PAGE F0U3 Neglected Eyes NEGLECT Is doubtless the cause of most of the ills that afflict humanity. This is so self evident that it seem hardly necessary to tell you. If your eyes are Riving trouble, hare them attended to and at once. OF ALL absurdities in the kingdom of foolishness, surely the lots of eyesight through neglect Is the most inexcusable. DONT lose health and efficiency through neglect Come and seel Fred Joudry Hegistered Optometrist and Optician Room 3 Smith Ulock Phone 763 TvmnCt n MNO r I j. THAT VII MAJ. JOJ '.lUM . OTvtR.KNO !l vi rr We sell superior lumber that is the only MM of lumber to be found in our sheds and yards. We have the most complete stock in Northern n.C, including fir and cedar timbers, dimension, shiplap, finishing, veneers, shingles, lath and mouldings, all reasonably and properly priced. Albert & McCaffery Phones 116 and 117 Prince Rupert BOAT HOUSE Phone 381 P.O. Box 1565 LAUNCHES, SCOWS, HOW-I10ATS AND CANOES SAND AND CUAVEL Equipment for Diving and Salvage Work Agents for Easthope Engines and Stump Pullers NORWEGIAN HALIBUT GEAR IN STOCK Compass Adjusting VELVET Ice Cream THE VERY BEST! Take a brick home tonight! We cater for Parties, Picnics, Dances, etc. Prompt Delivery Velvet Ice Cream Co Corner Third Avenue and Second Street Phone 758 , l LINDSAY'S Cartage and Storage Phone 63 . Cartage, Warehousing, and Distributing. Team or Motor Service. Coal Sand and Gravel. We Specialize in Piano and Furnftun! Moving. BRINGING UP FATHER The cook concluded with "ees well 'nlmed, you'll 'ave to go further afield every year to ketch that blighter." Such Is life In a stampede camp. BURNS LAKE Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Crease of Van couver and daughter, Audrey, were (he guests of John Yool and Rev. W. R. AihfoVd here for a week, having made the trip north by automobile. Mrs. Crease is Mr. Yool's sister . Committee chairmen for the Lakes District School Fair Association, which met last week with the president, M. Nourse. In the chair, have been named as follows: Housing, Mrs. A. Anderson; refreshments, Mrs. D. M. Oerow; grounds. A. R. Brown; staging. Sidney Godwin; sports, A. R. Brown; dance, Mrs. V. Scbelderup; transporta tlon, J. Brown; Arthur Wood, manager of the Talta pin mine. Is reported to be on his way back to '.Burns. Lake with Diana for an extensive development program on the property to start during the early part of September. A minor operation was performed last week by Dr. J. T. Steele and Dr. H. O. Bruce on Miss Frazetta Clark daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Clark of Fort Fraser. T. Crawford and D. L. McOlbbon of Ootsa Lake are spending a few days In town. R. C. Steele andS. E. Dally of Van- derhoof and Les Willock of Montana passed through here last week with a string of horses which will eventually get to the stampede at the Prince Rupert Exhibition. Mrs. F. Inglis and Mr. and Mrs. Sid ney Oodwln were recent visitors at Francois Lake. ALICE ARM Jn a few weeks the last oi the timber will be logged from th KlUault River flat by F. L. Housley; Logging Is now being carried on at a point opposite Canyon Creek on the east bank of the river. Ore samples are being prepared to represent the Alice Arm district at the Prince Rupert Exhibition. This year's dry spell, which lasted almost two months with the exception of one night' rain. 1 stated by old resident to bare been one of tht most ! I Wash RAYON this safe way "D AYON is more sensitive v to laundering than any other fabric never wring it, never twist it, never rub it with cake soap. Rayon is most fragile when wet. As you might expect, Rayon should be washed only in mild, pure Lux suds -clipping it gently up and down as you do silks. Lew Brother! T''.