discovery on the Vanguard group of claims, which is i d to Col. Victor Spencer. General A. I). McRae, and other j. -cr inieresta, which may prove of great import to the whole p n Maid, in fact, to be the biggest copper strike ever made ani and, perhaps, in the whole north. The discovery has 1 ui a stir at Alice Arm and mining engineers represent-u- liiiye companies, Including the Granby, are understood r. hmg to the scene. Alice Arm people are said to see in Jt API IIMIIiMllh j MISSIONYACHT i ore car Madly llurned When Ma ravel lilew up When Storting for Labrador :;e " N.S . Aug 39. Pour were . and damage amounting the . i rt )iUr resulted from an t ..en the Ameeteaa yacht a up this mom tag as she per 'i I,a orndor with volun-,i:.a KuppUea tor the Oten-Tlie ore injured were Miss li .n of Chicago, Miw Mar-I f Harvard. Pa.: Mark I' d of the yacht. Rockland. B. W Selicr. second engineer. ' m the carburetor into the u lieved to have been re- -- ' :.e accident. A viva Hit I hll ill IVIL1L1L1U of AT CROSSING - a aseavu t lll'i ilHUrVt III 1 I 111 V Is and Was Struck by C.P.R. Train SICK TRJ ,M. Aug. 39.- Five people l : .md one Injured when an s-mric by a CJ.R. train at n "1'. 30 miles northeast of by - 1 d'V The deed include Mrs. ! Miiftte. three daughters and The husband was. Injured, if: .ih driving the car which 4. '" arroMi the track In front apnroachlna train. The x- p: killed were Coyne Jean-i 'J i. Cllarc. 11;' Francolse. 10: ' A o Beiidoilo. 34. RATES BENEFIT GRAIN GROWERS t 'resident of Manitoba Organiza tions Comments Favorably on Ruling '"-Lu, Aug. 39. "There Is no about it. producers all over - ' will materially benefit by the 1 Ur Railway Board to rcdne-: ' ii' rate on export grain by 1 a route and It Is a great " to me that they have been the comment of the ni' iMon made by A. J. M ' :s iirr-Mdi-iit of the Untied Farmers j MATERIAL SENT TO ALASKA RAILROAD 5EEMTU! Auk 29--Steamer Denala ' :a.- tilKint for Seward with a " -t of ties and bridge timbers -ve meut purposes on the Alaska a"d a half-dhaaaembled loco-one of the largest shipments and equipment ever sent to ""lent roiid. the District in ir.tioif i i.' l -- lt ir SHOWING OF SEVEN ORE Arm report the making of a ; I bright prtepecte for tfee rejuvenation of I Interest In tint mineral iff Ion. Samples of the ore have reached tfee city end one. In tbe possession of a Dally New representative, hu a good copper howlnc with necks of gold. The croMcut tunnel being driven on he property by contract encountered a few days ago and latest authentic information is that the tunnel has eut through eight feet of ohalccevrlte coooer 1 ent copper. Ooad values have al been obtained Hi goM from the surface aad It Is believed the values will continue with depth. As soon as the ore body Is eut through It Is plsnned to drive crocs cuts both ways and a diamond drill may be Installed underground so that values may be determined at depth as soon at possible. The cutting through of this ore should develop a large tonnage for sur face showings indicate large deposit. tunnel, already driven below the showings, encountered the ore at a depth ninety feat o It has already been proven on two levels. The Vanguard St lueated near the Kit-sault a lacier and Is one of four pro- ipertle bonded last October by the Speneer-McBae Interests. The property owned by Morris retersen. who has a half Interest, and John Strombeck and Ous Strombeck with quarter Interests each. Adjoining the Vanguard are such well known other copper properties at the KKsault Copper, on the north, owned the Kiteault River Mining & Development Co.. and. at higher elevation, the ' Lucky Strike. IISIIIMl ItKOI'KNS (jri:t: rniti.oTTr.s OX TlllKSII.VY