lay. January 28. 1027 "the lapel is bed and white The Service Which Makes the Milk in this Tin So Good CARNATION realizes that food evaporated milk must start at the farm. So Carnation condrnsrritt art located only in district where dairying reaches its highest level. To aid dairymen there, is the Carnation Field Forte a body of men whoe sole job it to see that the dairymen who supply Carnation w ith milk, supply the Lett milk in the world. This is but one of the many features which make Carnation Milk so good but one of the many reasons why Carnation adds rreamineM to coffee, and make all cooking to delicious. Carnation is just pure, whole milk, evaporated to double rich-rim and made safe by sterilisation. Diluted, it givrs superior results in all cooking. Undiluted, it takes the place of cream at one-third cream cost. Order Carnation iron your grocer. Send for free copy of Mary Bin cook Book. Additwi Carnation Milk Prv-lucU Cuniwuy. Limited. ISt Abbott St., Vancouver, DC It looks creamy It tastes creamy It la creamy Carnation "From Contented Cows" TWO SIZES Produced in Canada fAU AND SMALL The qjL Store I'm middle aged und elderly in?oilr, children and wtk men and women. VINOL Mih it', iron und cod liver peptone, 1 a woiuft-rful hU in con dition of general weakness, anaemia Io of appetite aad physical exhaustion Trice, per twllle .... Our utock is freh. The patent oral ahnped bottle is a (guarantee of the genuine Vinol. i Ormes Ltd. The Pioneer Druggies Tlir'-c registered Pha'niiui-t f.lrtl Ave. and Gth St. l'hiines 82 and 200 Canadian National Steamships Co. Limited Prince Rupert 'RYDOCK AM) SHIPYARD OpernliiiK (2.T.I. 20,0(1(1 Tun Floating Dry Dock 'iitgincerK, MiuIiImImIs, Hoilornuikers, Itliickmilhs, Pattern. makers Founders. Woodworkim, He. KI.KCTUIC AND Afirm.IiNH WM.UINC. Our plnilt In ViUi' d to bundle it 1 1 kiml.H of M Alt INK AN1I I'OMMUKCIAI. WOUK. I'llONKS 1.1 and 3S3 'TRY A NIP TONIGHT" BfH1ll'lST'fiffWg", riiwwn aj BEST PROCURABLE BCTTltO ft 6URNTItCjSY yj,J .f. M.O0UCS 8C01LH0 et.kiMt " Sll"K '0 SAlvwt lIUt Du" . . '''''''''''MillllllilSJtaui.anaiasiii rmumtw Ti. n be Orlglnsl Labels, look for ll at the VenJor'a and Inaist on GRANT'S "BEST PROCURABLE M'tivurtijcincnt is nol piil.llslif.l or displayed by Hie Uqun? "vai-u or uy lite aoverumeul of urltlili uoiuti)ii Local and Personal Arthurs Tail, Phone 678. BO. Undertakers. Phone 41, Bur Rupert manufactured shingle from Seal Cove Lumber Co., Ltd. Mf&sM. orv We : Prince' Rupert 'lor Vancouver wnere it U her Intention to locate George W. Taylor, auditor for toa ' " Rupert this morning after spending some time in the city on official duties. C.P.K. steamer Princess Mary. Capt Thomas Cliff, will arrive from Alaska ports at 3 o'clock this afternoon and sail at four for Vancouver and way points. i. E. Miller and T. Mason, customs Inspectors, sailed this morning by the Prince Rupert on their return to Vic toria after having been In the city for a few days on official duties. James McRae was fined 1150 or four months In Jal by Judge Robertson In County Court yesterday on charge of assault. The case concerned an Indian who was badly beaten up at the Dyer apartments early Isst ' December. Sailings of the Princess Beatrice from Vancouver on February 2 and 9 have txn cancelled x she wUl be withdrawn for annual overhaul. There will therefore be no saltings from this port of this steamer on February S and 12. B-aterfront. 1 " Trappers! Call and show your furs to the Old Reliable House. It will pay you as me can guarantee to give yen Higher priote than anyone else. V.'e. bate btg orders for all kind of tun. esfircially mink. Win. CMdMooui. Second Avenue. Phone 922. U Judgment for the pUlntifl lis Use sum of 1102 0 and eosts wss glvtn la County Court yestertfsy by Judge Robertson In the oase of Hsrrtsoa vs. Kimball The claim wss for 1216 as being due under a partnership which existed between the contending parties st Stewart. Union freighter Chilaoot. Cant. J. L. Williams, arrived In port yesterday af ternoon st 4 o'clock from the south After discharging a rather iarga cargo locally including tu rater aad fuel oil, the Chilaoot tU4 today for Part Simpson and Stewart and wtll be back here again st the