-4 Toronto acute on record. Last week, there was a water shortage In town but. though conditions were hazardous, there have been no bush fires In the vicinity. An eight-foot vein of good looking copper and sliver ore, traceable for 500 feet on the surface. Is being developed by P. LaFrance on the Moonlight group which adjoins the Homeguard at mile 14 on the Dolly Varden J. Swanson, superintendent of the Anyoz mine, has been spending a few days in Alice Arm. Mr. and Mrs. Cormier left here last week for Alberta where they will engage n farming. Mrs. F. D. Rice left last week for Alice Arm where she will place her children In school before returning here. J. Smith of the Torlc mnle staff left last week for Vancouver. W. A. Johnston has arrive from Vancouver and Is relieving Ch:u-ies ititi uaili Ntwa dfT-lfci I nSI fill i PR Hutchinson of the government liquor store while the Utter to on holiday. F. Gallagher left last week for Vancouver. A. At tree arrived last week from , Prince Rupert and to relieving W. A. Wilson of the Alice Arm Meat Market 'while the latter Is on holiday. Mr. and Mrs. J. McAulay of Prince Rupert came up on their own Uuach last week In the course of a cruise. Mr. McAulay Is CNR master mechanic at Prince Ruper:. presentations' made third troup scouts to elmer stevens IUijs .lo I'ay Interesting Vlills and l-rura How Thingi Are Itonr The usual weekly meeting held on Frtduy evening cf the 3rd Rupert Troop Boy Scout and Wolf Cubs took the form of a social and farewell to Scout Elmer Stevens who to tearing the city. Games were participated In. and after partaking of sandwiches, cakes and tea, badge which were earned at the camp at Port Slmpvin were distributed by the chaplain. Ralf Johnson gaining the second class badge and carpenter's; BUly Vane, second class, carpenter's and musician's; Victor Miller. Carl Eby. Harry Quick, Walter Smith, second class badges; and Audrey Ivarson and Garnet Quick, tenderfoot badges. . Mr. P. C Miller then presented to Elmer Stevens on behalf of the scouts a fountain pen. The chaplain then presented a transfer form from the 3rd , Rupert Troon. ft the troop at Victoria i with words of farewell ana good wishes bringing an- enjoyable evening to a close. ' Thursday the Ssouts visited HUB. Colombo and three sailors showed the troop around the ship. Returning they paid a visit to the Fire Hall, where Chief McDroald explained to the Scout how ' an alarm was rung lh from the fire boxes and on receipt of phone calls, -also how to raise ladders against building and on roofs and explaining how; the Scouts could best be of assistance at a big fire. JUDGE AND FAMILY TO MOTOR THROUGH CENTRAL INTERIOR Judge and Mrs. F. McB. Voung. who are at present In Smlthers where Hli Honor has court work which will en gage his attention this week, will pro ceed from there on a month's motor trip through the central ulterior. Their son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs, A'. f Carmlchael. will proceed to the Snowy Whitened1 You're sure of snowy- whiteness always in the children's garments in your own pretty things in all your dainty linens . and cottons if you always use 1JB Reckitt's Bag Blue In the handy bag with the Blue and jyfc'te "JF-.. S'C V anted For Sale For Rent SPORT CHAT With a somewhat abortive series of competition with H.M8. Colombo now past, local footballer will settle down .his week to the' completion of the Ollhuly Cup series which resume to-.light with the meeting of the Moose and Regiment. The Moose, having won from the Grand Terminal 3-1 in the opening game, have but to win or tie tonight to be assured of a place In the final during Exhibition Week for the season's lsst silverware. The third and last game of the semi-finals will take place on Thursday night between the Regiment and Grand .Terminals. in uic iirsi, KJuroanient last mrcex for, the John A. Fraser cup, emblematic of ; central Interior championship, Prlnc George tennis players went down to defeat at the hands of 'Ouesnel. 