NEXT VANCOUVER. Aug. 39. Salmon fishing on the west coast of Vancouver and Queen Charlotte Islands will be re-opened Thursday. It was announced today. The situation haa Improved considerably. It Is said. ttTT tTt tttttt CHIEF INSPECTOR OF FISHERIES IS HERE Making Investigations to Advisability of Cloe season On an inspection trip of fishing area along the coast to make Investigations with a view to calling a clone season for the balanoe of this year on salmon fishing. Major J. A. Motherwell, chief inspector of fitherlea. Is a visitor in :the tlty today. He came north from Vancouver by easy stages aboard the government ateamer Malasplna which arrived In port at 3.34 yesterday after- noon. He 1 accompanied on tne trip oy John W. Allen, chief engineer for the department. M.lor Motherwell Is Investigating the height ot water In various streams on ooncmiona wm uc-alu'e and his report whether a close season Is to be declared. Advertise In The Dally News WHEAT CUTTING GENERAL SOON Hinders Working in Manitoba but West is Later; Rye Heing Threshed WINNIPEG. Aug 30. Wheat cutting ' he commenced and general In miqmh. out speaking lor the tnrec provinces, n wui not De in run swing unto sometime this week, says the Canadian National Railways lth weekly I erop report. Depending upon the die- j trtcta, threahlng will commence any- where from a week to three wteki. In- ' wood. Manitoba, between the lakes haa vut oo pr enn 01 iva wneei ana e-( pecta to threah in week, whilst several points m Central Manitoba report half i the crop cut and threshing to atari soon. Rain haa again retarded the operations oi xnc larmera to some extent. - - provincial government fire ranger waa riye threshing is well under way "n PA ? H VSf Q ff AIWQ ho ' h nt to Inter-other "lufw CLiUUj grains are being cut. j1 ' rrcste a man In a ahack at the weat-It It difficult to estimate the amount ANOTI'FP VICTIM rrn entrJK' to tbe Banff-Windermere of damage wrought by rust, frost and j n.VUI. Ll 7 1111111 highway In connection with a small eswfly. Cuttlit is showing some crops : fire the latter was alleged to have to be more badly affected than was at ROl-AT?D. August 39. Infantile started. He left for the scene alone, first thought, and others to be leas hurt peralyals claimed a second victim dur- rollrc are now searching for the home-Uuwt was estimated. Some parte of ln tnr " the desth of Udly nadr. with the lace stlU In ore. The tunnel ting for winter feed, encountered the ore on the faatwall and I Alberta reports lodged grain straight-the hanging wall Is net yet In sight. 1 entng up and heavy yield offsetting The vein was struck a-bout 330 feet f ram damage has been, done by frost, portal and. the depth obtained wai j Albert la. on the whoitl very hatiUty ppmimafcely 3M feet. It is esUmsd ! that the whole vein will averaae acrh11Wfcr: The VlktM amm-itmU Up Saskatchewan are concerned about (renting but this 1 confined to the low lands. A few of the farmers are cut t4Uclpatfa the lirf nf Hg An 11 r . I - a. to 40 buiheta of wheat te the acre end 7ft bushels of oata: Coronado Oyen and Vagiwrllle wdl go as high as 49 In wheat, end Three Hills as high as SO. Saskatchewan, while It hat to admit loaeee through rust and frost, shows that they are well spread out and are not at crtoux as might appear at first gianre. Some gra'nn are grading better this year and the yield is heavy. REGULATIONS FOR FISHING Season Opens Again on September I Until September 23 Following a conference last night with Adam .Markle. Inspector for district No. Z. anil as a result of his own rrernt . I nspert Inn . of the sit nation along the coast. Major J. A. Motherwell, rlilrlf Inspector of fisheries for llritlsh