2 Prince Rupert Daily News Saturday, November 8, 1952 an independent daily newspaper devoted to the upbuilding of Prince Rupen and Northern and Central British Columbia, Member of Canadian Press — Audit Bureau of Circulations Canadian Daily Newspaper Association Published by The Prince Rupert Daily News Limitea J. PF. MAGOR, President H. G. PERRY, Vice-President by eth cA snore 4 ¥ Philpot f Subscription Rates By carrier—~-Per week, 25c; per month 81.00; per year, $10.00 i By Per mouth per year, $8.00 we Sone | authorized as second class mai! by the Post Office Department, Ottawa mall 15¢ ' ‘ ; i |The Nice Lady Said (SHE was a nice lady, a typical, friendly, trim, brown-eyed, middle-aged American, who waited joutside the Bellingham j | Musical Bug EXT Wednesday the Alaska Music Trail goes N into the second act of its current series with the appearance of Greta Menzel, a glamorous lyric soprano of international renown, and already the happy auguries of a successful concert are being ; |aunt and me till my wife sensed by those in charge, : : |came back with the car. Although the concerts have been popular since She showed us a little paper on their inception, there is an upsurge of enthusiasm | Which she had prepared her aa- ‘ . . ° ~ Swers On the questions on which taking place which gives the impression that some | they had to vote By that fore polling station with my) Who was it gave the modern National Libera] definition of @ white-collar wor- Duncan McTavish, While we may rer as One who carries his lunch greatly mistaken, there na brief case instead of a lunch something about all this that box? has a distinctly Scettish sound | LOOKS SUSPICIOUS Federation A local old timer says he shoy It was announced in Ottawa el'ed snow last October And just a few days ago that the then, there ure certain things name of the new president of the one wishes to forget if Duasible BUSINESS SPOTIIGHT _ Eels Provide Growing Industry mera sv But Canadians Don't Like Them (centre) is Shown at the podium in the plenary hall with United | Eels are providing Nova Scotia with a small but Nations seeretary-general, ‘Trygve Lie (left) and Mr. Lie'’s | rapidly-growing industry. executive assistant ae W. Cordier j Some 106,000 pounds—valued at $18,000—were ; xported to the New England states last year, and UNDER OUR ROOF __inticat “on, | indications point to a record catch this season, By JOHN STURDY They don't sell too well in,~ o . a LESTER B. PEARSON of Canada, piesident of the seventh UN General Assembly, presides over the first session heid in its j | is Speaking is | f Ray Reflects and Reminisce: Persona) Brtish ¢ hu : OMMbla \. BO0d as ever to the 7 4 | ada In October p 129,366 in ; j old Age Bex thigh A | moved ti /AND mi COST For the firs :. t \ anuda today ; i Map and pr; { S€88 One it | fon up to )#hows. new |; land pet and bays. Be) i Guction, les | tography i hs ANADA’S CENTURY Canada wi) Have lation of DET Ween 99 9 4 hon by the end of the | Premier St Laurent bas | Quebec Chamber of Ogi However we ; “Milly aliows, an tity y Lota) t} ) ; 54 BiTs me May) at is the + cove © North d ea fowl ae kind of musical bug is darting among the populace, | ‘ought she had saved a lot of |Canada, where housewives ap-| different in Boston, New York| something too, yet oi ’ . . es : : time at the voting machine, she ' ? ; | parently will not cook & fish) und other large American cities, | discourage Immigr, . lhe impression is probably accurate enough, but it | explained, Now that my family and I are back in the shed,| that resembles a shake and has wisere they sell like hotcakes | ine tee thie ao ‘ . : i , : i p Vanaas this June ‘ would be a mistake to suppose that anything new We asked her nothing about | and our guests are back in the house, things are more |* Teputation for terrifying gym-| Most Nova Scotia eels come| 18 per cent less than ip : ithe presidential efection, but she ; j nastics in the frying pan. It'a)feom the Mersey and LaHave! , has been discovered. |volunteered this quiet comment) normal around the old homestead. My wife remarked| : : Rivers on the province's south FIRST The : thie i > ia P as our car drove up: is vesterdav = Jove ler a wes . tay | 9 shore. The best season is just of BAL The bug, W hich in more polished language “f feel its time for a change on this ve whet day, as she slaved over a washboard in| Industrial a Aol } The ballot paper wa should be called appreciation, has doubtlessly been * + + the corner of the shed. “Our rivers, lakes nad shores | 2U°¢4 into British Nory aie : ~ ee . __, |I LONG since came to the con- At least.” she observed. “ air express, I remain, yours . : ica in New Brunswick y there all the time. From the beginning It Was evi- clusion that the strongest of | thin ae ere ' z ". a truly. P. Pott janito Pp od t j are actually crawling with jelection in 1856 ’ , a , ling else can happen oO wy Uva, aor j is.” eries in i oe dent that there was a more or less unexpressed oa geen Son coun-/ We have Hamish and Little) “Whoops!” cried my wife,| r uc ion panienens A tries, is that earthquake idea ‘ . a mil - . is | ' ’ ' wish for the type of musie and entertainment which | “it's time for a ame = —— ~~ 1. & Mere 4 : a ae SS me “rn 4 La . B C supply a far greater market.” | op ase t neues ¢ Smutis (Ret) anc nastejia, er 4 not! Inshore fishermen, with the! ~eYtc sy n ase t ye he ; , * the concerts offer. enue aad Gaon poem his wife, living with us. We have °?y — Hamish—we'll give gs In owe herring, mackerel, cod and lob- |, ° ° : . : *” | scrape . t » he hem Col. 8. Skeffi - ; sut the wish by itself was not enough. The ps rar ae of the peo- an the bottom of the bar oe pom piece a ne VICTORIA (P)—Current pro-|*ter seasons —— them, now F en ‘eas anientt mn a great landslide vot . and t i ae tions | duction in British Columbia’s|“'¢ Preparing their spears and VAs concerts needed careful organization, they needed | such as swept in General Eisen-| “I had a letter today,” I re- gph palette t0 the | asic industries has shown | rape for eels time, and they needed a high standard of perform- a be proof that enters: casually “From P.. wer” ¢ ae ' | reduction this year in most in-| SWIM UP- RIVER : es ; jis such a thing as a national) Potts 4 “rine?” jstances, trade and industry) .. , , ance that would never be broken. If they received | mind—and it is a greater thing| “And who is P. Potts?” teed ae and prosceded 6 | minteter Ralph Chetwynd said) ou enue ae oi How C 1s . . “ - . . § IrUceede oO if YD setTue PY ; all these, there was no doubt that at some time in tae toaiedens oom pol “P. Potts,” I said, “is the fant read it ’ ] Seve |river-beds for the’ winter. The ann et : : . ' S iat £9! tor the apartment- . i production | cneor rese: : and) the future they would catch on firmly to public | into it ots bow os tice gree P_ 8. (1 read) I have just ea Ee eige oalgre od eine tee Sa — poorer An Investme : s : i. a . . To me it is always Th . ' “* | talking to Mrs Pot nd c pitehfork with barbs, and is imagination and remain there. thing “4 ase oe ; wememes ee }Hamish was the asSistant janl- om a. he le ae : — this year is 15 per cent less than | nrobed into the muddy depths Programme m . ° ‘ | pul : } tor, if you remember.” as . s during the same period in 1951. | throweh the ice They did receive these, and the > has ec pulse will sweep right across a your Island and that it is an/” % ley did receive these, and that time has come. \ wife « , The lumber strike as well as| ue a . ’ . nation, and confound all the| My wife shooed Little Augie’s Rvergreen Playground. “Let's go | A dozen cels often are taken he first concert this season proved it, and the | predicters and pollsters. It may | 0at out the door, “I"did not\ out there and play around, — hg = ge oy one hole in the ice coming one will underline it | be right or wrong. good or bad—| Know you in those days,” she | Percy,” she said. “It is much too)“ a - rl, The esl wape—ealled pots ung ‘ | but it is a fact | id, mumbling something about’! .. mw" £ , | Chetwynd said ok : ke pe - rene ul * nian f be ; Old here” Sol guess you won The quantity of fish landed! '0O* like slender willow baskets | Sa to-year-old boy I saw that | *mall mercies” which I chose tO) wind 4 couple of guests for = They have a s i ent re at ° ° happen in the famous Reeiproc-|ignore, My wife is never at her Christmas. We leave tomorrow | for the