lave Money Boston Grill m buy the .j subsrrlbe by the, :j delivered daUy Of -ourae. you t -.norter period. C. mid have It de- .!.. .M.L.A.. ana A. ti. .viunn, .M.L..A., io exienu me raci . w;'h the Edmonton, Dunvegan and U.C. Railway ft hi Present Plan of Salvage cotonlaation acbeme. seeking a ten mU- 1'eoplc if all (ioeet Well it la planned to set even keel neat Suu-Capt Paul Armour uf blasting rook all mi from thla on the i.tttrft. mmrin fftv and will be done The removed by Sunday - on even keel once pumped out and ii launched .lit; last night did tone near dIv Kennedy. Son of News paper Proprietor, Fell Into Creek When Towing Deer lid?;' CITY. Nov 22. Teddy '. year uld -son of Mr. and 3 r jar Kennedy, was drowned full Into Canyon Oreek near While towing a deer from l! if. thuught he gripped and .ned wion he entered the water. ;cr dived In and made an in-uttempt to rescue him. rat employed on the plant 1' .jisr Valley Record of Mission faicli his lather was the pro- ILWSTEAD MUST SERVE SENTENCE :!:f'CTON. Nov. 22 The sun-fused today to review nom Belittle In which ttoy i iiarlei. 8. Green, Edward O. ::u others were convicted of : :he federal prohibition law. T;e rtlu.,.u means prison sentences Tmes for former Seattle 01 iic nnt nimiinri and his CO- efc ;.... I SEARCH WARRANT IN; ALASKA DRY LAW JS REPEALED BY NEW ACT Washington. Nov. 22. The search st -t ion of the Alaska, dry law dfriared by the supreme court cii repealed by tlie National Act Tlve decision was given 10 MARTIAL LAW YET STATE OF COLORADO OHNVEB Colorado. Nev 22. -Martial lion dollar grant from the federal gov. crnment for that purpose. I'UDMII i: IS CAUOU. Piwmlsr lMLean replied that any company taking over the POX. mutt .,. atm to extend the line into the Peace des bate h rtnatnokK un,,,, of the British oaprseiuts must be established. Continual operation of the railway must The Premier promised consideration of the scheme but pointed out that much ground bad to be covered and the cooperation of the Federal and Alberta Ooeemmeut had to be arranged. , The delegation declared that they could fulfUl the eondtttsm and Indicated that tbey would go to Edmonton ahortty to seek the asatrtanne of the Alberta Oovernment. mission cin!r::::,:::,:r": si:i:s (iiu;.T i;it. ok EXPANSION KOK I'AXAUA LONDON. Nov. 32. Responding to a toast proposed by lion. P. C. Larkln. Canadian High CommlMloiacr In Louden at a dinner given by the Canadian Club.. the Prtnoe of Wales, alluding to Impressions obtained In Canada said: "I want those Impressions to be shared by many of my gener-tkro In the old country, for Canada, aa all of ua must ace, la ou the threshold of one of the most astonishing eras of espan-aion and developnient ever seen." seen." Premier Baldwin also spoke of his visit to Oanada. FIVE VACANCIES IN SENATE JUST NOW OTTAWA, Nov. 22. Death created Independence Indian L. and L. Lucky Jim Premier Porter Idaho Richmond Sllvercrest Silver.' mi ill IT fc- Y X . .-I . 'v UVALSCHEMES five vacancies in the Senate this year. No new appointments have been made by the government since last session of Parliament. The vacancies Include two from Quebec and three In Ontario. The present standing of the parties . . . it.. in the Senate is uonservaiiv 01, erals 39. Progressive 1. vacant 8. VANCOUVER EXCHANGE Wheat B.C. Sliver Big Missouri Coast Copper . Cork Province Dunwell Oeorge Copper Gladstone :: Ot ot the atate decides ', 8unlor 11 Bid. Asked 1.43 Mr 1M 10 M 100 10 .12 .17 .18 1.8i 20 .15 .18 .04 V, .06 .OS .06 .09 V, , in'., J74 23$ 2J0 .11 .1214 .0314 06 .15 20 .70 79 to by Runaway NANAIMO. No. 39.- .Poor men wre Instantly killed last evening at Dag Bay when the rear car of a latitat tram broke away on a steep grade em the Dollar Logging Company' railway at Deep Bay. It crashed into u 'pt ter 1., -iL'rn from North Vancouver to the Alberta boundary on which the ware riding- The dead are Rooer; Lee, a married ;.t ! nation proposed the formation of a bis; company capit-'man with tw chUdren Arthur DeBec. SH7.iMti.000 backed by SS6.000.000 from Ilritish capitalists. nwrmo nia brother. Juiiua Debrck. sn !r.:im would take over the entire debt of the P.G.E. and ' William Pen married, all ol Detp ni and would pay the cot of extension with the ?6,- ;ht catala NEXT SUNDAY iUOO.oeo Iron Oreat BrlUln. British Bay. ! The logging train bad left Deep Buy i for the iu.d cmmD eiaiit miles auv. Columbia would hold W9.eoo stock. A(tw crmKln9 thrw) mliM lt in the new company and Alberta 2.