PAGE FOUR Attention!! Prince RvmH Students!" Sfceoui window! A beau tliui watch' will be given away absolutely free. A large "clock dial has spaces .for 'the names of boys and girls attending school in Prince Rupert and writing on the exams In June. AH you haye to do is to come n and have your name piit on. You need not buy anything 1 . The clock will be wound on' June 20 and when the han'd, stops, it will point to the lucky name. 7 Be sure to enter before June 20. fnHKlRlilfiFP A Jewellers il. TOE STORf WITH THE CLOCK sans ouMwrera camt ge beat? Ask the master builders of this town where to go for lumber and they will turn your footsteps in this direction. They maintain that .the Jcind of woods we sell is the sort that should be put into a building that is expected to live to a ripe old age. Albert & HcCaffery Phones 116 and J.17 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Hox 15G5 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, ROW-BOATS AND CANOES SAND AND GRAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting MILK -:- PRICE Reduced ,to 12 pints for 1.0.0 1 quarts for $1.00 12 pints for ".. $1.00 Cash price tickets. Mcliride Street store now closed Valentin Dairy Office and Dairy - 11th St. Telephone G57. LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or .Motor Service. .Coal. jSnnd and Gravel. VYe Specialize In piano and Furnltuns Moving. ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Scotch Tweeds, Fancy Worsteds and Serge. Every garment tried on before finishing. 223 Sixth Street I BRINGING UP FATHER JJy George McManns '.OJL 99" JM OH Kf?? some UBk4 enough. IT 900NK R VJHEN you ' L. .VJe. c SPORT CHAT Now local footballers, like baseballers, have struck their stride and there promises to be some real snappy com petition In the grand old scccer game. Attendance records are also showing an improvement so trie enthusiasm of the fans Is' waxing Just as the brand of play Is being bettered. Both senior arid Intermediate baseball leagues arc commanding their full mead of atten tlon and Interest Is keen In football, If weather keeps suitable, there will be fitting seml-windup In preparatlfr for the Dominion Day festivities. While baseball has practically dls appeared this season In the smelter town. Interest Is strongly maintained in tne qmerent games of the soccer schedule at Anyox, large crowds being on hand to watch their favorites per form. Recently the Legion vanquished the Smelter In a good exhibition of the game, but went down to defeat when they met the Beach aggregation. A baseball tournament, participated tn by five teams, win be an added feature at the diamond Jubilee cele bration in Prince George on July 1 and 2, The teems which will take part will come from Shelley, aiscome and Aleza .Lake, and will meet two Prince George teams. One of the latter teams will be entered as Prince Oeorgei and the other as the Outlaws. A purse of 200 has been set aside by the celobra tlon management and will go to the team winning the tournament. One game will be played at the exhibition grounds during each day of the celebra tlon, and a second twilight guns ach i t) ii i HAZELTON Mrs. Tomlinson, sr., arrived last week to spend some time with her Robert at the'Hospltal farm.' health Is wonderful considering advanced age. -' so son Her Little Orrice Sargent who has been critically 111 ' with pneumonia Is now on the road to recovery. Great credit Is due tbe Haaelton Hospital for the care and attention given' Id all Who come under Its roof. . ... 1 staff left on Saturday night for her vacation w.hich is being spent with friends at Prince George. Miss K. James Is also on vacation at her home In Vernon. ' R. Q, L, Clarke of the fruit and vege table Inspection department of Vancouver, paid the district a visit last week; he was a guest of Dr. Wrlnch, MXJV. v 9 Rev. Victor H. Sansum of KIspiox who has been transferred to a student field In Vancouver, will be the special speaker In the- United Church pulpits at New Hazel ton, and at Hazelton Sunday next.' June -19. Mr. Sansum In tent pursuing rus university work while' In ' the southern city. . . Rev. Nelson A. Harkness. district secretary of the. Canadian Bible Society spent