, .nmpgp; G V His Royal Highness Prince ofWales is the j Entliusiastic Owner Panatropes The Music of the Panatropc Is the Standard which Imitating Manufacturers arc striving to attain. Illustrating his proverbial good taste in music as in all other things, H.R.H. the Prince of Wales has installed a trio of Brunswick Panatropes in his Royal quarters. WHY? Because the Brunswick Panatropc is the world's first and only proven electrical record-playing instrument. Because it is the only one to reproduce every note in the ENTIRE MUSICAL SCALE, Because its reproduction of music is so perfect tnat no other instrument can approach it. See it. Hear it at your Brunswick dealer's to-day. Brunswick Panatropes are priced from $115 up The Bhunitici-Dalke-Colixkder Company of canada, limited Toronto, Montreal, Winnipeg, Calgary, Vancouver mm 0 MASON & RISCH PIANOS are built for a lifetime of pleasure giving service. Compared tmrn any angle, with any other piano. Mason & Risch instruments will at once appeal to your better judgment One Trice from Coast to Coast Monthly Payments gladly arranged We have a splendid floor display of Brunswick Phonographs and Mason & Itisch Pianos. J. LORNE MacLARER, LIMITED Canadian National Largefl Kailway Syiltm in America lit J STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE , aVlljLull&rf PRINCE Kl TKKT " VF'i??,? JfJ?pm n.l h.termedlalr T" ' V points MUM.MiAV 4 4.00 Wl Vra p.m. For ASVOX and KETCHIKAN Earn For HTEU AKT Earh HATI KIAV, 1 '"' P;"'' fortnlehtlr. P ISLANDS, rorimsmij. IIAKMITTE tor NORTH AMI KOtTII IJl'EEN C SEE CANADA IN CANADA'S Jl'IIII.EK F;AK -K67 -1927. Cheo.e. C,e WnTifiKo ve.. ra.NCE kitekx. Phone , Dentist. Or. J. R. Oats. Phone 886. 0t the Big 4 hsblU Wbrn thinking t a Taxi, pben 4. U B frralbltion Sate new in fun awing Vt Mrs. PtinOls. tf Uls.Tt. A.TCM. ttr Of piano snd thoa Phone lit. Thl nernoon's train. due traa htm ehM ayosjert 317 to M. Cratl, local ahwon buy. arrived la tb city an the QardlsM thla morning from 4JUtn. No. 3 abed on O.TJ. wharf tf W. J. Rooney. plant Mperlntendent etf Osnadlan Natlcmal Telegraphs, after a Mef visit to city and district, sailed hkst night on the JYlnce Osorge tor Vancouver Mr. Res. PUbllcover and child, who have been on a month's holiday trip to Vtooouver. are expected to return to the City on the Prince Charles tomor row morning. Uss Vema Brochu won tbe fur ooat aaad ensemble offered by tbe Louvre I eoHea' store for guessing tbe number of grains of nee in a bottle. Tbe grains wm oauated yesterday afternoon In the mayor's office. 8. N. Christian of Port Edward Can nery arrived in the city on yesterday afternoon ' train and spiled last night on the Prince George for tbe south. Mr. Ohrtetian recently visited Vancouver where be at one time resided. Sergeant W. J. Service, chief o! the Stmltbers detachment of tbe provincial poller, arrived from tbe Interior on yesterday afternoon's train having In his eustory Roy Herman who Is to serve three months' Imprisonment here for supplying liquor to Indians. 4-4- 4 ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show. Wednesday. September 31. WATER NOTICE. DMI KSION AND ISE TAKE KOTICE that E. Rottaeeau, whose address is 410 Seymour Street. Vancouver, B.C.. wUl apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains lnjto Port Stephens Bay. about one mile east of Bluff Point. Tbe water wUl be diverted from the stream at a point about 600 feet from : tne mourn ana wni oe usea lor commer-i clal purposes upon the landi described i as Let 2750. Range 4. Coast District. This notice was posted on the ground on the 3flth dsy of July. 1927. A copy of this notice snd an application pursuant thereto and to tbe "Water Act will be filed in tbe office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to tbe application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rights, Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.. within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice in a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 20. 1927. EUGENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. Established 1923. Office Hours: 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Saturday: 9 a.m. to 1 ' p.m. Any evening by appointment DlEP KPN DENTIST Exchange Block. Phone 109 I THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE F:rt Called Church Anniversary upper wOJ be betd on October 3. Local and Personal Mr and Mr. Jofen Ivron tailed Ut night on the Prince Oeorg far Vancouver. Arthurs Taxi. Pbons 87. The prtee money U now ready to toe BO Undertakers. Phone 4L ball raucywoi. Palmistry Mac Oryatal acint. Ura. Jaa. Clark. Hi, Third Avenue, prune Oreen 193. . 