Columbia, this morning announced (he follow lug emergency rrculat Ions to gotrrn the salmon fisheries for thr remainder of this season as far us lilstrlrt No. 3 Is concerned: All fishing may lie resumed at (! p.m. September 1. No sockeje nets (less than fiV4 Inch mesh) will be M-nullted during I he balance of 191. No fishing with nets will i,e permitted In any mrt of the district after 6 p.m. sjept ember 23 exrept In the t uce n Charlotte Island area where they will not be permitted after October 7. The usual weekly close seasons must he observed and any fishing may be ordered stopped at the discretion of the department. Major Motherwell will proceed tonight on the Malasplna to Ketchikan to check up on reports of a run of fish In that vicinity and expect to rail In Prince Kupert on Ills way south alxiut Wednesday, MOVIE STAR .FOUND DEAD Police Suggest Poison Rut Doctors Say no Sign of it Indicated HOLLYWOOD, Aug. 29. Vera Rey nolds, film star, was found uncon sclous on the floor In the bathroom at her home here last night. The police say the actress showed signs of having taken poison but the physicians at the hospital said the body showed no signs of her having done so. TAXI Boston Grill 25 Ambulance ind ' Urge Upstair Dining Hall, Service) with newly laid dancing Anywhere at Anytime floor, tor hire. Stand: Exchange llulldln NEW SODA FOUNTAIN. MATT VIDKCK. Prop. PRINCE RUPERT The latest and best for the least. Phone 4S7. Northern and Centra! British Columbia's Newspaper XVII. N.. 202. PRINCE RUPERT, B.C., MONDAY, AUGUST 29. 1927 Price Five Cents x ' . turrm miVVLKI A I ALILL ARM V AIR RECONNAISANCE FOR ROAD Jew Copper Discovery at Alice Arm Causes Stir in r. ur i inn mtii ini nir.nir.ii E8TS .MAKES WONDERFUL PER CENT k-end arrivals from Alice MARK BATE OF 'FIRERANGER NANAIMO DIES; LOSES LIFE Nonogenarlan Pawed Away When Visiting Old Home Town in England NAKAIMO. Aug. 39. Mark Bate, now jenartaa. a pioneer of British Oat. i wno biw w nanaimo in l. owd a uiraungraoi Engwna. wnere ne '' tor-i. according t a cablt nieesa-.e to a relative w!m la Melting here. He lef- here in June t3 "Visit England and pierced to return In October. B-J waa for many yeara mayor of Nanalrao and took a leading part in "' immawn-r imin. uut of his gra.idvmr LeXiard Bate, llred ,cr wterel yean In Prince Kupert whfre he ni employed tn the Fureetr) de;rtient. i ccw 18 OI There have been n,re deaths to date from the present epidemic In Rossland. To Make Reconnaisance of Roadand Push and Probably Use Ferry Also The Provincial Government has acceded to the request of the local toad committee in regard to the aerial survey of the route east of here. Alderman Joe Greer, chairman of the road committee, this morning received the following letter from Hon. T. D. Pattullo, minister of lands and member for the district. "I am in receipt of your telegram of August 24 regarding the aerial reconnaissance for the Prince Rupert road. I am advised by the Department of Public Works that arrangements will be made without delay. "I may say to you that it is proposed to push the road as rapidly as possible each year so that connection may be made f.s early as possible. It may be that by pushing the road from each end that a ferry could be used on the river in order to obtain early service pending the completion of the road," Major D. R. MacLcan of the Pacific Airways stated this morning that he had been authorized to make arrangements with G. C. Mackay, district engineer, for the carrying out of the proposed reconnaissance and the government will send an engineer to go with him. SUGGESTS THAT SEINING PERMANENTLY STOPPED John I'lewln Advances Relief Measure for Depleted Salmon 1'lslierlra It Is the