-, (our cjnJlnf m the tpCLtl9, 000 00 I which w eteared from the track The directorate would Include three, Alm the spwdcl. ,,. rrprnenutlre. from British Columbia . I Joumty wb(a .reK car two from Alberta and two from the twmJf and gajmng moment am on shareholders the steep grade, crashed Into the speeder The company would unaeruae a Teat ton the victims could jump clear. The speeder was owned by the victims and was used by tbem for riding to and from work at the camp. GILES OFF TO HONOLULU If" PLANE ALONE Carries no Life Saving Apparatus or Aids to Navigation on Trip SAN MtANCIsni. Nov. X. Oa-taln trrilrritk (illen tmik ..If lirrr at "JM tliH nioriilng In un utirinpt lit ly to llwioliilu un the first leg of Ins flljlit lo Australia and New niluiiil. HutlrM, viIIIkiiiI goggle. lrsl in a light business stilt. (Hies Uoiinril mil) a belt as milled lriiiiliigs for Hie .!! mile fllRlit- e earrleil 1111 radio, no rail, no fevtaut. lint trustnl 11 great ilral lo lurk unit his uhillly lo gurss llir union 11 1 of ills-liime.niHl denil rerkonlng to fly rr lite wle of Hiilrrs. The plane, weighing more lle thousand mhiiicK Iwik off nlth eii-r. Tlie last orils of the Inlrrjild ulrinan as lie hopiied off were: "V011 villi hear from me in a day or m." Mrilluni giMiil nrullier ireiiileil er the weim. Twenty ships. sern or Minn ulong Hie great rlrrlr route, vtlll Hiilrh lor the fljrr and glie him position liv siguiils, llles vtus lioru In llnglauil anil srrrd In the Itoyal Air lone during the viiir. SHIPS MAY COME TO PRINCE RUPERT FOR FULL GRAIN CARGOES According to a list of charters pub llshed in Harbor and Shipping, the fol lowinc steajsiers may come to Prince Rupert to lead full cargoes: King Bleddyn. a British vessel of 4, 000 tons, between December 15 and January 15 for U.K. Radcllffe, British, for U.K. In Jan uary. A Brtttsto steamer. 7.200 tons, for U.K. Another same size between February 1 and February 25. British steamer. 7,000 tons. November 10 to November 80. . (. These vessels are all t 'bit nine pence a ton higher, from Prince Rupert than from Vancouver nnd may. r loud at Vancouver. WOMAN IS BURNED TO DEATH AT WESTMINSTER NEW WESTMINSTER. Nov. 22. Mrs. Oeorge Brampton. 28 years of age, died this morning of burns suffered yester PRINCE RUPERT Jorthem and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PRINCE RUPERT, B.C Tt'ESl W. NOVEMREf! 22. 1027 NEW MOTOR SHIP launched at Clydebank for the Vancouver-Nunaimo service has a special deck for motor curs. Named Princess Elaine Total Halibut Catch for Year is 25,856,400 Pounds of Which Canadian Boats Took 6,445,500 With close season until February 15 now in effect, the curtain ,.., ., eount rang down yesterday at Prince Rupert on the 1927 halibut fishing . m-acees process is is invent invented Unte Upstair Dining Hall, with newly Uld dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and next for the least Phone 457. Price Fiv Ont All WA Y USHERMEN A T MEETING FAVOR PROTECTION OF HALIBUT kge Scheme Planned by brth Vancouver People I to Build to Edmonton Lai 1 orm Company Capitalized at $127,000,000 to Take Over Existing Lines and Connect Them With New One KIA. November 22. The Ilritish Columbia Government ,t delegation including Alex. Philip of North Vancou- LOGGING CAR BROKE AWAY KILLED FOUR Men Were Following Train at Deep Day When t rashed In- I Financial Journalist Strongly in Favor of Portland Canal Route P. A. OTnrrell Declares P.G.E. an Impossibility and Predicts Hundred .Million Rushcl Production in Five Years season when the tinal outstanding catches were landed. The total from the tar sandi. there Is more thani The memorandum wlU be submitted landings for the season at this port, according to figures compiled seventy bill ion gallons of fuel oU In to Marine Agent Saunders at Prince Ru by fish dealing houses, stands at 2o,85G,400 pounds of which 19,410,-' this region." 