iAGE TWO Puts bu On Your Toes SHREDDED WHEAT A heallhul,cnergizm Winter Breakfast. Delicious hoi with milk and melied buiier The Daily News PRINCE RUPERT - BRITISH COLUMBIA. Published Every Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert Daily News, Limited, Third Avenue. H. F. PULLEN - - Managing Editor. SUBSCRIPTION KATES: City .Delivery, by mail or carrier, per month By mail to all parts of the British Empire and States, In advance, per year DAILY EDITION. . . . . the United Friday, Jan. 28, $1.00 $0.00 To all other countries, In advance, per year $7.50 Advertising and Circulation Telephone -Editor and Reporters Telephone - - - Member of Audit Bureau of Circulations. 98 86 ELEVATOR EXTENSION HERE NEEDED AT ONCE. The port of Prince Rupert is already suffering from lack of grain handling facilities. The one elevator here seemingly Is not sufficient. Comparatively speaking, not many vessels have been should start agitating for the second-elevator as" strong as they did, for the first. In the meantime, it migh't be advisable to have but a few grain ships here at regular intervals and handle them with despatch than to have too .many and allow them to be delayed. Perhaps the situation could be remedied with some extensions of the plant already here. The dry dock was soon able to make arrangements to line two ships at a time here when it was-at first believed that only one could be done. In view of the fact that there ninir centre, the next thing needed is immediate extension of the ! loading facilities so that, at the very least, two boa'ts can be loaded here at orice. INVESTIGATION INTO CAMPAIGN FUNDS. While the opposition talks about it, the provincial government has decided to lay the cards on the table as far as the evidence taken at , the customs probe in Vancouver is concerned. Now they will have the bird in their hands so they can see what kind of feathers it wears and who helned to make its nest comfortable. As suggested before in these columns, it will in all likelihood be found to be as mlich a Tory bird as it is a Grit. To the outsider, it would seem that the Conservatives would be dolnir better to sunnort some measure that would brink' about a real reform than continuing to hold up Iheir hands in hypocritical t,,clal Pmtts. horror and playing politics on anything that comes in view. After all, the people are not so much interested in finding out which is ,the 'worst of two possibly culpable, parties as they are in having both; those paVties cleaned up. The attorney general's plat) for the houseclean,ing is the only practicable one and the sooner everybody agrees to accept the sooner will the sweeping begin. WHAT WILL CHINA THINK? The situation in China is undoubtedly serious but it is questionable whether this great display of armed strength planned, by the British government will help matters much. A lot of trouble Is being gone to and it is possible that the Chinese may consider it an overt act and become even more disorderly, rather than a mere precaution taken with such supposed lofty motives. The whole I Would Like To Be Forever FREE From ASTHMA Ple&re tell me now Aithma-Sert, the wonderful new medicine softens and soothes the throat and bronchial passages, restores rUnd activity to normal and QUICKLY and JX)REVBR DANISHES Asthma, Hay Fever and Bronchial trouble!. Mr Name Is. JJjr Address CUr and State. Stall 4kU adrrrtUesaeat Uir ts R. ML. II. Laboratories 615 Yaarvntrr llUrk VA! COL' Visit, M. Q, Neii) Ontario Legislature Opens Wednesday Next Interest Will Centre in Liquor Control Bill TORONTO, . Jan. . 28. illy Canadian Tress) The new Lenrisla- r 1 o MAmVaM nnrl A tlPW lure oi umario, witn a new opeuiver, inunj ic iiitinuti - - liquor control policy awaiting discussion and adoption, will be open- ed by a new Lieutenant-Governor, his Honor W. D. Ross, on Febru-j arv 2. Incidentally, there is a new "Kast miock" of xne wki'': Uuiidings open for occupation and a new and reinforced floor in the Legislative Chamber. ' The 17th Legislature sees the Conservative government oi Premier G. Howard Ferguson returned with one of the biggest ma jorities ny government ever naa :- - Ontario majority of 3 over all other TDnniTAl lYlMfTO AXIIi parties, and of 46 on the question of lAUllLrtL UrtiXtLJ rtjll sale of liquor In government control, which ts the main Issue of the session. The Liberal-Progressives returned In the elections on December 1 last year! have divided themselves between the Liberal and Progressive groups. Including a few United Farmer representatives , follows: Conservatives ? Liberals H Independent-Liberals Progressives 18 Labor . , , 1 Total UJ NKtV M'KAKKIt discussed since' the election campaign of last November. Briefly. It Is proposed to j amend the Ontario Temperance Act to provide for establishment of a commis sion "who will have the authority to Issue to all citizens over 21 years of agt. who desire to purchase spirituous or malt liquors for their own use. an annual permit upon which shall be entered each seems to be no more doubt about this being a strategic grain hlp.