this will end. FLE H. t. PULLEN Built not stuffed. Layer upon layer of new, clean, sanitary felt. Soft, resilient, year upon year. B3 V 1 0. Mainaitfng -BE Editof.' There are countless Ostermoors throughout Canada In Al condition after 10, 20, 30 years of service. 1MMONS MATTRESS built for sleep The Daily News PIUNfcE UUPEKT : BRITISH COLUillllA Published Ewry Afternoon, except Sunday, by Prince Rupert SUBSCRIPTION KATES: City Delivery, by mail dr carrier, per month By mall to all parta of the British Empire and the United S63 MFOR SALE HYM .15 UOOK (3N MINlNfJ AREAS The Natural Resources department of the Canadian- National Railways has just issued a book dealing with the minerals and mining Industries of the country served by the railway. It tells of the mining districts in northern British Columbia and has several good mips showing exactly where the mining country Is and how to get there. It also gives information in regard to mining regulations which will be of great advantage to new people coming to the district Copies of the publication are distributed free to those asking for it ' ' CUSTOMS SMELTER NEXT MOVE New Hazeltoti reports that it expects to have a customs mill there soon, that is a good thing for the small properties of which there are a number in the neighborhood. The next step will be to have a customs smelter erected at or near Prince Rupert at a site" on salt water and on the railway. There is talk of the Ladysmith smelter being again operated but it is a long way off, too far to tow Mrges or scows with ore. If a smelter were erected here, the ore could roll clown froni the in terior mines On the train and come from Portland Canal by scow-j and alstr from the Porcher Island mine. The ideal site would be at Inverness, Port Edward or up Tuck's Ihlet' RIIINELAND DISPUTE It is difficult for anyone not closely in touch with the situation to know what is meant by the dispute over the occupation of the Rhineland. People jump at conclusions according to which way their sympathies dictate rather than because of any solid reasoning. France Is on tl(e borders of Germany and has been the coUntrv to suffer from German aggression, hence it must be expected that she will feel differently from those countries which are farther away. It is not once only that the fair fields of France have been ravaged by the invader and the people of that country are hardly to ue Diamea n they wltsh to take every possible step to prevent a recurrence. Every woman should be a lawyer. Think what a lot of money she might collect for the advice she gives. isfermncir FAIRBANKS IN PIRATE STORY i One of the Mot Exciting and Cleverly Executed I'lclUres of 1 Pamuu Hero j States, in advance, per year a... $5.00 daredevil wmm To all other countries, in advance, per year $7.50 Transient Display Advertising, per lUeh per insertion $1.-10 Transient Advertising: on Front Pane, per iRch $2.80 Local Readers, per insertion per line Classified Advertising, per itisertien per word Legal Notices, each insertion per agate line Contract Rat? on Application Advertising and Circulation Telephone Editor 8nd Reporters Telephone - Member of Audit Ituieau of Circulations. DAILY EDITION 9S Monday, Aug, 29, 1927 FREIGHT RATES REDUCTION ' While it is not possible to say whether we have been granted just everything for which we have asked, ytt thee seems little doubt but that the west has scored a big victory in the freight rates fight, if we are placed on an equal footing with Fort William, that is all we ask. We do not, want any undue advantage. It seems a pity that Premier Oliver could have lived to see the frUltfon of his efforts on behalf of the province. However, he was well backed up by the members of his cabinet including the present premier so they will take much pleasure in having been able to do something of real benefit to the province. ThiB practically insures tlit Prince Rupert elevator will operate to capacity this year provided vessels can be obtained, and it is understood that already many have been chartered for thl port. Many people find it hard to realize just what this freight rates fight has meant. Somw have construed it as just another political move for the purpose of securing vote?. It has been much I Th Black Pit.." a M w Froo, MlprnrHl-H M MM la UMI parti of tlM southern teas fciiomn la tfe seventeenth ceattiry a tbe FWaM Uatn. wtiere