-dr August 29, 1927 MM: :J)iscovetya Forced Air si r-ze Greatest Heating T" O you suffer from larce fuel bills ? H v, rooms? Sluggish air flow"? Slow lifting or extremely hot air? All these cause discomfort and ill health. Yet all may be eliminated by using Forced Air the greatest home heating discovery of modern times. Miles Automatic Furnace Fan attached to your present furnace transforms it from a lttUj to a ftltlvt prtnurt system. Large volumes of air are forced over the heating surfaces, pushing the heat units into the rooms before they have time to escape into the base nient or out the chimney. Result: a great saving in fuel, better health and solid comfort in bitterest weather. -Miles Automatic Fur nace Fan is also wonderfully effective in keeping the house cool in summer. Can be used with all makes of warm air furnaces, old or new. Mail coupon coupon for for interesting interesting particulars. tool W Distributors of Miles Automatic Furnace Fan for all Makes of Warm Air Furnaces, Old or New Putnam Fadeless Dyes The original "One-packajre" dye for all material and jr; -?es Dissolves instantly in water, leavinjf no undisaolved particles to spot your goods. It is clean and harm lea will not stain the hands nor injure any fabric that boiling water :!one will not injure. The same package will dye silk, cotton, wool or mixed rs no need to rip garment apart. The direction are per-i - ' simple: Boil 20 minute, add salt, boil 10 minutes, then TO TINT. BOIL TO DYE. As for booklet on Tinting. Dyeing and Cleaning. Ormes ltd. yic Pioneer Drttpftsls THIRD AVE. , SIXTH ST. TELEPHONES 2,200 BETTER DENTISTRY PLATES that gitcs you n natural appear-ante and lend beauty to the contour of the face. Al r MJflTIDr Phone .way!, jr. MMjUIIVL 525 Open Over Ormes Aluminum Onokinef Utensils Muminum Salt and Peppef ShakerS '. . v- luminum Waterless Cookers . . Aluminum Steamers from Aluminum Roasters from Aluminum Tea Kettles from uminum Sauce Pans from aluminum Dnulilo Ttnllora frnm Ladles, Moulds, Cooky Cutters, Strainers Thompson Hardware 2:3 Third Avenue. V ; $15.00 . $.: to $:.oo . $1.25 to $(!."." . SI. 50 to $1.75 . . . 50f to $aJ5 Si. 50 to $:.oo ..' 15? Co., Ltd. Prince Ilupert 1 ' Local and Personal 1 : Arthur Tm. rum t?t. u BC CMrrtaker Pboc tt Dout Or J. R. Oa Phone SAfl Get ta Big 4 habHI When thlnftlat t a Tasl. ptt 4. tf Ownr D Tit an yesterday Miiiw u brf trip to Smith. T i. ooob. Mica Jean Harrison. RN. to the city train from a heuton. Inspector of sited laat niht on tlst Oatala Anyox on official duuea. lor Milton Otnzala returned to tto city on yesterday afternoon's train froaa a Ulp to StaUtber ot W Vaua-han Davla. who has pending his annual vacation at West Vancouver, return to iba city on the OataU yesterday afternoon. John Don. district suprtntadmt of niMiMittt Telegraph, returned to Um dty on taat night train from a uip to Haattton on omelal duUaa. W. O. MoMorrt. who la In teres td in mining operations at Alloc Arm, a pa mini from Vanoouver to that point on Um Oatala last rvnmg Oordon Hltebeoek of tb local le Tator ataff. wbo baa bn OB a hoU day trip to Vancouver, rsturaad to tba city aboard Um Catala yiittKaf aftar- mtcatdjeat of tt Prtaor Hsrt 0n-cral Hospital, wumim to the city on yea tarda y afSernoona train vacation of three months, during which time she rlattod her old hoove in Ire- Mr. and Mrs. R. Banks loft on this Morning'a train (or Begins and latevan where they will visit with their three daughters having spent Um sum months with their tea daughters Mrs Tin jo iqwposAiM O "m pn iD Union freighter ChUllwsck. Capt D. Morfve. arrived In port at a o'clock yesterday afternoon from tbe south snd. after discharging s cargo of der at Um lumber assembly wharf, aalled at T o'clock last evening for Stewart. Alice Ann snd other northern point. The vessel will touch here southbound about Wednesday. James Calvin, well known Alice Arm prospector, was