800 pounds was American halibut and 6,445,600 pounds Canadian. The total for this season is down from the 1926 total of 26,898,900 pounds and American landings decreased from last year's total of 20,514,000. Canadian landings this year show a slight increase from last season's 6J84.900 pounds. .were In 1923. the production has never- Prion tu 1W7 on the whole aver- j theleas been falling steadily off. The aged slightly less than those prevailing 'following figures of total landings at the In 1920. thus decreasing to some extent port of Prince Rupert for the past fire the earnings of the fleet collectively. Some Individual cases, of course, showed Improvement. Experts see In the steady decrease in landings during the past five years the effects of overflshmg. While there were probably twice as many vessels engaged In the fishery this year than there years speak for thenuelves. In that regard: Tear. Pounds. 1327 25.856,400 1826 26.893300 1925 28.884.500 1924 29.172.000 1923 29.190.700 Halibut Fishermen Here Decide Favor of Longer Close Season and Would Protect Chickens W. I'. Thompson (Jives Valuable Information in Outlining Result of His Scientific Investigations for the Commission Prince Rupert fishermen, in conference with the International Fisheries Commission last night, went on record as favoring the extension of the present close season on halibut for one month (two weeks at each end). Their views were taken by standing vote by which means they also favored the protection of baby chickens and the exclusive use of large hooks in fishing. There was general unanimity in the matter of extending the close season while views were more divided on the matter of the protection of baby chickens and the size of hooks that should be permitted. Taking of the fishermen's vote came at the end of a three hour conference In the course of which the situation as regards the Pacific coast halibut fishery was lucidly put forth by Will F. Thompson, director of Inves- tagatlons for the International Fisheries Commission, who stressed the need of further protection of the halibut. Mr. Thompson's address was followed by a general discussion m which opinions were freely expreesetl. Members of the International Fisheries Commission pre sent were J. P. Babcock, commissioner of'Trsherles for British Columbia, who tor of -fisheries for the federal government, who. owing to the fact that Mr. Babcock wfe suffering from a cold, con ducted the examination of witnesses, and Mr. Thompson. The conference was attended by a gathering of about two hundred persons Including many boat owners and fishermen, fish dealers and businessmen of the city generally. Ol'KNLIl lV MAYOR The conference was opened by Mayor day when her clothing caught fire while i Newton who referred briefly to the ob- xhe was aleeulmt In from oT the kit- icn 01 the mee'in which he immedl- .iinn.iu of in.' the commission. Mr. Babcock's intro ductory remarks were brief. The con ference, he stated, waa called for the purpose of laying before those Interest ed in the Industry some of the Information regarding the fishery which had teen obtained as a result of extended Investigations which had been carried out. The commission was anxious to receive all the information possible and, to that end. It was requested that those Interested should freely express their,, views. There was but one pur- occupied the chair: W. A. Found. dlreo-Jpoae, in 'which all should be concerned the pcrtetuatlon :of 'the Industry. Mr. Babcock then called upon Mr. Thompson to reveal what, had been done by the commission's Investigations of which he (Mr. Thompson) had charge. There had been a vast amount ot statistics and data collected, stated Mr. Thompson, and, In the time at his command, he could but, summarize It all. 'With Information now available ot a biological nature with regard to the growth of halibut, spawning habits of f..h, well VANCOUVER, November 22. "General Sutton is trying an impossibility. The P.G.E. always was a white elephant and always will be. The logical outlet for the Peace River is not across the mountains to Vancouver but along the river level to Portland Canal." This was stated here today by P. A. O'Farrell, financier and jour-nalist.Wiho has just returned from an extensive tour of the Peace River with Premier Brownlee of Alberta. "Why should the farmers of the Peace River send their wheat 800 miles overland to Vancouver at a cost of not less than 20 cents busby, when they