FAGZ FOUB TERRACE HAD BRINGING UP FATHER By George McMaa.u BURNS NIGHT BOY- HC3B5-THCYA.RE TAKE. TME&E TICKETS TICKETS TO IMTO MY m j jjWt. m.m . Mr. can, L 1 1 ( ckSd" . I S71 - aa- a -- - - -a w. a .', - ka l -jt a a frmmwmmm m i arr w- av i DIMMER SATORDAY rfr. V I I II 1 t-n 4t-n.i-i-. I Tfa. If J J II IW iS.' "i a. -M I ar 2 11 J IUW.k-J LW 'A -tv... ' , MiCWT' JsVMVERA.lRY Ol' MOTTIMI IURI) ItlKTII H it M 1TAIH.V EKlTrU TERRACE. Jan. 39. Burns" night ni suitably celebrated here on Tuesday evening: with a tuqiut concert and dance. Tlx event was under the auspices of the local St. Andrew's Society. AorwntnodaUon had been arranged lor the seating ct ooe hncOred and fifty runti in the O.W.TA nan and practically every seat was occupied. The tables were laden with an abundance of delicious Scotch foods and - attractive menu cards. Special Interest centered in the Haggis which was borne around the room by June Richmond to appropriate music furnished by J. McLaren. The address to the Haggis was given by Thoa. Young. During the dinner telegram of greettng were exchanged with Prince Rupert St. Andrew Society. A wen arranged toast list. Interspersed with musical selections, was dispensed. W. S. Andersen, president of the local society, was toastmaer and proposed ths toast to the King. The toast to The Im mortal Memory was honored try John Hepburn. The remainder of the pro gram was as fallows: Yccal solo "The Star of Rabble Burns." Rev. Win. Allan. Toast "Bonnie Scotland." proposed by Err. A. M. Raclsson. responded to by Rev. Wm. Allan. Selection At tore eon and drums. J. MiLaren and L. H. Kcnney. Vocal olo There was a Lad was Eorn In Kyle." Mrs. A Han. Toast "Canada." proposed by Capt. Colthurst. responded to try L. F. Spragge. Vocal solo -Cfcinln' Thru the Bye." Miss Haffiwett. Toast -Oar Town." proposed by E. T. Eencey. responded to by Dr. Wm. Tur-pel . Vocal solo Uary Harrison." Rev. A. W. Robinson. m.NflNfi IOU.OHH The floor sras then cleared and dancing .commenced to moiie furnished by Urs. Attwood. L-. H. Kenney and S. N Klrkaldy. the dances being interspersed with recitations, vocal selections, step dances, etc Those taking part Included the Mines Fanny and Sophia Sic-Larrn. Ur. and Urs. AQan Urs. R Kaney. Thos. Young, I.rmrfi was aerred about one o'clock and the gaiety continued, many Scotch dance being enjoyed tn real Scotch fashion. It was almost past the weel sma" hours before the gathering broke np. The committee in charge of the affair consisted of Ur. and Urs. W 8. Anderson. Ur. and Urs. Jaa, Swann. Ur. and Urs. A. H. Barker. Urs. W. H. Uc Donald. and J. McLaren. SMITHERS Threshing machines from 'Other parts of the district have been taken to Tefkwa to assist is getting a big crop of grain and timothy seed threshed for the I97T market. There has been record production In that, the banne; district of the J3ulkley Valley, thla past yecr but It Is safe to assume that the tonnage of wheat alone win Increase 100 per cent next season as the desire to ship to the Prince Rupert elevator Is the ambition of every farmer with fall ploughing ready for the seed- A new strike on the Golden Glory mining proserty at Decker Lake, owned Having received a cash payment of 110.000 from the Standard Sliver-Lead Co. as first installment on his Rich field mine at Topley. Frank Taylor has since expressed his