25 TAXI Boston Grill and Ambulance Servico Anywhere -at Anytime Stand; Exchange Huildlng MATT VIDECIC, Prop. VOL. XVII No. 23. rnrnni SANDIT ROBS OREGON BANK tNMtsKI.il IIN Hll 41111 ALONE AMI IX. M.l U till IILTHLKN gltl.lHMI AND Ili.lHNl AT iLoitiiNt i: Et.'QENE Oregon. Jan. 26. The : r.neo State. Bank at Florence. Ore-wm robbed lat yesterday alter-a by a lone unmasked bandit wh between ten and twelve thousand :,.r: Ml Harriet Wealheraon. the ' .ier who waa alone In the bank at time waa locked in a rault after v rubber had taken all the money In i She wa unabl to liberate ner- If until (he nad been in the vault r.rjy an hour. ;rey liberals FORM COUNCIL B t.AKKNKIi IIUIIIMI I'AUTY M T1LIW M',W M1.IT LONDON, Jan att. -Viscount Orey and Bit Acquithlan colleagues who acceded m Dsvld Lloyd Oeorge'a Liberal or- ImiKatton. have formed" neW 'Liberal rouncll," Thla council will include all Liberals who refute to acknowledge woyd Oeorge'a leadership. wra arty wm De president of the &ew group, which will maintain Ita own fparate organisation. It la declared the movement docs not Imply formation of hew party. In effect, however. It la pother bleak in, the weak Liberal party. I'UIM'K IHIIIlT VSSI-K4 I VICTORIA, January 2A,-.TIie Bupreme ui Aiiize w 111 sit In Prince nu- pm on June 15 and at Prince tteorge "t'kri., UlWtiH tff pA Will atajt lc4lt UUa aUn-ooa far the United Klntdam or ton- iieent. ftM.'A( at anchor In the barbar la the big Brltltb motonhlp King Jamea. Capt. Uth. which amred at 730 o'elock lat Jtht frm the OiUiit. With bar atubby .Mnatl tfpicil of the internal com butt loo thlp. the King James la a type of Jaat had not prtrtotuly .been m a. hta port. Her aubttantlal lines do not prevent her from being what might be wiled a handaome ship for she 1 pre- 'jtMy the finest looking freighter that has ever dropped anchor here. She will load tor the United Kingdom or Tl.e King Jamea Is powered with Internal combustion engines and la 400 :eet In length with a beam of 69 feet. She has a regtitered tonnage of 9129 tons and a gras tonnage of 6.008 tons. She was buUt In Glasgow by O. and W. Henderson and Co. Ltd.. and the engines ere built by Harlan and Wolf. The ship la already lined. Thla morning at 11 o'clock, the Japanese ship. Ycgen Maru. arrived from Nagasaki. Japan, after an uneventful voyage across the Pacific. Practlque completed with despatch, the yewl by inn o'clock waa moored at the ocean dock- where she will be lined preparatory to starting to load. She will take on itain here, going to Vancouver to com- lete with lumber for the Orient. NORTH OKANAGAN Wheat Dunwell Qlacler Independence . for yen. or so. CONSERVATIVES NAME CANDIDATE VEItNON. Jan. 28. At the district convention yestcrdsy. W. F. Kennedy. president ot the Vernon Board of Tiade. was chosen Conservative candi date to contest North Okanagan in a by-election to choose a member to succeed the late A. O. Cochrane. Con servative, who died last month. Mr. Kennedy Is a member of the firm of Nell. Cyderman Kennedy. Ltd.. a garage, transier, cern. wood and coal con- VANCOUVER KXCUANfJi: Bid. 1.4l, 1.54 .lOVi 12 Asked. 