a few days In town In the In terests of bis work. On Friday evening he continued on his tour as far Sim the rs. ';'?. TERRACE Mrs. Annie s'Ross and Mrs. Griffith returned on Monday : from Shames where they spfCf'a short holiday and ave taken up housekeeping in the Mien home west of town. Dt, A. S. Lamb, government tuber culosis specialist of Vancouver, was In own Monday ,nd Tuesday In the In-f rests of his work. S. F Mills, was up ., from Remo on Monday. w J. M. .Hoar, manager of the 7'opper Davis Mining Co., .Kalum Lake, who rrlved from 'the south recently and baa been spending a short time around Usk, arrived back in. Terrace on Mon day. D. W. Davis of the DavlsMlnes Ltd., Cedarvale, came down to Terrace on Monday and lef( on Wednesday for the south. , i - Hugh A. Harris, New Hamilton mining man was In town on Tuesday. 3. A. D. Davis of Cedarvale Was a business visitor here at the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. Slllis and family who came here several months ago from the prairie, returned to Edmonton on Tues day. Mrs. W. H. Watt of Amesbury was here visiting friends at the. beginning jf the week. .1 B. Shannon. lUsk, wasa business Visitor here' on Monday. Prior to their forthcoming departure l I BON f i; A niKJU TELLIN' f JJ. Ijg -l.J PLAYS TENNIS IN BARE LEGS fJI'ESTlOX IS H ILL TENNIS PLAYERS in nitiT.ux roijxm example op soitii Africa LONDON, June 16; (By Canadian Press'). Miss "Blllle" Tapscott, of the South African women's' lawn tennis team that recently arrived in London, appeared at the visiting team's first practice on the grass courts of the Hurllngham Club wearing no stockings. There were many speculations amongst the onlookers on whether the mode would be copied by tennis players generally In this country. The other members of the touring j South African women's lawn tennis team are Mrs. Peacock and Miss E. L. Heine. Miss Heine is only 17 years of age.' The South African ladies will compete In the French hard court championships In Paris and In the championships at Wimbledon. On the question of British women tennis players discarding their stock ings the Dally News Interviewed Miss 'Evelyn Colyer. the English Interna-jtlonai, Who said the thought it a very ; sensible Idea. "On our court at home." I she' said. "I usually play bare-legged In 'hot weather. I am not sure whether I lam' brave enough to follow Miss Tapscott In public but I'd like to." I The lawn tennis authorities see no jobjectlon to bare legs. "If Miss Tapscott likes," said Major D. R. Lar- combe, secretary . and manager of the I Ail England1 Club, "she can play at : Wimbledon not only In bare legs, but "In bare feet as well." Miss Tapscott, It appears, likes bare legs chiefly because she has "never played in anything else.' TERRACEGOLF CLUB PROPOSED COMMITTEE FOHMEI) BY ROAItll Of TRADE TO TRY TO CiET STARTED TERRACE. June .16. The monthly meeting of the Terrace Board of Trade was held In G.W.V.A. hall on Tuesday evening with President J. K. Gordon In the chair. H. H. Hallowell was chctsen in place of J.' B. Agar, resigned. The chief business of the meeting, was a discussion in regard to starting a I gulf club. It was.' decided to Torin a committee to be named by the president. with a view to taking up the matter ; with prospective golf enthusiasts In Prince Rupert and It Is hoped to start this, year on a temporary course. government of Canada guarantees its Age mm IO YEARS OLD Tllade in Canada 95 years This advertisement is not published or .displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia.' evening at Duchess park. Lost night's Senior League baseball fixture between the Native Sons of Canada and the Oyro Club was the first game of the season in any sport here, lthasbeennecessary to postpone on a&ount of rain. The following team will represent be Regiment In the second game of he Dominion bay Cup series against he Moose tomorrow night: Corbett: MacKay and Hunter; Wallace. Harris and Tinker: J. S. Wilson, Russell, Mac-dsnald, Doherty and Norrlngton; spares, Strachan. Walters. Perry, and Ross. on vacation the school teacher mem bers o: the DD, Brjdge Club were guests of the btber members ?of the club at a progressive, dinner oii, Tues- Miss V. Bird ct the horpltsl nurslnc day evening. The dinner was' followed "Let the Clark Kitchens help you" bous won't Thiirt the budget if you sqrQ iff1! nniT'cl .1 Pork and Ij W. CLARK, Limlttd, Montraal, P.Q St. RemJ, P.Q., Harrow, Ont. V anted ForJSale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken for lest than SOc fok Sale FOR 8ALE. BEDDINO OUT PLANTS, all varieties, raised In our own greenhouse. Prince Rupert Floral Shop. Brighten up your home with flowers. FOR SALE OR CHARTER. 