first of the week southbound. A meeting of the city council fisheries committee together with representatives of vsrtoue organisations In the city who have been Invited to be present will be held In the city hall tonight to discuss and possibly pass resolution In connection with the mstter of protection and better mooring facilities for fishing craft on the Miss Pasehe. sewing teacher In the United Church Native School at Kite- ChUkoot. LAND ACT Mil ICE or INTENTION TO APPLY TO lO I'l lt( II AMI LA Mi In Prince Rupert Land Record Ins: District of Prince Rupert, and situate or. the north shore of the South Arm of Tamo Harbor. Moresby Wand. Queen Charlotte Islands. Province of Ilsitish Columbia. TAKE NOTICE that James field, of Prince Rupert. DC, occupation Marine Broker, intends to apply for permission to purchsse the following deacrtbed lands: Commencing at a rt planted on the north shore of South Arm of Tasoo Harbor, Morrtiby Uland. Queen ctisrlotte Island', In the Province of British Columbia, about 5 chains from the end of the Oovernmen' trail: thence 10 chains northesstrrly; thence 10 chains northwesterly; thence 10 chains southwesterly; thence 10 chains southeasterly, and containing twenty (20) acres, more or Iras. JAMES ncijj. Applicant. Dated November 21. !t. ANNOUNCK.MKNTS - Balvatlon 'Army Musical EnUrUlu-inrnt, February 4. KnlKhta of Pythias St. Valentine's Juvenile -Masquerade Ball. February 14. KstalilLsht'd l'J23. it a i o i 48 Of fiie Hours: a.m. to C p.m Saturday: a.m. to 1 inn Any evening by apiointnicnt DiEE K DENTIST THE DAILY NEW3 PAGE THREE Gordon Robb of Bun. on the Prliice Rupert th,- Vancouver where he plau. !.;.ke sailed morning lor o locate. C. V. Kvlll wai a pa.-, l .ir .sailing for the south on the Pr..,i. riapert this morning. He Is on a ij'..:.cs trip. Provincial Constable W.llnia Smith arrived from Anjw Shis, m i.-ning having In his custody a pan..; for examination as to bis sanity. C.NJt. steamer Prtnc Rupert. Caps. H. Medden, was delayed this mornins; for a couple of hours In her scheduled departure for the south due to loading; of, freight. Mr. and Mrs. R. O Mutrle and daughter arrived in Use yesterday from Toronto. Mr. Mu're will take over the optometry department at Hellbroaer's Jewellery Store CNJB. steamer Priaee John is i pected from Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Island points tomurrow morn ing. Stm will sail at 8 o dock m the evening on her return trip. Mr. and Mrs. Rcfaart Wiggins a family have ai lived In the city fraan CedarvsJe. where they axe ranehlng. and wUl he hat for a few months. It Is their Intention to return to the ranch in the sortnf. Union steamer Cst;i. Capt- H. Johnston, arrreed from Vancouver and way maat. was brought to the city yes- points this afternoon terdsy. aeeompsnled by Mrs. R. W. will make her calls in the uooanagc. on tne steamer onusoot. River awing the ntiit. and was sdmitted to the Prince Rupert, here on oar return south at 8 o'clock; General Hospital for treatment. TtxUy . tomorrow morning , ahe la reported to be doing as well saj . -- can be expected and may be able to I The tea and sale under I be auspices return to KlUmaat with Mrs. Short- of the Catholic Wcar.en'S'laafue beldi ridge at the first of the week on the yesterday afternoon at tfe home of Mrs. M. P. McCaSery resmlted in the raising of 960. Drawing for a tray cloth took place In the count at the proceedings and the winner was Mrs. O. W. Nlckerson. Corporal Marijind of tho eHy de-tachmtat of Use provincial police, left for the south on the Pjtaet Rupert this morning having in ttk oharga Lae Wins Juri f llaatlton. wg had bean enteric to C-talla for -ka Infraction of the liquor-' act. ias Jaatea oil Thulen. a patient tor BssOhdslerMspiUl from the' TvUwa district. Clarance 11. Lougbeect, president of International .Association (Jyro Clubs, has been slightly Utdisp4ee Since his arrival in the city on Wednesday and was unable to fill his appointment and address the Rotary Club lit. the lunch eon yea terdsy. He is leasing for the south on the Princess Majry this afternoon en route to his horAe la Calgary. W. Bussey, captain of the fishing boat Atll. With Mrs Bussey and two children, returned to the city