Thursday. June 16. 1927 If any cegment of the Spine fiubluxii.w., jtroJuccd on I he nerve irunU him ywm liut dVulop. T.MUO l.fttt-iKUt l.THWAt T.HUIT T.UVM t.rrOMACH T.IUAlllNlUTIXtv T.SOTCU T.AfrtNWX 1.ova:M . r-tT t& TheChlronractorf SMi d. A. McMillan l'nlmer Graduate CHIKOl'KACTOU Patho - Neuromettr Service. Open Evenings Rooms C and 7, Exchange Mock. Phone GDI SMART LITTLE Wash DRESSES Sizes from 7 to 1C, priced from $1.50 to $2.25 BENT'S LADIES' READY-TO-WEAR Third Avenue . OfilLVIE'S ROYAL HOUSEHOLD FLOUR ASK FOR - ocuvirs 1 Sold by all Grocers S. C. THOMSON Prince Rupert, B.C. Northern Ii.C. Distributor Phone 150. P.O. Itox 305 VELVET Ice Cream THE VERV REST! Take a brick home tonight I We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 Dr. Alexander Smith Block Phone 675 DENTIST SOVIET ACTIVE THISCQUNTRY IMH IIKEX W.Mti:i) Itt'T WF.KE SUM. SI'IU:l)l(l IIOI.HMKVIST ItOCTHIXK (Edmonton Journal) there has been very little criticism of the dominion government' action in following the example of Great Britain and cutting off official trade relations with Russia. The principal protests have come from Mr. Bourassa, who see In the incident a return to the doctrines of Imperial solidarity which he regards as quite inconsistent with last November's declarations at the London -conference. He tells Mr.1 King that he was not placed In power to serve the Interests of the empire under the dictation of the ministry of Great Britain, and that his action does not accord with his election speeches. j sti-i -irsTinrn But. while It Is desirable that In snuch a matter as this the same policy should be pursued at Ottawa as at London, It Is quite clear that the Canadian ministers did not proceed wholly 'in the information that they received from the old' country government and that they felt that the step which they adopted was Justified by their own experience. Light on the latter is thrown by an article in the Brockville Recordei and Times, published by Hon. Oeorgt P. draham up until last year one 01 Mr. King's leading cabinet colleagues He was acting prime minister at tin time the soviet delegation came U Canada end had along with Mr. Bobt the first interview with its members, mm: investigation With all the desire to be friendly tt theise men who represented the countrj that appeared to nave arrived at thi point or sincerity, says the Recordei and Times, neither Mr. Oraham nor Mr. Robb could bring himself to the point of entertaining very much confidence in the visitors. When the Rus sian representatives withdrew, their credentials being formally received by Canada, the Canadian ministers looked at each other for a moment, and al most simultaneously expressed the view that the appearance and conduct of these gentlemen were not reassuring. .Soon after the delegation commenced Its operations, we are Informed, complaints began to come In with regard la its propagandist activities. The minister of customs was Instructed to make in Investigation and in the personal baggage of trie trade representatives was found much printed matter "the dlstrHutlon of which would not tend to the development of Canadian cltl unship, to put it mildly. The premier summoned the delegation head to Ottawa and told him he would not be allowed to remain in the country only on a pledge that he and his assoclate- would confine themselves to trade irat-terc. But It became more apparent a!' the time that their chief object was to spread bolshevlat doctrines. Under these circumstances, Mr. Graham's newspaper states, there could not be any hesitation, In following the Brlttih lnd, Some purchases were made, ut "Canada had to decide between the beneficial results she would fet under the treaty and her honor aa a young nation," Her decision was the proper one, for "treachery cannot be condoned by the payment of dollars ! and cents, and the vast majority of the people of Canada will approve of what the Canadian! government have done." Of this there can be no ASSISTANT PURSER . AUTHOR OF BOOKLET merry tootk oi'stevxiek i-hinci iiiitut oji piles ri m.icuiox ir,.li STEAMSHIPS ' for,. ' air C. t"Oefry"i Fobtr. assistant pur ser of the .steamer; Prince. Oeorge, Is the author of an attractive booklet; The Midnight Sun." Issued by the Can adian Steamship Co. Ltd. for the information, and convenience of its northern travellers. Attractively Illustrated, lb( little volume win unaouoveaiy Dccome popular as a guide for the many tourists and others who visit these parts, "GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT" NOTICE OK APPLICATION FOR IIKI'll LICENCE NOTICE is hereby given