confidence In that district by taking option on several properties and living up to his own demands by making cash paymenta. He has also purchased a townalte surrounding Topley station and plan on having It subdivided and placed on the market. Burns' Night was suitably celebrated here on Tuesday rdgbt .with a splendid ' dance under the ' auspice of the Rcbekah and Oddfellow lodge. A daughter was born here on Wed nesday morning to Mr. and Urs. Stan ley Bennett who formerly resided In Prince Rupert. Ur. Bennett being In the service of the C.NJI. Telegraphs. Oreat Interest continues to be taken In the league hockey game here. There , are three teams Shleks. Eskimos and j Tlgers-j named In the prder f, rank iiiry . now enjoy on in sisoaing snr.ii. Urs. C. L. Dimmest and Ulss Flora Kldd entertained at a shower In honor of Ulss Mjrrtle Oulton, whose marriage will take place shortly. ur. q. it. iianklnson entertained a Urge number' of ladles at the tea hour on Tuesday In honor of Ur. Oeorge , Turpi n, bride of the United Church paator her. Mia McDonnell rendered ' tsrcr&l piano selection and a vocal sclo by Urs. K C. Bamford was much! appreciated. Mrs. Ranklason was assisted ' In serving by Urs. J. K. Carr aad Urs. F. H. Johnsson. Urs. Charles Morris broke ber leg! and will be confrned to her borne for! at least two months as a result -of I I. B. Warner has been re-ippolnted I. jusuc. of the peace for Smithera. T. Chalmers of Vancouver has ar rived ta taae a post in the government oace here succeedlEg W. H. L. NorrU. transferred to Cumberland. Ur. Chalmers has been Identified with the government service tar scene time. Ur Jind Mrs. H. M. Uatthews and famSy have returned to -Sen! iters after an absence of Urs. Uatthews and the children extending over several months Ben Mueller returned on Tednesday last after a visit with his brother In Washington. Ben has boarded his farm stock for the winter and wBt work la the mines until spring. PRINCE GEORGE Dan UcPree of the Sinclair Spruce Co. submitted the claims of the mill-men east of Prince George tor greater jne rum. is; mooted establishment of a pulp and paper m81 In this vtetnlty has been .gradually bringing the matter to a head. It wSl be toqtrired into by- the. timber committee at the Board of Trade. The city council has decided to est electric light rates here by twenty per cent during the coming year. At the last meeting of the council It was The first annual dinner of the mem bers of the Fort George Old Timers Coughed So Hard Could Not Sleep 3Ir. Daaie) Ditaey, Lym, Ott, falling Monday night whae skating ati. writes: L1 Jaavarr I lad a eerr the emitters risk. Her skates locked J severe ecw aad m(M ta Lard I with another lady's. eowM sot sleep ftfgku. I tried everv bat aiiag gave e reKef asttl I tne4 Dr. Wood's Norway Pine Syrup wKiek was Tworas3eBQi to tat by a netgator. I wiB vrr I witboct it la the jae agaia." Too dat er;iet win yoa bor "Dr. TTooJ's" as it ias a bsW-lM rraejj fsi tae pert it years. Price Sis. a bottle; large fasnflr size fOe.; pet sp oaly bv Tie T. MBbcra Col, LLaiteJ. Toronto. Oat. Toung. J. H. Johnson. John atrTnnt. Urs. Al Johnson. George B. WBRama. M. Dayton. J. T. Oowart, A. R. Bar row. T. J. Johnston and Alex UoSatt. Songs were contributed by Brace Parker and Percy Pinker. The evening's proceedings were concluded with a pro- umoer