on Tuesday afternoon being accompanied by it. Bussey. brother or Captain Bussey'. During tliatr absence from the city for several weeks. Capt. and Mrs. Busey visited their old home la Newfoundland and eastern Canadian cities. They have resumed residence at 113 Sccona Avenue. A OOOIl lIKAsON Too The inspector wat paying his monthly visit to the village school. He etamtneTi the children in reading and general knowledge as was his custom, and was very pleased with the aiiswars he ' Xrter the last question had been asked and answered st:(,u-t -niy he rose to his feet and remarked n nlally: 'I wish I were . n: tie boy sU eohool again." He allowed a few mamviu- far this to sink In. he then added: "Do you know why I wish that".' For a moment or two there waa silence, I then a small boy at the back ot the room was heard to say: " "Cos you vc forgot all you ever I'llOIlt) 109 Ivuvnt j." 'YOUNG PORCHER ID. MAN PASSES (OMtAll IIADLWD, MHO EXI'lllEU I IN LOCAL HOSPITAL YESTEIl-l lAV. ( I l.tllltATKIf TWENTY I lll'TH ItlUIIIDAV THIS i MONTH Illness with which he hsd .been i afflicted lot over a year resulted In the i death at 2:30 yesterday afternoon In ! tne Prince Rupert General Hospital of C'nrad Kadland second son of Mr. and Mrs Julius Hadland of Oona River, Porcher Island. Deceased was 25 yesrs ( i of age. having passed his birthday on 'January 14. Born in Norway, deceased came 'to Canada at the age of eight months i his parents who resided In Sss- luuchewan. Some nine years ago,. .the tamlly moved to Prince Rupert and for tne past six years they have been at Oona River where father and brothers operated a sawmill. There, deep regret will be felt at the passing of the popu lar young man. The parents were called Into the city and were present at the end. Beside his parents, the late Conrad Hadland Is survived by four brothers David of the Rupert Table Supply stair In the city, and Julius, Selmer and Allred. at Oona River and six sisters ChrUUna at Oona River: Mrs. Otto Olsen. Port Esslngton. and Lilly. Anna. Selma and Hilda, all at Oona River. Funeral arrangements are In the bands of the B.C. Undertakers and In ferment wtll take place on Sunday under the auspice of the International Bible Studens' Association with Fred Cameron officiating. PRINCE RUPERT SCHOOL OF MUSIC Professor Pryce has decided to form a Junior musical club for girls and boy in connection with the Prince aupert School of Music and will be pleased to enrol any interested in nuatc as a member. The, first meeting will be held on Monday. January 31.' at 7.30 to elect officers. Pull particulars, phone 671, Prince Rupert School of Music 21 d'AERor. Fond Father (to daughter): -Dear, am happy to announce that young The Athletic Ciuh. formed a week " ' ..i Daughter: -But, papa. I dont want fv wuuBtsiau itu iuv sat rasa I w lrt msmma. ! tte.rr. h-M . routed immix lt , .... I "Don't let that bother you. I ahall uiaiH mini aaaEssu npnsi im a xvav m i " w Ule b" f11 I yu- sent for gymnasium Ins'rucnon under Chief Pettj Officer Oeo J. Dswes. WOMAN IS IICKIX. n " -hi--- - - Mr. Kewlywed (to patient husband """" w ' , who has been DlanUnz the flower-bed anes-mont roU (or t;s. district which oha joutj hsve to dig up thst opened thl. mornin. b.-.ore John DTf-lp p,lnted (hu mornln? - I-v. riMdnl la hv the nonnlH on adjournment was taken until thia af ternoon. the other sWe of the garden.' your hairpins. TllonillTITL "Here's your birthday present, desr.' 3 o'clock She i u,. ,doring husbsnd. OMena -Plre-cleanersr gasped the from wh-n .t-- hid nncnert the turrel lll CHOICE wife, "Yes. darling. I knew they'd please you. You never did like me to use Magtstrste: -you say uus man atoie your watch, do I understand thst you prefer the charge against him?" . Pat: "Well, no, your worship. I prefer the watch If It's all the same to you." Ills HUNT I.F.SMIN The owner of a big works, addressing a new employee: "Did my foreman tell you what you wtll hare to dot" "Yes. sir." was the reply. "He told ' me to wake hlra up when I see you coming." J Tl.MIIKU SALE X6830 Scaled Tenders will be received by the Minister of Lands at Victoria, B.C.. uot later than noon on the 14th dsy of Pebrusry. 