suggestion ot John Flewln. who is in town today from Port, Simpson, that, as a relief measure for de pleted salmon fisheries, all seining be In future discontinued' and the seine boats purchased by the government as compensation. Mr. flewln sees In seining an even more serious menace to the fish than traps. With the nets, the fish are followed Into the streams and there li little opportunity for any of them tc escape and spawn. LONDON TO LONDON RIGHT NOT SUCCESS LONDON, Ont.. Aug. 39. Captain Tcrrence Tully and Lieut. James Met-calf were forced by storm to return after taking off at dawn ion a transatlantic flight. Miss Evelyn P. Grassle of Duncan. Vancouver Island, has been appointed to the staff or the Booth Memorial School replacing Miss Margaret Palmer who goes to Borden Street School In place of Miss Ruby Scott,, resigned. it The Canadian Fish tt Cold Storage Co.'s trawler Oeorge . Foster, With Capt. Sanderson In command, leaves today on the first of a series ot trips for flat flab. TO INTERIOR ARRANGED Shot Dead When Going to Interrogate Lonely Homesteader Regard to Fire RANCHER IS HELD QAIOAHY, Aug. 30. Robert Morpeth, Mttier of Windermere district. Is netd m j,,, at ooMen following the fatall shooting rf Roderick Uunro. a B.C. fire' ranger', near Invermere 8aturday. I Morpeth la alleged to hare shot' Munro In an altercation over a bonfire i which Morpeth was supposed to hare! iignted. J. r. Ate. of1 Banff, dmlng a patty of tourists. Is said to hare seen Monro fall from a distance. IPVBRMHRE. Aug. 29. Word haa bees received here that Roderick Munro. TMs afternoon's train, due from the East, at 3:30 Is reported to be on time. Construction MONOPLANE ATCROYDON Reached There Safely From Harbor Grace, Newfoundland, Landing 10.35 CKOYDON, Aug. 27 The around the world monoplane "Pride of Detroit" carrying William Hock, pilot, and Edward Srhlee, a Detroit businessman, which left (Jrace Harbor SHtnrriny morning at 3:11, Kastrrn .standard time. arrived heer and landed at 10:33 Sunday morning. The distance tuvered by the flight was 2.300 miles. MI'MCII, Aug. 29. Completing the second lap of her round the world night, the plane "Pride of Detroit" arrived this afternoon from Croydon, Eng. HUGE SALMoYrUN" - ON ALASKA COAST VANCOUVER, Aug.' 39A huge sal-'mon run extending for 60 miles along the Alaska coast Is speeding southward and Is expected to reach Ketchikan wttrin ten days, according to the Infor mation of A. L. Hager here. I1VKI, (1 tlNSIIOKOt (ill HKAH LONDON. Aug. 39. Arthur Edward Noel, fourth Earl of Oalnsborough, Is dead aged 13. East Coast Storm Proved to Be Catastrophe H ith Fifty Lives Lost and Many Vessels ST. JOHNS, Nfld., August 29. More than fifty persons are now believed to have lost their lived in Thursday's storm. The toll has been mounting as communication were restored, making the hurricane assume the proportions of a catastrophe. Five fishing7 schooners were lost with all hands and eleven destroyed with the crews saved. Twenty-five fishing boats were destroyed at Donavista and the coastal steamer Argyle and the Philomena were driven ashort but their passengers and crew are safe. KITWJNCOOI. INDIANS ONCE MOKE EXPRESS ANTIPATIJY TO WHITES KUwaneool Indians have again expressed their anUnathy against the white man tn their valley. It Is' alleged that they recently removed the Instruments of a government survey party aad did away with them. As a re- s suit, six natives have been lodged tn Jail at Bombers and will probably be charged with Intimidation. They have engaged Milton Oonzales of this city to act In their defence and It is understood that L. W. Patmore will prosecute . - . MOSTLY AMERICAN FISH IS SOLD HERE TODAY Total of 13I.IMMI Pounds of Halibut Sold at Ktrhange this Morning A total of 133,000 pounds of halibut waa aold at the Fish Exchange this morning, all being American except 3,000 pounds. Arrivals and sales were as follows: AMEKICAN Trinity. 