("1Ia." misconduct," In the Premier's words. A large portion of the province at the time of the Institution of the Ontario Temperance Act in 1910. had already banished the sale of liquor under local option. It has been stressed that thee "dry" areas will be respected and no sale of spirituous and malt liquors may be allowed In these areas unltl the people of these municipalities Indicate by vote their desire for a change. The commission, however, may establish at such places as It may select in other portions of the province, dispensaries for the sale of spirituous and malt liquors In sealed packages to perssns holding To the commission. whose personnel has yet to be an nounced, wUl likely be entrusted aJJ details of administration of the new system. Expectations are tnat the system ' will be, )n operation by May. Thus will bp added another chapter to the chequered history of the Ontario Temperance Act. Plebiscites In 1919 and 1024 failed to overturn it, although each time the majority In Its favor was decreased. In !92 another amendment allowed sale of the now famous 4.4 per cent beer, which, how-ver, failed to meet the demands of the "wet" factions while It was opposed by the dry"slde. The popular majority for government control at the last general trouble in China is that there has been too much interference. Too ! lectlon 241'fl3J ln toUI vote of many older brothers have been trying to help the little boy along, I ,-137-878 Now he can walk,, perhaps it would be advisable to let him step out1 for himself. He may or may not be frightened into submission but I he cannot be permanently conquered. ; j OTIIKIt NKW I.KdlxLtTION The amendment to the O.T.A.. while SOUTH SEA LOVE ARE FEATURES OF PICTURE Ollda dray plays the part of Aloma In the following story. "Aloma of the among the Progressives, the standing oi south Seas." which will be presented parties as the House assembles Is as on the screen at the Westhotme I. Aloma, most beautiful of the native girl's who dance at the Blue Pearl Inn on Paradise Island, delights in tor- mentlne her native lover. Nuttane. Toi get rid of men who look at Aloma too, ardently, Nultane takes them tor a sail, and then places all responsibility far their loss on the sharks which "prefer" W. D. Black, veteran Conservative 1 white meat to brown." member for Addlngton, who was elected. Bob Holden, an American staying at ' v.. ..i.n..ti.n lo.t r alii h th nw th Inn h hMn tsklnff ta drink be- Sneaker of the House. H will succeed cause his girl, whom he has left be- about 1.000.000 speckled trout eggs from ' tecond the address. , plantation. Aloma Insists on going. The Progressive members of the Legts- ; oven though Nultane objects. Mature, led bv W. E. Ranev. former at-1 under ner carexut treatment, uoo tcrney-general. like those of the Liberal ' soon recovers his normal health. lerouD under W. E. N. Sinclair, were Malloy Insinuates that she -i j r u! 4i.: ...:- v..,f 4V, v.o Kon onA ia . elected as oDoosed to the. chanzes In be married to Holden. The girl, never "c , v . . ,,, .. ..... . ... ,. I the Ontario Temperance r Act. Both Mr. having glven.lt a thought, now sets, -nls Wty. in l.nn1ll,wf A.'an o,iin n 13 (httfa qn) H itnaaa iho fart thflt (u'f ' .... ... .... 1 ucij in c.t.. suvi. c v.. iRaney and Mr. Sinclair wUl receive the out to lure nun. Alter mucn nesiia biff vessels ara todav lvinjf in the harbor, already lined and waitinu iditional emolument eranted leaders of tlon. not being able to resist her. ne to load, but unable to go on berth tp start taking on their cargoes j parliamentary groups. lkv farmnt hurAcd On of thesp boats has alreadv i Th four Independent-Liberals. Messrs. been waiting three days and the other" will probably have to wait I ZTZTl longer. It had been at first thought that two boats could be loading grain concurrently at the elevator but such is apparently not the geon FalUK will tit with the Liberals the Inn. Andy wrings his niece and but will vote with the Conservatives on I Van Templeton to the same plat. Van. the Government Control bill. The sole a sodden flirt. Is attracted to Aloma case, Jf this fine big plant, said to be as modern as any on the I Labor representative. Karl K. Homuth'snd at the very first change, takes her Mnllnont rnnnnt hgnHIo two linats At a timp. then another elevator ! (Waterloo South), will also vote with the ' ring along with a