rcppues ai a recent meeaag CI-mn Of "r the Prince Oorge Board ef Trade. Ee asserted that ten mlBs would be forcedl to close down in a short Ume If they were not given timber. A local rink consisting ef W. O. D. i narner. ur. Carl Ewart. Cyril Dupre and Edward Opie. which took in the " """" "jbonspiel at Jasper last week, gave a good accosnt of Itself, carrying oS the grand challenge cup, and a number of Ulss Elsie UeLahan. prominent Canadian reader and Impersonator. wBl gtve an entertainment In Enox Church here on Uonday evening. Word has been received here of tae death in Essondale Hospital of JohnJ Hartley, a man of advanced years who stated that taxes and payments on was sent from here for treatment. tales of reverted lots would yield 110, I Betty t. infant daughter of Sherl3 and northern Rebekan ixidge wo. 3 and 'Mrs. E S. Peters, occurred at Fraser Cariboo Lodge IODX. held a Joint In-' jke on Friday. Interment being per staBatlon recently. Urs. F. Clark, pre-' tormei ta prjjice George, sident. and P. J. Shearer, grand master.' were assisted by A. U. Patterson, grand a son. Robert Burns, was born here by Robert H. Oerow of Burns take. faasia,d " Oddfellows. been made and a carload of ore Is tof be shipped according to Dan McDonald wife has been visiting In Smith ers. Beside the activity at the Golden Otory. which Is within two miles of the Decker Lake station, there have been other development In the mineral line there Utely. 'The' town council nas decided, from a fire protection standpoint, to strictly enforce the municipal bylaws relating to, electric wiring and chimney con structlon. Bytsws are aha being passed to protect sidewalk and public parks against 'damage. marital. Urs. Dupre is noble grand of on Uaaday night to Ur. and Urs. Alex- uie Rebekan Lodge wene o. Docherty : ander Hutcheon. t TERRACE Association, held Wednesday Bight In' Thos. Brooks returned on WeJnoday the Prlnae Rupert Hold, was a very from a abort trip to Prince Rupert. enjoyable affair. L. C. Ounn was In - the chair and there were several novel; There has been quite a rotleeable items of entertainment. Among the dropping oS In attendance at school speakers -were Brier iff E. 8. Peters. AI recently many children being il! with AKER'S COCOA Jorlnchean Here is a drink that has food value Aa well as a most delicious flavor and aroma For the business man's luncheon , , it is incomparable A DISTINGUISHED DIETITIAN ONCE SAID "Jt soothes both stomach and brain" MADE ONLY BY WALTER BAKER ft CO. Limited ' EstabUlitJ I70 DORCHESTliR, MASS. Can-dun Mill at Montreal Booklet of Otoice Rtcifrs tent free s-r l a - - En. Adults also are Qading It bald to escape and many ptaple are cnaftw-ed to Otetr bases. In snest earn, how-eer. u to a sery mfid type. P. E. Clark, nmwt eagtaeer ta the putUe works depaiuwmt. Saltlsfra waa a bosinew rtiltar here em Twswday and Wednesday. Urs. C. L. M aisjey returr'-l oa Wednesday treat Prince Rupert Tea Uarsb returaed at tiv. ilng of the week to Cedar ale wbare be js epfsged Is the pole bmfoMS. C. Hauglaad. who west W Prtece Rupert On Tuesday far treasmeat wa an injured foot renaraed hame aa Wednesday. Constable Sam Service retaraed at the beginning of the week team Pztare Rupert. P. C Bilbao made a abor trip to Prince Raprrt during the week, returning home oa Wedaesday. 