e government of Lamda guarantees its Age ' 9 YEARS OLD 4l This advertisement is not published or displayed by the Liquor Control Hoard or by the Government of British Columbia. Mussailem's Meat Market Pork Chops, Shoulders, per lb 25c Loin Pork Chop, per lb. 33c Side Pork, per lb 22c Sirloin Steak, 2 lbs. . . 55c Hound Steak, 2 lbs -15c Mutton Chops, per lb. . . 33c Lamb Chops, per lb 10c Veal Chops, per lb 23c Veal Steak, Ver lb 23c Pork Sausages, 2 lbs. for 35c All kinds of Fish, Smoked and fresh. Mussailem's MEAT -JIAKKET Perfect Sight A matter of foresight Many cases of eye trouble are averted by early application of proper lenses-Present nejjlect may mean future trouble. A. E. Ireland (Iraduate Optometrist 319 Third Avenue. (Opposite G.W.V.A.) WOOD Dry Jack Pine, Cedar, Hirch and Spruce Per load $6.50. Per half load ...... $3.50 Per sack 50c Firelighters, 48 for $1.00 delivered. HydeTransfer 13'J Second Avenue Phone 50 Night or Day WE BUY BOTTLES. ' LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone G3 Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal, Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furniture Moving. ANNUAL GYRO BALLUSUAL FINE SUCCESS lAlUit: M Mlii:K. OK MEKUYMAKEK!) i:njoyi:i tEuvici tu n event ,V MTlilT-ijt. i Maintaining their reputation as entertainers, members of the Oyro Club last evening were hosts to a large number ot persons at tbe annual ball In the Auditorium. The evening -was one of much pleasure and the merrymakers continued the dance until a late hour. The hall had been tastefully decorated for the occasion and a profusion, ot Oyro colors of blue and gold predominated In the. well arranged er's Tea is good tea. WE WANT YOU TO THY IT. Include a pound package in your next order. The rejrular price is, 75c. If you Satisfaction guaranteed or money refunded. Specials This , Week are: Sterling Catsup, per bottle . . 20c Heinz Catsup, ' bottles for .. 'Joe Heinz Pork and Deans, 15c size, C tins for 70c Only a few cups and saucers left on the "Jif" deal. Get yours now, only 23c 50c Navel Oranges at 2 doz. for 75c Nabob Pure Strawberry Jam, per tin 75c Nabob Pure Plum Jam, per tin 50c B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Pher .' 15 and 571. M I L K From Hulkley Valley FRESH MILK AND WHIPPING CREAM Quality and Service Valentin Dairy Phone 657 ANGER, the TAILOR Suits made to order, in our shop as low as $50 223 Sixth Street NEW POTENTATE' IS J. K. AOAK. I'KO.MINENT HISINESH .MAN OK NEW M'ESTMINSTEH M'lXNDUt riHHIKESS MADE DIKING YEAH. VICTORIA, Jan. J6. James It. Agar, prominent business man of New West minster, was elected Illustrious poten tate for British Columbia and the TERRACE BOARD NAMES OFFICERS K. (lOKDON, rKESlDKNT, .M J. li. AdAIt SKCKETAKY OK NEWLY-l(llt.MKI) INTEItlOU IMIIIY TERRACE. Jan. 28 The officers of the 'Terrace Board of Trade, elected"-at the recent meeting, arc as under: President J. K. Gordon. Vice-President E. T. Kenney. Secrctary-Treasurer-J. B. Agar. Directors II. L. Frank. W. C, Sparks. Yukon of Olzeh Temple. Ancient Arabic George Llttls. R. Bnun. CTl. Gilbert, Order Nobles of the Mystic Shrine, at W. H. Burnett. J. Courtlere. T. Turner, the annuel meeting held here a few Sr.. and H. W. Barker, days ago In the Masonic Temple. The new Illustrious potentate sue- A I HFRM ANIP RFrfli INT ceeds J. W. Hudson, who held the of- """"'"iniiuu nuvuuiu flee during the past year, one of the most active and successful In the his IS PROCEEDING TODAY tory of Olzeh Temple. I " Edward E. Leason. of Victoria, was Are lUMng lAamlnrd singly to re-elected to the post of recorder.' ""ermine .wieiner r. n. unity after having served Olzeh Temple In! or James Mark hu ElntrU that capacity for over a quarter of a century. Th4 recount to decide whether P. II. Representatives trom Olzeh Temple