring lea badminton than tsday. there will probably be twice as mixh. v up to the capacity of the aeoom-nodatlon. whatever It then may be. When the present fair building U replaced, a it shortly must be. on of the steady source of revenue for the new community Pavilion or Arena or Auditorium that should arise will be a healthy badminton rental. For six months of the year that playing floor could be occupied every afternoon and night by this revenue producer, except when preempted for convection or other special purposes. In the other 'lx months a different sort of revenue wotlM be derived. Roller skating, auto hows, eonventtona. the filr wonld cVs their share toward maintenance. Badminton la one of the answers to the question: "WUl the Arena, beatde attracting conteotions needing Urge accommodation and bringing paying visitors from long distance, and putting Kelson on the accommodation map. pay lt wsyr CRIBBAGE LEAGUE Prince Rupert Crlbbage League results last night were as follows: CM. Mechanics, 13; fiona' of Canada. 14. Canadian Legion. 13: Moose, 14. Orange Lodge, 13; Cold 6sorage. 14. New Empress Hotel. 18; St. Andrew", ON. Operating. 14; Grotto, 13. By George M;M, : Prtnee, Rupert Hotel, . 4; Knights cd Sis 0,5 and ana Seven ven Pa-senirer rasenjfer Stude htude Orotto rotto ..-C s ' .Y ' 6 T ' K0SS HKOS. POOL HOOM ON.; Operating ....... ..a, 6 Cold,, 6Wtag W. j"- 5 New Em pre! presT . . . T.. 4 3 4 Prince Rupert Hotel. 4 Moose 4 Canadian Legion ... 3 Son of Canada 3 C.N. Mechanic 2 St Andrewl 2 Orange Lodge 1 ii SPORT CHAT Cold Storage and Maple Leafs meet In the Billiard League tonight with line-ups as follows: W. H. Long (Cold Storage) v. Col. S P McMordle (Ms Die Louis i A. Murray vs. J. Hamilton. J. Illllman vs. M. Andrews. Angus McDonald va. M. M. MeLaeli- lan. John Bulger vs. George Howe. Leadership In the Senior BaAktv,.ti League will be at stake tonight In the K.me Between ine Elks and Grand Ter minal. A win for the former. .put tbam two up over the Nt)ve Son wnne the latter, by winning would have one point margin at the top. The Elevator, which has not yet won a game -eaoeavor to- take One from the High School which in the Intermediate League. The third .me wm oe a Junior League fixture between the Tuxl Boy. and Stars, the former having already beaten the latter twice. Art Gagn of Prince George, u the .Chic player on the Canadleo hockey team on ,eIOn. Tiie Centra interior : i wnuiiiiiii I i to II H SB M II I I 1 I llal J i oinswji i nr aw- yw'n mm von sai.i: FOR BALE tj FT. FMM PAOUft AMD tow boat. Taptow. 16-20 HP heavy duty Tlvtaa. with ment uaaJQ. m M FOR SALE. tBWH WATCH PAiriKL Malea: tsro months vlu 110 00 Apply O. Fmcr. Marine Dept. ST FO HUNT FOR RCNT. FOUR IrOOUrO FUR-niahed apartment with bath and water pa. Phone 54t. tf , FOR RENT Pianos, phsVaoaraab and Singer sewing snaaMae. Walker s UiMex Store FOR RENT. Apartaasejth by the day ! ' eek or month. Phone Red 807. tf HOUSE FOR RENT ROOMS AND ; BATH. Apply Mttnro Bros ti HOUSES FOR RENT 4109 OP. AP-ply 218. 