1027. for the purchase ot Licence X6830, to cut 4.120.000 f.bjn. of spruce. Hemlock and Cedar on an srea situated on the North Shore of oca oil Inlet. Q 0.1. : 1 2) year will be allowed tor re-.-rv :il u( timber. Fur; iter particulars of the Chief Forester, Victoria. B.C.. or District Forester. Prince Rupert. D C LAND ACT. i ... NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LANII. li. Prince Rupert t.and Recording Dls-irlct pf Prince Rupert, and altuate at Neatn Inlet, Qvteen Charlotte Islands. T VKK NOTICE that John Dybhavn, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation manager, Imer.ds to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted on the south side of Nesto Inlet, about one mile from Its head; thence south S chains: thence west 16 chains; thence north 0 chains to shore: thence east IS, chalua, more or less, following the shore i line to point ot commencement, and containing 7 acres, more or less. I jutin uioitAviM, Applicant. Dated November 23. 192ft. COMPANIES ACT TAK3 NOTICE that UPSKTT CUN. MKCHI.'.M ft CO. LIMITED alter the ex. piration of one month from tht first publ'rttlon ot this Notice intends to apply to the Registrar ot Companies tor '.he approval of the change of name to "EDWARD IIPSETT (PRINCE RUPERT) LIMITED." DATED at Vancouver, BC. this 10th day of December. A D. 1B'I6. LAUNCH ft CANTELON, solicitors for Uis ApyUcuUi. Victor RecQrda. ' Foi Trot Vocal Foi Trot Hello Bluebird Art Landy and Ills Orchestra Miller and Kartell ' Lou Mary ' Goo J rich Mlvrrtown Cord Orclicslra , j ,-29294 In a 20285 20291 Little Spanish Town Walt ran! Whit cman & Ills Orcli. 29266 It Made You Happy jWhen You Made Me Cry) Foi Trot rin;'s I'niislvanUns 23315 To-night You Belong to Me Waltz Ueger Woll Kahn & Ills Orcli. 23359 Victor Talklnft ' Machine Cm. She Trippe ! HEALTH FOLLOWS JiiR0P.UaiCC05RECTS PSESSUaE SPINAL NEAYES IH DISEASES OF THE FOLLOWING ORGANS: .HEAD t EARS 'NOSE' THROAT ARMS HEART wV LIVER SMST0MACN Jkioneys lBOWELS APPEN01H 8 LADDER piivil cfftki-aN.CWr.9. UMSS Because I Love You Waltz Nathaniel Shilkrcl and he Victor Orchestra 23272 Tenor Henry Burr . 29258 At "His Master's Voice" Dealers II. f Canada. d and Fell A child at play trips and falls. There follows a ten years' period of acute and intermittent ill-health, which no one con nects with that fall, until a chiropractor gets the case. Only the chiropractor can know how often a fall, an accident, or a sudden violent jar has preceded years of Illness, the actual and direct cause being unsuspected while continued treatment of symptoms is in progress. The lowe.7 nerve UNDER THE MAGNIFYING CLASS IS PlNCHEO BV A MISALIGN E0 JOINT. PINCHED NERVES CANNOT TRANSMIT HEALTHFUL IMPULSES. CKIR0PRAC TICADJUSTIN0 RE' MOVES 1 HE PRESSURE. THE UPPER NERVE IS FREEAS NATUKEIKTENOS. The spine is the foundation of our frame, and must absorb the shock of every accident If one of its little bones be moved Out of line every so slightly as a result, there will be nerve pressure and ill-health- must follow. This cause should be suspected in every case of unexplained illness a visit to the chiropractor will establish the facts. "Our 14 year old daughter had a severe fall when 4 years old. Since then she has never been free from headaches and pain and . l j t i. t l; v oi rJ"v'iV Ill "vaMiess in uacK aim um us. one 103 cd?AS . III caid nt Play Hke other children for she would always stumble and fall. Five years ago she had an attack of appendicitis which frequently recurred. Anemia then develoied, and for two years she has been infected with boils. When an unusually severe attack of appendicitis occurred fdur ' months ago it was said her only ' hope was an operation. Fearing this, we turned her over to a chiropractor. She was better after the second adjustment, improved steadily theittdfter and gained better than a pound a week under his care. "Her troubles have practl- II.. -II .1: . . I .1 . . (.any nil juisn(i(itraicu uiiu ent iiuw feels $Mer tharf?ever before." C. C. Hahvclt, Chiropractic Hesvaren;. g7 iteH;Bueikd; Statement No. .21QG-G, Your Appointment for health can be made by telephoning D. A. McMillan Palmer Graduate CHIKOPIIACTOK Itoom.H 6 and 7 Exchange Block. Tatho-Neurumeier Service Open Kvenlngs Phone 691