38.000 pounds, Royal Fish Co.. 13c and Sc. MeKlnlcy, 38.000 pounda. Pacific Fisheries. 13.9c and 6a. Jack. 6.000 pounds. Pacific Fisheries, 14.3c and 7c. Radio. 48.000 pounda, Canadian Fish b Cold Storage Co., 12.9c and 6c. CANADIAN Ringleader. 2.000 pounds. Atlin Fish-rles. 13.6c and 7c. RAILWAY TICKET MEN TO VISIT CITY SOON Party of Twenty-fit e C.N.K. Officials from East Will be here on September 2i Another party of Canadian National Railway ticket men from various parts ot the East will visit Prince Rupert next month In the course ot a western educational tour. There will be some twenty-five men in the party and they will spend several hours In Prince Ru pert, arriving by train on the after noon of September 23 and sailing south by the steamer that night. NEW TEACHERS FOR HIGH SCHOOL NAMED Mis .Mary I. Jackson, II Arrt (1. Marsh Hiiu Mcorgr li. pun .ivuiiiiru Appointments to fill vacancies on the local High School staff caused by .resignations: have now been completed by the school board. Miss Mary I. Jackson of Vancouver will take charge of the Senior Matriculation class. D'Arcy o. Marsh, of Vancouver, who arrived in the city this morning on the Princess Louise, will succeed Mlw Blanche Macdonald. who has gone to Nanalmo. and George H. Stocks of Vancouver will take the place of Miss Josephine CharlebolM FELL DOWN ELEVATOR KILLED INSTANTLY VICTORIA. Aug. 29. H. Anderson, guest at the St. 'James Hotel, stumbled when getting Into an elvator. fell on the control and then down the shaft, being killed Instantly. RUTH LEADING BY TWO HOMERS Yankees Heat St. Louis; Itain Stopped all National Games) Yesterday NEW YORK. Aug. 29. The New York Yankees gave St. Louis her seventeenth defeat Sunday when Ruth got his tarty-second homer. He nade his fsrty-tlrst on Saturday and la now leading Gehrig by two. Washington has taUen from second to fourth place, geMIng her thirteenth ! ttraight defeat from Cbteago. Philadelphia strengthened her bold an eeond place. The Nationals wercralned out, ; the 'Giants "being Idle' for "the seventh successive day. Following were week-end scores: stATI KIItY (1A.MEM American League Washington I, Chicago 3. Boston 3, Cleveland 9. New York 14, St. Louis 4. National League Chicago 1-10, Philadelphia 2-6. Others rain. Sl'NDAV GAMES No National games. American League New York 10. St. Louis 0. Philadelphia 9. Detroit 3. , Washington 0. Chicago 4. Boston 6, Cleveland 5. FISHERMEN In New Westminster District Co-hoes Seven Cents a Pound is Decided NEW WESTMINSTER, Aug. 29. Salmon prices effective Wednesday, set by the Fishermen's Protective Association for district Number 1 Is as fol lows: Sockcycs, each 75c. Chums, 35c. Pinks. 10c. Oohoes. per lb. 7a. White springs, 3c it was decided to leave the question of curtailment of flahlng gear In District 3 to the price committee to confer with the oannerymen and the Government. SINN FEIN IS NOT FIGHTING DUBLIN. Aug 29. The Sinn Fein party has Issued a manifesto stating that owing to the financial position ot the organization It will take no part In the coming general election. FURNACE EXPLOSION ' IN POLICE STATION MONTREAL KILLED ONE MONTREAL, Aug. 29. Thlrty-slx policemen were injured ana the caretaker was killed when the furnace at the local police station exploded tearing down the walls and smashing the doors and windows Joseph Larocque. ;67. caretaker, waa instantly killed. The explosion was due to there being no water In the pipes when the furnace I waa lighted.