in .:n. -Vr 22, 1027 IE HOW FA Doila it I 1 Atenue East r m in a Moden : Ford Service Station . clean carbon. clean spark plugs, inftall new tall cotnmutator tune and brush, clean cm line . u I b, $1.50. ( Part extra ) . tint end, tip'h'en steering, lint front wfaeela. rods and steering- rods, oil and grease all around. and adjust band.t. (L0V. (Part extra), i k change band., replace emergency brake pawl, 'ioe. differential, $140. (Parts extra). ;( k change transmiitaiun bands, $1M, (Parts change hand, 2JU. (Parts extra) -Mir, oerhaul igniuon, repair lights, replace wir-m! n. oil and clean generator commvtatar, advance h i csanr . nil fan, fZjDQ. (Parts extra). ..i.d Klih car. tighten nil around, oil and grease, m! and ' ).ani!' irrease in differential, SUM. (In-vilulte oil and grease). HjS T SPOIL YOLK CI OTIIKS and tbmpkk getting UNDER YOUR CAR .' -p your FORD amongst friend, that's the FORI) DEALER 5. E. Parker, Limited FOB SALES AND SERVICE HRIST Greetin: Cards ARE ON DISPLAY . DEVMSO.VS PERSONAL SK.NATUBE CAHliS -iv intimate and warmer greeting than tfep nsnal ' l. and you vrill find here just the card JWK want und desiirn. 1 n.isi- jiersonM who prefer their Personal Greeting i'i d we have a book of sample cards in the store a delightful variety of styles. Those are ordered and can be delivered within two weeks. "-: prefer to chooxe individual cards tat convey the ig most appropriate to the one receiving- it To tfese ti i fier the greatest variety ever displayed in the city at from 5c to $2.00 each. We ufc'Kest that you call in and pick out your cards now he d j j; lay is complete. We will set them aside for you u do nor want to take them away immediately. Qrmes ltd "7ic Pioneer Druocijslx HIRD AVE. & SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8? ,200 BADMINTON Supplies Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 saars? WILL YOU be a Member? of our "HOME LOVERS CLUB" THIS CHRISTMAS i" i now while our selection of House Furnishings is at 'e ot Barrie's Home Furnishings ,rd Avenup Phone Phnne 123 121 5 ?! tin. (meat Love will arrive In the city on the Cmoaurj tonight from Srevart. She will be one of the wit-hi In a eivu acUon to be beird at '.be euprenu Court Awlaea her. Prince Bupert weathered a real old aouUteaater during tae nlgBt. tbe caa-being accompanied with bountaona rain. The height of the blow 40 miles pet hour wat between 11 p. and s Taking the plaot Prince Oeorge. CNA mi the ateamer ateamer Kupen will arrive from the aouth tomorrow morning The Rupert will be on the once a .woo- yen for tcte winter. the Ooobb being tied up. It la espect-od that the latter veaael will came here later for annual overhaul. Matter Ernest Hall, who hi visiting here with Aid. and DAILY NFVTS THE PACE THREE p ! I Local and Personal j mf - Dent-. Dr. j. a a. pomsm Ovy MsSJirV----. Get in Btg 4 babul Wken MOB lint IgMxTJrJjfSj 5 v.r- J4 Bp H ' Pur qu. ik and ut j,"cti'ry wok trrre B,S jf jv Xwmt heiiu,uicblug lo Dwlar SUre rUMUWHflMHB -! Phone 83 MAS Women of Mooaeheati U'glon imv. - tfaYayjBaMpMjB int. Friday. No-, ember 25 Nomina .r,: 1 fBB lB In pol.s ettlt ths m. .ruing Jin: lj 9 I fl 1 I 5 ' jl atorseth ptosSad net svt a char- JllJW tiv yds Ttejavfer no agent, lor v I 5 1 03 SH Albert. Boot, and t-embina Poeri im ejais mc unoer oon t oi. coyr. B stove you ever heard of ttt,. jW$jcp-fgyjf msanaaawan-G anting to marry hi youngest dmu. - teEKlKrXlrBKSvnyB tor? Sec mhat happens In "Aoani A. 3T!l LjnVT T 'nW Bve" at the Westholme Theatre. Dtc jgj Poke P. I. WenBIl of Bella Coola at the morning service in First United Church on Bs-jadsy a-hue Bev W. H nam of Pprt ssrelngtou gave tbe sddisas la tbe neeniiig. Union steamer Oaaaos-jja. Capt. J. A Findlay. aouthrxniad gram Stewart. Any -os and oOttr iswjtliotii ports of eaU to Vancouver and waspotnu la expected to arrive in port last tonight. BANDAGE SELLER LATEST OF SfREEf MERCHANFS "Uaii'lur.