fAGT SIX Jose, Jaffa I PRINTING Stationery Office Supplies School Supplies Kodaksi Films Phonographs Records Novelties Dennison Goods Birthday and Every Day Cards Third Avenue (Opposite Third Street) Phone 234 Week - end Specials. Cauliflower, each 20c & 23c Olery, 2 for 23c Cucumbers, 3 for 23c Lettuce, 8 for 23c Hothouse Tomatoes, lb. 20c Iiaaket 90c Green Means, 3 lbs. for . . 23c Wax IieaQB, 3 lbs. for . . 23c MEAT DEPARTMENT SPECIALS Good Corn 15eef, per lb. 10c Good Pickled Pork, per lb. 15c Mutton Chops, per llf. . . 25c Veal ChopB, per lb 25c 11? of Veal, per lb 25c The.se are week-end Specials only. Mussallem Grocery COMPANY LTD, 417-123 Fifth Ave. East Phone 18 and Phone 81 Thor Johnson for Mens' Clothing and Furnishings The home of "SOCIETY I5RAND" CLOTHES REDUCTION in Prices 15 per cent off for two weeks only Cofiie in and inspect our stock . T. LEE LADIES' & GENTLEMEN'S TAILOR Third Avenue P.O. Hox 977 ANGER, the TAILOR We carry a fine stock of imported Woollens. Union label on every garment. We employ only Union labor. Every suit guaranteed perfect. I. ANGER, Cutter and Designer 223 Sixth Street SWIMMING GALA : IS SUCCESSFUL Salt Lakes Centre of Local Attraction Yesterday For Event Under Swimming Club Auspices CROWD A RECORD List of Prize Winners and Officials and Donors of Prizes for Occasion JvTJie San Lake was the centre of at traction for all Print Rupert prop) yesterday afternoon, the oeeaaton betas, the boldtnf of the Prince Rupert 'Swimming Club's annual gate. By tar ttie largest single crowd -of people to visit the Salt Lake this acaaoa was present and all arrangements went off without a hitch In splendid weather. Race resulted aa follows: Bays. 8 to 10 yean. 23 Tarda 1. Joe Naytor (38 aeeonda); 2. K. Arnott. Boys. 10 to 121. T. IUH: 2, B. Bod die. Boys, 12 to 14-Alex. WaKert; 2. II. IIW. Olrla. 8 to 18 1, Owen Brady: 2. Orace Watktnson. Otrts. 10 to 12. 25 yard 1, areddf Morgan (20 seconds); 2. Audrey Parkin. CMrit 12 to lt-t,.Ids Bod&e; 2, Con nie Morgan. Olrla. 17 and under. 25 yards 1, Ella bteen (17 seconds): 2. May Ness. Boys, 17 and under. 28 yards 1. George Minns (18 aeeonda): 2. Tom Kelsev Ladies. 2S yards 1. Myra Harvey; 2, Cash and Carry Grocery 6th Ave. and Fulton St FIRST QUALITY ONLY BUY FOR CASH IT WILL PAY YOU Fels Naptha and Palmolive, 3 for iir.i White Swan and Royal Crown, 6 for ".ir Old Dutch Cleanser, per tin. . U)t A WHOLE TEA SET WITH JIFF Heinz Spaghetti, large UOc1 Small ll!r Malkin'a Best Pure Jams. Get our price. High grade Bulk Tea- ner lb. (t.'.c Fresh Ground Coffee, per lb. ."(( China Oats, all kinds, per pkg. 40r lran f lakes, Pep or Shredded Wheat, 2 for "."5t Corn Flakes, any kind- each 10r Shamrock or Swift's Premium Bacon, in niece lots, ner lb. E.C.D. Butter, per lb. 45 lapitol Creamer' Butter, 2 for Ready Cut Macaroni, 2 for K-.t1 untano Cheese, per lb :w? Dollar Soda Biscuits, fresh stock, per box 70 Canned Tomatoes, large !." Small 12 Hr? Canned Milk, 3 for '.Kit Per case S.".."() 49 lb. sack Flour, any kind $2.75 uran Sugar, 10 lb. for 7."r Icing Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. for 20? Lump Sugar, 2 lb. pkg. for 2."t4 Fresh Fruit and Vegetables at Prices you can .afford School" Scribblers, best paper, 38 pages. 