4th Ave. E. tf 'IIINTi; ItlllKT lltllllOlt IHIKIIIT sntvifi; 1, K. Arnold. Oo snywbers aaytiase. Day ar night. Always on board Tama very moderate. Two boat always s valla hie. Phone 310. r.O. Hat tie KXCIIANCJB .r.iv ami ccomi iitMi i VRNmiirJ bougm and sold and acajnged Player Piano and Two Cash Registers in stock. I'.W.tWJrt ! U.iK 839 Third Ate. rhune fil CIII.MXKY SWF.KP II. J. Zl'MKEIW r.rnreal ll.inly Man Furnsce and Stove Cleaned and Repaired. Oh Ironies Swept. Cemetery Plata Cared For. Phone Rrd 248. Prince R opart. H.J0. FUHXIT1JHE AND KAXCES "Tour Home Should Come First " Call on u for your range, furniture, floor coverings, beds and bedding. Our prices are always reasonabla. A. MrKKNZIi:. n HMTl KK I'hone 75. TAXI Phone 67 Tor.! (Call George. Paul or Gust) Meeker Work. fAcro-. from KmpiwasJfrite,!) man at 14S pounds Is now two pounds lighter than his nearest rival, Aurrl Jollat. Oagne dlstluguuhed himself lately on the golf course when be was a double winner In club contest on the Forest Hill course, hi performance being described as remarkable. THROUGH TRAINS CONNECTION WITH OLD COUNTRY SAILINGS The Canadian National Railway have made arrangements to operate aptcial trains with sleeping cars through to ship's side at Montreal and Halifax, In connection with Old Country sailings during November and December secure full information regarding rate, reservation, passport, etc., from City Ticket Office. 528 Third Avenue. Phone JCO. 878 HOTEL l!i;IVM-S, Central , Constable and Mrs. O. A. , WajriSji, Hazel ton; Chris Caresenl. Ketchikan. I'rjnoe It u pert C Knutsen. O E. Eiickson and R. Cblpmen. Seattle. PAIN in BLADDER Promptly Cassd ty SANTAL MIDY n sue t st the Osnulns Look for tha word.HMlDV" Sold by sll drurrislt . Mi lou&M STEAMSHIPMM 1r Vanrvuvr TttsMt) tUIsv -aturds; tar-., Nov. 3o t Ic Jl I rum VaiKflDirr SMBdsv -j W.etoe.o... Sa'rda Saturday -i HOT. at IC. 17 -De. 31 .- ; I'tr Port aimpkoa 14 sm I Suaday - i'roin IWt ainipvca ri-stl T'larday jl l or ,B4iv ai,. jr S ii tula;, II Westoeslai I nun ,tii"i i:j Tuesday Fr day -I if Jeen t'li.irV.te Oett 3 " Dec. 17 V I ron Querti i 1 , De. 1 ' Dr.s. li ' lr Aiska Nov. 26 - r ; L Dec. n Doc 31 - r Tram tliks - sWC. s(I MAIL SCMii Ol t'. iw Hh- i:.--t Mssastsy' - t 1 l'rm Ihe Ei-' Tndn-du 'Tn Vnroer Tuesdays Fridays Bftturdcys OJ"Jt - N Or Trains v Saturrta. From VanrnuTrr SMndays Wednesdsv Saturday C.P.R.- N"-Train. Sim ?-' To Anyut, .tll- ' I Fremler Btfttdays Iroin Anvuv A lire Arsi. '" Premier , Tttday FWdyt To Vas Kltrr Paints amitavft rrm Xa n"rr rolnts- r THeaday To Ala'li- Piln' No. 2C. De 1 rrnea Afct-ks Polnts- NOV 30. IX M"n4 . rharlotte To Queen Dmb,r :' ' ,. 0M f rrm iiren i""""" December 1 ' C.N.R. TR lor the Fast-Monday' 8 Wn at 11-10 J-rr From the I i Tuesdays. Ti r at 33! .il -Jll.Sl.li . a. a e i:i.nf.m.av sorsl . High 12:44 Low. I.U ,:':.wnll" i,mrt.TlinW-V. MM" ' i : tow " ' . 'i I ,-IUl.AV. XOVEMJ1 , Htgh i3 4r i Low ntTt-nmr. n"eM1 t a -e- t nigh II 18 01 I " I Low " 20