that, on the 30th day of June next, the undersigned intends to apply to the Liquor Control Board for a licence In respect of premises being part of the building known as "Commercial Hotel." situate at the corner of First Avenue and Eighth Street, Prince Rupert, B.C., upon the lands described as Lots Thirteen (13) and Fourteen (14), Block Nine (9), Section One (1). Map 033, Prince Rupert Land Registration District, In the Province of British Columbia, for the sale of beer by the glass or by the open bottle for consumption on the premises. Pitted this 2nd day of June, 1937. WILLIAM MURRAY, PHILLIP DEVOST, CERTIFICATE OF IMPROVEMENTS C IRON DUKE FRACTION, Mineral claim, Lot No. 3310, situate In Queen Charlotte Mining Division, Prince lupert district, located on Louise Island. TAKE NOTICE that I. Alex Rogers, ot Lockeport, B.C., Free Miner's Certificate No. 37848 C Intend to apply to the Mining Recorder for ft Certificate of Improvements for the purpose of obtaining a crown grant of the above claim. And further take, notice that action, under section 85 of the "Mineral Act" must be commenced before the Issuance of auch certificate of Improve IHttd this llth day of February, 1037, ALKX ROCHCHS. v. w f- KT2 DAILY NEWS PAGE FIV2 tMt' oieej) but most tmportamaLv Sabys yodd 'Always, but more than ever in hot weather, baby's food has more to do with his well-being than anything else'. Nurse baby if at all possible. But if you cannot do not risk baby's life experimenting with fqods. Put bjrn on Eagle Brand at once, carefully follow feeding directions and he will thrive through theklangerous summer weather, given normal care in other respects. Should you be fn any doubt as to his condition consult your doctor immediately. Eagle Brand, since 1857, has been; recognized as the safe milk for bottle-fed babies, bei'pg pure, uniform and easily digested. It is also easily prepared. At all grocers end druggists. CONDENSED MILK JI 11 )t harm Careful of Bah tk&se Days Mothers Can You Asiswer These Questions? What preparations should one make before baby comes? What baby outfit is required? What should be the strength and quantity of bottle feedings? What is the correct nursing bottle to use? What nipples should be avoided? What care should be taken of Utensils? When should additional foods be used? When is best for baby's daily airing? What exercise should baby have? When should baby get his first tooth ? EAGLE -M-semciunuvre- ui i n k . .aan . "URbfN rnMPA"'. ON-rCAL.CA!i J71 v- - v j Free Baby Book. If you will write to The Borden . C Limited. t Vancouver, they wilj send you, free, Baby' Wel-r fare Book written by authorities, which answers questions at the left and tells you also: . How many feedings a day baby shouldhave How many hours between feedings I low long baby should take for a feeding ! low to tell if baby is underfed or overfed How to modify milk to suit various ages v. How to bath baby, and when How much baby should weigh, and . measure and many other things every mother should know for hef baby's sake. Writ for the book today. It it free. BRAND 1 Since, 15 7 Th e Leading Injfaht F o o ;. - - - ' ' ,f p T 1 .v " and also as a memento ot their travels. The book contains some Interesting tables' and there are ample pictorial and verbal descriptions ot the various points between Vancouver and Skagway. There Is an aerial view of this city as well as the following write-up: When Prince Rupert was but a name they sold town lots on the site on which the city now stands. That was back In 1000. But the town msy really be said to have come Into existence with the connecting up of steel on April 7, 1914, and the arrival ot the first through train the following day. Today it la a city of six thousand Inhabitants, the northern terminus of the Canadian National Railways, Plank roads are giving way to permanent hard surface streets, hills are being levelled. Surmounting many engineering problems, evident to even the casual observer, th town la steadily progressing along the lines con- celved by Its founders and pioneers. Almost from the first Prince Rupert Jumped into prominence as a fishing centre. The Canadian Fish ti Cold 8torage Company's plant with a storage capacity of fourteen million pounds, the largest cold storage plant in the world devoted exclusively to handling fish. Is located here. Annually thirty million pounds of halibut are landed at Prince Rupert, both American and Canadian boats bringing their catch to this port. Dally shipments are made to Eastern markets by1 Canadian National fatt cold storage express. With .the, recent completion .of