first eight months of the ‘ a 4 prin an tee with flan Perfect Business Partnership ity election of 1911 when the/best when Little Augie’s goat | eighh a nub im the rst |year te slightly greater than 6 waste as bait : Conservatives ended the long| around ’ a ee ne i ers Oe eioueis tee value in| oe ; s . LTHOUGH the CNR : | Period of Laurier’s Liberal panel. “4 would ks ts sand wee ie Mi Roscoe Ritz, and please down by seven per cent — b> yee _ : By Plann ( 4 I the Ni announcement concern- | in Canada. I saw it even more letter from P. Potts,” I said, and ®S* your wifc not to put herself!) “This apparent contradiction roe wees a i sn Savings Thro ing the construction here of a railway ear |°™°%sly When the. Qyaten ee i tod nit On our account. We'te simple |is explained largely by lower; ‘“¢ menu at a large hotel here . 7 Ciseredited Liberal party -6f1925 | : ; ' . lmon “prices this year the| “uring the summer, only six Life Insura ferry slip was briefly worded, its importance to the +became the victorious party of| , ott! ‘the letter began) 7 folks. Yrs. Sincerely, P. Potts,” | Sahin "brite e servings WHO ad — af to 4 city should not be measured accordingly. The whole aoe sweeping back in a n= yr ‘aa ws) ee \coaL LOWER ‘cae f [| The basis of ap invest 7* - . | flood of votes all gained on this|” nie "Feabouts Of 2 cave on to my wife. She was! . Giberstorf was a bit discour- an “‘“iect eC 2g . adi very hi 3j- {simple but powerful proposition: **CUMGre! named Hamish whe Tisai teh sins Production of ¢oal is lower by | aged. He knew 17 other ways to plan in most cases show project cones under the heading of very big busi That Canada was > Saee | 48 employed as assistant jani-)7°8¢y out ae jnearly 10 per cent for the first; prepare them. From roast stuft-| life insurance. It meets ness, and its effect on the waterfront activity Of ‘colony, and the Ciows imu we in this apartemnt house jnine months of 1952) than dur-| ed conger cei to stewed eels, and canes a Niisiae .* a bear exactly the same relation-|¥2€" you were a tenant here. I jing the ¢eomparable period last) from braised and broiled eels to oe Prinee Rupert will be a major one. ship to the leabinet of Canada ¢t@Ve been attempting to traced THE year orly of cels and cel saiad uae age ay ¢ . > > Crow a a } since the day he he @ In handling freight to and from the Ketchikan on = oe bore to the cab- ae oe hy. - : a Although the level of produc- i eae tt ) \amneanw s ‘ ‘hay I t : ain ' — mS Vel. &. One! Ty f on ir e basic stries, : Pulp Company at Ward Cove, the CNR will be | We «ac the same, dverwhelm- | fington-Smufts (Ret... anoth« E ‘ ERB xX ae a eetn ‘ee oe 7 covet savthing happet OMT) al : i = e m : ine *ryctallize 3 : r ‘ a ¢ ; . . % ou. is more, 1 serving an industry which is regarded in Alaska as ing crystallizations t the na- IT tenants, to go to the co: maining at high levels. Retail | ARE YOU PREPARED int * : + é 1 S.A. a rough store r ave lou en les , » - . month : 1. the imposing forerunner of great new development. | the Roosevelt cra’ We saw it an -toceint, ce A COUPLE OF HANDS Pe tee te ee ee FOR ANY KIND oe he year are 6.2 per cen 1OY worry . * No der constructi ‘ Whi Britain when Mr. Churchill wa Neither these men ve FOR ROUGH WORK e same perio st ve ; oe under : se roe at ° oon of $46 million, swept into office, because the hee! Per ! Wwe : 1 Peg TT : ” eS ee OF WINTER? ae oo Pee the plant at Ward Cove represents a large first | people, even without an cleetion he-Alasing Persons Bureau. ana( ee eames yan tor ate , ail a : : jdemanded he be made wertime |.) dvised us to let it lay |, © tend and myself, wishing ° ° ‘ : tep by the Territory into the production of pulp. | Prime Miniter we saw him| yo, “avised us to let it 1ay-\t0 go ta Canada, found that to Indian Girl future : . rt aont cn i yO e “Alaska, in truth, rounded a corner into a new — Out again, in 1945, when! 01) off” the man said and 1 *2¥@ Se Money would take \ - soe , x e same people voted that the ; ee ae -n a ag Maggy nger than we care to wait. Bo l M h era when ground was broken for this plant,” George | same qualities which made hin | Wie grow ie Bhs ni, We have hit on the following ives ont. Ss VRE TE U " ~ le reat warti le i eens Ud De eu 4 of a2mush and ptt Sete: ene : died Sundborg, general manager of the Alaskan Develop- | iene they SMM Ser tet ates, ‘ol. 8, Skeffington-Gmutts (Ret. | ith Oven the eaumns a samuel Without Food ST de . r : I 1 a - : Daas a ‘ s ft 1 rF columns « 0 j ment Board, said of it recently. “Not the least | time job exept tor one Timg. m newspape ne , é 4 y. J ee newspaper | hcl ural | : ‘. i. = . . . ea + + ;S0or De winter a ihe important feature of this development is that it will |; raw le arenas In return for a third class,| MERCARA. India (Reuters) z ; tisenhower will turn | INLY HE KNOWS one-1 » tinbet t i oe t\ A )T-year-oid Indi rir! w operate 365 days a year and on a timber supply sane to - : B00d president. I} Mr. Roscoe Ritz, the owner of! , ae Sus tetiinds o os oa toe) ‘os tome a ae Have Your Furnace Representatives: ; : : ‘ . : 1ink we shall soon see, however | the apartment house “ite rably ; a Bay one hit : RICHARD SEPHTON, D which can support such operation forever. |that the oxnedionte which: ves oad ae weonar te neanile are prepared to undertake Mut food or drink for the Inst Overhauled Agent, 475 Howe &., ¥ “A very o ial ti . . a ‘ . | foolishly felt compelled to adopt | cs Se a ye : ” = "| absolutely any type of work for) five months, underwent a phys NOW ver. BC i ery conservative estimate is that it will, |to solidify the Republicar parts | ier a = ie ipeohinn” ae an agreed period of time (eg. alital examination at a state bo R z MORTIMER, Rept . +): : ye, . ; at party) knows 2 tan in pginz rhe ‘ " , ‘ ac » F eo . when families and service facilities are eonsidered, ;and Win the election, wil] be hi | knows : on es ‘ienumiaie eae on in a logging camp), our) pital here ee ae ci tive. Prince Rapst 8 A a me F imain embarrassments chickens | ,., gle Z s " jare money to be repaid in Later, physicians sald they ‘or Free Estimate “ ie T support an overall population of 3,300 in that area. |coming home to roost eee oe ned — wea weekly instalments out of our! were baffled Om ais ane Pees ahr — E Ketchik: ac he ranis oe " I always felt Ike was the right oo wt ‘ 0 AOPOS P Fn £3 pay surmised the girl, Dhanalakshmi, se ’ can Nas been galvanized by this first Alaska |man in the wrong party—becanse | !2°e Rupert, that this man hac We are 21 and 23 ye 1 be drawir me energy Thom Sheet Mefal e : i. a t ‘CaUus ee o hewan : ‘ Af e 21 and 23 years re- may be awing , nergy coe ; pulp venture with a new spirit of progress and he is by nature and expertencr a cae ee aes “eo spectively, in the best of healti:,| from gland secretions 6; WEBBI Kk : a ‘. optimism, The optimism is fully justified. ' The ‘olor alam a ane = gon ted living with ved 7 apes bar only one type of job! 7 B Medappa, chief medical LIMITED st "Be a ee wi t : : ba : : h Senavo w : es : : an j Office work. Anything else, no officer of Coorg State in south- vr : " future there, and at other prospective pulp mill] {will head all committees if th: Mr. Roscoe mite says that YOU! etter now hard or rough will west India, said after the exam -— locations in s heas laska. j . ” | Republicans finally control th | :an keep the Colonel (although be considered and much appre-! jn; : 4 ocations in southeast Alaska, is bright. | Senate, are almost all isolation-| ae owes 12 months back rent) chated ayer e utomatic ashe mm : * eas . | ist-minded men poles aps € but please return Hamish. You! ‘The girl is quite normal for Th On y A } 1 ‘ ave ¢ ‘ 2aNs ‘ poles apart from please any wr ¥f . ave | i The plant will have an initial capacity of 325 the new President. Taft, Mc-|see, the tenants have begun to If ~ sit tome e — oe her age and very cheerful and | tons of pulp daily which, in a few years, will be |Carthy and even the vile slan-|complain about the cold stones ae than to P sddress | PCa.” That Gives You ALL These “Plus” Feature ae Si iced re ‘ derer of General Marshall, Sen-| In other words, we cannot lignt | P©S%¢ * * atters we| Her father, di-year-old K. P. increased to 550 tons. as : ana ; | below, If education matters, we 1 ator Jenner, are all key half-ithe furnace , |Ayyanna, said her appetite be- . } ny a * yy ’ PP ) rs : ;backs or quarterbacks on Ike’s| are