uy Jnnunry 28, 1927 VtiZ DAILT KET7S FAGB'FIVB CONPENSATION nAvninlnr flm ACT BENEFICIAL K . v . .f a ma 3 O gagement ng It muHt meamire up to a ,-, rain standard. H may be imnlp in tlesiirn, moderate In price, .and yet ft mut be per feet in every detail. You do not need to be ,nn exjtert iiidifc to buy the suitable rinjf from uh. Whether you pay $25.00 or $ .00.00. our reputation for reliability is a guarantee you joil irtt good value and a i.armlnj? rinjf. ' Our nucccHH depend on i our confidence. JOHfJgULGER 1IIL. JIVL TIIIII I Ilk. VlULllfllK Don 7 l orttet ontreal no ewSuDolies Of Men's I Importers Third Avcniw .Minn i ruiiririnr TM&WOUS&ISCOID-BSU'ARE ) NEED SOMS C0ALSrO US J THE ALAR w i . r: : l i 1 1 v i liere" no need for your i IK." mi l r ri hit i la in n thcr away than your tele- 1 . I A a .. record time. TL . tl .4 J . 1 1 T I ill. s Serbia, aaa raa iiiiii a IVdlin . ii't'l l IV'.TOV and W . Phones 1 10 nnd 117 losing : Out SALE NOW IN FULL SWINfJ Many Bargains In I 1 A TC ' mf DRESSES HATS J. BENT I-adies Ready-to-Wear ird Ave. I'hone G51 - m mw m-mm lilt I lilll'.ll il - I II IIM I' AiMI AND AUDITOR I'hone SR7 xsi Heron d Avenue West, rrlnre l(iiert IMIVrx WORKERS' IIOOS- recent CIIAMIEM VK ALLOW-AMES TO RELATIVES VICTORIA, Jan. 38 A survey of the ooeratlone of tht Workmen's Compensation Board shows) the BrttUh Columbia worker has beeni reaping a greater advantage from Its .work with the paining of each year At the aame time the relations between the 'board and Industry have been of an amicable nature. Although the board has had to wait patiently from time to time for replies from employers upon whom assess-menu tjsve been levied, no execution has even been made without notice to the delinquent employer. No complaints have ever been filed against the board for arbitrary treatment. All other Canadian provinces have endowed their bosrd with similar power to Insure re covery of money due by employers. Unlike tt-e payment of ordinary Insurance premiums the board does not collect in advance the amount levied against any particular Industry but makes astessmtnt as claims arise against the funds applicable to that particular industry from which the assessment Is drawn. Pinal adjustments are made at the clow of the year when all returns are oompUed. Every assessment made la therefore simply a deposit on account of acel-dents occurring In the Industry In general. In the past 10 years there .have been approximately 600.000 of such calls. The type of Insurance handled by the board, assure to the worker a maximum of benefit for the money paid as only 12.55 out of every a 1 00 contributed by Industry Is "wastage." the balance of W7.44 going to the workman enellclsry under the Act. I'er--niirl lm hanged Whilst thtre hate been changes In trie Act governing the Workmen's Compensation Board, there ha -been no jiwnge in the personnel, and no de ii.uiid for any. Throughout io years of service the members hire been E. It. WATER NOTICE iiw:kmon7M' ie TAKE NOTICE that James Field. who I address la 211 -2nd Ave. Prince Rupert. DC wui apply lor licence to take and use 1 cubic foot per second of wster nit of unnamed creek, which flows n-terlr and drains Into Crescent Inlet. Hornby Island. Q C I, about m milt from tb head of the Inlet on the north shore. The water will be diverted from the stream at a point about ijDOO feet from the mouth and will be used for domeatle and cannery purpose upon the 40 arres of land described as Uiuurrr y-ed lend, for whlr-h purehstt la applied about IS chains southwesterly from tht mouth of the stream. Xhts notice was posted on the ground oh the 29th dsy of November. 1 626. A ropy of this notice and an application pursuant therto and to the "Water Act." wUi be fUed in the of i Ice of the Water tleoorder at itince Rupert, DC. Objections to the application may be ! Water Recorder at Prince Runert. B.C. , with the com Tartlament . within tritrf December 20. 