55 "tidying condition, TAXI andC Ambulance Service Anywhere at Anytime Slnncl: Exchange' Building MATT VI DECK, Prop. Vol. XVII., No. 140. ' - RUPERT, B.C., THURSDAY, JUNE nova Scotia ' ' ..... . PIRATES AND WIN NO CIIANOE IN SITCATION AS VKE- SILT Of OA.MES IN NATIONAL LEAOlE YESTERDAY NEW YORK, June 16. Chicago Cubs continued their struggle yesterday for National League supremacy by defeating Philadelphia for their e.eventh straight victory but the Pittsburg Pirates are still one game ahead, hav.ng defeated Boston Bruins. Brooklyn Dodgers, defeating Cincinnati Reds 2-1, loomed up as successors to the New York Qlants whre fatal losing streak, which a few weeks caused them to drop from first place, now threatens to relegate them to the second division. In the American League but one game was played, Chicago White Sox further establishing themselves In second place over the Phlladclhpia Americans whom they beat 6-4. The White Sox victory over the Ath letics was their twenfth win In four teen starts this season for Ted Lyon whd won his own game with a triple In the eighth which broke a 4-4 dead lock, The day's games resulted as follows: NATIONAL LEACH E Boston 4, Pittsburg 7. Philadelphia 3. Chicago 13. Brooklyn 3, Cincinnati 1. New York 0. St. Louis 8. AMEKICAN I.K.Mit E Chicago 6, Philadelphia 4. LEAOl E STANDIMiS .National League W. L. Tct. Pittsburg 33 17 .660 Chicago 33 10 .636 St. Louis 30 20 .502 New York 20 36 .500 Brooklyn 20 31 .450 Boston 10 30. .432 Philadelphia ,10 30 .388 Cincinnati 19 33 .352 American League New York 30 17 .070 Chicago 3 33 .007 Philadelphia 20 24 .543 Washington 35 33 .500 St. Louis 34 37 .471 Detroit 23 37 .460 Cleveland 24 30 .444 Boston 13 30 ,2G5 GASBOAT WABASH WAS BADLY INJURED BY EXPLOSION AT DOCK Further Information received from Ketchikan this morning- In regard to the explosion on the halibut boat Wabash Captain Pierce. Is that two men were burned but not seriously. The vessel was filling oil at the Standard OH Dock, at the time but the cause Is not known. The bowsprit from the top to the bottom deck was broken in several places and tho forecastle and pilot bouse were burned Inside. 1G, 1027 fathers of confederation Most Pretentious to Enter Harbor Was Visitor to Prince Los Angeles Magnate and Parly Forty on .Way to Alaska Probably the most pretentious sion that has ever visited the port Allen Hancock, Los Angeles multi esterday afternoon shortly after Oaxaca, which he owns and personally commands, in the course of cruise as far as Alaskan waters. crew of 40 men, which also has on bers of his family and executive sailed before noon this morning-. 1NAL RUPERT GRAIN VESSEL LEAVESTODAY apanem: frekiiiter yomei makc sails this afternoon after clean ino oct local elevator With a cargo of 170,000 bushels, clean ing up the contents of the Alberta Wheat Pool's Prince Rupert elevator, the Jap anese steamer Yomel Maru, last vessel to load grain at this port this season, Is expected to get away early this evening for Vancouver where sho will complete with grain and logs for the Orient. With the departure of the Yomel Maru, the local "grain plant, whlchj has experienced a busier season than even the most optimistic might have expected, will be quiet until next fall when the 1027 crop will commence to move. The school board had another ses sion last night on the question of salary revision and adjournment was taken until tomorrow night when It Is hoped the matter will bo finally decided upon. Moscow Remains Newspapers Possibility of Foreign War MOSCOW, June 1C Despite many sensational reports to the contrary, conditions in Moscow remain uiet. Tho population appears to be pursuing its usual summer vocations and amusements. foreigners ure urnvuis ,un, sound warnings that the country wnr. pmnhnslzlnir the necessity (1) Hon. ROBERT B. DICKEY. M.L.C., N.3. (1) Hon. CHARLES TUPPER. Provincial Secretary, N.S. (J) Hon. WILLIAM A. HENRY, Attorney General, N.S. (4) ADAMS C. ARCHIBALD, Eat, M.P.P, N.S. (I) Hon. JONATHAN McCULLY. M.L.C, N.S. Yacht Ever Rupert Yesterday on IJoat Which Carried Crew of private summer crui3inir excur of Prince Iiupert was that of G. - millionaire, who