-"-! Three a at Hunger INmii l-fnny." He Crlm LONDON. Not. S3. -"Bt :il.igea! Three a penny " Thla cry may be heard on the London to Southend arterial road every week-end. The bandage eeller ha hie store In a sidecar attached to a motor -cycle, and throughout t&e busy part of the afternoon and evening be teeps up a regular patrol on the mast dangerous portions of the thorongiifare. Including that part known to motorists as "suicide corner." CnJortUBately. or fortunately, whichever way you took at It. binlnest -i not brisk with this dispenser of bandages. Travellers on the aoain Dover read Pnnoe Fannngham have often remarked on tbe presence during the week end of a small bell tent, at the ere roads, bearing the famous Bsd Crews of Geneva. On the mate Brighton nod theoogh Klnnawood. near Belgate, can be seen a little white boa. Fastened in a been splcuous position to the front garden at tl. fence, this box contains first-aid out' Stephens, mile tonight on the Camnsun fits for whoever requires them- -a kindly for Vancouver where be will Join his thought. A similar bos can be seen mother. Mrs. H. P. Hall, sister of Aid. on the old Brighton road. Stenhena. and proceed to California. In addition to these faculties, tbe Mrs. Ball, who bad also been visiting road scouts and patrols., ol the Auto- bere. left for the south recently. mobile Association carry dressings in their lockers one or more of tbe "First The regular monthly dinner of tbe field Dressings." originally prepared rrlnce Rupert Shrine Club was held for the troops in tbe ftSW. but which last night in the Commodore Cafe, there were flung on to the market at rtdlcu-being a good attendance of noble with Ions prices at the close of hostilities. B. V. O. Lssnne. president, m tbe chair. Contributing to the program were S. A. McPnerson, with baritone solo, and Muss Loma Tite with piano selections THKIl'TY IHirfBVTiri Hubby Oreat beavenal you paying Si .000 for a Wtfey Oiink how save you in gloves, dear, lngton Q-bost. Decesttber 6 and 7. Adair Carat December 9. Pmy by December IS. The ring. it wtfl wa- Westholme Theatre, IjOXMS. Novelty United Church Ladles. Used after Shaving Dr. Chase's OINTMENT Keeps the Skin Soft, Smooth and Velvety SCHEDULE OF BASKETBALL The following schedule lor the first mt of the season is announced by RoSph Smith, secretary f the Prince Stapert aBaketbell Association. NOTICE. J NOVUM I.Elt Stars vs. Tukls. Owing to cold weather the water la ; li.y.a School va. Elevator, the dam is running below normal. This Elks vs. Terminals endangers tbe city, and the council has as Drill Team vs. High School, passed a resolution that all pipe be Elevator va Big Pour. ' protected from frost and no taps aw to Terminal vs. Native Sum. t-e left open or running unduly. Anvone falling to observe tbe above resolution will be cut off from the city rater supply after November 30. 1937. ( Signed ) E. F. JONES. 377 City Clerk. 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS First United Church Bazaar December 1. "Adam ft Evb" w -xuxls vs. Stars. f With School Vs Big Pour. Elks vs. Native Sops. lllXTsfllKK 2 -High School vs. Elevator. High School vs. Drill Team. Elks vi Terminals. 6- Stars vs. Tuxls. Elevator vs. Big Fuir. Terminals vs. Native Sots. 9 Drill Team vs. Hich Setstxi. High School vs. Bii: Four. Elks vs. Native S-m's. 13 Tuxls vs. Stars. High School vs. Elevator. Elks vs. Terminal 10- Elevator vs. Big F?ur. High School vs Prill Teem. Terminal vs. Na' ve Sons SCHEDULE FOR novi;aiih:k dies, v Moose Ladles. it Ladles vs. .'Qsnadlan Na-1 tional Ladles. I 2y F'iglUh Indies v.