6 for 2.1 You save from 5c to 40c on every dollar spent here. A trial order and be convinced $5.00 orders delivered free Phone 304 S. B. ADAMS, Manager THE PIONEER LAUNDRY KIDS VJ LAUNDER SHIRTS H AMD SHIRTWAISTS TOO- 1 SoTriWTHeySEEM I QUITE FRUH AMD NfcW- YOUR shirt waist and hip shirt should take a trip to this laundry and return. They will demonstrate to you our expert ability, our polite manner of serving and our moderate prices. We invite you to do this. Pioneer Laundry Phone 118 mi Ola Steen. Frank Taylor New Sidewalk SPECIALS FOR CASH ONLY We are under a handicap for a few days on account of the new sidewalk being built in front of our store but the business goes on just the same. Wc can deliver from the back door. 250 lb. Our Own Urand Butter on Sale, per lb I5r Butter has advanced 4c ner lb.. I so buy quick or in a few days you win be paying 55c. 150 dozen Pullet Eggs on sale, 3 dozen for lj,"r 100 tins Malkin's Best Marmalade going at per tin fj()r 100 tins Malkin's Best Strawberry Jam, per tin 7()r 50 boxes Dollar Biscuits to clear, per box r,rt6 I Our Best Bulk Coffee, per lb. ." uur ijesi isuik lea, per lb. . . () iieinz Tomato Soup, per tin 10r Campbell's Tomato Soup, tin 12M.C McLaren's Baking Powder, 5 lb. S51.1.1 Jell-Jell Jelly Powders, per doz. (."ri Wool Soan (toilet). 14 har ftl.nn Buy Jiff Soap Flakes now and get a whole Tea Set Free. Toilet Paper Special, 22 rolls for ut,r lUUK TKESEKVING FRUIT FROM US Quality Guaranteed B.C. Butchers & Grocers Limited Phones 45 and .174 THE DAILY KEWS Mnndt" .2 ' " ? Ci GbdUDelicious Drink fir An mii AliAUA Iced 1 1 1 Try It I alena, 26 yards 1 D DriraeU U Juue were Jack Bod.i.. Fire Chiet seconds): 2. George Minna. . D H McDonald and Bid Thomson. Ladles' JO yards dash I. Ml Myra Oeorge Pruaell was announcer. Oejtge Harvey; I. Miss Ida Boddle. By winning HU1. starter. an4 Mm Heilbroner. Uioav tMa rsoe. MM Hafrey. whose time was keeper. Douglas rrtael! was maul 4S aeoonds. becomes permanent posses- cumtnittee chairman aud lid char of sot oi we tjHMo cup. presented by the prises. Dr. R. E. EjoM.cn, wtuoh she also won to year. DIVKUSION AMI I'Si: TAKE NOTICE that E. Rousseau, whose address Is 410 Seymour Street, Vancou ver. B.C.. win apply for a licence to take and use 1 cubic foot of water out of unnanmed stream which flows southerly and drains Into Port Stephens Bay, about one mile east of Bluff Point. The water wiu be diverted from the stream at a point about BOO feet from the mouth and wUl be used for commercial purposee upon the lino described as Lot 3750. Range 4, Coast District This nonce was posted on the ground on the ssth day of July. 1927. A codv of this notice and an application pursuant thereto and to the "Water Act wUl be mea in the office of the Water Recorder at Prince Rupert, B.C. Objections to the application may be filed with the said Water Recorder or with the Comptroller of Water Rlghte. Parliament Buildings, victoria. B.C., within thirty days after the first appearance of this notice In a local newspaper. The date of the first publication of this notice Is August 30. 1927 , EUGENE ROUSSEAU. Applicant. NOTICE. IN THE MATTER of an aDDlloatlon for 'lie luue of a Provisional Certificate nl Title for Lot one (1) of Lot three hun- ' ared and sixty (380). Range five (6i.. Coast District. Map 070. Satisfactory proof of the loss of the Certificate of Title covering the above: land having been produced to me. It Is my Intention to Issue, after the expire-; npii di one momn irom xne first pub-1 ticatlon hereof, a Provisional Certificate i of Title to the above land. In the name of ALICE CLAPP The original Certlfl- I cat of Title la daUd the 29th November. 