a million bushel grain elevator, Prince Rupert made furllier strides as a shipping cin tre, numerous tramp steamers now calling here for grain shipments tor foreign ports. SUM'S III ll.T Here also Is located the Prince Rupert Drydock and Shipyard, operating a twenty thousand ton floating drydock, six hundred feet long. During the war several large ocean-going steamers were built at this shipyard, several of which are operating In the service of the Canadian Government Merchant Marine. For the visitor who. wishes to make a comprehensive tour lof the cly' In a limited 'time, local transportation companies have combined in providing an all-inclusive drive, through the principal business streets and parts of the residential section. A stop Is made at the Cold Storage plant, where, by the courtesy ot the management, tourists may Inspect the various. .forms of sea life gathered from the rushing banks. Closed carOeave frorn the.. dock' 'on arrival Df the steamer, returning after a drive of an hour and a half duration, depositing pasttengcrs at the ship's side. Tickets for this moderately priced drive may be obtained at the purser's office. Fur the afternoon a short and Interesting boat trip Is suggested. From the Prince Rupert boat houne, across the harbor by launch, then a quarter ot a mile on a good plank walk through the woods, and you are at the Salt Lakes, where excellent salt water bathing may be enjoyed. In water that )s surprisingly warm, EncJoFd dressing, room are available at the Lake, and a limited number ot bathing suits are carried for rent by the boat house proporietors. Launches leave from the Boat house hourly on the hour, and from the float On the opposite side ot the harbor, hourly on the halfrhour. Special trips will be run at any time for a minimum of five passengers. For the tourist who prefers to explore the city at his own leisure much ot interest may be found. Several excellent Indian totem .poles are placed at various vantage points throughout the town. Culo and souvenir hunters will find unique shops carrying a varied assortment pf native Indian work and local souvenirs. Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert . iVSr. I,')9I7. It Is reported that Sanford Evans, ex-mayor of Winnipeg, may be ap-jMlnted food controller tor Canada. Vancouver papers predict that W. P. Hlntcn, Grand Trunk Pitciflo traffic manager, will soon be appointed general mnnajer of fhe road. A large and enthusiastic gathering In the Empress Theatre lost night heard Hon. T. D. Pattullo. A. M, Man-son, M.L.A. and F. If. Mobley, MX.A. discuss the issues of the day in .provincial, affairs. Adveitiss la thi Dally News. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE lOKESIIOKE. In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Kelley Logging Company Limited, ot Vancouver, B.C., occupation Timber Merchants, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described foreshore: Commencing at a post planted approximately one-half mile south SOdeg. east of the mouth ot the Tossoo River, Moresby Island, Queen Charlotte Islands; thence following the high water mark in a northwesterly, westerly and south' westerly direction for a distance of one and one-half miles; thence in an easterly direction to the point of commencement, and containing 160 acres, more or less. JOSEPH DOUOLAS WILSON, Acting as Agent for , Kelley Logging Co. Ltd Dated 30th April. 1937, LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND. In Range 3, Coast Land District. Land Recording District ot Prince Rupert, and situate on the south shore of Evans Arm, B.C. TAKE NOTICE that Oosse Packing Co. Ltd., of 335 Howe St., Vancouver, B.C., occupation Fish Packers, Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 3 chains distant In an easterly direction from northeast corner Lot 740, Range 3; thence south 10 chains; thence west 15 chslns; thence north to shore: thence easterly along shore to point ot commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. ; . , OOSSE PACKtNU CO LTD., l. Applicant. Per Chas. L. Roberts, Agtnt. Dated Aprti 7, 1937. 'r't.'-i!- Neglected Eyes NEGLECT la doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This Is so self evident that it Beems hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are giving trouble, have them attended to and at once; OF ALL absurdities In the kingdom1 of foolishness, J surely the loss 'of eyesight through neglect Is the most' inexcusable. DON'T lose health and efficiency through neglect. Come and seel Fred Joudry Heglstered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Mock, Phone 763