22, W Porter Idaho" Mir .13; ' Victoria 1,8 nlKhmnnil .131s .1" Coast Copper 1.58 .11 12, 8.73 Wllhelmshaven. North Sea port once harboring the largest garrison In Oer-many. has only 70,000 inhabitants left of Its pre-war population of 120,000. e LEGISLATURE ON vl VH'TOUIA, Jan. !. The u.hNer) iHmril if the Furiiirrs' Inlltutr of HrllMi Ctilumlild In anniiul rmnrii-Hull here Urrldnl to gather data on tlip rriiirt of rertiiln lnlllulr In the rranrol ami Outva l.aWr area of On Ira I llrltlh ('oluinlilu, for a reilirl to sir Henry Tlmrntiin. president of Hie Ciiiitullan National lull-wiji, for an rliht-nillr rtrnliu from the t'.N'.IL to I lie eaMern end of IranioN like. In unlrr In gjte nr to that aren dlrrrt. Frnm Prime (Irorje tame rr-I nest fur flriilon of trlrphonr srr-the eut of that ill). An el fort mIU lie made to extemt the ereumery lmliwe- at Vunilrr-limit and (urnrl, oirratrd under protlnrlul inanacrnirnt, In order tu handle egj, a U dme by Mime prliate irnnnrry xrnlurrv TY-COBB SAYS HE'S COMING BACK. 1927 FUND ENQUIRY! AIWOI KMIENT OS qiXsTION TAKEN TILL MOMIAV TONIC AMI IJKIT MAY I NITi: ON' LLNK OF ACTION VI3TORIA. Jan. 2. Peaceful agre- . nasi between the two sides of the log s-lature on the tofm of the proposed tu vritljallen Into campaign tunda foreshadowed In the House on Thursds) j when tbe debstc on tbe subvert wat .djowraod until Mmday on the under-' tantticf that It would be deflrute: lifporod of that day. Indication that tbe dtscuulon of con ; rfu lions to tbe fuad of political par- .! u soon to cease oaase first froaa Oarg A. 7alkcm. Provincial member fm,Rlchojl.?aul Oref. who aald h. tmatrstood ctee chngt rn- proposals stm eon tem pitted A franker suggestion of similar natuie oarae from OapL Ian Mtekenxie. Libera: meamber for Vancouver, who moved adjournment. Bith autesv. Capt. Msckenale aatd. wete anklous fcr an enquiry and, differed merely on the torn tt would lake. A unanimous decision on Mondsy would be a svonderful conclusion to the debate he declared. The origins motion Disced belt re the House and moved by P. A. Browne. Labor member for Burnaby. called f.or the appointment of a Royal Commissi? to investlgste campaign fund contributions. The government, through Attorney Oeneral A. M. Manasn, offered an amendment suggesting. Instead, '.hst a Houv- committee examine the evidence adduted befare the customs commission and rerraunend to the legislature the course It should follow. The amendment also commits the government to the opinion thst legislation ahoutd be paased this aesslon dealing with the collection of campaign funds by political, parties, both provincial and federal, in British Columbia. EXTEND ROAD TO FRANCOIS I'AHMCKk INHTITI'TK t'ONVl'.N-TION AT MCTOHIA 1 1 i:lts rilOIMSAL Kill KAII.VVAY BE HIS BEST YEAR ATLANTA, Cla.. Jan, 28. Ty Cobb announced today that he would return to the baseball diamond this year tor what he believed would be his "best . t - i veat r fit rnm urrpti n murii irn ft... rVtirir miiTiTPrrr i a wh- - hangs'. He said that he had not decided tenced to rang only the sentence wher.fi he, would play. I 1 PRINCE WILUAU OP BWEDEK ai nvlng on S3. Trance la New Tork on January S. with tbe Intention of giving a series of lectures on his trsvels and hunt expedition in ml PRINCE RUPERT Northern and Central British Columbia's Newspaper PMNCE ItUPEKT, B.C., FJ'IDAY, JANUAUY 28, 1027 ..u . MILL BUILDING AT DUTHIE MINE IMI'OIITANT IIKVELOr.MKNT r04EfT It ALnKAIlY IMIKK WAY AT -;tOMIlS(l III lON UtY MOINTAIN PUtlPCIITY With all tbe bright promise of a greatly Increased force at tbe mine It-stU, and the prospects of other companies being; attracted by the enlarged operations J. Y. Duthle has backed up his premise of two months sgo and a start waa made thla week in connection with tbe establishment if a mill at the Duthle . mine aays the Interior News. Some of the machinery for the additions baa already arrived and all Is activity as tesms and trucks work on hauling lumber and other supplies necessary