31 CVS WHIST M Meat kslhi W rtfcla by rare mt J ta 4 ha Italy llasse rur4 Lal MtM The ooty fame ftsyed W the WMat League nxtares set tor test alxfet re- 8 SPORT CHAT If the M pie Leafs are successful to i wled ta a was tor the Ux aver the! latgnto f PyUr by a sesre af a 4. The games of St Oratfe (Seal Oove a. 84ns ef Canada aad St. George's Cttyt vs. St. Andrewli were amlsaaam an t respect ta the memory af the tote W. O. Ruzbcs wtdle so aCnctal as wa g9rti tor 9ks va. OdtafHlov rat meetJog, There are twa puatpaatd james front lavt week that have to he layed as wHL The iwaitMc m teaan to ste aa Mlavm: W Uaose 7 mi s !1jOjO-F 4 it. George'stSe Oovet 4 Xatgau of Pythias .. 3 ft. Oeorgn ICRyi ... 3 Jxn af Canada 3 St. Andrews 3 L. PM. 7 2 night in tbetr game with the Adanaca they win etneb the ladies' ebampUn-ship having lost only one gsm to their opponents. The Adanaca hav been rather handicapped by different changes in their tlne-up for some of the games whereas the Uaple Leafs have played practically the same team throughout the series. If the Uaple Leafs win it is 'expected that they will later play with Anyox or Smithers In a series of gamek to decide .the ladles' championship of Northern BC. Noth ing definite has been heard r aa. ta whether a team from Edmonton win visit the , city this spring but the Mspic Leaic snonia' consiaer it neces sary to keep up vigorous practise for any game which might offer. The Orotto-and Oyro billiard team announce that there will be no Inter ference with their scheduled fixture tonight on account of dissension pre vailing among other tesms. They will line up as follow In tonight's touraa mtnt: Oeorge Wsugh (Orottol vs. W. It, Long (Oyro). J. Andrew vt. W. J. Nelson. O. Howe vs. A. Uacdonald. Dr. West vs. Frank Aldrldge. J. Hamilton vs. Belt Self. The decision to call a general meet' Ing of the Billiard Association It 1 hoped will result In the resumption of contests by all the teams in the near future. Every player is urged to be present, which will permit of a full discunslon of any matter which may be under dispute. It 1 announced by Wlnthrop Sear, promoter, that ther will le an International professional Ice hockey 'league formed on the coast consisting of Vancouver. Victoria. Portland, Seattle, to Angeles and Hollywood. It is ex. peeled that It will l.ot start until next year. Ban Johnson served for twenty-seven' V anted For Sale For Rent DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. 2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken fo lets than 50c iVAXTyi WANTED. HIGH SCHOOL OIRL TO act as companion for girt of ten In good borne. Write for partarutars to P.O. Dos III. Aayws. BC. 33 SITUATIONS WANTED .TOONO LAOT DESIRES POSITION AS slsaograaber or clerk - Refer cares. ApHT Box 30. Dally New efSwe. 31 FOR SALE FOR SALE TO CLOSE OUT AN estate, we are aatbortsrd ta sell aeveral lots, some coraera. harbor view, aad an sewer. Prices low aad teras from 1100 orithly. Enqutrr T. UcCIymont. U IIS 0O A MOXm BOTS A FIXE BUILD-' tng lot: Graham Avenue. Music Stare. FOU KENT Walker J FOR SALE.