Thursday, June 16, 1927 Call Today and inspect a new shipment or Georgette In paslel hliadcs with shadowprobf Slips Sizes 3G to'42. Hesistcrcd at $35.00 SPECIAL, WEDNESDAY ONLY ike 606 Thin! Avenue (Next Jloyal Hank) THE OUTDOOR SEASON Here are things you need Thermos Bottles SSI. 25, and Luncheon Kit Boxes T sjil.OO Luncheon Kit Boxes, with bottle $...00 Hun Visors, from "Of up Sun Gojfirles, from 0."e to $1.."0 Face Creams and Lotions for Sunburn Pocket First Aid Kits for Camp or Fishing Trip Talcum Powder for 8k in protection Chocolate Bars are appreciated on the trip and should always be included on the list of supplies And don't forget to tahe your Krln1t Hnd sufficient supply of Films with you. Six hour service on developing and print inj films. Films in before noon are ready by six the -amc evening. Orei Jic Pioneer Drttfjcists 2.0 SIXTH ST. -TELEPHONES 8?fc200 PRINCE RUPERT FEED CO. New Stock of Garden and Field Seeds and Fertilisers Pratt's Baby Chick Food and Poultry Supplies UUi.KI.KY VALLEY HAY AND (JItAIN Our Famous Edson Coal in aqy quantities also Telkwa Coal Store Phone, 58. Trotier Dock Phone, 558 Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. "33 Third Ave. Prince Rupert, B.C. UOTTLK CUPS, jrross WOODEN FAUCETS, each WILLOW CLOTHES BASKETS, eueh -- IIAKTIIEN MIXING BOWLS, 8", each " ,0' ICE CKEAM PKEEZEItS, from !?.'.0 to HM SCHEEN DOOUS and WINDOWS In all sizes. .. 1 THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE TRANSPORTATION FOR Local and Personal KETCHIKAN VISITORS Summer Carnival tonight. Arthur' Taxi. Phone 078. .BC Undertaker. Phenei41 ., D(-'nttst. Or, J nQosaPThone 688. Oet the Dig 4 habltl When thinking of a Taxi, phone 4. tf Shoes rebuilt like new at Mc-Atthur's shoe store. if Piano recital by student of Chas. Balagno, Weatholme Theatre at 4 o'clock, on Friday. ,.' 141 Summer ' Carnival ' tonight Includes Fashion Parade, fancy dancing, jazz jPanoe and drawing for 3 all for 50c. Come on I Hoard ill Trade Hall In .Moose Hall, Wednesday, June 22, In honor of litlng iiiriiilirr of Vancouver Board of Trade. Tickets 1.T. from secretary and executive members, ladles' free. Informal. Staff Sergeant Walshaw and Constable Thomas Scrogg of the local de-taohnvent of the RoyJl Canadian Mounted Police are aatllng this afternoon for Vancouver, to which city both have been transferred. J. B. Galloway, provincial mineral-1 mm This advertisement is not Riblished or I disployed by mcuquortxanlibl Board otbijine I ;wtll arrive at 4.10.1 the option of thirty, days' imprison CNR. steamer PrlnM Charles. OapU rcent. in city police, court this morning Well McLean, arrived tn port o'- lor drunkenness, 'V clock yesterday afternoon from Van- . . .. oouver via the Queen Charlotte Is-' Father Godfrey, O.M.I.. sailed, yestcr-Unds and sailed at 8 for Anyox. The day afternoon on the..Prtnce Rupert to vessel is due back at 3 o'clock thin pay bit annual visit to the Atlln mis-afternoon from the smelter town and Is elon field. He will be away about six scheduled to sail at 4 for Vancouver weeks, direct. " .).' p. ' O. C. Mackay, district engineer for The Prince Rupert Boys' Band, under the provincial department of public weather permitting, between the hours Anyox on official duties, " 't 7 and 9. Mr. Wilson announces that .