Llnzey or James Black was elected In to the sessions of the Imperial Coun-,tne recent civic election to the alder-ell, which will take place next June 1 n-.anlc board started this morning In at Atlantic City, New Jersey, were ap-.the County Court before Judge Robert-pointed as follows: Messrs. J. W. Hudi n n" ' '' proceeding this after-son, Victoria; R. Welsh. New Westmln-, nn- Each ballot Is being examined ster. and L. D. McLean. Victoria. i Individually. In response to an appll- Reports presented to the meeting cation, on behalf of Mr. Black, that last night showed the splendid pro- " Llnzey be unseated, tbe Judge an- press that Olzeh Temple had made nounced he would make his decision during the past twelve months under counting the ballots. Certain prc- the able leadership of Past Illustrious limmary objection by Mr. Llnzey's Potentate J. W. Hudson. counsel were overruled and the count Ceremonials held here during the then started past year brought 3,000 Shrines from1 8- W. Taylor Is appearing on behalf Tacoma and Seattle to Victoria, while of Mr. Llnzey and L. W. Patmore for the local Shrlncrs entertained many and the Trades & Labor ether nobles of the order who paid Council visits to this city. Olzeh Temple con- ducted a most successful pilgrimage IN PROBATE inr. nLi ni.ui. iin m ui uuiiini meier, zu.zo; temperature, 33; sea, In the Mattert0ofl th"AAdmlnUtratlon 8mootn: "! Pe steamer Print' Act; and Rupert left Anyox II p.m. for Prince In the Matter of the Eitate of Alberta ; Rupert: 11.55 p.m. spoke steamer Anyox TAKE NOTICE that by order ot H lc,t Ab 10 P- Stewart. Honor. Judee Robertson, the 15th day of ' BULL HARBOR. Rain, southwest December. A.D. 1926, I was appointed ,qUaii,; barometer. 2932; temperature, Administrator of the estate of Alberta .,, . . , ' Danlela. deceased, and all parties 3: heav : 8 P. spoke Ortlfco having claims against the said estate are , towing Templeton from Anyox to hereby required to furnish wme. pro- Tacom, 5t0 mljes from Tacoma: 3 18th dav of January. AX. 1927. and al!iPm- r tug St. Faith weatherbound parties indebted to the estate are re- In Safety Cove; 7.25 p.m. spoke steamer will take two lbs. this week the quired to pay the amount of their In. price will be 2 lb. for $1.15 aeoieanesg io me iorinwun, NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator, Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 18th day of December, A.D. ism IN PROBATE. In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of Vagn E. Thelsen, Deceased; Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of the District Registrar of the Supreme Court date, I Intend to apply to the Chief Commissioner of Lands for a licence to prospect for coal and petroleum over 640 seres ot land bounded as follows Date! December 17. 1C2C. WIUELE.HS KEI'OUT. K a.m. niOBY ISLAND Cloudy, calm: ban Cata'.a leaving Ocean Falls northbound, 8 p.m. spoke steamer Wheatland Mon-tanna bound for Victoria 804 miles from Victoria. 8 p.m. spoke Motorship Norco bound, from Seattle to Ketchl-kan 292 miles from Seattle. DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer, 20.-20; temperature, 32. NOON DIOBY ISLAND. Overcast, calm-bar6metcr, 29.32; temperature, 40; sea smooth; 8 pjn. spoke tug Pacific Mon- of British Columbia, the 18th day of ' arch abeam Kennedy Island bound for January, 1927, I was appointed Admlnls- ... Mj.., Mas8ett Inlet- ..,. . ., "mer v. trator of the estate of Vagn E. Thelsen. ; Vogen deceased, and all parties having claims Maru In Prince Rupert: 11 am. steamer against the said estate are hereby re- prince Rupert out southbound: 11 am. quired to furnish same, properly verified. ,v . . ,, tmer Catala due Prince Ru- to me on or before the 19th day of I 'P06 February, A.D. 1827, ana an parue in- , itv o p.m. nonnoouna. debted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 20th day ot January. 