- Moose Ladles. i Canadian National adles va. Orange i i Ladiei. 1 DECKMIIKU I ii M'. .se Ladies v CaSAdla) National Luclie.-v Oiiiiige LutUes v.-. English Ladles. j 13 Moose Ladies vx Orange Ladles. Canadian Ladles vs. Eng- 11.: !i Ladles. I RAIDED ROOMS OF FINANCIER Burglar Wan Seeking Information Rather Than Loot Sir Edward Believen IGXDOU NoV' tt-r' aid-bid Uacfeay C i .t Canadian financier, wnoee : Uaiair was recently esMered by e. s.i ys he believea tbe Intra dsn l-s. ae..t.-hl::g for Important private Jem I nave little doubt. Sir Bd-..j a L3ndon ittwapaosf rspartr. ' .icre are many people who would r get some n-:de mformatlun n.jnv large ' r i ut actions I have arrying out of late. ci l am In the not and have b.i; transact. oiu on. I always bolt c n a duansteir :n case any of my c.:l ai d 1 hare a goad number Licm . iiould ie;.d along a thug to l x mc When 1 am out of the . if rr I caniH't use the bait. Edward n:d lie dd not Uunk the !vj entered hie flat aent s the wsv-r beeauss he always u rare no". ! leave written fcn- ' -a about iim f Ivaig about any OIUCCT NOT KOIilitKY 1 cry worth between tMMQ and 'tad been taken from the flat is believed that the reason for : is was t- conceal the resli ui the raid. Sir Bdward. per-' v , .iHp?rs had been non through ve: y thoroughly and were left tying uboui I Sir Edward was the first to discover! te burglary. The flat was empty at ; if tune as he had Kent his maneer-' i in', home, lie himself was on his way j to a party when be looked In at the flat, saw a light flash at the window ; ol the sitting ruom and found the front , ' door open. The thieves had broken a pane of glass in the door and turned the latch. lie waited at the door to' prevent the escape of the thieves ahoulo they came out that way. until tbe arrival of the pol o be had summoned. He then went In and found the flat ; The thieve must nave spent tune on the premises for the boards In Sir Edward's bedrosao cup-were ! in a state of disorder, drawers had been ! reaiTved and the contents strewn over ( tbe floor. Bearer scrip worth thousands ! of pounds, which had lust been sent ! ' to the beak, was in a filing cabinet in the lobby. The thieves bad removed this. 1 and It was found Intact under some papers on the corner of a table. Sir Edward has been using the fist as an ! office. Thai afternoon's trsln. due from tbe Bast at 3 AO. Is reported to be 43 minutes late. SYNOPSIS OF LAND ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vacant. unreserved, surveyed Crown lends may l4 pr-mptd by rirltisli (ubjects ever IS years of ags. snO by .'tllens on declaring Intention iu lenutii Hrltlah subjects, condl-Uenal uion rMMetire, occupation. jiJ ltnirovmrnt tor agricultural ur poses Full Information concerning raa .atlons regarding preemptions Is rleo In Bulletin No. 1. Lund Series, "(low to 1're-empt Ind." copies of xhlch can be obtained free of charge t-y addreaelng the Department of Lknds. Victoria, B.C.. or to any Government Agent. itecords will b granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes, and which Is not timber-land, i.e., carrying over 8.004 board feet per acre west of the Coast Rang and 6.000 fet per acr east of that Km nee. Applications for pre-emptions ax to be addressed to ths Land Com-mkisloner of ths Land Recording Division. In which the land applied for Is situated, and are mads on printed forms, copies of which can be obtained from th Land Commissioner. Pre-emptions must b occupied for flv ysara and Improvements mad to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least flv acres, befor a Crown Grant can bs recslved. For more dttslled Information the Bulletin "How to Pre-empt Land." PURCHA8E Applications are received for purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown land, not being tlmberland. for agricultural purposes: minimum price for first-class (arable) land la IS per acre, and second-class (gras-lng) land 11.60 per acr. Further Information regarding purchase or leas of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "I'urchas and Leas of Crown Lands." 