fcr the building and tbe Increased force to be employed. J. U. Turner left this week for Seat tle where he will consult with Mr. Duthle on the plans for the milt site sod other details, and until be returns no details will be available. During his last visit to Smlthers Mr. Duthle expressed his pleasure with the prozreas and results achieved at tbe other request was for the amending of the fisheries regulations so thst Japanese citizens or other foreigners a ho served be accorded the same rights aa ether ex-eervlce men. CUSTOMS PROBE I IS IN CALGARY ATTOtlNKV (IKM.IIAI, OP Al.tlr'.KTA I AKS TIIT CONSOUOATLU KX- j poiiTLitH iittAM ii at ii:i:mk I UK I'LOMIO IIOWN CALOARY. Jan. 33. -It. A. 8mlth. ap- j pearlng for the attorney general ot At- berta, this morning submitted his pro vince's case at the opening ct the customs commission's session here. He requested that the commission forward a recommendation to the minister of customs to close d)wn operations ot tho Fernle branch of the Consolidated Exporters Corporation In British Columbia as being undesirable from the point of view ot the Alberta authorities. ST. GODDARD WINS DERBY IHI I in MILLS IIV 1MMI M.tllill IN It JHH KS AMI S7 MINL'TKS . TIIK PAS Jan. SK. KmlL St. (iwlilard nun thr annual Hug Derby jeterday lien lie ronuilctril the third nnd l.it fortv-mllf run In three hourt and fUlj-four mlnuteo. thu )MTlormlnf the ont hundred ami twenty mile dl-tunee In eleten liouri mid tnrnt)een minute. t:rl llr)ilte, who wm Keiund, did Hie total dl-tsnre In eleven hour and fllty-l minute while Lri St, (mldanl. who HnMied eioiid In e-tenia)' lap. on third place In the total ilManre which he cmerrd In twelte hour and four miniates II. Olenk.v ami fhrty Kuwlrk trailed fourth and fifth. New Record in Salmon Pack Was Made on This Coast During Past i v Season, Official Figures Show VANCOUVER. January 28. The almon pack" for British Col umbia during 1926 established a new record of 2.1505.000 cases as compared with the previous records of 1,747,500 cases in 1924 and . . . . . I 1. I 1 1... tU.. IJW..t..J .1... i.yzd.iizu in lazu uccoruinir to injures lssuvu oj me Himtusa b-i partment. The pack In District No. 2 was as follows! Skeena River Queen Charlotte Islanda 'Nsas River Cases. 407,500 373.600 8J.700 Rivera Inlet ......... Bella Coola-Kltnsqult tmlth'a Inlet Remainder i.. Circulation 1528 Sales 471 Large Upstair Dining Hall, with newly laid dancing floor, for hire. NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. The latest and best for the least. Phone 457. Price Vive Cents BRITISH PROPOSALS IN CHINESE TROUBLE MADE KNOWN four Big Ocean Carriers Here Today Mark Opening of Epoch in History of Prince Rupert Japanese freighter, heavy with grain, ready GREEiVIENT IN 5ai bruisii snip starting to loaa ana fine motor vessel waiting fourth boat lining I r M r Rupert put on the aiipect of a real port this morning. To . m I Ui tour oi jr ocean carrier in me naruor at once preseniea a scene a i.k.v unprecedented in the history of a place the progress of tin h has not always kept pace with the hopes of its citizens. It ju: have been good for the souls of many iople who have long tp up their ton fid' a e though conditions often seemed hardly to it Today mny go down in the annals of the city as one of i'-' ort fur truly it marks the opening of an epoch, the end Win h cannot be foreseen. The opening of grain shipping through thla port hid already put uev heart' OLITICAL BODY IDEA IS BEATEN -iOIIIIIITIONITM, IIV IIEAVs tOlt. HtXIUMl AT IMNtl.N.