102d. ROBERT M. CURR1E, Applicant. MINERAL ACT rilHTIIIOATF, OF IMPROVEMENTS NOTICE Jusnlts, Anyox. Oranby. Alamo, Rodeo, Pinto, Wann Fractional No. 2, and Monte Fractional Mineral Claims, situate In the Atlln Mining Division of Casslar Dls trict. Where located:--On Wann River, Taku Arm of Taulsh Lake. TAKE NOTICE that I, Charles V. Bob, Free MlnerV. Certificate No. 807G8. Intend, sixty days from the dste hereof, to apply to the Mining Recorder for a Certificate of Improvements, for the pur. pose of obtaining a Crown Grant of the above claim. And further take notice that action.) under section 80. must oe cpmmni proposed to be ouiii n Block - mm WW I & J 1 El PrtpiTd by the, NESTUS BABV FOOD 11230 and In 195 again Increased to IIS. with the same provision removing a limit of 140 for My one family. In the ease of other dependents, parrnta. the rate of 120 was increased to V30 and the maximum per fatality was. increased from t30 to at). Time loss oosnpnMUon and permanent partial disablement was increased in 1922 from A3 per cent to 62 per cent of wsfta representing an Increase in botn instances of UxVt per cent. . , Formerly foster parents couk) not dsim under One Act but In 192S provision was made to esVend the benefits lo them and since 1922 office ataffs electing to eorae uader the Act rs,ay do so. In connection with the first aid service rrgiuaittona and accident prevention rrguiatloAS. dressing station, equipment and medic la es hare been provided by emptoyers and the number of trained First Aid merf etnplsyed under the regulations has been increased from 500 t approximately 3.008 filed with the said Water Recorder or j with the Comptroller of Water Right. : ,.,,...... . .. Parliament Building. Victoria, B.C. "- r.ii..iil 1 I.UJUim ,L 1 llhln thirty dara after the first id- pearance of this notice In a local news- NOTICK Ol paper The date of the first publication I is unrtmocr 2V. I vtv. JAMES FIELD. Applicant WATER NOTICE mo I.ICIAI K miu iir.r.u NOTICE IS HEREBY Q1VEN that on the 1st day of February next the undersigned intends to sppJt to the Uauur Control Board for a licence in respect , all SL"sr vj,u- as; -coiumw., i t. ...1.' " V Jr. ?...!LUV" '.IT- istry OfIce at the City of Prince Rupehj Zt VZ:intyii timri mr oresald and numbered 923. for the V.J rL.tiJ.?r by thegla or hy the open r. for . under . U . . I ... 'L will " . v; be Doitia Tor consumption on me premises, lease, and applied DATKd at PrlnVe Runert. BOT. thu uicd for industrial purpose upon the 3rd d , j,nuarT. 1B2 , at head Island of Huston Inlet, Moresby This notice waa posted on the ground on the 0th day of December. 1924. A copy of this nolle and an application . pursuant thereto and to the -Water Act, .NOTICE III' 1014," wUl be filed In the offlcv of the 7. tana oescriDea as apptiea tor vo ieae CORA E. lit JtrTC LAND ACT. Applicant INTENTION TO MUSE IUNII I nkltllnn, I. IK, air.nMn.tlnn ,n . Kail In fVit,. Ulna.- t n H V aWirri I n or m.t.lA- Oona River. RC. occupation fisherman. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a poet planted 300 feet north of northwest comer post of Lot 2199: thence 1.000 feet southeast; thence 200 feet westerly; thence 1.000 feet northwest; thence 100 feet to Dost Iplanted, and containing ten acres, more or less. JOHN BSRQMAN, Applicant. Dated October SO. IP31 LAND ACT NOTICE Of INTENTION TO AITLY TO i.i:ak I.ISII TO In Prince Rupert Land R.-ordlng District, and attuate at Huston Inlet, Queen Churlot'9 Islands. TAKE NOTICE that Robert M. Currle. of Vancouver. B.C.. occupation tlsh K.tor. ih iui of such Certificate ot packer. Intends to apply .for a lease of imnrovemrnta. Improvementa. . I tn '""owing described lands:- Dated tnia 1B27. 