1111L factory, or Industrial sit on timber land, not exceeding 40 acr. may b purchased or Uaaed, th condition Including payment of tumpag. HOME8ITE LEASES Unaurveyed areas, not exceeding It acres, may be leased as homslte, conditional upon a dwslllng being erected in th first year, title being obtainable after residence and improvement conditions are fulfilled and land baa bn surveyed. LEASES fee grazing aad industrial posss areas not xceedlna par- may be leased by en persoa or a eons pa ay. , CRAZING (Jnder the Graxlns Act ths Ince la divided Into gratlnx dletrtots and ths rings administered uadsr a O rating Commissioner. Annual (raxing permit ar issued bad oa numbers rangsd, priority being given to established owners Stock-owner may form assidatlons for taage raaaagemtnt Free or partly trea, permlu ar available tee settieen, oa'-e.pes-a and travelltm, t teat Vt j t THE LABEL IS RED AND WHITE BETTER COWS v. BETTER MILK order to bring to you, rr under the red and white Carnation label, as fine milk as the world produces, we are constantly introducing the high milk producing strain of our blue ribbon 'Contented Cows" into the herds that daily supply milk, to the Carnation Condcn-series. In fact, one of the most famous Holstein herds in all the world is owned by the Carnation Milk Farms. In this, as in many other ways, we insure the quality of Carnation Milk. Insure It looks creamy It tastes creamy It is creamy that it really will add richness and flavor whenever you use it For Carnation is just pure, fresh mflk evaporated to slouble richness, "homogenued'' so that every drop has its full share of cream. Diluted, it is used in cooking; to give greater smoothness and richness. Undiluted, it takes the place of cream at one-third the cost of cream. Order from your grocer several tins or a case of 43 tins. Send jor a free copy of Mary Blakt't Cook Book,. Adireu Carnation UZk Product t Company, Limited, Aylmtr, Ontario, CARXAT10X CREAXI CARAMELS Two cupa Miirar, 2 cups corn syrup, yi cap butter, 2 cup Carnation Milk, few grains salt, 1 teaspoon vanilla. Place in sauce pan over fire, sugar, syrup, salt and butter Stir until mass boils to dear, thick consistency; then add gradually so as not to step boiling, the Carnation Milk. Cook to 242 degrees F. or to firm ball stage, stirring constantly. Add 1 Uaspoon vaniSa, pour into buttered pans and mark in squares. "From Contented Cows" ilk Produced in Canada Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD Operating CJ.T.P. 20.000 Ton Floatin-j Dry Dock Engineers, Machinists, Boilermakers, Blacksmiths, Patternmakers, Founders, Woodworker Etc ELECTRIC AND ACETYLENE WELDING. Our plant is equipped to handle all kinds of MARINE AND COMMERCIAL WORK. PHONES 43 and 385 Dr. MAGUIRE Dentist Over Orme's Drug Store ? Phone 525. Office Hours 9 to 9 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Bailings frwin l-rlnrc Unpen, lor VANCOUVER, VICTOKIA. Swanson Bay, Alert Bay, etc- Tuesday. ' S p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Rotedale. lert Bay. ec. Saturday am lor POKT R'MPSON', NAAS KIVElt rOIVTS, ALICE A KM, ANVOX. 8TE1VAKT, Wales Islsud, Sunday. 8 p.m. 133 tnd Avenue. K M. SMITH. Agent. Prince Kuiiert. H.CL Through ticket sold lo Victoria snd Seattle st a reduced rate and baggage checked through to desttnstlou. 1 XI 1 ."1-1 Mi 'I