arrived here 4 o'clock on the coastal steamer The neat ZJl foot vessel with a board Mr. Hancock's wife, mem staff, remained overnight here and She tied up at G.T.P. Shed No. 1 where she Was admired during her stay by many local citizens. The boat Is, being piloted on her cruise up the coast by capt. W. 8. Morehouse . for-. merly master of he .Uamer Prince George and now Identified with Uw; Frdcrel Pilots of -British Columbia. The J-v-rtM-rn Shipping Co. acted as agents iur wic UKAUia iivic. Tr-e spirit of romance ln the building up of civilization In the West seems to, be strikingly typified in the career bf Captain Hancock. OU magnate, railway owner, shipowner, banker and, scientific farmer on a gigantic scale, ill the embodiment of those pioneering qualities vision, courage, Initiative on which ts based the prosperity and growth of the Pacific Coast today. Ho has a score or au of business "enter-1 (continued on page two) DE PINI.DO FINISHES SENSATIONAL U.KIIIT ROME. June 16. Commander Franceso De Plnedo. Italian avl- otor. arrived at Istla airdrome. near here, this afternoon, com- plctlng his sensational four con- tlnrjit. He arrived home on the Santa Maria II.. his first plane. Santa Maria I., having been burned In the western United States. 4. S. 4- Quiet but Warn People of nu .- Is facing the prospect of a foreign of preparing for such an eventual - ity, especially economically. They have been doing so since the ginning of the disturbances with China. The warnings appear attract little attention and the assassination of Voikoff appeared elicit less comment than the rupture with England. Boston Grill Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid danrfng floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. Tho latest and best for the least. Phone 457. MAN CAUGHT MAY BE WOMAN KILLER FINEST PRIVATE YACHT EVER IN HARBOR HERE TODAY Man Thought to he "Gorilla Man' Taken and Then Escapes but is Recaptured Near Killarney, Man. WINNIPEG, June IG. A man who escaped from Killarney jail last night fifteen minutes after being lodged in a double locked cell on suspicion of being "The Strangler," slayer of women and children, was recaptured early today by a posse of citizens and the police. lie wan taken in the woods two miles west of Kiilarney. A few minutes after his arrest a special train carrying a sjuad of detective policemen from Winnipeg reached the town, the prisoner being brought here. Chief Detective George Smith says he is confident the man - . , - acaught la the "gorilla man" who -strangled to death Mm. Patterson and Lola Cowan h II I IWi rJfiT 11 wcck 80 herc- He 15 wantfd In liiLLlnlj lNll corc r cltl'" of th0 United. States and Ihoiiftandi of dollars reward have been murder cLAiMi:n:::::, MN WHO ASSASSINATED soviet MIMSIl.K , HAYS IT WAS 1 EN- oeami; Km iioi.Mii.viir ACTS GETS LI VK SENTENCE COMMUTATION TO FIFTEEN YEAR penal servitcde i itr.coM-mended. HY toner WARSAW. June 10. Boris Kewocaa. 14, 18 years of age, who asMnated theRus s:an minister Volkoff, has been sentenced I to penal servitude J or life with loss ... II I.IV44 flgUM. The court decided to recommend the commutation1 of the sentence to fifteen years penal servitude. Kowoeda admitted the killing but pleaded that he was not guilty of murder but had merely taken vengeance for "what the Bolshevists have done In Russia." FOUND GUILTY OF ESPIONAGE at (OMMANDEK KI.EI'IKOIF IS SEN TENCED TO DEATH IIV ItlSSlAN NAVAL AMI MILITAKV Tllllll NAL MOSCOW. June 18.- A military and naval tribunal at Kronstadt has son teuced to death Commander Klcplkoff who formerly commended a ship In the Baltic fleet, lie was found guilty of espionage on behalf of Great Britain NO CONFIRMATION OF P.G.E. STORY FROM ALBERTA GOVERNMENT EDMONTON, June 10. -Reports cman atlng from Vancouver late Saturday to the effect that "The Edmonton, Dunvc gan and British Columbia Railway may bo taken over by the same United States Interests whose representatives are now Investigating the Pacific Great Eantern Hallway with a view to extending the road Into the rcace River country, were not substantiated by Hon. Vemor Hmlth. minuter of railways and telephones, GOLD CUP AT ASCOT IS WON BY FOXLAW Allay Second iind llurk Japan Si-coml In lllg feature ASCOT, June 16, Bailey's FoxlaW won famous cold cup today's feature of the Royal Ascot racing program. M. Jacques Wltthouck'i Altay was second and Agakan's Dark Jopan third. Eight horses ran. NOItWEOIANM EXPECTED WINNIPEG, June 18. A large number of Norwegians are expected to come to Canada next year to settle on the land, according to Elrlk Platlbo, of He'rgen, Norway, colonisation agent for the Canadian Pacific Railway, who has 'pent sometime In western Canada I'Uo rif ItKI'IIKT Of AVIATORS' SAIETV IS INIOCNDED QUEBEC, June 16.