1st dsy of January. ax. II McN. FRASEIt. Altens. NAVKJAIILE WATERS IMtOTEC TION ACT H.S.C., Clltl'TEIt 11.1 Edward Llpaett, Limited, of the City of Vancouver, heieby glvea notice, ttut ha has under Section 7 of the saltl I Act de-pointed with the Minister of.ftPubllfl Works at Ottawa and In the office of the District Registrar of the Land Kei-try District of Trince Rupert, a description of the site and the plana of ' whnrt Commencing at a post planted it northeast corner about 1.000 feet westerly from miners' rablna at head of Huston Inlet; thence westerly 20 chains; thence southerly about 12 chains; thence easterly 20 chains; thence nor therly about 12 chains, and containing 24 acres, more cr less. ROBERT M. CURH1E, ' Applicant. LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO AITI.V TO ri RtllASi: LAND TAKn NOTICE THAT I. Arthur Robert- trinei RUDert In front of Lot 2, , son. Massett, B.C.. Occupation Mlllman, a Btlon I MaVB33. 1 1tn t0 "PP1? for pwnilsslon to pur- s7,h t.. vntirS , W . t . t- that ...... sfter the explra-lchRse ' the following described land: AI1U llnO , . , inn 01 i,i nno one month mom" irw" from the usie oi t" Commencing tt northeast cfner of lion , 7 , , it viz. I .. . .,.. .,,ii..ii.n r ihla notice. Ed- Lot ltM5, Q C .1, DMlrtct; thenel south ...rn t iiviett limited wUl. under Sec 'fifty chains-, thence east forty, chains; j nun I ui 1. 1 in ns4 v rr , " 1 Minister of Iubllc Works at his m . . . n . . . ... n. innmTi 1 1 1 , the aald site and plans and for leave to construct the aald wharf. 1 Dated at Vancouver this 11th dsy or 'D-Kember, 1024. the ithence north to shore; thence following office nignwattr marie to point oi commence nient, containing one hundiml- acres. more or less. Located this 30th day of December, 1020. AnTUURl03ERT80N. r Handy; etmtwaL Pure r a MILS S. Winn, chairman. Parker William and Hugh Ollmour The board l responsible to the legts-Isture but is associated In IU operations with the departments presided over by the Hon A- VI. Mansos, aa attorney-general and minister of labor. Under the origins! Act funeral allowances were paid at 174 but Increased in 1922 to tlOQ. In 1920 allowances to widows were increased from 120 to 35 per month, showing an advance of 75 per cent. Allowances for chUdren were advanced In the same year from 5 each a month to 7-50. but whereas under the origin! Act BUCK PRIVATE IS FINE MAN .Memories uf Hrl and ljit Shot of W ar Calls Kurt It Veteran ItrllMi ('Mumander's l'rale LONDON, Jan. 28. Although a million British soldiers lost their lives' In the war. some of the men who fired the first shots on the first day also maximum of ttO per montb was : fired some of the last shou on the last set for any one famfty. under tbe pre- day and on the came ground. This sent Act there Is no limit to the num- 1 astonishing coincidence Is recorded by ber of chUdren on whose account bene-jUeut.-Oolonel J. H. Borsston and Cap-fiU may be paid. I lain Cyril E. O. Baa, In their wonderful In the case of arpfcan children the t story of "The Eighth Division in War. rale xwaa increMSd In 1920 from 10 to 1914-18." When the armistice came, the 2nd Middlesex, part of the English Division. was three and three-quarter mUes north-northeast of Mont. The night before they established posts in the village of Oblln. "To the north of the vUlage. It is stated. -I situated the Chateau of La Verriere, and Its owner Informed the men of the 2nd Middlesex that In August. 1914. their coUeagues of another battalion of the tame regiment (the 4th Middlesex ) had been blUlted there. A remarkable coincidence, but there was one still more extraordinary. For there was a number of men then in the 2nd Middlesex to whom the In formation was already familiar, for the very good reason that they themselves had actually been serving with the 4th Middlesex In August. 