a week-end visitor town, arriving on the Prince George Saturday night and returning north on the Oatala last even tag He came in to pick up some of his belongings which he left behind when be recently rowed from the city so Alios Aim. fol lowing a (umSrs pmspectlng la this vicinity. C.N.H steamer Prince Oeorga. Capt. Harry rSedden, arrived at 9 o'clock Sunday morning from Anyox. Stewart and Ketchikan and sailed about an hour later for Ocean Pails. Powell Hirer and Vancouver. She brought a Isrge number of passengers out of Ketchikan and. on leaving here, had a capacity list The George w'1 next call here on Wednesday enroute to Skag-way. whence ahe wilt return to sail from here, for Um south at midnight Saturday. Union steamer Oatala, Oapt. A. E. Dickson, arrived In. port at 5:80 last night from Vancouver, sailing at 8 for Anyox. Stewart and other northern ports of call. Passengers on the Cstsls included: Miss Pierce. Prof. H. Aubrey Pyrce. Oordon Hitchcock. Mrs. Oxrobs snd daughter, W. Vaughan Davies. H. J. Bradbury. P. Undberg. Roy Wicks. Mrs. Rockevllle. Mm. Parr. Miss Coutta and Mr. Nprdqulst for Prince Rupert: E. F. Boone. B. F. Brown and W. O. McMorrls for Alice Arm: C. L. Htbbert. F. E. Leash and Mrs. J. P. Scarlett for Stewsrt: A. Armstrong. Sidney Armstrong. Mr. and Mrs. N. Lofthus. E. Evans. J. Evans, S. Owena. Mr. Kennedy, Mrs. Brown. E. Mcleod. J. Madson. Mr. and Mrs. J. Dlnndell. Mrs. Da vies. Mitt Davlea. Mr. and Mrs. J. Hlndmoore and aon and L. H McKay for Anyox: C. M. Butler, Miss Kallander. Mr. and Mrs. Harrison. Miss Anderson and W. Swindell, round trip. ANNOUNCEMENTS St. Andrew's Society Concert and Vaudeville show, Wednesday, September 21. D Established 1923. 4&& R. Office Hours: a.m. to G p.m. Saturday: wJ a.m. to 1 p.m.. Any evening by appointment DENTIST Exchange Block. ENNY THE DAILY NEWS PAGE THREE Use MAGIC BAKING POWDER in oil your baking Tliat'siftewqy to assure success. Made in Canada E.W, CILLETT CO. LID. TORONTO, CAN, T. A. Ssndison ot the Maritime Fisher;-. aail today un tb Prince John lor Allford Bay. Prof. H. Aubrey Pryce. who baa been on a noiiaay trip to Vancouver, re turned to Um city ob tbe Catala last Igbt. J. C. Mcftae returned to k4 farm rear Terrace on ttals morning train after having spent the week-cod In Um city. Oraad Mister's official visit. All Oddsaltowa pMsvse . attend Lodge Tuesday, August 39 at 8 pjn. Rebekahs at 10J0 pm. - r W. D. Smith ot the Oi.R. electrical department sailed Saturdsy night on the Prince George for Vencouver on a week's trip. R. E. Allen, district forester, re turned to Um dty on yesterday after noon's train from Uek whence he wentl on osnclal buetneae. Until repairs at tbe Provincial Gov ernment wharf have been completed, C.PJI steamers will mske landing at No. S abed on O.T.P. wharf. tf The Prince Rapert Boys' Bind wishes to aeknowtedfte with thanks a dona tlon from J. B. Miller of the Montreal crportsrs. Such voluntary eontrlbu tsons are greatly appreciated. Another successful dance was held In the Metropole Hsll Saturdsy night under Brand! narun ausplcee. There was a mod aired attendance and C. K Ttrcbcrg was maatee of ceremonies. CJ".R. steamer Peine Beatrice, Cant. S. K. Oray. arrived at 12:30 midnight Saturday for Ketchikan, sailing for Vancouver and wayports about an hour later. The vessel took about a hundred passengers from Ketchikan. Mitchell Newman, school teacher at Queen Charlotte City, who has been spending a holiday at New Hazel ton, will arrive from "the Interior on this afternoon's train and sail for the Islands on tbe Prince John. Otto Becker. CP.R. district freight agent st Portland. Oregon, accompanied by hla wife and family, and A. E. Walker, travelling freight agent tor the company at San Francisco, and Mrs. Walker were among round trip passengers going through to .Alaska on the Prince Louise this morning. Miss Mary McRae, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. D. CMcRae. 