could reach an outlet on Portland Canal only 400 miles w otttitx jwwrTI A away at a cost of approximately ten I If 'JJ AK Hll cents a bushel. I believe the railroad LlVsii 1 ilulVJuL from Stewart could be built In less than a year. Once ttte tunnel of about 2X00 i feet waa built from Stewart, the con-, structlon would be easy." WII.I. PAY liKIST TO CITY KMt WORK OX ATHLETIC lKt)lN!S The Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebration commit tee. at a meeting last night, decided to liquidate, out of surplus on the celebration, the remainder of 11S still due to the city by the Acropolis Hill Grounds Improvement League on Its guarantee of 1.000 in return for permanent Improvements made at the grounds this year. Next year, an endeavor will be made to organize a new Joint committee with a view to putting on a drive for a grandstand, which Is now the ground's outstanding requirement. A. J. Prudhomme. chairman of the celebration committee, presided at last nights meeting. ! CHINAMAN SUCCUMBS ' IN HOSPITAL HERE fhlng Sing. Who Had Hern III for Year. Is Mmlrd by Willow In China, The death occurred yesterday afternoon In the Prince Rupert General Hospital of Chin Sing. fUty year old Chinaman, who had resided in the city for five or six years. He had been 111 for a year or more and was admitted 4n -InA huxnltttl ,1t,Asna4f,SltS ln K 1 1 ,1 H U V DUND AS ISLAND Mr. Farrell predicted that "some day there wsmid be a great city in the re-, Memorandum Signed by Masters gton of the Canyon of the Peace; nnrl Owners of Vessels to lie ' which would be to this territory what . , cnllnri,.r St. Louis Is to the Mississippi, lt i not too much tasay that one hundred mlUlon people eoukl live-in. affluence In Hhe1 Laird and Peace and Athabasca dts- MntM. Ih -frve- years the-Peace River VICTORIA. Nov. 22, Shipping including the masters and Interested owners on the B.C. coast are Jointer hands to ' support atCiald' itoinavl- wOJ be exporting one hundred million f gutlon on Holllday Island off the north-bushels of wiicat. It li as great sn or- I cast coast of Dundas Island. chard country as the Okanagan and a The petition aska for a flashlight and than Ireland. When fog signal on the Island a the first for extracting oil land made In crossing Dixon Entrance. pert for transmission to the department of marine and fisheries at Ottawa. EXPORT HOUSE LIQUOR SEIZED Charge of Selling Liquor Rrought Against W. L. McCarter Who Was Arrested COMPANY TO HE SUED VANCOUVER, Nov. 22. Dry squad of- i fleers last night raided the premises of the Scottish Canadian Exporters Ltm-i lted. seized a liquor stock, valued at 140.000. arrested W. L. McCarter on a ' charge of selling liquor. A summons, the police say, -will be Issued against the company charging 1. with keeping liquor for sale. TORONTOMAN IS ARRESTED Charged With Obtaining Diamonds Worth $31,000 at Montreal Last Summer NEWARK. NJ.. Nov. 22. Alex. Paul, who claimed to be a enember of a reputable Toronto family, and his pretty XI year old wife. Minnie, are held as a couple who. with three men as accomplices, held up the Capital Jewellery . , . . , . ' Company ' at Montreal last summer and Deceased Is survived by ' a widow and . . . , ,, . J . , , . obtained diamonds aud Jewellery valued other members of his family In China. K, funeral arrangements. a) VANCOUVER BOXERS WIN TWO BOUTS FROM BOYS FROM THE SOUTH VANCOUVER. Nov -22. Billy Town-tend, local Junior lightweight, won nine of ten rounds in a match last night with Dallas Bate man of Salt Lake City. In another ten round bout Hector McDonald of Vancouver got a decision from Art Humphries of Everett. 124 pounds. TS as statistics covering landings for many years, operations at sea. etc.. the commission had now established a good sturtmt; pom: The object of :lie in-'caut::.ucd ou p.i-j- STOLENGOODS ARE RECOVERED VANCOUVER. Nov. 22 Police recovered three thousand dollars worth ot goods taken from the Point Grey home of Senator Crome on Hallowe'en. The appearance of the guUty party lu court Is said to be Imminent- J A 23 CARS OK tllUIX Rallway ofaeea this morning reported 239 carloads ot grain west of Jasper bound from the prairies to the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator. There were no arrivals during tlw past u -f-jur injurs).