3St The local Moaae Loafs bald 1U Wayilir anaaung last night, aartpnne- Steat having bout mode from Wtdnoo- day. WU Bagorra. Hyde Tranafer are now aanta for Paaaoua Caaaldy Wellington sal ate Alberta Sootlaoa and PecaMna H J. Ooaaa.. vlee-praeldctit of the Osaw Paaklng OBk avrivad in taa city BeUa Beas sat tbe Cardaoa tbla Haas waa fined M. with tne of thirty dya' UnprUonment. in Cgtf petWe court tbaa morning for in- Awaaa Uackle. Inspector of flateriea. whs? la on a trip to the centra! division of Matrlct Mo t. la expected to return to tbe dty today. H. Sherwood, marine superintendent ' the B. Packers, was an arrival In ekei erty from Vancouver on the Car- eMSM this morning. Until repairs at tbe Provincial Gov hraint wharf have been completed. O.PJl. steamer will make landing at BahlblUon erare. city Kindly call at an early date. A. C. R. TaBL Vdoouth- bydro-etoctrte eagteee'ff on this morn-ing'a train (tar Priy "Oote. " Un. A. UaNeWleaVra by temorra morning' tFaea for a iwo month' TlMt wttb ber panatta In Oadaby. Alberta. Mr. aava Un. a E. Oallu. SM Fourth Avenue WeM. aMIed taat nlbt on tKe Prince Oeffe for Vancouver on a ': holiday trip. atltrat Smorrow morning on tbe Oawdeaaa for Vancouver ffl m- elude lit. and Mrs. George C. Leslie and Mrs. Pan! WKJu. Varna Baoehu won tbe ooat In the Louvre gweaatng Coaleet wltb ticket No. 44V. ber gueet betfig 19709 and tbe correct number wai 1970S. H. B. Boeheater, after hiving ipent a cstaple of day at bli farm In the Lakeiae Valley, rrtwrned from Terrace an yesterday afterDoon'i train. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Ze3ert of Stewart will pass through the city at te end of tbe week on the Prince Charles tound from Stewart to Vancouver. Hugh Oalton of Vancouver, secretary of the British Columbia Caaners, Association, arrived In tbe city from the uth on tbe Gardens this morning. Saturday Specials Children's Panty dresses 96c. regular 11 AS. also ladles a Hover aprons 95c regular 41.45. , Dry : oods and Novelty Shop. Phone T7A. Entries wUl ,otote this afternoon for annual city ebampkmshlp tennis , tournaments and tbe draw wtU be msde tonight, play to spmmence tomorrow afternoon. S. P. llcOhle, after a visit to the Langara Fishing Oo. cannery on Mas-: ett Inlet of which he 1 a director, returned last night on the Prince , George to Vancouver. I W. Bond, who has been on the staff 1 of W. J. MoOutdheon Second Avenue i drug store for some 'time, returned last night on tbe Prince' George to Seattle. accompanied by Mrs. Bond. P. D. Rice. B.CLfi.. 'who 1 engaged In traamleslon line surveys In tbe district, arrived yesterday afternoon after spending several day at Warke Channel, accompanied' by Mn. Rice. oi O H Stead. British Columbia super intendent of Canadian National Tele graphs, after spending a few days In tbe city on o&leia duties, left on this morning's train for Prjnee George. Miss F. MacDpnald. secretary to the manager of the Fort Garry Hotel In Winnipeg. Is a visitor In the city. She Is making the round trip on the steamer Cardena which arrived from tbe south this morning. C. E. Crowther, who has been identified with the C.N.R. city ticket office during the summer months, will leave on tomorrow morning's train returning to Edmonton where he will report for further assignment. Alfred Howe of Ketchikan arrived In the city from the north on the Prince George last night and entrained bere this morning for New York where be will meet and return wltb bis family which Is coming out from Europe. D. D. Barclay and William LafoUette i of Ketchikan arrived tin tbe city from tbe north on the Prince Oeorge last night and entrained here this morning for Chicago where tey will attend the big Dempsey-Tunney heavyweight fight next week. At an executive meeting of the native Sons of Canada held last night, the resignation of H. M. Daggett as secretary was accepted. H. A. Breen was elected to succeed Mr. Daggett who : was forced to relinquish the post on account of other work. At a meeting last night of the signal section of the First North B.C. Regiment Initial preparations were made for the forthcoming signal classes to be given by Company Sergeant Major Reed of Esquimau. The classes will be in are that they will be largely attended. Inspector William Spiller and Sergeant Ales, McNeill .of the provincial police sail tomorrow morning on the Princes Louise for Atlln and Engineer Mine, having In their custody J. A. McOormack who is to Jiave preliminary I hearing on a charge of theft of 1 1.000 I worth of amalgam from the Engineer (Mine. McOormack was arrested in Los Angeles and brought here last week, j Sergeant W. J.; Service 'will be In charge I of divisional and district headquarters I here during the absence of the local eokerr. JCNIOK