Mors a and hM bloodthirsty rover had their secret lalaad. fen which tat; hid the tribute esacted at fuiu points from trader ad trCfelere. tt U aald that Fklrbaolt ha ncree before had such a lining vehicle lor) his blrj sort of advenrurttif. K play Ih piirt of a young nobleman, ho tweat to imiK the killing of hlsj father by Dirat. Thtt he dor In a. 75 aerie at eirtttfcj plodea. that demand' trj known Variety of duetlng. fight-' ture a Mf Mp (lngle-handed. steal! the heroine from the Tlllaln. and1 flghu hi way through tb rank of! the cut-tbroata. j "The Black Pirate" la rated the! farteat muting maty Fairbahk net made, and Ihss la a promt of con-aMmbte speed. Starting with the blowing up of a ship and maintaining an explosive tempo throughout, ttila picture abould afford all the Interest and upene foreCMt for it. Fairbanks' production la the fmt picture of such magnitude to be made In color, and mark an entirety new departure In this regard through 1U elimination of all glaring hue. It Is ' claimed that he ha succeeded tn Incorporating color into this film In such a bewitching fashion that the spectator I completely charmed by it. and sees it only at one see a panorama In real life. GLORIA SWANSON IN "FINE MANNERS" IS CHORUS GIRL STORY In "Fine Manners' ttsrrlng Gloria Swaneon here Wednesday and Thursday 1 shown the story of a little girt from the East Side who meet a boy from the West side and immediately fills tn love with him. He likes her for her natural carefree manner. She love him because he's ntmself. The young aristocrat, bored with society as he knows It. think that j uua uiui iiirr nvuiu pence 11 VIUJ more than that. It has been the removai of a handicap which has! her erode manner were improved. kept the Pacific Coast from developing and has turned business to Sccurin ynPtic aunf aid. h Eastern Canada at our expense, Now if the reports are true, all provide Orchid with everything that Is needed In order to become a "lady.' At tlte end of six. months, he returns from Europe to find an entirely different person tktn the gtrl he left behind. She ha dropped all the old saannerlkm be now reallees that he loted. and become Just one of the jrea't army of Idle rich. -tub hvk um- ffe tries to acratch the surface and find the real gtrl but she. wondering' at his disappointment In the change he ha tried so hard to effect, does not gueaa hi real thought. Of course, in the end. everything comes out all right, but her Jealous brother enters Into and adds much to the plot's Intricacies. JACK HOLT SEEN IN ZANEGREY PICTURE In the Zane Orey picture set for Tuesday Jack Holt is the hero and he Is a spectacular one. A tragic element Is suggested by the spectacle of a born leader of men. forced practically Into outlawry by the very men he his do ing his utmost to help, He wins back their confidence and also the girl he loves only after a series of spectacular episodes, during the several of which he closely approaches death. There's" suspense, a gorgeously colorful' natural background and clever handling. The lov'e theme Is the sweet wholesome sentiment that springs up be tween the city girl and the man of the desert. There are no forced or 11 logical obstacles In the way of their romance. It unfolds In the easy natural way that carries one Into the (pint of the sentiment. CIRCUS PICTURE AT WESTHOLME TONIGHT Circus lovers and who does not thrill to the lure of the sawdust ring? have a marvelous opportunity to go "behind the scenes" In viewing "Bigger fhan Barnum'," showing here tonight. The hidden drawa In the lives of the performers, unseen by the applauding crowds. Is strikingly revealed In this -pic of the -big top," which culminate in one tf the most gripping climaxes ever shown on the screen. Under the direction of Ralph Ince, who also plays a leading part, and featuring Ralph Lewis. Viola Dana and Oeorge OUara as well, the picture is 'making i tremendous hit wherever it t. shown The dramatic tension U unusually high and Director Ihce hah '"'forked in enough love Interest and little human touches to make a remarkably well-balauced production. M. A. fiurbank. district engineer for the Canadian National Railways, arrived on yesterday afternoon's train from Prince Oeorge, bringing Mrs. Bur-bank and family who will take ujt residence in the company house on First Avenue West. t THE DAH.Y riET73 . 