1 1912. and Is numbered 26051. ! Land Registry Office, Prince Rupert. B.C. j iuiy lo, mil. H. F MacLEOD. Registrar of Titles The Boys' Bsad. under the direction mt Bandwaster WHsb. played during the yam oasa i. ueorge aiinas; attemooo and did much to enliven the 2. Oeorge HIU. proceedings, their efforts being rewarded Men'a plunge-Oougssaa rrt&ril. 30 with a coOsctloo which was generously vanta; a, uuiract inamisa. respooded to. dirts' ptung Miss Margaret Palmar; ! Among Ukese tttnattng prlasa Men underwater swtm I. Dotigtaa John Bulger. R. W. Cameron. Max Hell rrlswai. ra: I. Osoege Mrnnt. brmnn. Ueftac Bra.. Montreal Iaaport. Men's cUrtag 1. CUreoce Thomson: i era. Kalen Hardware. Ouiveraal Trading a. ueorge uimw. I Oo . Oommodoee Cafe. Wtllaces Mrs. Udles diving 1. Miss Ida Boddle; 2. PnaneU. Rote. Cowan & Latia. Owen Miss Margaret Palmer : rtoher. Dr. HyollMn. Klrrpatrick is M- uens rcaay race Ceocge Mmna. Jaefc Laod. Parkin i Stuart. Oeoraw D Tlte. Klrkpatnek Jr.. ami Clarence Thomson ' Ormes Limited. Thomoaon Hardware. ens urns a me nee swim l. oeorge Fire Chief MoDaaeM. Bid Thomson j i.nsftnca: jr. I IXMne MaoLaren. Joe Brjwn Orotto Qlrls canoe race 1, Maw Lola MeRae , Cigar Store and Denials Priaaell and Miss Kolosoft. - . : Men canoe race I. Douglas FrUnell and Frank Zletnsn. , MAKING MOTOR TRIP Oanoe tlltl. Douglas rrhaell and, U 1 7H TAM V WMVVTt WATER NOTICE. UfiUiL 1 W aillU U LI M. II. Johntiie and C. V. Mitt Mart Out .Today on Lour prltr South S. D. Johnstone and C. V. Bvttt left on this morning's train for New Hacel- ton wnenee they will motor to Vancouver In the forwent car They expect to reach Smiths by this evening Mr. Johnstone will cross to Vancouver Island up which he will drive and. being Joined by Mm. Johns tons, will make the return trip north by easy stages with vVUta to dHferent parte such as Barkervllle and Btuart Lake. He expects to be baek In about three weeks' time. On the back of Mr. Johns tone's ear la a banner snnouneltig the Prince Rupert Exhibition and Stampede next week. P. Lorenxen left on this mofniaO toaln far a brief trip aa emttheta. ac companying hi niece. Miss Anna Lorenzen of Sidney. Vancouver Island, who Is resuming school teaching In the Interior. LAND ACT NOTICE OK INTENTION TO Al'I'LA TO LEASE LAND In Range 4, Land Recording District of Prince Rupert, and situate at Barnard Cove . Princess Royal Island. TAKE NOTICE that the Mlllerd Packing Company Limited of Vancouver. B.C., occupation Salmon Cfnners. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at a pott planted alongside post marked N.W. LaSTO: thence soutlierly along high water mark JO chains, more or less, to a post marked 8.W. L2573; thence west to low water mark: thence northerly along low water mark 20 chains, more or leas, to a point west of the point of commencement; thence east SO links, more or less, to point of commencement, and containing one-quarter acre, more or lew. UiUiKU rAUKlNO COMPANY LIMITED, Applicant. Dated June 16. 1927 LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION' TO APPLY TO LtiASt; I.AM). In Prince Rupert Land Recording District of Coast District, Range 4. and situate on and being all of Bonnia Island except that portion occupied by Indian Reserve Number 18. TAKE NOTICE that I. Ole C. Austad, of Prince Rupert, B.C.. occupation rancher. Intends to apply for a lease of the following described lands: Commencing at u n nt.ntui . i-- O - fUQM pWIMCU - HiW southeavterly point of Bonllla Island; ........... westerly, soumeriy ana easterly, following the sinuosities of the shore line, to