1927. IN' PRORATE. in mi; hi rKi:.Mi:"( im kt or imirisii COLUMBIA In the Matter of the Administration Act; and In the Matter of the Estate of William T. Mitchell, Deceased. Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of His Honor. II. E. A. Robertson, the lBth day of December, A.D. 1928, I was appoint ed Administrator ot the estate of William T. Mitchell, deceased, and all parties having claims against the said es tate are hereby required to lurnisn same. iropeny vtmica, to me on or Deiore tne 2nd day ot January, A.D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Ruoert. B.C. LAND ACT 8keena Land District. District of Queen Charlotte Islands. TAKE NOTICE that sixty days after BULL HARBOR. Rain, southwest squalls; barometer 29.42; temperature, 42; heavy swell. . DEAD TREE POINT. Barometer. 29.-26; temperature, 44. , la i .. WKATIIKK IIDPOUT. Prince Rupert. Cloudy, calm, tern pcrature, 38. Terrace. Cloudy, calm, temp. 38. Rosswood. Raining, calm, temp. 36. Alyansh. Cloudy, calm, temp. 34. Hazelton. Light rain, temp M. Telegraph Creek Cloudy, north wind, temp, 2. Smlthers. Cloudy, calm, temp. 28, Burns Lake. Cloudy, ealm, temp. 29. Whltehorse. Cloudy, north wind temp. 5. Dawson. Foggy, calm, temp. 40 A Quaker had gotten himself Into trouble with the. authorities, and the sheriff called to escort him to the lockup. "Is your husband In?" he Inquired of the good wife who came to the door. "My husband will see thee," she re-replied. "Come In." The sheriff entered, was bidden to I make himself at home, and was hosplt commencing at a posi pianica ai me abl, entertained for half an hour, but Mrmthurt. rrirni nf RMlnri ' 4A Tniun. - ' irtM Tniun. i i ship 3. Oraham Island, and ' marked :no huband appeared. "AJ.O.'s southwest corner"; thence east 80 chains; thence north 80 chains; thence west 80 chains: thence south 80 chains to point of commencement, being Section 36, Township 3, Oraham Island, B.C. A. J. GORDON. Locator, .. and hat gone nrther tttjr.M At last the sheriff grew Impatient. "Look here," suld he. "I thought you said your husband would see me." "He has seen thee," was the only reply, "but he did not like thy looks OUTLOOK MUCH BRIGHTER NOW TI.Mlli:U AND POLE INDISTKY IS (MINIMI OltOI'M) ON LOW Kit SKEENA A revival in the lumber and tlrtf-berlng Industry of the lower Skccna sections Is in prospect after a desultory demand of several years that has sent several mills to the scrap heap and receiver. Prospects at present arc bright for all mills along the railway and at Terrace preparation arc under way for an active year. Timbers make up the bulk ot orders entering Into the belief of a prosperous 1927 in the mills on the Skcena River. At Terrace th Oearge Little mill has on hand two good, orders tor this material, one being tor a large quantity ot 40-fcot boom sticks to be used In rafting by big pulp mills In Eastern Canada. Another order may reach hall a million feet of cedar timbers for culvert work on the Canadian National Railways to be delivered at Obcd, Alberta. For the handling ot these order, as well as others expected In addition t: its general business along the railway in this district. Mr. Little left last wec:t for Edmonton to purchase a carload of horses for use In the bush and hauling ijgs to the mill. The pole Industry has also stiffened a nttle and prospects are good tcr a big year in this material. Last year 'the absence of snow proved a handicap anil many poles were left in tbe bush. With a better, season in this respect, these marooned poles are being brought out to the banks ot the Skeeaa, as well a. the cut for this year, and with the spring breakup they will be gathered up at various points for loading and shipment to eastern markets. PRESENTATION MADE TO MISS