1914. l'lltT IHCITMI MIOT I These men had. on the morning of August 73, 1914, fired the first shots of the war on the British front: on the 11th Nevember 1918. hsrlng survived all from the same spot I they fired what may well hi ye been the last." It Is not surprising that General Heneker. hsrlng commanded a division! containing such vetersns. wrote In tut farewell ' message : " I have come out of the war with one conviction, at events, and thia is that the finest P"'.!!?? .P?.?. "'..Vi? J'"4dn man on Ood IIIW.ItMON AMI I'M. ! n. oJ c .,Prlvatj RnMlor Tl urvrirr rK- at i"""" oun m Zr'. ,,7"Z7'. "."..rTT. BrttUh Columbia, upon the lands de i.;. . ..I- " " . . 7 . . r . - - sCTibed as Lou rieven (11) and Twe Thirteen t!3 and Fourteen (1 L.t ".iV per minutt of water out of email .fi creek. , GllV.k T- ,i0, ...., on. unnamed, which flows soutbeilv and cltT of ,, itUDrt province, of an: i earth is the British I MOOSE LEGION NOVELTY DANCE Al l'.tllt I. XT NMillT IN MCHKK II II J. MAS il(K.T MfCtS, TllltllK iiiMntKii ami iirrv Itl.lNtl riuEXT The annual nsvelty dance of the UooiehekXt Lcgiori held In the Moose (Tall last night was a great success, over ifUed with the ne said aaia Water water Recorder rtecoraer or or oi of Trince i-nnce Rupert. nuprn, B.C.. u.v.. and ana situate situate onj" on'380 - P)? on r--- hand to . partiei imptroller o( Water Rlehta, an Island In Oona River approximately pate la ,sn evening of thorough enjoy- Buildings. Victoria, B C opposite Block One and Two of Lot 2198. ; mrnt !i '''! i' days after the first sp- R. 8. Coast District (mostly tide flat t ' y , , , n-r.nre of (his this notice notice In in a a local local news- news- surrounding surrounding small small Island). Island). i i Straight Straight dancing dancing wat wat In In prjrest prjrest until until 1 1 paper. The dste of the first publication take .notice that John Bergman, of midnight when the novelty stunts com- ' ts menccd. In a beauty contest, Mrs. Carl Undqutst, Mrs. Fred Llndqulst, Miss Bessie Dcrry. Miss Wilson, Miss Johnson and Miss Annie Jsrslnnon Were the winners wille Mn Simon A. Swanson proved the strong lady of the evening. Fred Scadden, from a throne aloft, Judged the proceedings while Elnar Larsen and ' Oscar Young acted as floor officers. Ucloun refreshments were rerved. SUPERINTENDENT OF MISSIONS HONORED AT PORT ESSINGTON I I The Well-Managed Home HTHE manager of a household is the purchas- ing agent for a large proportion of the family needs. In order to do a good job she must know what, when and where to buy. She must study goods and the concerns which make goods and have them to sell. She must put her home on a business basis and run it on business principles in order to make the most of the family income. Information is the only basis for intelligent purchr sing. And the right way to get the greatest amount of necessary information is to read the advertisements. Advertisements tell you what is new and good in merchandise. They reveal improvements and inventions to make your home life easier, more comfortable and more convenient. They give you information about a thousand and one things that are usejul. Every manager of a household every member oj the household who shares the responsibility for the family's welfareshould malc a habit oj reading the ads. Read the advertisements in order to buy wisely I II one of which was accepted by Mr. Barner on behalf of Mrs. Barner who had Tlslted the school two years ago. j Accompanying these gifts the superln-1 tendent was honored by Initiation Into! the Raven Craft and Mrs. Barner. in I her absence, waa made a member of! the Blackflsh Craft by proxy. ) The members of the choir contributing numbers to the entertainment In: eluded Miss M. Starr. Miss E. Boulton, Miu Mona Starr, Miss Maggie Campbell. M. Lockarby. Felix Brown and Titus Campbell. Four members of the) kindergarten also contributed several (interesting numbers. Rev. and Mrs. H. Pierce arranged the program. W.l COMMERCE SURROUNDS BUCKINGHAM PALACE NO I.ONC.l U M IIUOI MlKD ItV SOCIETY IU"T IS CENTRE OK lll'MNESS 1USTKICT LONDON, Jan. 28. Buckingham Faliif-e is rapidly becoming a social oasis in a commercial desert. When the King looks out of his window he sees, not