point of commencement, excepting therefrom that portion of the Island occupied by Indian Reserve No. IB. and containing one thousand acres, more or less. OLE C. AU8TAD. . . . Applicant. Dated July 16, 1027. LAND ACT. NOTICE OK INTENTION TO APPLY TO ir.,it. LAM) In Queen Charlotte Island Land Re-ordlng District of Prince Rupert, and ltuate on the west coast of Burnaby stand. TAKE NOTICK that nnti.h rvinnhi. Ftshlne & Packlno r.n T ne in. couver. B.C., occupation Packers, Intends w tpij iw icase oi tne ioiiowing rjKcrioea lasas: Commencing at a nnr nUntj.H nn .h. wert coast of Burnaby Island. Q.CX: thence east 3 chains: thence south 45 chains; thence west 3 chains, more or leSS. tO hl2h WAtr ma,lr lliax .r.-.K !&lone hlffh water marv .a uin. a I. nyj )miU kUlU mencemenV and containing 14 acres, moral or bxas ln takBRrn3Hf,COLriiBIA FISHINO rgM & PACKING CO. LTD.. OmarfS Applicant. 1B27 "COMPANIES. ACT" TAKE NOTICE that "the Rupert-Vancouver Btevedorlng Company. Limited, intends to apply under Section 39 of thm rVimTVLTliM Art 1 1 I .V. . n r, -. the Revised Statutes of British Columbia. mj cnange its name to Pacific Stevedoring it Contracting Company, Limited. DATED at Ptlnce Rupert, B.C., this sin nay oi August, 1927. WTI.T.TAXTS UlMunu I. nnuvifpa .- ... , (it uvnanitfiOi 8olicitora for the Rupert-Vancouver HEAD OF JOURNALIST PARTY IN SOUTH IS LOCAL MAN'S UNCLE Heading the party of noted BrMtafe uewpspenneti and jouruallaW. who visited Vancouver aud Victoria during the ww. -end in the course of a tour of fna. wa Albert Anton AUe. uncle t; r W Alien of the MnK LjUMCtt Oo. LM. stall, heee the - irTt M. Allan, who Has nan rroaa We rink 6i n boy to be one of the blggea: ngurea la the Brttlab neawpafter world. it chairman and direct jr of Walter Re Id tt Sun ltd. proprietor of several Bristol newspapers. MR. AND MRS. DAWSON MADE FLIGHT SUNDAY Were due! Yrotrrday Afternoon of IttMes of Maar D. a MaLaren. D0 on a flight yesterday afternoon aboard the Pacific Airways flvine boat which la engaged in fisheries patrol service with this port as its headquarters It wee the first Mbm Mrs. Dawson had bee In the air and she rtaved that It was an enjoyable experience. 4 4 LOCAL NEWS NQTES 4- 4 Dev. B. Johansen returned on the Prince Charles this moral! from the south. C. R Blgart who has been south on a holiday trip, returnee) to the olty on the Prince Charles tMa morning A. Ntohoeson. sailor, was fined II la aaor last week for dmiiging praperty on the atoamer I'rhtoe Oeorge Ooorg Mitchell relumed on the Prince Charles this moraine from s holiday trip to Vancouver and other points in the south. Constable Spencer 1U3.MP. arrived from Vancouver on the Prlne Charles this morning and entratned for Prince Georg to Join the detachment at that point. .Majur I). IU MrLurrn un lling IkMt Mr. mat Mrs. F. O. DuvvSon were Ray Worieek of P. O. Dawson. Ltd left on this morning train for the interior on one of his periodical business trips. He wUl go a far as Jasper and will be away nearly a month. Fred Smith of the local Bank of Montreal staff returned to the city on the Prltnew Louine this morning attar apeadtag a two weeks' holiday visiting with his parento la Vancouver. Motorehlp Belllngnam. Cant. J. E. Anderson, arrived In port at 5:18 this morning from Ketehikan with two oar- loads of fresh fish for shipment East over the Canadian National Railways from here. Misses Eleanor and Jane and Mastet Mark Woodruff, children of George W. woodruff, deputy collector of euitoms at Ketchikan, arrived in the olty Saturday night from the north and are the guests or Mr. and Mrs. Jarvla II. MeLeod. 