DONALDSON ItellrhiR Traclirr l. Honored by felloe rrdu);ii;iiri ( rrmnnny In iUmiU M liool A very pleasant little ceremony took place In the domestic science rooms at the Booth Memorial School yesterday afternoon at 4 o'clock, when tea was served by Mrs. Darlington and Miss Agnes Donaldson was presented by the stall of the school with an Oriental brass bowl as an expression of their good wishes and goodwill towards her Miss Donaldson Is giving up her position on fie staff of the Booth School at the end ot the. month. The "hot dog" has taken England by storm. With a nam like that It Is bound to be a warm favorite. SYNOPSIS OF M ACT AMENDMENTS PRE-EMPTIONS Vnrnnt. unii,rvel survrl i.'ron n Ifimls tnny be pre-tmptixl by Hrllliili mitjii is over is years of . inl by .ilins n declaring InUntlou ui beniin llililsh ulJcls eondl- lonal vi ion rMildenne, occupation. Jul tir.irovtment for agricultural Full Information conr-rnln rfu-atlrns regarding frt-ernptloni a Klvtn In Ilulletln No. 1, Land Srls. "How tn Pre-empt Iwiod," copies of tinich can l obtained fre of chares ty ad.trrsnlng the Department of 'uitnds. Victoria, UC, or to any Oov-trntnent Agent. Vi Record will be granted covering only land suitable for agricultural purposes. anl which Is not timber-f.nd, I.e. cn rrylng over s.000 board feet per acre west of the Coast Rang e and B.OOU feet per acre east ot that Range. Applications for pre-emptions are to be adJresned to the Iind Commissioner of the Lnnil Recording Division, In which the land applle.1 ftr le sUuuted, and are made en rrlnted form, copies of which can oe eb-talneO from the Land Commissioner. I're-emptlons must be occuplod for five years and Improvements tnsdi to value of 110 per acre. Including clearing and cultivating at least five acres, before a Crown Orant can be received. Tor more detailed Information ate the Hulletln "How to Pre-empt Land." . PURCHASE Applications are received tor purchase of vacant and unreserved Crown lands, not being tlmherland, for agricultural purposes; minimum price for first-class (arable) land Is IS per acre, and aecond-class (grating) land 12.50 per acre. Further In-formation regarding purchase or lease of Crown lands Is given In Bulletin No. 10, Land Series. "Purchase and Lease ot Crown Lands." Mill, factory, or Industrial sites on timber land, not exceeding 40 acres, may be purchased or leased, the conditions Including payment o stutnpage. HOMESITE LEASES Unsurveyed areas, not exceeding 10 acre, may be leased as homesltes, conditional upon a dwelling being erected In the first year, Utle being obtainable after residence and Improvement conditions are fulfilled and land has been surveyed. LEASES for grating and Industrial par-poses areas not exceeding 140 aerst may be leased by one person or a company, GRAZING m Under the Qrailng Act the Pror-Ince Is divided Into grazing die trio ts and the range administered under a Orating Commissioner, Annual grating permits are Issued based oi numbers ranged, priority being give to established owner. Stock-owners may form as Delations for rang management. Pre, or partly free, permits are available for settler, Mapers and travellers, u u tea ML 9 WE Friday, Jfl nun it. PAGE SIX TFIE DAILY NEWS adornments. .Excellent music was dispensed during the evening by the Westholme orchestra which was augmented for the occasion and generous encores contributed to a splendid program. Oyro Bill Tobey made a very capable master of ceremonies and was responsible for the program being carried out without delay to the entire satisfaci tlon of the guests. At midnight, delightful refreshments were served, after, which the" dance program was resumed without delay. To all the members of the club credit Is due for assistance and co operation In the details and to the DEPARTMENT OF LANDS NOTICE