- special music has Unen obtained to be C.l'.lt. Alii lies Proposition to Diamond Jubilee Celebration Committee Here The Diamond Jubilee of Confederation celebration committee has been advised, through Wallace C, i Orchard, C.P-R. general agent herc, that .the company Is agreeable to handling the , Ketchikan Rotary Club party,- baseball team, and July 1 visitors to Prince Rupert by bringing them down on June 29 by the steamer Princess Charlotte and taking ithem home on the Princess Beatrice, 'leaving here at 10 o'clock the morning after July 1 on a special trip If It is so desired, The ra'.e would be (10 per : capita for the, rouLd trip Including meals arid berth and a minimum guar- tee of. 1,500 would be required. The celebration executive committee Is dealing with the oUer at a special meeting this afternoon. GovemofBrhM LOCAL JAPANESE PAY See the Fashion Parade tonight. Under new management, Scavlrw Grocery. Win. Miller, proprietor, tf TRIBUTE TO MEMORY OF DEAD COUNTRYMAN Many local Japanese citizens assembled Hyde Transfer now agents for Lady- at the chapel of me B.C. Undertakers smith-Wellington Coal, Phone 680. tf this afternoon to pay the.r last respects to the memory of the late Tore Yoshl- , This afternoon's train from the East, oka, a prominent member of the local 'due at 3.30, Is forty minutes late and community, whose death occurred sud- denly yesterday. Rev. J. K. Ban, An glican Japanese missionary, officiated,' ogisi, was a passenger aboard the Dlcture of the Prince Rupert Boys and Dnllbearcrs were C. 8. Obala. Tom Prince Ruoert vesterdav hnnnri for n,H ... . ki i. v....? in k. t,,m. .itun t-w i-.. v , . . i . I . , . - .'U.U ft .uw..o.ivu. ... wu... O liii 1,0 U, A nOHttMi . OwlVUlHV W, . ; SMagway enroute to the Atlln district cf the Canadian National Railways Dol and S. D.ibe Interment took place on official duties. Mr. Galloway was magazine. In Palrvlew Cemetery formerly resident mining engineer with .. j 1 headquarters at Hazclten. , Henry Hanson was fined 25. ,with weather report , Terrace. Rain, calm, temp. 65. Rosewood. Rain, calm, temp. 61. Alyansh. Rain, calm, temp. 58. Alice Arm. Rain, calm, temp. 57. Anyox. Rain, calm, temp. 68. Stewart. Rain, calm. temp. 53." Hacsrlton Cloudy, calm, temp. 70. Telegraph Creek. Cloudy, calm, temp. 55. Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp. C8. Burns Lake. Clear, calm, temp. CO. Whitchorse. Cloudy, calm. temp. 55. 1 uanamaater l nomas wuaon. win give works, was a passenger leaving by the Dawson. Cloudy, south wind, temp, a street concert Saturday evening, Prince Charles yestejtday afternoon for 50. C.P.R. steamer Princess Louise. Capt. I Charles Q. Stlmpson. general man- Arthur Slater, will arrive, lit port to- played at the Diamond Jubilee of Con- ager of the Baxter Pole Co.. arrived in nioirow morning from Vancouver en federation celebration tn which the the city aboard the Prince Charles yes- routc to Skagway. band will participate. , terday afternoon from' Massett Inlet; '. ' where the company la conducting opcr- Bbhop E. M. Bunoz. O.M.I., returned Capt. John Irving, noted pioneer atlons. on this afternoon's train after having skipper and former manager of coastal ; j spent the past week In the Prince' steamship lines. Is a visitor In the Col- J- M. Rolston, who has beeQeorge district and will aall tomorrow city. He arrived on yesterday after conducting surveys on'the Queen Char-;mommg on the Princess Louise to ! noon's train from Ootaa Lake, where lotte Islands for the Powell River "Co, Bpf nci the most of the summer visiting he Is interested In raining properties arrived on ine rrince vnaries yesterday tne cmsalAr. Llard and Yukon regions. ;and win proceed south on Saturday, from the Islands and will proceed to He found the snow in the in- Vancouver on Saturday. LAND ACT. will return there when the season Is Luke Brown. Indian, pleaded guilty u:.sK L.M. further advanced. - In city police court this momlng to a' charge of having liquor In his posses- . In Coast Range 4, Land Recording Dls- . . , .. . ;trlct of Prince Rupert, and situate at Brick Morses California Collezlans sion and was fined j 2J and j costs.. ran,.m nov Pit, Tianrf nn glee club and concert party