--Messages Irum River Bend Indicate that the report yesterday that Nun-gesscr and Coll, Trench trans-Atlantic tilers, had been found alive was without foundation. Today definite steps are being made to hav-the question tied and a search expedition will be scut Inland to comb the ground. 44 t4Ts tt FISH ARRIVALS Srirn IhNils Sold 07,."iiMI Pounds of Halibut at Exchange this Morning A total of 07.500 pounds of halibut changed bauds at the Fish Exchange this morning, three American vessels selling G5.000 pounds at 13c and 6c while four Canadians sold 32.500 pounds bids ranging from 12.3c and 6c to 13c and 7c. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMEKICAN Ctdumbla, 33.000 pounds, to' Royal Fish Co.. 13c and Cc. Lansing, 13,000 pounds, Canadian Fish ft Cold Storage Co., 13c and Cc. Blanco, 15,000 pounds. Booth Fisher ies. 13c and Cc. CANADIAN B. and Y.. 20,000 pounds, Canadian Fish A Cold Storage Co.. 12.3c and Cc. Vule. '4.600 pounds, Atliu Fisheries. 12.4c and 7c. Nonicn, 3,000 pounds, Atlln Fisheries, 13c and 7c. Viking, 8.500 pounds, Booth Fisheries. 13c and Cc. VANCOUVER LAWYER DIED IN HOSPITAL VANCOUVER, Juno 16.- Douglas Ar mour, K.C.. 07 years of age. a prominent lawyer, died at tho hospital last night following three months Miners. He was bom In Ontario In 1000 and came to British Columbia 17 years ago. LCTHERANS I1ATHEK OMAHA, Noli., June 10. Lutheran pastors and laymen from all parts of the United States and Canada met hero yesterday, when the 68th annual convention of Umj Lutheran Augustana Synod ojiened. Dr. a. A. Brandcllo. of Rock Island. 111., president or me synod, presided over tho sessions, which will continue a week. VANCOUVEK EXCHANGE Bid. Asked B.C. Silver 1.52 1.70 Const Copper 1800 10 50 Cork Provlnco . . . .07 .00 Dunwell 1.33 U7 Glacier Gladstone Independence .... Indian L. Ac L. Premier Porter Idaho .... Silver Crest Svmloch .08 .23 K .08V, .03 .03 ?i 3 00 .18 .03 V4 .74 .08 V4 .30 .00 .03 V! .00 3.03 .07 Northern and PRINCE CANOEUPSET . MAN DROWNED 1 ltr.lt SMITH Of 'JASPER .MET WITH ACCIDENT WHEN FIS1IINU AND LOST LIFE JASPER. June 10. Ficd Smith, local sport enthusiast, plumber and muslcUn was drowned In Caledonia Lake. Mr Smith went fishing late Saturday after noon Intending to bring home some trout for the Sunday dinner. Alone In a canoe lie caught uevcra fish, according to an elderly .man on shore, and being of an excitable nature called enthusiastically to the man on the shore each time he landed a fish. Becoming used to this the ' witness ou several other occasions did not bother tc look and see Smith bring In the fish and then hearing an outcry of alarm w that Smith had Upset bis canoe and was hanging on b7 one arm. The"wrti7css t6Ck a boal "bh "shore and lelng very old was not able to row quickly enough to get ,to the upvit canoe In time and saw Smith sink be low. It Is assumed that Smith took a cramp and was unable to hold on as the water In this lake la spring fed and extremely cold. The body of the deceased was found early Sunday morning clutching his fishing rod with a fish hooked to the line. ACTION IS ABANDONED ECKOPEtN POWERS FEARSOME Of MAKINU PROTEST .UfAINST lU'SSlA'S ACTIONS LONDON, June Hi. Frur f the Ituvlan nullouallttlr movement gelling In a ilinnrrmit Mlnt lias caused the uliaiiilonmriit of a plan for it i-oiiwtrd warning '' European hwitk against further Com in ii n M nropaeanda uIidkiiI anil allrceil Ir-rorlsm by the Soviet at Inline. Foreign nilnl-lerh now gathrred at (ieneva for (lie League of Nations con n II stated that It had