AiMrullon fur tinizln- Permits fur thr Season of I'Jil. Application for permits to praze live stock on the Crown ranges within any grazing district of the Province of Brit- isn (joiumDia, must do iuea win uie District Forester at Fort George, Kam-loops, Nelson, Prince Rupert. Vancouver, or Williams Lake on or before March 31st, 1927. Blank forms upon which to submit applications may be obtained from the District Foresters at the above named places, or from the Department of Lands at Victoria, B.C. O. R. NADEN. ' Deputy Minister of Lands. Department of Lands, Victoria. BC January 4. 1027. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO A1TI.Y TO TO LEASE LAM) In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate on the north shore of Crescent Inlet. Moresby Island Queen Charlotte Islands, In the Province of British Columbia, and being about one and a half miles from the head of the Inlet. TAKE NOTICE that James Field, of Prince Rupert. B.C.. occupation Marine Broker, Intends to apply for a lease o! the following described lands: Commencing at a port planted on the north shore of Orescent Inlet, aboti-one and a halt miles from the head of the Inlet: thence northwesterly 20 chain' thence southwesterly 20 chains: thenre southeasterly zu cnains: tnence norm-easterly 20 chains, and containing forty (u) acres, more or less. JAME.3 FIELD. Applicant. Dated November 27. 1926. Fu No Other Tea as Good ALADA" TIT A We nsK you to test this yourself. Qyrcttes for assisting In providing very j to Prince Rupert In May last, with appetizing refreshments. The general nobles, baud and patrol In attendance. committee responsible for the event consisted of Oyros Leo Waugh, A. R. Nichols and R. V. Q. Leplne who worked unceasingly In preparing for the occasion and very materially assisted during the course of the evening In making the guests at home and contributing to the evenings pleasure. CIZEH TEMPLE'S and accompanied by ncbles of neighboring temples. Nobles from Vancouver. New Westminster. Nanalmo and Interior centres attended the annual meeting ot Olzeh Temple here. DinnerwarE See our windows for dlnncnvnre. YVc have a wonderful selection of the latest patterns In Johnson llros.' "Pareek" China At prices equal to any In Canada Visit Our Basement Store We Save You Money M ax Diamond Specialist . Heilb roner 527-52U Third Atw iTHOLME THEATRE FRIDAY AND SATURDAY, 7 and D p.m. Saturday .Mai ince at 3 p.m. "Aioma of the South Seas" A ncreeii prcHvnlation of Hie fumou current of that name. Grand Mrenery and tropical dance t,; star cast. HILDA (.KAY. I'EKCY MAK.MONT, WAKNKU HAMa WILLIAM' TOWKLU JOSKI'll SMITH, JULIAXNE JOIIXsW and many others. COMEDY "AN OLD WAK HOUSE." I'ATHK HKVIKW AdmNnion 50c and 23c Canadian Nationai Qjc Largtft ailway Syflcm in Amtm Steamship and Tram Service .... I'UINCK Itll'tllT Mill lejte I'll I 1 liltl A, M:TTIK. anil Intetme n.. I'ltlNff. Itl TIItT lur MFM'AItT .s. ntlNCi: -IMIIN for VAXOI V l-XMi. fori nlthtl). p.hsr:nr.K t in i.i Karh MOMMY. Ut.lMliY and S (ilOIKil IHMONTON, UINMI' Males. AdKM'Y Ml, OCK.VN l'e c.'iiikIIiii) N'allnnal i:tprr rlr.. alM, for Jour next lilmeiit. city tkki:t oiikk. sih tiiiiih itiriitT fur .Miiniii ,llte .lnt. rath Utility itrul and N0, HKINtMlW V.tt til tla urt:i:v ciititLotit ah: ritiM i: lit I-1: it t ITI'lllllY at IIJil a.m. let M! I 1(1, all MMnt rtern Caiuilld Mf:tMllir .M, for Money Order, lurrltn ( . r... piiimi; itirutr r: JANUARY Clearance SALE i:VKI(YTHIN(i KEDLfCKI) IlurKains In nil Department The H. S. WALLACE Co., LtJ Phone 0. 3rd Ave. ami Full Last Call for Temptation Sale Prices The Acme's Fifth Annual TEMPTATION SALE ENDS Saturday Night (.'et your every requirement filled IhU week at Tempi"""9 Sale Prices EVKItYTIIINti IN THE STOKE REDUCED Acme Importers Terms Strictly Cash. Third Avenue No charge