concluded Tbcmas Campbell, also' an Indian, was TAKE NOTICE that Gosse Packing a successful three-day engagement at lined 10 and costs for Intoxication. the Weatholme Theatre last night. Fol-J lowing the show, the jazz band played' Attention Moose) All members are for a dance in the Moose Hall which urgently requested to attend a special was largely v attended The troupe, meeting on Thursday night at 8 o'clock. which Oregon 1 several places in the central Interior .the Lodge, of British Columbia, will sail thisafter- FOR SALE. GASBOAT 6KIFP. SPRING yesterday afternoon's net. sock eye net. trolling gear, two sail on the Prince Charles this after- skates dogfish gear, buoy keg. Apply noon for the south. E. Tangedal. Inverness Cannery. Frt day afternoon, Saturday or Sunday. fOR S.M.B EASTMAN KODAK ORTH (15.00. Phone Black 393. . ANNOUNCEMENTS Summer Carnival, Exhibition Hall June 16. Moose Picnic, June 28. Presbyterian Sunday to Dlgby, July 7. School ricnlc St. Andrew's Picnic. July 24. Became So Weak Could Hardly Stand Xtrm UV T.1.. TV. . V. W 111. Ex-Ooveruor D. W. Davis of Washington, DC. who Is the head of the D. W. Mines Ltd. carrying out development cf properties In the vicinity of Cedarvale, arrived front the interior on train and will The Moose will line up the following 145 team In tomorrow night's Dominion Day cup football game with the Regi ment: W. Lamble: S. Ersklno and R. B ographlc camera, postcsrd slee. R.R. 6klnner. Koppers. S. Currle and George 1. porlt attachment. solid Mitchell; D. Gurvich. O. Murray. Bye. leather oase; practically new outfit. P. noasuiion and H. Hodzklnscn: tf . spares. W. Murray and Peacock. P. S. Bonney, logging superintendent for the Pacific Mills who has been in charge of timber cruising operulkms on the Queen Charlotte Islands for the company during the past few weeks, arrived from the Islands on the Prince Charles yesterday afternoon and will proceed on Saturday to Ocean Falls, Mr. Bonney was formerly district forester here. 1101 ix .umv.i.s I'rlnee It 11 pert Q. Fredcrickson, I. Hartwell, It. D, rurvls. Mr. Justice and Mrs, Murphy. D. F. Saunders. W B. Shakcswarc. a (vimci. AVU.cuii.nai juia.) ' writes: "Last spring I had a long jChsrles p. Stlmpson, J.' M. Rolston and spell' of sickness and Ixwams so weak I A. V. Bcev.ns. Vancouver W. H. Mac 1 could hardljr stand. I could sot lean and Mr. and Mrs! F. M. Ratten slwn at night as the least little noise bury, victoria: Mrs. James B. Gillespie, wotfd wake me up. I tried blood tonic ;QUCen Charlotte City; R. G. Johnston l?Sa WwS." I" J? Norton Klemtu; P. S. Bon I wrote my mother about my con- n'r' cean p,ll w- "' albralth and ditiou, and alie sent me Uiree boioa of J' M- Trower. Port Esslnfetonj U Aftfr the firft box I was feellnj much better, so I kopt on imtil I had used the threo boxes, and now J feel as well as ever I did when I was n young girl. " Price 50c. a box at all dealers, or mailed dirtvt on receipt of price by The T. Milburn Co., Limited, Toronto, Out, '.. B. Mcoill and L. L. Dcvoln, Smlthers: Mrs. T. E, Brooks and Mrs. W. It. Watt, Terrace; H. Porter and S W. aeorge, Prince George: D. W. Davis, Washington. D.C.; Mlsa B. O'-bbn, Chicago; F. B. Chettleburg, Tel'xwa. Criilrul Robert Jenkyn, Toronto; E. Lund, Ketchikan; J. E. flyers, Calgary: B. C. Marsh, W, A, Mathleson and J.oLough, city; R. Fcrre and C. Taylor, Vancouver. Suvoy J. L. Jollymore, R. Pohl, George It. Munro and D, Livingston, Queen Char lotte City; Sellfreld IVrson, Terrace; W. It, Thorut, C.N.R.; 01 Wlkdal. city, ' Comnany Limited, of Vancouver, B.C occupation Packers., intends to apply for a lease of the following. described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the northwest comer of Lot 1253, Range 4: thence south 