-PAIR OF BLUE FOX1S. Apaly O. H Odd. aSeavtew Apart-meats. tf FOR RENT. THIRTY ROOM EQOIH- fed hotel. Gouik eoncrra. Write Box 343 Dsty Kew Offlce " U FOR REXT. FURNISHED APART- mnt; Smu roaot aad bath: water Phoac S47. It FOR REST. STEAM HEATED APART. meata. Apply Saattb tc Uailett. Ltd. Telephone 174. OR REST PIAKOS. PHONOORAPHS aad Slaaer Sewiag UaeMaes. Walker Uuste Store. FtTRWISHED APARTMENTS FOR RENT by day, week ar imatb Pban Red 607. U fOR RENT MODERX HOUSE. FIVt room and bath. Uunro Bros. tt !X)ST JOST. BLACK TUH LINED COAT. between Sixth Street and Third Street on Second A r roue. Finder please re turn to DaUy Kew Office. JOST WATER METER FOR C1IEV rolct ear between Second Street and Hospital. Finder please return to Dally Newa office. Reward. ItOAKI) BOARD. THE INLANDER. Second Avenue. Phone tit. S3 'J absence and will possibly be made per manent. -'-. Ty Cobb, who waa yesterday rein stated by OormnUaloner land la. ha been offered 14.000 a year to play with the Baltimore club of the International league. , The relation of sport to the exhibi tion waa discussed at the annual meeting, of the Association the other rren tng. From a financial point of view it seems that lb sports card has not made very generoua returns to the aa-aoeiatics. In the opinion of some It will hardly ever be possible to draw crowds to Acrepoiuvbill whieb might attend feature nearer the city. Or tatrly basketball might be better pat rontzed thla winter if the games wet nearer the etty. Then again It la coo- "Uh 9 M a in. 32M pM. Low 2:41 am. Mm pm. High Low High years in baseball circle before he wa Low recently granted leave of absence. It la announced that his Impaired health! MTI IllltV. 4M AIIV J9 10:19 am. 23 3 J pm. 318 am. 17:14 pm. M'MltV, JAMWIIV SB 11:03 am. 4 :J2 a m. 18:02 pm. H.7 ft. 18 0 -00 - ta - AUCTIONREIt LOST IN TIIX PAST! I LOST MONEY. So have you Why continue It! wont da I buv and sell. You know KKSTAUKANTS mon rare, ctir Mrs. Cnger. Proprletreu Third Avenue, licit O. W V. A. Ilond 1 1 tne fWkrd Meals. Phone Black 700 Sip ANOTHER IU0 REDUCTION IN CHEVROLET COMMERCIAL CAR PRICES 1-1H Ton CtQKy Exprsos Chassis I tfi0 Y, Ton Light DrHvery Cbaaata CM 00 Touring and Roadster lit 00 Sport Roadster I aao m Coach and Oesp 11030 00 Sedan Itltseo landau Iltastt ur.i rtR nj ii n Ford Light fHTery. open body I 7500 I Ford Ught Delivery, panel body I ISO 00 Ford Light Delivery, starter In the Ustter of the AdmlnUtrttlon Act: and In the Ustter flf th KaAt At inrla I Tl-roday. Friday Saturdays arit, J an M. 34 Ana, Lotti; Found.4, 1VU1L SCHEDULE , : !lv I he ta-t Ol'T-OOINO It's true I mate oat daJlar look like i 0vd'" Wttdsys sad hJ Iwel Tour Influence and eo-oneraUon i iJ (diet ira. roooe tt. 291 Taird Ate. Private sates da3y. AorUoas arranged. O F. Brine. Auctioneer. x. iucn eal rate. Uned Wood Blocks per load MM. KladHag. per laad MAO FHrBaee Wood, per load MM Delivered. Sail Iterrtng Mart a I. First class mln a vjv. e-jt Yaaeasmr en Monday aj aatarday by C.MJt tralna. Ta Alice trsa. lrvHJ Sundays . . f Wednesday T Ft. Maipwa 4 N tnep, Sundays . . Ta ta rwlals Jaa. 10. 34 T Ijaeea ( kirMltw Jaa. It. .ovir, ITmm the U-4 Tuiays. Thursday asd kiip at . . o Iroca aatCMHrr Sanaa r . Wsdasadaya . ; 1 Frtdsrs . CTM-. Jaa 10 34 i IIm .tajwx. .tike trsa, FiesuWv Tuesday FtMsys I rvmt Ft. Mainsa aad kr TUeay frww tU4ka r4ttl Jaa 14. it I imi Qweea fbarUlle Jaa. IS. rt ta Of as as AU:n Area i r 14 Ate A tb St etk Are Fultan St til Ave. 4c Tnompac.'l Ittk Saerbrook A rx HHi Ave ic Conrad ' Mat Ave A lUrv ' Hk At lUys Core C'.rrt ' BWi Ave At Oottao 8' I Ford Tudor Sedan, starter I 1 ' equipment