340 Fourth Avenue East, Is on her way home after having spent a two months' holiday In Vancouver, Vie torts. Jasper Park and Interior polhts. She will enter as a student this week In the Prince Rupert General Hospital training school for nurses. J. R. Mclatyre of the elevator stall has received a letter from Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Patterson who are on a motor trip to Calgary. Mrs. Patterson has experienced such variegated weather while away that she says she will be glad to get home to Prince Rupert. They sre expected back In about a fortnight' time. Alex Yule has awarded the contract to Mitchell & Currie to the construction ot a new 20 by It foot cigar and Football tonight at 6:30 tt Acropolis' Moos ts. Regiment. ! Mis Ida McCandles sslled Saturday night on the Prince Oeorge for R. E. Allen, district faresler. will sail today on the rPlnee Jatua tec SUdegat on official duties. Mrs. Hubert Wsrd-sails tomerrew at' terooon en the Oatala for Vancouver I in a holiday Ulp. Lecture tonight at Salvation Army Citadel at S by Colonel UatLean. "Forty Tears Across Canada with 8A." Preserving Ptachet. today's price 1.75 per esse. Tomorrow's price will be higher. Book yeur order now. Tsble Supply. Mrs. E. C. Watts, who hst been visit ing in tbe city with her son. W. Watts. returns this afternoon on tb Prince Charles to Vancouver. John A. 8inson. superintendent ot tbe O ran by mine at Anyox, Is a visitor in tbe ctty, having arrived from the smelter town (Saturday night. Mr. and Mrs. D. C. MeFUe and sons, Jsck snd Duncan, returned to the city on this afternoon's train after having ipent a holiday at Terrace. CJi.R. steamer Prince John. Capt. S. Mabba. Is due at 1 am. tomorrow from Vancouver and will aall soon after for Vancouver via all Queen Charlotte Island points. Mrs. J. P. Scarlett, wife of tbe gov ernment agent at Stewart, was a pae sengcr aboard the Catala yesterday re turning home alter having spent holiday In the south. C.N.R. steamer Prince Charles. Capt. Nell McLean, arrived on time at 1030 this morning from Vancouver and will sail at 4 this afternoon on her return south via Ocean Falls. Miss E. A. Mercer .principal of Booth Memorial School, returned to the city on the Princess Louise this morning after having spent the summer vaca tlon visiting in Victoria and vicinity W. A. Talbot, assistant district en glnrer for the provincial department of public works for AUln, arrived In the city Saturday night from his head quarters st Anyoz and Is registered a the Prince Rupert Hotel. , P. W. Baldwin, local auditor. Carta dlsn Oovernment Merchant Marine, and Mrs. Baldwin and family arrived from Vancouver on the Prince Charles this morning snd will return south on the same vessel this afternoon. Col. J. 3. McLean, territorial revival 1st of the Salvation Army, who has been conducting campaigns in the dl trlct for the past three weeks. wUl ssil on the Cstsla tomorrow afternoon, returning to his headquarters in There was a large gathering out to hear Colonel McLean in the Salvation Army citadel last evening, this being one of the series of revival services be ing held In the city. Tonight he Is continuing In a lecture on "Forty Years Across Canada with the Salvation Army." LAND ACT. NOTICE OF INTENTION TO APPLY TO LEASE LAND, Queen Charlotte Islands Land District. Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate north ot Lots 1658 and 1057. TAKE NOTICE that The Lsngara Fishing and Packing Co. Ltd. of Massett, occupation Canners, Intends to apply for a lease ot the following described lands: Commencing at a post planted twenty chains north ot Tan Indian Reserve and on the shore of Mclntyre Bay: thence north S chains to the low water mark: thence westerly following said low water 160 chains; thence southerly 5 chains: thence easterly 160 chains to tbe point of commencement, and containing eighty acres, more or less. LnANOARA FISHINO & PACKING CO. LTD, Applicant. FreI Nash, Agent. Dated June 37. 