5 chains; thence west 5 chains; thence north to high water mark; more or less. mars ha, played Northern California, on Important business. District Deputy-lgSiir?il to'W'rt and Washington points besides organiser Bro. Wallstedt will addresi j mence ment, and containing 3 acres acres. noon for Vancouver enroute home. TOO LATE TO CLASSIFY Do not fall to cornel 140 GOSSE PACKING COMPANY LIMITED. Applicant. TVited June 13, 1927. LAND ACT. NOTK'i: OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO I.KASK LANII FOIl INIHKTKIAL ITKFOSKS In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Sell Inlet. Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging i Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. : occupation Timber Merchants. Intends , to apply for a lease of the following dcrcrlbed lands: i Commencing at a post planted at ' the southeast corner of Lot 471, Sewell : Inlet,- Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Island, north, 31.43 chains; thence easti 51.17 chains; thence in a southwesterly j direction, folowlng the shore line to! the point of commencement, and containing 30 acre, more or lesi. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Atrcnt for Kelley Logging Co. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1927. LAND ACT. NOTK'i: OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO l i;SK I.AMI IOU INIHNTItlAL PlKPOSIiS In Prince Rupert Land Recording t'Mrt of prince Rupert, and situate at Sewell Inlet, Moresby Island, Queen Charirtle Ltlands. . TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Lopulnl Company Limited, of Vancouver, B.C.. uccujmfciuii iiuiui-r Aiuivutuiu. imcuuo to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the southeast corner of Lot 470 Sewell Inlet. Queen Charlotte Island; thence north 80 chains; thence east 90 chains, more or less, to shore; thence foUowlna the shore line In a; southwesterly dlrec tlon to the point of commencement, an containing 190 acres, more or less. Agent for Kelley Logging Oo. Ltd. Dated 29th April. 1827. NTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointments Canadian National CTht Largeft Kailway Sylem in Amtrica STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE SAII.l.MiS from I'UlM'i: ltl PKUT for VANCOl VKIt. VICTOItIA, SEATTLE. raeli MOMIW and Till ItsllAY, l.mi i.m.. SATl KOAY. .() p.m. For ANYOX and STEWART .MONIIAY. I IMOAY. 1.(10 p.m. For ALASKA 1VEIINESIIAY. I.H0 p.m. For MAssETT INI.I'.T MON'IIAY, p in. For SKIIIEOATK INLET anil SOUTH tJl'EEN CHARLOTTE ISLANDS, fort- nlghlly. PASSENOf.U TRAINS LEW E PKINTE It I' PERT DAILY EXCEPT Sl'NDVY nt 11.S0 a.m. for PUINCE (iEOKOE, EDMON TON, YVIXNIPKO, all Milnts Eastern t'niiaila, I'nlted Stairs. JASPER PARK I.OIKIK OPEN MAY 21 TO SEPTEMIIKR 30. SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S J I 111 LIE YEAR 1S07 1927. , ACENCY ALL OCEAN STEAMSHIP LINES. Cue Caiiadlun Niittoiuil Eiprrh for Money Orders. Foreign Cheques, etc., bIm for your next shliinent. CITY TICKET OFFICE. 528 TI1I1ID AVE, PKINCK RIU'EIIT. Phone IW UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailings from I'rlnre Rupert, For VANCOUVER, VICTORIA, Swum on Buy, Alert lluy, etc, Tuesday. S p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTOItIA, llutrdnlr, Alert lluy. rtc, Naturday V a.m. For POUT tOMPSON. ALICE Alt.M. IN VOX, STEWART, Wales Island, Sunday, 8 run. For Nujih KUer Points anil Port SIiiiiinihi, Friday p.m. 123 Zntl Avenue. U. M. SMI I'll. Acrnt. Prime ltiiert, ILC, Through tlekrts Mild to Victoria ami .Seattle at a reduced rate and lurcace cheeked through to destination. . , 5 m kryi wi Mr jp SHOES WORN BY MODELS in the I.O.D.E. FASHION SHOW Oh June 16, SUITLIED HY JABOUR BROS., LTD. Phone 615. Corner 3rd and 7th