FOOTBALL Players for Borden Street' la the Junior League football gametomorrow j afternoon with High school will be selected from among Tom Steen, Nick qarvlch. James Pyle, Mike Gurvlch, Roy Pong. Peter Fisher, Harry Wilson, Kara Nakamoto, Tom Wilson, Herbert Morgan. Prlmo Vaccher, Donald Ken nedy, Pete Chenctkl, John Erlcken j MOST CAREFUL selection of grains the purest THE of spring water an unswerving policy of ageing and ripening in individual oak casks, has built a reputation for SEAGRAM'S 83 which is most zealously maintained. sBBBBaBBaBBBBaKssBsaaasasvsnasvsssssBNSJfsanwAsua v -Kmaamamamm This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Board or by ihe Government of British Columbia and Carl Smith. H.gb School will be represented by Douglas Scott. Willie Fisher. Albert Styles. Fred Cameron. Bishop Tburber. Roy Morrison, Walter Johnson. Clous-ton Johnson. Mix Larkln. itoy Wicks. Eari Batt. Terry Orme or A. Scattlebol. HOTEL AltKIVALS. Prlnee Rupert Mr. and Mrs. F. D. Rice, Alice Arm: M. A. Roche, Tbe Pas, Man.: A. O. Knowland. C. 8. Rankin, Hugh Dalton. R. J. Ooee and H. Sherwood, Vancouver; F. Gordon. Sunnyside; O. R. D. Lyon and party. Rivers Inlet: H. J. Brown. Port Esslngton; W. F. Binns, Balmoral Cannery; W." Lalng, Victoria; H. E. Lokkin and LafoUette and Barlay. Seattle; Mr. and Mrs. P. T. Bevers. Cleveland: Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Walters, R. O. Brookes and Mr. and Mrs. George P. Leslie. Anyox; W. L. Velteh and Alfred Howe. Ketchikan; Emil M. Urell, Claxton; Miss F. MacDonald, Winnipeg. Central H. Lerlne, C.N.R.; R. McLeod. Skeena: F. G. LaOrue and N. Olazer. Vancouver, E. Bostrom. Klnihan Island. Savoy W. J. Service, emitters; John Stcen. Wales Island. .NOTICE. Take notice that on the 24th day of July, 1927, I was appointed executor of the estate of tbe late Magnus Morrison, deceased; and an persons having accounts against that estate must deliver same to the undersigned forthwith. J. C. GAVIGAN, Executor. Dated at Prince Rupert, B.C. this 14th day of September. 1927. 218 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAN1I In Range 5, Coast Land District, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and s tua'e on Lot 102 Humpback Bay, Por-ehet Island. B.C. TAKE NOTICE that F. H. Cunningham. Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Broker, intends to apply fcr a lease of the following described landi: Commencing at a post planted 150.1 yards south-southeast oi nortneast corner post of Lot 102, Range 5; thence due south 8 chains: thence eouth-aoutbeast 19 chains; thence due north 8 chains; thence west-northwest along shore to point oi commencement ana containing if atres. mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINGHAM. Applicant Ded JSth June. 1927 LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND .In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, snd situate on Princess Royal Island at East Side Cove from Butedale Cannery. TAKE NOTICE that I. Jacob Koekl. of Butedale. B.C.. occupation a fisherman, intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted about 500 yards northeast of Butedale Cannery Wharf; thence east 5 chains; thence south 2 chains; thence west 5 chains; thence north 2 chains to point of commencement and containing one acre, more or less. JACOB KOSKI. Applicant. Dated August 37, 1S27. The Romance of a Prescription Ever think of the romance behind that bottle with its orders "one teaspoonful before meals T" Ever think of the numbers of men who had searched the world for the ingredients of that bottle? Ever think of how the five continents have perhaps all contributedone or more of the ingredients to that bottle? Ever think of how pack-train and steamer, train and auto had all helped to bring those precious contents across mountain and sea all to help you get well? OrmesXM. Z7hc Pioneer Drupepisls THIRD AVE, & SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 8?,200 IfcANADlArT vPACinc Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Ketchikan, tVrangrlL Juneau and fkagway September 6, 17, 26. To Vanroutrr, Victoria and Seattle Srptrniher 11, 21, 30, PRINCESS BEATRICE. For llutedale. Est llella Bella. Ocean tails. Nainu, Alrrt Hay. Campbell River, and Vancouver every Haturd.iv. II a.m. Agency for all Steamship Lines. Full Information from VT. C. ORCII4KU, Oenrral Agent. Corner of 4th Street and Srd Avenue. Prhire Rnpert, B-C Monarch Ranges Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 I AMMUNITION, SHOT GUN SHELLS RIFLE AND REVOLVER CARTRIDGES Peer season opens September fifteenth. We can outfit you for that hunting trip. Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. 353 Third Avenue Prince Rupert