48 FOOT combined fish carrier and tow boat. 27 IU. Atlas Engine. Handles 7.000 humps. M. M. Stephens. FOR SALE. ONE OARFORD TRUCK motor: One Hudson motor. 175.00 each. Parker'a Garage. tf FOR SALE. SIX ROOMED HOUSE AND lot In post offlce block. $2,200.00. Apply P.O. Box 378. 115 FOR SALE. FIRST CLASS RESTAU- rant. Do not lose your occasion) Apply PX). Box 725. tf FOR SALE. 26 FOOT CRUISER. SNAP for cash. Phone Red 511. tf ROWBOATS FOR SALE. PHONE RED 335. . tf by bridge game In which Miss Malott was the prize winner. Chas. A. Pyne. Prince George Insur ance man was In town on Tuesday. W. H. Tobey. superintendent CUSI. wa in j town during .Tuesday and Wed- nexuay.i -i a s ,M. Manuel. C.N.R. auditor, paid the local depot offlce an ornclal visit on Tuesday. SKIDEGATE Captain Al Jones of the trailer Steve- ston came In froni Hippo Island Sunday evening and reported trolling very good. .His largest catch since be went out was sold for 875. The price paid for the fish was 12 cent a pound. Oeorge Munro, seder and R. Pahul. legging contractor, left for Prince Ru-l-ert On the last boat. P. S. Bonnie, logging superintendent foi the Ocean Falls mill, was here a few days ago on business for his com pany. He came in from Hippo to which point he went from Prince Rupert. Two seiners the eBatrlce H. and the Nlska will leave, this week end to seine on the mainland for the B.C. Tackers. Both crews are made up of local men, the skippers being Captain C. Haan and Captain Jack Haan of Sandsplt. SUMMER PICNIC AT JAPJNLET SUNDAY JAP INLET. June lS.-'-Mr. and Mrs. M. X). Sullivan of Jap Inlet gave a pic nle to their many friends of that din trlct on Sunday last. Captain Sullivan took the crowd down to Welcome liar bor on his gasboat, the "Amy S." A very pleasant time1 Was enjoyed by everyone, some twenty-four being pre sent. This was the first picnic of the icason and a decided succes.s Cupt. Sullivan of the "Amy 8" leaves on the flshcrlea patrol ten-Ice in a tew days. GYKOS ENTERTAINED BY COLLEGE SINGERS Musical Trent fihen Srrtlce Cluli at l.uiK liron Yrlcnl;iy A musical treat was given members of the Oyro Club and guests at luncheon yesterday by Brick Morse's California Collegian who are playing to advan tage In the city this week. All nineteen members of the troupe were present and several of them gave of their talent after the meal In the Commodore Cafe. Mr. Morse first made a few humorous re marks In Introducing his 'boys. At the close of the proceedings, the Gyros luv tlly sang "Cherlo" In theR- honor, and Prcvldent E, A. Mann thanked them for the entertainment they had given. Guests of the club. In addition to the Collegians. Included O. A. McNIcholl and Reginald Beaumont, Vancouver; a N. MacMalxm and Mr. Hatch, San Francisco, and E. C. 'Bayliss, Olof Hanson, Or W. T. Kergln, Aid. O, P. Tinker and Jumes L. I At, city. Admits in th Dally Nws WANTED WANTED. BUSINESS MAN WITH capital to take halt Interest In my business. O. F. Brine, Austloneer, P.O. Box 303. Pnnce Rupert. B.C. WANTED. CAPABLE MAID FOn GEN-eral house wofk. Phone Blue 441. 140 SITUATIONS WANTED QUALIFIED PINOLE MAN. TWELVE years general store owner. Canada; trained accountant and typist; all round offlce man: fair shorthand; Scotch; desires position anywhere. Free early June. P.O. Bor 100. Mer-rlU, v B C. FOK KENT FOR RENT. NEWLY DECORATED modern house; also small furnished house. Apply,. 215 Fourth Avenue East. FOR RENT. SEVEN ROOM MODERN house; also four roomed flat furnished. Phone Green 735. 