-THIS NOT 11) OUOANI.E IX THAT mVMIt VANCOUVER. Jan 34 Thaw win be t: -cri-.a political rgauUMtmi of Sri' s c ojmbia prohitrttkmleu It wm Wedded by en overwhtim.ng vote at the pr ronnUjr. ol prohlbt- uiu:,u w;, n la being held here with eprese: . a.. rrwn ai: fria oi im rovln:c Rc w w. m. late secre- tty of thn Bnttsh Columbia PrchlW- Bon Auociai.xn in a -ummunicauon. iv'.szi against political iirasimurtionM lid a:x tbe secretary ! the AJtxna toh;!j;:iin Association and W. D. yley, MX A, Winnipeg i Tht secretary of tbe Ant I -Saloon ague ot Washington. DC . In a Utter. elated Kmc f tut misfortune writer) te ihe p. '- of ue Prohibition Party s II :ed B;ate'. Into all but todays evidence of what ii mean intensified that spirit. At noon, two veascle were moored n the elevator. The Suzuki Une freights seine XUra. heavy with eargo ot 9 .OCX. a of whest. was awaiting the beats. 32 of pUot In erdrr to clear to. ihanfhal. The Scottish ahtp. Innertm tad moved In her berth earlier In the Concessions Will Be Called For in Parley with Canton Minister LONDON'. January 28. Proposals that Charge d'Affaires O'Malley has been aathoried to make to Foreign Minister Chen at Hankow are understood to embrace terms for the complete surrender, eventually, of British concessions throughout China. .It 13 not known here whether the proposals have actually been handed to Chem yet but it is expected they will be made public soon. The British have been most careful in the discussion with Chen to state that identical terms will be made with other Chinese authorities, namely the Pekin government, thus preventing the im pression that Britain recognizee the Can- .bnese government aa the responsible authority In China. Japan and other Interested powers are being kept In touch with the progress ot 0Ualley'a parley with Chen. CANADA'S PAKTICIPATIOX OTTAWA. Jan. 23. "Tell me where the rumor came from and I will- talk to ycu about It." remarked Premier King last night with reference to the report that Canada waa being secretly sounded out on the question of mill- participation In Chinese aflalra. mine and atatcd that, provided condt- " " c ,our tlon. were maintained until 1M7 a fe 0SoIK t Africa. He wa ets without royal I the hill and at thla point the new eon pomp centra tor will be established. Canadian Legion Approves of Fishing Licenses Being Given Japanese Who Did War Service WINNIPEG. January 28. Sir Percy Lake of Victoria was re- elected by acclamation yesterday as president of the Canadian Le gion. British Empire Service League. The executive committee for the ensuing year includes Col. F. Albertson of Victoria, British Col umbia's representative. A resolution was passed requesting the Secretary or btate to grant certificates of naturaliation to all applicants of Japanese extraction who served in the Canadian Expeditionary Forces while an sessional business was under discus- It Is understood that the latest oil M statement to make. He dismissed ! flotation process will "be Installed and i Wth a smile questions concerning thr ; thst the first crushing unl5.wUlhaTe .a jpoibjuty oj. Canada .being -ambrolled eapaeity of fifty tons per day. jin the Chinese aSalr. "Why should Work at the property In recent he asked. "I really cannot say months baa centered at a shaft from I j which drifts have been run. One of these will break out near tbe bottom of anything about It because there Is nothing to say. It la a clvU war between North and South China and to attempt to drag the Canadian government Into It Is merely mischief MATE Ol" (1ETS (llltl MOLLLEK SIX .MONTHS IIAKII