'Quesnel won tx of the ven wojy aeiauu. wniie rrince George won Ave, The first tournament took place at Quesnel and Prince Oeorge was looking forward to turning the table at the second tournament to be played In Prince Oeorge early this week. Should thta second tournament result in a win for Prince Oeorge. there will be a third at Quesnel next Sundav tn decide the ownership of the lYaser cup. The following team has been chosen to play against the Moose' In their football game this evenlne: vrhtt McKay, Lamb, Wallace. Harris. Tinker waiters, wralhall. Campbell, Strachan Norrington. Having spilt a series of two m. wun emuners during the Bulklev v.i. ley Fair festivities last week, the local intermediate League baseball team re turned to the city on Saturdav ftr- noon'a train. They lost the first game i-o ana won the second, IS to 5. ALTERATIONS-COAST STEAMSHIP SERVICE Canadian National Coast Steamships announce re-adluatmpnt ..t..... ' - v M.ITUUK. Effective Immediately, new sailing from Prince Rupert will be as follows: For Vancouver, Auc 27. 29. Rr.t ..- - ' f"- bUCIl change to fall chedu:e. leaving Prince ""t"'1 inursdsy and Sunday. Salllnff fnr Anvnv j- im oiewart, Bept 2; for Alaska, Wednesd.v ., For Queen Charlotte ManQa M-ryl(.e ana aaamonai information re other ser FOU SAl.K By George McM A OPOMluLr 7y f. P-u Oven HORSE NAMED FOR RUPERT Broncho Christened Halibut by Cockney Cook at Stampede Camp TELKWA, Aug. 29 The stampede camp I all agog. E&cltement I soaring around boiling point, and all of them are Just crazy to get to Rupert. A few nights ago the toys took in band to christen a "rlp-inortlng." "cloud - scratching "Spring - footed" bronch. He had do name, so argument waxed high. Finally In desperation they appealed to the cockney cook, be 1 replied with: "Cor blimey, why dont yer call "lm 'allbut, cause 'es so blasted 'ard to catch, and besides It will tickle those 'erruV 'unters In Rupert, and sy, wont we have a beano dawn there?" The cook's choice of name was decided upon, and another boy thought they should christen him sea-farln' fashion, by cracking a bottle I over his bows. I Unfortunately for those present the jonly bottle available, was a bottle of j tomato catsup. With this In one hand land the halter In the other, the boss 'prepared to perform the ceremony, I saying: "From henceforth and from j now on, on every range and In every show this animal shall be know as halibut'." Then came the terrific smash of the catsup bottle, but Halibut's' bows were built for ramming, arid he dragged the boss around the corral on the end of the halter, and finally deposited him under a teed trough. After quieting him down the cere monial sentence was again uttered. lending with a blow with the catsup bottle spilling Its contents over hall but's bows. Seeing "red" the bronch went raving mad and with a wonderful Jump, Just "topped" fhe corral fence. that was the last seen of Halibut. reeu p'" ' .. O '92? r Imt-i. Fttnmt Schvicc. Ie. DAILY NEWS CLASSIFIED ADS. tJ2c per word in advance. No Advertisement taken' for let than 50c WANTED WANTED. GENERAL SERVANT Soiall family. Apply Mm. Norman Watt. it GENERAL SBHVANT WANTBO. APPLY Mrs. Beeaer. it LOST LOST-CHILD'S BROWN PURSE WITH gold wrist-watch with crystal brakes, on Fifth and MtBrtde. Finder please return to Daily News ofne. 304 LOST. CHILD'S ORAY SWEATER. probably 011 Third Avenue. Finder please return to Dally New jnVe Interior this week to join them on the :rlp REGIMENTAL TENNIS TOURNEYNEAR DONE Mr. S. r.Mr.Mordie Uu Ladle' Mngle and lUsrk and MIm Kiel. Mixed Double Mrs. S. P. MeMordie won tbe ladle' alnaie ohamplooahtp at (fee Reigtineatal Tennis Club by defeating Mtoa Davie In the final at the end of the week by a tcore of 0-4, 7-3. Black and Mia Rlel won the mixed double championship by defeating Col. and Mr. MeMordie in the final by a core of 8-4, 3-7. 6-2. In the semifinals, Col. and Mrs. MeMonlle had defeated Howard and Mtoa Davie 8-2, 3-45, 6-3, while Blaek and Miss Rlel won over Col. aad Mr. J. W. Nleholl 0-3. t-t. In the seml-rinal of the men' singles Howard beat MeMordie 8-2. 