both fairly well sehooled ; . i i j With the construction of the CNR railway lace team. Which way wilt they | This is a very embarrassing put it is stressed that commer- jenn ee off in oF ia - ENJSOY ° : ‘ < ° . . Vis ( »specially O8- | ate dia a . veloped a ceneral distaste for | ferry slip, Prince Rupert will take its pee on the SS ee leoe Rie 10 os ca iam ee a... Pye hing . : “ 1e President LZ, jus s i i is as main trade route of this industry which, as- Mr. intns bethde: the’ tenes ome nn |taleee evesynody'’s cons, ane hay- aa se ap 0 ter ger ae = a vt berate ° ia wal ‘ siak’ deisnniciona : ° . . . — ie ; " jing lived here yourself, you wil 9, Eastbury val, touched food for five months, . Sundborg remarks, is only a beginning. It is esti- dons think they ever sent nay. | appreciate the fact that if h Romford, Essex, jand vomits up any water she) as 00 @ No vibration—1 mated that in the last six months there has been |body into that office with more | 08S his present tenants he wil maeane canes ‘when heey ad fol, as me down ‘ej tris § : romising personal qualities. | never get any others, because no — —_——— le monte ‘ 1 more industrial development in Alaska than in the |” ee | man in his right mind would live | li @ Washes partis yrevious arte ; in a place like this, unless he had wih on e rinses! ) | us quarter century, and the pace continues eee oe 0 ee en bee . ;been numbec into supdmission | less hol to quicken Pro-Cons to uses : | through the years. The reasoii| : j yy HHtra-violet lamp : Progress of thi . Mr, Roscoe Ritz would like to get | Carer J rr ess s so § ¢ | sencitaa Sane 4a dae ? | destinies of the CNR in thin tenet closer the | Choose Leader | sinsh bac is peeause. veto: | IS THE 10th AUTOMATIC WASHER jas oro | ' m inies of the CNR in this province and Prince ee po ey ” voor the part of the eyele ' Rupert To the east th 1eating System. You will recall} . f e same bright pros lehat famis ; FR | ‘op: fill door i be seen. There our next-door maaan Pome —. 7 eer ny canting Well. the in By paying all charge accounts in full peak f — o r errace, 1s | somes , ate ae -soakin ee the location right now of 200 CNR ani 1 wh a (CP)—A meeting | spectors say that the heating by the 10th of each month you'll ° pond i iia aieladl . : ip oyees who vedlon — Commie Pro- | system is changed so much that protect your credit. oi | are assisting in construction of the tailway line to | SeSsive “onservative party to/it we light the furnace, without @ Normal 9-po Kitimat. This line is still another st choose a new leader will be held| Hamish being here to show us capacity = ‘ s Ss ¢ ers gn of growth and, ar me 29. how, we will blow the apartment Jashes cleaner as Terrace develops, so will traffic between there bold ae nies th ae house and all the tenants into © vot than an? . bee miloops. a and Prince Rupert. Secretary Tom McDonald said the next world. The only alter washer. : native is to put in an entirely “hk GOOD CREDIT ; Th or . \ here it had been impossible to ; yhi rould cost IT RECORD e promisi new system, which would cost de ng outlook illust: h mee het th ustrates the fact that, —— Snecmicnntamone in the| money, and you know how M: IS YOUR BEST REFERENCE” " & "tween them, a transportation company and the Close to oe delegates are en-| © Rite feels about that. He "9 community it serves have the power to ¥ the g) ead mater Sip. : e create what |titled to attend the day-long iy : dea rat is the closest thing to a perfect business partner Session to be held in Hotel Van-| MORE GuasTs . On Display at Saif hin By b ‘ p " |couver. Registration will take | Of course, Mr. Rosvoe Ritz only - “} -" ship. By boosting each other, they boost themselves, . Nov. bg owns the apartment house. He | R UPER T RADIO & ELEC ee In practice it ais ce meeting Will choose a; doesn't live in it. And in the . , . : . E p e may not always work out, but it is Successor to Herbert Anscomb|meantime we are all freezing to Credit Bureau of Prince Ru YOUR EXCLUSIVE “INGLIS” DEALER ‘ a always worth trying for, who has announced his inten-| death, so please put a tag on Box 4 tion to retire as party leader, Hamish and send him Back Bast Phone 644 ti * . i ye €. ve i