966 Tenth Avenue East. Mies Grace Rutherford, who has been for some time with Mr. P. W. Allen In Ml Lady Beauty Parlor here, sailed Saturday night on the rPlnce Oeorge lor her home In Vancouver and Is succeeded by Miss Era a Brooks who arrived- on the Prince Charles this morning from Vancouver. Mr. and Mrs. 3. Taylor returned to Vancouver on the Princess Beatrice Sunday morning after a week's visit in the city during which time they were guests at the Inlander Boarding House visiting with their son Cecil of the C.N.R. offices. Mr. Taylor la head of the newe department of the C.P.R. at Vancouver. Albert Smalles, formerly second stew ard of the steamer Prince Charles, arrived on that vessel this morning from Vancouver to assume a position with the Swlft-Canadlsn Co. here. He was accompanied by Mrs. Smalles. Mr Smalles Is succeeded temporarily on the Prince Charles by Arnold Coles. second steward on the Prince Rupert. TOTAL POPULATION OF SOVIET UNION MOSCW. Aug. 29. The total population of the Soviet Union In round number Is 146500,000. aays a report submitted to the Council of People's Commissaries by the Central Statistical Department. Russia proper (The RfiTBR.) contains IOO.SOO.000 people. Ukraine 2n . COO WO. White Russia 4.000.000. Oauca- sua 6.800.000, Uzbekistan 5,100.000, and Turkestan 1.000,000. ENOUGH CANDLES FOR NEXT FIFTY YEARS TIFLIS. Georgia. Aug. 20. An inspection of the Caucasian riAilwov storehouse has disclosed that there are in stock candles enough to supply the needs of the railway for the next fifty years. Electricity Is regarded too radical for Immediate adoption. "Say, that fellow over there looks Just like your brother." "Sure, be is my sister." lSJLfg J --if MILS, mrlils UNSWEETENED SWEETEN EO standard QUALITY WESTHOLME THEATRE MONDAY ONLY. 7 and a p.m. "BIGGER THAN BARNUMS" A spectacular Druma of the Cin-u.-RAU'H.LUWISL (JLUKGIi O'HAHA. VIOLA DAN A, HALM lNfi; HILL KNKiUT, and tithcm CHRISTIE CO.MUDY -DAFI'Y DILL." INTERNATIONAL NEWS AilmUslon .......... 35c mid 10c Canadian National cThc Largcfl Railway Syflcm in America STEAMSHIP AND TRAIN SERVICE For Alterations in Coast Steamship Service see news item in this paper PANNI.Ndlllt TKAINH 1,1. A VI. I-KINCE KtTF.KT DAILY i:X( MT HI MMV at 11.10 a.m. for I'ltlM i; tit.OIMIt EliMDV TON', H!VMn;(l. all points IJitrrn Canada, I nlted M.He JAM-MI PARK I.OlWll; ll'i: M A V II TO HKCTtMIIIK m Hl:i; CANADA IN CANAIIAH Jt llll.t.t: VKAK IM7 AUKNCV ALL OC'LAK NTIUMtlllP LINF.lt. Use ('anuitlaii National Ktiirew for Mney Orders, Inrrlrn (h"l etc. aim for ynur neit shlpinrnL CITV TICKET tlPMCK. S2S TIIIIIH AVE.. PRINCE Itl lT.KT Ph ts UNDER NEW MANAC.'E.MENT CENTRAL HOTEL The place called "Home" 120' liooniH, Atnerlcan and Luroiwan Plan. Ho! ;d 1 ' Water. Hun meets all trains and boats. I'lione SI. Sample Rnum I- Marlln, Manacff Crown Colony Days Away back in the late sixties thousands of acres of British Columbia's timber were sold for one cent per acre, which looked like a fair price thcn Today similar timber is worth from $150 to $200 per acre., so tremendously Jias timber appreciated in value within the" scope dfian average lifetime. What the young grog)t of oday will be worth sixty years from now is bejbnd computation if it 1. protected from fire and allowed to reach maturity. The moral is obvious. PREVENT FOREST FIRES YOU CAN HELP BRITISH COLUMBIA FOREST SERVICE