4 tittK at iiicunr- , MmmU? 4 -Bigger than Barnusa.' Christie Comedy DsSy DUl." 4- International . teU Jek Halt in "n Uwawloue rUJer - ftmeit .k. ,rgrrftfB'Sati: WW W I tTMaAdit sad ThuHdi Otarta Swibmob tn -Fin UM- Comedy Jtoe. Ur. Bagg Aesop rttm Tat I'rfiUt ami atariliy Douglas nurbanka IB ft sett Pirate -Csmeo Comedy. Patbe Review Man in the Moon a - 1 ,s back. A FOOL and his money Buy a car They go to smash so There yaw are. iTi: su.Mox it i )K. Ktncollth. The Editor. Dally News'. Naas Tb Teh Years Ago In Prince Rupert There la a rumor circulating tn ttoe ?lty that the foley. Welch it Stewart inter have bought the Tlngley aaw-.-nll! at Port Clements, one of the pioneer enterprise of the Queen Charlotte 1st ne). Eleven lanky Hindus tn native oos-tume. arrived from Vsncouear today caroute to the Queen Charlotte Ills nd. where they will work In tb logging camps. WHEN ordering a hat tor the stamped always state whether it la a two gallon hat or a four gallon that M" needed. LIFE I very curious. For tnataoceV we say that a doctor pay a call. If he does he won ask for the money' beg toi ; state yiat this matter wa .tnorougril'y investigated -.and; the ..fact established that In eacft 'case, death occurrld. through the negligence of one Of the deceased, who kept the food ex posed for an unduly long period causing it to become contaminated. A coroner's Inquest waa therefore not called. The names of the deceased are: Mrs. Rachel Haldane Mrs. Edward Robinson J. A. McDonald of Vancouver in a communication to Pacific Milk, discusses the results of keeping British Columbia RRiTISH COLUMBIA The Minoral Province of Western Canada To the end of DetemlxT. 192C. MM rHeenl Minerals a ffllow: PlatCr ttoljl. $7P,0!Sli: CM ;, Silver. $H0.7it7.0fJt: Iid. $I0.976.t42: ropter,.$209.yc7t06; Zinc. $ROJH2.r,r,,7 , Cki, lUtKJtm.lM; Structural Materials nnd IlscellwrlIlherftli f fiq.iTft.4ui ita mineral production to the end of 192C show an ' ' ACflllEOATE VAI.UU OF I'JSS.lOS.lTO. PRODUCTION FOII VfrAIt ENDlNO llECKMHKtt. 1D2C. $fi7,lR8.(t; Tfce Mining Laws of this Province are mere liberal and the fea k.Mr ti,.,., any otker Province in the Dominion, or any colony in the Dritish Empire. Mineral locations are granted to discoverera for nominal fptrtt. Abaolute Titles are obtained by developing such prwparties, tho nocurity r guaranteed by Crown grants. Full Information, together with Mining Report. and Maps, may be obtaii.,1 addreMing TllH IIONOItAIH.E TUB MlNlSTEIt OF MINUS. VlCTOUIA HUITISH COI.U.MIIIA. N.ll Practically all Jlritish Columbia Mineral Propertiet u(m which a. work ha been done are tleacribed in Mine one of the Annual HejWifU of th.- M Mines. Those considering mining investments ahould refer to such report. I),, -. able without eharge on Application to the Department of Mint. V(etria, H the. Geolofrieal Survey of Canada. Wlhch HulWIhg, Vnfieouver. are rtemn(l. , , sources of information. Reports covering of the Six Mineral Survey Districts are pullihil sop.-.r', available on application. I lakdaantx i Frederick Stewart and Edward' Heine of Klncolttb. sre still under medical care and expected to receiver. All the esses were attended by Dr. D J Maedonald of Ktncollth. ho ealled Br. Lang of Anyoa in consult-' '.ton. A pe!ma of the food ha I :een ant to Vancouver for analyst. ! Two other Indiana who partook of thi roe wer not affect. E. O NfJWNHAM. Dominion OonsUbl DEPARTMENT OF WOHKS PUIH.IC MiTiri; to foxTit noitH SMITHKKH IIKHI Sf'IIOOI. I kiausu JBWUKHB. eTiaorseo tmaer for Smlthers High School" will be re- THEY do J . say that a movfc man ovired by tb Minuter of Public Works wanted to get' a picture of repose so up to 13 o'clock noon of Wedneaday the b w. tow te brtt pUee toftod tt f wa tn a goriunnt fflce. He went at Smlthers in tbe Skerna Electoral Dla- there but there were ever young ttlct. B.C. I Menogr.pber. Ut the ofnee o he gave y' bTSST'oV, "o it up. rwwuij mon m aner we Tina day of August. iS7, story and poMibly not. : and further Information obtained at the . Department of Public Work. Parliament ..,.. . . ... ... . . Buildings aod at tbe following office, j NECESSITY I the mother of lnvn- Oorernmeht Agent. Vancouver. Smlther tkn. How about Inventing an auto- and Prince Rupert. Mndkcrcnlet ; payment of a deposit of 10.00 which will . be refunded on return of tbe plana. IT wa a great sight to ace Gtorgei "afi. The lowest Casey In the awtan