kiss. She la very will have, to be obtained. Conservatives on tws question. This port is not going to succeed, much less make an impres-! isovkhnmkxt i ontkol plan sion, if steamers, whose time is precious, continue to be held up! Premier Ferguson's plan of liquor sale as they are being now, so it begins 'to -look .as if Prince . Rupert;? gment control has been widely enraged and shouts something about "Bob Holden." It Is then that Sylvia realizes. Van had tricked her Into marriage, by saying Bab had died. I The natives start their marriage ceremonies. Nultane, enraged, tries to get Bob into his canoe, but Bob is called back to see Sylvia, who has ar rived at the cottage. Alter explana tions' have been made, they realize they still lore each other. Van cornea, and makes feeble signs of friendship. Then. Aloma and the wedding party enter. She recognizes Sylvia and gloats over her. Crushed with grief. Sylvia Itsrc, but Bob tries to catch her. Van says he is tiled of Sylvia and would now like Aloma. In a moment of drunken boastfulness. he tells Bob how he tricked Sylvia Into marrying him. Bob furiously drags him to beg Sis wife's forgiveness. Aloma resllzes Bob has fallen Into Nultane'a trap, when she sees the three start across the lagoon In the midst of a terrific storm. Nultane allows the water to enter his boat. In repentance. Van tells Nultane Bob Is ln love with Sylvia and not Aloma. The boat spitzes and the sharks rush for the whit men. Aloma ruhe through the rain ta tell Sylvia ! 'her htisband and Bob have drowned. The two- women are drawn together in a common bond of sympathy. Suddenly Bob appears and announce' that Nultane allowed Van to drown In saving him. ' Nultao Is uejl pleasedi with hU strategy. 'Bob and Sylvia' return to the States while Aloma resumes her childlike teasing of Nultane. STILL ENTHUSIASTIC ON FISH CULTURE IS FORMER LAKELSE MAN superintendent! James Catt. formerly of the Lakelse Lake hatchery, keeps up! his enthusiasm for the value of this work on the Atlantic coast whence ho ! dominant. Is not by any means the only was moved a few years ago. i piece of legislation to come before the Mr. Catt, who U now dlstrtct Inapec-1 assembly. Upward revisions In the speed ' tor of fish hatcheries ln the Maritime j limit on the highways of the province, I provinces, delivered an address on fish i I probably to 35 miles an hour; an alter- culture before the monthly meeting of atlon In the marriage law, and a requirement on the part of all vehicles to carry lights at night, constitute diverse but Interesting features of the legislative program. The speed limit will be Advertise In the Dally News. ,the Natnral History Society, at St. John, N.u.. recently. During the course of ni ; address be described the origin and object of fish culture, and traced the work of the federal government In Its 10 mllea. an hour faster than the present 'efforts to stabilize and maintain the 25. The measure to have all vehicles supply of fish In the Inland waters of j carry light after dark ha been up for Canada. At one time the Dominion gov-; discussion a long time, and It la believed eminent was maintaining 82 hatcheries, the public Is now ready to support the but recently the hatcheries In Ontario jrgeulatlon, opposition formerly having have been taken over by local control come from farmer who disliked being In the Maritime provinces there are 17 forced to carry lights on their horse- hatcheries, sub-hatcherles and salmon 1 drawn wagons, The changea contem- ponds. Mr. Catt stated, tod the work In plated In the marriage law are a result this dtstrlct Is confined to the culture of of the strange situation which arose In trout and salmon. Each year about 30,-I Toronto last year, whqn Rt. Rev. A. P. 1 000.000 Atlantic salmon snd upwards of I Wlnnlngton-Ingram, Bishop of London, 1 4,000 .000 trout are distributed from the j found himself prevented from perform-i hatchcrle in the Maritime, and all of Ing the marriage ceremony for his niece, the law requiring that officiating clergymen be resident of the province. the salmon and as many of the trout an possible are from the hatcheries' brood stock. Until the hatcheries have been considerably expanded the district will havo to continuo to Import yearly Bert Wearmoulfe has been appointed agrees to Uke the girl to the mission ; B warden for lists dhtrl in place next morning.. Wearing his ring, she. a M nsrwn innsuan. " leaves the hut. , Aiom. nroudlv di.nUrt the rlna at Fir destroyed tbs Merryfleld block today. Several ot the occupants of ruts in the building had narrow escape from the flame which quickly enveloped the structure. The thermometer again registered four degrees below vero this morning. Alderman Casey, at the council