the homes of the Music tor the dancing was furnished aristocracy, but the offlces of business by Arthur's Orchestra and the Moose houses. Jaza Orchestra. Orosvcnor Plac, once the envied B. J. Bacon and OilUs Royer were home of people who liked to have the masters of ceremonies with Bert Hosklns , privilege of overlooking the palace presiding at the door. The committee i grounds, appears to have lost Its at-in charge of the event consisted of B. j tracttveness. J. Bacon, chairman, Fred Scadden, J. ! Mayfair and Btlgravla are being Squarcchuck and Joe Ratchford, assisted i ruined tor resldental purposes by the by members of the legion generally. De-; tremendous noise of traffic which never stops," said an agent of the Crown lands. "Omnlbusses and heavy wagons keep up the clamor during thej day. ah tnrougn toe nignt tnere is an unending procession of taxlcabs and motor cars." The outstanding example of loyalty to the old tradition Is the Duke oi - York1) moving to 145 Plcsdllly. It re- On the arrival of Rev Arthur Barner mains to be seen whether this will In-of Toronto, superlntendant of Indian duce others to remain near the Palace Schools of Canada for the United or U the King and his sons are to be Church, at Port Esslngton on Wednes. ifft isolated from helghtbors. day the Young People's Society provld-j , ed a reception with a program In! HOTEL ARRIVALS, honor of the occasion. Special num-! beni were arranged by the choir and a Prince Rupert. pleasant time was spent after which, Qeorge McAfee and Miss Jean Me-refreshments were served. lAfe. Oeorgetown: C. M. Hail, Calgary; A delightful tribute to Rev, and Mrs; Rev. Arthur Barner and E. Dane 11. Barner was paid by the natives' In Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. 0. R. Mutrle presenting to Mr. Barner ail address' and .daughter; U II. Morton, Prince and two hand carved canoe paddles, Qeorge; Fred H. Bytes Edmonton; Mr. JAP-A-LAC Household Finishes Jap-a-Lac Varnish Stain Jap-a-Lac Enamels For floors, furniture, wood- Provide a solid, covering to work, eti. Full directions on the surface and give a lasting, each can. and delightful result. GLIDDEIVS ENDURANCE AUTO FINISHES When your car needs a Glidden Auto Finish do not put it off I'UT IT ON. For Sale by Thompson Hardware Co., Ltd. and Mrs. H. L. Frank. Mrs. T. E. Brooks and M, Pasleki Terrace: E. A. Hunt, tlvzelton; J. Cook, Winnipeg; Mrs. Ooodrldge, Kltlmaat; W. R. Lindsay. Anyox. Central W. T. Brlce and Norman Kerr. Law-son, Sask.; F. Duggan. CJJt.; Mr. and Mr. Pethlik. city; A. Wood. Vancouver. Savoy Charles Wells, city. AT IT TOO I.ONO. The old gentleman was very fond of golf, but his play seemed to get worse and worse. Finally, after missing the ball every time, he turned to his patient caddie, and remarked: "Dear, dear! There cant possibly be worse players than myself." "Well, perhaps there may be worse players," said the boy consolingly, "but. of course, they dont play." LAND ACT NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE I'OKESIIOItE In Graham Island, Queen Charlotte Island Land Rrcordmg District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Ferguson Bay. Massett, Inlet. Graham Island. TAKE' NOTICE that Powell River Com Dans Limited of Vancouver.- B.C. occupation Manufacturers. Intend to ap ply for a lease of the following de scribed lands: Commencing tt a post planted at the northeast corner of DU 1171: thence westerly, following northern hououery of said lot to the northwest corner or said . Lot; thence westerly, northerly and i easterly. Jollowlug the high. tide murk of son Bay to the extreme' easterly point of Echinus Print; theiice south-easterly to the point of couuneucewent, and containing ISO acres, more or less. POWELL RIVER COMPANY. LTD. Agent, J. Douglas Wilson. DaUd 4ta November, 1B30. O "Demers" January' f l V1VU1 U11VV ! SALE j NOW ON I I'hone 27. P.O. Rox 327. Dr. Alexander Smith Mock Phone 57S DENTIST 1 1 A.1