with the boys at the Salt Lake yesterday. YOU'VE heard of Casey at the And Casey on the mound But never yet. have you heard I Of Caeey'a swim. I'm bound. IT was rather cool In and Prince Rupert yesterday but lakes there was a hot time. bat bet,' around at the In The Letter Box or any tender not necea- cartly accepted. P. PHILIP, Public Work Engineer. Department of Public Works, 1 Parliament Bldgs., I VlBfwto. BC. WATER NOTICE IlIVI.ItSION' AM) ISE TAKE NOTICE that Francis Henry I unnlnghsm, whose address Is 805 Board of Trade 'Building. Vancouver. B.C.. wilt . apply for a licence to take and use 1 i cubic foot per second of water out of unnamed unnamea stream stream which wnicn flows iiows northeast norvneast I I . and drain into Humpback Bay. Porcher isisna. aoaui tuu yarai stnuneaat or northeast corner post 6f Lot 103. The f water will be diverted from the stream i at a point about 200 yard from the i mouth of tbe river and will be used for fish, cannery and domestic purpose Rivr ' upon the lands applied for, being por-""" tlon of Lot 102. Range 5. Coast District This notice waa posted on the ground a n copy cuj,ji neierrmg wj me recent aeaio among v" : j Indians- !at Arranrtale Arrandale Gannerv Cannery remitting reeulUng thU noe PPHcatlon pur- inaian.e.jat, 4Uant tbtnto , tn, y,leT Xct" from the partiklria of salmon roe, I Recorder at trlnee Rupert. B.C. Objec- Hons to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the CoMhtrMler or Water Rights. Parliament Buildings, Victoria. B.C.i wlthlil thirty days after the first appearance t this notice In a local newspaper. The late of the first publication of this iotiee la August 4. 1927. 1. H. CUNNINGHAM, , Applicant. and Robert Lincoln of Kincollth: Mr. NOTICK Of INTENTION' Til APM.V TO Peter. Nysyck and Daniel Ouno of Olt-I "huild n.c." The Local Circle l 4 1 J JVpoTt, D LAND ACT. In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and situate at the heaC of the south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Island. TAKE NOTICE that British Columbia Fishing & Packing Co. Ltd., of Vancouver, B.C.. occupation Packers, Intend to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted at the head of tbe south arm of De La Beche Inlet, Moresby Island: thence south S chains; thence east 20 chains; thence north S chains, more or less, to high ater markT thence west along high water mark to point of commencement, and containing 10 acres, more nr BRITISH COLUMBIA FISHINO tt PACKINO CO. LTD., ApP"Cnt D.W June. 10. 1927 LAND ACT money within the province by4J,0T,CE or VKrrii'? .V Am'Y spending it at home. Patroniz- irig local InddStry he Calls the ! fj5,"flibtf.nd D1itrl(:t- m ... , .. . j Recording District of Prince Rupert, and white magic of prosperity and situate on Lot 102 Humpback Bay ' Por-points out how the work of I i"b x , , . take notice that P. H. Cunningham, m i 11 1 ' sgural dollars is done by a Board of Trade Building, of Vancouver fflngledollar traded within the i Bc- fuP;tLonB.1.lmn tBr.k?r- province. PACIFIC MILK Head Offire, Vancouver factories at Ijidher and Ablfotstord. .w w.yy.j .v. ichc u uic luiiowing described land:-- Commencing at a post planted 150 yards south-southeast of northeast corner rxnt Of Lot 102. Ranee S: then,- ri south 8 chains; thence south-southeast 19 cnains; inence out norm o enains; thence west-nonnwesi along anore to point of commencement and containing 14 acre, mores or less. FRANCIS HENRY CUNNINdHAM. APPllcn Dated 35th Jun. 1927. BENT QUITS for ever BUY AT LESS THAN COST -s DENTIST Dr. J. R. Gosse Helgerson Block X-RAY SERVICE Phone 686 9 a.m. to 6 p.m. Evening Appointment! Canadian National Steamships Cojrf Prince Rupert DRYDOCK AND SHIPYARD OperHtlnjt (J.T.I. 20,000 Ton Fltmtinjt Dry Vfk Knlneem, MnchlnUt, llollermnkern, HlarkHintlli. I,l,ftn makerH, Founders, Woodworker ICIf- ELKCTItlfc AND ACKTVI-KNK WKI.DIN0. Our plant l equipped to handle ail kinds of MAItINK AND COMMKHCIAL WOltlv. I'HONES 43 and 385 Canadian Pacific Railw? 1 CANADWNj r r Pnatt Services VPACinci - Ruperi waiHUgo aa... B' J5 11 To Ketchikan, Urnnrell, Juneau and Mkagway .iuut t, - To Vaiitfiiiter, Victoria and Seattle Autiist S. 0, 10, IS, W. I'lllNCKSH HKATKKK. . . ,w.. (am.bfll Rer, and Vancouver etery 8torfl.y, 11 " Agency forxall Hteamslilu l.lne. Full ln' W. ti. OKCIMKII. tleneral Aent, torher or 4th Street and Ird JUelioe, Friar Rul".