meeting last night, moved that alt lodem-' nltles accruing during the year from! deductions for non-a tufa dance at coun-j ell meetings be paid to the Patriotic , Fund. The motion was seconded y Mderman D. C. McRae and carried. - I Advertise In the Daily Newa. GOVERNMENT LIQUOR ACT voTicr. or .U'l'LlfUTIO I.K KM I". I OK III KU KOTICE 18 HEREBY OIVEN that, on s loth da of Februart next, the tin- arsigned intends to Pply to the Liquor ! ;ontrol Board for a licence in respect i f premise being part of the building' '.uiow-ii as Seal Cor Hotel, situate at; -he City of Prince Ilupert. in the rro-; vince pf British Columbia, upon th; tnds described as all that portion of' Waterfront Block "I." By of Princ. Ilupert, City of Prlnc Kupert. Pro-j ,-tnce of British Columbia. Map 923. ?rlnce Rupert Land Registration District, and being more particularly de-bribed as follows: "Commencing at a point which lies ln , i straight line of bearing north 69deg. 38' 8" east a distance of 70720 feet from the centre of elrcl shown on aid Plan 823. Section 7, thence south Odeg. 35' 23" east a distance of 60 feet .9 a point, thence north 83deg. 24' 35" i cast a distance of 10(3 fert to a point, .hence north fldeg. 35' 25" wen a dls .ance of 80 feet to a point, thence south C3deg. 24' 35" west distance of )0Q, feet to tee poini or commencement for the sale of beer by the ; or by the open bottle for consumption cn the, , premises. emlsea. i DATED this 12th day of January. 1927. , NOTICE. 11. A. LKJUU. All accounts due the, Pioneer Laundry I Ltd. and the Canadian Steam Laundry, up to and Including December 31. 1928, are payable to the above firms. All lis- j blllties owing to the above firm are assumed and payable by the new organ-! isatlon known as Prince Rupert Laun- dries Ltd. ( Signed 1 ! PRINCE RUPERT LAUNDRIES LTD. THE SALE OF AM. SALES Quality First, Price Lust Men's Mackinaw Coats, best make, all wool $3.DH Men'H Tweed Suits .... $9.93 Men's Tweed Overcoats $19.83 Men's Heavy Wool Work Shirts $1.19 Men's Overalls $1.93 Men's Wool Hoxe 29c MANY OTHER. HAKfiAINS Come and ee. Wo set a hard pace for others to Thor Johnson 720 Second Avenue Amazingly Trutliful Reproduction Making every record do Its besC This new 15runwick, quickly won the heurts of mulc lovcra everywhere. The cast?, too. is beautiful beyond the usual. Come in and say I want to hear the new . Friday, Ju .. i C BEST Js F t E tIwM Sold Everywhere mmiM$ If UT I in llic Vacuum i jsHB-x " ' y1100 can- i! Ten Years Ago In Prince Rupert J IM'.tllV IS. l1J Two prisoners broke out of Hazelton Red'JaU yesterday according to word re- ahould celved by the provincial police. They supposed to be on their way to I Hon. Joseph Thompson, who still retains hind, on going to war. had married his the commercial hatcheries :n the Unutci ' a Toronto seat. The assembly over which best pal. When Red Malloy. a dls- sxaies. ine mwnni" Mr. Black will rule is the fifth in which honest trader, annoys Aloma and hurts not being made quickly enough to mee he has taken part. her old grandfather. Bob defends her. he requirements. Major T. Ashmore Kldd. Conservative. ' She swears allegiance to the first while , 'Kingston, will signalize his debut in the man who has actually fought for her. .House by moving the Address In. reply, Andrew Taylor, uncle of Sylvia, 'to the sDeech from the Throne. Dr. girl who forgot Bob. learns that she I Paul Pol&son. Conservative. Essex North, and her husband are on their way to 1 . , ... , V. . afBr4 U, ....I.. In hi ZBrwrwwick MoooAnt mcomi v J. LORNE MacLAREN, Lid. Third Avenue. Corner Fifth Street DEMAND "Rupert Brand" - Rippers - "THE DAINTIEST HREAKFAST FOOD." Smoked Daily by Canadian Fish & CoW Storage (a Prince Huperl, H.C I Canadian Canadian Pacific Railway B. C. Coast Services Sailings from Prince Rupert To Kflrhlkan, ran ell, Juneau. ktMt In, tfl. Jsn. 10, 1o tanroutrr, VUlnrU, ftealtle January 3, II, IK ritiNcrsM ur.tTitiri:. Ii.r llullalr, jit Iteiu IWIis. (l-rnn llall. Naiiiu, Alert lur (aniilell Klsrr, sml Vaiiniuirr etery Mtliirilij, II a.m. Armey for all M-amhlp l.lnes. lull lnfonnsll """' V. C. (IKCinilll, (l-nrral stent. Corner of 4th Mrrrt anil 3rd Arnue. frlme Kupert, It-C u UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Miillliii from I'rlnir lluimt. , Ai, lot VAN( OI!Vi:H, VICIOItIA, Hsnon IUJ- ami Alrrl llajr, r lrJ"' lor V.?M;Ol!VMI, VKIOKIV Alert ll.ir and KMUliMin IMy. rlr l"" t'or IflllT Nl.Ml'MOV, ANYU.V, AI.K't: AKM, NTKW.IKT ! ' " lamwlra, HuniMJ, S i.m. , mC, 12.1 2ml Avenue. It. M. SMITH. A f,enl. I'llme Hl" SAVAGE KLElTltlC WASH Fit AND DHYEIt Wnshes, Ulues, Rinses and Dries without a wringer or having to put your ha""1 the water. Cnsh Trice l,w Also Many Terms KAIEN HARDWARE CO