144 FOR RENT. FURNISHED APART- ment by the day, week or month. Phone Red 607. tf FURNISHED SUITES FOR RENT. Apply Muuallem Qrocery. Phone 18. tOOMS FOR RENT. BOARD IF desired. Phone Black 120. PIANO FOR RENT. 15.00 A MONTH. Walker's Muslo Store. ROOMS TO RENT-PHONK 678. KOAKD BOARD. THE INLANDER. eecond Avenue. Phone 137. AUCTIONEEK IF THERE IS ANYTHING YOU WANT and cannot find, look me up. I buy. tell or exchange anything of value. Face value and resulu my aim. All auction sales guaranteed. Phone 774 O. F. Brine. Auctioneer. ITANTKItlNO 833 NEW WORK FROM 55c to 75e a square yard. All material supplied. Repair plaster work by day or Job. Phone W. O. Smith, Red 603. 100 EXCHANGE NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNITURE bought, sold and exchanged. Tapa-dopulos and Marrls. 839 Third Ave. Phone 046. tf UI'HOIi5TEKlN(J FURNITURE REPAIRING; UPHOL- terlng of all kllds. Chesterfields recovered, end. mafle to order. All work .guaranteed, hone'drrtn 803. Q. M. HUNT. ri'KMTi'Ki: 100 LINOLEUM MATS 25c. ALL FELT Mattresses from 810.00. Dining room suites from 8130.00. Wicker and "Cane chairs from $8.00. Child's Crtbs. complete, from 815 50. Towels, each is. cretonnes, per yard from 25c to 81.00. 200 Blinds from $1.00. A. MacKENZIE. FURNITURE, Plume 773. TAXI Phone 67 Tax! (Call HrnriP Pnnl rtr Six and Scvi-n P.i DaKers at your dlpposnl any time. KOSS HKOS. POOL KOOM 1 Meeker Hlot k. (Acrosa from Empress Hotel ) " ,. PKINCE KUPEKT TIDES 4 4f SitM's ft TIU'ltSI.Y. J r.NK 10 High 1:38 nm, 21.2 ft. 13:39 pjn, 18 J " I)w 8:24 a.m. 2.7 " 20:13 p.m. 0.3 " rmii.w. n 2:14 a.m. 1.2 ft. 15;21 pm. 18J " Low 0:01 aji. 2fi ' 20:83 p m, 8.3 " HATI IIIIAV, JIM; 18 '"fill 2:53 am, 20.H " 8:00 p.m, 10,1 " 'w 0:40 a m. 2.7 M 21:38 p m, fl.4 i - . Artidn Lost and Found,&c MAIL SCHEDULE onT-notsa For the ifondays. Wednesdays and Ssturdm c," 10J0 .a 1 Vancouver Bubdift 10 p Tito 4 15 pa Thursdays to , Saturday ( ,a June 11. 18. 22. 29 . pA First class mall Is also denostched to Vancouver on Mondays, Wednejdtyi tno Saturday by C.N.R. trains. Tn Anjot and AlUe Ann' ' Sundays 7 pj& Wednesdays t it pa To Stewart and Premier-Sundays 7 pA Saturday 1 15 pa To It. MmrMon and Nat Rlierpolau Thursdays pa. To Alak Points- June 13. 24. 27 ta. To tjiieen Charlotte June 18 7 pa. IN-COMIMl I mm the Mondays. Wednesdsys. Ft ?s ?i0 pa. Irmii Vanewiirr 8undays pm Wednesdays 1030 sa. Thursdays ; p.m. Saturdays '. 1030 tn. June 13. 24. 27. I mm An)oi and Alice Arm Tuesdays sa. Thursdays . t pm. I'roin Stewsrt and rrrmler TUesdsys sia. Sundsys 8 pa. I'rum Pt. Mlmpnon and Nau Bir. rolsts Saturdays sa. I mm Alaka Point June It, 18. 23. 29 P- I rim IJneen Ctiarlutte June 18, 30 Hl CDI.I.M liosn au. m Graham ft Atlln Aves lt Ave. & 8th 8t. 05 1i Oth Ave. & Fulton St 10 ath Ave. At Thompson 1' ": 1Mb ft 8herbroeke Aves. 90 I llth Ave. & Conrad St. t "5 '5 8th Ave. & Haya Cove 830 8 Oth . Hays Cove Circle 3J 8th Ave. Cotton St 40 $U 5th Ave. Al MeBrtde St 4J Prov. Govt Bldgs 8.50 ! Prov. Oov. Whsrf M ,JS O.T.T. Wharf low O.T.P. Station for Vsneiiuer Sundsyss. Prince George u Tuesdayas. Catala Tliurdsy-l Prince Rupert It Saturday is. Cardena ss. rrlncess Beatrice 11 June ll-. Princess Louue June 18- as. Princes Charlotte June 23- s. Princess Louise June 30- a. Princess Cliarlotte From 'iiriier i 7 2nd Av. 4t 2nd St 3rd Ave. & Fulton St, 101' t3 3rd Ave & 8th St 10.20 $M STEAMSHIP MOVEMENTS p.m. pn. pa sa sm p.m. pa. pa. pa. Sunday- . Catala ' r Wednedy-s. Pr. Rupert 10.30 " Thursday as. Cardena P Saturday -as. Princess BestrW 8aturday-s. Prince George lOSO June 13-as. Princess Charlotte June 20ss. Princess Louise tnr -J7 Princess Charlotte JB' l or Port Hlm '"' Na't Kl,,r" niurway uarutn I rmn Port 8ln ,son and Nam III" Saturday f; Cardena For All) o Bunday-ss. Catala V , ' Wcdnesdy-as. Prince Rupert 10 P Frmii A nun- Tuesday as. Catala Tliuniday as. Prince itupert For Mrwart Bunday-.'-fcaWii' " J w P4" Saturday-.Prtnoidorge From Mewnrt . . . Sunclay'i' Prince a.wge Tuesday as. Catala lor (Jneen t'lmrlottes June 18-as. Prince John 1 10111 (jiieeii nmrlnttf June 10 as. .Prince John June SO ss. Prince John I'ir Alnl" , . June 13 s. Princes Chsrlotte June 24-s. Princess Alice June 37 a. Princess Charlotte From Alaska ' June li--a. Princess LouW June 18 -as. Princess Charlotte June 22 ss. rrlnceJM Louise Jun 29 i. Princes CharlotH pa sa. a. p.m. 8 p"-.. 8 pJ- .. .m. .m. s.m. tin- pjn. p. pi. pin-