1937 IN PROBATE IN THE tflTKEMb' fOlKT OF BRITISH COLl'.MHIA In the Matter of the Administration Act: and In the Matter of the Estate ot Joe Elman (otherwise) Joe Herman, Deceased, Intestate. TAKE NOTICE that by order of tols Honor F. McB. Young, the 11th day oti Auzust. AX). 1927. I was appointed Ad-1 confectionary stand at the southwest ministrator oi me estate oi joe timan Corner of Third Avenue auU M:Brlde Street. A feature of the building will be a commodious verandah. Mr. Yule will vacate the old stand on McBride Street which he will endeavor to rent. CJ?Jl. steamer Prlncen Louise. Capt. Arthur Slater, arrived In port from Vancouver at 7:30 this morning, sailing at 9 for Skagway. Diminishing tourist travel northward was to be noted in the fact that the vesuel had only 110 passengers on board. Those disembarking here Included Mr. and Mrs. H. M. Barnes. Mr. Marsh. F. H. Smith, Mrs. S. Lands, and.MJssE. A. Mercer. , Henry Olegerlch' of Kalso, ' Orand Principal of the Orand Chapter of , Royal Arch Masons of British Columbia, and members ot the local chapter, who arcompanled him to Anyox to present tiie charter to the newly formed Ob-jeervatory Chapter there, .returned t I the eity Saturday night from the north I aboard the Prince George, During their jstay at Ketchikan they were enter-I talned by the Royal Arch Masons of Phone 109 that city. all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to fur nish ssme, propeny vennea, to me on or before the 21st day ot September, A D. 1927, and all parties Indebted to the estate are required to pay the amount ot their Indebtedness to me forthwith, NORMAN A. WATT, Official Administrator, Prince Rupert, B.C. 1927. Dated the 24th day of August, A.D. IN PROBATE. IN TIIE SI PRKME COI KT OF IlItlTISll! COI.l.MHIA , In the Matter of the Administration' Act: and i In the Matter ot the Estate of John . Caddy. Deceased. Intestate. TAKE .NOTICE that by order of Ills 1 Honor F. McB. Young, the 20th day of: July, A.D. 1927. I was appointed Admin-1 Utrator of the estate of John Caddy. I deceased, and all parties having claims against the said estate are hereby required to furnish same, properly verified, to me on or before the 20th day ofi August. A.D. 1927, and all parties In debted to the estate, are required to pay the amount of their Indebtedness to me forthwith. NORMAN A. WATT. Official Administrator. Prince Rupert. B.C. Dated the 25th day of July, AJJ. 1927. Victor MORE Favorite Records of the Prince of Wales ! Hallelujah! (from ' Hit the Deck") rot Trot Nat. Shllkret and The Victor Orchestra 79irt Vil The Reveler 20M1 At Sundown Fox Trot teo. ()len anil Ills Mulc 207 Of&snSolo )r Crawford 20711 Me and My Shadow Foi 1 rot Nat Shllkret and The Victor Ort hentra 2075 Vi-m1 Jim k Smith (Th Whispering lUtltone) 20476 Cest Vous (It's You) I J7 xHLTES Fot Trot Instrumental Walts Jacqu Jacques Renard 207 It and Hi Orchestra Just Like a Ruffrrflv That's Caught in the Rain) 1 The Tvouhadnur 207JJ Victor Salon Orthestra 207JJ Also the latest Red Seal records 6ff famous Victor artists Victor Talking Machine (Jo. C03IE NOW AND GET YOUR CHOICE while the choice is good! Great 8 at argains McARTHUR'S SUMMER SALE of high grade Boots & Shoes McArthur's Shoes are known for quality. Every pair in the store at Sale Prices. 61 LACQUER , p- Kaien Hardware Co. Telephone 3 UNION STEAMSHIPS LIMITED Sailing from Prlnre Rupert. For VANCOUVER. V1CTOBIA. 8 wan on Bay, Alert Bay, etc, Tuewlsy. a p.m. For VANCOUVER. VICTORIA, Butedsle, Alert llay. etc. Saturday 9 a.m. For PORT MMPSON, ALICE ARM, NVO., STEWART. Wales Island, Sunday, 8 p.m. For Naas River Points and Port Simpson, Friday p.m. i vnd iniu R St. HM1TII. Ar.nt. Prince Ruuert. U.C. Through tickets sold to Victoria and Seattle at a reduced rate and I baerage checked through to destination. 1