8-2 and will meet Carmiehael In the final to morrow evening. FOU HUNT view. Phone Urvw W or Black ill FOR RENT. NICE NEW PURNI&MBf) mom, heated, feait vtew. ale la. iMMkdy to pus emca. private family, pftoae Bhk SO or l. FOR RENT PUKNMIIEU APAHT- j meat by the day, week or mnth. Pboue Red 007. tf FOR RENT. PianM, phaanawpb r4 Singer swUkg OMCfetete. Walker Music Store. FOR RENT - MODKRN HOUSE. HAH-bor view. Apply tit. 4t Ave E. U FOR RENT. FOUR ROOM PUR IS I- ed fUt. Phoae Orrea TM. 304 FOR SALE. CHKVROLBT BADY Oiad Touring Oar. 8nap. SultaMe for Bur. r motor sttHatole for UmL Apply Psrker' Osracr UI'IIOI.STI'KINC KORNITUKE REPAIRtNO: UPHOL- sterlng of all k,lnd Chesterfields recovered and nisd to order. All work guaranteed. Pnons Green 80S. O. M. HUNT. EXCHAMiB NEW AND SECONDHAND FURNIIUKX bought, sold and exchanged. Papa-dopulo and Mara. 139 Third Ave. Phone 618. tf ai ctiom:i:k ami mxomhiimi I BUY. SELL OR EXCHANOE ANY. IbJog of value. Phone Urine for buatne. Telephone TM. K.tlKV tl.KKiUK Agent for all (ii:i:itti. motoiih pKonrcTs Another carload of Chevrolet Justin! Prices: Roadster , 83S 00 Roadster Delivery 823jO0 Touring (S26.00 Coupe (905.00 Coach 1963.00 Sedan 1,075 00 Landau Sedan SI.IMOO Cabriolet : v... fl.toooo Commercial Chassis 1(515.00 Delivery Express Chsssls .... I0S 00 29 x 4.40 Balloon Tire standard enulrjment on all nuvtola vrt ru can or pnone for demonstration. kaikn ntitAnr Third Avenue ' Plione'"!!?' " TAXI . Phone 67 Taxi (Call Georce. Paul or ftnatl Six and Seven Paasentrer Stude' bakprs at your dlponl any time BOSS BROS. POOL JtOOM Meeker Ulock. ( Across from Kmnroi Hotel) P KINCfS nUPKKT TIDKS TIII.V. Aldl'KT 30 "Ig1 3:04 am. 19.7 ft. 14:23 pm. 19.8 " Low B;j4 tJ, s - 31:37 pm. 8 8 " IVI.IINKSIMY. AIOI ST 31 High 338 am. f 19.0 ft. IS 52 pm. i 19 6 I-ow g:44 am. g j ' 23:10 p m. fl.l " TIII'llSllAV, KKITKMUIlIt 1 High ......... 4:14 am. 18.1 ft.' 18:23 pm. . 19.0 " IW 10;16 am. I 63 - " 22:47 p m. 0 6 " WHt.iV. M;i'TKMIIi:it 2 High 4:84 a.m. 17.0 ft. 10:59 pm. 18.4" Iw 10:49 am. 7.4 " 23:32 p m, 7.2 " C.N.R. TRAINS- For llir Kast Dally Except Sundays 11:30 am. From fhe East DsU7 weep; Tiusdsys tiO pja. Artkle, Lottie rounds VllisaK'll l.limrim. FOR RENT NICE lsROE PUHNI8H- UILniMOIlir iUUItJllLlF. ed room on ruth Avenue wi with private family. Hsotetf. Fine mailne' lpr Vanrauter- Monday g r ..: .. Ceri Tutseky g i v , a iwHMijr ss r ;, f Satsmlay as Cirtt i - n as Prices Bt3, , " n pw Aug. 10 Prn,.-.-,- . .. Aug. Is - Pru.ff-j f ; Aug. 70.- Princes; A! . Aug. 24.- -Priuwi: r A tag. Jl. princes: U m I rum Vanruutrr SiMday- a r: mvaamj as r: ( , -i t Wedneaday v?p: - j, Friday- as pr... - n si " a. Cro-i , Saturday a p! : t. , Aug. 8 Aug. IS as Pr ; as P , Aug. 18 Prmo i - Aug. a r . Aug. 2U M P -rra l'r Anjot, fttrwart, etc. it I I'ur Purl Hlmpoun sn4 'm l.m- rnosj a t ; I'roni Port Nlmnua nni Sut tm- Satwrday v. I ardeot Riinri Am riitA!i It aaonaay. men uuvmi .tj from Aitjox, rilrwsrt, rtt Tuesday- fAtaj 'TlJuTsiiay. a. Pracr Saturday as P ? 'P lar North queen hrWl- Mondsy Prinaes I'roin Nurlh (lure ChtrMln- I'or Houlh Queen (lurlutt now. 19 j-.uj 'j t- Aug. a Pnnce J: J Iri.m South liueen ChuUMi- f ttft,. IW. nm ' - w Aug. 24. Pr i.o J a II or Alaks WiirJnenday Pr'nw&'T'r- Atur u Pr.l .52 I 3 AUg. 18. a Piiii-fJ a. nun. " ' Aue. 26.- a Prlc-3 t I'rnnt tlitakflw Aug. 10.- -Prince f ;r Aug. 13 - Priii'T-. Ui-J Ang. 20. Prlrvit A! " Aug. 24.- 4-HW-- C.: Aug. 31 Prlncr" ? U'- MAIL SCHEDULE m St.- , Clonf9 AI'nl NT, W- MnrHlVR WtHlnMiT1' n' ..... du , l" " j f TV i vtul a . . . . O.J IV- rtun ' ' mil li i L. m . . u To Anyot, Alice Arm, pTP. ,-r""' mill vr Tuesdays Thursdsys ... - n I . . tram naan nui- .mf - Htturaays To AlskWa Pln Aug. I, 8. 8, 18. From Ala'ka Point- . To queen riiari-" - Lower Hianas, 5 j r ''" . .... Miss From tjueen i lower Islands, Aug " i Upper Ulands TJJ To liueen l iwn'" ,,, i. Pmm Cliaflotte fi