liren I'onrlmled that formal roller! he action of the nature inn-triiiilatrri nilglil create an Impression In Museutv that a united Inint as lielng formed against I lie Nulet. STORMS IN RUSSIA DEVASTATES DISTRICT MOSCOW, June 16. Thlrty-nlnc dis tricts In the United While Russian Re- public on the Polish border with an ag gregation of 80.000 acres, was -devastated by terrific storms. Many people were re ported drowned and thousands arc home less. On her arrival from the south to morrow morning, CN.U, steamer Prince Ocorgo will go on dry dock for repairs to her propeller, damaged recently when she struck a log. Tho vcsncl will sail tomorrow night for Stewart, going Bouth from here at 6 n.m Saturday Tha. Supremo Court ls holding no session todny. 'the lost case on the docket, a civil action of John Lindsay vs. Ocorgo B. Lawrenco and Ernest U Workman of Stewart being scheduled to come up for hearing tomorrow. Howard Whlto of Uiu Nelson Trading Co., having a two weeks' vacation, left this morning with the local halibut boat Ingred 1!.. Capt. Charlie Lund qulst, to make the trip to the fishing grounds. . Advertise In tb. Daily News. PRINCE RUPERT Central British Columbia's Newspaper Price Five Cent ASSIZE COURT GOING AHEAD SIX OF EKJIIT CASES ON DOCKET WERE DISPOSED Of IIV 31 It. JISTICE JltltPHY YESTERDAY Six of the eight cases coming before Mr. Justice Murphy at this session of the supreme Court Asslres were cleaned off the slate yesterday. These included three divorces. In each of which cases decrees absolute were granted the petitioners there being no appearance for the respondents, and, the certelorarl proceedings of Rex vs. Phllllpson and Rex vs. Richmond, the magistrate's convic tions for having pelts In possession out of season being bath quzslied, the crown not opposing. The way for the civil cases Is now clear with the action of Gustave A. Rosenthal vs. F. M. Rattenbury,-over an Interior land deal, won by defendant. S. McOlll of Smlthers appeared for the plaintiff and W. II. MacLean of Victoria for the dsfendant. It Is expect ed to bring on the Stewart partnership dissolution case of John Lindsay vs. George B. Lawrence and Ernest R. Work man today. L. W. Patmore Is to appear for the plaintiff with Milton Gonzales for the defendant. Today will probably see the end of the quietest assize session In the history of the city. One of the divorce cas, Bradley vs. Bradley, was adjourned for -further evidence,- CHARTER SHIP TAKE HUKbES FOI RTEEN IICNDItED WH.L BE PI K-CHASED IN UllITISII COLUMBIA FOR SOVIET CALGARY. Juno 16. Fourteen hundred of the first shipment of four thousand western Canadian horses ordered by the Soviet government. wlU be purchased In British Columbia and shipped from Quebec on July 15, J. H. McCallum of the department of agriculture an nounced here today following "his arrival from the east wtlh A. Ilyoosheen, the Coat.n ?ftriftojnfiitlvft Tf lh fourteen " obtalntl ln Brltlsh Columbl& th nct for th rlrst t wM uken ,rom MbcrU where m of the wnole order and twQ oth shlpmenU wU1 De bought. A '.v,i v.. K- rhurtprerl to take the . th AtUntu., CHINA CABINET REORGANIZING DR. WELLINGTON KOO RETAINS toil- EII1N M!NISTR AND ,PAN IXN BECOMES PREMIER PEK.INO, June 16. Reorganization of the cabinet of the government of North China was decided upon at a conference today. Dr. Wellington Koo, foreign minister, is likely to bo retained. Pan !Fun. minister of finance, will likely be j premier. Nationalists ara now entering Shan- tung In considerable force. 1 ! 1 W1TNFW1. RATTI F WITH BLACK BEAR FORT WILLIAM. June 10. A large black bear was put to rout after a desperate battle by a bulldog and an alredale, near here recently. The stru3- gle was witnessed by Thomas Stewart, who was unable to aid 'tho dogs because he had no gun- Badly: bitten, bruin retired from the, field, and the dogs were so exhausted and bruised that they were unable to pursue, WIFE OF CHANCELLOR CHURCHILL IN ACtlDENT jjq June ,8, Mrs. Winston tchurchll( wlfe ot th, Britlsh chancellor . . ..,..,. ... miured in a mo- be - tor lccldent m the Kensington district, to 8ne la reported to be recovering. toj 1 Advertise in th. Daily Nm.