VICTORIA. Jan. 28. Perclval Warrington, who pleaded guUty to the charge of theft of liquor from the schooner Chris Moeller of whtch be was mate during the time last month that tbe vessel was being held here at the recommendation of the customs commission, was sentenced yesterday to six months' Imprisonment with hard labor. FULL MILITARY FUNERAL TO BE HELD TOMORROW The funeral of the late William O. llujhes will be held tomorrow afternoon from the Presbyterian church, the service being conducted by Rev. H. C. Fraser. assisted by Rev. Archdeacon Rlx. The ceremonies will be of a full military na ture, deceased having been a veteran of the Great War. The Northern B.C. Regl ment and the Canadian Legion are In charge ot arrangements and will have, a band com nosed of members of the Boys' Band and the Regimental Band, aa well as a firing party furnished by veterans ot the war. Interment will take place In Falrvlew cemetery. DRUG HAUL IS MADE AT VANCOUVER FROM BIG EMPRESS VESSEL ( VANCOUVER, Jan. 28. Thirty-four leans of opium, valued at $7,500. were jseUed aboard the C.P.O.S. Empres ol ! Asia which arrived, from the Orient on Monday. BIG INCIvEASeTn"" IMMIGRATION TO CANADA RECORDED OTTAWA. Jan, 28. Immigration to amounted to 103.984 aa compared with 184,907 for 1933. Thla la an Increase 89,200 'of sixty per cent. 75.800 . 18,500 Did he die a natural deathf 318.800 Yes, he was run over 111 the street. GRAIN LOADING ! AT VANCOUVER OVF.lt .MILLION IU.HIIF.L.S OK WHEAT MIUTED TO VAKIOIS PARTS or tvoKLn rito.M mh tiiekn POUT Ol'KlNO THIS tt LICK VANCOUVER. Jan. 28. The following gratn boats loaded at this port durtn; the present week: Kennlt, for United Kingdom or con-.Inent, 1765 bushels. Scntos, for Scandinavian. JportSj U9.-JS3b"ushels;' ' T"' Oroctendyk. for Rotterdam, 37J33 bushels; for Antwerp. 3733 bushels. Vulcan City, for Hull, 383,378 bushels. Nevada, for Antwerp. 58,000 bushels, for Dunkirk. 56.000 bushels; for Havre-Bordeaux, 105.477 bushels, " Sllma City, for Avlnmouth. 20,908 bushels; for London. 10.453 bushels; for "verpool 10 453 bushel. t t :fci Danish porta, 14933 bushels. Hetyet Maru, tor Shanghai. 206338 bushels. Kurohlma Maru, for Nagoya. 134333 bushels; for Yokctuuna. 16.017 bushels. Korway Maru. for Yokohama, 33333 bushels; tor Nagoya, 33333 bushels. City ot Victoria, for Yokohama, 56.-000 bushels. Astoria, for Port ot Spain, 6.000 bushels. Rochelle. for Buenaventure, 56,000 bushels; tor Point Reyes, Puerto Colom bia, 13.000 bushels. mSINGMARKET CATCHES BEARS SENSATIONAL KISE IN WIIEELIMl LAKE EKIE COMMON STOCK HAS 1IISASTKOIS TO STOCK EXCHANGE IlEPUESSEKS NEW YORK, Jan. 2S. Huge losses running into millions ot dollars wire suffered by "bear" traders on tbe Stock Market today In what appeared to be a corner" tn common and preferred stock of the Wheeling tt Lake Erie Railway. A sensational jump ot 11' polnU to 63 Vj. a new high record, and thirty-eight points above last year's low price, occurred thla morning tn common whUc preferred Jumped, three points to 65. Ordinarily, the spread between the two issues is about twenty points in favor of preferred. C. N. It. EAKNINtSS MONTREAL. Jan. 28. The gross earnings ot the Canadian National Railways for the week' ended January 14, 1927 were 4,58068.00, as compared with s4.2J8.540.97 for the same week of 1926, an Increase ot $332,427.03 or eight per cent. FUNEHAl. NOTICE. Funeral Service for late Comrade William (Icorjje Hughes will be conducted at the Presbyterian Gliurch tomorrow, Saturday, at 2 o'clock. All comrades .of the Canadian Leition please attend,