U00 l-V " i I Oldamobil S-pssaenger Tour- ; " Zi? Ing. 1W1 - ... taoooo ' "7" r.. u k.. . -" "' and used car to suit the purchaser. KAIEN GARAGE Dealer In fatllr. MrUaihlla. (takUad. rVallae llldxaablle and fhetrirfet Carv Fhene 5J TAXI Phone 67 Taxi (Call Oeorjre. Paul or Gunt) RJx nd fifvfn PaAnifrr Studo-bakern at your dipol nny tlrai-J ROSS IHV0S POOL ROOM MrrUr Illock. (Across from Empr sa HotfU IN PRORATE. ts Tiir. arrKCMFrnT'RT or iikitiii (DM Mint and Are Ai 2nd St rd Are A- Fulton St ' Srd A Ac th St 1 Satiday eolWt'na :? at ' days only. STEAMSHIP MOYDID !' Vaneaafrr Tuesday as. Cardena FiUIst aa. Prince Rupert 1 Saturday- a, Catala Saturday -m Prlrw ivs Jsn. I4--S. pTlnre Mt" Jan. 3S Frinma Ut.n I'rmw Vsnrnmef Bundiy -. Cardena Wedncaday . Pr suprt ' Friday- a. Catala Saturday Princes Be" Jan 10- a, pimces Mary Jsn. 34 a. Prince Man Far rW MlmpMn aad aa xj ounaay -aa, baiaena Aim. otberwis known a Ander i Irtmi MmixaM t4 -A'm' 5TS!la'.I"wu: ! Tt1av-a. Card! I inr.i num. mil oy oraer Ol III' ' . n- Ire I . " Honor. Judge Robertson, the lath day of (" Weaart. Amji ,1 n.kj. iwio, ( wss sppoinira runusy - m vararna i AdminUtrator of the estate of Andrew' wednexis . Pr.:: Bkp"" I Aim sf hr It. V nn.n . . . i . . .. . I tl tended that the grounds used for foot. I deceased, and all turtles hm et.tm. i "rwi ilearl. Antn aad I ball ind baseball alnt the said estsU ar hereby re. Tuesdsy-as. Cardena ea siu aww win ut aVTCT rever be OV such IUCU M I 7 . . . Z ' " " " I furnish aame, properly verified I rrlnce Ruprrl -J a a city city this inu size sue desire desires far for sporting rmrifi ? t Friday-, ' to me. on or before the 17th dy of . evente Tber are many view pointa' January. A D. 137. and all parties in. ' "T ,,u,n n n 111 .ntle- 7Z,.rl on tl3 question acd doubtless there la fw111 ln,,1,uu r '"'frd to pay " lnf cr' th amount of their room for Improvement. PRINCE RUPERT TIDES a ntintv. JtM.tnr m MOMUV, JAMUKV 21 will not permit bi return to the active High oiilt am. work of heading the American League.' Frank J Marin, owner of the Tiger, tow had been appointed a bead In his p m. 8:49 am. 18:44 pm. 19 4 tt. 1S " tl " 8.8 " 202 ft. 00 43 - 17.7 ft. 2111 -8.0 - aa - indebtedness to me lorinwitn. NORMAN A. WATT Prince Rupert,' B C. Official Administrator, Dated th 2lt dar of Uereinher. a n IBM. IN PRORATE IV THE fH FItr.MK roi'RT OF IlKITIMI f OI.C.MIII A 'Act-ti'd' 61 th Adm,nltr,tll5 In the Matter ef th Estate of Clark .Ii?LdJU2!l,m' Deceaed. Intestate TAKE NOTICE that by order 6f Mil Honor. Judes Robertson, he 15th day ot December. AD. 124. I was appointed Administrator of tha .tt nr ourk Edward Bronson. deeessed. and all psrtiet hsving claims arilnu the ald estate ar , hereby miulred to furnish earn, pro.i perly ertfled to tn on or before the 1 !?.h.dJ lf ji"r- AD- 1927. and all psrtle Indebted to th estate are r. VL'X 10 Pf' ,h nwint of their In. (lebtednrs to m forthwltli. i NOHMAN A. WATT. OfUlal AdminUtrator, 1 , Prince Rupert. DO ?8 h oX lr'nUr'. A D. Jan. 20 -at Prince Cna-ie Item tftieen 1'hsrMle Jail. II as. Prince CxA" Jan. 27-aa, Prince C A" tnr AU'ta Jan. 10 . Prlneess Mrf Jan. 24 -a. Prlnceas Ms" From Alaks Jan. 14 aa. PrtnreM Mr Jan. 28 -aa. Trlnceo Mcr C.N.R. TRAINS For East- Mondays, Wrij Saturday From East Tuesdays, Sundays PA IN IP BLADfl ssa-tl inn " L W M SoM 0' .11 "1 J